home · Measurements · How to choose a motion sensor. Motion sensor for turning on the light - application features, connection diagrams and installation recommendations (90 photos). The essence of the design is the principle of operation of motion sensors, types, advantages and disadvantages

How to choose a motion sensor. Motion sensor for turning on the light - application features, connection diagrams and installation recommendations (90 photos). The essence of the design is the principle of operation of motion sensors, types, advantages and disadvantages

The ergonomics of a lighting control system determines not only the nuances of convenient use of devices. This is also a means of saving energy, which is achieved through balanced control of operating modes. In this regard, systems are becoming increasingly popular automated control lamps that do not depend on the owner himself. Having configured the network according to specific parameters, you don’t have to worry about regulating the work process - it will be under the control of the electronics. The most common control tool of this type is a motion sensor to turn on the light. A photo of a street model of this device is presented below. This is a standard design of the detector, the design of which is equipped with basic external protection shells.

Design and principle of operation of the sensor

Externally, such devices resemble small plastic boxes containing sensitive elements. The device is attached to the point where a person is expected to pass. For example, at the gate, near the landing, on the porch, etc. When approaching the serviced area, the sensor detects the approach and gives a signal to close the circuit, after which the lamp automatically turns on. Spotlights, lanterns, backlights, shades and other lighting devices are used as target controlled equipment. Depending on the settings, the street motion sensor can withstand a certain pause before closing the circuit to turn on the light. This opportunity is justified if the owner needs to walk a few meters to the place where the device will be turned on. A small delay will save a small amount of watts, but over the long term it will add up to significant savings. The basic choice should be made based on the operating principle of the above-mentioned sensitive element. Depending on the method of reacting to movement, such sensors are classified into several types.

Ultrasonic models

The principle of operation is based on changes in the parameters of the ultrasonic wave that the device produces. The design provides a sensitive element in the form of an emitter with a frequency range of 20-60 kHz. The wave propagates in the serviced area and when it collides with a moving object, the signal is received back and subsequently activated. Affordable cost and independence from air temperature are the main advantages of such motion sensors for turning on lights. The outdoor use of ultrasonic models is also advantageous in that they are characterized by low sensitivity to external factors. That is, an accidental entry of a sheet into the coverage field of the reacting wave will not lead to a false operation of the lighting device. On the other hand, animals may experience anxiety from the effects of ultrasound, and an attacker, if desired, will be able to “bypass” the sensor by moving smoothly.

Infrared sensors

In this case, the device reacts to thermal radiation. For this purpose, an appropriate optical filling with lenses and a sensitive sensor is provided that captures infrared waves. Depending on the power of a particular device, the number of lenses can be 20-60 pieces. Therefore, the more there are, the further the signal reception zone will spread. TO strengths Such devices include a wide viewing angle and range - street motion sensors for turning on lights based on optical sensors can serve a radius of more than 10 m with 360-degree scanning. But exactly high density capturing the target zone causes a serious drawback in the form of a large percentage of false positives. Classic example- this is influence sun rays to infrared receivers. But the harm to animals and humans from such detectors is minimal.

Microwave models

The response, as in the case of ultrasonic devices, occurs as a result of changes in the parameters of the wave radiation. As a rule, sensors are used that provide microwave dissipation with a power of 1 mW/cm 2. This allows detectors to not only scan the target area for movement, but also detect people behind partitions, doors, and even thin walls. The quality of the reaction does not depend on weather conditions and temperature regime. What will you have to pay for such advantages? Microwave street sensor movements to turn on lighting equipment are expensive, but most importantly, there are potential risks negative influence on human health from the effects of such radiation as such. In order to minimize harm, experts recommend household needs purchase models entry level with low performance.

Combination devices

As the name suggests, it is in some sense a hybrid based on several sensors. In particular, we are talking about combining two radiation sources - ultrasonic and microwave. The result of the combination made it possible to eliminate some of the shortcomings characteristic of each of these scanning technologies separately. So, the weak points were eliminated operational process in the form of a high percentage of false positives and low accuracy. As a rule, these are more flexible and in terms of installation motion sensors for turning on the light. The street method of their use is fully justified both in terms of physical security and in terms of wide possibilities connections to different types lighting equipment.

Key Features for Selection

The primary operating parameters are the already mentioned operating range and coverage angle indicators. The minimum radius is 4-6 m. These are devices that are suitable for narrow passage areas, landings and small openings. The maximum distance can reach 20-25 m - the optimal characteristics of street motion sensors for turning on the light in the open area in front of the cottage. As for the viewing angle, it is selected taking into account the specific conditions of use. The freer the space, the wider the angle should be - from 60 to 360 degrees.

