home · On a note · Types of lawn mowers. Lawn mowers: their types and technical characteristics. Spindle or rotary systems

Types of lawn mowers. Lawn mowers: their types and technical characteristics. Spindle or rotary systems

Ecology of consumption. Estate: What nuances you need to pay attention to before buying a lawn mower.

Spring is the traditional time to begin work on suburban area. There are hundreds of things to do: prepare the ground for planting, weed the weeds, mow the grass, etc. To save effort and time, owners of suburban areas use iron assistants - motorized mechanisms that greatly facilitate work in the garden.

Choosing a lawn mower - basic principles

Modern market garden equipment offers a large number of a variety of lawn care equipment. Often due to the many names, various functions, differences in design, a novice user cannot decide on the model of lawn mower he needs.

A lawn mower, unlike a portable trimmer (mower), moves around the area on wheels. Therefore, before buying a lawn mower, we study the topography of your site and determine the tasks that need to be solved. For example, caring for a lawn covered with soft grass flat surface- this is one task, but it’s a completely different matter if you have to cut old dry growth on an uneven hilly area.

A lawn mower is a mechanism designed, as a rule, to mow grass on a flat, well-groomed area.

Second important factor, influencing the choice of the type of lawn mower, its power, type of drive - electric or gasoline, is the area of ​​the treated area.

You can focus on the following numbers:

  • For mowing grass up to 200 square meters. m, an electric lawn mower with a power of 1 to 1.3 kW and a cutting width of 34-36 cm is suitable.
  • If the lawn area is 200-400 sq. m, an electric lawn mower with an engine power of 1.2-1.5 kW is suitable for mowing grass.

You can also use a gasoline lawn mower with a power of 3.5 to 5 hp to mow the grass in this area. and a cutting width of up to 45 cm.

When mowing lawn grass on an area of ​​8 to 15 acres, it is preferable to use more powerful lawn mowers equipped with a gasoline engine.

The engine power of such lawn mowers can be 4.5-6 hp, and the cutting width can be up to 50 cm. To care for a lawn with an area of ​​over 15 acres, more powerful equipment is needed - gasoline lawn mowers with a power of 5.5-7 hp. with a cutting width of 48 - 57 cm.

Therefore, to do conscious choice lawn mowers, you must, first of all, be guided by the characteristics of the lawn, its area, topography, type of grass being mowed, building density and zoning of the territory. In addition, lawn mowers have a certain set of properties and functions that you need to decide on before purchasing.

Types of lawn mowers

To simplify the choice, all lawn mowers can be divided into two types - electric and gasoline. Let's look at each type of lawn mower separately.

Electric lawn mowers. As mentioned above, the choice of this type of lawn mower is primarily influenced by the area of ​​the area being processed. There is no point in buying a powerful, heavy and expensive gasoline-powered device if, in the literal sense, it has nowhere to even turn around in a small area. In this case, the best choice would be to purchase an electric lawn mower, powered by mains or battery. In addition, a well-groomed, already inhabited, clearly zoned area imposes certain restrictions on the operation of the lawn mower.

Trees, flower beds, winding paths, decorative plantings significantly complicate maneuvering of a conventional four-wheel electric lawn mower on the site. To treat hard-to-reach areas, the user has to manually mow the uncovered areas with an electric trimmer after passing the lawn mower.

The solution may be to use a highly maneuverable lawn mower that has only three wheels: two at the rear and one swivel at the front. This design allows you to avoid obstacles and mow effectively. lawn grass in hard-to-reach places.

Also, when choosing an electric lawn mower, you need to pay attention to the length of the electric cable and the presence of a reliable source of electricity on the site. Among the main advantages of lawn mowers with electric motor It can be noted: low noise level during operation, small size and weight, ease of use and efficiency.

Gasoline lawn mowers. The key advantages of this equipment are power and independence from an external power source. Gasoline lawn mowers have the widest cutting width, which reduces the number of passes and therefore reduces the time spent mowing. It should be remembered that gasoline lawn mowers weigh more than their electric counterparts. Before starting work, they need to be filled with gasoline, for example AI-92 (the octane number of gasoline is indicated in the operating instructions for the lawn mower).

