home · Measurements · Children's room in the National Library: what children are doing while mothers are reading. Children's room in the National Library: what children do while mothers read Who appoints the board of the information and leisure room

Children's room in the National Library: what children are doing while mothers are reading. Children's room in the National Library: what children do while mothers read Who appoints the board of the information and leisure room

Plahotniuc M.I.,
head mass work department
MBUK "Central" city ​​Library» Nizhny Tagil

The Library is a Territory of Opportunities

The current situation in society, caused by changes in political and social nature, confronted libraries with the need to rethink their purpose and areas of interest, redefine the goals and objectives of their activities, and reconsider their role and place in the life of society. The current situation requires the search for new models of library development that ensure the viability of the library as necessary for society social institution in the context of building an open knowledge society. That is why a library should be not only a territory for reading, but also a territory for entertainment, hobbies, tourism, learning, and creativity.
The Central City Library tries to cover the entire range of designated areas and positions itself as the center of attraction of the city community.

Central City Library – entertainment area

Let us dwell on the largest and most significant projects, on events that have become the “brand” of the Central City Library.

The summer vacation reading program has been running since 1994. Its creation was due to the need to organize children's leisure time during the holidays. During summer holidays work with young Tagil residents is carried out in two directions: organizing leisure time and attracting children who visit the library individually to reading; and organizing work with city recreation camps.
The goals of the program: organizing children's leisure time in the summer, attracting them to reading, developing creative abilities based on books.
During the summer holidays, 605 events were held in our library, which includes 17 branches located within the city, in which 15.5 thousand children took part.

For the fourth year in a row, the Central City Hospital gives the residents of the city a wonderful holiday. Every year this holiday becomes brighter and larger. Everyone who has visited this wonderful city knows that it is perfect place for a family holiday, a place where you can spend intellectual and entertaining leisure time.
On City Day 2015, Theater Square turned into the fairyland of Literature. The heroes of famous children's works, together with the Queen of the Book, invited everyone to take a fascinating journey through the cities, streets and squares of the country of Literature. Here you could take part in the BiblioSelfie photo competition and guess a sea of ​​riddles from the cheerful Cippolino.

At the “Magic School of Pencil and Samodelkin” everyone was able to try themselves as novice artists and create funny paintings. Children and adults had an interesting time with Cat Matroskin in the village of Prostokvashino. Harry Potter helped to look into the future and learn the basics of magic. Recall folk traditions and play folk games it was possible on the site “In the upper room, in the bright room.” Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat invited everyone to take pictures in costumes literary heroes fairy tales by A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, and at the festival there was a casting of actors for the puppet theater “Fairy Tales on a Bench”. On one of playgrounds you could look into “The House Where Poems Live” and play with poems. Here, children organized a public reading of poetry on behalf of a bear finger puppet. And together with the Little Prince, the hero of A. Saint-Exupéry’s fairy tale, the children tidied up and decorated the Planet, and wrote and drew a modern fairy tale at the “Book of Fairy Tales” site. The children visited the Festival of Disobedience and the City of Friends, met the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and Robinson Crusoe, the fussy Rabbit and Murzilka, and other favorite fairy-tale characters.
2,100 children and adults visited the Land of Literature.

The library is a territory of passion

This area includes events held in our library clubs (today there are 20 of them). But distinctive feature The past year has been a fascinating and very difficult organizational work on holding literary and musical salons.
Musical salon dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the most performed composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, opened its doors to the Central Library in May. Teachers and schoolchildren of Children's Music School No. 5 helped to plunge into the atmosphere of his enchanting, inspired and at the same time powerful music.
Another salon, dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising, was held in accordance with the requirements of the salons of the 19th century. At the event there was music, poetry, and a conversation on one of the burning topics - the Decembrists, their role in national history, the significance of the uprising on Senate Square. The library's partners that evening were teachers from Children's Music School No. 3.

