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Zodiac sign Virgo dates in. ✓ Love: a bright future. Monkey - Leo

VIRGO horoscope for 2017 female and male.

In 2017, Virgos will want to “put their feet up”!!! After all, for some strange reason, when Virgos sit down at the computer, at the table, or even just on the sofa, you immediately want to lift your legs up! So in 2017, you will always have the desire to lift your legs! Because all next year you will be looking for a “comfort zone” for yourself! And if Virgo decided to find a “comfort zone” for themselves, then it’s better for everyone else to hide and not interfere!

As shown horoscope for 2017 for Virgo, V next year You will be more active than ever. This is because 2017 will bring numerous opportunities for most Virgos.

Moreover, even despite the fact that obstacles and surprises await you throughout the year, by the end of 2017, on the train of life, you will arrive safe and sound, and with a satisfied look. The main thing is to remember a very convenient phrase - “I don’t want to offend anyone.” This phrase is very, very suitable for Virgos. But really, they said it - and offend whoever you want!

And although the 2017 horoscope for Virgo indicates that next year some representatives of your zodiac sign will face serious setbacks in relationships, most Virgos will be able to protect their interests both in Love and in relationships. The main thing is not to pull two strings of your partners at once. You know, like in a situation where a man is in a pet store. He sees a luxurious Parrot: a red thread is tied to his left leg, and a green one to his right. He became interested and the owner explained. If you pull the right one, he will speak Spanish. To the left - in German. Man: What if for both?? Parrot: “Are you an idiot?!” I’ll fall off my perch!” So for Virgos in relationships, next year the main thing is not to lose their “smell” and not to pull their partner’s two paws at the same time. Otherwise, Virgos sometimes lose control of themselves and can jerk their partner so that he (she) not only falls off the perch, but also runs away! Therefore, Virgos, manipulate people as before, pull the strings, the main thing is not two at the same time! Moreover, judging by the horoscope for 2017, the planet Mars will help you in any of your efforts during the year and will provide you with the necessary energy to achieve your goals. It’s just that, at the same time as energy, Mars will make you more conflicted, so don’t forget to pull yourself together sometimes. And since any Virgo is best calmed by the sound of an ATM dispensing money, in the most critical moments imagine how much a quarrel or conflict will cost you. This will definitely help you calm down faster.

Horoscope for 2017 Virgo. Planet Jupiter will maintain stability in your personal life and promote good interpersonal contacts. This means that next year you will not be able to move forward on your own and in isolation. To succeed in the year of the Red Fire Rooster, Virgos need to strengthen their relationships with their loved ones, with friends, with colleagues and with relatives.

At the beginning of the year, Virgos need to try to “sharpen” right away. Everything will be a little blurry for you, and you won't have the slightest idea where you are going, with whom, and why. Remember how it was there, at B.G. “To understand where to go, without hesitation...” So no 100 grams. Put the glass on the table - you've had enough New Year's holidays. At the beginning of the year, you need to quickly return to work, or to your normal life, in short, to emerge from Illusions and the Internet into real life. And although slight uncertainty about “tomorrow” will not go away, be firm and decisive - even when in the morning you want to kill the alarm clock and everyone around you. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. And the fact that it is not approaching quickly is very good - it means it is not a train. Yes, and most often the light at the end of the tunnel only shows that there is no light in the tunnel itself. This means you need to get out of it quickly.

It is the tunnel and the light at the end of the tunnel that 2017 will be most like for most Virgos. This is only for worms the light at the end of the tunnel - not for Good. But for everyone else, these are tempting prospects. These are exactly the tempting prospects that 2017 will open to most Virgos. So your task next year is simply not to miss them!

The horoscope for 2017 also advises Virgos to play the game “+100 points in karma” next year. In other words, next year, you should not forget about spiritual goals, good deeds, charitable organizations and social projects. On the one hand, it’s even a little wild to tell the most cynical of all zodiac signs about this, but on the other hand, this is exactly what will help bring the necessary harmony into your life. Therefore, next year the game “+100 points in karma” will be very important for you. Well, come up with the rules yourself... This is in a situation where old man Hottabych accidentally caught goldfish, finding a solution is difficult. After all, they are both silent, looking at each other - the situation is stalemate. And in life you can always find words for good deeds. And where there is a word, there are actions.

Judging by the horoscope, some Virgos will travel a lot next year. Some Virgos may have very long business trips. And for some, trips or travel will significantly affect their career or professional field. So pay attention to travel issues next year Special attention.

