home · Installation · Flower riddles and amazing facts about flowers. Riddles about flowers, riddles about flowers Riddle about a flower in a pot

Flower riddles and amazing facts about flowers. Riddles about flowers, riddles about flowers Riddle about a flower in a pot

Flowers can have an exquisite or very simple aroma. They captivate with their variety of shades. Also riddles about and unlike. They are fun and joyful for children to solve.

Tasks about flowering plants by place of growth

It will be useful for children to classify them as indoor, field or garden. Because the first ones do not grow on our streets, they simply die due to unsuitable conditions. The latter turn out to be weeds in the beds, and the latter are specially planted for beauty. Therefore, the first ones are riddles on the topic “Flowers: indoor, field and garden”.

1. They are placed on a window or shelf,

Protect from cold and wind.

They give us spring in winter,

Because they turn green and bloom.

2. These flowers are appropriate on the field,

They are welcome in the forest, on the lawn and in the park.

And if they suddenly grow in the garden,

They are torn without mercy and taken to a landfill.

3. To make it beautiful in the garden, in front of the house,

Mom plants them carefully in the flowerbed.

Poems about indoor plants

This is the next stage to which the riddle about flowers moves on. With the answers "geranium", "cactus" and "aloe" the following poems are presented here.

1. Window in winter, balcony in summer.

Its leaves are fluffy and fragrant.

And bright flowers gather in hats,

They bloom in winter, spring and summer.

2. On the window in a pot

A bag of needles has grown.

3. On one side there is a sheet with a hump,

On the other hand, it has a groove.

It has sharp thorns along the edge,

But he doesn't know how to hurt us.

He's waiting for the time to come

To heal us with your juice.

Activities about some garden plants

There are many of them, but you can choose the brightest ones in order to be sure to understand what the riddle about flowers is about. With the answers “dahlia”, “asters”, “poppy”, “iris” or “gladiolus” the tasks turn out to be very suitable.

1. The bush grows near the window.

Its leaves are like potatoes

And the flowers, fluffy and huge,

There are light ones, there are dark ones.

2. Fluffy stars bloomed in the garden.

We filled the flowerbed with colors, and autumn is just around the corner.

3. On a thin long stem

The bud will burn with bright fire.

Time will pass, and on that stem

The box of grains nods peacefully.

4. In the garden with long leaves plant

But if you change the emphasis a little,

Then it turns into gummy candy.

5. Flags are hung on a long pole,

And under this pole there are swords stuck.

Poems about spring flowers

They are most often small, but bright. Their appearance brings a lot of joy. Because everyone missed the variety of colors during the long winter. Children will certainly enjoy solving riddles about spring crocuses, daffodil and tulip with lily of the valley.

1. This fragile little flower

It grows right out of the snow.

In spring the first sprout appears

And joyfully bows to the clear sky.

2. They, like snowdrops, bloom first

And they delight us with colors: yellow, blue, white.

3. Irresistible both in a fairy tale and in a flowerbed.

Tall and slender, wonderful and beautiful.

Standing aside in a golden crown,

Because he is important and very proud.

4. Beautiful and bright flower-light,

He grew in the flowerbed like a wick.

But he only stayed at home for a little while,

He opened the petals and lowered them down.

5. In a forest clearing in May

It will bloom in dense shade.

On a thin stem in an even row

White buds are hanging.

Activities about flowering shrubs and trees

Most of them delight people in the spring. Therefore, riddles about the flowers that bloom at this time of year can be continued with those in which the answers are rose, acacia and lilac.

1. You will see her in wedding bouquet

And in a wonderful garden where nightingales sing.

Every lover on our planet

He carries it to the lady as a symbol of love.

2. We often call it mimosa

And they give it to all the ladies of the country in the spring.

She is not afraid of slight frosts.

Her yellow flower balls are very delicate.

3. This bush gave its name to the shade,

But its flowers are even white.

Tassels of flowers cling to every branch,

Filling the air with bold aromas.

