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The cost of finishing the facades of private houses. Facade finishing companies Facade finishing specialists

"Wet" finishing method using plaster

Finishing facade works are made at the final stage of construction of the building. Today, there are many materials for facade finishing, and therefore, technologies for their use. The main purpose of exterior finishing is to protect the facing surface from the influence of moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

Facade finishing works have the right to be performed by construction organizations who have a license to carry out work at heights. The organization, in turn, must have a team of high-altitude workers and the corresponding tools, as well as related equipment - scaffolding, trestles, stepladders and other construction attributes.

AlpStroyGroup specialists carry out facade finishing work, the prices for which are quite affordable and mostly below market prices. Our company has many years of experience in carrying out high-altitude work of any complexity. It is possible to finish facades in Moscow in a short time. To order a service, send a request to e-mail [email protected].

Exterior finishing of facades - methods of work

The master selects the type of exterior finishing taking into account the wishes of the customer, the planned budget, as well as the type and condition of the facade surface.

In some cases, long “wet” work will be more profitable and efficient than frame work. Or, as in the case of adobe (clay + straw), cement plaster won't last long, but profile frame will have to be thoroughly strengthened.

The cost of finishing facades primarily depends on the material used and, accordingly, the methodology for performing the work. For example, the services of steeplejacks will cost less than hiring special equipment.

Facade finishing technologies can be divided into several groups:

Decorating private houses with wood is becoming popular
  • "wet" finishing method facades using cement or gypsum plaster. This method also includes decorative finishing facades with various specialized plasters (for example, “bark beetle” or “lamb”);
  • tiling or stone cladding– for these purposes, they use a variety of tiles (ceramic, porcelain stoneware, clinker, glass, composite-cement) and wild stone of various types and processing options, or its imitation from gypsum or concrete. The design of facade finishing after facing with tiles or stone acquires solidity and respectability;
  • frame method – this type of façade decoration is popular thanks to the latest cladding materials for frame works. Materials here include siding (vinyl and metal), corrugated sheets, lining (wooden and plastic), OSB, composite aluminum panels. The latter make it possible to install a unique ventilated facade, in which, due to the indentation from the mounting base, not only insulation and finishing of the facades are carried out, but also excess condensate is removed naturally;
  • fastening method– implies frameless fastening of the material to the surface using dowels or self-tapping screws. The material used is, for example, composite panels made of polyurethane foam with clinker tile cladding. To increase adhesive resistance, they are additionally attached with glue.

Prices for facade finishing in Moscow

The cost of finishing the facade also depends on what method of façade cladding the builders will resort to. Urgency, large volumes of work and bad weather conditions may increase the cost of an order.

AlpStroyGroup specialists formulate final prices when visiting the site. Approximate prices for Finishing work our company can be seen in the table.

Facade works up to 1000 sq. m more than 1000 sq. m
Facing with siding 450 rub./sq. m 430 rub./sq. m
Installation of ventilated facades 600 rub./sq. m 570 rub./sq. m
Glass façade finishing 1500 rub./sq. m 1450 rub./sq. m
Finishing of facades and plinths natural stone from 2000 rub./sq. m 1900 rub./sq. m
Finishing facades with artificial stone 1400 rub./sq. m 1200 rub./sq. m
Façade finishing with clinker/ceramic tiles 1000 rub./sq. m 950 rub./sq. m
Finishing facades with porcelain stoneware 980 rub./sq. m 960 rub./sq. m
Facade finishing decorative bricks 580 rub./sq. m 550 rub./sq. m
Facade cladding wooden clapboard 450 rub./sq. m 430 rub./sq. m
Facade finishing composite panels 500 rub./sq. m 480 rub./sq. m
Finishing the facade with thermal foam panels 500 rub./sq. m 480 rub./sq. m
Finishing the facade with alucobond with insulation and subsystem 1500 rub./sq. m 1450 rub./sq. m
Redecorating facades the price depends on the number of operations
Cosmetic painting 120-150 rub./sq. m 90 rub./sq. m
Cleaning from old paint 140 rub./sq. m 120 rub./sq. m
Facade painting 65 rub./sq. m 55 rub./sq. m
Surface priming 55 rub./sq. m 40 rub./sq. m
Puttying the surface 160 rub./sq. m 130 rub./sq. m
Chop old plaster 120 rub./sq. m from 80 rub./sq. m
Surface plaster, layer 10 mm 370 rub./sq. m 300 rub./sq. m
Painting a brick facade 80 rub./sq. m 65 rub./sq. m
Selective painting of facades, sq. m negotiable negotiable
Painting of facades in hard-to-reach places, sq.m. m negotiable negotiable
Surface hydrophobization 75 rub./sq. m 60 rub./sq. m
Insulation of facade walls with expanded polystyrene or mineral wool 380 rub./sq. m 360 rub./sq. m

Finishing the facade with turnkey siding

from 1250 rub./m2

Finishing the facade of a wooden house

from 300 rub./m2

Finishing the facades of private houses

from 750 rub./m2

We offer quick finishing of facades of private houses at a price of 750 rubles/m2. Durable materials, free departure specialists, warranty on work performed - 3 years. In this review we will show the order façade cladding private house with siding.