Most modern lawn mowers are equipped with four-stroke engines. Unlike two stroke engine, in which fuel must be mixed with oil before starting work; the four-stroke engine has a separate crankcase into which it is poured engine oil. This saves time because... there is no need to waste effort on mixing fuel and oil in certain proportions (recommended by the manufacturer). In addition, lawn mowers with a four-stroke engine are quieter and emit less pollutants into the environment.

Gasoline lawn mowers need periodic replacement Supplies- spark plugs, air filters, oil. Therefore, the purchase of such equipment is economically justified and cost-effective for regular lawn mowing large area.

Technical features of lawn mowers

In addition to the area of ​​the treated area, engine type, cutting width, when choosing a lawn mower you need to pay attention to technical features one model or another. This directly affects the features of working with this equipment.

An important parameter of a lawn mower with a gasoline engine is its service life. Depending on the expected load on the equipment, i.e. - household or professional, the service life of a lawn mower engine can vary from 700 to 2500 operating hours. Accordingly, this parameter affects the maintenance-free life of the lawn mower.

For example, if you plan to regularly mow large areas, the processing of which takes a lot of time, you need to choose a lawn mower with an increased service life. Conversely, there is no point in overpaying for professional equipment, if infrequent work is expected in small areas.

The next parameter that directly affects the ease of working with a lawn mower is its method of movement - a self-propelled model or a non-self-propelled one.

To move around the area non-self-propelled model lawn mowers require user effort. Simply put, you have to push the mower in front of you, so they are suitable for cutting grass on flat and small areas.

A self-propelled lawn mower, driven by an engine on the front or rear wheels, moves independently. The user only needs to correct the trajectory while it is running. When choosing a self-propelled lawn mower, you should pay attention to the number of travel speeds and which wheels are driving. Practice shows that it is better to choose a lawn mower with rear drive wheels, because... During operation, as the grass catcher (located at the rear of the machine) fills, the load on the rear axle of the lawn mower increases.

Although front-wheel drive lawn mowers are more maneuverable, when the grass catcher is full, the load on the front axle is reduced. As a result, the center of gravity of the machine shifts, and on wet grass the drive wheels may begin to slip.

Also, when choosing a lawn mower with rear-wheel drive, you need to pay attention to the diameter of the rear wheels. The larger the wheels, the easier it is for the lawn mower to move over uneven terrain. In addition, lawn mowers can be equipped with wheels mounted on bearings or on a hub. Models with wheels equipped with bearings (ball or needle) are considered more durable.

Throwing out, collecting and mulching grass

During the mowing process, grass can:

  • throw yourself back;
  • throw out to the side;
  • collect in a grass catcher;
  • mulch.

As the blade rotates, the grass in the deck (the bell-shaped body of the lawn mower) is subjected to the force of the resulting air flow is thrown out of the deck. When grass is thrown back or to the side, it remains on the lawn and must then be collected.

When throwing grass into the grass catcher, there is no need to collect the grass, but during operation, as the grass catcher fills, it will have to be periodically cleared of grass. Therefore, when choosing a grass catcher, we pay attention to such a nuance as the presence or absence of a grass catcher filling valve. This allows you to visually determine, while the lawn mower is running, that the grass catcher is full and needs to be cleaned.

There are three types of grass catchers:

  1. Soft - fabric. They fold easily and take up little space, which is important when storing the lawn mower. The downside is that the fabric grass catcher needs periodic washing.
  2. Rigid, made of impact-resistant ABS plastic. This grass catcher is easy to clean and wash. Disadvantage: The grass catcher takes up more space when stored.
  3. Soft, with a hard plastic top - the golden mean between a soft and hard grass catcher.

The amount of time the lawn mower can continuously mow grass depends on the volume of the grass catcher.

Mulching is an agricultural practice in which the ground is covered with mulch - a material that regulates water and air modes V upper layers soil, which improves nutrient cycling.

Mulching – effective method stimulating plant growth.

The presence of this option allows you to avoid collecting the mown grass in the grass catcher and, thus, eliminates the need to shake the grass out of it. The essence of mulching in a lawn mower is as follows. , due to a special knife, is cut into dust in the deck, and since the grass ejection hole is first closed with a plug, the crushed particles fall down onto the lawn.

It is worth noting that not all lawn mowers have a mulching function, i.e. is an option. Some mowers will require you to purchase optional equipment - special knife and a plug. Therefore, before buying a lawn mower, we study it in advance. specifications.

