home · On a note · Choosing a chandelier in a minimalist style. Lamps in the style of minimalism Modern lamps in the style of minimalism

Choosing a chandelier in a minimalist style. Lamps in the style of minimalism Modern lamps in the style of minimalism

When decorating a room in a certain style, each, even the most small detail may have important. Ceiling lamps fall into the category the most important details, allowing you to create exactly the design that was intended, adding the finishing touch to the overall picture. In this article we will talk about decor and what chandeliers can be used in rooms decorated in this way.

Important style details

In order for your lamp to meet the requirements of this type of design, you must have a clear idea of ​​what requirements apply to furnishings and decor in such interiors. The most important points to consider are:

  • Harmony in simplicity - all objects surrounding you in such a room should be of simple, straight shapes and without unnecessary decor.
  • Maximum free space– there should be no unnecessary details, furnishings or decorative decorations.
  • Minimum color - three basic shades with prevailing light tones.
  • A large amount of natural and artificial lighting - windows large area and bright lamps.
  • Maximum functionality of everything that surrounds you.

Taking into account these simple rules, it is worth choosing not only wall finishing materials or furniture, but also lighting devices. In addition, the materials from which lighting fixtures are made also play an important role. Among possible options Several solutions stand out in particular, which can be classified as “good”, recommended for use, and “bad”, the use of which is not recommended.

Best solutions

To create an interior in a minimalist style, you must adhere to certain recommendations regarding the lamps you choose. In most cases, it is not difficult to comply with them:

  • Use original solutions with hidden lighting. Such lighting is not visible and does not affect the environment with its appearance.
  • All lighting fixtures must be strict geometric shapes with a predominance of straight design lines.
  • The colors of the lampshades should not be bright - the best options will become beige, white, gray or black.
  • Clearly separate zones for lighting with one or another device. Each of them must perform its function.

Inappropriate options

To avoid annoying mistakes, you need to know which devices are completely unsuitable for interiors in minimalist design. Here everything will be much simpler than when choosing one of the suitable options.

You should not use models with ornate or complex shapes. Only straight lines, clearly defined geometry and no additional decor. Textile shades should also be avoided. Fabric can be used as one of the finishing materials for the lamp, but its quantity should be minimal.

All lighting devices located in plain sight must be designed in uniform style. The shapes of lampshades or shades may be different, but general idea should be visible in all installed devices. At the same time, it is important that the selected or other lighting fixtures environment and decoration.

Examples of using

Each room in the house has its own functions and it is natural that the lighting fixtures installed in these rooms will also be different. For example, a chandelier in the minimalist style, which will be installed in the living room, should be bright and large enough to illuminate a large area of ​​​​this room. At the same time, it should look beautiful and stylish, as it is one of the few decorative elements.

In the kitchen the best solution there will be several built-in lighting fixtures above work surface, supplemented by one main lighting device. This design will allow, if necessary, to provide the entire kitchen with diffused light and brightly illuminate the work surfaces.

When choosing chandeliers in the minimalist style for the bedroom, you need to take into account that too bright light is not needed here - simple diffused light from the main device and bedside lamps is enough. At the same time, if you have a closet with clothes in this room, it is advisable to well illuminate the area near it and near the mirror. For this purpose, several built-in ceiling structure light sources.

The remaining photos below show what a minimalist chandelier might look like for a corridor, hallway, and other examples of similar luminaires. By carefully viewing these photographs, you can get general idea about the most suitable solutions for a given design.

The minimalist style in the interior not only does not lose its relevance over time, but rather, on the contrary, becomes more and more refined, perfect and in demand. How to choose lamps in this style, what to focus on and which manufacturers offer the most modern lighting fixtures?

Minimalism in the interior: highlights

This style in interior design arose after the 1950s and was initially characterized by particular practicality and functionality of the furnishings, and over time, simplicity, conciseness and rigor, and refined forms became its distinctive features.

Spaces designed in this modern style, are distinguished by spaciousness, a minimum of furniture, decor and furnishings. However, one should not confuse minimalism with asceticism - despite the external rigor and laconicism, the interior is distinguished by a peculiar coziness, special comfort and aesthetics. The most striking ethnic style of this trend is Japanese minimalism.