Examples of siding finishing

Installation process

  • The craftsmen begin work by inspecting the facade and performing necessary preparation. They choose the place from which the installation of the first row will begin.
  • First of all, the frame and auxiliary elements are securely fastened.
  • On door and window portals install flashings, trims, trims and window trims.

Facing basement siding and preparation for framing window openings

Note! Siding – universal material, which we use for cladding new walls, restoration of old buildings and at insulation of facades.

  • Specialists install siding. Each panel is fixed with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws. Important point: Do not hammer or tighten fasteners tightly. The siding panel should have freedom of slight movement in the horizontal plane.
  • The panels are mounted with an overlap. The joints of the connections should not be visible from the facade of the house.

Siding installation

  • When installed on the upper edge of the wall, the profiles are installed in the same way as near window and door portals.
  • Under the edge of the roof, craftsmen use solid panels. When installed on gables, it is possible to separate the material up to a certain angle. The final horizontal row is mounted in a special J-profile. Please note that in the upper part of each J-profile there are holes whose dimensions are 6 mm. The step between these holes is 60 cm.

Let's answer the most popular question: why do most customers and craftsmen choose siding for finishing a private house?

  1. Year-round installation in any weather.
  2. Siding is quickly installed without leveling the base of the facade.
  3. The design is lightweight and low cost.
  4. Manufacturers offer many colors to choose from.
  5. Fast, simple and reliable installation.
  6. The material does not require painting or additional care.
  7. Service life – 50 years.
  8. If necessary, it is possible to dismantle and reinstall the siding.

But this material also has disadvantages. The negative aspects of using siding include the following:

  1. The use of vinyl panels is not possible for buildings with complex architecture.
  2. PVC panels do not burn, but melt.
  3. The design of a house lined with conventional siding will not appeal to all owners.

The video shows siding installation errors. And the most important of them is improper insulation facade.


Despite the simplicity of finishing work, siding cladding requires professional skills and adherence to important details. It is enough to miss only one of them - the quality of installation will deteriorate. We guarantee the elimination of all defects caused by our fault within 3 years. Call and find out prices for façade finishing private house with siding or other material!

Facade work team.

Need I say that appearance the facade of a residential building, which is sometimes called its face, serves as a determining factor for its perception.

This is the part of the building to which the views of others are first directed. The visual attractiveness and architectural integrity of the building structure, its neatness and well-groomedness are precisely these factors that should be given paramount attention.

Price in rubles per sq. m.

Primer of façade walls.

High quality facade plaster.


Painting 2 layers.

Laying decorative tiles to the façade.

Laying tiles on the façade plinth.

Laying decorative stone.

Installation of insulation.

Decorative plaster facade.

Repair and restoration of plaster.

Waterproofing seams.

Installation of scaffolding.

Laying tiles on steps.

A team of qualified builders, equipped with the necessary high-quality finishing materials, construction equipment and equipment, at a high professional level ready to perform the following works:

  • major and cosmetic repairs of the facade of residential buildings in as soon as possible plastering and puttying, painting and other facade work;
  • restoration decorative elements buildings made of any materials;
  • external finishing of the facade based on the use of innovative technologies and universal, safe materials;
  • high-quality insulation facades using modern thermal insulation materials.

The specialists of our team have the appropriate education and special permission to carry out construction and repair activities of any complexity and in any volume, as well as high-altitude work. Perfectly navigating the diversity of modern construction and finishing materials, experienced craftsmen will help you choose the most suitable ones in terms of quality and cost parameters.

Repair of the building facade.

Regardless of the type and strength of the finishing material used, over time the walls of your building will need coatings that will not only restore the original aesthetic appearance, but also maintain its integrity. High-quality, safe building materials and competently performed repairs are a guarantee that the updated facade of your building will serve you for many years.

Experienced and responsible craftsmen carry out major repairs and cosmetic finishing of the facade.

Cosmetic repairs are finishing works that exclude interference in the structure of the building and prevent further destruction of the structure. The cost of work on the facade is indicated in the price list on our website.
Major renovation contributes to the complete restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the facade and extends its service life. In this case, cosmetic finishing is considered the final stage repair.

Facade repairs from our team’s craftsmen include a wide range of work:

  • visual inspection and diagnostics of the condition of the building walls;
  • restoration and finishing works;
  • hydrophobization façade design;
  • cleaning walls from dirt;
  • strengthening the masonry of the structure;
  • external insulation of the building;
  • installation facade system, glass cladding;
  • fastening various types of metal structures to the walls of the building.

In the shortest possible time and at a high professional level, we paint and plaster the facade, and to give special expressiveness we use applied stucco elements. We are capable of performing any complex tasks for the repair of structures and their exterior decoration, regardless of footage and complexity.

Exterior façade decoration.

The finishing of the facade, made by the hands of our specialists, reflects modern tendencies in architecture and comparable to works of art. The variety of finishing materials and innovative technologies allow you to create amazing images when decorating walls.