So, Virgos, don’t sit with your feet up and wait for the “light at the end of the tunnel” to come closer to you, but get up and run towards it! And there is no need to continue to shock people with your questions from the series: “Well, why, when I propose to kill someone, does everyone take it as a joke???” Learn to at least sometimes control your natural sarcasm!

And yet, 2017 of the Red Rooster will be quite heterogeneous. Let's look in detail at what points in the horoscope for 2017 Virgos should pay attention to. So, in 2017, the Virgo zodiac sign will have to experience a lot of really interesting moments, although it must be said right away that in general this will be a relatively neutral time - a period when in the lives of most Virgos there will be no fundamental changes in the physical sense, while revaluation of values, self-orientation in society, search for their place in the sun and the like will happen. The fact is that the symbol of 2017, the Fire Rooster, the patron of the current time stage, naturally belongs to the element of Fire, which, in fact, is reflected in its name. At the same time, Virgo herself is a sign of the element of Earth, and here it is important to understand that Earth and Fire are not obvious antagonists, opponents or allies, these elements interact indirectly, let’s say, only out of necessity. On the other hand, this is a very relative formulation; of course, there is a relationship, but it passes through other elements, which in turn implies a complex chain of regeneration of energies in the system of five primary elements. However, if you don’t go into details, you can still say that 2017 for representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will still have a lot of multi-vector nuances that will determine both positive and negative events of the year. In the horoscope for 2017, we will try to take into account the most important of them, in order to, at a minimum, be prepared for upcoming events and, if possible, neutralize potential negativity, as they say, on the way. In this sense, the Fire Rooster will allow Virgo to realize her plans, although (as we discussed above) with certain reservations. First of all, the most important point is the fact that, at its core, 2017 is dissonant with the energies of the Virgo zodiac sign. But! It is important! Although such a statement actually means that 2017 will not be a year of roses for Virgo, 2017, however, is not unfavorable. It's not even a stop before the start. You, dear Virgos, should perceive 2017 as a lyrical digression, for example, you most likely will not be appointed general director of the company in 2017, but promotion and promotion career ladder possible. Remember, in order to succeed and not fall into a tailspin of depression, in 2017 Virgos will have to change and adapt to new conditions. This year, dear Virgos, you will need to act a little calmer than usual, although the general dynamics inherent in your zodiac sign will be preserved, cunning and the ability to adapt to changing conditions will become key characteristics, thanks to which Virgo will be able to achieve their goals.

In a sense, the Year of the Rooster 2017 can naturally be divided into several stages, and each one must be characterized separately. In particular, the first stage, which will begin with the advent of the Year of the Rooster, will end in the first ten days of June 2017. This is a fairly long period of time, which will take almost half a year, but probably this time will be the most important in Virgo’s career, at least relative to the current state of affairs. You need to be especially careful in terms of the range of tasks that you plan to solve. If you are a performer, then the horoscope for 2017 for Virgo recommends holding off on initiatives at the beginning of the year, and then gradually increasing the level of your influence. Be patient a little, take a look at what you are planning from the outside, compare what you see with what your colleagues or opponents are doing, collect as much information as possible, and begin the most active actions in the spring. In this situation, the active position of Mercury relative to your zodiac sign will coincide with your aspirations, strengthen any creative impulses, increase efficiency and increase potential profits. Closer to the beginning of summer, you yourself will understand that you should focus exclusively on interpersonal relationships. Here the career, as such, will fade into the background, and this will be an extremely positive moment, because in this area this moment your intervention will not be required. In the first half of 2017, Virgo leaders will receive support in making several rather difficult decisions; the main thing is to focus on their own feelings, taking into account the opinions of others, but without putting them above personal plans.

Approximately from the end of the first ten days of June until the end of the Year of the Rooster (February 15, 2018), the work pace will slow down somewhat, but Virgos will have many opportunities to get closely involved in family issues. By this point in your life, there will probably be some interesting trends that will be characterized by ambiguity of potential. Here you need to understand one thing: now, if you don’t know what to do, try to be alone with yourself. A two- to three-day vacation in country house. Loneliness sometimes helps well in resolving such issues, although, of course, this option is not typical for Virgo. However, 2017 is a year of obvious changes, so you will have to change, there is no escape from this and it is better to accept it as early as possible (it will definitely be easier for you later). Be smart in your decisions and measured in your actions, don’t rush headlong into the first adventure that seems interesting to you. Even if your closest friends advise you to participate, assuring you of the absolute safety of the transaction, do not rush. Listen to your heart, in the truest sense of the word. Do not be led by your instincts and your frankly greedy desires. This period of 2017, frankly speaking, does not pretend to be successful in business or career, but this is an excellent time to not only reconsider your attitude towards life, but also, in the most obvious way, change yourself. The apotheosis of this stage will occur in mid-November 2017, at which time the influence of Venus will be maximum. And this means that your relationship will go through a serious crisis, the result of which will be... in fact, it depends entirely on you. But rest assured, the changes will be significant, and the best part is that, judging by the Virgo horoscope for 2017, the heavens will provide every opportunity so that the ending ultimately suits you to the fullest.