Typically design is based on use following colors and their shades: white, gray, black, brown, beige, which are complemented by the textures of wood, glass, stone and metal. There is a rule that no more than 5 colors are used in the interior.

We select lamps in the style of minimalism

Regarding lighting, a big role in daytime plays daylight Therefore, windows are usually large and there are no heavy curtains.

Single color ceiling light shade, bulky pendant lamps are excluded. The play of light, spotlights and multi-level structures are more often used. Also, built-in lamps can be used in niches, shelving, to illuminate shelves, etc. Thus, artificial light plays a secondary role and is designed to create dim diffused lighting.

A lamp in the style of minimalism is discreet, inconspicuous, lampshades for floor or ceiling lighting fixtures are plain, of simple design, made of silk, plastic, frosted and transparent glass, rice paper, bamboo, felt. As for color solutions, natural shades are most preferable.

If you find it difficult to choose a lighting fixture in the style of minimalism, a safe option is the Japanese akari lamp - metal carcass(originally bamboo) covered with rice paper.

Current lamps from manufacturers

On our website you can choose a wide variety of stylish and original lamps in the style of minimalism. For example:

The strict floor lighting fixture FLOS Acro is offered by the company

Minimalism and hi-tech - two absolutely different styles, which, however, very often overlap in interior design. If you decide to arrange your living space in one of these modern keys, then you should also think about which minimalist or high-tech lamps will be most harmonious in your home.

Chandeliers in the style of minimalism - the perfection of straight lines and regular shapes

Light plays an equally important role in creating cozy interior, as well as furniture, wallpaper, and other decorative items. By properly thinking through the lighting, you can visually enlarge the space, smooth out uneven walls and provide the necessary replacement of the daylight source. But if in the “appearance” of built-in local lighting only the shape matters and as a last resort size, then such types of lighting fixtures as a minimalist chandelier, floor lamp, sconce, desk lamp must fit harmoniously into the interior.

Ceiling lamps in the style of minimalism and hi-tech are straight lines, strict shapes and industrial materials. Such restraint in decor is compensated by high functionality. “Form is determined by function” - this is the motto of high-tech, and partly of minimalism, which was proclaimed in his time by the famous architect L. G. Sullivan and which designers still follow. Despite this seemingly simplicity, a design in a minimalist or high-tech style looks luxurious and rich. And the lamps of this style solution will also provide high quality, reliability of materials, as a result of which your lighting fixtures will last forever.

Among the many famous Italian manufacturers, it is worth noting the De Majo factory. A distinctive feature of the company is the use of Murano glass in all products. The brand's collections are completely different from each other. Each model is unique in its own way. Product design does not follow any rules. It's more of an eclecticism, a mixture of styles. Among the series closest to minimalism are Xilo, Otto X Otto, Olimpia, Pro Secco, Spoke, San Siro.

The ceiling chandelier in the style of minimalism and hi-tech from the Italian factory Vistosi also combines elements of organic style and modernity. Vistosi lamps are manufactured according to ancient technologies, which have been honed over centuries and passed down through generations. Laconic, restrained forms of lamps in the minimalist style are not devoid of refined elegance and sophistication.

In addition to Italy, the Belgian company Delta Light can boast of the impeccable quality of its products, whose lamps are the height of functionality and practicality. Also notable are the minimalist lamp models from the Spanish manufacturer B.Lux, whose products were created thanks to famous European designers - George Pensi, Hector Farmandez, Gemma Bernal. Both brands create truly unique lighting fixtures in such modern directions like minimalism, hi-tech, organic style and modern.

In addition to the above mentioned factories, italian chandeliers minimalism, high-tech are produced by such elite brands as Artemide, Fabbian, Flos, Ma&De. Among manufacturers from other European countries, it is worth highlighting the German factory SLV, the French Atelier Sedap, the Spanish Vibia, although this, of course, is not all, worth attention companies. Detailed photos and detailed specifications will help you get acquainted with the lighting fixture models in more detail.

The minimalism style appeared in the middle of the 20th century, when the pace of life increased many times over. Previously family from generation to generation she could live in the same house, using the same furniture, passing on certain family heirlooms to her descendants. Now, even one person during his life can change not only his apartment, house, but also his region, city, and even country of residence. At this rate, is it worth it for a business person to load his apartment with a lot of things? This is the whole essence of the minimalism style.