The library is a reading area

This direction includes International promotion“We read to children about the war.” On May 7, 2015, an hour of simultaneous reading of works about the Great Patriotic War children aged 5 to 14 years. In libraries, schools, kindergartens and other institutions, children were read aloud best samples fiction, dedicated to the events of 1941-1945. and a great human feat.
The Central City Hospital of Nizhny Tagil held an event for the first time, its participants included preschoolers, primary and secondary students school age, teenagers. They got acquainted with the books of Anatoly Pristavkin, Yuri Yakovlev, Lev Kassil, Konstantin Paustovsky, Boris Lavrenev, Viktor Dragunsky, Valentin Kataev and others. In total, 39 events were held as part of the “We read to children about the war” campaign.

"Reading Day"
In our library the action was called . The system held 11 events, which were attended by 596 people. On this day, famous Tagil actors, writers, poets, and politicians came to libraries and schools in all microdistricts of the city. Three lessons were held in the central library in a makeshift attic. High school students and medical students. college met with a politician - deputy. Head of the City Administration for Social Policy Valery Surov, entrepreneur - book publisher Alexei Khlopotov, writer - Yakov Razlivinsky. The conversation, of course, was about reading, the role of books in choosing a life path.

Festival "Week of Children's and Youth Books" is one of the city's public events and is implemented annually during spring break. In our city, this is an amazing adventure, in which there is a place for performances, games, competitions, travel, and interesting meetings. These days the results of the library year are summed up and new beginnings are launched. The festival ends with the city festival of Books and Reading.

Since 2014, our library has been connected to an electronic resource « » . This system is an affordable and universal solution for libraries. It allows readers to issue electronic books for downloading on any device via the Internet, and this significantly expands the capabilities of our library system, attracts new users, and allows us to keep up with the times.

The main function of a library is to attract people to reading; this can be done using various “tools”. This is the second year that the Central City Hospital has hosted “Library Night”. 2015 theme – « » . More than 2,000 Tagil residents took part in the event, for whom 11 creative platforms operated. A feature of Library Night 2015 was a large number of families who came to the library to relax and participate in various competitions and events. For children and parents there were sites “Bibliotwilight”, “Fairy Tale Classics”, “Molniya” Theater, “Fairy Tales in Pajamas”, and a master class “Bookmarks for Every Taste”. Young people gladly took part in the activities of the Playback Theater, tested their knowledge at the Charadoboom site and at the mysterious detective agency Mousetrap.
The quest game “Classics in Faces,” in which both family and youth teams took part, caused a great stir. Participants had to restore the missing text of a note about a mysterious abduction and pass several tests to do this: solve the hieroglyph “city”, the riddle of a clever detective, take part in an interactive vote for heroes of Russian and foreign literature, answer the pirate’s questions, evaluate a work of art. Teams that reached the finish line received gifts.
One of the most visited sites at Library Night was “Literary Fortune-Telling. Who am I? Tolstoy? Pushkin? Lermontov? Those who came to the library could use numerology to find out their characteristics based on their date of birth and determine their similarities with famous Russian or foreign classics of literature. Many visitors to the site left inspired, having learned that they had the same energy as A. Pushkin, A. Christie, I. Turgenev or S. K. Nosov, the mayor of our city.
Guests of the evening enjoyed writing with a real pen into an old album on the site “Write, dear friends...”. In the album, many left their wishes for the library, very warm and positive: “I love your library!”, “More readers and rare books,” “Thank you for the master classes! It’s very nice to remember and repeat wonderful customs. It’s great that all this is given to children Well done! Good education of our future generation," etc. The evening ended with festive fireworks.

The night of the arts is also firmly integrated into the life of our library. In 2015, Tagil residents were invited to it on November 3. The program was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Yesenin and was an exhibition the size of a library. The title was taken from the poet's lines "". Our guests enjoyed plunging into the world in which Yesenin lived and worked.

In the “Magic Illusion” cinema hall they showed films and newsreels from the beginning of the last century. Before the sessions in the “Musical Lounge,” romances based on the poems of Sergei Yesenin were performed live by teachers of Children’s Music School No. 1 named after. Rimsky-Korsakov. The “Mirror” theater studio of the city palace of children and youth creativity opened a literary lounge, in which the poet’s poems and songs of the “Guitar Lovers Club” of the “Mir” children’s and youth center sounded. In the musical and poetic salon “The Singing Soul of Russia”, the guests were greeted by Sergei Yesenin himself, whose role was played by a student from NTGMC. Guests of the salon enjoyed a live performance of the poet's works. In an impromptu photo salon, visitors were invited to take a souvenir photo with the poet.
Guests of the evening enjoyed taking part in the interactive game “Your Acquaintance, Sergei Yesenin”, mastering a new technique - a multi-touch touch table. For modern equipment 8 quiz presentations were developed: “The Poet’s Muses”; “Friends, listen to me...” (friends and teachers of the poet); “There is a song in these lines” (musical masterpieces based on Yesenin’s poems), etc. Tagil residents had the opportunity not only to test their knowledge, but also to expand it with the help of links and comments.
For the first time in the library, the quest “The key to the room in Angleterre” took place in a closed room. Four teams passed the tests, all successfully completed the task, spending from twenty-five to forty minutes searching for the key.

