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Scenario of extracurricular activities in elementary school. "On the road of kindness" open extra-curricular event for elementary school

Educational event in elementary school: “Journey to the Land of Kindness”

Form of implementation: travel game.

Target. Teach children to determine in what cases a person can be called good;

teach to analyze life situations and draw conclusions from them;

help students understand the importance of goodness as a life choice;

to form moral principles: integrity, sense of mercy;

teach children to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades, to promote the development of motivation in students to do good deeds.

Develop tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity; creativity, coherent speech;

the ability to think, to identify true and false goals in life; perceive people as they are.

Bring up positive features character, desire to do good, attitude towards people with understanding and empathy. Nurture humanitykindness, decency.

Equipment: statements about kindness, a multimedia board, a magnetic board, a computer, a disk with a recording of the cartoon “Just Like That”, a recording of “Waltz” by E. Doga, an illustration of the Wise Owl, envelopes with a task for working in groups (proverbs cut into pieces according to the words ).

Progress of educational activities in elementary school

1. Org. moment.

2. A minute of psychological mood.

Teacher. Children, create a circle. Close your eyes. Now hold hands and hold for a while. Let everyone focus on the palms of the neighbor on the right and left that you touch. Try to determine which palm is warm and which is colder. Which one makes you feel better? That's right, from the one from which the heat comes.

3.Introductory conversation.

Teacher. The same thing happens when they say, “it’s warm in the soul, it’s good.” And when does your soul feel good? (When a person hears a kind word, when a good deed is done for him, when he himself does good to others.)

Indeed, children. IN human life There are things that seem to have no significance, invisible and impossible to measure. But without them our life becomes poorer, gray and colorless everyday life. Among all human virtues, kindness occupies a special place.

Think about it: what do we want when we say hello?

Good afternoon, which means good.

What do we ask God to bestow on someone?

Okay, good health.

How do we go about asking for help?

Kind people.

What is good? (Children answer). Who in our class can be called good, kind? Why do you think we are talking about kindness today?

Today, more than ever, we must not only talk about kindness, but also do good. There are many people who are called volunteers, they do a lot of good deeds for other people.

4. Creating an associative bush.

Together with you, I want to collect everything that we talked about into one miraculous flower. And what kind of flower this is, you will understand after listening to the story “If I had a flying carpet.” (read by teacher)

Far, far across the sea, among high mountains, growing wonderful flower. It blossoms in early spring and blooms all summer until late autumn. This flower has an extraordinary property: it purifies the air. Whoever breathes the air of this flower never gets sick.

If I had a magic carpet, I would fly overseas, land in the mountains, and find amazing flower. I would collect its seeds and bring it home. I would distribute a seed to all people, so that everyone would grow a miraculous flower, so that there would not be a single sick person.

So I want this flower to bloom here too. And this will happen when you and I play a game called “I want.”

The teacher explains the conditions of the game.

I'm starting this game. I want there to be good on earth. (Draws a petal to a flower on the multimedia board). Children take turns and finish drawing one petal at a time, saying:

I want there to be joy;

I Want there to be mercy;

I want there to be happiness;

I Want there to be peace;

I want there to be friendship;

I want there to be humanity.

5. Setting a social hour.

Children, I would like to live in a country where people would refrain from bad deeds and evil intentions, but would be good and charitable.

What is charity?


The word charity comes from the combination “to do good.”

It's a good habit to take care of other people. People appreciate sympathy when it is sincere. Someone else's grief should not leave us indifferent. There is even a proverb: “There is no such thing as someone else’s grief.”

6. Report the topic of the lesson. Motivation.

So today we will go to the Land of Kindness, in which we will learn to be kind, merciful, and benevolent. But the stops in this country where we will stop are not easy, but with different tasks. To move forward in the country, we must solve them. (On a magnetic board - a map of the Country of Kindness)

7. Journey to the Land of Good.

We arrived at the Vokzalnaya stop. We change to a city bus and move on.

a) Stop “City of Good Deeds”.

(“Brainstorming”: discussing life situations).

What would you do if next...

Someone is crying.

The elder insults the younger.

A small kitten sits high on a tree and screams.

Little brother is sad.

The flower in the pot has dropped its leaves.

My sister's favorite book was torn.

Mom came home tired from work.

b) Stop “Knizhnaya”.

Group work: reading and discussing stories

c) Stop “Sportivnaya”. (Physical education minute)

d) Stop “Illustrative”.

The teacher shows illustrations depicting various situations. Children tell which actions are bad and which are good.

e) Stop “Cartoon Street”.

Watching and discussing the cartoon “Just Like That.”

Do we have children in our class or school who demand a reward for something?

f) Stop "Lesnaya".

Introducing students to the Wise Owl, who brought tasks for children: in envelopes there are cut proverbs about kindness and they need to be folded and read.

(Work in groups).

1 group

A kind word / will warm you in the cold.

Everyone is capable of spite, / but only a real person can do good.

A good word builds a house, / but a bad word destroys it.

2nd group

You can’t appreciate good things / until you do good things yourself.

A kind word / and the ice will melt.

The first step to good / not to do evil.

A kind word to a man / like rain in a drought.

(Children read out educated proverbs.)

The teacher hangs the “Rules of Charity” on the magnetic board and reads it out.

Charity rules

The first step towards good is do not do evil.

Whoever wishes good to a person receives it himself.

Live, do good, and don’t ask for rewards for it.

Help the weak, the little, the sick, the old, those in trouble.

Feel sorry for others, not yourself.

The greatest joy for a person is to live for people.

Do not be greedy.

Forgive others' mistakes.

8. Summary of the lesson.

This is the end of our journey through the Land of Good. But I know that some children prepared poems for our lesson.

To the sounds of “Waltz” by E. Doga, children read poetry.

Teacher. According to legend, when a person is born, God lights a new star in the sky and sends a Guardian Angel to the child. In a dream, an angel kisses a child three times:

On the forehead - so that she grows up smart;

In the face - to be beautiful;

In the chest - so that health, love and goodness will infuse his body, heart, soul.

May your star of kindness never go out. If we all do good, our planet will turn into Magic world. So let there be more goodness on earth, happiness and those who are in a hurry to create it. (On the multimedia board there is an image of an Angel)

Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

KSU “Secondary school named after. N. Ostrovsky"

Collection of extracurricular activities

Prepared by: Alieva N.V.

Borodulikha 2016

The house I live in

The purpose of the class hour : expand students’ ideas about the value and significance of their home, school, village, republic, globe.


Expand the meaning of the concepts “native land”, “Universe”, “small homeland”;

Foster a sense of patriotism;

Foster a sense of responsibility;

Progress of the event.

Host: Today we are talking about important word in the life of any person, this word is HOME.

Conversation: When you hear this word, what or who do you think of first?

(Children's answers)

Is born into the world small man and everyone has their own home. In his home, he is surrounded with affection and care, given boundless love. Home is the place where you want to return again and again.

Imagine that the word HOME is not a word at all, but encrypted words.

How would you decipher this word?

For example: Kind Very Nice; Dear Father Mom;

Poems about home: How they spin when we

Not knowing any fatigue, sometimes saddened

No peace - every hour, How much joy does mom have?

Day and night our dear ones. If someone praises us

Everyone is worried about us. How much torment they had with us

We were lulled to sleep, fed, and she didn’t need any rewards.

They sang to us at the crib, Mom dreams of one thing

They taught us first. About the love of your children!

Kind kind words.

Reading an excerpt from the work “Young Guard” “Mother’s Hands”

Thank you, dear ones, for your concern,

For every night sigh at the head of the bed,

And you sacredly fill it with love.

After all, because of us it’s hard for you

Stealthily wiped from my own cheek.

And no matter how hard life may be for us

When melancholy frightens with a black shadow

And may God grant you to live longer in the world!

The song "Parent's House" is performed


Presenter: The children grew up and went to school. The house they will have to go to every day for 11 years. This is very important stage in the life of any person. Guys, think about school and try to decipher the word HOME so that it is directly related to school.

For example, HOME: Friends. Very. Many, Doors Open to Many

Now let’s listen to songs about the school that will say more about it than any words.

“In the very center of the village”, “School years”, “Notes with doves”

Poems about school:

Time flies quickly, everything changes

Colleges and lyceums are appearing everywhere

And among them our school is ordinary,

Our high school is excellent.

You will appreciate the school only then,

When years flash by like moments.

She will often dream about her at night.

No one will forget their school years!

Children grow up and leave their home and school. But he will never forget the city, the village in which he was born. We call our village our home.