In our work we successfully use the following technologies and materials:

  1. Polyalpan. Sandwich panels not only decorate the walls, but also provide additional thermal insulation;
  2. Alucobondo. Allows you to recreate a ventilated facade;
  3. Natural and fake diamond, being part of living nature, creates a spectacular image of an ancient castle;
  4. Siding. Thanks to diversity color solutions and the attractive cost of work on the facade, you can easily and quickly finish the building;
  5. Ceramic tile and porcelain stoneware. Such materials guarantee a unique visual effect and ease of technological maintenance of the structure;
  6. Stucco and mosaic. The pursuit of true luxury and a magnificent image of your building;
  7. Brick. Traditional option finishing of facade structures;

Traditional and decorative plastering.

Our team of qualified specialists with extensive experience in construction industry They will promptly carry out any exterior finishing work, having previously inspected the building and announced the main aspects of the upcoming work.

Insulation of the facade.

Another priority area of ​​activity for our team is to carry out work on external insulation of the building, which allows us to insulate the entire load-bearing structure, without reducing the internal area of ​​the room and creating the prerequisites for significant savings in energy resources. We take a comprehensive approach to performing façade work: as practice shows, it is more expedient to carry out external insulation together with repair work.

Thermal insulation of walls offered by our specialists can be performed using two methods:

  • dry;
  • and wet.

"Dry" insulation.

The technology of “dry” insulation involves the use of special ventilated facades. According to this method, the heat-insulating material is fixed to the surface of the building walls using adhesive and dowels, and its decoration is done using protective screens, secured through the use of brackets and guides.
The space formed between the insulation and the protective screen is intended for circulation air flow and allows you to effectively remove excess condensation and moisture.

The “dry” method of insulation is a long-term and highly effective insulation of your facade at an affordable cost; unlimited possibilities use of protective screens made of various materials.

"Wet" insulation.

Wet facades are comparatively new technology, which has already become widespread due to a number of advantages compared to traditional ways external insulation. “Wet” insulation technology involves the use thermal insulation material (mineral wool or expanded polystyrene), reinforcement on adhesive composition for further interaction with alkaline environment and layer decorative design, protecting from negative impact environment for insulation material. Despite the impossibility of using the “wet” method in the cool season, the technology has a number of advantages, including - high quality and excellent insulation results, long service life and affordable cost of work on the facade.

Prices for facade work are an important component of the overall estimate for the repair or construction of a building. The total cost of this type of work is determined by many various factors- total area of ​​the facade, the need for high-rise work, the general nature and complexity of the work, the need to use special tools, technology and attracting specialists of rare professions, etc. The Stroy Roofing company provides a full range of façade and roofing works in private low-rise construction. We are ready to take on all the troubles, starting with the selection of suitable building materials for facades and ending with the installation of facades. Plaster, facing brick, porcelain stoneware, façade panels- we are always ready to help you with the installation of these and other facing materials. In addition, our specialists can insulate and waterproof the facade, wash or clean it. Taking into account the fact that the cost of building materials is quite high today and is likely to continue to rise in the medium term, it is very important to entrust façade work to experienced specialists. You should not save money and seek help from dubious performers working illegally. Do not forget that the cost of high-quality execution will in any case be lower than the costs of poor execution and subsequent correction of errors.

Prices for facade work

Name of works Unit Price
Painting the facade walls in 2 layers m2 150,00
Facing the base with stone m2 1200,00
Redecorating plaster facade m2 500,00
Medium renovation plaster facade m2 700,00
Major repairs of the plaster facade (with partial removal of plaster) m2 1000,00
Major repairs of the plaster facade (with complete plastering) m2 1300,00
Installation of a plaster facade for new construction m2 1000,00
Facade insulation slab insulation with a protective and decorative coating device (systems with thin plaster layer) m2 900,00
Installation of a suspended ventilated facade with 120mm thick insulation and cladding with fiber cement boards m2 1200,00
Installation of a suspended ventilated facade with 120mm thick insulation and cladding with porcelain tiles 600x600mm m2 1200,00
Installation of a suspended ventilated facade with 120mm thick insulation and cladding with aluminum composite panels m2 1300,00
Facade cladding with profiled steel sheet with colored polymer coating By steel frame m2 550,00
Facade cladding with vinyl siding. m2 400,00
Facade cladding with artificial decorative stone(tiled) m2 1300,00
Repair and sealing of seams without opening pm 140-160
Repair and sealing of seams with opening, without replacement of insulation pm 160-200
Repair and sealing of seams with opening and replacement of insulation pm 200-300
Installation of parapets made of galvanized steel with a width of up to 600 mm pm 200-220
Installation of decorative beam structures with antique polishing and varnish coating. pm 700,00
Facade cladding with sandwich panels. m2 200,00

Order facade work

To order facade work in the city of Moscow and the capital region, you just need to call us at the specified phone numbers, or write email. You can also contact us by filling out the application form directly on this site. Our managers will promptly process your order and contact you to agree on the details.

If necessary, you can consult with our specialists before placing an order: find out what the price for facade work is per m2, how much building material may be needed, etc.