home · Appliances · Make a wooden staircase to the cellar drawing. Do-it-yourself staircase to the basement, drawings for manufacturing. Marching type of stairs

Make a wooden staircase to the cellar drawing. Do-it-yourself staircase to the basement, drawings for manufacturing. Marching type of stairs

The staircase to the basement is formed on the house construction diagrams and is one of essential elements in design. A staircase in a private house can connect both floors and help move to the basement or to ground floor. If, after building a house, you need to install a staircase leading to the basement, then you can do it yourself without any problems. The article will talk about what types of stairs to the basement and to the second floor there are, what materials are best used for construction, and how to design the structure yourself, how to install it correctly - read this article.

It can be noted that it is better to make marching stairs in the basement - they are the simplest and most convenient in the basement. Currently, experts distinguish 3 types of stairs to the basement.


  1. Marching- are considered the simplest, they are the ones most often done independently. As a rule, they are a straight structure without bends, but they take up quite a lot of space.
  2. With platform– suitable for houses where many steps are required so that the climber can rest a little between floors. Such a staircase still takes up too much space and is completely unsuitable for Not big houses, it is better to choose it for large houses or industrial premises.
  3. Screw- the most modern and convenient option, are suitable for small homes, but are not suitable for carrying large loads, because the stair steps themselves are small and narrow.

Among the materials, you can choose wood - the cheapest and most unreliable material; stairs made from it have very little service life, especially in basements, where air humidity is always at a low level. high level, so the tree rots very quickly. Wooden stairs need to be painted and cleaned regularly.

Metal – good material for the stairs to the basement, it is very easy to install, it is not afraid high humidity, the service life is very long, and the design itself is relatively inexpensive.

Concrete is a very reliable material, absolutely neutral to any weather conditions, the structure can even be installed outdoors. However, such a ladder weighs a lot and can load the walls even more; most often, concrete structures are installed in production areas or in cellars. Before making or purchasing a staircase, you need to select the type and material, roughly imagine the design to fit into your budget.

Calculation of the stairs to the basement according to the drawings with your own hands

To make a staircase to your basement, you cannot do without drawings. Drawings need to be made to achieve ideal design parameters, calculate the dimensions of the steps, their height, etc. Without a drawing, the staircase will not turn out smooth and beautiful. If you can’t create a diagram yourself, you can seek help from a specialist. You need to make a drawing, regardless of the chosen type of staircase and materials.

  • Height of stairs and steps;
  • The width of the steps and the structure as a whole;
  • The size of the flight of stairs;
  • Clearance height;
  • The length of the stairs.

To create a drawing, you will need a blank sheet of paper, preferably whatman paper, pencils and a ruler. First of all, draw an angle of 90ᵒ, use a protractor to mark the angle of inclination of the stairs, and draw a line. Using a ruler you can figure out how long the staircase will be. You can add any decorative elements to the drawing.

Materials for the stairs to the second floor and basement

There are several ways to build a staircase to the second floor. You can make a ladder using wire mesh, in which case it turns out monolithic design. The foundation of this building rests firmly on the floor. Another method involves making your own lower structure with free space, the so-called niche.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • Level;
  • Fittings;
  • Fasteners;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Metal corners;
  • Film;
  • Wire;
  • Crushed stone;
  • Concrete mixture;
  • Moisture-resistant plywood, layer thickness of at least 15-17 mm;
  • A block of 100x100 mm and thick boards (at least 3 cm).

If the structure is planned with lower formwork, iron pipes should be installed. A foundation is needed if the foundation is not reliable enough. It is easy to make. A hole 50 cm deep is dug, filled with crushed stone and filled with concrete mixture.

Then the lathing and formwork are installed. The frame is assembled using knitting wire, the bottom row is tied first, its size should be the same as the size of the base.

Then the second layer is fixed, next row should be a little shorter than the previous one.

After this, a grid is installed on the intermediate platform. If the structure is attached to a load-bearing wall, the reinforcement is driven in at the ends, resulting in a frame that will firmly secure the staircase. In this simple way you can make a staircase from concrete and wooden blocks to the basement.