A story about the history of the village

Let's decipher the word HOME: My Dear Fatherland

Performance of the song “Dear Borodulikha”, “My little village”

(Hearing parable C114)

I love you, my native land! Under the blue dome of heaven

Oh, how dear you are to me, The familiar meadow is blooming

Oh, how dear you are to me! A living carpet around

Your humble beauty. Any stream I know here

He is my old friend.

My dreams are full.

How not to call home the state that gives you the opportunity to live without war, study, and have friends. Of course, I'm talking about our Republic of Kazakhstan.

Let's decipher the word HOME: A Power Open to the World

We perform the song “Oh yes in Kazakhstan”

(Reading poems about the Motherland of 3 people)

"Dear, motherland» L. Leshchenko.

Each person has his own home, grows up and comes to school, where he has classmates, residents of his village, he proudly calls fellow villagers, all residents of our Republic honorably bear the name - Kazakhstanis. And all the people on the huge planet Earth boldly call themselves earthlings.

Here, guys, we come to the most important thing in our lesson today:

A person takes care of his home, all together we must take care of our home called school, speak with pride about our village, preserve nature, take care of the cleanliness of our village. The main thing is to grow up as a worthy citizen of your state: to honor the traditions of the people, respect the language. Do everything to ensure that everyone likes our “HOME”!

Let's expand on the concept of HOME: Friendly Huge World- planet Earth!

This is what we should all think about and do everything in our power to ensure that it always remains this way.

The most beautiful, dear,

Colorful, cheerful, lively,

You are like a mother to us, the only one in the world,

We are your caring children.

But sometimes under our hands

Your beauty disappears without a trace.

The oceans are choked with mud,

Animals, birds, grasses die.

Wherever we live on the planet,

We are all responsible for fate.

We are your helpers, friends,

We, the Earth, are one family with you.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Her life-giving colors

Sunset, enchanting dawn,

Forests, plains, mountains grandeur

And the rivers are transparent blue-

Such a rare treasure!

His fate is in the hands of people!

Song performed:

“I, you, he, she - together the whole country”

Result of the event:

The planet is the house in which we live,

And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun

We want to live in this house forever.

The planet is a house decorated with labor,

Do you know the price of such a house?

What happens if the roof is under fire?

What will happen if the walls are broken?

The planet is a house in which, day after day,

Flowers and bread grow, children laugh.

And this house is one for everyone - one for all.

There is no other house in the whole world.

The planet is a house, under the snow and rain,

In any frost or heat it works great.

Keep this house we live in

We all have the right to this peaceful home.

The song “The Earth is visible through the porthole” is performed

Mother's day


Formation of spiritual and moral qualities.

March 8th is a wonderful and traditionally beloved holiday in our country. It is beautiful not only because it is the first spring holiday, when nature awakens and the time of love comes. Men worship the bright image of a woman - a Beautiful Lady. Yes, and in our dynamic time-time high technology, Internet, mobile communications, computers and super speeds - a woman must still remain a Woman. For only on her kindness, mercy, tenderness, spiritual subtlety and generosity does this world rest. When these qualities in a woman die, the world will collapse. And this is not a metaphor, but the truth. That is why it is so important to dedicate March 8 to a woman - mother, wife, lover, sister, friend, grandmother.


Today is March 8th, a solemn day! Day of joy and beauty! On this day, men should kneel and give all women flowers - as beautiful as the women themselves!


Thank you very much to you for the flowers, and for the warm words, and for the attention. I think all the women sitting in the hall will agree with me...

Why, all the women of the world! Agree that more than anything else in the world, we women love warm words, attention from men and flowers. If we have all this, we are ready for any feat!

Hello, Dear friends!


Hello, dear women! We know this holiday as one of the kindest and most beautiful. On this day, no woman should be left without a gift. Please accept our congratulations and may a smile appear on your face that will not leave you for a long time.


According to tradition, the little ones came to congratulate you.

(4th grade students read congratulations.)

    The winter cold is still raging,

The eighth is just a day of spring,

But with golden flowers

All the streets are already full.

2. Sunday is not an idle day

The boys have a hundred worries -

Spring first holiday

Walking down the street.

3.In a fluffy yellow dress

He entered every house.

Figure eight on the asphalt

The student brings it out.

4. Into the cloudless blue

The brave pilot took off.

Huge number eight

He outlined the whole sky.

5. And bagels in the window

The eight of us lay down!

The number eight is everywhere

Just take a closer look.

6. Today is the number eight

We love everyone else!

We congratulate you on the holiday

All dear women!

(A song is sung about mom, a 4th “A” grade student)

Congratulations continue to the 4th grade students.

    The sun is beautiful in the sky,

The birds sing merrily

They wish you joy

And they send greetings to spring!

2. We are all dressed up today,

The boots are on fire.

Congratulations on Women's Day

We gathered as if for a parade!

3.All shirts are ironed,

All pants are ironed.

Today we walked around the puddles.

And we didn’t fight.

4. We didn’t walk upside down,

Didn't lie on the floor.

We didn't sit on top of each other.

And they didn’t get dirty in chalk.

5. Today we are like dandies,

In front of you at the blackboard,

But more beautiful than our girls

We didn't anyway.

6. We wish you only happiness.

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

There is simply no such thing in the entire school.

(4th grade students perform a congratulation song)


Spring, flowers, holiday. It's time to talk about what every woman dreams of. Let's really talk about the one that makes you smile and makes you happy. About love!

Presenter. Love can be different: first, beautiful, tender and even funny. But in any case - enjoy!

We bring to your attention several life stories.

    A 5th grade student reads a poem

"There is a student in our class"

In our class, a student-

I want to marry her.

Everyone at school is afraid of Nadya:

He's good at fighting.

This is the one I need

Faithful companion and wife.

At one of the breaks

I'll go up to Nadya N.

Let me pump you up from afar:

Let me write off the tasks.

He'll probably give you a punch.

Can't wait for the change.

At least let him apologize.

No, I can bear it, I can’t rush.

Since you have decided to get married.

Everything will have to be endured,

But he will teach you how to fight,

He will accompany you to school.

Everyone will start to be afraid of me

And respect for your courage.

2. (Staging of the poem “I remember the youth of the year”

3. The poem “Everyone can guess” is performedLeading.

O. women, we praise you, shy ones,

And to the extent of good, and not to the extent of evil,

Sometimes faithful, and sometimes fickle,

Half-magical and half-earthly!


Spring is a time of warmth and light,

It's time for excitement in the blood.

And let the words of hello

They sound like a declaration of love.

(Read the poem “Month of March,” “Give women flowers”)

The month of March, like a schoolboy skipping

He rushed towards us, so mischievous.

Get out the bouquets, boys,

Congratulate your classmates on spring.

Where there are flowers, there the frosts will recede,

So that the streams ring near schools.

Don't forget to add mimosas

In the morning to the teacher's desk.

The trees have exposed their crowns,

Forgetting your winter dreams.

Freckles sparkled provocatively

On the face of the laughter there is spring.

The sunny bunny jumps on the desks,

Bird chirping floats from above,

From the smiles of cheerful March

Flowers are appearing everywhere.

Telegrams, postcards, greetings -

March is approaching its eighth day.

Don't forget, boys, bouquets,

Congratulations to classmates on spring.

“Give women flowers.”

Give women flowers

Whether for a birthday, in the spring,

One at a time or in masses -

Give women flowers.

Fragrant flowers

Suitable for any occasion.

Coming to the house, leaving the house,

Give a feeling of beauty.

Give at dusk and during the day,

In the square and in the corridor.

Those with whom in love or in discord,

Decorate with rainbow fire.

When a woman is sad,

She goes to her kingdom,

And here medicines are helpless,

But the lily's fate is near.

And you need to give flowers like this,

To put such meaning into them,

So that a gentle heartbeat

It conveyed their features.

Among the endless bustle

I call again: get up!

Forget yourself, don't forget

Give women flowers.


Be happy!

Be loved!

Be lucky in everything

So that all sorrows pass by,

To bring only joy to your home!

(Song being played)


We found out that woman and love are synonymous!

But the main calling of women is to be a mother.

1.This word sounds the same

In various earthly languages.

Whispers - mom! caressed baby

Falling asleep in her arms!

    The first step and the first fall

And through his tears he calls his mother.

Mom is a true salvation,

Only she will save you from pain.

    They became adults and became stubborn.

In the whirlwind of events and days

We are protected by my mother’s prayer,

But sometimes we forget about it.

    We are chasing illusory happiness,

We don’t have time, we don’t have time.

But in a dream we return to our home

Touch the warmth of her hands.

    Bow down to the graying head

And press her fingers to her lips.

Having understood everything, endured everything,

You forgive your children, mother.

(musical number)

2nd reader.

