home · On a note · The lightest electric chain saw. Small and lightweight electric saws for women (for the country house and garden). Battery powered hacksaw

The lightest electric chain saw. Small and lightweight electric saws for women (for the country house and garden). Battery powered hacksaw

Already full swing coming summer season and if you have a small garden on your property, you will definitely need a handsaw. Many people buy a gasoline one out of habit, not even realizing that there are much more convenient and comfortable tools for cutting trees that run on electricity. If you want to bring innovation to your garden and make it even neater, this is definitely for you. the best one will do electric chain saw 2018, namely Makita UC4020A.

An electric saw is an indispensable tool in household, with its help you can quickly and almost silently saw material of various thicknesses and densities. These chainsaws are very convenient and easy to use, they are much better...

German company Huter is a recognized European manufacturer of electrical equipment of all types and classifications. The company has been producing high-quality power tools and garden equipment since 1976, Russian market first production...

Champion – enough famous brand, which is engaged in the production of power tools, professional garden equipment And related accessories. The tools of this company are considered one of the most reliable on the Russian market and...

The German company Bosch is perhaps one of the most famous and prestigious global manufacturers household appliances, construction tools And consumer goods. The presence of the Bosch brand on a particular product is automatically a guarantee...

There is an opinion that high-quality instruments are produced only foreign manufacturers and in many ways this point of view is completely justified. We have already offered you reviews and testimonials of electric chain saws from German and Japanese brands, now let’s look at...

It has all the necessary characteristics of such a tool, it works much quieter than its gasoline counterparts, and its power is quite enough not only to cut down dried branches on trees, but also to prepare firewood, as well as to use it in construction and repair work.

But since the cost of this model is relatively high and, perhaps, not everyone can afford it, in this comparison we will talk about several more models of electric saws that have good characteristics and quite high quality. But first, we will introduce our readers to the main advantages of electric hand saws and let's see them through comparative analysis With gasoline units, so that you have the opportunity to make sure that such a tool is much more relevant.

Gasoline and electric saws - what is their difference?

Probably every man at least once held a saw in his hands. At first these were simple two-handed tools, which required a significant amount of effort and time to be spent on sawing several logs. Then chainsaws appeared - they sawed wood much faster, but at the same time they made a lot of noise and polluted the atmosphere with exhaust fumes. Then modern engineers decided to invent an even more effective and convenient tool that would cope with its functions just as quickly, but at the same time be more comfortable to use.

We are used to trusting those who have already tested this or that thing from their own experience, so we would like to introduce you to the review of the owner of two similar instruments, Sergei Yavorsky from Moscow:

I have a big one outside the city country cottage area, where my father planted many trees. Over time, some of them began to dry out and I realized that I needed to process them, including cutting down unnecessary branches. At first I did it with a chainsaw, which I also inherited from my father, but it was inconvenient to work with - it was a heavy and clumsy machine.

The neighbor who watched my torment let me use his electric one, and I immediately felt the difference. The chain literally went into the wood like melted butter! The next day I went to the store and bought myself the same one.

First, electric circular saws appeared in production, which quickly gained popularity, after which manufacturers decided to expand their activities and began producing chain saws. After all, a circular saw, despite its usefulness and functionality, is not capable of performing all the tasks that are so important in construction work.

Especially in our time, when wooden cottages and small private houses have become fashionable, in the construction of which they use wooden beams. If involved in similar works With a chainsaw, you can literally go broke on fuel, because gasoline regularly increases in price. In addition, such a large unit is not very convenient for performing precise work.

Therefore it is best to roofing works use an electric saw, which has many advantages: light weight and small dimensions (from 3 to 8 kg), quiet operation, no vibration, safe protection system and low power consumption.

All of the above characteristics apply to any model of electric chain saw, but they may differ in some ways. For example, the weight and length of the tire - some models are very light (such as Makita and Bosch), you can work with them for a long time and your hands will not get tired, others may weigh a little more, but this allows them to be used on an industrial scale.

Main characteristics of electric saws

To determine which model is best for you, you need to study the characteristics and features of each. As we already mentioned - the best chain electric saw 2018 is Makita UC4020A. This Japanese-made instrument has everything necessary qualities: powerful engine(1.8 kW), a light weight(4.4 kg), long tire (40 cm). The saw is also equipped with a safety system, thanks to which a sharp chain brake is applied to avoid injury. The saw is filled with oil, which lubricates the chain during operation.