48 people took part in the creation of a “living book” “My poems, calmly tell me...” by reading their favorite poems by Yesenin on a video camera. A short film was made from the recordings and posted on the library website.
Guests of the library enjoyed the sound of old records, drew poems on sand tables, played spillikins, wrote with a pen and were in no hurry to go home. More than 500 people became guests of the Central City Hospital.

The library is a tourism territory
Since 2014, the library has been working on intracity tourism. Nizhny Tagil is an attractive city in this regard. Many guests come to us for international arms exhibitions, All-Russian forums (All-Russian Youth Forum of Working Youth 2015), and sporting events.
Today, both the state and its citizens are becoming more and more interested in history, as a means of patriotic education. Local history is, in fact, the starting point for educating the younger generation. A new and exciting form of work for the specialists of the mass work department was conducting tram and walking tours of the city, developed jointly with the city’s Tourism Development Center. One of the routes, Dzerzhinsky district - the city center, is the most entertaining and educational. Students from city schools get acquainted with the history of the city, the UVZ-City tram service, the famous Tagil dynasties of craftsmen and famous writers of the Urals and Nizhny Tagil. Tram excursions are a unique phenomenon for the library, promoting intellectual growth, encouraging knowledge and love for the hometown of school students. A popular walking tour along the malachite line of the city, laid through the historical center.
In 2015, seven Central Library specialists completed advanced training courses under the Excursion Activities program. This made it possible to develop a number of new excursion routes in different areas of the city.

Library – learning area
The department of specialized literature conducts library lessons for young people on the topics: “The number of languages ​​you know, the number of times you are human”; “Lesson in fascinating linguistics”; “Training to work with a dictionary”; " E-books in the liters library.
Traditionally, in its work it takes into account the interests and requests of such categories of users as teenagers and young people. To help young people, classes are conducted in the following areas:
- “School of Social Competence” - a series of classes with elements communication training: “Knowing yourself”, “Training confident behavior”, “I choose health”, etc.
- “Myths and facts about...” (smoking, alcohol, drugs) - classes in primary prevention of psychoactive substances among adolescents.
- “To the library for a profession” - career-oriented classes.

The library is a territory of creativity
The library institution, which dates back thousands of years, is today rapidly changing under the influence of digital technologies. However, with the development of technological progress, most people also have a need for a break from these most ubiquitous technologies, for self-realization.
A striking example creative development is a city open competition of children's literary creativity « » , dedicated to D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. It has been held annually since 2006 from March to December. Its tasks are to introduce children and teenagers to the history of the Urals, to study the literary heritage of their native land, to identify and encourage young authors.

In 2015, 448 people took part in the competition, representing 467 creative works in the categories “Prose”, “Fairy Tale”, “Works of different genres”, “Media projects”, “Fiction about children and for children”. The results of the competition are summed up in a festive atmosphere at the City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

In accordance with the instructions of the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense Russian Federation dated November 13, 2007 No. 172/1/8154 in the company location of each training company, the equipment and operation of a leisure room for students of the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps is provided.




about the leisure room educational mouth

Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps

I. General provisions

In accordance with the instructions of the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2007 No. 172/1/8154, the equipment and operation of a leisure room for students of the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps is provided for in the company location of each training company.

The leisure room is equipped, maintained and operated in the training company for the purpose of:

  • creation favorable conditions for proper rest of the cadet;
  • organizations psychological relief and communication between students in their free time;
  • expanding the general educational and cultural level of KMKK cadets;
  • satisfaction of spiritual needs and development of independent creativity of cadets.