Guide my path in life,

The mother will lead and keep it carefully.

And if I suddenly stumble while walking -

Then mom will cover up the trouble with herself.

I'm happy - and my mother's eyes are shining,

I'm crying - tears fill my eyes.

And so as not to upset my mother,

I want to live this life with dignity.

3rd reader.

Mom's palms are warm and tender.

They warm like the sun of spring.

When you are sad or sick sometimes,

They touch - away with illnesses!

The clouds will hang, the thunder will thunder,

But your mother is sitting next to you.

He will lightly run his palm over his forehead -

And the sun will shine with its rays again.

Don't wither the flowers and away with sadness,

When your mom is next to you.

4th reader.

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world,

You look into the eyes openly and directly.

No matter how far the road takes us,

Beautiful mothers accompany us.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone upsets her so often...

And a kind mother forgives all this -

A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Without bending stubbornly under the load of worries,

She performs her duty patiently...

Every mother is beautiful in her own way,

She is beautiful with her mother's love.


5th reader.

Thank you, dear ones, for your concern,

For every breath above your head,

For the fact that our souls you willingly

And you sacredly fill it with love.

Forgive us for every wrinkle

After all, because of us it’s hard for you...

Forgive us for every tear,

Stealthily wiped from my own cheek.

And how hard it is for us in life,

When melancholy frightens with a black shadow,

Holyly protects us from all troubles

Blessings to beloved mothers.

May adversity not touch your days,

And may God grant you to live longer in the world!

Today you love, health, happiness

We wish your children with all our hearts!

Matinee “Around the World with Santa Claus”

Goal: Formation of aesthetic taste and development of cognitive qualities.

1. Reader

What kind of guest has come to us?

How elegant and slender,

The star is burning above,

And the snow glistens on the branches,

And all the way to the top of your head

Covered in toys and firecrackers.

Reader 2

Brighter, brighter let it sparkle

Christmas tree with gold lights

Happy New Year

Dear guests!

Reader 3.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of radiant lights.

It seems she is more beautiful than everyone else

Everything is greener and lush.

Reader 4.

At the New Year's tree

Green needles.

And from bottom to top

Beautiful toys.

Reader 5

Hanging on balls on branches,

Magic lanterns

And beads and snowflakes,

And blue ice!

Reader 6.

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

So that the tree wants

Come visit us again.

Reader 7.

Everyone have fun today

And laugh, don't be lazy

It's fun to celebrate the holiday,

Don't be bored for a second.

Reader 8.

Today the law here is simple:

"Sing and dance, dance and sing"

Let's forgive all mistakes today,

But not the absence of a smile

Reader 9

Hello, New Year's holiday

Christmas tree and winter holiday

All my friends today

We invited you to visit!

Reader 10.

New Year's round dance

The children waited all year round.

Dads, moms, kids

We are happy about the Christmas tree from the bottom of our hearts.


Words of congratulations, Remember who the most important guest is at the New Year holiday. We make sure that there are many such guests, but first of all we turn to the Christmas tree.

I am Queen YOLKA.

I invite everyone to the palace!

My needle shines.

There will be music playing!

We will sing and have fun!

Play, laugh, dance!

And never lose heart!

Dialogue with the Christmas tree.


    Do you like it at our holiday?

    Do you like our kids?

    Which children do you love most?

    Kind ones? Naughty? Happy? Naughty?

Lazy? Capricious? Well-mannered?

Conclusion: The Christmas tree will watch over the children. At the end of the holiday, only those who had fun, played and did not misbehave will receive gifts!

(We perform the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

And now it’s the turn of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Let's call them, friends! Santa Claus! Aw!

Father Frost.

Hello children! I'm in a hurry to get to you. My magical felt boots quickly take me around the world and I will definitely come to you. You just need to be patient and wait a little. You are ready?


I can’t come to you now because I’m in India. Yes, don't be surprised. After all, the New Year is celebrated all over the world. But everyone's traditions are different. During my journey, I will keep in touch with you, send you emails in which I will tell you about the traditions of celebrating the holiday in different countries. Agreed?


So this is the country of India! It's very hot here, there's no snow. But then there is New Year. New Year's Eve in India they meet not at midnight, but at sunrise. On this day it is forbidden to quarrel or get angry. It is considered the most fashionable and important

The ritual of flying a bright kite into the sky.

I wish you a pleasant stay and see you on air soon!

Concert number: “Gypsies” (4 people are pre-selected from the audience - support group + Parents by cell phone number)

(Props: 6 scarves)

Father Frost.

Friends, I'm in Japan. In the land of the rising sun.

New Year in Japan is not just a holiday, but a kind of general birthday. On New Year's Eve, Japanese children are busy drawing. There is a legend here that if you put a picture of what you dream about under your pillow, then any wish will come true. And my favorite game of the Japanese is “Dancing Tiger.” Play it, see you soon on air.

Concert number “Chocolate Bunny”

(Support group - 4 people.)

Game “Dancing Tiger” (2 blankets)

Guys, I am in a mysterious country - Tibet.

In Tibet, there is a nice New Year's custom: housewives bake pies and give gifts to all friends and strangers. If you are obedient, I will bring you Tibetan sweets as a gift. Agreed? Bye!

Musical number “Oriental Tales”, “Black Eyes”

(Support group - 8 people)

(Details - scarves, beads)

Father Frost.

(You can hear the clink of broken dishes, crackling, grinding, roaring)

Host: What's going on? Earthquake?

D.M. Do not worry! It's OK. It's the Italians celebrating the New Year. After all, I'm already in Italy. On New Year's Eve, Italians throw out old furniture and dishes from their apartments. It is generally accepted that if you throw away your old one, you will buy it in the new year. new thing. I’m in a hurry to come to you, your Santa Claus.

Musical number: group "Modern Talking"

(Define 2 parents + 4 children)

Game: “Walk the Line” (4 ribbons)

Father Frost

Hello! I am already in sunny Ukraine.

To say goodbye to the old year, the lights in the houses are turned off. When the clock strikes midnight, everyone is plunged into darkness. In these seconds, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark and kiss his hand. , because according to comic belief, this portends good luck.

Play, I'll be there very soon!

Game (4 scarves, Santa Claus costume)

Musical numbers:

S. Rotaru, A. Lorrek, N. Koraleva.

Father Frost

And here comes Moscow. I'm in Russia, on New Year's tree the same guys at the Moscow school. Here I see Kolya Baskov, he is in 1st grade, Ellochka Pugacheva is in 4th grade, Yura Shatunov is also here, and Valeria, and Lasa, and Zara.

I announce a song marathon. Bye!

Well, did you dance well? And while you were dancing, I had already arrived in Astana to congratulate the guys! The Astana guys say hello to you and wish you a lot of happiness in the new year!

Presenter: Ritual "shishu"

Musical numbers:

Song in Kazakh language, “Hello, capital”

Father Frost

Guys, I'm in the city of Semey.

And I'll be with you in a few minutes. Are you tired of waiting for Santa Claus? Then meet me!


In the meantime, grandfather is getting there. I want to ask you one question:

Which cartoon did you like best last year?

In the past year?

And on stage is the same Masha with the song “About Traces”

I hear the bell ringing!

Father Frost

Yes, you read that right. This is me and my Granddaughter Snegurochka. Now I know for sure that you love me, you always look forward to me, and for this I brought you gifts.

1 Festive cake from Tibetan housewives.

2 Gifts for each class.

The holiday ends with the singing of a song

"White snow sparkles brightly"

"White snow sparkles brightly"

The white snow sparkles brightly and everyone is waiting for gifts.

Because there is no New Year without gifts.

We are looking forward to the holiday so we can receive a gift.

But it’s much nicer to give it yourself

We are expecting guests from different places to come to our Christmas tree.

Everyone is not angry at all - no one will be eaten.

Even the snow skips and doesn't just fall

It opens like a book - our merry New Year.

All in good mood– and the hedgehog hid the thorns

And this wonderful day is like a common birthday.

There are skis, get on your skis - keep up, fly, jump!

So that a white, black, red friend receives a gift.

Class hour "My team"

( According to the methodology of the Self-Knowledge course )

Target : deepen students’ understanding of relationships in a large team.


Reveal the meaning of the concepts “school team”, “class team”, “joint creative activity”;

Develop the ability to value friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect in relationships between classmates;

Cultivate an attentive, caring attitude towards your classmates.

Resources: video recording, photographs cool team, use of an interactive whiteboard in work.

1. Circle of joy.

Guys, I want to start our lesson with the words of Alexandre Dumas

"One for all and all for one" .

These words are from his famous work about the musketeers, who were distinguished by their special courage and were strong in their friendship.