Making stairs from the basement, second floor

The staircase from the basement to the second floor can also be made of metal. Step-by-step execution The work in this case is not difficult. The first step is to dig a pit for the foundation, then you need to dig a hole up to 1 m deep and wide and up to 0.5 m long. The second step is to pour concrete into the resulting hole, but not completely, you need to leave about a centimeter of free space.

  1. Reinforcement, which is a mesh of rods, is placed in the concrete. 2 anchors are brought out, and the distance between them is the same as the width of the stairs. After this, the hole is completely filled with concrete, and the result is a foundation.
  2. Channels 1.5 cm wide are welded together to form the letter P, a long plank is installed on top of them, the free ends of the structure are attached to the walls and also filled with concrete.
  3. Such an assembly has the advantage that no additional supports are required, even if the walls where the stairs are located are weak; in the places where the channels are attached, you can simply fill the empty space under them with durable material.
  4. Metal stringers in the amount of 4 pieces with a width of 1.5 cm and a length of 25 cm must be prepared and welded on one side to the anchors in the foundation, and the other directly to the stairs.

Steps according to the dimensions specified in the drawing must be made from a metal corner and welded to the channels. In this case, the seam is made from the inside of the product, and all unnecessary parts and the ends of the corners are trimmed. As you can see, the algorithm is approximately the same as in the case of a concrete staircase. A staircase of this type can be connected to a plinth. It is better to illuminate the dark corners of the stairs, install lamps simple device to ensure maximum convenience.

Construction of the stairs to the basement (video)

Convenient staircase leading to basement, may be different. Metal, wooden, allowing you to enter from the street or garage to go up to another floor of the room - there are many variations. A comfortable staircase can be made with your own hands; you just need to make a calculation to find out the section of the steps, select materials and get to work. If you do everything according to the instructions, you will definitely end up with a reliable and durable ladder. It should be remembered that concrete stairs are the most reliable, but metal and wood can be used to make a wide variety of variations.

The staircase is one of the main elements of the basement design. Special requirements are placed on it: it must not only be durable, but also comfortable enough to climb and descend with a load. Therefore, a do-it-yourself staircase must be made in compliance with all safety rules. A correctly selected and securely fastened ladder will be used long years without requiring repair or replacement.

When building a basement, you need to think in advance about what building material the stairs will be made of. The complexity of manufacturing, financial costs, as well as the service life of the structure will depend on this.

The most popular materials are:

  • Tree;
  • Metal;
  • Concrete.

Wood has a relatively low price, is easy to process, and installation of a wooden staircase does not take much time. If you treat the boards with a special antiseptic solution, the life of the structure will increase several times, since the wood will not be exposed to microorganisms.

A metal staircase can withstand heavy loads, and its service life is much longer than that of a wooden one. In the cellar you can install as finished staircase, and cook it yourself, after making it first. To avoid corrosion finished design need to be coated with primer or 3-4 layers oil paint or enamel.

Concrete stairs require considerable financial costs during manufacture, but their service life will be quite long. This design generally takes up a lot of space, so this option is not acceptable for small basements.

Why you need a bowstring for a staircase, as well as about its manufacture and installation, you will learn in our material:.

How to make a staircase to the cellar with your own hands from wood

In order for the design to be reliable and convenient, all the necessary calculations must be made correctly.

There are several points that must be taken into account when designing stairs. If this is not done, the stairs may turn out to be uncomfortable and it will not be safe to use.

Parameters to consider when designing:

  1. Width. The optimal width of the staircase is a distance of 70-100 cm, but if the size of the cellar allows, then you can make a wider staircase.
  2. Slope. It will be most convenient to go down the stairs, the slope of which does not exceed 45 degrees. It may take up more space than a structure with a steeper slope, but it will be much safer to go down.
  3. Clearance. This term refers to the height from the steps to the ceiling. It should be at least 190 - 200 cm, so that even a tall person does not hit his head on the ceiling.
  4. Height and width of the step. The width of the step can range from 25 to 30 centimeters, and the height should not be more than 22 centimeters.

