home · Other · Living room design with beams on the ceiling. Decorative beams on the ceiling - photo in the interior. Examples of using beams in the interior

Living room design with beams on the ceiling. Decorative beams on the ceiling - photo in the interior. Examples of using beams in the interior

Long gone are the days when beams on the ceiling were exclusively rural houses. In addition, it is worth noting that today they perform not only the role of support for the roof, but also a decorative function. It is because of the latter that many people prefer to install decorative beams not only in country houses, but also in city apartments. They will look original and unusual, but only if they are played correctly. We will tell you in this article exactly how to decorate beams on the ceiling in an apartment or an old house.

To complement the interior, it is absolutely not necessary to redo the roof and undertake expensive repairs; it will be enough to buy decorative beams and install them on the ceiling. In a specialized store you can find three types of beams:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • made of polyurethane.

The classic option is wooden beams for the ceiling. They are made from ash, pine and oak. They can be solid or hollow inside, which will allow you to hide various communications.

Previously, beams were disguised, but now designers include them in the interior different rooms where they fit organically. It can be:

  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • cabinet;
  • corridor.

One more original solution will be the zoning of the room. This is especially true for a studio apartment or a country house with large rooms. It is enough to correctly position the beams on the ceiling. If we consider the styles in which wooden elements decor occupy a leading position, here we can highlight:

  • Scandinavian;
  • rustic;
  • country;
  • Mediterranean.

You can also attach lamps or chandeliers with chains to the beams.

Design Features

When planning the interior, you need to pay attention to all the details, even the most insignificant ones. When it comes to beams, there are several options: to beat the entire surface or to decorate it partially, making strict structures. You can lay beams in a wide variety of ways, relying on your own taste and discretion, so you shouldn’t be limited by the rules.

There are several current ways to finish wood beams on the ceiling:

  1. Brushing. This technology will highlight the wood texture. Masters even imitate marks from the bark beetle. As a result, the beams are transformed beyond recognition, and outwardly it will seem that the residents are in an old house that is more than 200 years old.
  2. Fire treatment. This is a technology for artificial aging of wood. For this method you will need a blowtorch and special brushes.
  3. Vintage style. You can make a ceiling with load-bearing beams look like an old one using special paints and varnishes.
  4. Ethnic style. Must be included in the interior forged elements and twine.
  5. Traditional style. Distinctive feature– simplicity, this is what allows you to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

Some designs involve transitions from ceilings to walls. At the same time, beams can give a refined European style to the room.

In an old house

Quite often, in country houses that are used seasonally (in summer), the finishing quickly deteriorates and loses its attractive appearance. This happens especially often in a wooden house, since the wood is exposed to moisture and dampness. To return the beams to a presentable appearance, you can:

  • dismantle old beams and install false beams made of polyurethane (this material imitates the texture of wood well);
  • decorate the structure with ropes, creating an interior in a marine style;
  • hide imperfections on the surface with paint or varnish;
  • if the defects are too obvious, putty and prime the surface, after which paint should be applied;
  • not just paint the beams, but also paint them manually or using stencils.

There are also several recommendations regarding the interior style of the room. For example, the high-tech style goes well with metallic shades; wires that are not hidden and simple light bulbs for lighting will add originality. If we talk about country or Provence style, then it would be most appropriate whitewashed ceiling against the backdrop of bright beams.

When painting beams, it is not necessary to give preference to natural (brown) and pastel shades. By choosing bright colors, you can get bright accent on the ceiling.

Masking a concrete beam

Now let's look at the basic methods of how you can beat the beams on the ceiling in a house in different situations.

The option for installing LED strips is suitable for modern style or for a teenager's room.

What to do if you can’t disguise a concrete beam? In this case, you should make a suspended structure from plasterboard or stretch ceiling. You can make a box in the shape of the letter “P” from drywall. Such a box should be fixed directly to the ceiling and adjacent wall. It is not recommended to drill into the beam, as it may lose its technical characteristics.

Moreover, if the concrete beam is located vertically, then this disadvantage can be turned into an advantage. For example, make a built-in wardrobe. This will completely hide the existing beam while creating plenty of storage space.

Full or partial camouflage

Quite often, owners decide to completely hide the beams from view, but you can only cover the space between the beams by making a ceiling. In this case, use the following types ceilings and materials:

  • tension;
  • plasterboard;
  • caisson;
  • lining.

The most expensive and sophisticated is the coffered ceiling. In addition to beams, this design involves the creation of other elements, for example, cells, recesses and cornices. The cassettes can be of any shape:

  • polygon;
  • rhombus;
  • square.