Quatrains about wild flowers

Dandelion and chamomile - they are familiar to every child early childhood. Therefore, it will not cause difficulties and you will not have to wait long for answers. They will be found immediately.

1. Drops of sun appeared in the clearing in the morning,

They opened like a bright ball and closed in the evening.

And then white balls appeared in place of the yellow ones,

The wind blew and they scattered to the joy of the children.

2. A curly hair grew in a field,

She's wearing a white shirt

With a bright golden heart,

To tell fortunes about love on it.

The next one for children is about cornflower. And then two more with the answers “forget-me-nots” and “marigolds”.

1. In the summer, when the rye is earing in the field,

You can easily find it among the spikelets.

It is blue, blue, every petal is fluffy,

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant at all.

2. A beautiful meadow strewn with flowers,

They look like little blue dots.

I’ll walk through the clearing and dial for Anyutka

Bouquet of soft blue... (toothless flowers).

3. They have no fingers, legs or arms,

Just a lot of petals around.

They have very strange names

But they don't need a manicure.

A few more tasks about garden flowering plants

They are planted in the garden or used to decorate the dacha. Children recognize these plants, so any riddle about flowers is easy for them. There will be no difficulties with the answers “sunflower” and “carnation”. But if they haven’t seen the hydrangea, then the third riddle will be problematic to solve.

1. He's growing up big, just like daddy.

He has a golden hat on his head.

When its seeds ripen,

He lowers his head low to the ground.

2. This bud is full of sharp leaves,

From plain to incredibly colorful.

Look at him carefully

And guess what it is -... (clove).

3. This fashionista’s dress has faded.

From purple it suddenly became cornflower blue.

1. Her flowers are like petals on a flame.

The leaves are all green medals.

Eastern country in part of its name.

Of course, you guessed the flower a long time ago?

2. The bells were placed in a row,

IN Blue colour painted.

It's a pity the buds don't ring,

After all, this is... (bells).

Riddles with answers for children middle-senior group kindergarten on the theme "Flowers"

Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
All year round are blooming.


At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap,
We found small flower,
Half frozen, barely alive.

The sun is burning the top of my head,
Wants to make a rattle.

He grew up under the burning sun
Thick, juicy and prickly.

golden sieve,
There are plenty of black houses.
How many little black houses,
So many little white residents.

Parachutes over the meadow
Swinging on a twig.

Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa,
And there's a beauty in thorns...

Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches...

We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
The flower is fragrant, delicate,
From a snow-white brush.
(Lily of the valley)

On pieces of paper here and there
Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day

From green chicken
Completely covered with fluff,
I'm getting proud
Scarlet cockerel!

The little blue bell is hanging,
It never rings.

Here is a clearing, all in flowers,
I’ll collect it here for Anyutka
Blue forget-me-nots).

We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alenka, two Natashas.
All wreaths are made from...(daisies)

Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
They bloom all year round.

There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt,
Heart of gold. What it is?

At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap,
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive.

The sun is burning the top of my head,
Wants to make a rattle.

He grew up under the burning sun
Thick, juicy and prickly.

golden sieve,
There are plenty of black houses.
How many little black houses,
So many little white residents.

Parachutes over the meadow
Swinging on a twig.

Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa,
And there's a beauty in thorns...

Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches...

We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
The flower is fragrant, delicate,
From a snow-white brush.
(Lily of the valley)

On pieces of paper here and there
Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day

From green chicken
Completely covered with fluff,
I'm getting proud
Scarlet cockerel!

The little blue bell is hanging,
It never rings.

Here is a clearing, all in flowers,
Like light blue dots.
I’ll collect it here for Anyutka
Blue forget-me-nots).

We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alenka, two Natashas.
All wreaths are made from...(daisies)

In spring, summer, autumn and even cold winter, a person’s life is decorated with flowers. They are so different, so amazing and unique. There are tender ones, there are prickly ones, tall ones, low ones, blooming all year round and for just a few minutes... And each flower is beautiful in its own way...