Important: you should not use the mulching function all the time, because... Excess mulch on the lawn prevents the grass from growing properly.

Adjustment of the height of the mowed grass can be carried out either individually, for each wheel (for more simple models), or centrally, using one lever, which is more convenient.

And in conclusion of the article, let’s remember such an important function that also needs to be taken into account when choosing, such as ergonomics. Ergonomics affects the ease of control of the lawn mower and largely depends on the height of the control handles. Therefore, preference should be given to models that provide smooth adjustment of the height of the handles. This allows you to flexibly adjust their height for users of different heights.

In order for your lawn to look perfect, it needs to be trimmed and lush greenery controlled. An indispensable tool such as a lawn mower will help with this.

Well-known connoisseurs of strict beauty The British say that an excellent English lawn can only be achieved by someone who has been cutting and caring for it for at least 200 years. There is certainly some truth to this, but if your garden is not mowed, it will look, to put it bluntly, unattractive.

Where to start choosing a lawn mower?

Of course, if you wish, you can wave the rusty scythe. But this requires a lot of effort and quite a lot of time. A beautiful lawn I need it urgently at the dacha, and I don’t really want to waste energy. That's why lawn mowers were invented.

Their choice today is very large. Some have long ceased to be a tool and have become a means of entertainment or transportation, as well as status. After all good technique always emphasizes the respectability of its owner.

Choosing the device that is most suitable for you depends on the following criteria:

  1. Are you cutting your hair? smooth lawn or hilly terrain;
  2. Volumes of work performed and area of ​​mowed territory;
  3. Types of plants to be mowed;
  4. Uses technology strong man, or woman;
  5. Where is the main mowing area?

Having answered all the questions, you can easily choose the grass cutting tool that is right for you.

There are so many options for lawn mowers. And the choice depends only on you. But let's take a closer look at what you should pay attention to when choosing.

Step one. Selection by cutting system type

The first thing you should do before you start choosing a specific model is Special attention cutting system. It depends on it how easy and convenient your work will be in the future, because any steel becomes dull over time. This means that it should be sharpened and cared for.

Type cutting system lawn mowers are divided into:

  • rotary (blades are mounted at an angle on the deck and move horizontally);
  • spindle (make circular, rotational movements with blades).

Rotor systems

In lawn mowers with rotary systems, high-strength steel blades are mounted on a vertical shaft, which rotates very quickly during operation. Some models use a four-bladed knife, but this applies mainly to industrial ones. Basically, a two-bladed one is used.

Except cutting function, it acts as a guide, creating air flow between the blades. The air sucks in the remains of the cut weeds and draws them into the grass catcher or throws them away so as not to interfere with the passage.

If the cutting part of the blade is very tightly fixed to the shaft, then hitting a stone can lead to its breakage. Part of the knife may not only become dull or bent, but also fly off into the engine, causing it to fail. That is why many models are designed so that the blade can deviate from the axis of rotation when colliding with an obstacle.

If the knife becomes dull, it needs to be sharpened. After this, it is very important to balance the cutting elements well so that the opposing parts are in balance. To do this, the blade can be placed on a stick and achieved a completely horizontal position. An unbalanced blade with strong vibrations while the mower is running will cause engine or torque damage.

When choosing a lawn mower you should:

  1. Check the details of the fastening system. It is very important to know that there are models where the knives are inserted into a special mounting cross or bar. This makes it possible to sharpen or replace them individually. Also, such systems are much more convenient to maintain;
  2. Find out if there is a clutch. In some lawn mowers, the blades are attached through a special coupling consisting of soft material. If the cutting part hits a stone, the knife will move slightly to the side and damage the coupling, but the knife itself will remain intact. There are also automatic systems, which can control the operation of the knife and stop it when an obstacle appears.

Spindle or rotary systems

The cutting element in such a system is steel knives that can move. They are mounted on a cylindrical drum. Also, another knife is attached to the drum, which is stationary. The system has a scissor principle. It turns out that the mobile knives do not cut the plants, but crush them under the main, stationary cutter.

Such systems are low-productivity, but provide maximum quality of lawn treatment. Most often, they are used for secondary mowing for the purpose of leveling after the rotary mowing has already removed the main part of the growth.

Now such models are practically no longer produced, since they are little used. Of the spindle mowers, only manual mowers remain, such as the AL-KO Soft Touch 380 HM Premium.