After completing the calculations, you need to make a schematic drawing of the stairs, and then draw and cut the boards according to it. Next, you can begin assembling the structure.

You can also make an extension ladder from wood. This does not take much time and does not require any special calculations. You need to take two long boards and several crossbars and screw them to the boards with screws or nail them at regular intervals.

The disadvantage of the design is that such a ladder cannot be considered absolutely safe and it is strictly forbidden to go down it with a load.

Why is a metal staircase often installed in the cellar?

Mainly observed in basements high humidity, That's why wooden structures can quickly become unusable. Therefore, it is more advisable to equip the cellar with a metal or concrete staircase. Installation of an iron staircase, unlike a concrete one, does not take much time, especially if you use a ready-made frame. It can be installed in an already built cellar, while concrete stairs built at the same time as the basement.

Advantages of a metal staircase:

  • Long service life;
  • Wide range of design possibilities;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • Fast and inexpensive repairs;
  • Resistant to temperature changes and atmospheric conditions.
  • Metal combines perfectly with any building materials, so brick or concrete basement can be equipped with a metal ladder.

    What should be a comfortable staircase to the cellar?

    The most ideal option for the cellar there will be a single-flight staircase with railings and a slight slope, which will be comfortable for even elderly people to descend.

    Metal stairs should have grooved or hammer-coated treads. You can also attach an anti-slip rubber band to them.

    Concrete steps can be completely covered with a non-slip rubber coating or laid with special tiles that do not slip even in high humidity.

    All structural elements must be securely fastened. The heads of nails or screws are recessed deeply into the material so that they cannot accidentally get caught on them.

    How to quickly make a staircase to the cellar with your own hands (video)

    Making a staircase to the cellar with your own hands is not so difficult if you follow all the tips and recommendations for choosing building materials and making calculations. The service life and safety of the structure directly depends on the quality of installation, so everything must be done carefully and carefully.

    Convenient staircase to the cellar (photo examples)

    A ladder is something that no one can do without. underground structure. After all, this is where you go down and up (and almost always carry some kind of food or cans with you), so it should be comfortable and safe.

    How to build a cellar staircase

    The staircase is built from the following building materials:

    Trees. To do this, the material must be pre-coated. protective compounds from rot, bugs, and so on. Ordinary wood without treatment will not last long in the basement, and the step may simply break under you.

    Metal. If used metal is used, then first of all you need to remove all traces of rust, then remove the remaining metal dust (just rinse and wipe) and paint (it is better to paint the steps in several layers, their number can be up to 5).

    Concrete. Although concrete is enough durable material ideally it also needs to be protected. To do this, it can be either painted or tiled. You can use linoleum or self-adhesive mats.

    Basic parameters to consider when building a staircase

    Stair width– they usually make from 700 to 900 mm, this figure usually depends on the underground dimensions (with a spacious room you can go beyond these limits).

    Staircase clearance(distance from the bottom step to the ceiling itself). This number should exceed 190 cm, so that when descending you do not hit your head on the ceiling.

    Stair slope– ranges from 20 to 75 degrees, the lower the slope, the less space occupied by stairs. A slope of 45 to 75 degrees is usually used for ladders.

    Step width- the distance should be within 250 - 320 mm, more will only create inconvenience when using the stairs - less will create a danger.

    Step height– should be from 120 to 220 mm, a larger distance will only affect the difficulty of lifting.

    Making a wooden cellar staircase with your own hands

    Wooden ladder

    In order to make a staircase 2.4 meters long, 0.6 meters wide and 0.3 steps you need:

    • Board 0.1*0.15*2.4 m – 2 pieces;
    • Transverse 0.05 *0.1*0.8 – 7 pieces;
    • Wood screws 5*100 mm – 28 pieces.


    The support boards are laid out on the ground (or any other horizontal surface). We measure 0.3 m from the upper and lower edges. After this, we set the crossbar and level the end connection.

    We fasten with screws 2 screws for each stringer (that is, 4 screws for 1 crossbar).