They will serve as an epigraph for our lesson. Because….., and about other things, more on that later. I suggest you say hello in an unusual way:

We leave one by one, forming a general handshake, as the musketeers did. And let’s loudly pronounce the epigraph of our lesson.


2.Introductory conversation.

Guys, before revealing the topic of the lesson to you, telling you about the goals and objectives, I would like you to listen to one amazing legend.

I suggest you listen very carefully to what it is about? Or rather, who is it about?

Every year, on the same fine day, people bring their most precious thing into the good hands of the gardener: a tender, fragile sprout. With what hope they look into his eyes, entrusting their treasure to him. And then a heavy burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of a real gardener. Many questions arise at the same time. How to care for small shoots, how and when to water and fertilize in time? How to protect it from bad weather, finally, so that real flowers grow and do not get crowded among the enormous splendor - thistle, thorn, datura. The gardener thinks and dreams that people would admire his flowerbed, rejoice when looking at it, and see in it only a good beginning. And only then will the gardener’s joy be limitless.


Guys, who do you think this legend is about? Who acts as a gardener? What about the fragile sprout and the future flower?

So, guys, unfortunately, you and I have six months left to work together and after this time I will hand over my “flower bed” to other gardeners. And how I want my flowers to be distinguished by their special beauty - soulful!

Setting lesson goals and objectives:

Today we will once again talk about friendship, mutual understanding, and the word collective.

During the lesson we have many guests who will observe our work throughout the lesson and will appreciate my “flower garden”

(You can hear sound signal)

It came to us email. The hero Dobrozhelaikin sent us questions and asks us to answer them.

Question 1: What is a class team?

Question 2: Can your class be called a cool team? Why? What about your family?

Question 3: Do you like it, do you want to come to school every day? Why?

Suggested situations:

    How to collect scattered sticks in one second?

    Inflate 20 balloons at once and give them to guests.

    How to eat 20 candies at the same time?

Visualization demonstrating the concept of a team:

(Large tangerine, box of pencils, examples of children.)

A journey into the past.

Children, I invite us to remember how it all began. Three years ago we held a class hour, and it was called “Huge Children's Heart” and the talk in this lesson was about goodness, about how important it is to be a good friend, to love your classmates.

Let's see what you said then? Did we manage to do everything?


We also talked about this in third grade. Let's see.


3. Reflection on the situation.


1. The lesson had just begun when the student dropped his briefcase and the contents spilled out. How will you behave in this situation?

Let's rush as a class to help.

Let's laugh out loud, because it's funny.

Another variant.

2. During recess, two friends swear loudly and quarrel. Your actions:

Pass by, it doesn't concern me.

Can we make a circus out of this spectacle? I love watching quarrels and fights.

Passing by is their problem.

Tell the teacher, let them punish them.

Another answer.

3. The teacher calls to the board a student who does not know the topic, but tries to answer something, looking to the team for help. What is the right thing to do?

You can give me some hints.

Laugh loudly at him with the whole class so that he feels ashamed.

Intercede for him and ask the teacher to ask him tomorrow, promising to help him figure out the topic.

4. Song marathon.

(Use karaoke) There are so many songs about friendship, I suggest everyone remember the most popular ones and perform them together with the guests.

It's fun to walk together...

Friendship is strong...

5. Let's listen to proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Friendship is like glass, if you break it you won't be able to put it back together

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

Friend is known in trouble.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, and if you find him, take care.

Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.

Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.

Not into service, but into friendship.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

The world is not nice when there is no friend.

Good friend- a joy for the soul.

Remember friendship, but forget anger.

Don’t love an indulgent friend, love a counter-indulgent.

Be with your friend in sorrow and in joy.

Help a friend in need.

There are many friends, but no friend.

Without friends, you are an orphan.

6.Creative activity

A class is a large group of like-minded people. If the team is friendly, then learning is fun, easy and exciting.

Without exaggeration, I can say that we are the most famous class in elementary school. Because we have the highest speed of movement along school corridors, the highest jumping ability on stairs, conquering the top of the school Debye, this feat is ours. And not only at school, but throughout the entire village, people know about the sonorous voices of my children.

This is of course a joke, we have a lot of good deeds. Last year we took part in the “Ainalayyn” competition and won three certificates at once. It’s easy for me to organize school events, because I have a real, friendly team of children. We love hiking, excursions, celebrate our birthdays together - we live like a big happy family.

Today we will show and reveal to you our children's talents.

(The class was previously divided into four groups)

The guys were tasked with performing four musical numbers.

Number 1 - One simple fairy tale.

Number 2 – How can we not have fun...

Number 3 – Ditties

Number 4 – He lives in high school our class.

7. Generalization.

We guys should try to be friendly and always respect those around us.

Remember that friendship in the class is strong through trust and mutual understanding.


8 . Homework.

Write an essay about our school family. Are you happy with us, maybe something is bothering you?

9. Circle “From Heart to Heart”

What good children have grown up!

Your faces are amazingly clear,

May your life in the world be easier!

I wish you to achieve a lot in life.

Perhaps today it will be more difficult for you

The program gets deeper and deeper

Difficult subjects.

And yet the children grew up good!

And how much enthusiasm there is in my guys!

But other than that, judging by many signs,

We ourselves were once the same,

And it was not humility that brought us into the people.

Concluding our lesson, we would like to wish everyone good luck and patience and health!


Class hour “On the path of goodness”

Goals and objectives:

1) Foster in children a sense of friendship and camaraderie;

2)Give knowledge about moral standards of behavior

3) encourage children to self-education of moral qualities;

Progress of the event:

1) Opening speech by the class teacher:

Today we will talk about a topic that is very important for all people on the planet - this

D O B R O "

2) In search of goodness, we will set off along the road of goodness!

(Image of a desert appears)

Children! This is what the world will look like without kindness and love! We must turn this desert into blooming garden- full of joy, peace!

Is everyone ready to go on the journey with me? Children's answer

So, let's go!

What does the word friendship mean? Children's answers






(Templates for making crafts are prepared in advance on the children’s tables)

Friendship is the basis of goodness on earth! (take a circle from the template that represents the desert land)


1) A true friend everywhere 2) And in everything without further words

He is ready to help you!

faithful in good and bad

Your sadness worries him

You don't sleep - he won't be able to sleep!

3) How to swear and tease

It's better for us to put up with you

Let's smile together

Songs to sing and dance

4) Swim in the lake in summer

And pick strawberries

Ice skating in winter

Make babies, play snowballs.

5) Divide the candy between two people,

All the problems and secrets

It's very boring to live in a quarrel

So let's be friends!

4. We continue to grow the garden. What needs to be sown in the ground. To see the result? (We plant a seed)

5 Guys, what is responsiveness?


Treat your comrades kindly and be able to be friends. Come to the rescue always and everywhere.

Be merciful, show mercy.

Guys, I want to know if you can distinguish good from evil, good from bad.

(We use signal cards - red and green)


“Leopold the Cat and the Mice”, Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile”, etc.

Which hero would children like to be like, and who would they never want to be? Why?

TEACHER'S WORD - let's return to the flowers of our garden. Guys, why doesn’t the seed grow?


(Add a drop of water)

Poems: 1) Always do good and evil,

In the power of all people.

But evil happens without difficulty

It is more difficult to do good.

2) The beast gives birth to the beast.

A bird gives birth. Bird

From good to good.

Evil causes evil to happen.


What is good? Questions: - Can children do good? Aren't you, children, too young for good deeds? good deeds?

(Recording of children's answers, video recording)


1) Be merciful man

All people have one planet.

And there is no wind, and there are no boundaries for the flight of wild birds.

2) We are destined to breathe all the same air

Let us unite forever!

3) Let's save our souls,

Then we ourselves will survive on earth!

5) (Back to our flower model)

Children, what else is needed for normal plant growth?

Children's answer: - light and warmth.


Questions for conversation: Who is more pleasant to look at: a gloomy, capricious or smiling person? Which one is more pleasant to be friends with? Why?

Teacher's word: We are visiting " Wise Owl" The owl will ask us several problems and check their solutions. (3 teams participate. 3 situations are offered, children are asked to evaluate

situations, give an answer and solve the problem correctly.)


An old man walks, leaning on a stick. He stops to rest. And he wanders again. The boys watching him began to imitate his gait, hunched over, moved their legs, and the boys laughed merrily.


The little girl Aigul entered school for the first time. The girl was scared, there were tears in her eyes. The older guys noticed this. They ran up to the girl and began to tease her. The girl cried, and the guys laughed merrily.


The bus is crowded, everyone is on their way home from work. Katyusha takes the vacant seat and looks cheerfully at those who are standing with a smile.