Special attention is paid to the protective qualities of the device, since it will be used on outdoors with all weather threats. At a minimum, the security class must correspond to the IP54 marking. This designation indicates a high degree of dust and moisture insulation. But it’s best to immediately focus on a street motion sensor to turn on the IP65 light, which also has a reliable shell in case of targeted physical impact. The case is provided with an impact-resistant coating with a full set of water-, dust- and frost-resistant layers.

Reviews of RANEX models

The company offers standard, but at the same time high-quality and functional versions of sensors for any system street lighting. Users of sensors of this brand note their design advantages in the form of strength, reliability and durability, as well as ergonomic control and flexibility in settings. For example, many praise the RANEX street motion sensor for turning on lights for its ability to withstand temperature loads in the range from -20 to 60 ° C without losing the accuracy of object fixation. In terms of cost, this is also a very attractive option. For 600-800 rubles. you can find a suitable device for a country home.

Reviews of Brennenstuhl models

Devices in this line are more oriented towards commercial use, but private owners often purchase them due to their high reliability. Also among positive aspects Operations of the control electronics of this company note a small proportion of false alarms, the possibility of implementing an autonomous power supply and operating range. For example, a street motion sensor for turning on lights at 20 meters with infrared sensors is capable of serving a completely open area with maximum visibility. If necessary, some models can be reconfigured, specifying the coverage spectrum and radius. According to users, this makes it possible to make the operation of the device invisible to animals.

Motion sensors were created to protect various objects, but today these devices are actively used in everyday life. Using automation tools you can create more comfortable conditions accommodation. By using street motion sensors to turn on lights, you can save on energy bills. After installing them, the lighting will turn on only if a person appears in the device’s coverage area.

Detectors are classified according to two main characteristics - the method of recording the incoming signal and the principle of operation. According to the first type of classification, devices can be passive or active. Passive ones have the simplest design, since they consist only of an element that registers movement. The design of active devices requires the presence of a receiver and an emitter.

This group of sensors can be associated with a directional thermometer. Of course, this is a rather rough description of the principle of operation of the device, but it reflects the essence of the process. An infrared-type device will operate if a source of thermal energy appears in its visibility zone. For the device to operate correctly, it must be configured. Even when Body temperature an adult and a child are the same, a correctly calibrated sensor will perceive them as two different objects.

If the device is adjusted to the minimum, it may be triggered when pets appear. Most models require manual adjustment, but this should not be a major problem. It should be noted that it is infrared sensors that have become widespread.

The area of ​​their use is the protection of various objects. These devices are active, unlike infrared sensors. The principle of their operation is to record the reflected signal from objects located in the visibility zone. When one of them moves or when a new one appears, the image “saved” by the detector changes, which leads to its activation.

Ultrasonic devices are constantly in an active state and send a signal at a certain frequency, then analyzing its reflection. The cost of such devices is higher compared to infrared ones, which has made them less popular.

There are also microwave sensors, constantly scanning the visibility area. This makes them as effective as possible, because any movement will be noticed. However, it is extremely high price makes their use in everyday life unprofitable.

When choosing a sensor, you need to focus not only on the cost of the device, but also on its specifications. One of the most important among them is the viewing angle in horizontal plane. This indicator can be 90-360°. If people can approach the object from any direction, then a light sensor with a viewing angle of 180 to 360° should be installed. When the sensor is mounted indoors, devices that monitor movement within a narrower range can be used.

Second important characteristic detectors is range. If you plan to install them outdoors, then you should choose “long-range” sensors. Each device is designed for a specific load that can be connected to it. This indicator is the sum of the power of all light sources connected to the sensor. To achieve maximum energy savings, you should use LED or fluorescent lamps. Before purchasing sensors, it is worth remembering that they differ in their installation location:

  1. Corpus. Can be mounted on a wall or ceiling.
  2. Built-in. They have small dimensions and are used for hidden installation.

In everyday life, detectors of the first type are most often used due to their lower cost. Also, when choosing a motion sensor, you should pay attention to some additional functions. For home use The following may be most useful:

At home you can use the most simple diagram connecting a motion sensor for lighting by connecting it to the phase conductor break. It will be most effective in a room without windows. To solve the problem, phase and neutral wire connected to terminals L and N of the sensor, respectively. The output contact of the sensor is connected to one conductor of the lamp, and the second to the neutral.