Continuing the conversation with children about flowers, let's plunge into the world flower riddles and amazing facts. They speak for themselves about flowers for children -. A folk wisdom highlights the most interesting and unusual features plants. Let's try to solve riddles about flowers for children.

Flower riddles

Children's riddles about flowers with answers will not only become a guide to this extraordinary world of beauty and aromas, but will also broaden the child’s horizons and give a lot of positive impressions. Organize a small family competition: whoever can guess what flower we are talking about the most is the winner!

Be the first to meet riddles about spring flowers and delicate wildflowers.

We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
The flower is fragrant, delicate,
From a snow-white brush. (Lily of the valley)

The little blue bell is hanging,
It never rings. (Bell)

Snow is cleared in spring
Both pine needles and dead wood.
And the first one to appear
In a thawed area... (Psnowdrop)

At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive.

I - herbaceous plant
With a flower lilac color.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy. (Iris)

There is a cockerel in the garden -
Lilac comb,
And the tail is a fighting one,
Saber curve

I'm in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll grab some watercolors.
I'll draw... (pansies)

Yellow, white, blue
They grow empty on the ground.
Spring has tricks:
Bloomed... (crocuses)

White basket -
Golden bottom,
There is a dewdrop in it
And the sun sparkles. (Chamomile)

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?

Dandelion sister
Variegated hats:
Who's wearing white?
Who's in red?
Who's wearing pink?

Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches... (mimosa)

Golden and young
In a week he turned gray,
And in two days
My head is bald.
I'll put it in my pocket
Former... (Odandelion)

I turn white like a fluffy ball in a clean field,
and the breeze blew - a stalk remained.

On pieces of paper here and there
Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day
Blooming... (Withiren)

The spring flower has
Signs to avoid mistakes:
The leaf is like garlic,
And the crown is like that of a prince!

And in the spring they are so welcome
We have daffodils and... (tulips)

Grew from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
The flower is similar.

On the sunny edge
She is standing in the grass.
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly.
And here ingenuity will help us -
Everyone calls the flower... (violet)

In a field near a ravine
Little red porridge.

Well done! We did it! How about riddles about summer flowers that bloom until late autumn)))

In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Its flowers are huge:
Both light and dark. (Dahlia)

There are flags on the pole,
Under the pole are swords. (Gladiolus)

Vasya brought flowers to class
Unprecedented beauty.
Petals look like they're made of plastic
At Vasily's flowers.
Give me a vase quickly,
He will put... (lor)

It's very easy to recognize me:
By name I am related to tigers.
Speckled red is my flower
Among the greenery, like a light!
(Tiger Lily)

Everyone knows us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet... (with carnations)

Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Full of colors,
And autumn is just around the corner. (Asters)

Autumn has come,
Breathe cold...
And it burns in the flowerbed
The last star.

My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
In the name - eastern country.
Well, guys, do you recognize me?

Our park has lawns,
There... gramophones bloomed!
Purple, white, cherry...
But you can't hear the music.

I'm climbing higher and higher
I'll climb all the way to the roof!
Even if I have no arms and legs -
No wonder I'm called...

Jugs and saucers
They don't drown and don't fight.
(Water lilies)

Yellow flowers -
Lacquered cheeks,
Quintuple corollas,
And the leaves are changeable.

Was shackled with chills
And slept under a snowdrift.
In the spring it blossomed,
Bloomed by summer
Became white like a bride
And red, lovely. (Peony)

The lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All covered in large double flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!

On a winding path
The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains. (Sunflower)

In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun blossomed today on a tall stalk

Head on a leg
There are polka dots in my head. (Poppy)

From green chicken
Completely covered with fluff,
I'm getting proud
Scarlet cockerel!

This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun. (Forget-me-not)

Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa,
And there's a beauty in thorns... (ROza)

I'm capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I always remain beautiful!

I look good in a wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.

According to legend, my flower
Opens treasures.
They say once a year
A miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't actually bloom! (Fern)

We have neither fingers nor hands -
Only petals around.
We have an unusual name
But we don’t need a manicure!