Unlike other models, Makita consumes relatively little oil and electricity. Good build is a distinctive characteristic of all Japanese products. It cuts quickly and quietly, is very reliable in operation, the only thing that can scare you away is its cost (6-8 thousand rubles).

Bosch electric saws have approximately the same characteristics. It is also of fairly high quality, small in size, cuts quickly, and your hands do not get tired at all. This is what he writes about Bosch model AKE 30 S Alexey Pavlov from Nizhnevartovsk:

A very light tool, it doesn’t pull your hands out, and doesn’t vibrate when working. If your hand suddenly slips off, the chain stops instantly, so it is simply impossible to get hurt. It consumes little oil, it is not necessary to fill it with original oil, regular engine oil will do - this does not affect the quality of work in any way. Contrary to their small sizes neatly saws wood of almost any thickness.

For those who want to purchase a reliable and high-quality assistant in repair, construction and garden work, electric saws of these two brands will become best choice. But here everything will depend on their cost, since tools from Bosch are also not cheap - about 7 thousand rubles.

If you have this moment There is no such amount, but you urgently need a tool - pay attention to electric saws produced by Champion and Huter. These American and German brands produce fairly high-quality products at very reasonable prices (their cost ranges between 4 and 5 thousand rubles). The quality is also not much inferior.

Their characteristics are not much different from the more expensive units already discussed, and the Huter ELS-2000 model has the most powerful motor - 2000 W. True, this was reflected in its weight - the saw weighs almost 8 kilograms. But it is quite convenient to operate, so it is unlikely that this will somehow affect the process.

This model has minor flaws, one of which is a poorly designed oil level indicator. In all other respects, the saw fully complies with all standards.

Champion 118-14 is also a good option, its weight is much lighter (4.2 kg), but the length of the tire is slightly shorter than usual - only 35 cm. But for working on small areas and indoors this will be quite enough. For this electric saw you will need to pay only 3-4 thousand rubles, so in terms of pricing it definitely wins. But the quality cannot be called ideal - the owners note that the fastenings are not strong enough, and therefore the chain often slips off.

Even if there is protective system this can be dangerous and certainly doesn't make her job any easier. In addition, this tool has a weak oil supply, which is why the chain does not receive required quantity lubricants But if you need a saw for minor cosmetic work This model will be quite sufficient for the house and yard.

And finally, let's say a few words about our domestic manufacturer, because now many people strive to support their loved ones, rather than send money abroad. If you are one of them, take a closer look at the Interskol PTs-16/2000T electric saw. It cannot be said that it will be a full-fledged replacement for Japanese or American instruments, but there is still something attractive in this unit. A powerful engine and impressive dimensions allow it to be safely used in large-scale construction work and even in logging.

At the same time, you will not need to think about the fact that you are holding a high-class foreign instrument in your hands, which must be handled very carefully. True, in Lately The manufacturer, for some unknown reason, increased the price of this product by almost double, which is why it became equal to Makita. Although, more recently, this model was taken precisely because of its low cost. Now, apparently, its main buyers will be inveterate patriots and connoisseurs of the domestic brand.

Alexey Sigaev from St. Petersburg spoke in sufficient detail about the negative aspects of this model in his review on Yandex.Market:

After purchasing the saw from Interskol, it broke almost immediately. I took it to the store, they couldn’t identify the damage, they told me to take it to the service center. As a result, the manufacturer was unable to repair the saw and refused to return the money. Considering the fact that I bought it for 3 thousand, and now it costs 7 thousand, I don’t understand what this company is hoping for. I’d rather save up some money and get a reliable Makita.

We hope that we were able to give you a useful tour of the world of power tools, namely chain hand saws, and if necessary, it will now be easy for you to choose a worthy model. If you have already decided on a specific brand, we invite you to read more detailed information in the corresponding review. But do not forget about the main rule of any successful purchase - before purchasing this or that product, you must first decide for what purpose you need it. Of course, it would be best to have both a gasoline and an electric saw, since it is convenient to work with one outdoors, and with the other indoors. But we definitely note the fact that it is simply necessary for owners of private houses, cottages and garden plots to have an electric chain saw on their farm!