Step two. Three types of lawn mowers, which one to choose?

A lawn mower on wheels is convenient because it does not need to be supported. This means that even a fragile girl or child can cope with it. However, you should not choose heavy equipment if a woman is going to use it. It is advisable to pay attention to devices up to 50 kg and with a self-propelled mechanism.

However, there are a lot of lawn mowers, how to choose from them? Today you can purchase one of the following options, differing in operating principles:

  1. Cordless lawnmower;
  2. Mechanical;
  3. Self-propelled robotic lawn mower.

In addition, choosing modern device, you may also encounter a vehicle with air cushions replacing wheels.


This type is completely autonomous. A cordless lawnmower does not need to be refueled and is not tied to an extension cord. Therefore, you can mow the lawn at any distance from your home. Quite good and not very expensive examples that can be trusted in this category are: VIKING MA 339 and Sturm CL4437. But a really high-quality Bosch Rotak 43 LI device costs a little more.

However, there are some disadvantages in such devices:

  1. Due to the battery they are quite heavy;
  2. Time battery life not too long and is approximately 2-3 hours. There are more expensive types, which allow you to mow for up to 10 hours without recharging;
  3. It takes time to recharge.

Today, hybrids are appearing that combine electrified and battery-powered mowers, which is very convenient. However, they are quite expensive.


Fully hand tool, requiring no wires. You can take it with you when going to the field.

The advantages of using a mechanical lawn mower are:

  • cheap operation;
  • low cost;
  • lightness and compactness;
  • complete autonomy;
  • noiselessness;
  • unlimited working time.

Of course, there can be no talk of self-propelled guns here. It all depends on the effort put in. Mowing a large area with such a device will require enormous labor and time.

If you choose a mechanical model, then you should look at the GARDENA 380AC or take something cheaper, risking quality and convenience, such as the Bosch AHM 30 or Husqvarna 64.

Robotic lawnmower

Not all riding lawn mowers are true robots, but all robots are self-propelled. These devices are electric, but occasionally they are also found on gasoline. They represent high-tech modern developments. Let's see how they differ, and which lawn mower is better to choose?

Conventional self-propelled vehicles cannot be programmed. When turned on, they move independently until they crash, and mow down everything in their path. The only thing that can be set in such devices is the operating time. Otherwise they are guided manually;

  1. Robotic lawnmowers are more modern. They can be programmed, set territory parameters, controlled remotely from a remote control and taught to use GPS.

If you are going to choose a self-propelled lawn mower, then definitely a robot. This device will be fun for you and your children. And mowing the lawn will turn from hard work into an interesting activity. The only drawback is high price, although in this category you can choose a cheaper device AL-KO Robolinho 100, or give preference to quality and buy Bosch Indego.

Interestingly, lawn mowers are found not only on wheels, but also on air cushions. Of course, such technology is more expensive. However, it is very convenient. The air cushion system allows you to avoid bumps and rocks and is very easy to move. If you are interested in the device at air cushion, take a look at the HUSQVARNA GX560.

Step three. Electricity or gasoline, which is better?

The most popular lawn mowers are gasoline and electric. But how to choose which one is better? To do this, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Electric lawn mower

One of the most common types of lawn mowers is powered. Their popularity is based on the low cost of energy on which they operate and the absence of the need for refueling. For inexpensive electric lawn mowers, you can pay attention to the AL-KO Classic 3.82 SE or the GARDENA PowerMax 32E, but if you prefer high quality and want to be as confident as possible in your equipment, choose the Makita ELM 4611.

Such devices are much lighter than gasoline ones, which means they are easier to operate. However, they also have a huge drawback: they lack autonomy and are tied to an electrical cord. The first does not allow you to mow huge areas, and the second does not allow you to move far from home. In addition, a cord getting tangled under your feet is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous.

The disadvantages of using electric lawn mowers are:

  1. Inability to mow during rain or high humidity;
  2. Connection to an extension cord.

Also, when choosing an electric lawn mower, you should consider the power of the motor. The higher it is, the more expensive the device, but its operating time is much longer. Cheap, low-power devices overheat very quickly.


A gasoline lawn mower is distinguished by its high power and, therefore, productivity. However, this also affects increased level noise. This lawn mower is suitable for large or remote areas.

