home · Lighting · Postcards in vintage style. We make beautiful cards for any occasion with our own hands. Working with fabric

Postcards in vintage style. We make beautiful cards for any occasion with our own hands. Working with fabric

Vintage in scrapbooking is, first of all, weightless transparent fabrics, shiny ribbons, iridescent beads and delicate openwork lace. Using these elements, you can create your own little masterpiece that will more than just impress the person who received the card.
To create a mini handmade masterpiece you will need:
- cardboard base for a postcard or just a sheet of cardboard;
- 2 types of cardboard for creativity that are in harmony with each other: with a pattern and plain;
- shreds of shiny organza;
- about 1 meter of shiny satin ribbon 2.5 - 3 cm wide;
- several beads or seed beads;
- a piece of lace about 18 cm long, in in this example One-sided guipure lace on a mesh is presented, but you can also take lace with scallops on both sides.

In addition, you will need auxiliary tools:
- needle and thread to match the satin ribbon;
- pins;
- double sided tape; In the absence of such adhesive tape, you can work with glue, but still, adhesive tape is preferable: working with it is cleaner, more accurate, you don’t need to wait until it dries, the cardboard is not deformed by the adhesive tape;
- an ordinary candle and matches for singeing the edges of the organza;
- scissors;
- pencil;
- ruler.
Cut out rectangles from cardboard the right size. We fold a regular sheet of cardboard with the white side inward - this way we get a blank for a postcard measuring about 20x13.5 cm when folded in half (respectively, 27x20 cm when unfolded). From cardboard with a pattern we cut out the future background of the front side measuring 20x13.5 cm. Plain cardboard is needed for the decorative detail of the postcard - we cut out a rectangle of about 9x14 cm from it.

We cover one side of the blank under the card with double-sided tape - you need to carefully cover the entire perimeter with it and stick several strips in the middle. Filming protective layer on double-sided tape and then place the piece of colored cardboard on the tape-treated side of the card.

Now we put aside the base for the postcard and proceed to the most entertaining and creative part of the work. We take a small piece of plain cardboard and begin to decorate it. First of all, glue the lace along the rectangle along the front side. This can easily be done using double-sided tape, since it is transparent, durable and completely invisible. Glue a strip of tape along a rectangle of plain cardboard, stepping back from one of the long edges by 2-3 cm.

Then we remove protective film on the tape and carefully press the scalloped edge of the lace to it.

After this, we turn the part over and carefully glue the edges of the lace, shortening them with scissors if necessary. It turns out to be a neat decorative detail.

We put this detail aside and proceed to the implementation of other decorative elements - flowers from satin ribbon, which will be the main leitmotif of the entire card. From the ribbon we roll up a small rose, the diameter of which is finished form- about 3 cm. To do this, gently but firmly hold the end of the tape with your left hand, and with your right hand we begin to build a flower, as if twisting the tape around the end of the tape. At the same time, do not forget to bend the ribbon diagonally, so that on the front side of the rose you get one or the other side of the ribbon. Each bend of the ribbon is equal to one petal. After making 2-3 rows of petals, secure your work with a pin.

Now we temporarily put the rose aside and start working with organza, from which we make beautiful “sepals”. Cut out a piece with a diameter of about 5 cm.

Light a candle and singe the edges of the organza on its fire. Since organza is a predominantly synthetic fabric, its edges do not burn, but melt. To make the edges beautifully curved, the edge should be kept at a distance of 3-4 cm above the flame. If you hold the edge of the organza to the side of the fire, its edges will melt, but will not bend, but will remain smooth.

When the organza sepal is ready, you can return to working with the flower. We take a needle with a double thread to match the ribbon and carefully sew all layers of rose petals from the wrong side, without leaving the needle on front side. Finally, we sew several beads into the middle of the flower.

Now, without cutting the thread, sew the sepal to the back of the rose, placing the flower in it, like in a “nest”. Secure at the back with a couple of stitches and leave the thread again.

In total, make three such roses in sepals of the same size. When all the flowers are ready, you can return to the plain cardboard piece and begin general assembly postcards.

To do this, carefully sew each flower onto the cardboard using the thread that you left after assembling the flower. Sew two layers under the flower at once - both lace and cardboard. At the same time, make sure that you do not tighten the thread too much and that folds do not form on the lace.

A vintage card is not only pleasant, but also very fashionable way congratulate loved one Happy holiday. To make such a card in the best traditions of style, you will have to work hard, but the result will surpass all expectations.

You must clearly understand what you are doing and adhere to the design requirements. To understand these issues, you need to know exactly what kind of crafts they are and how their style differs from other similar creations.

Vintage is...

Over the past ten years, the concept of vintage has become firmly rooted in our lives. But many still do not distinguish this trend from retro. The border between the two trends is very thin, so even experts can confuse them.