The second half of November, December 2017, as well as the first month and a half of 2018, which are also part of the Year of the Rooster, are difficult to characterize unambiguously. At this point, everyone is the most important events will already happen, and all the most significant changes in yourself will already take root (or will not take root, everything is in your hands). However, this stage is important in terms of contemplation and perspective. At the end of 2017, at the junction of eras, Virgos may make particularly important decisions that will have the most direct impact on future fate. Don't be shy to act in ways that are unusual for you. Surprise others, 2017 will be entirely on your side in this regard. The time will come, and you will understand that it was precisely in such moments that you lived, as they say, life to the fullest. And so that you have nothing to regret in the future, do not be shy about your desires! For you, dear Virgos, 2017 is the year of transformation! Be happy in 2017!

There will be shock and some difficulties, but the most trials await people born in the year of the Ox. But these tests can be both bad and good. Therefore, the main thing is not to get lost in such a whirlpool of events and have time to adapt to the new wave.

Many Oxen are characterized by slowness and regularity, but in the period under review you must give up slowness, take risks, and then all your dreams will come true. Remember, the Fire Rooster will help in difficult endeavors, because he values ​​zeal and enthusiasm.

In mid-spring, perhaps you will decide to take some risky action and achieve success. Perhaps the Ox wants to move to another state or get married - any desire that arises in the head must be fulfilled. It will not only be successful, but also enjoyable.

Horoscope for Ox Woman

Women who were lucky enough to be born under this star will try to improve their lives throughout 2017. They already have a reputation excellent housewives and wives, but in the period under review these ladies will want to change something in the apartment, for example, make repairs. There is no need to deny yourself such a desire, especially if funds allow.

Thanks to the rearrangement in the house, you will feel moral satisfaction, and life will sparkle with new colors. On the love front there will be different weather: at the beginning of the year, new acquaintances are possible, and at the end someone may make you happy with a long-awaited proposal.

In 2017, stars advise women mothers to devote more time to their children. Read with them, play, teach them something new, and they will delight you with their achievements.

Horoscope for Ox man

Men born under the sign of the Ox have always been distinguished by their special drive and desire to achieve incredible heights in various areas. At work they need to be the first, in life they should be accompanied only by the most gorgeous woman and Financial independence The Bull should have it almost as soon as he comes of age.

Such zeal is, of course, welcome, but you shouldn’t overexert yourself, otherwise you can undermine your health. Try not to shoulder an unbearable burden, do not solve problems alone.

In 2017, astrologers advise sharing any news with your loved ones, both good and bad. Single Oxen who have been looking for their happiness for a long time can be sure that with the advent of the Year of the Rooster they will find their happiness.

Love horoscope for Oxen

Already at the beginning of 2017, Oxen will feel an incredible surge of strength, their self-esteem will rise to the highest level, which will allow representatives of this sign to make the right acquaintances. Such relationships can develop into something more, the main thing is not to “miss” your happiness.

It is noteworthy that on your way you will meet only self-confident individuals who will charge you with their positivity and determination for a long time. By creating an alliance with such people, you will cut yourself a direct path to happiness and prosperity.

Bulls who will meet their soulmate in the spring can little by little prepare for the wedding, because in the fall this happy event will delight not only you, but also your loved ones. In the summer it is unlikely that you will be able to start a long-term relationship, but do not be upset - very soon a loved one will find you.

Family Oxen will feel complete calm and mutual understanding with their loved ones. If you want to add some variety to the smooth flow of your personal life, the stars will only approve of this.

Career Horoscope for Oxen

Most likely, significant achievements in professional field The bulls need to wait. 2017 will not bring any special “rewards” in this field, no matter how hard you try. The reason for this is the reluctance to achieve heights, which will fall on the Bulls like “heavy rain”. A shake-up in the form of an exciting trip with friends will help you get rid of this feeling.