Fascinating about flowers

Interesting facts about flowers will not only delight and surprise, but will also help you become closer to nature, understand it better and use it for the benefit of yourself and the plants. Surprise your family by solving riddles about flowers unusual facts from the plant world.

* * *

Do you know which flower holds the record for growth? Tulip! Our beloved and dear tulip can grow 2 cm in just one day.

* * *

The tiniest flower in the world has a diameter of only a millimeter. It lives in water and belongs to the duckweed family.

* * *

Continuing the theme of records, let's talk about the big flower in the world. It lives in tropical forests and has the tricky name of Rafflesia Arnold. The diameter of a fully open flower is 91 centimeters. With such dimensions, the weight of the plant is also quite impressive - about 11 kilograms.

* * *

Another record holder is the water lily Victoria Regia. Its dimensions are also impressive: the leaf diameter is 2 meters. In the lower part, which is hidden under water, the water lily is protected by impressive thorns, thanks to which fish do not eat it, and the strong stem that keeps it afloat is capable of supporting the weight of an adult.

Every schoolchild knows that the name of a sunflower is associated with its ability to move its head towards the sun. However, a long time ago, when no gadgets had yet been invented, sunflower flowers were attached to life jackets. They helped people determine the direction of the world.

* * *

There are many legends about flowers. There is a legend for the gentle forget-me-not, which sounds the same in almost all languages. Tradition says that when the Creator populated the earth with plants and gave them names, small plant With blue flowers asked: “Don’t forget about me,” and the Creator replied: “Okay, that will be your name.”

* * *

Many flowers “can” predict the weather. Many indoor flowers, including monstera, callas, spathiphyllum feel the rain. Before the weather turns bad, droplets of water appear on their leaves.

But if the dandelion flowers are wide open and don’t even think about closing, then it definitely won’t rain!

* * *

Who has not at least once admired the beauty of a rose? The queen of flowers, the rose, has long been considered a symbol of divine mystery. The ancient Persians had a legend that the queen of flowers originally had snow-white petals. But one day a nightingale saw a rose. He pressed the bud to his chest, and blood dripped from the bird's thorned heart onto the petals. This is how the flower petals turned red.

Speaking of roses, one cannot help but recall an unusual book, the pages of which are created from rose petals. The size of the book is only 3 by 3 centimeters. The creator of such an unusual book is Anatoly Konenko. And on the pages of the book are written poems by A.S. Pushkin.

* * *

Do you know where the name “gladiolus” came from? This name was given to the beautiful gift of nature by the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder. He drew attention to the similarity of the plant with the weapons of gladiators. The name "gladiolus" comes from Gladius, which means "sword".

* * *

It is noteworthy that Carl Linnaeus created a unique flower clock back in the 18th century. The “working” of the clock, of course, depends on the presence of the sun in the sky, but the error is half an hour. The clock is based on the fact that some flowers open and close at the same time. The watch dial is created on this property - divided into sectors, in each of which certain flowers grow.

Today we see an incredible number of flowers both in stores and in flower beds. They certainly delight and remain a classic romantic gift. Enough to plunge into the fragrant floral diversity.

Here's another portion of amazing facts about plants:

Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Full of colors,
And autumn is just around the corner.

Wonderful flower
He's like a bright light
Magnificent, important, like a gentleman,

I was walking along a path through a meadow,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
But not hot at all
White rays of the sun.

The color is golden,
Princess - chamomile:
Silver dress,
Gold buckle.

At the top of the stem
sun and clouds.

I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But change the emphasis -
And I turn into candy.

In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Its flowers are huge
Both light and dark.

We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alyonka, two Natashas.
All wreaths are made from...

On a forest thaw
A small flower has grown.
Hiding in dead wood

Spring has come to the steppe -
The steppe is yellow, red,
And I have a flower garden
Burnt from the fire.

Summer meadow resident
I met him in a fur hat.

Cups and saucers
They don't drown and don't fight.
Water lilies

There are flags on the pole,
Under the pole are swords.