The concept “vintage” is applied to clothing, interior design, wine and, of course, various crafts. Even among experts there is no consensus on how to formulate its definition. Each individual case has its own interpretation.

For example, when it is applied to wine, they mean a grape drink or a vintage of a particular year. For the interior, this means combining several styles. For example, a room design that uses antique imitation, or truly antique items that are harmoniously combined with modern elements.

When we talk about vintage clothing, we mean clothing items that look like they were for a long time lay in the attic, frayed, faded and torn. It is thanks to its deliberate negligence that this style is firmly rooted in fashion and is clearly not going to leave it in the near future.

Vintage postcard, vintage photography, vintage music, vintage mechanics... The list goes on for a very long time. Because there is nothing strange in the fact that this concept has not yet received one general definition for all cases.

So what is it? Any antique style items? Or items that look like they're at least 50 years old and everything else is retro? No one can give an exact answer to these questions, but anyone will confirm: such products can hardly be called cheap.

Features of a vintage postcard

The vintage postcard looks as if it was created at least in the 80s of the last century. She embodies fashion trends a certain period and can cost more than thirty thousand rubles.

To make it yourself, you will also need certain costs for materials and tools, but this budget is unlikely to exceed the price of ready-made crafts that are sold in stores or on the Internet.

When working, it is very important to carefully consider every detail of the design. You need to first study what was considered fashionable in the selected historical period, to feel the mood of that era. And only after that you can begin to implement the chosen concept.

The most common materials for working on such a product are pieces of photographs, antique fabrics and embroidery. They can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently. In order to achieve the desired effect, there are many in various ways. Let's consider the most simple options, allowing you to make old vintage postcards.

Adding age to paper

The most basic way to give paper a yellow tint is to iron it with a very hot iron. In order to achieve a more saturated shade, you can repeat the procedure several times.

Alternatively, place the leaf in a well-heated oven. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that it does not catch fire. But if its edges are slightly charred, it will look even better. Some craftsmen deliberately set fire to paper or cardboard, which they then use as the basis for crafts.

Ordinary ones will also help you make vintage ones. To age paper using this method, you need to leave it in a well-lit place for several days in the summer, and ultraviolet light will give it a yellowish color.

Water and fire

Another method is to place the material in special solution. To prepare it Any will do If you want to use coffee, it is better to give preference to instant coffee. There is no universal recipe.

The duration of soaking directly depends on the thickness and size of the paper. As a rule, it is kept in liquid for 10 to 20 minutes, and then dried and smoothed with an iron. Another option with coffee is to rub the wet material with coffee grains.

Milk is also used to make cards. They rub it on a sheet of paper or cardboard, and after it dries, they run an iron over it. To achieve a more saturated color along the edges, it is necessary to apply a double layer of liquid to them.

In addition, very effective method base processing future crafts- use of open fire. So that the paper becomes covered with a light coating of soot and the edges become burnt, you can hold it over a candle or lighter. But this procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to destroy the material and not injure yourself.

These were the most simple ways aging paper. Now let's figure out how you can achieve this effect on fabric.

Working with fabric

A vintage card is also created using fabric. It, like paper, should have a brownish tint and look as if it is at least a couple of decades old. To achieve the desired effect, we will also need coffee and tea mixtures.

The following recipes are for approximately a meter or two of material. It is virtually impossible to accurately calculate the proportions, since each fabric has its own specific characteristics, and the dye applies differently to any structure. Take these compositions as a basis. And then, as you work, try different proportions of the components to achieve the desired effect.

We use tea

To make tea coloring, fill half a pan with water and add at least 8 black tea bags. Place the fabric in the container and boil it for 5 minutes. If you want to achieve a more intense color, you can add 1-3 more servings of tea.

Do not use more than 11 sachets. For a rich Brown this amount will be enough for you.

After boiling the fabric, pour the contents of the pan into the sink and rinse the material under the tap, removing any excess dye. Then dry and iron if necessary.

Vintage ones can be made from either ironed or wrinkled fabric. There are no clear rules for choosing any of these options. Just see how harmoniously this or that type fits into your design concept, and make your final decision.

Coffee to the rescue

The vintage postcard, which we present a master class on how to create, can also be made using coffee-dyed fabric. To prepare the required solution, boil natural drink. To prepare it, use the following proportion: one tablespoon of powder per cup of water. For coloring you will need approximately 10-12 such servings.

Fill up required amount coffee in a saucepan and fill with water, adhering to the specified proportions. Dip the fabric completely into the mixture and boil it for about five minutes. Then pour out the contents of the pan and rinse the material with running water.