Not only the performance of the device, but also fuel consumption depends on engine power. The main advantage of a gasoline lawn mower is its autonomy, because it does not need a power source. But expensive fuel can be considered a disadvantage.

Due to the presence of a gas tank and an internal combustion engine, these devices are much heavier and larger than electric ones. This is not a very big drawback; if you choose a self-propelled option, you only need to point the mower in the right side.

An inexpensive gasoline lawn mower is good for small areas; you can pay attention to the VIKING MB 248 or Oleo-Mac G 48PK Comfort Plus. But if you need a truly excellent device with an excellent engine and low noise levels, it is better to choose the Honda HRX476C1 VYE or AL-KO Highline 46.3 P-A edition.

Step four. Additional selection criteria

In addition to all of the above, different models have different additional functionality, which are very important for work. TO additional options lawn mowers always include the following:

  • presence of a grass catcher;
  • mulching;
  • bevel height adjustment;
  • throwing the cut shoots to the side.

Everything looks convenient and necessary, but is it really so?

Do you need a grass catcher?

An ordinary bag acts as a grass catcher, into which the mown growth is collected. When choosing, you should pay attention to its capacity and durability. If you have a large area, it is extremely inconvenient to constantly shake it out. It is better to choose a hard grass catcher, as it is easier to remove and wash with water.

In addition, due to rigidity, lower losses of air flow are achieved, which is why they are installed on low-power engines. Soft - much lighter in weight and easy to transport. However, they are only used in models with powerful engines. If you want to fertilize the ground, the grass catcher can always be removed, so it’s better to have one.

There are many options, it all depends on additional functions, if you choose an inexpensive mower, the Makita ELM 3311 is quite suitable, but if you want a solid and quality option with a grass catcher, take Husqvarna LC353V or Stiga Excel 50 S4Q INOX B.

Please note that the robots are not equipped with a bag, as all come with a mulching option.

Mulching, what is it and why?

Mulching is a special mowing mode. With it, the mowed plants are ground into porridge and thrown into the soil. This not only fertilizes the lawn, but also retains water, allowing you to water it half as often.

In mulching mode, the mower shreds the cut grass thanks to the special shape of the cutting part. Therefore, mowers that have mulching and a grass catcher have slightly less cutting efficiency. To give an example, you can take any inexpensive model with many options, such as the AL-KO Classic 5.14 SP-S. They are not bad, but if you need a cheap and quality lawn mower, discard some options.

If you are not going to use this mode, and the cleanliness of your lawn is important to you, then it is better to choose a lawn mower without this mode. Conversely, if you want to fertilize your lawn with grass clippings, do not use a grass catcher.

As for throwing grass to the side, this is a very convenient feature if you often cut grass along the sidewalk and you have a lawn mower without a grass collection bag. Otherwise, you should not overpay for it.

Among all, there are exceptions; they allow you to mow the lawn clean, as well as mulch the weeds very finely. An example is the Honda HRX537C2 VYEA, which allows you to adjust the height in seven modes, while removing 100% of the grass cover and mulching it.

Adjusting the cutting height

Adjusting the mowing height is fundamentally important only if the lawn is in an open area and in a residential area, so that it is as neat and beautiful as possible. In other cases, this option can be avoided. Although sometimes this function is very convenient, especially if the terrain is a little bumpy.

The cutting height can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Adjustment of the wheel system;
  2. Control of the main cutting system.

The first option lowers or raises the entire mower, which will not allow it to be moved over hillocks and is only suitable for very flat areas. If you choose a lawn mower with height adjustment, it is better to choose one with control of the main cutting system, since the shaft with the blades is directly lowered there.

Bottom line

A device such as a lawn mower is useful to everyone. Without it, you can’t “comb” your summer cottage and put it in order. Well, now you know how to choose a lawn mower. All that's left to do is buy.

Dear readers and visitors of our Construction Portal, in this article we will consider such a question as “types of lawn mowers and which lawn mower to choose.” Tell me: Why read and think about a lawn mower in winter? It's simple: 1. there is a saying - prepare your sleigh in the summer...., 2. on this moment Many stores that specialize in gardening equipment provide good discounts on their products. Let’s finish the preface here... Next, closer to the point...

