home · Measurements · Difference between coconut and bicoconut. Natural mattress fillers and their features What is better than coconut felt mattress

Difference between coconut and bicoconut. Natural mattress fillers and their features What is better than coconut felt mattress

The coconut orthopedic mattress has its own characteristics that you need to know about in order to accept correct solution: to buy or not. We invite you to study the issue in detail.

How coconut filling for mattresses is made

Coconut coir is a 100% natural fiber from well-known coconuts. During the season, up to 120 nuts are collected from one palm tree in Sri Lanka or India, which are soaked in water for 10 months. This makes it easy to separate the fibers from the shell. The coir is then manually sorted and sent for drying. For mattress fillings, only short and highly tangled fibers are taken, which resemble haystacks before being sent to production.

Manufacturers use two main technologies for processing coconut coir - latexing and pressing.

In the first case, coconut flakes or fiber impregnated liquid mixture natural latex, turn into a solid slab that does not crumble or crumble. The ideal ratio of components is 50 to 50. In Russian mattresses the proportion shifts - 70 to 30, which increases the hardness of the filler. The introduction of latex into the composition increases the elasticity and strength of coir, making it more durable. By definition, mattresses with such filling cannot be cheap.

As a more affordable alternative, the technology of pressing coconut fibers and then punching them with special needles is used, which also makes it possible to increase the service life of the finished product.

Advantages and disadvantages of coconut mattresses

Like any product, coconut orthopedic mattresses have both pros and cons.


  • absolute naturalness, environmental safety and harmlessness to human health;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • high orthopedic indicators;
  • perfectly ventilated;
  • is not a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and insects;
  • good orthopedic effect;
  • long service life;
  • high-quality heat exchange.


  • enough high price;
  • latex coir has a characteristic rubber smell, which the manufacturer warns about in advance and which disappears a few hours after opening the package;
  • pressed needle-punched coir is stiffer and less durable than latexed coir, and if the loads are incorrectly selected, it can quickly lose its orthopedic characteristics, delaminate or crumble.

How to distinguish a quality filler

There are several simple ways determining the quality of coconut coir.

Firstly, to reduce the cost of products, unripened fibers that have a light brown tint can be used. Collected in right time coir has a deep brown color.

Secondly, the filler must be elastic, dense and resistant to mechanical stress.

Finally, the thickness of the coconut layer in spring models should be at least 3 cm. With a smaller figure, the coir should be supplemented with layers of other materials.

A removable zippered cover will help you evaluate the “filling” of the selected mattress.

How to choose an orthopedic coconut mattress

When choosing an orthopedic mattress with coconut filler it is important to determine its basic parameters.


You should be comfortable, because during sleep the body needs to accept natural anatomical position . Only in this case will the muscles be able to relax and problems with the spine will not arise.


Coconut coir is found in one form or another in both spring and springless models. And in both cases, it increases the rigidity of the mattress. But even if you really like hard mattresses, it is better to take a closer look at models in which this indicator is not maximum, as well as those where the coir is softened, for example, with latex.

Coconut mattresses are not the best option for older people, as they can cause unwanted pressure on tissues and cause discomfort.


For people weighing up to 60 kg who like medium-hard mattresses, mattresses with a block are ideal independent springs with puff filling – coconut flakes and latex (natural or artificial).

For those whose weight is between 60-90 kg, it may be recommended mattress with multipocket springs (500-700 springs per square) and alternating layers of coir and latex. As an alternative, you should consider purchasing a springless model with the same filler, but the thickness of the latex in it should be equal to or greater than the thickness of the coir layers.

With a weight of 90 to 120 kg, you can again ask the price for “multipocket” models, but with a large number of springs - at least 1000 per sq.m. Layers of filler can also alternate, but the thickness of the coconut layer here should be greater than the soft fillers. Models with a predominant thickness of coconut filler are suitable as springless analogues, while inserts from other materials are acceptable.

For those who perform in the heaviest category, experts advise choosing a mattress only with pure coconut filling, without adding other materials.

For spring mattresses A bed base with narrow slats is suitable, for springless ones - any one.

Combination with other materials

To improve consumer characteristics, coconut fiber is often combined with other fillers. In addition to the latex mentioned above, it can be struttofiber, holofiber, polyurethane foam or felt.

Springless coconut mattresses are ideal for children, especially babies. The fact is that in newborns the spine is perfectly straight and does not have that S-shaped bend that acquires with age. Coconut mattresses perfectly support the spine and prevent it from sagging.

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the case is made made from natural material, e.g. 100% cotton. All children's products must be manufactured in accordance with GOST standards and have certificates of quality compliance with accepted standards and norms.

Which manufacturers have coconut mattresses?