The procedure for functioning of the leisure room as a center of cultural and leisure work in the KMKK company is established by a schedule approved by the senior educator of the training company. Senior educators and teacher-organizers of educational companies take part in organizing the work of department leisure rooms.

II. Public council of the leisure room of the training company

The daily operation of leisure rooms is ensured by a public council, elected in the amount of 5-7 people per general meeting training company for a period of one year. To organize the work of the council, a chairman is elected T spruce. Cadets who have authority among students, have creative skills and artistic taste, activists in cultural and leisure activities, and sports organizers are recommended to join the council. The work of the Leisure Room Council is managed by the senior teacher of the educational company.

Leisure room community council:

  • plans and organizes proper rest for the cadet of the training company in evening time, on weekends (holidays);
  • performs artistically decorative design leisure rooms;
  • maintains files of newspapers and magazines (for students in grades 9-11), board games and other cultural and leisure property in working order;
  • constantly improves the leisure room in order to increase its comfort and coziness;
  • maintains cleanliness and order in the leisure room and its constant functioning for its intended purpose.

The council, under the leadership of the senior teacher of the training company, teacher-organizer (for students in grades 5-9), studies the interests and requests of the cadets, plans; organizes and conducts informational, educational, cultural, leisure and sports activities in accordance with the daily routine and class schedule.

In the leisure room the following can be carried out:

  • question and answer evenings;
  • debates, quizzes, competitions;
  • collective viewing and listening to television and radio programs;
  • discussion of films, books;
  • reviews of periodicals;
  • meetings with veterans of the Armed Forces, Russian Federation, Navy, participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • honoring excellent students, birthday boys of the training company;
  • lectures, conversations, informing students;
  • general meetings of the cadet training company;
  • classes in the system of additional education;
  • amateur performances.

The work of the council is organized in accordance with a monthly or weekly plan approved by the senior educator of the training company.

Members of the board of the leisure room, depending on their interests and abilities, distribute responsibilities among themselves, which may cover issues of room design, organization of amateur performances, work of sports sections, filing of newspapers and magazines, maintenance and use of technical means of education and other issues.

Council members keep order and, together with other activists, organize events that help relieve the psychological burden on students.

Composition of the Leisure Room Council, work plan of the Leisure Room Council, inventory material assets, located in the leisure room, is located in the leisure room, the leisure room operating schedule is posted at the entrance to the leisure room. These documents are signed by the teacher-organizer of the educational company (for grades 5-9) or the chairman of the Leisure Room Council (for grades 10-11) and approved by the senior educator of the educational company.

The Council of the Leisure Room reports on its activities at least once every quarter to the general meeting of the cadet training company.

III. Decoration of the leisure room of the training company.

In order to more effectively organize the activities of the leisure room of a training company, it is necessary to have appropriate artistic and decorative design, equipment and equipment.

A separate comfortable room is allocated for the room, where partitions and decorative grilles can be equipped. For psychological relief and relaxation, appropriate furniture is installed in the leisure room and the appropriate interior is designed.

The color saturation of the leisure room is done in warm and light tones.

The leisure room is determined functional areas(places) for reading fiction, watching television programs and videos, listening to radio broadcasts and tape recordings, using board games.

Responsibility for the safety of the leisure room property, cleanliness, aesthetic design and timely updating of visual propaganda lies with the senior teacher of the training company.

The leisure room is decorated with:

  • portraits (photos) of the President of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the Commander of the Baltic Fleet;
  • State Emblem and State Flag of the Russian Federation;
  • Naval flag of the Russian Federation (St. Andrew's flag);
  • materials about the combat traditions of the fleet;
  • information-list of helplines;
  • work plan for the leisure room council;
  • victorious days of Russia;
  • files of newspapers and other printed publications (for students in the leisure room). Files are stored for 1 year.

The leisure room can accommodate: TV, VCR, radio, board games.

IV. View of the leisure rooms of educational companies.

Every year, on the occasion of the Foundation Day of the KMKK, the appointed commission conducts inspections of leisure rooms in educational companies.

The purpose of the review is to further enhance the role of leisure rooms in the education of KMKK students, organize their cultural leisure, improve the equipment and design of rooms, generalize and disseminate best practices in the activities of councils of leisure rooms.