(Possible staging, analysis of answers)

Poems: Rejoice in the light,

Rejoice at the sky

Rejoice friend

Rejoice everyone.

2) Life will be easier, life will be better

Everything will become more beautiful around.

Teacher's word: Let's complete the work, let's help our flower bloom.

In the heart of every flower are your names.

Now let's turn the desert into a blooming Garden.

The vowel in the word “GOOD” has not yet been revealedABOUT.

- Only brave people will be able to complete the journey of life."On the road to goodness »

Only brave people, but what kind of people can call themselves brave?


    Oh, how we need good deeds

We have seen this ourselves more than once

Or maybe it’s not words, but deeds that are important?

Words are words, but deeds are deeds.

RESULT Activities: The weapon of the strong is kindness!





Don't forget to give good neighbor,

To a relative, friend

It's like true magic

It will come back to you in a circle.

Prom, dedicated to saying goodbye to elementary school.

    (All the guys are backstage)

The presenter comes on stage: performs a song to the tune (KVN)

Back in our class

There is no empty space in our class.

This means a holiday

A long-awaited holiday, but which one?

The presenter comes on stage:

If it happens again

From smiles and songs it’s crowded,

This means a holiday

Our class is celebrating graduation.


Graduation, what does it mean?

Where are they released from? And where?


They are letting us out, Sasha. primary school to secondary, from one teacher to many teachers.

Oh, how great!


Oh, how bad, Sasha!

(They sit on a bench, 2 children appear on stage. A song is performed to the tune

"Cheerful neighbor")

How can we not worry:

Today is a difficult day.

How many days have we waited, brothers?

This holiday is graduation.

But it's a little worrying

How the fifth grade will greet us,

How everyone can learn

What will we get?

(Everyone runs out)

How can we not have fun?

Everything will work out for us.

Both girls and boys -

Inseparable friends!

We stand by each other,

Together we are one family!

3. Conversation on stage.

School. This word has become near and dear to us. And where does it begin - With a briefcase? From the first call?

From a piece of white chalk?

From the first letter? From the first assessment?

From the first school break?

Or maybe from the first page of the album?

With paints and a brand new diary?

From the board and desk?

From the ABC book.

Why - I don’t know exactly, but I only know when: always at the beginning of September!

4. (Sit down)

One simple fairy tale

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple -

We want to tell you.

When we were seven years old

Or maybe eight

Or maybe six years

We won't elaborate.

To one simple school,

Or maybe not to school,

Or maybe not simple -

Our mothers brought us.

It was an autumn day,

Or maybe not autumn,

Or maybe he wasn't standing

They brought us anyway.

Suddenly some aunt

Or maybe not auntie,

Or maybe not some kind -

It was the director.

Congratulated the parents

Congratulated the teachers

Congratulated the entire district,

Without forgetting about us.

We stood for half an hour

Or maybe they weren’t standing

With briefcases, with flowers,

Under the sun, not in the shade.

But to the school where our class was,

Or maybe not our class.

Or maybe not to school

We were still taken in.

Behind the door is mom and grandpa,

Behind the door is dad and grandma,

Or maybe an aunt and uncle

We remained to wait.

And in class with us,

Or maybe not with us,

Only the teacher remained -

And he began to teach us

Presenter. (Pasha) Today we are a little worried - for four years we have been climbing step by step the most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge. And today our holiday, like several years ago, is opened by our director Skoda Zoya Nikolaevna.

(Speech by the director, presentation of certificates)

For four years we climbed the most difficult steps step by step, we have learned thousands of lessons together with you since then. Dozens of rules have been learned, hundreds of problems and thousands of examples have been solved, many scientific facts have stuck in your heads, and some still don’t fit there. Thousands of hours at the desk, and that's not counting the time spent doing homework. During your time at school you will have to write a whole book, and in four years we have collected material on good magazine with the name "Primary School".

Let's turn over the pages of our journal of memories. And if anyone has a desire to add something to the pages, then please do so.

So 4 years ago we met.

(A fragment of the song “The clock is striking on the old tower” is heard)

There is a fragment of a photo. Against the background of the melody, the guys read poetry.

    We were all funny kids

When we first entered this class.

And, having received a notebook with pencils,

We sat down at the desk for the first time.

    We remember that cheerful call,

Which rang for us for the first time.

When we entered the school with flowers,

To your very best first class.

    How the teacher greeted me at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days,

And a big faithful family

New girlfriends and friends.

4. We go to first grade to study, to study

Everything is new, everything is new, everything is new with us.

A brand new pen in a brand new briefcase,

Brand new books, counting sticks,

New notebooks, new worries.

First class is the hardest of all,

Because for the first time!

5. When sitting at your desk carefully,

So as not to wrinkle the school uniform,

We revealed our alphabet,

They opened a blank notebook.

6. Presenters

1st. Yes, it was difficult to begin with, but now everything is behind us and we can handle any task.

2nd. All this is good, but what interesting things can we tell about our class?

3rd. We finished fourth and moved on to fifth. Over the years, there have been so many competitions and victories in them, class hours and open events with “Hurray!” , participation in Olympiads and winners.

1st All this is because we did everything together, amicably.

2nd. In my opinion, we have the most good class! And how do we differ from others?

3rd. High speed movement along school corridors, and especially increased noise.

2nd. Oh, yes it is.


I suggest you take a look at our lessons.

(Staging Mathematics lesson.

Teacher. Let's start with mental counting. Rustam, if you have 100 rubles and you ask your brother for another 100 rubles. How much money will you have?

Student. As before, 100 rubles.

Teacher. You just don't know math!

Student. No, you just don’t know my brother.

Teacher.-Sasha, if you find 5 rubles in one pocket and 10 rubles in the other...

Student. So I was wearing someone else's pants.

Teacher. Now we will solve the problem. Dima, please tell me the formula for finding the area of ​​a rectangle.

Student. I'm very sorry, but I don't remember her either.

Russian language lesson.


Nail, admit honestly who wrote your homework.

Student. Honestly, I don’t know, I went to bed early. (Yulia, Nail)

Teacher So, let's start the Russian language lesson. I checked your notebooks. Sultan, I asked you to write more legibly.

Student. Yes, maybe you can ask me to write without errors?

Teacher. Today we will write a dictation. Olya, I’m sure I won’t see you cheating.

Student. And I really hope so.

Lesson of Knowledge of the world.

Teacher. Where is water found in nature, Vera?

Student. You said it yourself, in nature.

Teacher. Lyuba, name six animals that live in the Arctic?

Student. Two seals and four polar bears.

Teacher. Which teeth grow last, Pasha?

Student. Gold.

Teacher. Aida, you're in the way, read to yourself.

Student. But nothing is written about me here

6. The song “The Wizard is a Dropout” is performed)

For some reason they began to load us more and more,

The teacher gives us tasks with X's,

The candidate of sciences even cries over the problem.

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning

Oh oh oh!

And we have a problem: Essay again.

Leo Tolstoy did not write such a thing when I was my age.

I don’t go anywhere, I don’t breathe ozone,

I work on the synchrophasotron at work.

For some reason they began to put more and more workload on us.

Nowadays, the first grade in school is like an institute.

I go to bed at twelve.

I don’t have the strength to undress...

I wish I could immediately become an adult and escape from childhood!

(A fragment of the song “The clock is striking on the old tower” sounds)

The second page is dedicated to those who helped the class teacher create a real team out of us, spending a lot of time and effort on this.

Dear Saule Isupovna, Aigerim Kabdullaevna, Galina Ivanovna, Vladimir Yakovlevich, Svetlana Valerievna, Baziza Kashkenovna. We would like to express our gratitude and respect. Say thank you for your hard work, ask for forgiveness for our terrible behavior and wish you continued patience in your work (Adele )with us. And we address special words of gratitude to music director Sergei Vladimirovich. Thank you for your help, thank you for your work.

You were very strict

When you taught us.

And a lot these years

you did for us.

You taught us to think.

The world of creativity has been discovered

It's great that you're happy

We learned from you.

We tried to cheat

They were often wrong.

But we believe that our finest hour will come.

Perhaps our children and grandchildren will also say:

It's great that we studied with you at school.

Thank you for your kind attention

And for your care every day and hour,

For warmth, love and understanding,

For everything you taught us.

We began to see deeper, think more broadly,

We have become older, better and wiser.

And they understood why they are so valued in the world

Wonderful and great teachers.

(The song “There is no time for teachers to grow old” is performed)

"How can we not have fun"

Page three.

Dedicated to those who accompanied us in our ascent. These are our faithful friends and helping parents. They guided us with good advice, wise words and instructions. How sad their eyes became when sometimes we brought a bad mark in the diary! What sparkles lit up in them when everything worked out! What a blessing that we have such wonderful parents.