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In a private home, a chainsaw is not the most convenient tool: it requires regular refueling, carburetor maintenance and air filter, and the service life of a high-speed two-stroke engine, especially on budget Chinese models, is far from ideal. But most of the work performed with a saw in such conditions takes place not far from the outlet - it is enough to stretch an extension cord outside to be able to use an electric saw. The electric motor does not need refueling, its service life is an order of magnitude higher than that of a gasoline engine, and the owner gets rid of smoke, roar and vibrations, which are inevitable for gasoline tools. If the saw is also cordless, then you can avoid being tied to an outlet.

Well, it’s worth looking at which electric chain saws can be called the best in 2018-2019. Given the variety of models, we will divide them into five categories:

  • Homemade electric saws- this is the budget segment of the market, simple tools made in China. We will not consider low-end battery models: here you will immediately have to sacrifice either battery quality or performance. Feature electric saws - this is the lack of a clear division in terms of power and tire length, like gasoline ones: what is amateur, what professional electric saw will have similar characteristics.
  • IN middle segment models of electric saws are presented that, if necessary, will be able to operate for a long time - this requires greater attention to both engine cooling and the reliability of the oil pump. Battery models This segment will be lower in performance, but will already show decent autonomy.
  • Professional chain saws, both network and rechargeable, designed for long-term work with maximum efficiency: this is not only the quality of materials and workmanship, but also thoughtful ergonomics, without which a professional tool cannot be considered such.

Rating of the best electric chainsaws 2019

Housework has long ceased to be an exclusively male affair. The housewife herself can cut wood for the stove or fireplace, trim trees and shrubs, and do minor construction work. For periodic use, it is better to purchase a household electric chain saw, which even in women's hands becomes an indispensable assistant. The whole difficulty lies in how to choose a light and convenient tool.

How to choose the right power tool for women

First, you need to decide how often you plan to use the power saw. Workload of more than 6 hours a day makes it necessary to purchase a professional electric tool. Difference: power more than 2200 W, bus length from 40 cm, expensive parts with increased wear resistance. The weight of the electric saw varies from 5 kg.

To carry out small jobs around the house that are not performed every day, it is better to purchase a household electric saw.

Important! According to Russian sanitary standards, women are allowed to lift a load within 5 kg. In this case, the maximum parameters depend on the age, build, and health status of the lady. For nulliparous acceptable standards are reduced by half, but should not exceed 10% of body weight. Pregnant women are not recommended to move objects heavier than 1.25 kg.

  • the instrument is located conveniently and comfortably in the hands;
  • acceptable level of vibration and noise;
  • the weight of the structure does not cause muscle strain.

For execution household work An electric saw with a power of 1500–2000 W, a bar length of 30–35 cm, and a structure weight of 2.5–4 kg is optimal for women.

Features of a small and lightweight electric chain saw for women

When choosing a power tool suitable for women, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • increased power entails an increase in the weight of the unit, and some models require a more powerful electrical network;
  • It is worth giving preference to models with a longitudinal engine, since the balancing of the device is shifted in the transverse one. This saw is used for working in a vertical plane;
  • It is desirable to have a lock against involuntary activation of the structure in order to avoid increased injury;
  • The smooth start function of the electric saw ensures that the device turns on without a jerk;
  • spontaneous shutdown of the tool when overheated is ensured by a thermal relay;
  • automatic oil supply to the device significantly extends its service life;
  • automatic chain tensioning makes servicing the device more comfortable;
  • the presence of rubber pads on the tool handles reduces the vibration load on the human body.

Power saw Monferno 20237M

One of the disadvantages of the electric saw is the inconvenient cable connecting the structure to the power source. The solution is to purchase a saw with a battery that allows you to use the tool away from electricity.

The development of Monferme 20237M is presented as a power saw for women. The weight of the structure is 5.2 kg, and the 40-volt lithium battery charge allows you to use the saw for its intended purpose for 40 minutes. During this time, you can saw off 10x10 cm blocks 130 times.

The company presents the kit garden equipment, available for exploitation by women. At the same time, the battery is a universal device that fits all designs in the line. It is quite expensive to purchase it just for an electric saw.

Lightweight chain saw

When choosing a lightweight and convenient power tool for working at home, it is recommended to consider:

  • Availability service centers specific brand within reach. If the mechanism breaks down, professional repairs must be provided;
  • if spare parts are made of short-lived material, you should first find out where they can be purchased;
  • a product from an unknown manufacturer is practically impossible to repair if it breaks.

Branded products are different high cost, but also good quality, long-term warranty period. The most famous models of electric saws designed for women:

  • Bosch AKE 30 S (developed in Germany, produced in Hungary);
  • Sturm CC9916 (developed in Germany, made in China);
  • Union PCS-9922 (China);
  • Monferme 20237M-1 (France);
  • MAKITA UC4030A (Japan).