Head of the Department of Educational Work

N. Vladimirova

Appendix No. 1


work of the Council of the leisure room ___ training company

as of September 2013


Event name

the date of the


Organizational meeting of the educational company activists “Elections of the leisure room council”


Korolev V.

First meeting of the Leisure Room Council. Topic: “Work plan for September”


Koshkin S.

Theme evening "Let's get to know each other"


Kozlov I.

Korolev V.

Chernova I.L.

Appendix No. 2

Composition of the Leisure Room Council

Training company

Chairman of the Leisure Room Council (for grades 10-11)

Korolev V.

Teacher-organizer of educational company (for grades 5-9)

Chernova I.L.

Appendix No. 3


material assets and property located in the leisure room

Training company

Chairman of the Leisure Room Council (for grades 10-11)

Korolev V.

Teacher-organizer of educational company (for grades 5-9)

Chernova I.L.

Appendix No. 4


work of the leisure room ___ training company






The section presents reflective stands national, military-historical and military topics themselves. Any stand can be changed in size, color scheme, corrected content

Price for posters/stands measuring 100x120 cm for the information and leisure room (per piece)

*When ordering a poster on a banner, please specify whether grommets will be installed

*The cost of stands with pockets consists of the price for the stand + the price for pockets

Prices for posters of other sizes and contents, please check

All posters/stands are resistant to humidity and UV radiation.

Stands "Satirical Newspaper", "Photo Newspaper" and "Wall Print", with pockets, size 140x120 cm

The prices shown on the website are indicative only. Please check current prices by phone or email.

Set of stands “Great commanders and naval commanders of Russia”, Stand “Armed forces of the RF Armed Forces”, “Composition and tasks of the RF Armed Forces”. Stand dimensions: 150x120 cm.

The prices shown on the website are indicative only. Please check current prices by phone or email.

Poster on self-adhesive film without lamination from 1600 rub
Poster on self-adhesive film with image lamination from 3000 rub
Foam stand PVC plastic 3 mm without frame from 3550 rub.
3 mm s from 5200 rub
Poster on

Libmonster ID: RU-14114

How to decorate a leisure room and organize the work of its council

The unit's leisure room is equipped with the aim of creating favorable conditions for proper rest of personnel, their psychological relief and communication in their free time from duty. In addition, it is advisable to use the leisure room to solve the problems of expanding the general educational and cultural level of soldiers, satisfying their spiritual needs, and developing independent creativity. Based on the fact that the room is the center of cultural and leisure work in the unit, the order of its functioning is established by the commander, and the deputy unit commander for educational work.

The leisure organization officer - the head of the unit's club - is obliged to participate in the organization of the work of leisure rooms in the units and provide methodological assistance in their artistic design. The full daily operation of the leisure rooms is ensured by a public council, which is elected in the number of 5-7 people at the general meeting of the unit for a period of one year. A chairman is elected to organize the work of the council. If possible, military personnel with creative skills and artistic tastes, and activists in cultural and leisure work are recommended for membership in the council.

Leisure room community council:

Performs artistic and decorative design of the leisure room;

Equips and ensures the use of functional areas (places);

Maintains the department's library, newspapers, magazines, time and additional records in working order technical means educational work, musical instruments, board games and other cultural and leisure property;

Constantly improves the leisure room in order to increase its comfort;

Maintains cleanliness and order in the leisure room and its constant functioning for its intended purpose.

The main task public council leisure rooms - ensuring adequate rest for unit personnel in the evenings and on weekends (holidays). The council, under the leadership of the commander and his deputies, studies the interests and requests of the personnel, plans, organizes and conducts various events of informational, educational, cultural, artistic and sports work according to the company daily schedule.

At set hours, council members are on duty in the leisure room, keep order and, together with other activists, organize debates, quizzes, amateur performances, various games, sports and other events. Responsibilities are distributed among the members of the council, which cover the issues of decorating the room, organizing the work of the amateur art group, sports sections, mobile libraries, and maintaining a filing of newspapers. The council draws up a monthly work plan.

Leisure room council work plan for February

Date of. Time. Activity.

Who conducts.

3.02 18.00. Collective listening to the radio newspaper part “The commander thanks for the service.” Council member (title, surname).

