home · Appliances · What you need in a newborn's room. Useful tips for parents - how to decorate a newborn's room. Necessary things for feeding

What you need in a newborn's room. Useful tips for parents - how to decorate a newborn's room. Necessary things for feeding

Waiting happy event- the birth of a child - parents try to prepare everything they can to make the child comfortable. Most of all they care about what the room for a newborn should be like. There is nothing complicated in the design, but there are certain features.

Premises requirements

Everything in the newborn room Decoration Materials must be safe. The walls are painted safe paints(mineral water-based emulsion, for example) or covered with paper-based wallpaper. Ceilings - bleached or painted with the same water-based paint, knocked out wooden clapboard. The floor can be wooden - painted or varnished; you can lay laminate or safe linoleum (there are also such).

What is not welcome are carpets. Until the child begins to crawl, this is an unambiguous requirement, and then it will be possible to lay a carpet on the floor, but you will just have to vacuum it and wash it regularly. If you are afraid that your child will be cold on the floor, you can install a heated floor system. It fits quickly under laminate. Paired with a thermostat, this type of heating will allow you to maintain the temperature required for the child - about 20°C.

You can control the temperature using regular thermometer, but it is also necessary to monitor the air humidity. It should be in the range of 70-55%. If the atmosphere is too dry, the child’s mucous membranes dry out and crusts may form in the nose. This prevents him from breathing and he becomes capricious. Because on heating season you will need to either get a humidifier or regularly hang a wet terry towel in the room.

One of the humidifier models

Another requirement concerns lighting. It is advisable that the windows of the room for a newborn face south or east. Sunlight is necessary for the normal development of the baby, and is also necessary for his Have a good mood. At the same time, the windows should not have any cracks, and there should be no blowing from underneath. But blind doors are not needed either: daily ventilation is required.

What furniture should be in a room for a newborn

Not many things are needed for a small child. If there is no possibility or desire to house him separately, everything can be placed in the parents’ room. It must be said right away that the room for a newborn should be cleared of all unnecessary items, including flowers, carpets and numerous draperies. They all just collect dust, which is extremely undesirable. The list of necessary furniture is small:

This is all that is needed until the child turns one year old. Then you will need additional shelves/drawers for toys and other “dowry”. Let's talk about each subject in more detail.


For some young parents, a separate crib for a child is an irreplaceable thing, for others it is superfluous. The main question is whether your baby will sleep peacefully in his own bed or whether he will be more comfortable with his mother. In principle, if the baby is calm, you will get better sleep when he sleeps separately: you don’t have to constantly remember that a little person is lying next to you. In order not to get up extra at night when the baby starts tossing and turning, the crib can be moved closer at night so that you can reach the baby with your hand. Feeling your touch, he will calm down more quickly. Over time, children get used to sleeping on their own. All this is for the case if the nursery is combined with your bedroom. If the baby has a personal room allocated to him, a crib is simply a must.

If you bought a crib ready-made, the bottom of it can be adjusted to several height positions. It's comfortable. In the first months of life, while the baby is still inactive, the bottom is set to the highest position. This makes it easier and more convenient to place and lift newborns. As they grow older and become more mobile, the bottom is lowered lower so that the matured owner does not accidentally fall out.

There are rocking beds. Of course, they are more convenient for rocking children to sleep. But they quickly get used to it and then it may happen that you need to push the crib all night - this is the only way the children agree to sleep. So you should be careful with this.

If you really want a canopy and frills, they will need to be washed often

Now about canopies and capes. Without a doubt, they look cute, but doctors unanimously do not recommend doing them. They interfere with normal air exchange and delay the child’s necessary Sun rays, and they still collect dust. All this is true, but if mom really wants it, you can buy a crib with a canopy, but you’ll just have to wash it regularly (once every two weeks for sure).

It is also important to choose the right place for the crib. It should be placed so that the sun looks into it, but not under the window, not near the radiator, and also not in a place where there are drafts.

Dresser/changing table

Basically it could be two individual subject, but it is much more practical in this version: there is a lid on the chest of drawers in the form of a changing table. This is convenient for caring for a child: everything you need is at hand.