Almost all mattress manufacturers have mattresses in their lines with pure coconut fiber or various combinations. Latexed coconut board from the German concern Enkev is used in their mattresses by the Toris and Vegas companies. Ormatek offers the Orma Lux mattress with three layers of coconut coir, and Askona offers the versatile Harmony model with a layer of natural coconut.

How to properly care for a mattress

All recommendations for caring for the product are indicated in the passport. However, there are some standard tips. Coconut filling will last longer if you do not allow children to jump on the mattress. If the model is thin, it is not recommended to twist or fold it. The mattress should be stored horizontally. And don't forget to turn it over periodically.

Qualitative coconut mattress will serve you long years, if its parameters are selected correctly and operating conditions are met.

Modern mattresses, both spring and springless, are made using a variety of fillers. They are the most different materials, starting from simple foam rubber and ending with Memorix - a material with a memory effect. Therefore, consumers have a completely fair question: which mattress filler is better?

In order to answer this question, you need understand the advantages and disadvantages of modern fillers. This review will be devoted to this topic. First, we will look at the most popular fillers, and at the end we will give recommendations on their choice.

Types of mattress fillers

To begin with, we will talk about useless and even harmful fillers. These include materials such as cotton wool (batting) and foam rubber. They are not able to form surfaces with orthopedic properties because they are too soft. In addition, foam rubber becomes brittle over time, and under the influence of atmospheric moisture it quickly collapses. As for cotton wool (or batting), it forms lumps, the surface becomes lumpy and extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, we completely exclude both of these materials from our review. There are also inflatable orthopedic mattresses, but we will talk about them in a separate article.

Polyurethane foam is among the most common materials for padding. Many attribute to it the ability to release dangerous volatile substances into the air, but the reliability of this information remains low. Therefore, mattresses based on polyurethane foam (PPU) remain quite in demand.

This foam material is a relative of foam rubber, but its properties have been adjusted using additional components. As a result, it was born filler with excellent orthopedic properties. Polyurethane foam allows you to create surfaces that have an anatomical effect - they follow the shape of the body, providing reliable support for the spine and back. Therefore, sleeping on their PU foam mattresses is very comfortable.

The disadvantages of polyurethane foam include its short service life. But it is cheap, due to which PU foam mattresses are the most accessible and inexpensive. By the way, many other fillers are created on the basis of polyurethane foam - OrmaFoam is a typical example.

Modern industry can please us with interesting fillers with excellent performance properties. OrmaFoam material is one such filler. It is produced by cold foaming and has a structure similar to that of polyurethane foam (of which it is a relative).

OrmaFoam filler allows you to create comfortable and inexpensive mattresses with excellent orthopedic properties. Sleeping on them is very convenient and comfortable, because they support your back well and follow the contours of the body, evenly distributing pressure. OrmaFoam mattresses are well ventilated and have the ability to remove excess moisture. In addition, they do not cause allergic reactions and are affordable.

Mattresses made from natural or artificial latex are more expensive. Natural latex is made from the sap of the Hevea plant, which is processed and foamed. As a result, it comes into being excellent material, on the basis of which comfortable orthopedic mattresses are created. Very often latex acts as a complement to other fillers. High-quality models made from natural latex include Italian-made Magniflex mattresses.

As for artificial latex, its structure is identical to its natural counterpart. It is more rigid, does not cause allergies, is well ventilated and supports optimal balance humidity. The same applies to natural latex.

Both materials are good because they are not subject to rotting. Due to this, they are often used in children's mattresses. The disadvantage of latex is that it is more high price, compared to polyurethane foam.

The next material is struttofiber. It is made from polyester fiber and is therefore artificial. His distinctive feature is that the fibers in it are arranged vertically, which allows you to create reliable and durable surfaces with orthopedic properties. Very often it acts as a kind of frame to which additional components are added - this allows you to create fillers with various properties (light, soft, hard, warm, well-ventilated, with herbal medicine effects, etc.).

The main advantage of struttofiber is its long service life, and the main disadvantage is its high cost. Often struttofiber complements some of the main padding.

Coconut fiber is a filler with ideal performance properties. It does not rot, prevents the growth of bacteria, is well ventilated, does not retain moisture, and has good spring properties (due to latex impregnation and the presence of the natural polymer lignin in its structure).

On the base coconut fiber Rigid and semi-rigid orthopedic mattresses are being created, which are often used to treat many diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system. It is also combined with other fillers, such as foam rubber or latex, resulting in comfortable and practical double-sided mattresses.

The main disadvantage of coconut fiber mattresses is their high cost. But some manufacturers reduce prices by making mattresses from needle-punched fiber - it is not so expensive, not so hard, but not durable either.