6.02 20.00. Military history quiz "The combat path of our unit during the war." Deputy com. companies.

9.02 20.00. Meeting with the participant Battle of Stalingrad retired lieutenant colonel Shevel K. O. Member of the council.

14.02 18.0J-20.00. Collective reading of I. Stadnyuk’s book “War”.

The start of the company chess championship competition. Council member. Sports organizer.

22.02 18.00. Evening of rest. Concert of an amateur art group. Deputy com. companies. Council member.


21.00. View the program "Time". Scheduling Board Member.

Chairman of the board of the leisure room.

To organize the activities of the department’s leisure room, it is necessary to have appropriate artistic and decorative design, equipment and equipment. The method of creating a leisure room involves a number of successive stages.

1st stage. Selection and inspection by specialists of the premises allocated for the rest room, determination of the required volume of repairs and construction work, room measurements. A large (based on the number of personnel), bright room, convenient location within the unit’s territory must be provided.

2nd stage. Creation by a graphic designer of a preliminary design of a leisure room with an interior layout (layout), which includes all architectural and building elements, furniture, given the dimensions necessary for the upcoming installation of stands and equipment, general color scheme. The preliminary design (model) serves as the basis for the architectural, artistic and aesthetic design of the room. At this stage, material and financial capabilities are determined, a list is drawn up necessary funds and equipment for repairs and work on the implementation of a preliminary design (model).

3rd stage. Preparatory. Renovation of the premises begins with structural and construction works Partitions, podiums, decorative grilles, etc., provided for by the project, are equipped. The leisure room is also electrified, including general, local and decorative lighting; after the ceiling work is completely completed, the walls are installed. They are covered according to by decision: wallpaper, panels or paint. In parallel with these works, windows, doors, and partitions are painted. AND last step at this stage - floor. It can be finished depending on the possibilities: parquet, tiles, linoleum, painted. During repair work the graphic designer simultaneously collects visual materials, manufactured stands, artistically decorative elements. Paintings, crafts, aquariums, pots and flower pots, display cases, and albums are prepared for installation and placement in the leisure room in accordance with the created sketch design of the leisure room.

4th stage. Direct artistic and decorative design of a leisure room.

During the design process, certain changes may be made to the preliminary design, adjustments to the placement of design elements and the interior. Taking into account the purpose at this stage, furniture, ? functional areas (places) are equipped (designated) for reading fiction, watching television programs and videos, listening to radio programs, gramophone and tape recordings, and board games. If there are no appropriate premises in the department, it is possible to place furniture for carrying out activities in the leisure room. training sessions and information. Currently, taking into account the increased mental, intellectual and physical activity For personnel, the practice of equipping and decorating leisure rooms includes recreation points (places), where military personnel can quickly get rid of fatigue and restore strength.

At the entrance to the leisure room there is a duty schedule of members of the public council and a work plan. A sign of the established pattern and color with the name of the room is hung on the outside of the door. These are the existing General requirements to the content, functional design of the department’s leisure room and the corresponding elements of its artistic and decorative design. With proper organization of activities, order and comfort, a leisure room can be a good support for all cultural and leisure work in the unit.

How to organize leisure time for personnel on pre-weekends and weekends (holidays)

The basis for organizing meaningful leisure for personnel is a well-thought-out array of cultural and leisure activities, which is prepared in advance. To this end, usually on Thursday, the commander, his deputy for educational work, together with the active staff, should discuss the planned events, taking into account the wishes of the personnel, the psychological and physical stress they received, the events being carried out throughout the unit and local cultural institutions, and determine the possibilities for the personnel to participate in them . Memorable and significant gifts should also be taken into account; b history of the country, its Armed Forces and its unit. The plan of cultural and leisure activities compiled in this way is submitted to the commander for approval no later than Friday. Pre-planning allows you to prepare the activities included in the plan in advance, notify soldiers about ongoing activities and thereby help them plan their personal time.