In it, you will understand what you generally want from life, and, perhaps, you will finally decide whether the position you occupy is suitable for you or not. Failure awaits the Bulls who decide to open their own business. If possible, it is better to abandon this idea before it fails.

Finance horoscope for Oxen

If we talk about the savings that the Bulls can make in 2017, then the period under review will turn out to be, on the whole, profitable. True, in order for this income to be significant, you need to work tirelessly. Those Bulls who like to take risks must understand that they can make fabulous profits or lose in disgrace.

Determine for yourself which path is closer to you and confidently walk along it. Astrologers advise everyone who has started real estate transactions to complete them in the first half of the year, preferably in the spring months. But in the end you will have a chance to make a profitable investment, which will bring good income in the future.

Health horoscope for Oxen

Any health problem that affects you in the next year of the Fire Rooster will be directly related to your disregard for your body. Do not neglect the usual measures of disease prevention, and you will never go under the surgeon’s knife. Health is not an area that you can ignore.

In the spring, a worsening of illnesses associated with the gastrointestinal tract is possible, so we suggest that you go to a specialized doctor in advance and find out from him how to avoid such troubles. Don't indulge in alcohol or fatty foods.

Best to choose healthy foods and very soon you will not recognize yourself and your body, because it will work like a clock. In the fall of 2017, you should try to avoid heavy loads, sudden movements and hypothermia - you may be affected by joint diseases.

Horoscope by zodiac sign for Oxen

Ox – Aries

Aries can already begin to prepare for the fact that 2017 will bring them a lot of positivity and good luck. Already at the beginning of the year, some pleasant incident may happen that will radically change your life. Perhaps you have long wanted to quit smoking, get a second education or a promotion, remember, any event can bring you closer to your desired goal. A string of news, acquaintances, and offers will not leave the Bulls until the very end of the Year of the Rooster, which means that this entire period will be magical.

Ox – Taurus

In 2017, people born under this sign can hope for an increase. And what will be added is up to you to decide. If you dream of a salary increase, it will happen; if you dream of a baby, it will appear; Do you want to quickly meet your soul mate and create a relationship with her? strong family- get ready! It may happen that the addition will be completely unexpected - it will come distant relative or friend.

Ox – Gemini

The approaching Year of the Fire Rooster will turn out to be an extremely successful period for Gemini, which will allow them to realize all their plans and move on to building new goals. True, you shouldn’t expect that luck and luck will rain down on you, as if from a cornucopia. Everything you have long dreamed of will have to be achieved through hard work, downright bullish. Set specific goals for yourself, work hard in this direction and soon you will be able to feel the joy of victory.

Bulls - Cancers

It is likely that Cancers will find true happiness in 2017. True, the unpleasant past may still appear on the doorstep, be patient and try to let go of the situation. If you decide to start your own business, you can be sure that the Rooster will help you with this. Don't forget about the people who will be with you all this time. Please them, give them nice gifts, provide timely assistance.

Bulls - Leos

Astrologers recommend that Leos pay special attention to health. If it shakes, then no achievements will shine for you. Success in life will be directly related to your well-being. Get rid of it as soon as possible bad habits, if any, go in for sports, switch to proper nutrition.

Bulls - Virgos

Before entering the new year, 2017, Virgos must draw up a clear action plan and stick to it for all 12 months.

This schedule will help you achieve your goals incredibly easily and quickly. Go for it!

Bulls - Libra

In 2017, Libra will be as friendly and helpful as possible. But you shouldn’t show excessive loyalty in business. Before concluding an important deal, double-check everything several times so as not to be deceived later. Don't push yourself too hard at work - set aside at least one day to relax.

Bulls - Scorpios

Despite the fact that Scorpios will be slow, it will be very appropriate. While your friends are fussing, you will be able to weigh any of your decisions and even win something. In family matters, you will also have to take your time, but solve each problem confidently and calmly.

Bulls - Sagittarius

In 2017, representatives of this sign must work tirelessly, especially since luck will always be around. Any undertaking that you have been planning for a long time will have to be literally “pulled by the horns.” Show all your energy and creativity that your nature is capable of. And by the end of the year you will get what you want.

Bulls - Capricorns

People born under the star of Capricorn have a real chance of becoming the lucky ones of 2017. All thanks to awakened intuition. By trusting your inner voice, you will achieve everything you have dreamed of for so long. Take risks and win.

Bulls - Aquarius

Try to eradicate slowness in yourself. It is this quality that will slow down the Bulls throughout 2017. Suffer less - take action! Perhaps in 2017 you will meet your soulmate. Pay attention to the signs that fate sends you, and you will not be lost.