Main features of the minimalist style

Even by its name, the minimalism style speaks of the need to get rid of everything unnecessary and non-functional - jewelry, decor, interior trinkets and unnecessary cluttering furniture. At the core modern minimalism The following styles lie: constructivism with its pronounced technical design in everyday objects; functionalism style with a preference for useful and utilitarian interior items, as well as Japanese style - a style of laconic and unencumbered spaces.

The fundamental element is, of course, fairly large spacious rooms, combined zones, the absence of partitions, small rooms, and nooks. Interiors in the minimalist style are large spaces with freedom for life and creativity. The layout uses strict geometry, no arches or rounded shapes. The same characteristic can be attributed to furniture - simple chopped, laconic forms, lack of decor, but in upholstered furniture Curves and smooth lines may already be present. The furniture is usually low, as if creeping along the floor - echoes Japanese style. She says with all her appearance that she is more likely to be useful than to amaze your imagination with her beauty.

Interiors in the minimalist style contain predominantly light pastel shades, monochrome prevails, the absence of any prints and bright flashy colors. Also distinguishing feature color scheme minimalism - the contrast of white and black, or very light and very dark tones. If this interior contains figurines and decorative vases, then they are as concise and simple in form as possible. The same applies to paintings: graphics or contemporary art, no classical painting.

The feeling of the minimalist style is a feeling of cleanliness, order, like after spring cleaning when there is nothing superfluous and everything is in its place. One even gets the impression that no one lives here - there are no scattered books, no work space, no computer on it. In fact, all this is there, simply, as is usual in minimalist style interiors, everything is well hidden in retractable structures and hidden storage areas.

The minimalist style is filled with light and air, both due to the predominance of light colors in the decoration, and, as a rule, large windows. This principle of an abundance of light should be maintained in the dark. And here, of course, the main violin is played artificial lighting– lamps.

Minimalist style lamps

The name of the style itself tells us that lamps in interiors in minimalist style should be minimally drawing attention to themselves. They can be compared to a “gray eminence” who builds a composition while remaining in the shadows. The main task of lamps used in a minimalist interior is to shine without overloading the interior with their shapes, without creating bright glare of light and a blinding effect. Scattered soft light - here distinctive feature of this style, and is a vivid example of this.

Until recently, it was not often possible to find a chandelier or any kind of hanging lamp in interiors of this style. It mainly predominated in the ceiling, walls and furniture. This period coincided with great popularity spotlights simple and unpretentious forms. They are still very appropriate, however, they have been replaced by lamps of interesting, non-banal shapes and materials, more reminiscent of lamps in public spaces.

Recessed luminaires now do not necessarily have to be as invisible as possible. On the contrary, large ones predominate technical forms, as in stores and showrooms - a la spotlights and cardans, with the exception, perhaps, in where unobtrusive forms are still required.

An analogue of recessed spotlights for interiors in the minimalist style are or. They do not need to be embedded into the ceiling, and they can be placed in any place convenient for you. Also, the role of lighting in a minimalist style can be played by something hidden from view. LED Strip Light, the light of which can be both primary and additional lighting.

Over time, chandeliers and general and local lighting in a minimalist style began to appear more and more often in minimalist style interiors. They are characterized by simple geometric shapes: for example, lampshades in the form of a ball, circle, square, hemisphere, all kinds of cylinders, cones, etc. Elements of constructivism can also dominate in lamps of this style, when everything that is usually hidden is put on public display - wires, lamps, fasteners, etc.

As in the decoration of the room itself, and in the lamps, minimalism loves natural materials such as wood, stone, frosted glass, fabric of very restrained tones and shapes. In this he borrows an idea from another extremely popular design trend -. Lamps made of metal in silver shades and chrome are also welcome. And last but not least, plastic lamps occupy a place. However, in this case the plastic should be of the highest quality and not resemble something cheap, mass-produced, but on the contrary should look very expensive and even exclusive. And of course, no prints, only monochrome. Well, or contrasts of dark and light colors.

Table and floor lamps in these interiors are either so simple that they do not attract attention at all, or, on the contrary, they are an art object, striking with their size, design and transformation capabilities. But no decor!