home · Measurements · Salted dough for making a house. Master class from Olga Ostremskaya on sculpting a house from salt dough. #2 New Year's dough wreath for children

Salted dough for making a house. Master class from Olga Ostremskaya on sculpting a house from salt dough. #2 New Year's dough wreath for children

Good afternoon friends!

I really like salt dough houses. And I decided to do the same when I chose a free minute. And at the same time I’ll show you how to sculpt from salt dough. I won’t describe much and in detail, since it seems to me that the entire sculpting process is visible in the photographs. Only as the process progresses, I will make some clarifications.

House - a vase made of salt dough:

Salty dough I followed the standard recipe:

I take 100 gr. salt + 100 gr. flour and add enough water so that when kneading the dough, you get a mass reminiscent of plasticine.

I decided to make a house in two parts - the base of the house and the lid. I plan to use this house as a vase to give the atmosphere a romantic or fairy-tale mood.

For the base I used trimmed bottom part half a liter bottle and wrapped it in foil.

I wrapped the base with dough. I made a window on one side and an entrance on the other.

I cut the dough into squares. And she decorated the entrance arch with them.

First I decorated the window with small cakes – “stones”. And then the walls of the entire house, right up to the entrance. The result was stonework))

I gave the stones texture and used a bone for this.

Then, the house was placed on the foundation.

The base was also covered with “stones”. Then, I decided to block the door and window from the inside. I made cakes and stuck them inside the house.

Now, I decided to decorate the house with flowers. I marked the places with a pencil.

I cut out flowers and stuck them in the planned places.

Having finished decorating, I covered the joint between the house and the base with dough. I applied pieces of dough and pressed it down. At the same time giving texture.

This is what I ended up with.

When the product dried on the base, I dried it in the oven over low heat with the door open.

I did not film the process of painting the house, because it is the same as that of the trunk - first it is applied thick layer paint, left until dry, then the top layer is lightened with a moistened cotton wool.

I varnished it with regular construction varnish.

I only got 2 final photos, since my baby got to the house (as well as to everything new with the help of a chair and natural dexterity), accidentally knocked it off the closet shelf and smashed it to smithereens...

Modeling a salt dough house

Friends, if you found my master class useful, share it with your friends!

How to do it salt dough house, master class will help you achieve results. Children school age They can easily cope with this task, but younger children will need help from their parents or teacher.


Salty dough




Stack (often it is in a box with plasticine)

PVA glue

Paint (gouache or other)


Master class on making a house from salt dough

1. Let's start with salt dough. Most mothers probably already have their own proven recipe for this wonderful modeling material. Well, for those who are encountering this material for the first time, I suggest salt dough recipe:

  • half a glass of flour,
  • 1/3 cup fine salt,
  • 1 tbsp. l PVA glue
  • some water.

Knead the dough until it doesn’t stick to your hands and rolls out well.

2. When the dough is ready we start creating cardboard house frame . We cut out 4 sides of the house, as well as a part for the bottom (dimensions at your discretion). Glue the sides together using glue and strips of paper. We cut out the roof from the cardboard until we glue it.

3. We coat one side of the house with glue, roll out the dough, apply the glue-coated side of the house to it, and trim off the excess dough along the contour. Jagged edges The walls of a salt dough house can be smoothed by running a wet brush over them. Brickwork we do it using a stack.

We do the other sides of the house in the same way. Dry the product a little on the battery or fresh air. Important: to prevent damage to the walls of the house during drying, place crumpled newspapers in the middle of the house.

4. When the dough has dried a little, coat it required areas house with glue and sculpt windows, doors and decorate salt dough corners. Dry the product again, but this time until the dough is completely dry.

5. In the meantime, let's take care of the roof - coat the cardboard with glue, roll into balls and, flattening them, place them on the cardboard. It turns out something like tiles, we lay them out on both sides, but leave the middle for now. Dry the dough completely.

6. When everything is dry, coat the top of the walls of the house with glue and place the roof, top part We decorate the roofs with dough and dry them again.

7. After the dough has completely dried, all that remains is to coat the product with paint and the salt dough house is ready! The master class is over.

Options for making different houses from salt dough can be seen in the following video.

The New Year fever has not yet begun, but craftswomen have long been preparing for the fun winter holidays, diligently cutting out snowflakes or creating something special with their own with skillful hands. To please the kids or surprise friends and family, you can make a house in which there will also be a party and even lights running along the walls.

In order to create this beauty you will need:

1. Salt dough. The dough can be of any recipe, and, as a rule, there are several of them, but it is better to use the safest option, especially if you are planning to make a craft with your children. For the test you will need:

1 cup fine salt (preferably “Extra”).

2 cups of flour.

1 glass of hot water.

2. The rest will be needed for the manufacture of the product and its design:

Scissors, knife, cardboard, pencil, acrylic paints, varnish, brushes.

Glue gun, but if you don’t have one, you can use Secunda glue or PVA assembly glue.

Varnish, glass pebbles or beads for decoration, artificial snow.

Stage one - preparing the dough.

The dough is very simple to make: dissolve salt in water, add flour and knead.

Stage two - making blanks for the house.

Think about what your house will be like, how many windows and doors you want to put in it, what the roof will be like and other nuances. Based on your sketch, you draw “patterns”: 4 walls, a roof, doors, a pipe and whatever else you want.

Roll out the dough to half a centimeter thick and using cardboard blanks, applying them to the dough and cutting with a knife, we make the details of the future house. After cutting out all the parts, put them in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Stage three - assembling the house.