Pisces – Ox

The coming year will be exciting and rapid for you. Before you know it, most of 2017 will fly by behind a wave of emotions and violent passions. Don't give in to emotions so as not to lose sight of the important things that will definitely happen to the Bulls. Don’t forget about your loved ones and friends, because in a moment of bitterness and disappointment you turn to them for advice. Therefore, sometimes you need to answer them in kind.

Video horoscope

In 2017, the Red Fire Rooster. Horoscope and astrological forecast for the Virgo sign for 2017.

In the difficult 2017 year of the Red Fire Rooster, Virgo must make the most of her inherent hard work, accuracy and restraint. These qualities can best balance the shortcomings of an overly nervous and eccentric Rooster.

Astrologers promise Virgo successful undertakings in the spring, even risky ones - by the fall they will bear fruit and reward for their efforts.

In 2017, Virgo must scrupulously set her priorities, separate the important from the secondary, be more often guided by her innate intuition, listen to her inner voice and use what is commonly called the sixth sense.

In the fall, Virgo will have time to take stock of their achievements and failures over the previous six months.

For Virgo, 2017 is the right time to change their image, or even radically change their image: get a haircut, repaint their hair, change their clothing style. The year is especially favorable for Virgo athletes - your efforts in the past will begin to bear fruit.

It is possible that in 2017 the element of Earth will provoke the development of creative possibilities. The main thing here is not to restrain yourself, but to actively develop your talents.

If a person of this sign has already found himself in creativity, in the second half of the year the stars foreshadow a series of pleasant events, perhaps a successful performance, a personal exhibition, a large fee for work, etc.

Birthday celebrations should be taken with caution. Noisy gatherings that last past midnight can have unpleasant consequences. Spend the day in a calm environment surrounded by loved ones; if possible, go abroad.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, astrologers advise Virgos to get a pet - a mischievous puppy or affectionate kitten will distract from gloomy thoughts and relieve the spring blues.

Astrological forecast for the sign Virgo for 2017

Virgo: horoscope for 2017 from Vasilisa Volodina

Financial horoscope for Virgo sign for 2017:

Financial sector will be characterized by rare stability for representatives of the sign. You will be able to avoid thoughtless spending and monetary losses. The stars will favor those who decide to organize own business. It will be possible to start implementing the startup as early as February. Entrepreneurs can count on moderate but constant profits from the Fire Rooster in 2017. Risks will approach zero in April.

By the end of August, all unresolved financial matters should be put to rest. It's time to deal with debts and loans and plan a budget.

For men born under this sign, the autumn-winter period will be especially successful. This does not mean that you need to sit back and wait for the money to “float” into your wallet. Dedicate spring and summer to building the foundation for future financial investments.

Virgo women will finally be able to feel independent financially. The main job will bring not only emotional, but also financial satisfaction, and perhaps you will get a promotion. Think about freelancing, you can allocate a couple of hours of time: additional income has never harmed anyone.

Professional horoscope for the Virgo sign for 2017:

IN business sphere The Fire Rooster promises peace and grace. If you feel that your creativity is overflowing, look for a job in this direction. The first half of the year does not foretell any drastic changes; relationships in the team will develop favorably, and salaries will please you with their volumes. You shouldn’t count on a dizzying career just yet.

October and November may bring some difficulties in relationships with colleagues or partners, but by the end of the year, misunderstandings will resolve themselves.

At the end of spring or beginning of summer, Virgos, striving for universal recognition, may start looking for more responsible work.

Health horoscope for the Virgo sign for 2017:

The year of the Fire Rooster does not foretell any significant health problems for Virgos. The sign has enviable physical resistance to disease.

By autumn, particularly sensitive people may feel a decrease in vitality. The problem lies in a tense psychological state. To avoid such a state, throughout the summer you will need to be charged with optimism and get plenty of rest.

Don't forget about sports. Moderate physical exercise and walks on fresh air will fill you with energy.

It's time to give up bad habits and develop an individual system proper nutrition, practice hardening.

To boost your immunity, don’t shy away from recipes traditional medicine and healing. Normal sleep and relaxation will help cope with pressure surges.

Virgo: love horoscope for 2017

Love horoscope for Virgo for 2017:

In the relationship of the sign in the year of the Fire Rooster, a peaceful streak will emerge. And, indeed, over the past year you have overcome all the difficulties that stood in your way, learned to make compromises and, perhaps, even built a strong union. Now it is important to maintain what has been achieved, because you are the initiator of conflicts in relationships. February and March will require unity and team play from you; doing business together will bring pleasure to everyone.