    O faith of our mothers,

Never knowing any limits

Holy, reverent faith,

We are growing children.

    She is like light in a birch forest,

Nothing in the world can erase:

Not a “one” in the diary,

Nor the angry complaints of the neighbors.

    Mothers are such people -

They sigh and look at us for a long time:

“Let him get mad. It will pass! -

And again they believe, believe, believe.

    This is what mothers believe -

exacting and patient.

And they are not loud

They don't think it's a wonder.

    I just don’t care about the year

Their faith is reverent and tender.

But we don’t always

We justify their hopes.

6. Dear mothers, dear fathers!

It's so good to have you around now.

At this solemn joyful hour,

We will share our joy with you

In life for us you are the earth's compass.

After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!

We are grateful to you with all our hearts!

6. We will say thank you together now.

“Thank you” -3 rub. For patience, love, kindness

The fourth page is about what we have become in four years, and what those teachers who are looking forward to seeing us in fifth grade can expect from us. Yaroslav.

    We graduated from primary school,

We sang our farewell song to her.

We have to part with childhood

And we don’t even want to grow up.

    The teacher and I will have to part first,

You can only go to your cozy office to visit,

And we will have to wander between classes for seven years,

It is not an easy educational road to walk.

(G.A. takes the oath)

“Entering the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my martyred parents, in the face of working teachers, I solemnly swear:

    Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one.

    Do not bring teachers to a boiling temperature of -100 C

    Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km/h when moving along the school corridors!

    It’s not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, the juices to be squeezed out, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills.

    Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths.

    Be worthy of your teachers! We swear! We swear!

Transfer of a class team.

(The song is performed to the tune of “Moscow Windows”)

Now the sky is already darkening,

So the windows in the area lit up,

Evening, graduation evening -

Sad holiday, and with longing

We say goodbye to elementary school, dear ones.

Build, glue, think and dream.

Let's be honest, it's not the same:

We are now one family

And there is no way we can separate.

You will dream about us at night,

We wish you much happiness,

We have known you for many years

There is no kinder person in the world!

You have proven that

Learning is light.

The time has come to say goodbye to us.

"Goodbye!" - we tell you.

We'll be back in September

Let's meet autumn in the yard

And we'll set off on a school ship.

(The song “How can we not have fun” is performed)

Final words from the teacher.

There is no more honorable work in the world,

Why teachers have a hectic job.

We will never forget you

And we will be worthy of your love!

Last quarter, spring quarter...

Thank you teacher

Because, entering the school classroom at dawn,

You remain in our hearts forever.

The corridors are getting quieter

You can even hear the beating of hearts,

Goodbye, elementary school,

We send you our farewell greetings!

We are sad, we sing, parting,

Remembering happy days

How did we come here as kids?

And how we left you.

Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart

Let's take care of our friendship

Goodbye, see you again.

In this class you dreamed with us,

And they led the way of knowledge.

Here we met our friends,

Here we made discoveries.

Don't be sad, our beloved teacher,

We will come running to you more than once.

Let others come to replace us,

We are the only ones like you.

Extracurricular activity: “The Road to Kindness.”

Goal: to form initial ideas about the concept of kindness.


  • develop a desire to be kind.
  • develop speech, memory, thinking.
  • expand children's knowledge about kindness and its role in the life of every person.
  • to form a positive emotional mood, cheerfulness, and activity.

Equipment: slide projector, envelopes with proverbs, “box of good advice and good deeds”, red and yellow balloons (for decoration).

Progress of the lesson.

If we frown in the morning,

Kindness will help us.

Come on, children, get your act together.

And smile at each other!

1.Organizational moment

Did you smile? How nice it is to look at a person who smiles a friendly smile! We all smiled, and life, even just a little bit, became happier and kinder.

2.Message about the topic of the lesson. "The road to kindness."

– I think that our lesson today will be held in a friendly atmosphere with benefit for everyone.

3. Find out:

good - everything positive, good, useful.

Kindness – responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, desire to do good

4.Now let’s listen to the fairy tale “The Good Hedgehog”. Reading the fairy tale “The Good Hedgehog.”

Good Hedgehog.

Once upon a time there lived a Hedgehog Dressmaker in the forest. She didn’t have a free minute: the hares asked to sew new fur coats for the winter; Then the squirrel’s ears were frozen, and she decided to get a hat. Hedgehog even helped flowers, bushes and trees. If someone peels off the bark, tears off the leaves, the trees and bushes cry, they call Hedgehog. She sews the bark and leaves into place, and everything grows back instantly. Apparently, Jerzykha’s needles and threads were magical. The fact is that she took the needles from herself, and the forest spiders wove threads for her.

One day, Jerzykha had so many orders that she was knocked off her feet. It was already dark when Hedgehog hurried into the ravine, where her doe and her fawn were waiting. The hunter shot at them, but missed, but the bullet touched the side of the fawn and tore its beautiful skin. The mother deer was very worried about her son and, seeing Hedgehog, said:

  • Get out of here, unknown beast, my son is lying here, his skin is torn. We are waiting for Jerzykha.
  • “Are you a little deer? I’m Hedgehog, and I’m hurrying to you,” Hedgehog answered in surprise.
  • Oh, sorry, I misspoke. Yes, this is no wonder, I’m used to hedgehogs with needles, and you have one needle sticking out in the middle of your back with a skein of cobwebs on it.

Then Hezhikha realized that she had used up all her needles, but there was no time to worry. The fawn lay with his eyes closed. The hedgehog pulled out the last needle, threaded a cobweb into it, and a minute later the fawn’s skin was neatly sewn up. The mother deer licked the wound with her warm tongue, and the fawn opened its eyes.

  • Mom,” he said, “my side doesn’t hurt anymore.”

And then he stared at Jerzykha:

  • Mom, who is this: a hamster or a gopher?

The deer angrily shushed him:

  • This is Jezhikha. She sewed up your skin. Instead of asking stupid questions, it’s better to thank her.
  • Mom, I didn’t know that Hedgehogs were naked, I thought they were covered in needles.
  • Did someone offend you, Jerzykha?
  • No, I offended myself. She spent all her needles on sewing and turned into a naked beast. And you, spruce, how did you guess that I was Hedgehog?
  • We trees have a special sense, so I will never confuse you with anyone else. And it’s not difficult to help your grief - you’re not the only one who grows needles,” the spruce added affectionately and shook all its branches vigorously.

The hedgehog felt a tingling sensation and touched herself with her paw. Thick Christmas tree needles stuck around her on all sides, and Hedgehog became better than before. She thanked the tree and happily ran home for dinner.

The little hare who came across her exclaimed in admiration:

  • Oh, Hedgehog, what a beautiful fur coat you have now: green and fluffy!

And the new needles sewed even better than the old ones.

Questions for a fairy tale

  1. What was the hedgehog like?
  2. Who else do you think the hedgehog helped in the forest?
  3. List all the good inhabitants of the natural world and explain why they are good. For example: rain waters the earth, grass givesfood for animals, the sun warms everyone.

Ved. A kind person is one who loves people and helps them. A kind person loves nature and preserves it. And love and help warm you like the sun.

5.Children's poems

Become a good wizard

Come on, try it!

There are tricks here

You don't need any special...

Understand and execute

The desire of another -

Pure pleasure,


There is a flower in the flowerbed,

Its leaves drooped.

He's sad... About what?

Did you guess his thoughts?

He wants to get drunk.

Hey, rain, rain!

And the rain came down from your watering can.

What about little sister?

Bored on the sidelines?

Something magical

Do it for your sister!

And you turned around

A zealous horse -

Galloping little sister

Rush on it!

At least mom

Haven't returned from work yet

It's not hard to find out

Her thoughts, worries.

“I'll be back,

Yes, we have to bother with cleaning again.”

And you perform a great miracle -

The floor sparkled

The dishes are shining!

And my mother gasped,

Returning home:

- Yes, it’s like in a fairy tale,

You are my wizard!

6. Collect proverbs

Our wise people have composed many proverbs about goodness. Let's connect the two halves of proverbs.

Take out the words in the envelope, restore the scattered proverb, read it and explain the meaning.

  • A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.
  • Repay good with good.
  • It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.
  • Kind words are more valuable than wealth.
  • If there is no good in him, there is little truth in him.
  • Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.
  • For a good man, a hundred hands
  • A kind word pleases the cat too

7. Magic words.

Ved . Now let's play.

A game “Don't make a mistake, please”

I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete them only when I call the “magic word”.

I beg you, stand up

Hands up!

Please clap your hands!


Jump please.