Coffee dyeing gives the fabric beautiful gray shades. In addition, after this solution, a persistent aroma will remain on the material, which will last for quite a long time.

On the one hand, this can bring novelty to your craft; it will be filled with the aromas of a coffee shop. On the other hand, if you don’t like the smell, you will have to wait quite a long time for it to disappear.

Tea, in turn, gives the fabric beautiful light brown or even golden shades, but its smell does not linger for long. Therefore, when choosing such a dye, it is better to take the most common cheap drink without additional flavorings.

Alternative methods

Vintage Happy Birthday cards can also be decorated with fabric dyed using the mixture and red wine. The components must be used in equal proportions. They produce a beautiful purple-brown color, but require some investment.

More economical way- use of a mixture of iodine or potassium permanganate. Dilute 10-20 drops of one of these components in water and boil the fabric in it for 5-10 minutes. There are often cases when the color is applied to the material so quickly that it does not even need to be boiled.

Once you have aged the base and chosen a design, you need to collect the decorative elements necessary for the job. These can be photographs, bows, flowers, etc. The tools you will need are a corner hole punch, special stamps, and paints. With their help, you will create unique vintage “Happy Birthday” cards. In addition, you can make a gift for any other holiday.

DIY Christmas card. Master class with step-by-step photos

Cardmaking in vintage style “Merry Christmas!” Master class with step-by-step photos

Lebedeva Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of the extended day group of the State Educational Institution "Educational and pedagogical complex nursery-kindergarten-secondary school of the agricultural town of Lutskovlyany", teacher additional education State Educational Institution "Grodno Regional Center for Children and Youth Creativity" (Republic of Belarus)

This master class will be useful for anyone who wants to try their hand at making a vintage-style Christmas greeting card.

There is a holiday that is brighter than all others,
There is a day when the whole world shines with goodness -
After all, anything can happen on Christmas,
To change the course of other days...

The day gives everyone joy, hope and love,
And faith that we will live in goodness and happiness.
Hurry to do good, open the cover of your soul
And pray for anyone who may be unhappy.

Target: Making a Christmas greeting card in vintage style.

Vintage refers to an artificial recreation of the past. That is, the creation of postcards, photographs, letters in a false antique style.
The colors are selected from darker, matte and black and white color motifs. As a rule, the more antiquity, yellowness and wear, the better, but do not forget about a sense of proportion.
Used to create a vintage style vintage postcards, letters, photographs and even elements of antique jewelry, clothing, watches. In general, everything that was popular at that time. If desired, you can use locks and keys. Bows, ribbons, lace, stamps and tickets also work well. Scratches and abrasions, imitation rust and torn or burnt edges are also important. Flowers and floral patterns fit well. Don't forget about newspapers and newspaper clippings, which well reflect the era we want to convey. (From the Internet)

- teach how to make a Christmas card in a vintage style using curly scissors and decorative items (braid, lace, semi-pearls, paper flowers, self-adhesive rhinestones);
- develop creative imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste;
- cultivate accuracy;
- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

To make a postcard we will need:
- double-sided foam tape (pads);
- glue “Moment”;
- wrapping paper;
- braid, lace colors Ivory(or white) of different widths;
- regular and curly scissors;
- gold-colored cardboard;
- decorative items (paper flower, semi-pearls, rhinestones on a self-adhesive basis)

- a picture printed on a color printer with the image of an angel, the inscription “May the angel protect you”,

- vintage background (front side of the postcard),

- “Postcard” background with printed congratulation text (reverse side of the postcard)

The most time-consuming stage of the work is “assembling” the postcard. I do this in an electronic version (on a computer). I select the desired background, a picture (there are many of them on the Internet), put them on top of each other, then print them out, and select the appropriate decorative elements available.
The rest is a matter of one hour. And what a result!


1. Using curly scissors, trim the edges of the future card along the perimeter.

2. From the wide braid, cut four strips equal to the lengths of the sides of the picture with the image of an angel.

3. Glue the resulting strips in the form of a frame. Glue rhinestones to the corners.

4. Carelessly tear off the edges of the rectangular wrapping paper.

5. Glue the lace to the front of the card.

6. Glue a rectangular background with torn edges and a picture of an angel onto the lace.

7. Glue the paper flower.

8. Decorate the strip of lace with semi-pearls.

9. Cut out the inscription “May the angel protect you.”

10. Glue the cut-out inscription onto gold-colored cardboard and cut it out with an allowance of 2-3 mm.

11. Using pads of double-sided tape, attach the inscription to the front side of the postcard.

12. The final touch is small rhinestones on a vintage background.

And this is what our postcard looks like from the back.

And like this in the light of a lamp...

Another view...