Using partial masking, you can hide flaws and defects on the ceiling and at the same time leave beams in the interior of the room.

If your home has ceiling beams, then getting rid of them would be the worst decision. After all, you can add zest to the interior of a room with minimal financial and time costs, just by correctly playing with the existing design features.

Initially, ceiling beams were by no means decorative elements of the room; they took on all the loads from the roof of the house, and at the same time served as support for attic floor. Over time, beams on the ceiling began to be increasingly hidden from view as an unnecessary element, but nowadays interest in them has returned again, and attention is paid more to the decorative aspect. And at the same time, the ceiling beams acquired a completely new appearance and began to perform a lot of new functions.

Functions of ceiling beams

Today, ceiling beams are used to decorate ceilings not only in rural homes, but also in country houses and city apartments made of brick and concrete. These elements of an authentic interior are very attractive to residents of the “concrete jungle”. Therefore, open beams are increasingly decorative in nature, without losing their functionality.

Ceiling beams can be used in any room. They look natural in the living room, office, bedroom, library and even hallway. Their massiveness and quantity is determined overall dimensions rooms. IN spacious kitchen you can “stud” the entire ceiling with large beams, and in a small hallway you will only need a few pieces.

Decorative beams are simple and very in an inexpensive way original finish ceiling. But is this really where their advantages end? Why are beams so popular, and how can you use beams on the ceiling? Let's look at what functions ceiling beams can handle:

  1. Problem high ceilings. If the ceilings are high, these designs will successfully emphasize the volume of the room. If the room is too high, which deprives it of comfort, ceiling beams can be placed low under the ceiling to visually lower its level, and the volume of the room will feel more comfortable.
  2. The problem with low ceilings. If there is pressure in your home low ceiling, then to correct this shortcoming you can try this technique. Beams from the ceiling should go to the walls. In this case, it may not be quite a beam running along the wall, but a thin strip to match the beam.
  3. Decor attic spaces. In attics and attics, decorating a pitched ceiling with beams will help bring order and harmony into the space.
  4. Changing the optical perception of the room. To visually expand the room, the beams should be positioned in width. Well, placing structures along the wide side will make the room look more elongated. In order not to change the geometry, but to add volume to the ceiling, you can install the beams in a “lattice” - crosswise or “herringbone”.
  5. Functional zoning of the room. One large ceiling beam can divide a room into several zones: in this case, the structure needs to be mounted at the junction of functional zones - for example, above a bar counter or dining table. On the other hand, you can decorate a certain area with beams, so it can be distinguished from others.
  6. Unusual lighting. On the most ordinary ceiling beam you can attach recessed lamps, LED backlight, hang or tie to it on chains large chandeliers. Beams are often used to decorate niches in plasterboard structures and create spot lighting.
  7. Hiding communications. “Hollow” pseudo-beams can be used to disguise communications that run along the ceiling, for example, wiring. Structures that imitate beams are often used as boxes for mounting lamps. Such beams are U-shaped, they are hollow inside, so they can even hide pipes.
  8. Optimization free space. In the kitchen, you can install various holders and hooks on the ceiling beams, hanging baskets, utensils, dried bunches of herbs or a glass holder on them. You can even attach a TV panel on a special bracket, “air” chairs or swings to the ceiling beams, if, of course, these are real beams and not their imitation.

Using beams in the interior

Beams can be used to decorate the ceiling in an interior in almost any style: from historical classicism to modern high-tech. Well, when it comes to interiors in ethnic styles, ceiling beams will come in handy. That's why it's so important to know how to decorate a beam on the ceiling.

If you prefer classics with a claim to luxury, then these designs can be decorated with carvings, paintings and vignettes. Painting it in a gentle tone or “silver” would also be suitable. In strict classic interior Smooth varnished ceiling beams look appropriate.

Smooth beams are also suitable for modern interior. Here these elements look no less impressive. Bold decisions and creativity are acceptable here. Therefore, you can paint the beams not only in traditional white, black and dark brown, but also in bright colors - red, blue or even pink.

In high-tech and loft style interiors, beams can be painted with a metallic effect paint or made of metal. Often, ceiling beams are juxtaposed with bare light bulbs and exposed wires, as well as brickwork on the walls. Such “industrial aesthetics”, an appeal to the theme of old abandoned warehouses and factories, transform the home into modern luxury apartments.

For a country or rural style interior, it is certainly recommended to choose beams that imitate aged wood. Moreover, the designs can be dark or light, it all depends on the overall color scheme of the room. They are distinguished by texture and roughness. If we talk about the French rural Provence style, then it is better to use more elegant and neat whitewashed beams.