Please, sit down.

Please add lines magic words:

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... /thank you/.

The old stump will turn green when it hears... /good afternoon/.

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... /thank you/.

The boy is polite and developed and says, when meeting, ... /hello/.

When we are scolded for pranks, we say... /sorry, please/.

8. Exercise “Box of good deeds and good advice.”Remember the fairy tale about Leopold's cat. What words does he use in the fairy tale? Leopold the cat sent us a box.

This box is not simple. Good deeds have been stored in it since ancient times. Let's open the box and find out what good deeds previous generations have preserved for us (the guys take turns going to the board and reading out the cards)

Help all people.

Love only yourself.

Take care of nature.

Protect babies.

Always say “thank you” for caring.

Always tell the truth.

Do good deeds

Hurting cats and dogs.

Give up your seat on the bus.

Be rude to mom and dad.

But what happened? Are all good deeds here? (no) Yes, the box of good deeds is clogged with completely unkind deeds. Guys, we must help the box and remove bad deeds from it (children tear up cards with bad deeds).

All other advice is correct and should be followed every day of our lives. Do we accept good advice? Will we live by them? Do you promise? (Answers)

Well done! You have done another good deed. The box was saved. Now she can introduce other boys and girls to good deeds and advice.

It's time to take stock. Our lesson has come to an end. I wish you all to do only good deeds. Hurry up to do good deeds!

It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color.

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

Kindness does not age over the years,

From Albert Schweitzer’s book “Reverence for Life” “... Open your eyes and look for where a person needs at least a little of your participation, your time, your friendly disposition, maybe you will provide a friendly service to a person who feels lonely. You need to give a part of your life to others. How you do this depends on you and the circumstances.”

Work in groups. Examples from our life.

Test "Am I kind?"

Question No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Answer yes no Points 1 1 Question No. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Answer Points Answer form Yes - No. 1,3,4,7,11 - 1 point No - No. 2,5,6, 8,9,10,12 - 1 point

Test “Am I kind?” You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family? A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this? Your partner doesn't play chess or any other game well. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game? Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up? Do you often use mean jokes? Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor? Will you keep up a conversation with a friend if this topic Are you not interested at all? Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit others? Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost? If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person's arguments? Will you do work at your parents' request if it is not your responsibility? Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Results: More than 8 points: You are kind, people like you, you know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.

Results: From 4 to 8: Your kindness is a matter of chance - you are not kind to everyone. For someone you will do anything. But try to be equal with everyone and everyone so that there are no offenses against you.

Results: Less than 4 points: You have to hard work above oneself.

Proverbs A good word It is not clothes that make a man, Hurry to a good deed, Do not boast of silver, He who does good, In whom there is no good, Do not seek beauty - but boast of good. seek kindness. and the bad will come on its own. There is little truth in that. God will thank him. and the cat is pleased. and his good deeds.

The Gospel of Matthew says: “...in everything you want people to do to you, do so to them.”

Extracurricular event “On the Road of Kindness”

Ulbutova Yulia Vladimirovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU "Chelutaevskaya secondary school No. 2", Deputy director for educational work.


The Republic of Buryatia

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

The level of education:

initial general education

The target audience:

Classroom teacher

Teacher (teacher)


3rd grade


Extracurricular activities

Goals :

    Cultivate the desire to do good deeds, the ability to give joy to others.

    Expand children's knowledge about kindness and its role in the life of every person.

    Cultivate kindness, attentiveness, and the ability to sympathize with your comrades

    Form a positive emotional mood, cheerfulness, activity, morality

    Develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, desire and ability to help.

Equipment: name of the class theme, cut proverbs, children’s drawings about good and evil, posters with the words “Good and Evil,” rules of kindness, hearts, tape recorder, recording songs

Preparatory work: children's drawings about good and evil.


Learned proverbs about good and evil,

Hearts cut out during labor lessons.

Suggested results:

Be able to distinguish good deeds from evil.

Expand children's horizons.

Form friendly relationships within the team and with others.

Progress of the event

    Organizing time.

(Smile in the background of the song) (SLIDE 2)

Hello guys! Please guess the riddle:

Joy has a friend, in the form of a semicircle.

She lives on her face: Then she suddenly goes somewhere,

Then it will suddenly return. Sadness and melancholy are afraid of it. (Smile.)

I have a request to you: please close your eyes for a minute, smile (necessarily from the bottom of your heart), open your eyes, look: it has become brighter in our class. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth. When you smile, your faces are happy and kind.

Let's smile just like that

Give smiles to random people.

Whatever for a penny, and not for a quarter,

And we’ll just smile at them!

Good afternoon again, guys! When we say these words, we sincerely wish those we meet goodness and joy. And our heart opens to sincere and kind people. Today many guests came to our lesson, let us smile at them too and wish them good day And good mood !


    Scene (parents come out and each has a candle in their hands)

The first one said:

I -calmness . Unfortunately, people don't know how to save me. I think I have no choice but to go out!

And the light of this candle went out.

The second one said:

I -faith , unfortunately, no one needs me. People don't want to hear anything about me, so there's no point in me burning anymore.

A light breeze blew and extinguished the candle.

Saddened, the third candle said:

I -Love , I have no more strength, burn. People don't appreciate me or understand me. They hate those who love them most - their loved ones.

And this candle went out...

Suddenly... he came into the roomchild and saw three extinguished candles. Frightened, he shouted:

What are you doing?! You must burn - I'm afraid of the dark! - Having said this, he began to cry.

Then the fourth candle said:

Don't be afraid and don't cry! While I'm burning, you can always light the other three candles: I -hope.

SLIDE 1. Teacher: This candle in your life, dear guys, is your parents and teachers who shine for others while burning themselves, who teach you to be kind and help others.

Today we will talk about concepts that are familiar to you. Nature has endowed man with great, brilliant virtues.(SLIDE 4) Each of us has a little sun - kindness.

What is kindness?What does this word mean? (listen to the children's answers)(SLIDE 5)

The teacher summarizes :

Kindness - this is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.(SLIDE 6 .)

1 student: This word is serious

The main thing, the important thing,

What it means

Very necessary for everyone.

It contains care and affection,

Warmth and love.

2 student : There is aspiration in him

Come to the rescue again and again

This is quality

Lives in the hearts of many

And it doesn’t let you forget about the pain of others.

And it is more important than facial beauty.

Did you guess that this is the kindness of the heart?

3. Song about kindness “Barbarika”

Determining the theme of an extracurricular activity SLIDE 1

“On the road of kindness” And today we will play KVN

We dedicate our KVN to kindness.

2 commands are called.

Team "Polite guys"

Our motto: “To respond to good with good is the business of everyone, and to respond to evil with good is the business of the brave.”

Team captain:……………………………..….(full name)

Team "Good-natured guys"

Our motto : “Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him”

Team captain:………………………………………………………...(full name)

The jury evaluates:(Knowledge, ingenuity, speed of responses and creative initiative of each team)

Teacher: I ask you to be attentive, active, help me in my work.

Teacher: Good and evil are the main basic concepts of morality. Everything that helps people and nature is beneficial -good , what harms this -evil . The highest manifestation of goodness: peace and love for the Motherland, for the mother, for other people, distant and close, for the living and the dead, for home, for nature. The highest manifestation of evil is war, murder.(SLIDE 7 )

1 Task ; There are words in front of you, ……………………….. You must divide all the words into 2 groups, attach them with magnets under the words: GOOD and EVIL


    Love indifference

    Empathy aggressiveness

    Justice hate

    Selflessness envy

    Mercy is betrayal

    Compassion indifference

    Sympathy is rudeness

    Caring selfishness

    Willingness to help deception, disrespect


What kind of person do we call good? (children's answers)

Teacher: It’s very nice that such concepts as “kindness”, “responsiveness” come to the fore.

“humanity”, “mercy”, “goodwill”, attention to each other.(SLIDE 8)

He loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times.

Loves nature and protects it.

Polite in his behavior, respectful towards adults and younger ones.

“Don’t look for beauty, look for kindness” (SLIDE 9) Our ancestors made such a wise conclusion and added:

"The world is not without good people" . They were sure that kindness, like mercy, comes from love. They say kindness is a language that the dumb can speak and the deaf can hear.

Today we are talking about the qualities without which a person cannot be called a person.

Teacher: Remember that kindness and mercy have been developed by humanity over the centuries so that this communication brings joy.

Since ancient times, people have strived for good and hated evil. And they reflected this idea in proverbs that are passed on from mouth to mouth from generation to generation.

I offer you a task that will show your knowledge of proverbs about kindness.

2 Task :In envelope No. 2 take out the words, restore the scattered proverbs, read them and explain the meaning.





(check commands)(SLIDE10)

So, let's check what proverbs you have made.