Other fillers

There are also mattresses made from more exotic fillings on sale. For example, it could be used here camel's wool, horse hair, buckwheat husk, dried seaweed and granulated polystyrene from which Trelax mattresses are made. Animal wool makes it possible to create very warm mattresses used in winter period. But the same algae and buckwheat husks turn out to be beneficial influence on human health - they release beneficial phytoncides into the air.

Natural wool or vegetable fillers good for their naturalness. But they are quite expensive - due to this, the final cost ready-made mattresses.

Which mattress filler to choose

When talking about which mattress filler is best, you should remember the fact that every person is individual– some people like the springy properties of spring mattresses, while others prefer a hard surface made of coconut fiber. Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Filler ventilation;
  • Rigidity;
  • Life time;
  • Naturalness.

The last factor in Lately is decisive - people who are tired of living in a world of synthetics tend to give their preference to natural fillers, for example, struttofiber with inclusions of wool, coconut or latex. As for service life, OrmaFoam and latex hold the lead here. The firmness of the chosen mattress is determined by personal preferences and medical indications.

Latex and coconut coir are the most popular materials for making the base. springless mattresses. Therefore, when choosing a mattress, buyers invariably face the question: what to prefer - a model with a latex or coconut block? You will find the answer if you carefully read the features of both options.

Latex mattress - rubber guarding your sleep

Expensive natural latex It is produced from the sap of rubber trees, hence its other name - rubber. Since in pure form Natural rubber is relatively easily destroyed; during the production of latex foam, additional stabilizing additives are introduced into the mixture.

Springless latex mattresses http://www.moon-trade.ru/bespruzhinnye-matrasy/ have the following advantages:

    high elasticity due to the polymer structure of the material;


    softness with the ability to retain its shape for a long time;

    antistatic properties;


More affordable springless blocks are made from artificial latex, as highly elastic polyurethane foams created on the basis of polyols are commonly called. This filler gives the mattress greater rigidity and resistance to strong pressure.

Coconut coir mattress - healthy exotic

Coconut coir is the long, tough fiber that covers the coconut shell. Subsequently, these fibers are compressed into blocks, which are covered with fabric during the manufacture of the mattress. Thus, unlike latex, this filler is 100% natural.

The list of advantages of springless coconut coir mattresses includes:

    natural rigidity and elasticity;

    excellent orthopedic properties;

    good heat transfer;


Coconut coir does not absorb foreign odors, dust mites and mold microorganisms do not grow in it, it is absolutely safe even for allergy sufferers. There is only one drawback to mattresses with coconut filling - a higher price. However, as a compromise option, you can purchase a mixed or puff type product, in which a block of coconut coir is combined with a layer of latex or polyurethane foam.

Everyone wants to sleep on comfortable, moderately elastic mattresses. But further opinions differ. For some, the best surface will be soft, like a cloud. Others are confident that only dense, rigid support will give them the necessary comfort. Many people want to buy a semi-rigid mattress. Which mattress filler should I choose, and is it possible to find the best one?
A little educational information: the base of the mattress is what is in the middle. Springs, dependent bonnels, or independent in separate cases. In springless models this is a block or layered cake, consisting of foamed materials. The main properties - the ability to support a person's weight and the correct curves of the spine - are given to the mattress only by the base. This is what all sellers call orthopedic properties.

What kind of mattress filler is there and what is it for?

Fillers are small in thickness (usually from 1 to 3 cm, in luxury mattresses up to 8 cm) layers under the cover.

Their purpose is to level the surface and give it the desired degree of softness or hardness. They only increase comfort. When considering which mattress fillers are best, take into account a number of factors, composition, wear resistance, price.

There are only a few types of natural materials for mattresses known in the world. There are more artificial ones, but very often companies patent trademark and materials with practically indistinguishable properties are sold under different names.
Completely natural, consisting exclusively from natural materials:

  • Natural latex
  • Coconut coir (varieties - latex coconut and needlepunch board)
  • Sisal, dried fibers succulent plant Agave
  • Horsehair
  • Dried seaweed
  • Cotton wadding
  • Felt made of sheep wool.

Modern technologies have led to the creation artificial and combined materials. Of three types:

  1. Foamed polyurethane foam, . This artificial latex, Ortofoam, Prolatex, Memorix and other proprietary types of highly elastic polyurethane foam.
  2. Thermally bonded synthetic fibers, tightly laid in the form of felt. These are thermal felt, thermally bonded flax, bicoconut.
  3. Volumetric synthetic fibers of special laying, in the form of an elastic structured mat - struttofiber, holofiber, periotec, etc.

Each of these materials has advantages and disadvantages. Foam rubber is attractive in price, but tends to accumulate moisture; dust mites live well in it. Holofiber is well ventilated and does not cause allergies, but can cake over time. Which mattress filler is preferred is decided taking into account specific operating conditions.