Real solid wood beams are considered a luxury. Moreover, the presence of wooden beams as structural elements in the house should be foreseen in advance, even at the construction stage. In most cases, it is not advisable to install wooden beams for the sake of aesthetics: they are too heavy.

Therefore, they often turn to imitation of wooden beams, which is indistinguishable from the original. Such products are usually made of polyurethane. Polyurethane ceiling beams weigh little, which simplifies the installation process. Their price is not high. They can look different: like smoothly polished beams that are varnished, or like beams made of ancient cracking wood.

How to hide ceiling beams

So, we have dealt with persistent owners who want to decorate their ceilings with similar decor. But the happy owners of houses with beams are trying to make these elements invisible, which is why they are interested in how to hide beams on the ceiling. In addition, beams can often have various defects and differences in height; this is usually the case with the general unsatisfactory condition of the interfloor floors.

Stretch ceiling

The first option for closing beams is to install the well-known tension fabric from PVC film or fabric. In this case, the ceiling will have to be lowered to the width of the masked ceiling beam. But when using this technique, you need to remember that in this case another danger may arise - loss of space. The ceiling may drop too low. Therefore, it is better to equip a multi-level stretch ceiling, which significantly “presses” the ceiling and adds space.

Plasterboard box

The second option for decorating beams on the ceiling is to create a suspended structure made of plasterboard, which has the shape of a box. The frame should look like the letter P. Remember that the frame should be attached directly to the ceiling, but in no case to the ceiling beam itself - holes cannot be made in it, otherwise the beam will lose its original properties. The minimum distance from the base of a plasterboard structure is 15-20 centimeters, and the tension fabric is 2 centimeters.

With help plasterboard sheet you can create an eaves part of the ceiling with LED backlight. The lighting is hidden under a plasterboard cornice, which is attached directly under the protruding ceiling beam. Light sources can be neon tubes, long halogen lamps or a flexible duralight cord. Not recommended for use fluorescent lamps due to the excessive bluish tint that is given to the interior. Spotlights- not the best option, since the eaves lighting should be continuous.

Coffered ceiling

There is another option for finishing a ceiling with beams, more refined and more expensive - decoration by creating coffers. This ceiling consists of ceiling beams, cells, borders, cornices and recesses. Moreover, cassettes can be square, diamond-shaped or polygonal. Round caissons are also known in interior design practice.

On a coffered ceiling, you can beautifully decorate the longitudinal and transverse ceiling beams, for example, with ornaments and lighting sources. In addition, the presence of such beams will save time on installing the supporting lattice frame for mounting cassettes, because the beams are already available! Such ceilings can give a room a solid and impressive look.

Sheathing with edged boards

The easiest way to hide beams on the ceiling is to use edged boards or lining. All surfaces of wooden beams are covered along one lower horizontal and two vertical planes. Their corner joints remain uncovered if the ends are precisely adjusted or the joints are covered with wooden corners.

In case of edged boards they need to be sanded and painted. Sometimes the material is pre-fired blowtorch and then coated with clear varnish. Recently, it has become fashionable not to sand such beams and boards, but rather to make their surface uneven using round wire brushes. The shank of such a tool must be inserted into a conventional electric drill and marks are applied in relief to the surface of the beam.

Original ways of decoration

Sometimes ceiling beams are plastered using different plaster mesh and coated with marble or other imitation paint natural stone. Ceiling beams are often decorated with ropes. A similar technique is often used in Mediterranean, eco and country styles, when the aesthetic component is put in first place. The beam is simply “revitalized” by wrapping a rope around it.

If you have not yet found a way to close a beam on the ceiling, you should pay attention to the following original way. You can make a built-in closet and completely hide the beam. In this case, you will have a lot of useful storage space.

Repair of ceiling beams

The most unpleasant thing when working with ceiling beams is the moment when they begin to sag over time. If the tree is not damaged, but the deflection is due to overload insulation material ceiling surface or an incorrectly selected section of the ceiling beam, all errors can be corrected at minimal cost by strengthening the old beam with the help of an auxiliary one.

Measure the height of the deflection and the amount of subsidence of the beam with a level. Then you need to remove the cross members from the edges of the sagging beam in order to place an additional beam there. It is also necessary to measure the length and cross-section of the beam and select a board suitable size and preferably a similar type of wood. Under no circumstances should you use a croaker. If the board is slightly curved, you need to place it with the curved part up.

Place the new board on load-bearing walls If the edges of the new beam are not inserted into the support, notches should be made approximately 1 centimeter deep and 20 centimeters long. After this, you need to jack up the sagging beam, preferably a few centimeters above the horizontal. Then place the reinforcing beam next to the old one, securing the cross members in the supporting walls for the new beam.