    Marching staircase

    In order to install a staircase 2 meters high, 0.8 m wide and 22 cm high, you need:

    • Board 0.1*0.15*2 m – 2 pieces;
    • Board 0.06*0.2*0.8m – 6 pieces;
    • Bar 0.05 *0.05*0.15 – 12 pieces
    • Nails 4*100 or wood screws 5*100 – 60 pieces


    They take the supports and attach the bars to them (to which the steps are then attached). Step back 0.26 cm from the top and attach the support at an angle of 60 degrees

    It is important to install this structure with a slope of 60°; this degree is very important when assembling it (with such a slope, correct installation the steps will take a horizontal position).

    The bars should be secured with two nails (or use self-cutters). Places for the next supports are made every 26 cm. This is how supports are installed along the entire length of the stairs.

    Then comes the installation of steps. To do this, align the ends of the rear part (the protrusion should be on front side). Installation is carried out using self-tapping screws (or using nails) in 3 places.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make a metal cellar staircase with your own hands

    Extension metal ladder

    This staircase is easy to install and does not take much time. The parts can be connected using welding.

    • For a staircase 220 cm long, 0.7 m wide and 0.25 m in pitch you need:
    • Pipes with a diameter of 5-6 cm - 2 pieces;
    • Crossbars 0.7 m long round 2.5-3 cm – 7 pieces.


    25 cm is set aside from the top of the pipes and the first step is attached using a butt seam. After this, setting aside 25 cm, other steps are attached.

    Marching option

    In this case, the iron acts as a frame, and the steps themselves can be made of wood or metal.

    To install you will need:

    • Channels 5*10 cm;
    • Corners 5*10 cm.


    First of all, we make a kind of support for the steps from the corners (one side is the width of the tread, the second is the height of the riser).

    The angle of these corners must coincide with the overall slope of the stairs (for example, if the slope of the stairs is 45 degrees, then the angle should be 45).

    The number of blank parts depends on the number of steps.

    They take a channel, install it on the edge and mark a bud under the first step, after which the workpiece is welded.

    Please note that the angle between these blanks should be 90 degrees.

    After installing the racks (using welding), they are additionally reinforced with corners.

    At this point, the installation of the frame is completed, and you can begin finishing the march.

    Drawings of stairs for the cellar

    The basement in the house is used for a variety of purposes: for storing food, jams and pickles for the winter, as well as unnecessary things. Often, cottage owners make a separate ground floor in the basement, equip there not only rooms for storing supplies, but also a laundry room, a sauna, a billiard room, Gym etc. The beautifully decorated room on the first floor is completely different from the gloomy basement room. The staircase plays an important role in such a room. Beautiful and stylish, it will add additional charm to the room.
    A staircase to the garage basement is also needed. Thanks to it, the garage can be used not only for a car, but also for storing various items needed in the household. To make using the basement comfortable, you need to take care of a convenient and safe staircase to the basement.
    Depending on the material from which it is made, we can distinguish:

    1. Wooden structures;
    2. Metal;
    3. Concrete option;
    4. A combination of metal and wood trim.
    Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Wooden ones are more attractive from the point of view of aesthetics and environmental friendliness (wood is perhaps the most environmentally friendly pure material). And metal and concrete - from the point of view of reliability and durability. Combined options combine the durability of metal and concrete with the striking design of wood.

    Technical requirements for the stairs to the basement

    In order for the design to be convenient and safe, it must meet several technological requirements:

    1. The minimum width should be 40 cm, and the most best option for comfortable movement – ​​from 60 cm and wider. The wider it is, the easier it is to move and carry bulky objects.
    2. It is advisable to make the slope angle no more than 45 degrees. Of course, for the stairs to the basement a slope of up to 75 degrees is acceptable, but with a strong slope it will be impossible to go down to the basement and go up even with a very light load in your hands.
    3. To make the structure comfortable to move, you need to make the riser height around 20 cm, and the tread - 30-35 cm. However, such dimensions can be reduced usable area cellar, so you need to select the best option based on the size of the cellar.
    4. The ladder must be very strong, because heavy loads will have to be lowered into the basement, possibly even with an assistant.
    5. When designing, you need to take into account increased level humidity in the basement. That's why metal structure need to be treated with primer and enamel to prevent corrosion. And wooden structures must be treated with antibacterial agents and drying oil, which will protect the wood from rotting and prevent the proliferation of pests.
    By observing all these requirements, you can build a comfortable, safe and beautiful staircase that will last a long time and become a useful addition to your home. country house or garage. Having carefully studied everything technological requirements, you can make this design yourself. If everything is done strictly in accordance with safety requirements, a do-it-yourself basement staircase will be no less durable and functional than a structure made by professionals.

    Types of Basement Stairs

    Depending on the design, the following types are distinguished:

    1. A one-flight staircase is the simplest option that you can install with your own hands.
    2. Straight in one march with an intermediate platform. This option allows you to make the structure less steep and more comfortable for dragging heavy objects. In addition, it is quite compact and convenient for small basements.
    3. The two-flight design with an intermediate platform is very convenient for carrying loads, but takes up a lot of space:
    4. The spiral staircase to the basement is very convenient and takes up little space, but you must move along it very carefully, and carrying loads is almost impossible.
    When choosing the type of staircase for a country house, you need to focus on two factors: the purpose of the basement and the size of the basement.

    Inspection before use

    The staircase must be inspected before use. Her appearance can tell a lot: a strong and reliable ladder will be free of burrs, chips, cracks, and traces of rust. If any defects are discovered during the initial inspection, they must be eliminated before starting active operation.
    When using for the first time, it is advisable to go down into the basement without a load to check the reliability of the structure. If it is strong enough and can easily withstand the weight of a person, you can safely use it for its intended purpose in the future.

    Use of basement stairs and methods of working with them

    Such structures are used both in houses and in garages and cellars. Basement staircase will help you go down to the basement of your house or garage and move various things there for storage. Depending on the purpose, the type of structure is chosen. So the staircase to the basement from the house should not only be safe, but also environmentally friendly, and also match the interior of the house. The staircase to the cellar and basement of the garage must, first of all, be strong, safe and convenient for carrying heavy and bulky objects.
    If any defects appear during use, they must be corrected in a timely manner. If a metal staircase to the basement is used, it must be protected from corrosion, and if rust is detected, it should be treated by special means. If steps on a wooden structure break, they must be repaired immediately, as broken parts can cause injury to a person. If fungus, mold, or insect pests are detected, the wooden structure can be treated with special antibacterial substances and drying oil.
    At correct operation And good care The stairs to the basement will last a long time and will help turn the basement into a useful part of the house or garage.

    Video: Stairs to the basement

    If the architecture of the house involves a floor underground, then you will also need a staircase to the basement. In most characteristics it is similar to interfloor ones, but there are some peculiarities.

    The simplest type of staircase to the basement is an extension. This is the same garden staircase, which has been refined and protected from dampness. The option is very cheap, easy to implement with your own hands, but completely inconvenient.

    To go down and up it you need to use not only your legs, but also your hands, which makes it difficult to move objects - furniture, household utensils, products.

    Therefore, if possible, it is better to consider the issue of creating a full-fledged flight of stairs.

    It can be of several types:

    • wooden;
    • metal;
    • reinforced concrete.

    By design they are distinguished:

    • one-march simple;
    • single-flight with an intermediate platform;
    • two-flight with a platform;
    • two-flight with winder steps;
    • screw

    Design selection

    When deciding on the material, it is best to focus on metal version. The wood looks attractive, the structure made of oak or pine is light.

    But such a staircase to the basement is unreliable, since wood is inferior in strength to metal and concrete, and it is also very susceptible to fungus and mold.

    And the basement very often suffers from excess humidity, especially if the entrance is from the street. Reinforced concrete structures very strong, durable. The disadvantages include high cost, difficulty in building with your own hands.

    Also, the stairs to the basement made of concrete will weigh a lot. Its construction requires the creation of a strong foundation support.