If you plan to place the detector in a room with windows or on the street, then it is worth adding a switch or photo relay to the circuit. This will avoid turning on the lights during the day. Both devices are connected to the phase conductor gap. If the home owner wants to fully automate the process of turning on the light, then it is worth using a photo relay.

However, all these schemes have one drawback - the lighting will not turn on long time. For example, if a motion sensor is installed to turn on the light on the stairs and there is a need to carry out repair work in the evening, you will have to constantly move. To avoid this, you can connect a switch parallel to the sensor.

After finishing installation work The motion sensor needs to be calibrated. Almost all device parameters are adjusted using small rotary controls. Since sensors with a built-in light sensor are quite popular today, it is worth talking about setting up the device using their example.

If the sensor is mounted on the wall, then first of all you need to set the required tilt angle. It is selected to provide maximum control area. In this matter it is difficult to give precise recommendations, since everything depends on the placement conditions of the model used. Optimal height The detector installation distance is 2.4 m.

On imported devices, this regulator is most often designated by the letters SEN. The adjustment is stepless, so the parameter can be smoothly changed from minimum to maximum. Perhaps it is the adjustment of this indicator that is the most difficult. If you make a mistake during calibration, the sensor will be triggered even when animals appear in the field of view. The adjustment algorithm is as follows:

  1. The minimum value is selected, after which the operation of the sensor is checked on pets.
  2. If the device works, then the sensitivity decreases.

Detector models differ in the turn-off delay range. Most often this figure ranges from 3 to 900 seconds. Serious problems There should be no problem with the settings, since there is a scale next to the regulator. As a result, the home owner can only choose right time delay and install it. Most often, the dimmer is designated LUX. You need to adjust the sensor in the evening, slowly turning the regulator from the maximum position to the minimum until the lighting turns off.

A person gets used to comfort quickly. Many users, after installing one motion sensor, decide to automate the entire lighting system of their home and area. When choosing a detector, you must carefully study its technical characteristics. There should be no problems connecting the device, as it is a fairly simple process.

According to experts, the use of motion sensors (MS) allows you to save up to 30% of electricity, while if the devices are equipped with photo relays, the savings reach an unrealistic 58%. If the indicators are truly reliable, then choosing a special detector for the lighting system is an appropriate solution. In this article we will figure out how to choose a motion sensor to turn on the light and which manufacturers are the best in price and quality.

Criterias of choice

So, there are several rules, using which you can choose the right motion sensor. Let's look at what experts advise:

  1. Decide on installation location. For the street, it is recommended to choose a detector with at least 55, preferably 65. If the device is installed under a canopy, you can choose a model with an IP44 index. When choosing a motion sensor to turn on lighting in a room (house, apartment or garage), the degree of protection may be less, provided that high humidity and there is no dust.
  2. We take into account possible obstacles. Let's move away from the topic a little and talk about the types of detectors. There are devices that respond to thermal radiation (infrared). They turn on the light when they detect any moving objects, including animals. The second type of product is sound or, as they are also called, acoustic (triggered when noise occurs). The next type of DD is microwave. They emit waves that can pass through obstacles to detect movement. Well, the last ones are combined devices that combine several methods of response. So, in apartments, in the country, and in private houses, we recommend using IR sensors or combined option infrared radiation with ultrasound. For security the best solution will be used microwave models, which react even through small obstacles (for example, a partition). Such devices have found application in garages, warehouses and, in general, in alarm systems.
  3. Deciding on the viewing angle. If you can enter a room from several sides (for example, 2-3 doors in a corridor or entrance), then it is better to choose a motion sensor with a 360-degree viewing angle (ceiling-mounted). If you need to turn on the light when passing through one specific area, then it is enough to select a detector with a viewing angle of 180 degrees and point it at desired zone detection.
  4. We take into account the power of lamps. It is equally important to choose the right DD power. This is quite simple to do - we find out the power of a chandelier in the room, or, for example, an LED spotlight on the street and select the power of the detector with a small margin.
  5. Determining the range of action. Also, when choosing a motion sensor, you need to consider the maximum distance to which it can respond. Typically, the detection radius ranges from 6 to 50 meters. Accordingly, for small rooms in an apartment or house, you can select the minimum radius (in the toilet, kitchen, hallway, bathroom), but to turn it on, you need to decide on the radius of action and, based on this, select the appropriate parameter.
  6. Availability of photo relay. IN Lately Most DDs are additionally equipped with light detectors, which allow even more. The operation scheme in this case is as follows: the light turns on only if the illumination level is below the specified settings. This is logical, because there is no point in turning on the lighting during the day.
  7. . Another one useful feature, which we recommend paying attention to. If you have pets, for example, a small dog in the yard, then it is better to choose a motion sensor with animal protection. Otherwise, turning on the light will be triggered by your pets, which is not very convenient and economical.