So, lawn mower- this is a device (equipment, machine) that is designed for mowing lawns. This definition very narrow, because There are many types of devices for mowing or trimming lawns. There are lawn mowers that need to be pushed directly from behind, there are self-propelled ones, and there are also models with steering.

We have decided on the definition, then we will consider the types of lawn mowers:

Cylinder lawn mowers
. Rotary lawn mowers
. Air Cushion Lawn Mowers
. Riders
. Robot mowers
. Manual lawn mower(trimmer)

Riders- This self-propelled lawn mower, which can even be called a mini-tractor. Raiders run on gasoline and are designed to cover large areas.

Robot mower- this is a high-tech machine that independently finds a charging point when it is necessary to recharge the battery, also has rain sensors and provides high-performance lawn mowing. This type of lawn mower requires the installation of a cord to determine the boundaries of the mowed area.

Air Cushion Lawn Mowers- this type of lawn mower does not have a wheelbase. The movement of these lawn mowers is carried out using air flow, which is created by the engine and the blade. The operating principle and quality of lawn cutting of these lawn mowers is similar to rotary lawn mowers.

Cylinder lawn mowers- This is a popular type and provides the highest quality lawn mowing. Cylindrical lawn mowers come in mechanical, electric and petrol versions.

Rotary lawn mowers- this type of lawn mower is the most common. This type Lawn mowers are usually equipped with a 2- or 4-stroke internal combustion engine. The power range of rotary lawn mowers is 2-7 hp. (1.5-5 kW).

Trimmer- you can read about this type in the article

According to the feeding method, a lawn mower can be divided into the following types:

. Rechargeable
. Gasoline

Now there may be next questions: “Which type and type of lawn mower should I choose?”, and also “Which brand of lawn mower should I choose?”

The most convenient type of lawn mower would be a cordless lawn mower, because... it is more mobile, but there will always be a need for recharging.

An electric lawn mower is also a good option. The advantages include the fact that its operation will not produce harmful emissions like gasoline and does not need to be recharged, but there is also a disadvantage - it is constantly needed electricity, as well as limited cable length.

For a dacha, in our opinion, the best and economically profitable option There will be a lawn mower in the form of a trimmer.

When choosing a lawn mower, you should give preference to the following manufacturers:

1. Bosch;
2. Makita;
3. Solo;
4. Champion;
6. Worx.
7. Huter;

Also, when choosing a lawn mower, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

1. Engine power
2. Cutting width
3. Grass catcher
4.Mulching function
5. Aeration

Have fun working on your site! And don’t forget about safety precautions when working with lawn mowers!

AL-KO branded garden equipment instantly attracts attention. At first glance, it is clear that you are looking at solid units that can quickly and beautifully trim the lawn with your dexterous hands. Here are some tips to help you choose the right lawn mower.

The strategy and tactics for the success of al ko lawn mowers are focused on the maneuverability of the units and mowing the grass at the base, leaving the person only with the effort to adjust the movement of the mower. Let’s face it, not every unit is capable of achieving such a prospect.

AL-KO units

Every year, AL-KO garden equipment products are replenished with new promising models that can significantly facilitate manual labor for mowing grass on plots of land, the model range of which consists of mechanical, petrol and electric units.

The main function of the unit is to create turf of the same height over the area of ​​the mowed area, which gives the lawn a well-groomed and tidy appearance.

Modern models of lawn mowers are no longer a curiosity; they can safely be called a convenient and practical unit for the lawn. Among the many models of lawn mowers, Alco is distinguished by its comfortable operation, quality and reliability of the brand’s equipment. If you intend to buy an AL-KO lawn mower, it won’t hurt to study the features and capabilities of expensive units and choose the right unit.

Useful tips

The expediency of purchasing and choosing a unit is dictated by the area of ​​the lawn. Naturally, for small lawns or two or three paths, it makes no sense to purchase an expensive al ko petrol self-propelled lawn mower. You can easily get by with a simple mechanical unit. For a large lawn with a flat area and without fences, it is better to give preference and buy an al ko petrol lawn mower with a profile cutting width and central type height adjustment.

Characteristics of al ko lawn mowers

components of the unit and technical characteristics

The al ko lawnmower is a framed four-wheeled unit equipped with an electric or gasoline engine, a cutting system for mowing and mulching functions, and a control system.

Being a technically complex unit, performance characteristics should be interested.

