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Hassle-free gardening for the elderly. Smart garden without hassle Examples of proper work organization

Find out how, with a great desire and the right approach, turn the garden into a storehouse of vitamins. How to make it a place for pleasant work and relaxation. A hassle-free vegetable garden for the elderly - proper organization of work.

While we are young and energetic, gardening and working in it are not a burden. But time goes by. The areas are large, but there is little use. We don't have time to process everything. Digging, watering, agricultural technology, and fertilizer treatment takes a lot of effort. What to do? As well as good harvests to collect and relax, rejoicing in every day, and the works of their hands. A garden without hassle for the elderly should justify itself and bring pleasure.

Hassle-free gardening for the elderly

Why is gardening increasingly causing trouble? First of all, you need to reconsider your attitude towards the land and work on it. Follow the rule “Less is more.”

What is the point of planting the entire plot with hundreds of tomato seedlings, large areas with cucumber vines? Maybe turn a huge vegetable garden into heaven. So that flowers bloom there, fruit trees, berries. Also build a small pond. Everything should please, exuberant, and smell fragrant.

The ideal option for a new vegetable garden is to think over a completely different layout of the site, on which everything would grow at the same time, as if pouring from one to another.

Vegetable garden is smart beds

Do . The curbs that surround them help with this. Moreover, they can be built from improvised means. And the ridges are not in the form of the usual rectangles, but different forms. At first, it will seem awkward, but in the summer it is beautiful.

The soil in the garden beds does not need to be dug up every year. It is better to use a flat cutter, which makes the work much easier. But don’t forget the shovel.

These are also convenient boxes in which you can put grass and waste. An excellent solution is to reconstruct their transfer to a temporary greenhouse by installing arcs and covering with a film. In fenced land plots moisture is retained better, fertilizers are retained, and the soil is not washed away. Advantages smart beds have long been appreciated, and now every gardener seeks to improve his plots.

Along the edges, be sure to plant a row or two of Chernobrivets or other flowers that are useful for vegetable crops.

Weeds are friends of the garden

Use them and prepare nutritious infusions from them. Do not forget that while they do not bloom, this is a good mulch, which can be used to plant seedlings of vegetable crops and berries. A wonderful material for planting potatoes under straw when you need to add grass. Therefore, after weeding, leave it in place or place it on potato rows. A grass blanket will save you from frost, retain moisture and give it away.

Help the first greenery to rise

Dill and parsley planted before winter can become clogged with early weeds. How to avoid this? Place markers where you plant your green vitamin friends and scatter salad seeds along with them. They will go first, they are easy to distinguish from strangers before the dill sprouts.

About smart watering

Let's turn to Nature. The soil dries out faster where seedlings are planted far apart. And they should shade the soil. Therefore, you should not make large distances (row spacing).

It is necessary to plant plants so that they alternate between short and tall ones. The plantings will be shaded and much less watering will be required.

Where is the best place to plant potatoes?

Set aside virgin soil for potatoes. Lay the tubers directly on it and cover with straw (ideally wheat, rodents do not go to it), hay, and last year's leaves. Remember, the more you cover the stems, the better it will develop. root system. Potatoes need to be watered, but not more than twice a month. Pay special attention to watering in hot weather.


For squash, zucchini and pumpkins, special efforts on the ground are not required. Plant them on old land. Place 2-3 seeds per hole. With their huge leaves, they will kill the weed. There is no need to dig in much, just cover with last year's humus. Here's a hassle-free garden for the elderly. The plants will take care of themselves.

Change plantings for crops

It is impossible to plant crops in the same place. For example, where potatoes grew, the soil has already been prepared for other vegetables. And to her, again offer virgin land.

In winter, scatter mustard seeds around the garden; it disinfects the soil and gives it nutrients. To improve the structure of the earth, after harvesting, pea vines are crushed with a shovel and dug in.

If possible, bring rotten foliage from plantings. This is an excellent tool and fertilizer for greenhouses and smart beds. Yields are going high.

A hassle-free vegetable garden for the elderly is a pleasure at an age when you want to enjoy life, grow something with your own hands, and now take care of plants. They should not only decorate the earth, but also our life.

For the Pro100 vegetable garden, successful summer resident, pensioner Vera, 60 years old.