If you or your family is into crafts, then you most likely have a ton of beautiful scraps and scraps that you can use to create a super cute and simple vintage-style card. Moreover, creating this little gift beauty will not take you much time - you can assemble such a postcard in less than an hour.
For the postcard you need:
- a piece of white or gray cardboard for the base of the postcard measuring 27x20.5 cm;
- a piece of plain colored cardboard for the front of the postcard measuring 20.5x13.5 cm, in this case plain cardboard with a metallic effect was used;
- a decorative detail measuring 16x7 cm, in the making of this postcard we used a motif cut from a piece of ordinary wall wallpaper, but you can use any picture you like from the cover of a notebook or from a magazine, it is desirable that the picture is from thick paper or cardboard;
- a piece of guipure lace braid with a scalloped edge about 10 cm long and 3 cm wide;
- scraps of organza, in as a last resort if there is no organza, you can replace it with artificial chiffon;
- satin ribbon about 0.75 cm wide and about 60 cm long;
- 3 beads, seed beads or pearls for the centers of the flowers.
In addition, additional materials will be required:
- a needle and thread in the color of the satin ribbon;
- stationery or construction double-sided tape 1 cm wide;
- scissors;
- pencil and ruler for cutting out parts from cardboard;
- matches and a candle for singeing organza sections.

Also, in addition to all of the above, you, of course, cannot do without skillful hands, a fresh dose of inspiration and uncontrollable imagination, because it is unlikely that it will be possible to repeat exactly a handmade thing, and you will have to create your own masterpiece!
So, first we work with a small motif, which in this case was cut out of thick wallpaper. We decorate the right edge with a scalloped border. To do this, simply glue a strip of double-sided tape to the front side of the motif, and then put guipure braid on the adhesive strip so that the scallops look beyond the edge of the motif and subsequently overlap the background.

Gently press the tape so that it is well secured and turn it over decorative element. We trim off the excess braid and unnecessary scallops, leaving an allowance of 1.5 cm on each side. We glue them with pieces of double-sided tape to the wrong side of the wallpaper motif.

Now our little motive is ready. Glue it onto a piece of colored cardboard, which will be the front of the card. To do this we use double-sided tape. We especially carefully glue the side where the guipure braid is located. The front side of the card is almost ready.

Now we decorate the card with romantic and delicate floral elements. We twist roses from satin braid. We try to make them as flat as possible. There is no need to make them too large and bulky; roses with 2-3 rows of ribbon are quite enough. The maximum diameter of the flower is no more than 1.5 cm. We sew the roses from the wrong side so that the thread does not “climb” onto the front side of the flower. Then we bring the thread into the middle and sew on the bead. We take the thread back to the wrong side and fasten it. In total, it is tedious to make three flowers. Although, of course, if you wish, you can make 5 or even more floral motifs.

To make the roses more decorated and sophisticated, we will make stylized sepals for each flower from scraps of organza. To do this, cut out three shreds with a diameter of about 4-5 cm. It doesn’t matter that the shreds are uneven; you shouldn’t strive for an ideal circle.

Light a candle and carefully process the cuts of the shreds over an open fire. Be careful not to burn your fingers or burn the organza. To do this, do not bring the fabric too close to the fire - the cuts should only be slightly scorched. If you hold the edge of the scrap to the side of the flame, the edges will simply melt slightly without losing their shape. And if you hold a piece of fabric on top of the flame, the edge will not only be scorched, but will also bend bizarrely, giving the piece the shape of a cup or nest. Make sure that the entire perimeter of the cut is scorched, otherwise the unscorched edge threatens to unravel and become “tattered.” In this way, singe all three pieces of organza. After this, place the roses in organza sepals.

Take a thread and a needle and simply sew the resulting flowers with double thread to the front side of the card. Feel free to sew all the layers at once: plain cardboard, a wallpaper motif, guipure lace, if roses are found on it, an organza sepal and the flower itself from a ribbon. This way you will securely attach your little creations to the card. 2-3 stitches per flower are enough. On the reverse side, for greater reliability, you can glue the place of stitches and threads with tape or a drop of glue.

Now we have one last task left: to assemble the front side of the card, already decorated with the motif, lace and flowers, and the base of the card. To begin, bend the base of the card in half so that when folded it measures 13.5 x 20.5 cm. To make the fold line even and neat, you can firmly attach a ruler to it and carefully draw a thick needle along the place of the future fold, as if scratching a straight line. This is especially recommended if the cardboard is very thick and dense.
Having folded the base in half, cover it around the entire perimeter with strips of double-sided tape. Make sure the corners are glued. You can also stick a couple of strips in the middle for extra strength.

Carefully separate upper layer from the strips of tape and press the front side of the card to the base. Squeeze all areas to be glued well. Now your postcard is ready to delight the recipient with a romantic congratulation!