We carried mushrooms in a basket
And another blue flower.
This wild flower -
Thin delicate...

In spring it will bloom, warmed by the bright sun,
In alpine meadows and in a neighbor's flowerbed.
It comes in red and yellow.
Tell me the name of the flower, kids!

Strict and evil beauty,
When you touch her.

Guess which flower
Will he grow up to be a toy?
Loses a petal -
It will become a rattle.

Parachutes over the meadow
Swinging on a twig.

Eh, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but no ringing.

Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa,
And there's a beauty in thorns...

The spring flower has
Signs to avoid mistakes:
The leaf is like garlic,
And the crown is like a prince’s!

Tabaka sister
Not big in stature,
And the flowers are like funnels,
Large and thin.

I'm in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll grab some watercolors.
I'll draw...

Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.

We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
The flower is fragrant, delicate,
From a snow-white brush.
Lily of the valley

Lush, round, like a head of cabbage,
He shook his head at us.
In summer it blooms

Long thin stalk
Above is a scarlet light.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse -
This is bright red...

There are stems and rods,
And there are flowers on the stems:
With an animal's mouth
Yes, with honey sweetness.

Everyone knows us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild

These red flowers
They will lose their petals.
The petals will lose
Will turn into chests
What do the chests hide?
It will end up on pies.

Flowers are perhaps the most beautiful of all things found in nature. Red, green, yellow - they make us happy during the holidays and help us endure troubles more easily. However, what do our kids know about flowers? Can they recognize the beautiful representatives of the plant world? Do they know where and how flowers grow, what is required for their growth, what the plant looks like?

You can test your own knowledge and develop your child’s knowledge right on this page. There are many interesting and fascinating riddles related to flowers and flora Earth. Solve riddles, develop your baby, giving him new knowledge.

Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Full of colors,
And autumn is just around the corner.

* * *
The bush has grown lush,
Not superfluous on the window,
The leaves are invisible
And the fruits are forbidden.

* * *
Leaf with a hump, groove,
It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt,
But he treats us at any hour.

* * *
On the window in winter and summer
Forever green and beautiful.
Bright red color
Burns gently... (balsam).

* * *
There is a dried flower,
The baby weed,
With velvet clothes
And with a cat's leg.

* * *
All winter and all summer
Dressed in a red dress.

* * *
Bright blue, fluffy
He will be born in bread,
not suitable for food.

* * *
Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.

* * *
Everyone, I think, will know
If he visits the field,
This little blue flower
Well-known to everyone... (cornflower).

* * *
That's what they call little Vasya
And those flowers that are collected in the field.

* * *
We carried mushrooms in a basket
And another blue flower.
This little blue flower
He called himself... (cornflower).

* * *
Leaf - arrow,
Flower - in a plate,
And the stem is a blade of grass
Curled like a spring.

* * *
A flower grows on the water -
Snow-white petal.
(Water lily)

* * *
Everyone knows us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
Scarlet... (carnations).

* * *
Window and balcony bush.
The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire.

* * *
In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Its flowers are huge
Both light and dark.

* * *
The gardener - the first fashionista
The dress has faded,
Either the paint has changed:
Everything was purple
It became cornflower blue.

* * *
Many sharp petals -
Red, yellow, white, motley.
Look at me, look
I call myself... (clove).

* * *
I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy.

* * *
Glass with water covered
With a hedgehog glove.

* * *
He grew up under the burning sun
Thick, juicy and prickly.

* * *
Sometimes purple, sometimes blue,
He met you at the edge of the forest.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he can hardly just ring.

* * *
The little blue bell is hanging,
It never rings.

* * *
Eh, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but no ringing.

* * *
Jugs and saucers
They don't drown and don't fight.
(Water lilies)

* * *
We'll film in the middle of the swamp
Great photo.
Very bright picture -
Bloomed here... (water lily).