If you are still wondering whether you need a diaper at all, because diapers have remained mainly as children's underwear, then you are completely in vain. You will need to change your baby's clothes often. It is more convenient to stand upright, rather than bending over or sitting on a bed/sofa. Standing is much faster and more comfortable, which is what changing tables allow you to do. Also, the sides, nailed on three sides around the perimeter, will prevent the child from falling over.

Wardrobe for children's clothes

A room for a newborn up to 6 months can do without a closet - everything is included in the chest of drawers. But after six months, a closet is already needed. They can consist of two sections - in the top there are shelves for clothes (necessarily with doors so that things don’t get dusty), below there can be drawers- for toys.

Since this type of furniture will continue to serve you, pay attention to its corners. It is desirable that they be rounded. A grown-up child should not be able to get seriously injured during games. Well, the structure must be strong and stable, and the materials (including paint) must be safe and intended specifically for children's rooms. Any children's furniture must have safety certificates separately for the material from which the furniture is made, and separately for finishing materials (glue, paints, etc.).

Sofa or armchair

This piece of furniture is necessary for adults, and, first of all, for mothers. The specific choice - a sofa or an armchair - depends on how you prefer to feed your baby - sitting or lying down. Although you can sit on the sofa and sit. For this, the armrests should be high and preferably soft. Not much furniture now meets such requirements and don’t be discouraged if you don’t find anything suitable. Take the most acceptable option, and the pillows will provide you with comfort. They should be different sizes, shape and thickness so that you can place it under your back or elbow, ensuring the most comfortable position.

Sofa - for mom

There are also rocking chairs and some designs are really comfortable. But they take up a lot of space, so they can’t even fit in every room. Please note that when the child learns to crawl, the chair will need to be removed. Its unstable design can be dangerous for the baby.

We develop the design

When decorating a room for a newborn, you first need to focus on what the baby’s mother likes. He reacts very sensitively to her moods and will feel good if his mother is happy. Therefore, regarding colors and style, all questions are directed to mothers. There are, however, some advice from psychologists that are worth listening to. First of all, this concerns color. When decorating a room for a newborn, choose dim, delicate pastel shades any of the colors you want. Too saturated colors put pressure on the psyche of both mother and baby. That’s why there’s only such a range.

Often the walls in rooms for small children are made monochromatic, and this is no coincidence. Psychologists believe that a large, clear pattern can frighten a child, which is why the walls are either plain or have a small, faint pattern. Leave cartoon stories for when your baby is a little older. In the meantime, he feels better in such an environment.

Light design does not mean a complete absence of bright spots. They can and should be, but only in small quantities. It could be Nice picture, bright blanket or pillow. But there shouldn’t be many such bright things.

We also need to talk about lighting. It must be multi-zone. In addition to the bright overhead light, a dim light is needed, as well as a night light that only slightly dispels the darkness and does not interfere with the child’s sleep. To make it convenient to control the light, you can turn on the lighting through They make it possible to turn on/off the lamp from several points. In the nursery, it will be convenient to have one control point near the door, and the second near the chair or sofa on which the mother will feed the child.

How to decorate a baby shower room

You need to decorate the children's room so that mom likes it. The main task is to bring joy to her. No matter how much you would like it, a lot of flowers is not the best good idea. They are certainly beautiful and young mothers will definitely like them, but they can cause allergies. Therefore, it is better to abandon this idea. There should be bouquets, but not in the room for the newborn. And to decorate this particular room, you can fill a certain number of balloons of the appropriate color with helium, tie ribbons to them and design a congratulatory poster.

To welcome a newborn into the room, you can throw gel balloons

Photo examples of design

A footrest or inflatable chair is a useful addition

A room for a newborn in the attic - a lot of light is wonderful

The baby needs his own space, even in a small apartment. At the same time, children's furniture must be chosen in such a way as to organize the life of the baby and his parents as conveniently as possible and not buy anything unnecessary.