    Steel structures are quite strong and reliable; when properly processed, they are not afraid of dampness, and they will not be destroyed by fungus. At the same time, metal is much lighter than concrete and cheaper.

    The only drawback of this solution may be the occurrence of noise and vibration when walking, but this is only possible if the design is incorrect.

    It’s easier to make a simple one-flight staircase with your own hands. If the size of the premises allows, then it is best to opt for it.

    If the height of the basement is large and the room itself is long, then it is possible to provide for the creation of a platform in the middle part of the flight. This will reduce injuries and make it easier to get up and down.

    A double-flight should be chosen if there is a lack of space. The most difficult one is the screw one. You should not try to do it yourself if you have no experience in design and construction.

    If the entrance to the basement is from the street, then the staircase design must be resistant to weather conditions and slip protection must be provided. While it is permissible to use wooden structures inside a house, their use outside is highly undesirable.


    By building regulations it is permissible if the stairs to the basement are installed at a slope of 45 degrees. However, when building a private house, you can deviate from these rules and make the slope steeper. Naturally, if conditions require it.

    Sometimes Negative consequences A steep slope can be compensated for by arranging a samba-type staircase, when the steps have an irregular shape.

    The width of the flight for the basement is quite acceptable within the range of 70-90 cm. The stairs will be used relatively infrequently, so there is no point in making them wide. The exception is cases when there are rooms in the recreation area in the basement - sauna, swimming pool, billiards, gym, etc. Then it is worth making the width larger.

    Another important parameter- staircase clearance. If it is made small, then you will have to make the slope steeper so that when climbing, a person does not hit his head on the ceiling.

    where H is height, L is length, and 62 is the average human step size (a deviation of 4 cm in each direction is acceptable).

    It is worth keeping in mind that by length we mean the useful length of the step - the horizontal difference between two adjacent steps. If, for example, the steps are made with a spade (when the lower one partially “dives” under the upper one), then the size of the spade is not taken into account.

    Since these parameters must also be coordinated with the slope, it would not be superfluous to draw up a drawing or at least a sketch of the structure with your own hands.

    The number of steps is calculated simply. The height difference between the basement floor and the first floor floor is taken and divided by the height of one step.


    As an example, we give the sequence of installing a metal staircase to the basement with your own hands.

    1. Support platforms. First, support platforms are created - at the top and bottom. You can use a channel or corner, which must be concreted into the ceiling and into the basement floor.
    2. We use the wall. If near the future stairs to the basement there is bearing wall, then it can also be used as a support. To do this, draw a straight line connecting the upper and lower supports, and then several support elements are mounted into the wall along this line.
    3. We make inclined beams. Then two sections are cut out of the channel or I-beam, the length of which corresponds to the distance between the lower and upper supports. These will be the main inclined beams.
    4. Installation of beams. The beams are installed on the sides of the future staircase, welded to the supports at the top and bottom (if there is a wall, then to the supports in it).
    5. Linking steps. Then steps or blanks for them are welded to the beams. These can be sheets of corrugated metal of appropriate sizes, or corners, to which a wooden board is then attached.
    6. Installation of railings. It is necessary to make a railing. You can make them yourself from profile pipe or stainless steel, attached to an inclined beam. Wood can also be used as handrails. The handrails must be thoroughly polished. Railings also need to be made at the top, around the stairwell.
    7. We prime and paint. Finally, don’t forget to coat the metal with primer and paint. Or otherwise protect it from corrosion. This is especially important when installing the structure from the street side.

    Solution cost

    By doing the project yourself, you can save on the services of craftsmen, but you will still have to buy materials. A heavy channel measuring 200x100x6 will cost 340-360 rubles per linear meter. It will require approximately 10-14 meters.

    You should also add the cost of the steps, the price of which greatly depends on what material will be used. If you don’t want to think about how to make a staircase to the basement, then you can order the services of specialists.

    A wooden structure with installation will cost from 30,000 rubles, the price of a metal staircase for a home starts at around 90,000 rubles.