These are all the tips you should consider when choosing a device. Another important point– manufacturer of detectors, because The durability and correct operation of the product depends on it. If you don’t know which motion sensor is best to choose, we recommend choosing products from companies such as Theben, Rev Ritter, Orbis and Camelion. In the latter case, the manufacturer is Chinese, but, nevertheless, it is optimal in terms of price and quality. WITH suitable model you can figure it out if you consider our 7 tips provided above.

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A motion sensor is a device that detects the movement of any objects in its coverage area. Most often, motion sensors are used in places where people are for a short time, for example in closets, utility rooms, corridors, on stairs. According to the principle of operation, motion sensors are ultrasonic, infrared and microwave. Let's talk in more detail about the principle of operation of each of them.
Based on the method of receiving a signal from objects, motion sensors are divided into active sensors, which themselves emit and record the signal reflected from objects and require the use of an emitter and a receiver, and passive sensors– those that register the objects’ own radiation.

Infrared sensors

register movements using infrared radiation, which is characteristic of all heated bodies: humans, animals, as well as a warm battery, warm floor etc. IR sensors are passive. They themselves do not emit anything, but only perceive the radiation emanating from all warm-blooded creatures. This is the most common type of sensor.

IR sensor device
In the middle of the sensor there are IR light receivers - photocells. They are covered with a multi-lens similar to a cap or cylinder. Each mini-lens covers its own segment. The signal disappears when a person (human hand) leaves the boundaries of this segment. When moving within a segment, the signal does not change.

A multilens, also known as a Frenl lens, is a complex composite lens that divides the entire area around the sensor into many sectors, or rays.

The shutdown time delay is necessary so that when a person appears in the illuminated area, he can pass through it completely, even without being in the field of view of the sensor. Motion sensors do not turn off immediately, but with a short delay, after the object leaves the visibility zone. The time delay is usually set from 5 seconds to 10 minutes.

“Coarsening” the operation of sensors is often done intentionally so that they respond only to a walking person. The detection angle of any infrared sensor can be easily adjusted by simply covering part of the multilens with film.

By their physical nature, visible light and infrared radiation are the same. IR radiation can be focused by a lens, just like regular light. When IR radiation hits a photocell, it changes its parameters. At room temperature In visible light, bodies do not glow, but in the IR range they simply shine.

Ultrasonic sensors

To register motion, they use reflections from objects. ultrasonic waves in the range of 20–60 kHz. Such sensors are capable of responding only to fairly sudden movements and may not even respond to calm ones.
human movements. In addition, ultrasonic frequencies cause anxiety in animals. The advantage is their low cost. They are rarely used in lighting devices, since their range is limited

Microwave (MW) sensors

use the energy of high frequency electromagnetic waves. The frequency of the emitted waves from such sensors is usually 5.8 GHz. Microwaves are reflected from surrounding objects and registered by a sensor. If the slightest changes in reflected electromagnetic waves are detected, the device’s microprocessor is triggered. Detection is possible through wooden doors, window glass, thin walls.

The operating principles of ultrasonic and microwave sensors are similar. According to the method of receiving a signal, these are active sensors. That is, they themselves emit and record waves. Such sensors consist of a receiver and an emitter.
Ultrasonic and microwave sensors use the Doppler effect: when a moving object appears in the detection zone of an active motion sensor, the frequency of the wave reflected from the object changes.

This can be illustrated simple example: we are standing at a bus stop, and a car with a siren is driving past. When she approaches us, the sound seems high, when she moves away from us, it seems much lower.

Working principle of a microwave sensor

In microwave sensors based on the Doppler effect, the antenna serves as both a transmitter and a receiver of electromagnetic waves. Reflecting from moving objects, the waves are recorded by the sensor, and if changes are detected, the device's microprocessor turns on the lamp.