April will bring a surge of sexual activity. This doesn't just apply to Virgos in relationships. If sex life- the only thing that unites you, be prepared for a quick separation. To avoid depression, take care of yourself and your interests. In September, life will return to normal.

If Virgo feels that the relationship with her partner has outlived its usefulness, the year of the Rooster is a time of fateful decisions and separations.

At the end of the year, single Virgos will undergo a peculiar transformation, they will become more mature, gain integrity of nature, and their charm will know no bounds. Admirers will not keep you waiting.

Astrological forecast for Virgo - men for 2017:

For men born under this constellation, the year has prepared pleasant changes and unexpected surprises. Only in 2017 will fate be able to take you to distant countries, where life will change dramatically. Those who do not appreciate the gifts of fate will have to face difficulties and troubles in life. How to avoid this? Stop paying attention to little things, show more patience and seriousness. This way Virgos will be able to deal with all obstacles not only this year, but throughout their lives.

If Virgo shows passivity in relation to the other half, be prepared to “step up”, otherwise your beloved will look “to the left”.

Astrological forecast for Virgo women for 2017:

Representatives of the fair half of the sign in the year of the Fire Rooster will be overwhelmed by everyday worries - home, work, family. Be prepared for the fact that one of your elderly loved ones will get sick at the beginning of summer, and caring for him will fall on your shoulders.

2017 will be favorable for receiving higher education, advanced training or learning a new profession. This knowledge will be very useful to you in the future.

Living in a hectic work schedule will lead to the development of diseases by the end of summer nervous system. The absence of a loved one will only worsen the symptoms of the problem.

Single Virgos will be especially attractive and sexy to men. Using their “charms”, they will be able to get the gentleman they like. Meet true love most girls will have to by the end of 2017.

see also: Astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster.

For many women, horoscopes are real stellar instructions on how to properly conduct most own life. Those who believe in them, others are afraid, and for others it is better to read horoscopes and not get into unexpected situations. Let's figure out what the stars are preparing for all Virgo women.

What's waiting?

2017 will be successful in many ways for charming virgins if they learn to control their attacks of irritability. To do this, you should devote more time to walking, sports and even yoga. You need to get your thoughts in order. To avoid nervous overload, you can get a pet.

The Fire Rooster will help you achieve unprecedented heights in many of your endeavors - you can get an unexpectedly good income in the spring. In the summer, you need to sort out your thoughts and structure all your desires so as not to get confused in their originality. Always listen to your inner voice, because it is almost never wrong. With the arrival of autumn cold, the time comes to rethink life values ​​- find your greatest weaknesses and try to cope with them, in order to prevent repeated mistakes in the future.

In 2017, you will be torn between home and work. The thing is that there may be a real opportunity to move up the career ladder, so the usual rhythm of life will speed up very much.

Love horoscope

The 2017 horoscope for Virgo woman foretells a meeting with her other half at the end of autumn. Those beauties who have already started a family will have to pay increased attention to their partner, otherwise your relationship will become strained. Your gratitude to a man will be an excellent motivator in the development of further achievements. Perhaps by the end of the year a ring will appear on your charming ring finger, because your lover does not want to be away from you for another second.

Money horoscope

This year, more than ever, it is good to create your own business, which will give you the opportunity to feel like a financially independent person. The main job will also begin to bring not only pleasure, but also real income. There is an opportunity to earn extra money, which should not be discarded - an extra penny in your wallet will always come in handy.

Career horoscope

To move up the career ladder you will sometimes have to
take open risks. Believe me, what seems very difficult and almost impossible will bear fruit - the new position will still be yours and it will allow you to experience it big salary. From the very beginning of the year, most colleagues will begin to openly flatter your capabilities - do not fall for this provocation, since in this way they want to shift most of their usual responsibilities to you. Be as restrained as possible in your statements, because sometimes a word can offend a person from whom you may need serious help in the future.

Health horoscope

Exhausting work will require too much vitality from you, so you should learn how to relax properly. It's time to quit smoking and take care of your respiratory system. Even if up to this point you haven’t had any problems in this regard, learn to do breathing exercises. Insomnia will come in the fall, so in order to still get enough sleep before a new day, you should make it a rule to take a walk in the fresh air before going to bed. In summer, you should not overload your legs, because long walks can negatively affect your health. general condition body. The same applies to cycling.