What do these proverbs teach?

Do you follow these proverbs in life?

Teacher: Guys, what other proverbs about friendship and kindness do you know??(Slide 11) (Slide 12)

- “A good word heals, an evil word cripples”

- “It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.”

- “Kindness without reason is empty”- "The world is not without good people"- “Every cloud has a silver lining”- “Friends cannot be spilled with water”- "An old friend is better than two new ones

Teacher: From these proverbs, we see that goodness always brings joy to the people around us. The first step to kindness is a kind word.

3 Task: Let's remember the magic words, the words of politeness. I read the beginning of the proverb, and you must finish it with polite words.(SLIDE 14)

    Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)

    Even a tree stump turns green when it hears... (good afternoon)

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (thank you)

    The boy is polite and playful, he says when meeting ... (hello)

    When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (excuse me, please)

    In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (goodbye!)

Well done boys! Did a great job


Teacher: Learning to truly be kind is difficult. The path to kindness is long and difficult. On it, a person expects ups and downs, descents and ascents, alternations of evil and good. Walking along the road of life we ​​must not forgetabout the rules of kindness (SLIDE 13)

Student : People, please
Become a little kinder in life,
So that warmth from your hearts,
The world has become warmer
So that the ice of all grievances melts,
People, be kinder
Warm each other with kindness.
Student: Well, what if you smile
And a good thing too
You help everyone in the world
That kindness will always help.

Everything always, everywhere and everywhere
Words, thoughts, deeds
Do good, fight evil.

Student: Oh, how can we good words needed.
We have been convinced of this more than once.
Or maybe it’s not words but deeds that are important?
Deeds are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us,
At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them.
student: No matter how life flies -
Don't regret your days,
Do a good deed
For the sake of people's happiness.
To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness,
Do a good deed -
That's why we live on earth.

Nastya: I want everyone to laugh

So that dreams always come true,

So that children have joyful dreams,

May it be a good morning,

So that mom doesn't be sad,

“Three Wishes” - Gubasaryan Anastasia

4 Task : Along the roads of fairy tales...(SLIDE 16)

Yes, it's not easy to be polite! You need to learn this throughout your life. And not only our parents and teachers help us in this, but also good old fairy tales.Let's remember which fairy-tale heroes did good deeds and brought joy to others. We need to guess who we are talking about.1. This one fairy tale hero wore a wide-brimmed hat. With a beautiful barrel organ, he walked around the cities, earning his living by singing and music. He saved the dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Papa Carlo)2. Treated animals and birds, saved sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)3. These were the favorite flowers of the girl who turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen and saved her friend from captivity in the ice (Gerda)4. This girl used the last petal to help a sick boy get better. (Zhenya from “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” by Kataev)5. This fairy-tale hero helped his master become a marquis, marry a princess and become the owner of a huge castle.(Puss in Boots)
6. This dog was the inseparable friend of the girl who helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion find what they lacked in life.(Tatoshka)
What is the difference between these fabulous good cause, interfere with evil.-Which hero would you like to be like? Why?WARM-UP (SLIDE 15)

Now we will play simple game. I have a toy in my hands. I pass it to the person standing next to me. At the same time, I call him by name and tell him something pleasant, a compliment, the next one should do the same.Teacher: You see how nice it is when people call you by name and say something nice. You should always do this in life.

5 COMPETITION “Guess the melody”. Teacher. The next test is called"Guess the melody".

Based on the initial chords, you must guess the song and perform the first verse.Suggested songs:

“Blue Car” (“Slowly the minutes float into the distance...”),

Smile” (“A smile makes a gloomy day brighter…”), “It’s fun to walk together...”,

Birthday” (“Let them run clumsily…”),

"Sunny Circle"

"Song of the Baby Mammoth"

“A grasshopper sat on the grass”

Problem test.

Now you only need to answer “yes” or “no” to my questions, using signal cards. Red circles indicate a “no” answer, green circles indicate a “yes” answer.

Is it possible to call a kind person who:

does something useful for people;

does homework for someone;


Waiting to be called for help;

He takes the old lady across the road;

Can a person be forced to be kind?

Is it possible to become kind for a while? Why?

Let us always be sincere and give kindness from the bottom of our hearts.

HOMEWORK (Slide 15)

For this lesson, I gave you homework to remember the good deeds you have performed in your life. And now each team will tell you about the good deeds you have done.

(Drawing protection).

Creative task “Tree of Kindness”.

Working with “magic” words and greetings.

- We say kind words in greetings and wishes to each other. Remember, how often do you use kind words?(SLIDE 17 )

On the board you see the Tree of Kindness, which will help you remember Kind words and wishes.

Your task: write magic, kind words on the hearts and glue them to the branches of the tree).

What tree did you grow? Well done!(SLIDE18)

Each of you can “plant” (draw on a piece of paper) a Tree of Good Deeds at home and from time to time add new hearts to it - fruits.

Summing up: awarding teams


Guys, I prepared balloons with good wishes, take one balloon each and read what is written there:

Kindness without reason is empty.
– He who loves good deeds, finds life sweet.
– Do good to others and you yourself will be without trouble.
– A good deed nourishes both soul and body.
– A kind person lives in goodness forever.
“It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.”
“What you can’t do with force, you can achieve with kindness.”
- A hundred hands for a good man.
– Kindness never loses its dignity.
– Good deeds never die

It is not clothes that make a person, but good deeds.

There are no good deeds good name

I want you to follow these rules throughout your life.

Now please give these balloons to our guests as a souvenir of this meeting..

(Slide 11) Presenting guests with heart-balloons as souvenirs.

Reflection (SLIDE 19)

Final words from the teacher:


Our competitive journey “On the Road of Kindness...” has ended.

A person should stop and reflect on his actions more often. Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people are the foundations of human happiness.

It is also difficult to preserve the world in which we live. You need to live in harmony with yourself and with others, see the beauty of nature, love animals. I wish you peace, happiness, health. and of course do only good deeds

ALL: - After all, doing good is great. (SLIDE 20)


I bring to your attention an interactive game for elementary school girls on March 8th. Can be used in class or at a party dedicated to March 8th. It can only be an addition to the holiday program. The quiz broadens students' horizons and promotes active recreation for children.

The game consists of 15 questions of different content, but they all make you remember required material and will be of interest to younger students.

This development aims to tell about the legendary man M. Kalashnikov, a Soviet and Russian designer of small arms. Expand knowledge about the historical past of our Motherland. Develop respect and interest in outstanding personalities country and its history. The form of the class hour is an oral journal. The material is accompanied by a presentation. Additional material is also used - a short video about M.T. Kalashnikov from Internet resources. This development can be used at the elementary level in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Subject: Metasubject

February 23. The intellectual game "Clever and Clever" is intended for children in grades 1-4 and can be used in classroom hours, extracurricular activities dedicated to February 23. The presentation consists of 23 tasks by February 23 and will “revive” any event and add interest to the topic. Objectives: To form in children the image of a defender of their state. Instill love for the Fatherland and native land. To foster feelings of pride in the history of the country’s formation and the need to defend the Motherland.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for 4th grade

The interactive game "All About Dogs" was created for students in grades 1-11.

The game can be played by two or more students or teams. Players take turns answering questions. You can test yourself by clicking on the question card. If the answer is incorrect, then the card will say “Move Turn” and the next question will answer that question. If the answer is correct, then the card will say “True + 1.” Whoever scores the most points will be the winner.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for 4th grade

This presentation is addressed to GPD teachers. Teachers can also use it primary classes, biology teachers. The purpose of this presentation is environmental education, the formation of a moral attitude towards environment. The event also creates interest in students’ cognitive activities and develops children’s visual memory through examples of studying the living world of cats. This presentation expands knowledge about cats and instills in children a humane attitude towards the one we have tamed.

Item: The world

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Quiz on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault for primary school. Accompanied by a multimedia presentation. The quiz uses a variety of tasks: learning a fairy tale from an illustration, a crossword puzzle, riddles, musical questions, characters in a sculpture. The work was added to the competition “Multimedia games, competitions, quizzes, simulators for lessons and extracurricular activities.”

Item: Literary reading

Target audience: for 4th grade

ESM-interactive didactic material a two-year subscription to the First-Class Newspaper of the Youth Development Center (YDC) in Yekaterinburg was used to create entertaining quiz. The questions are organized by newspaper topic and level of difficulty. Each newspaper question is asked by your favorite characters: the Cockatoo parrot, the reporter Kiwi, the builder Kalashnik, the black Wallaby, Professor Cassowary and the Alexandrina parrot.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for 3rd grade