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1. Don't be sorry - pinch off. If pepper plants bear several fruits at the beginning of summer and then flowering stops, then these fruits must be plucked off. After this procedure, the plants will begin to bloom with renewed vigor, and by the end of the season they will produce a huge harvest.

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2. Hints from nature. The alder has bloomed - sow buckwheat. The flowering of violets and the flowering of willow indicate the beginning of sowing radishes and carrots, onions, dill and parsley. Useful tips for good workers

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3. Apply green fertilizer. For 10 liters hot water take 1 kg of green chopped grass. Leave to infuse for a day, then strain and water the plants, spending 3-4 liters per 1 square meter. m.

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4. Let's worry about tomatoes. 2-3 days before planting in the ground, the bottom 2-3 leaves of tomato seedlings are cut off. For the first about 2 weeks after planting, it is advisable not to water the seedlings - while the root system will go deep into the soil, from which the plants will suffer less from dry periods. Optimal time to remove stepchildren from a tomato when they grow up to 5 cm. For better fruit formation during flowering, tomatoes are sprayed with boric acid: 5 g per 10 liters of water. Useful tips for good workers

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5. Sow and sow cucumbers. When sown, cucumber seeds are placed with the sharp end down. If you also soak them in milk, the fruits will be more tasty and tender. And if in honey water, then even sweeter. A good companion for cucumbers in the garden is dill. 6. It is important to know what turnips like. And this culture prefers space, abundant watering and loves wood ash very much. 7. Give beets a shower. Sprinkler irrigation and frequent but careful loosening are heaven for beets. Best of all, beets grow in narrow beds: the distance between plants is from 15 to 17 cm. 8. Sow mustard next to peas. Then the pea yield will increase by 2 times.



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9. Attract beneficial insects. In order to increase the yield on the site, it is necessary to attract pollinating insects. To do this, it is necessary to sow pink and white clover, fescue, bluegrass, phacelia, etc. Insects are also attracted by white mustard and carrot flowers.

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10. Break off the flower stalks. To have remontant varieties There was abundant fruiting of strawberries in the second half of summer; flower stalks are broken off in the spring. Useful tips for good workers

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11. Concerns around spring garlic. Before planting, spring garlic cloves must be soaked overnight in a solution wood ash: 0.5 cups per 5 liters of water. After soaking, arrange the cloves thin layer on the sand in the cellar and cover with film. Don't forget to ventilate. Lightly moisten the garlic, disassembled into cloves, from a sprayer and pour into a bag, add air to it and tie it. Then place in the refrigerator. The bag should be ventilated once a week. Planting can be done in 2-3 weeks. By the time of planting, roots will grow 1.5-2 cm in size.


I greet you, dear gardeners, I hope that everyone who reads us is a naturalist! That is, those who respect natural farming and follow the laws of nature :))!

Spring has come! We are all planting seedlings with all our might! And someone’s garden has already thawed out from winter! We still have waist-deep snowdrifts, but work will soon begin to boil, although there is always enough of it!

Today I want to sum up as much as possible all the necessary information that is relevant for today in this article so that no one misses important points, as for natural farming! So, save the article on your desktop, share the information with friends, remember and apply!

I’ll start the conversation with seeds, of course! I'm sorry that not everyone has received our seeds from me by this time, but don't worry - I'll send you first in the fall! Our seeds are relevant at all times! A season later, a season earlier - it doesn’t matter! I think that since this happened, it’s probably for the best! Perhaps your soil is not ready to accept worthy seeds! Perhaps you still don’t have enough experience in collecting and preserving them... That’s why the universe created this test for you and me... In any case, everything that doesn’t happen is for the better!

So, the seeds!...

Where to get quality seeds of real old varieties!

I have already explained many times that seeds are not the same! That there are hybrids labeled as F1, F2... There are new varieties, breeders do not stand still, and the market is constantly replenished with completely new unknown varieties and hybrids. And there are old proven varieties, tested by time and by gardeners, which are now difficult to find, but they exist and these seeds are of real quality! Those who have already grown our seeds have sensed the difference in the taste and quality of vegetables! By the way, I will be grateful for your feedback in the comments...

This is not magic.... This is reality! These vegetables are truly resistant to many negative factors, such as weather conditions, diseases and pests for example! And this is very important! Therefore, I advise everyone to treat the issue of purchasing seeds with full responsibility! Don’t miss what the shelves are filled with every year... But look for real varieties! And grow healthy vegetables that delight you with their growth, taste, and smell!