Today you can see a large selection of chain saws on sale, but not every model will be able to satisfy all your needs. At the same time, chain saws can be not only electric, but also gasoline. But, in this article we will look at the choice light power saw for the dacha.

The purpose of the article is to tell you how to choose the right electric chain saw, taking into account its main technical parameters. Advice on choosing this tool is given with the expectation that the selected wood saw will serve you for a long time and will be exactly suited to your needs.

Design and principle of operation

An electric chain saw consists of a motor, a housing, a guide bar for installing a chain, a chain with cutting edges, an oil pump and an oil storage tank. Besides, located on the body: switch off button, lock button, safety guard and handle. In more modern models a handle may be located on the body to control chain tension.

After turning on, the motor, through the sprocket and gearbox, creates rotation of the chain, which cuts the wood. The width of the chain with cutting edges is slightly larger than the width of the stationary bar, so the bar does not jam in the wood during sawing.

The oil pump, using a small drive, pumps oil from the tank towards cutting edge chains. Along the guide, the oil is dosed and transferred to the chain, lubricating it evenly during operation.


Naturally, the quality of the instrument will significantly depend on the choice of manufacturer. Today the most popular brands are:

  • Makita;
  • Bosch;
  • Patriot;
  • Sparky;
  • OleoMac.

These companies maintain their brand without compromising the quality of their products. Along with them, many other brands appeared, whose products also meets international standards. At the same time, the price of the equipment can be significantly lower. These are manufacturers such as Interskol, Zenit, Efco, Forte, etc. Therefore, there is plenty to choose from.

But when choosing, you need to pay attention to the fact that, as a rule, these inexpensive instruments have a number of small, but still, disadvantages with the same characteristics:

  • plastic that is unpleasant to the touch or slippery;
  • large mass;
  • service maintenance;
  • general ergonomics.

Therefore, when you plan to use an electric saw often and for a long time, then make a choice in favor of well-known companies.

Engine power

Power must be selected taking into account the future task. For example, when continuous sawing of thick timber is expected for many hours, then higher power required than, for example, when sawing ordinary trees in the country.

In this case, pay attention to electric saws with a power of 3-4.5 kW.

Professional electric saws, which are used for industrial purposes, have the greatest power.

For periodic operation at the dacha, a regular model may well suit you with a power of approximately 1.2-2.5 kW.

In our electrical networks, especially in dachas, the voltage often drops. The motor tries to compensate for this drop by increasing the current. And this significantly affects the resource of his “life”. Therefore, we still advise you to select the power not end-to-end, but with a certain margin, or use a voltage stabilizer.

The electric saw motor can be structurally located longitudinally or transversely relative to the body.

The transverse location is more suitable for conventional vertical cutting. For example, for cutting logs or boards at right angles from bottom to top. Some versions of these saws have poor balancing, so working with them in other positions is quite inconvenient, for example, sawing off branches at an angle above your head.

Devices with a longitudinal motor arrangement are more expensive, but ease of use makes them very popular. These saws are perfectly balanced due to the features of their design, which allows you to cut comfortably under different angles in any planes.

Therefore, when the main task of an electric saw is cutting building materials or firewood, then why pay more for the longitudinal arrangement of the motor?

Tire size

The size of the working bar where the chain is attached varies, depending on the purpose. The tire size indicates the diameter of the bar that can be cut in a pass. If the task is to cut fairly thick logs, then you need to choose a longer tire size. If you plan only seasonal work at the dacha - sawing firewood and pruning trees, then a smaller size is sufficient. The optimal choice for garden work and summer cottages is a tire with a length of 35-45 cm.

Chain brake

When the working part of an electric saw comes into contact, especially its “toe” with a hard surface or in any other cases, a reverse impact may occur, in which the chain is sharply thrown towards the head. To prevent kickback install chain brake for electric saw.

This lever, in the form of a protective shield, is located in front of the handle. During a reverse strike, the operator involuntarily hits such a shield with his left hand, and this leads to a stop in the rotation of the chain. Usually, given value equals 0.1 sec.

Engine overheat protection

This protection is not found on all electric chain saws– pay attention to this when choosing, since protecting the motor from overheating will be a rather useful addition. This is a thermal relay that monitors the increase in temperature of the electric motor. Upon reaching maximum temperature the relay turns off the power supply. In some situations, a thermal relay can literally save the saw from failure. For example, the oil tank runs out of oil. The engine wears out because the chain is not lubricated, heats up and burns out.