Let us tell you that the main parameters of a lawn mower are:

Processing (cutting) width: small cutting width 30-35 cm and profile cutting width 40-45 cm

Type of cutting height adjustment (wheel, axial and central with synchronous lifting of wheels with one lever)

Engine power and performance

Body material and grass catcher volume.

Criteria for evaluating all lawn mowers model range is the same for electric al ko, gasoline and mechanical lawn mowers. The basic criterion remains the type of motor and drive.

The following engines are used in lawn mower models:

German AL-KO engine

American petrol Briggs & Stratton

Japanese Hondas with high torque.

However, we should not forget that the cutting blade system of any lawn mower important element, providing a mowing process with high requirements for strength and service life.

what is a knife

The basis of the cutting part of the electric and gasoline unit is the al ko lawn mower blade from the manufacturer, made of high-quality steel with a double-sided sharpening of the edge. The length of the lawn mower blade is 32 cm.

The design and fastening element of the knife allow you to independently replace or sharpen the edge. By the way, the degree of sharpening of the knife should be ideal, ensuring an even cut of the lawn grass. However, it doesn’t hurt to remember that the al ko manual lawn mower uses a different type of cutting system.

mechanical lawn mowers

A simple budget unit for cutting grass is a mechanical lawn mower model Soft Touch 38 HM Comfort, 128 mm spindle type, equipped with 5 beveled knives mounted and fixed on the cutting system cylinder and providing non-contact cutting technology.

Mechanical lawn mowers have 2 functions: mowing and collecting, which are provided by 4-step height adjustment (14-35 mm) with a working width of up to 38 cm. High riseØ 220 mm wheels and light ball-bearing travel, as well as a weight of 7.9 kg, make mowing comfortable. You can strengthen the structure with a hinged grass catcher made by yourself.

Useful tips

Judging by the reviews, the advisability of purchasing mechanical units ensures mowing the lawn for grass with low and loose turf. With a denser grass cover Electric and gasoline units with wheel drive and electric starter perform excellently. The cutting height of such units is provided by central 6 and 7-stage or axial 6-stage adjustment with a simple spring mechanism.

electrical units

Electric lawn mowers, e.g. model AL-KO Classic 3.22 SE, intended for lawn areas up to 250-300 sq.m., features a low noise level when operating with a motor protected from power surges.

For electrical units, asynchronous ones are used. single phase motors condenser with vertical crankshaft

speed 700 to 1600 W, which are used in the Classic and Silver 46.4 E Comfort lawn mowers.

The units are characterized by a small working width of up to 34 cm, a cutting height of 28-68 cm with a central 6-step adjustment for the mowing mode. Power electric models is 1200-1400 W. The bodies are equipped with PP plastic with wheel Ø: front/rear 150/165.

The maneuverability of the ball-bearing wheels “holds” the unit on slopes and provides stability on wet grass, with virtually no damage to the lawn surface.

The light weight of the units (up to 20 kg) and the volume of the grass catcher is 35-37 l, the safety switch on the handle with cable fixation ensures fast lawn mowing with convenient control.

Find out about electric lawn mowers possible from the video.

The only inconvenience of an electric unit is the connection to the electrical carrier, which is successfully solved by gasoline lawn mowers.

petrol lawn mowers

The budget option in the line of units is represented by al ko petrol lawn mowers, designed for basic functions and mulching grass.

For example, model Classic 4.66 P-A Edition tank volume from 100 to 123 cubic meters. cm power (engine capacity) up to 2000 W and 4-stroke engine speed 2850 rpm. The cutting height can be adjusted from 25 to 75 mm using a spring mechanism.

High wheels on ball bearings with a wheel diameter of 180/205 mm create a gentle regime for the lawn. The Briggs&Stratton engine is capable of providing economical oil consumption.

The ease of control of gasoline unit models is ensured by manual or electric start without a throttle, and shutdown without a blade clutch.

Lawn mowers of powerful gasoline units are equipped with a large grass catcher of up to 70 liters. The high-strength body of the “car” is quite resistant to vibration and mechanical stress.

But self-propelled guns, such as AL-KO Classic 5.16 SP-A Plus, with driving rear wheels of size XXL, using self-propelled gasoline lawn mowers, it is not difficult to continuously cultivate 3 square meters of lawn area.

Find out about work gasoline unit The video will help.