Sleeping area

The child needs his own place to sleep. This could be a small cradle on wheels that parents can roll and rock while putting the baby to sleep; a full-fledged crib with a traditional “fence”, a transforming crib designed for several years, or a playpen crib.
If parents intend to practice co-sleeping with a child, then they need to take care of the convenience and safety of this event. A large bed is not suitable for a baby, and even there, next to his parents, he will need his own sleeping area– a special “basket” or mini-playpen that protects the newborn from injury and the risk of suffocation.

Changing place
It is convenient to change your baby’s clothes, give him a massage and do gymnastics in a specially designated place. For this purpose, many parents buy a changing table with a chest of drawers, where they put diapers, creams, first medications and other things that the mother should have at hand.
However, not everyone considers the purchase of a special table advisable, and instead purchase a changing board, which is installed on the sides of the crib. In addition to the compact board, you can also purchase a mobile inflatable changing mat, which is convenient to use on trips (or place in the bathroom).

Storage space

At first, the baby will have few things, but after a couple of months they will no longer fit on the shelf that the parents allocated for them in their closet. Therefore, it is better to purchase a storage system, a chest of drawers in advance (even if the crib comes with drawers) or a closet for children's things.
In a chest of drawers or closet you can place not only what the baby wears in this moment, but also put together what is already too small for him or is still too big, as well as books and toys, the number of which will be impressive even at first.

Feeding area
It should be convenient for the mother to feed the baby. After a few months, she will learn to do this in a variety of positions and places, but first she needs to master feeding lying or sitting on a bed, sofa, couch, armchair, chair with a back or on an ottoman. When lactation has not yet been established, the feeding process may take some time, so you should make sure that the mother has books, a phone, a glass of water or a plate of fruit at hand - they can be placed on bedside table or a simple stool next to the feeding area.

Place to rest
It is better to buy a chaise longue, bouncer or cocoon for daytime naps, games and relaxation after the baby is born. After a couple of weeks, parents will get used to it a little and understand what kind of character their child has and where it will be more interesting for him to spend time between sleep, feedings and walks.

Preparing for the arrival of a child always includes decorating the baby's room. Decorating a nursery covers choice suitable wallpaper, room location, compliance with all hygiene requirements and design of a crib for a newborn and the entire set of furniture.

Ideally, the baby should have a separate room to protect the child from noise. But if this is not possible, then you can arrange children's Corner in a shared room.

The main thing is to comply with the basic requirements for arranging a room for a baby:

  1. The room should have plenty of natural light.
  2. There should be on the windows mosquito net. It is better to choose the curtains themselves from lightweight material.
  3. The choice of repair materials should be safe, without releasing toxins that negatively affect the health of infants.
  4. It is better not to place carpets, canopies, lampshades, Stuffed Toys and other items that serve as dust collectors. Otherwise you will have to carry out regular cleaning these items.
  5. It is better to choose a color palette for a nursery in light pastel shades.
  6. Daylight should be bright, but not blinding. Daytime – muted and soft.
  7. It is necessary to exclude from the room objects with sharp corners so that the child does not get hurt.
  8. The crib should be spacious and comfortable. The mattress must be orthopedic.
  9. The room itself should not be a passageway.
  10. There is no need to clutter the room with various objects. It is necessary to leave the most necessary things.
  11. It is necessary to exclude the baby from access to electrical wiring and sockets.
  12. Needs constant support room temperature around 18-20 degrees. It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the room. 1 time per hour for 15 minutes. In winter, ventilation can be done 4-5 times a day. The humidity in the room should be 50-60%.

Cozy children's room for a newborn: surface treatment

Most suitable option color design– bright small patterns on a light background. These should be soft shades of pink, blue, purple, green. Neutral tones of beige and cream are equally suitable for a child's room of any gender.

The surface of the walls itself may be slightly embossed so that the child would be interested in exploring the outside world.

Children love to draw on surfaces, so it would be better to stick washable wallpaper.

When arranging a children's room, it is necessary to pay attention to zoning. This can be done using spot lighting and various color finishing walls You can use more soothing colors in the sleeping area. In the game - bright, stimulating activity.

The children's room should include the following areas:

  1. Resting-place;
  2. Game Zone;
  3. Changing area.

You can also arrange a place for comfortable rest moms.

For the floor can be combined different types coatings So in play area the right choice there will be a carpet with soft pile.