Power lock button

It is your guarantee of safety when working with a power saw. If it is absent, the operator, taking the equipment in his hands, may involuntarily press the saw switch lever. There is no need to explain what serious consequences this could lead to.

If, when choosing, you liked some model, but without the locking function, then it is advisable to abandon it. It’s just that everyone’s products popular manufacturers There is definitely such a blockage. Accordingly, you are faced with a fake or low-quality model.

Brake and smooth start of the electric motor

The moment the electric saw is turned on is the most dangerous, since at that moment the greatest starting current passes through the motor winding. This impact significantly reduces the life of the motor. On some models, to protect them from sudden switching on, there is a system that ensures a smooth increase in the starting current. Thus, the engine gradually gains speed. The smooth start also ensures high safety for the operator.

Overrun brake necessary to almost instantly stop chain rotation after turning off the electrical power.

Tool weight

More powerful electric saws naturally have more weight. There is a direct relationship here. You need a powerful device - put up with its large mass. The weight of a 1.2-1.9 kW electric saw is approximately 3.4-4.8 kg.

Oil tank

Found in any electric saw, it is used to lubricate the chain during operation. As a rule, the volume of this tank for household saws is 0.11-0.3 l, which enough for several hours Not good active work. It is quite convenient if there is a visual scale for the oil level. It is necessary to monitor the oil level so that the chain does not run dry.

Chain tension

Also important point- chain tensioner. When working, it is often necessary to tighten a loose chain. This function is implemented differently in different models; in more modern models there is a special wing handle for this purpose. In cheap tension saws you will need to use a special wrench or screwdriver, which is not always convenient.

During operation, periodically check the chain tension. If you installed a new chain, then after a few minutes of work, check its tension - when you pull it up with your fingers from above by the chain in the center, it should not stretch more than 5 mm from the bar and when released it should return and be tightly in the groove. If the chain is sagging at the bottom, it needs to be tightened.

Working with a chain saw

An electric saw, unlike gasoline models, cannot work constantly. For example, when sawing wood, it needs a rest from time to time so that the engine cools down.

Follow these rules: cut for 15-25 minutes, rest the engine for 25 minutes. In order not to stand idle, while you can devote time to cleaning or chopping sawn logs.

Maintenance after completion of work

Any equipment must be kept clean. After work, clean the surface of the electric saw from oil stains and sawdust. remember, that before work you need to check the amount of oil in a container. Store the power saw in a dry place with the protective cover on.

When working with a power saw you must:

  • Check the condition of the bar and chain from time to time.
  • Wear light clothing (to prevent your jacket from getting tangled), protective gloves and goggles.
  • Hold the power saw with both hands only when working.
  • Do not use power tools in the rain or in a puddle.

What oil should I use?

During operation of the equipment, the chain is automatically lubricated with oil. Oil consumption during prolonged operation can be quite high - up to 1.5 liters per hour.

Professionals advise using mineral special oil for chains electric saw In practice, many people use any inexpensive motor mineral oil for automobile engines.

Chain sharpening

During work, especially active work, the saw teeth become dull all the time. A dull chain must be compensated for by longer cutting, which naturally leads to an increase in load on the electrical network, and, of course, to engine overheating. The work will eventually become ineffective and slower.

Because a sharp chain is more important than a powerful electric motor. Determining spiciness is very simple. You will notice that the sawing will be slower and harder. Sawdust will also tell you a lot. A sharp chain has square, uniform sawdust of approximately the same size. Dull throws out small sawdust with an elongated and irregular shape, and also creates a lot of dust from the tree.

Don't forget to sharpen your chain periodically. This can be done by hand, using a file or needle file, or you can use a service. Here they will sharpen you on a special machine in a few minutes and for a small amount. As an option, it is advisable to have several sharpened chains in reserve.

That is, the choice of a chain saw depends on many factors. The main thing is to decide exactly what you need a power saw for. This will enable you to avoid extra costs. Why, for example, do you need to go to the dacha? professional equipment, which you will work only occasionally?

When choosing, you should also pay great attention to safety elements. Well, of course, you need to take the equipment in your hands, evaluate the weight, determine its balancing, ergonomics and ease of use. Since you are choosing an electric chain saw for yourself, you will need to work with this device.