The form of the plan may be different, but it must include the name of the events being held, the place and time of their holding, the responsible organizers, and Saturday can include events such as listening to a local radio newspaper (watching a program from the garrison television center), a concert at the request of soldiers, amateur performances . In prev holidays can be planned and carried out before lunch; broadcasting light music through a local radio center, concerts at the request of personnel, musical congratulations to excellent soldiers, watching TV programs “Serving Russia”, “Army Store”, themed matinees, quizzes, conversations, cultural outings, sports competitions. During the same period, a film is shown for those joining the outfit. In the afternoon, it is advisable to provide the most interesting forms of leisure, since by this time the personnel have already attended several events, and they can only be attracted to something new. Therefore, during this period, musical and literary musical evenings, meetings with artists, literary and artistic figures, recreation evenings, KVN, amateur art concerts, rehearsals, etc. can be organized. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the personnel have the opportunity write letters, read, play chess. It is important to sum up the results of the weekend (with commanders and active personnel). At the same time, it is advisable to analyze the quality of the events held, the role of the organizers, and draw conclusions for the subsequent organization of similar events on weekends.

PLAN for holding cultural and leisure events on pre-weekends and weekends with personnel of ___ company Saturday (date).

1. Concert at the request of soldiers, publication of wall newspapers and combat leaflets, 18.00-18.40 location, Petrov St.

2. Classes in amateur art groups, 16.00-19.00. club s-nt Ivanov.

3. Cultural trip to the theater. 17.00-22.00, theater, Lt. Orlov.

4. Disco "In the rhythm of dance", 19.00-22.00, club, art. l-nt Ivanov.

5. Watching the TV show "Song-99", 22.00, location, station. l-nt Ivanov.

Sunday (date).

I. Sunday, radio newspaper release, 9.00-9.20, location, art. l-nt Ivanov.

2. Thematic matinee “True to the traditions of the fathers”, 9.30-11.00, club, st. l-nt Novikov.

3. Concert of amateur art participants.

4. Watching TV: “Serving Russia”, 11.00-12.00, located, Polyakov village.

5. Sports and entertainment relay races. 12.00-14.00, stadium, st. l-nt Novikov.

6. Personal time of soldiers, sergeants:

Watching TV;

Simultaneous chess session;

Participation in team sports (football, basketball, volleyball);

Cultural trip to the theater, 16.00-18.0D, Lt. Nikitin.

8. Film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears", 20.00-22. 00, club, st. l-nt Novikov.

Deputy commander for educational work, senior lieutenant V. Novikov.

How to spend an evening of relaxation

As a rule, the unit spends its evening of relaxation in the unit’s club, cafe, soldiers’ tea room, and sometimes in the military headquarters. Relaxation evenings can be held at various forms: evenings of song, music and Ghanaians, games and entertainment, humor and satire, "lights", KVN, discos, etc.

They are carried out according to a specific program, which may include: entertainment and concert performances (comic and lyrical songs, musical eccentrics, cartoons, fragments of comedy films, jokes and parodies, etc.); dance departments; games and dance-game numbers related to the plot common theme evenings, attractions, quizzes (who is the author of the music and lyrics) and competitions (for the best singer or original performance). Relaxation evenings should have a thematic focus, i.e. reflect any significant events in the life of the country, the Armed Forces, or the unit. Each evening must be given a clear logical structure, and its content must include original game episodes.

To prepare for the evening you need to create initiative group(5-7 people), distribute responsibilities (who is the presenter, who is responsible for music provision, preparation of games, attractions, decoration of the hall, maintaining order) and draw up a script (program) for the evening.

When drawing up a script, you need to pay attention to the preparation of the musical repertoire, the features of playing games and filling in pauses. If the situation allows, with the permission of the unit command, you can invite girls from any educational institution or from the enterprise. At the same time, think through issues related to their arrival and seeing off after the evening. Before the start of the evening, it is necessary to instruct the personnel on issues of culture of behavior and communication at the evening. The opening of the evening should create a certain emotional mood. This can be achieved by figuratively communicating something joyful and outstanding, playing a musical introduction, etc.

During the evening it is important to ensure general order, uninterrupted operation of equipment, musical instruments and lighting devices. The ending of the evening should also be bright and memorable (general dance or song, prize lottery, etc.).

Permanent link for scientific papers (for citation):

Methodist.. Update date: 06/23/2017. URL: https://site/m/articles/view/Methodologist-ORGANIZATION-CULTURAL-LEISURE-WORK-IN-DIVISION (date of access: 07.28.2019).