Often used in children's rooms cork covering. It is valued for its softness, hypoallergenicity, and warmth. In addition, such a floor is easy to clean.

Laminate and parquet are often used. These materials help preserve the warm floor. It is better not to use linoleum in a children's room. This is a slippery coating that can cause allergies.

When decorating the ceiling, you can show all your imagination. For a baby, the whole day is spent lying on his back, so it will be interesting for him to look at a bright surface. You can make hanging glowing balls or garlands with your own hands. It is best if the room has natural light, which will enter the room through thin curtains. Must also be present Spotlights with soft lighting and night lights.

Necessary furniture for babies - the basis of a children's room

With the birth of the baby, the mother needs to forget about restful sleep. If a separate room has been arranged for the newborn, then a sofa for the parents must be installed there.

The baby himself needs the following furniture:

  1. Crib;
  2. Dresser;
  3. Baby changing table.

The baby's sleeping place should be safe. To do this, the material used to make the crib must comply with all environmental standards. In some cases, you can buy a transformer model. Standard cots only last up to three years old. It is also important that the crib rails and bottom are adjustable. This is convenient for parents when they need to hold the baby in their arms. And when the baby grows up, it will be safe to get into the crib thanks to the high handrails. It is desirable that the railings themselves be made of high-quality plastic. Since growing children are teething, he will begin to chew on the wooden handrails. This is how you can earn a splinter.

A chest of drawers is necessary to store all the baby's things. These are not only clothes, but also numerous hygiene products and diapers. It is best if the chest of drawers is built-in. This will significantly save space. Convenient device there will be a wooden model with drawers.

In some cases, you can purchase a small shelf for children's things. But store diapers on open space, where dust will collect on them, is not entirely hygienic.

The changing table should be made of moisture-resistant material that is easy to clean and dries quickly.

This device simplifies everyday chores with your baby. The diaper also performs a number of useful functions:

  1. You can conveniently change your baby’s diapers;
  2. You can comfortably and calmly dress and change your baby;
  3. The baby can comfortably lie naked on the changing table;
  4. You can massage your baby on the diaper;
  5. It is convenient to play with the baby on it, since nothing interferes with free access to the newborn.

Buying a changing table is not always necessary. Sometimes you can use a portable changing board instead, which can be conveniently placed on any surface. The main thing is not to leave the baby alone on the changing table, otherwise the baby may fall while trying to move.

Beautiful room for a newborn girl: design options

The main colors for arranging a room for a baby are light, pastel, peach and pink shades.

For girls, images of butterflies are often used in bedroom decoration. These can be wall paintings, wallpaper images, or paper butterflies.

Often a design in Provence style is chosen for a girl. This is a floral theme, with lots of ruffles and warm colors.

Sometimes a shabby chic style is used for a children's bedroom. This design involves the use of golden and soft pink shades. Fancy decorations are also used.

Popular design styles:

  1. Modernism;
  2. Safari;
  3. American;
  4. Minimalism;
  5. Classical;
  6. Loft;
  7. Scandinavian;

These styles can be suitable for any nursery, regardless of the child’s gender.

Stylish room for a newborn boy: original design

For a boy's bedroom, light soft shades, as well as blue and blue, are most often used. Often the interior of a room can be in turquoise or green tones.

The most popular ideas for styling a children's room:

  1. Bedroom arrangement in nautical style. It involves the use of a pirate theme, popular among boys.
  2. Automotive themed decoration. Boys have been interested in transport since childhood.

The rooms of little representatives of the stronger sex can be decorated with boats, cars, helicopters, and rockets.

How to arrange a room for a newborn (video)

The room for a newborn must be decorated in compliance with all safety and hygiene requirements. This room should be equally comfortable for both the baby and the mother.

The fact that for us a small room for a newborn is a whole country in which it can be comfortable and safe, or maybe vice versa, depending on how we arrange his territory for the new little person. Unfortunately, for many of us, a children's room remains a theoretical concept. But even if you decide that the child will sleep in your room, this does not mean that he will not need special furniture suitable for him alone, and you will not need to take into account several subtleties that pediatricians recommend keeping in mind when arranging a corner or room for him. baby.