Comparison of different motion sensors


Ultrasonic sensors Infrared sensors

Microwave (MW) sensors

Active/passive according to the method of receiving the signal Active, emit ultrasonic waves in the range of 20-60 kHz. Passive, they do not emit, but only register radiation from objects. Active, emit electromagnetic waves, usually 5.8 GHz.
Principle of operation To record movement, ultrasonic waves reflected from objects are used. Movements are recorded using infrared radiation, which is characteristic of all heated bodies: humans, animals, warm radiators, heated floors, etc. To register movement, high-frequency electromagnetic waves reflected from objects are used.
Sensor range Very limited range. Even best models 10-15 m is the limit of their capabilities. The radius can be very large, up to several tens of meters. However, the visibility radius must be completely open. The range can be enormous. The most powerful models have hundreds of meters.
Probability of accidental operation Low Average High
Probability of failure High Low Low
Temperature Range work Temperature changes do not have a significant effect on sensor performance As the temperature increases environment above +25°С the sensitivity of the sensor decreases significantly Temperature changes do not have a significant effect on sensor performance
Ability to “see” objects through obstacles** Eat No, there must be a direct line of sight from the object to the sensor Eat
Effect on humans and animals Eat No Eat
Sensor dimensions Quite big Quite big
Price Small Average High

* All characteristics of a particular device depend on the final settings.
** It is important to understand that microwave sensors cannot “probe” through walls and partitions, and glass can interfere with their proper operation. And if a person moves along the edge of the controlled zone, then false alarm. Therefore, transmitter power is often deliberately limited.

There are also combined sensors movements that combine several detection technologies, such as infrared and microwave sensor. The use of motion sensors in modern LED lamps will help you use electricity as economically as possible when lighting a wide variety of objects.

Motion sensors are an integral part of many automation systems " Smart House" They analyze the presence of humans and animals in the controlled area, which is an important condition to solve various problems. Using motion sensors, lighting, security, climate control systems, etc. are organized. Given the variety of types of this equipment, must be designated key characteristics, which you should pay attention to when making a choice.

Features, principle of operation

A motion sensor refers to equipment that responds to the presence of a person or animal inside a controlled room or in a monitored area. Most often, the signal for the device to respond is movement; in some cases, sound, thermal radiation, air vibrations (vibration sensor), etc. are used.

The sensor included in the Smart Home equipment is triggered at the moment when changes in key parameters that the device monitors are recorded. As soon as the monitored indicators change, the sensor is triggered, the circuit is closed, and the device automatically performs a certain, programmed action. For example, the system can turn on the lights, sound alarm(if the device is installed for security purposes), video camera, air conditioning, etc.

Main types of motion sensors

When talking about which motion sensor to choose, one cannot help but touch on the topic of the main types and types of these devices.

Depending on the engineering and technical features and operating principle, motion sensors are of the following types:

  • acoustic - react to sounds of a certain volume level (the sensitivity of the device can be adjusted individually);
  • ultrasonic - receive data from the reflected signal, and also respond to high-frequency sounds that are not distinguishable by the human ear;
  • infrared - monitor changes in thermal radiation that are created by people, animals, and moving objects within the sensor’s control radius. These devices are divided into two types:

ü passive infrared motion sensors - only scan and analyze the surrounding thermal background;

ü active infrared motion sensors - independently generate infrared radiation and pick up the signal reflected by other objects;

  • microwave - devices generate and propagate short-wave radiation, are triggered in response to a signal reflected by objects, and are capable of “viewing” an area through small obstacles.

IN this moment The most common are dual motion sensors.

Let's try to understand how and which motion sensor to choose.

The first thing that should be clearly formulated is the goal. Why and what problems do you need a sensor for? The most common are motion sensors, with the help of which lighting automation is carried out at home.

For lighting entrances and stairwells, a light and sound sensor is convenient - a device that responds not only to acoustic vibrations, but also to the level natural light so as not to turn on the lamps during the daytime.

At home, for corridors and bathrooms, infrared motion sensors are more convenient. They will not be triggered by noise coming from other rooms, but will quickly respond to the appearance of a person.

It is better not to use microwave and ultrasonic motion sensors in homes. They are more suitable for installation for security purposes.

The installation location and angle also have great importance. If there are pets in the house, then it is better that they do not fall within the “visibility” radius of the sensor, since in this case the device will react not only when a person appears, but also when the pets move.

There are wall, ceiling, corner, etc. sensors. The radius of their field of “vision” is different, from 360 to 180 degrees or less. For example, in a hallway with several doors, it makes more sense to hang one ceiling sensor with a 360-degree viewing angle than to install separate wall-mounted devices above each door.

There are motion sensors that are dustproof and waterproof with ratings ranging from IP20 to IP55. This characteristic is of high importance for devices installed outdoors, in garages, in indoors or under an open canopy.

Devices are also divided according to the type of fastening. They can be built-in or mounted on brackets. If the device has a lamp, then, as a rule, it is less sensitive.

It is important to remember that regardless of the type, light sensor, motion sensor, vibration sensor, etc., these devices cannot be placed near heating equipment otherwise, they may often work “idle”.