For those interested, this year their number will be limited, but they will be available, I recommend signing up in advance, registration will only last a month (until the end of April)! Mainly for those who received, the chances of getting our seeds are naturally greater! Because you are already doing everything correctly according to my recommendations, you are under my strict control and with my constant information support! You are already 100% successful and Natural farming, and do right with the seeds, do not ruin them and know their value!

Whoever wants to enlist my support and become my mentee, you are welcome - get my consultation, and with this you will receive priority! Now, with the onset of the season, I again become not accessible to everyone, since the farm requires my attention, my family too, and my charges, people whom I advise on an ongoing basis! These are the people who once signed up and received advice!

So, if you have already bought seeds or have some left over from previous seasons, then grow them for now, and think about the future now! We've sorted out the seeds... Now on to the seedlings!

What is important to know when growing seedlings!

My dears, seedlings, seedlings and more seedlings! This question is not so simple, no matter how I explain it to you - not everyone still succeeds... :((You’re doing something wrong! Let’s talk through all the points again!

Important points about seedlings:

  • soil mixture
  • containers
  • seeds
  • lighting
  • temperature
  • deadlines
  • care

Soil mixture for seedlings!

I recommend preparing it like this: vermiculite 20% + 20% coconut substrate + 60% vermicompost. This is for beginners who are just encountering growing seedlings for the first time. Purchase all components at gardening stores. The only thing you pay attention to is the manufacturer! There are a lot of fakes now... It’s not for me to fight this! I have long since switched to independence from stores; for this purpose, I have organized a worm farm, among other things! I have my own hay, my own straw, my own vermicompost, my own extracts from it! Therefore, I don’t have any problems now... Previously, I also often came across low-quality materials... Then I decided: stop everything! Tired! We need to fix this! And she set up her own production of everything I needed! You will also come to this over time, if you have such a desire, of course...

Lighting for seedlings!

The main reason for failures with seedlings is a lack of light! For example, in March there are 11-12 hours of daylight, and plants need 15-16 hours of light daily for normal photosynthesis. In the first three days after germination, light is needed around the clock. And bright sunlight! New generation light sources will help solve this issue.

Lamps for supplementary illumination of seedlings are necessary, since even on a southern window there is not enough light to grow high-quality seedlings. AND best lamp for these purposes, this is the Reflex lamp.

Until recently, gardeners mounted bulky installations with 4-5 lamps on their windowsills. daylight. But now they have been replaced by a new generation light source called “Reflex”. In other matters, he alone not only replaced these and all other lamps for plants, but also surpassed them many times in its technical capabilities, economical consumption of electricity and service life.

"Reflex" is sodium lamp high pressure directional action with a built-in mirror reflector (by the way, without this, up to 80% of the light is actually lost). It is compact, not much larger in size than an ordinary household light bulb. Its pleasant orange-yellow glow (the light of the setting sun) does not irritate our eyes at all, which is important for daily use in an apartment.

And its efficiency is unprecedented - 0.95 (instead of 0.5-0.7 for other lamps), as well as its service life - up to 20,000 hours.

In fact, the lamp of V. M. Pchelin is the only one of all that can provide optimal development and good growth seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, other vegetable and ornamental plants on the home windowsill.

It is very significant that the Reflax mirror reflector directs its entire light flux not just around, but specifically at our seedlings. Such a lamp, even at a relatively low power of 70 W, fixed in the center of a window sill, table or shelf, illuminates 0.5 m above the plants. home garden with an area of ​​1.5 m² no worse than the bright sun! On such a windowsill, 2 m long and 0.8 m wide, you can successfully grow several dozen plants of the same tomato with a stem as thick as a finger!

More details on seedlings:

I hope I gave the information on seedlings in a structured way! Now you can definitely do it! Let's move on...

Let's go to the garden! And here I turn to those who have prepared it properly since the fall! According to all the rules of Natural farming!

If you worked hard in the fall and your garden went into winter completely “packed,” then I congratulate you! Now let's learn how to revive it like spring!

Let's revive the spring garden!

So! What did you do in your garden in the fall so that it now greets you happy and contented?! I hope that you did everything that I strongly recommended to you! Namely:

  1. The vegetable garden is marked
  2. The beds are laid

How to mark out a vegetable garden - this is for those who have just purchased a plot of land... Those who acted according to the plan of my consultation, according to the project, understand what I am talking about now! And now your task is to activate your newly laid beds or existing ones, but prepared in the fall. What types of beds do you have?