Let's start with the classic, but very important advice: a room or corner for a child must be equipped in advance so that later you do not raise columns of dust when cleaning and do not open cans of paint or glue in order to correct any trouble. Preparing a room does not mean achieving a congenial design from it. Perhaps it’s just the opposite: you’ll have to sacrifice design in favor of safety and comfort.

This is what an experienced pediatrician, Dr. medical sciences E. O. Komarovsky, author of the book “The Health of the Child and the Common Sense of His Relatives.” So it follows:

  • finish all painting work long before the baby arrives;
  • do general cleaning;
  • take into account advice on the location of the room, the organization of light, etc.;
  • choose and arrange furniture, as well as all the accessories necessary for the child.

Just what the doctor ordered

As for the location of a room or corner for a newborn, pediatricians advise giving the child the most conveniently located, well-ventilated and most comfortable room in the apartment, in which there should be nothing dangerous for the child.

The floor should be varnished or painted to make it easier to clean, and the walls should be covered with washable colored wallpaper in a calm and harmonious manner. color scheme. Curtains should be made of natural materials(in general, it is desirable that the child is surrounded only by natural and environmentally friendly things), but dense, so that the child does not wake up too early from the bright light and does not wake up the others.

A room for a newborn should have a minimum of dust accumulations (carpets, rugs, books, unnecessary things). This is especially true for carpets, since many microbes that quickly die in the air or during washing can survive in carpets for weeks and months.

Thus, as Dr. E. Komarovsky advises:

  • the fewer carpets the better;
  • books - only behind glass;
  • be patient with soft toys;
  • the number of souvenirs hanging on the walls is moderate;
  • There is no storage of unnecessary things on cabinets, in corners and under beds.

There’s a lot you can’t give up, so:

  • all dust accumulators available in the children's room ( cushioned furniture, for example) must be constantly and systematically tidied up using a vacuum cleaner;
  • it is advisable to strive to ensure that the surface of all objects can be subjected to wet cleaning(floor, walls);
  • if, due to the lack of storage rooms, you are simply forced to use the closet as a storage for not very necessary things, then wash them, fold them carefully and cover them with plastic wrap.

Furniture for a newborn

Here again, “you can’t go wild”, because doctors also advise limiting the amount of furniture, leaving only the essentials.

Crib. Optimally - wooden, with the ability to adjust the height of the bottom and sides. The rocking bed or cradle should be well ventilated and made from environmentally friendly pure materials: frame - made of solid wood and plywood or high quality wood boards, mattress - with natural but hypoallergenic fillings (from seaweed, coconut shavings or simple straw) and a covering made of wool or cotton. It is also advisable to choose a mattress that is upholstered on top and filled with natural materials inside.

Baby changing table. This is a very desirable thing, although you can, of course, swaddle the baby both on the sofa and on coffee table, and in his own crib. When choosing a table, keep in mind that the mother should not bend over while swaddling her baby.

Cabinet (bedside table) for storing children's things. This is furniture that it is advisable to place next to the changing table. Since you will use the changing table as a place where you will clean up your baby (wipe, wipe, cut, sprinkle, lubricate, treat), then place a first aid kit and jars with powder, cotton wool, pacifiers, and water in the cabinet directly next to it. and oil.

It is also necessary to hang a thermometer in the room for the newborn to monitor the temperature and a dim lamp, which can be turned on safely and silently in case of emergency.

Where can I buy?

Children's mattresses filled with coconut fiber and other natural materials are offered by the company "".

Children's furniture sets with original design solutions the design is available in furniture showrooms. For example, in the salons of the company "". Cheaper kits are available in the company's stores. For example, they offer an entire “lime room” - a set consisting of eight items (feeding table, chair for mother, toy box, crib, cradle, etc.).

The entire range of natural children's furniture made in Greece can be purchased in Gera stores. In the Waymart shopping center and Shchelkovo shopping center (in the Olant company stores), you can buy children's furniture produced by a famous Italian company.

Cute shelving, toy boxes, beds, play furniture and children's cabinets, designed in the shape of a train or a house and other original children's furniture domestic production Available for sale in the company's stores.