The finished parts must cool, after which we glue them together. It is very quick and convenient to glue with a glue gun, but you can use alternative ways using other types of glue. After assembling the house, let it stand for a while until the glue dries completely.

Stage four is the most creative.

The finished craft needs to be painted acrylic paints and open with varnish. Having allowed the last layer of varnish to dry, we begin to decorate the craft - in this matter no one limits your imagination. In order for our dough house to be as “New Year’s” as possible, we can cover it with a layer artificial snow. Since there are many windows, you can implement one more original idea– put a candle inside or attach a couple LED light bulbs. Such beauty will not leave anyone indifferent!

You can make a beautiful house for a gnome from salt dough with your children, having fun together. Salt dough is very easy to prepare. Decorating the house is also simple.

Confectionery unusual shape always seem tastier and look original. Such a house can be placed on a cake as a decoration or made for fun while playing with children. The idea behind this toy house I received it when we ordered custom cakes in Moscow for my daughter’s birthday. One of the cakes was made in the form of a forest clearing on which stood small house. The cake was very original and delicious. Now let's make a similar house from salt dough. It's not difficult at all!

We will need:

Our house will be hollow inside. To do this, take a bottle and wrap it in foil to make it easier to separate the dough from the bottle later. When the dough dries, the foil will easily peel away from the glass.

Cut a piece of dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 0.5-1 centimeter. Cut a rectangle equal to the circumference of the bottle. Wrap each bottle and seal the seam with water. Take a brush, wet it and go along the seam.

The walls of the house are ready, now take a sharp knife and cut out the window. I made a window and doors, you can do the same. They can be of any shape.

In my case the window has square shape. Then I decorated it with shutters, use my fingers to make a semi-circular window sill. Cut a thin strip and glue it to the top of the window. Roll the dough into small peas, flatten with your fingers and decorate the top and bottom of the window. Wet the pieces with water before gluing.

Turn the house towards you back side. Let's cut out the door here. It will be semicircular - arched. Decorate the outline with pebbles. Make three semicircular steps. The entrance to the house is ready. You need to make a door. Cut out the dough according to the shape of the entrance and use a toothpick to make three grooves on top, and stick three thin sausages across it.

I really want to decorate such a house, because it is fabulous. I decorated it with sunflowers. Each petal is cut out separately. You can just do big flower with round petals - it's quick and easy.

Insert the door into the opening, do not forget to constantly moisten the adhesive surface with water. This is such a beautiful house you have.

Now let's take care of the roof. Take a cork and wrap it in foil to form a roof shape.

Roll out the dough into strips and make tiles by hand. Wrap the cork around the bottom and bring the edges together. Then make another ribbon and glue it on top. And the third layer: make a cake, cut out an openwork edge on it and cover the dome.

You can make a pipe like this: take a handle, wrap it in foil and stick the dough onto the foil. Insert into the roof and secure with water.

You can create such funny houses and windmills with your children. I sculpted this mill about a year and a half ago, I saw a photo on the Internet and I really liked the idea. Unfortunately, I didn't remember the author. The house is built similarly. Inside these" architectural structures" are hollow, they have windows and doors that open. Since inside the house free space, it can be used as a candlestick, place a small candle inside. To hot air came out unhindered, I even made a pipe on the roof. But don't forget the rules fire safety, do not leave a lit candle in the product unattended!

Stages of work:

We prepare materials. To make the house hollow inside, I take a bottle suitable size and wrap it in foil. This is so that the finished house can be easily removed from the bottle, otherwise the dough will stick to it. When the house body dries a little, the foil with inside very easy to remove.

I roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 0.5-1 cm, cut out a rectangle from it equal to the circumference of the bottle and place it on foil. The seam must be lubricated with water to better bonding, for this purpose I always have a glass of water and a brush on hand.

Salt dough is the most best material for creativity with children. It is very plastic, harmless, easy to prepare, and the parts are glued together with water. Many children, after the dough has dried on the radiator or baked in the oven, like to taste the finished product. My niece also bit off pieces of crafts made from salt dough more than once and said that it was delicious. And one girl from the studio complained that when she prepared the dough figures and dried them, her dad and friends ate them with beer :) Sorry for the slight digression, what I mean is what kind of stuff are they? useful invention for mothers, and there is no need to buy plasticine - flour, water and salt are always at hand. And the child’s health will not suffer if he tries salt dough during the creative process.

Stage 2

Now that the walls of the house are ready, use the edge of a knife to cut out the holes for the windows. They can be round, square, rectangular. I'm in in this example I made one window and a door for the house.

I rolled out another piece of dough, cut out shutters and a window sill from it, glued it onto the base and formed a window. I laid bricks around the perimeter of the window and door. To do this, I rolled out small balls with a diameter of up to 1 cm in my palms, flattened them with my fingers, smeared them around the window and door with a brush dipped in water, and glued the so-called bricks.

Stage 3

On the surface of the door, which was previously cut from the wall of the house, I imitated planks. When the miracle building is completely ready, I will fix the door in doorway using wire on one side of the wall. The door can be opened and closed after the house is completely dry.

Stage 4

I wanted to decorate my house. I sculpted one sunflower on each side of the door. Each petal is sculpted by hand and glued to the center of the flower.

All that remains is to make the roof. I have a lid of a suitable size on my sugar bowl; you can also cut off the neck from plastic bottle or use another suitable material shaped like a roof, which needs to be wrapped in foil. Now I’m making tile blanks. I connect them together using water (see photos below). I had to tinker with the pipe. I wrapped some foil around a ballpoint pen, bent it a little at the base of the pen, and inserted it into the hole on the roof. Then I covered the foil on the handle with dough.