Many gardeners have already visited their thawed plots and noticed that what I told you about works! Organic matter has decreased in volume in your beds - which means that the beds did not just stand in winter, but were in full swing with the work of our friends microorganisms! They processed organic matter, life bubbled here all winter on different layers of soil! And now your task is to feed our helpers! Give them a fresh portion of food! Give them a new task! Let's start the process! Let's activate the garden! How?

We have already started this process! We don’t sense any trouble with organics :))! What should those who have no living creatures do? Well, first of all, think about getting one! Animals help us a lot in creating a symbiotic space, improving the soil and more! And they are not only troublesome, but also fun!!! They definitely don’t let us relax :))! I plan to write a separate post on animals... I’ll post photos there too...

So, we urgently need organic matter - food for our soil! For soil living creatures! Let me remind you once again that these small creatures have no teeth! Buy a garden shredder once and solve your organic shredding problem once and for all! We take organic matter, chop it up and put it on the beds! In a layer - as it turns out, but preferably at least 5 - 20 cm!

Next, we cover the beds, if there is straw, if not, then with film. This is for those who do not yet have above-zero temperatures outside. For those who are already in summer - everything is the same, but we spill it with a microbiological preparation like Baikal EM-1 or Radiance... who uses what... what they sell in your stores... We leave the film for 2 weeks! After which we remove it. The garden bed is ready for planting seedlings!


If you have a garden, then you are well aware that you cannot grow potatoes and buckets without difficulty. In autumn, the site must be dug up. In spring comes the need to weed, loosen, water and fertilize the crops grown. Hassle-free gardening: not to dig, not to weed and not to water - this is the cherished dream of every owner. We will bring this dream closer to you by revealing the secrets of getting maximum yield with minimal labor costs.

Gardening without hassle. Part 1

We get rid of the need to dig a garden by growing green manure

Green manure- This various plants, belonging to the family of legumes, cereals and other representatives of the flora, which are sown in the garden in the period between growing main crops in order to fertilize the soil and give it the correct structure.

Spring and autumn planting of green manure is practiced. In the first case, planting is carried out as soon as the snow melts. During this period, fast-growing mustard or watercress is usually sown. After harvesting, 2 or 3 weeks should pass before planting vegetables. Autumn planting Green manure is done immediately after harvesting. The most popular plants for autumn garden fertilization are wheat and oats.

Green manures structure and fertilize the soil in the garden

After such an event, there is less hassle in the garden, since there is no need to dig it. Over the winter aboveground part will have time to rot, turning into fertilizer, and after spring harvesting, their green part can be used to make nutritious herbal infusion for feeding. The roots of the plants are left intact.

The benefits of making such crops on the site are multifaceted:

A better soil structure is achieved, which cannot be achieved by digging up the area every year.

The soil is enriched with necessary elements, including through the cultivation of worms.

The number of weeds on the site is reduced, since green manure crops envelop the ground and do not allow unexpected guests to break through.

The following plants are most often used as green fertilizers: oats, wheat, rye, barley, mustard, rapeseed, phacelia, soybeans, peas, alfalfa, vetch, clover, sweet clover. You can buy or prepare your own mixture of several types of such plants.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that planting green manure is in a great way get rid of the need to dig the garden. The crops grown feel great in such land and have prosperity nutrients.

After growing green manure there is no need to dig the garden

Gardening without hassle. Part 2

Saying goodbye to the habit of weeding the garden by covering the beds with mulch

Mulching beds is a crop management measure borrowed from the wild. For example, in a forest, the ground is covered with a layer of fallen leaves, which serves as fertilizer and protection for the soil. What are the benefits of mulching in the garden? Thanks to this measure, soil moisture is maintained, the earth does not overheat in the hot sun and does not freeze in cold weather. As the mulch material decomposes it becomes fertilizer. And what is important is that there is no need to weed weeds, since they simply do not grow.

Mulch retains moisture in the soil and fertilizes it

The following materials are used as mulch: leaves, tops, hay, straw, sawdust, pine needles, compost, humus, peat, paper. For each culture, try to choose the most suitable material to create a mulch layer. It will have to be replaced periodically.