* * *
This flower blooms in May,
He wears white beads.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
White bells
In my garden,
On a green stalk
Hiding in the shadows.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
It blooms in May,
You will find him in the forest shade:
On a stalk, like beads in a row,
Fragrant flowers hang.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
Even at night there is an ant
Will not miss his home:
Path-path until dawn
Lanterns illuminate.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
On large pillars in a row
White lamps are hanging.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
On a green cord
White bells.
(Lily of the valley)

* * *
Vasya brought flowers to class
Unprecedented beauty.
Petals look like they're made of plastic
At Vasily's flowers.
Give me a vase quickly,
He will put... (lilies).

* * *
I open my mouth like a lion
And I call myself... (snapdragon).

* * *
Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches... (mimosa).

* * *
Yellow-golden flower,
Like a chicken, fluffy.
Immediately withers from the frost
Our sissy... (mimosa).

* * *
Long thin stalk
Above is a scarlet light.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse -
This is bright red... (poppy).

* * *
The sun is burning the top of my head,
Wants to make a rattle.

* * *
From green chicken
Completely covered with fluff,
I'm getting proud
Scarlet cockerel!

* * *
I dress the steppes in red silk
And I give the name to the candy.

* * *
He is the flower prince-poet,
He is wearing a yellow hat.
Encore sonnet about spring
Read to us... (narcissist).

* * *
My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
The name refers to an eastern country.
Well, guys, do you recognize me?

* * *
Here is a clearing, all in flowers,
Like light blue dots.
I’ll collect it here for Anyutka
Blue forget-me-nots).

* * *
We have neither fingers nor hands -
Only petals around.
We have an unusual name
But we don’t need a manicure!

* * *
Sun drops early in the morning
They appeared in the clearing.
This is in a yellow sundress
Dressed up... (dandelion).

* * *
On a long green leg
The ball grew near the path.

* * *
I'm a fluffy ball
I turn white in a clean field,
And the wind blew -
A stalk remains.

* * *
Parachutes over the meadow
Swinging on a twig.

* * *
The ball grew white, the wind blew and flew away.

* * *
According to legend, my flower
Opens treasures.
They say once a year
A miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't actually bloom!

* * *
The lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All covered in large double flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!

* * *
golden sieve,
There are plenty of black houses.
How many little black houses,
So many little white residents.

* * *
Antoshka is spinning
On one leg
Where the sun stands
That's where he looks.

* * *
Black crown, yellow edge.

* * *
Grew up in a field house -
The house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded
The shutters are hardened.

* * *
Planted a seed -
We raised the sun.

* * *
The field seems to be covered in yellow waves.
A flower grows here...
Turns deftly
He's behind the sun's head.

* * *
On a forest thaw
A small flower has grown.
Hiding in dead wood
Little white... (snowdrop).

* * *
A sprout is breaking through,
Amazing flower.
It grows out from under the snow,
The sun will look and it will bloom.

* * *
At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap,
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive.

* * *
Up the steep wall,
On cast concrete
The centipede crawls
He takes the leaves with him.

* * *
The face is fragrant,
And the tail is prickly.

* * *
I'm capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I always remain beautiful!

* * *
I look good in a wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.

* * *
It grows on bushes in the garden,
The smell is sweet, like honey.
But tears often flow
Those who tear them. This is... (roses).

* * *
There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt,
Heart of gold. What it is?

* * *
I was walking along a path through a meadow,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
But not hot at all
white rays of the sun.

* * *
There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt.
Heart of gold,
what it is?

* * *
We will weave wreaths in the summer
For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,
For Alenka, two Natashas.
All wreaths are made from...(daisies)

* * *
Wonderful flower
Like a bright light.
Magnificent, important, like a gentleman,
Delicate velvet... (tulip).

* * *
To the sun through the glass
It wasn’t hot outside our window,
I'll hang a curtain
On a white spacer,
Not crocheted wicker -
Alive and green.

* * *
With milk, not a goat,
With bark, not vine.

* * *
Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
They bloom all year round.

* * *
From an elegant bright cup
The insects are enjoying themselves.