In the table below, all materials used in mattresses can be compared with each other.

MaterialsProbability of microorganism developmentRelease of harmful substancesMoisture accumulation, poor ventilationPotential to cause allergiesDurability
Natural latexNoNoNoYesvery high
Latex coconutNoNoNoYeshigh
Needle Punched CoconutYesNoYesYeslow
Pressed seaweedhighNoYesYeslow
HorsehairlowNoNohighvery high
Thermally bonded flaxYesNoNoNohigh
Thermal feltYesNoYesNoaverage
Struttofiber comboYesNoweakweakaverage
Foam rubber standardYesMaybeYeslowlow
Highly elastic foamYesMaybeYeslowhigh
Memory foamYesMaybeYeslowaverage

Thermal felt or pressed felt is quite common, non-woven material, used, including in the manufacture of mattresses. Consists, as a rule, of synthetic and natural fibers. The popularity of thermal felt is due to its low cost and close positive characteristics material. Which ones? Thermal felt in a mattress - what is it: an indispensable insulator or an attempt to save on quality? This article will tell you about the purpose of the material, its composition, production technology, pros and cons of flooring.

The purpose of thermal felt in a mattress

Thermal felt is used in the manufacture of spring and springless mattresses.

In spring orthopedic mattresses thermal felt is used to protect fillers from damage. Dense and elastic material is an excellent insulator (separates the spring block from the upper flooring). Its use ensures a more uniform distribution of spring pressure on the sleeper’s body, increases comfort and extends the life of the mattress.

Some models use so-called soft felt (cotton fabric). It is placed on top (between the casing and the filler) in order to protect the fillers from premature wear.

What's in it?

There is no strictly regulated composition of thermal felt. Typically, the manufacturer independently selects variations of materials and their ratio. (most often the composition contains 60% natural fibers and 35-40% artificial fibers). 100% natural or, conversely, artificial options are also available.

Wool, jute and flax fibers are used as natural raw materials. It is generally accepted that cotton felt in the mattress (we are talking about 100% natural cotton felt) is extremely environmentally friendly. It is used in the manufacture of mattresses with a firmness level softer than average.

The share of synthetic fillers is filled with acrylic or polypropylene. The latter, in turn, has established itself as a durable, wear-resistant material that can withstand heavy loads. Acrylic fibers give the material low thermal conductivity properties (works as insulation). In rare cases, manufacturers use polyester or polyamide fibers as an alternative to acrylic and polypropylene.

Characteristics explain a lot

Why is thermal felt consistently in demand in the mattress industry? The characteristics and operational capabilities of the material explain a lot.

  • Thermal felt in mattresses is a reliable insulator. The “surface density” parameter of the material is 1 kg/m², which makes it possible to efficiently insulate the spring block, and this is extremely important for protecting the fillers from damage. PPU, latex and even coconut coir themselves are not resistant to mechanical damage, which can be caused by operating springs.
  • Thermal felt shows excellent results for tensile strength. Taking on excess load, the material does not tear, but only slightly stretches. These indicators help determine the maximum permissible weight loads that the finished mattress can withstand.
  • Thermal felt - very durable material. It is highly resistant to wear. Throughout the entire specified service life, the flooring does not lose its inherent characteristics.
  • Significant canvas height. As a rule, the thickness of the thermal felt “sheet” is 3 mm or more. Height variations allow manufacturers to achieve different levels of rigidity in the finished product.
  • Safe and hypoallergenic material - both in relation to nature and in relation to humans.

How to make thermal felt

The filler is produced using special equipment. To prepare the fibers, plucking and carding machines are used. After this, the material enters special machines, where the fibers are mixed. The next step is to bond the fibers together using thermal bonding technology (the material is heated to 190°C and then pressed).

Reference! Another method of bonding fibers is needlepunching. Many manufacturers use two fastening technologies at once to ensure greater reliability and durability.

Natural or combined felt - which is better?

Natural felt in mattresses is well ventilated and dries quickly enough. Thermal felt made from combined fibers is not inferior in characteristics to natural felt, and in some aspects even surpasses it. Natural felt (like many natural materials in principle) are inferior to artificial analogues in terms of service life.

Reference! Ordinary felt has been known to humanity for more than a thousand years. The most famous household item made of felt that can come to mind is felt boots.


So, is felt in a mattress good or bad? This is good and even very good. This is a quality standard.

Thermal felt is a time-tested material used as a technical protective layer. Dense flooring helps distribute the load more evenly and adds elasticity. It is breathable, quite durable, can withstand heavy loads, is wear-resistant and durable, which guarantees that the material will be in demand for many years to come.