There is no need to weed in beds covered with mulch.

Gardening without hassle. Part 3

We reduce labor costs by switching to drip irrigation

Why water the garden drip system? It requires much less time and effort. After installing a drip irrigation system in your garden, you will not need to rush to your plot when the water starts flowing and hold the hose over the beds for hours. This approach will reduce your hassle. The essence of the drip system is a slow but constant supply of water to plants. Watering the garden in this way is a pleasure.

Drip irrigation saves water

What's the point? A barrel of water is installed on a hill, and special hoses with holes or pores are connected to it, through which droplets of water gradually seep. These hoses are laid in the aisles. All that needs to be done so that watering does not stop and constant soil moisture is maintained in the beds is to add water to the barrel as necessary. By the way, the water consumption during drip irrigation is much less than if it is watered from a conventional hose.

By installing a drip system, you do not need to manually water the garden for hours

A garden without the hassle: no digging, no weeding and no watering - this dream of many farmers can become a reality for you. Plant green manure on the site - and you will get rid of the need to dig it up every year. Mulch the beds - and weeds will not appear on your land, which will deprive you of the obligation to weed the beds. Install a drip irrigation system in your garden - and watering will be done constantly without your presence.

This video will help you

  • We reveal the secrets of the "lazy man's garden", ...

Ecology of life. Learn the secrets to growing a wide variety of vegetables and herbs and how to be happy doing it. From New Zealand gardeners and gardeners.

New Zealand series "Garden without the hassle."

In Russian!

It shows how easy it is to small area grow a huge amount of a wide variety of vegetables and herbs, provide for your family and make money on it. Many interesting, including permaculture solutions. I advise everyone, especially beginners.

Be sure to bookmark it.

Vegetable garden without hassle - beds and seedlings (1 episode)

Vegetable garden without hassle - work in the vegetable garden (Episode 2)

Harvest (Episode 3)

Growing greens, making compost (episode 4)

Watering the garden, applying mulch (episode 5)

Have you always dreamed of your own garden, but don't know where to start and are not confident in your abilities?
In words, everything is simple, but in practice, not everything turns out perfectly the first time.
Whether you're enjoying gardening or looking to improve your diet, this program will inspire you to pick up a shovel, plant your seeds, and start an exciting and rewarding journey to harvest.

The series is a treasure trove important information Garden specialists will tell you about many plants.

Growing flowers, attracting beneficial insects (episode 6)

Pest Control (Episode 7)

We fight pests. Linda will tell you about the main enemies of your crop: garden bugs, aphids, cabbage butterfly caterpillars and snails. Also this week you can replant in the beds where the first harvest has already been harvested. We plant turnips, broccoli and cauliflower. In the topic “Our Harvest” there is a story about garlic. The “Solving the Problem” section continues the topic of controlling garden pests

Fertilizer for the garden (Episode 8)

The vegetable garden is blooming, but if the family wants to continue to receive abundance healthy products, she needs to learn how to properly “feed” her garden. Hence, this week's topic is fertilizers. You can buy the drugs in the store or prepare them yourself. Linda will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these and other fertilizers. In the topic “Our Harvest” there is a story about growing potatoes in old car tires. And the “Solving the Problem” section will teach you how to plant and harvest in containers.

Selling your harvest (episode 9)

If you want to become self-sufficient, you can’t just invest money in a vegetable garden. We need to figure out how to make money in the garden. Linda ordered a trading place at the vegetable market. Devoni and John's task for this week is to earn one hundred dollars. The vegetable market is not only a place of trade. Here gardeners meet and share experiences with each other. This is a kind of gardening club. The theme “Our Harvest” teaches children to be involved in gardening work. In the “Solving the problem” section: how to deal with late blight on tomato bushes.

Learning to collect your own seeds (Episode 10)

It's already the end of summer. The Cole family worked hard and achieved good results. The most logical thing to do at this time is to prepare seeds for the next season. Linda gives important tips. For example, you cannot save seeds hybrid plants, like eggplant, the grown vegetable will differ significantly from its parent. If pumpkin, zucchini and cucumber are grown together, there is no need to stock up on the seeds of such plants. Thanks to cross pollination, next year you will raise mutants. The theme “Our Harvest” will tell about corn. The “Solving the Problem” section advises what to do with the soil after summer crops have sucked all the nutrients out of it.