A wooden wedge must be inserted between the supporting wall and the end of the support beam. Then align the slopes with the supporting wall until you get a smooth, horizontal plane, attach the wedge, tapping it with a hammer so that it does not fall out. Secure with bolts. You can remove the jack only after a few days.

If you have doubts about the quality of the wood of a sagging beam, when reinforcing it between the connecting bars, you can pass metal strips and attach it to a reinforced tie. It is recommended to treat wood used for repairs with antiseptics, and all hardware prime.

Due to the low ceiling heights, a design with beams is difficult to imagine in an ordinary city apartment. It is created in a spacious country house, where beams in the interior look more appropriate. However, it all depends on the imagination of the designer and the area of ​​the living space. Because even large apartment modern layout can be decorated with this decorative element. Decorative beams are easy to fit into any style. They are used to delimit space, place designer lamps, visual expansion area. Multifunctional products create a unique atmosphere in the room. Therefore, next we will consider in detail the characteristics of this trendy technique in home planning and the advantages of its use.

Benefits of interior design with beams

  1. Creating a certain atmosphere in the house. These hanging products give a feeling of reliability and peace, as they are associated with the powerful structures of a wooden house;
  2. Visual change in the space of the room. Despite the decrease in volume, it visually expands. Designers are happy to use this optical technique;
  1. Decorative elements become the main emphasis in interior decoration. Beams on the ceiling attract increased attention and, if properly designed, can become the center of an art composition;
  2. It is possible to furnish a house with beams yourself.

Application of ceiling structures

Their presence in private houses is implied a priori, since the structures are integral element ceiling. In this case, the owner can leave the ceiling in its natural form, or can hide it plasterboard partition same. It all depends on the chosen style of the room. The use of ceiling structures can make it appropriate individual design project, where strict style will be combined with practical purposes of zoning the room.

Thus, beams can easily hide possible planning flaws. For example, uneven joints when finishing with drywall. Also, in the ceiling structures it is possible to provide for the placement of utilities (in order to integrate decorative lighting, electrical wiring is carried out in the beams).

Beams can be used as a base for attaching other design elements, be it decorative lamps or even modern plasma. Hanging dried herbs on ceiling items is considered a generally accepted decoration. Especially if they are located in the kitchen area. You can also provide hooks for placing kitchen tools or glassware.

Interior zoning

Functional design solution implies competent zoning spaces in the room. Let's try to name the goals that can be achieved in this way:

  • Simple zoning is performed by placing one impressive beam between two operational areas in the room;
  • Lengthening the room visually becomes possible by placing the beam parallel to a wide wall;
  • The expansion of space is visually achieved by the location decorative items along the width of the entire ceiling;
  • The ceiling is lowered when the products are fastened to opposing walls;
  • Increasing the volume of living space occurs by simply placing a beam right under the ceiling;
  • The volume of the ceiling will be given by a textured color to match the ceiling;
  • It is possible to organize an original interior design by decorating a pitched ceiling or attic with decorative beams;
  • The use of pastel-colored lacquerware with a smooth surface will help in the design classic style design;
  • A slightly different type of coloring forms a modernist design style. You will need products in contrasting black and white tones;
  • To design styles such as Provence, country or shabby chic, a light texture of the material is used. This decor is most popular in the bedroom.


A variety of materials are used to produce ceiling products. Having a choice allows you to decorate a room or hall in a conceptual style, be it ethno or gothic. It all depends on taste preferences owners and amounts of funds. There are also universal materials, to create any decor. The big plus is that you can install them yourself. Below we will present each of them in detail.

  1. Tree. It is an enduring classic and the most sought-after material on the ceiling structures market. Its huge number of advantages are not limited to beauty or environmental friendliness alone. Natural, safe and extremely easy to install material is extremely popular for kitchen premises. Usually coniferous species are used for production, but deciduous species are also found.

They will need to be additionally treated with an antiseptic.

The only disadvantage of wood can be considered the cost of the products, since quality comes first here. Wealthy owners like to order ceiling structures from exotic tree species (for example, merabou or meranti). Then there is processing (tinting, spraying) and installation using self-tapping screws. Options with hollow beams are also allowed, which can be secured with an adhesive binder.

  1. Metal. Used for decorative purposes light metal, such as aluminum. Its popularity is due to modern demands for new finishing materials, as well as its relevance in some designer styles. High-tech or industrial interior styles cannot do without these decorative beams. Additionally, the structures are decorated with trendy lamps that highlight functional areas premises.

The bedroom is the best option for arranging such decor.

  1. Polyurethane. Also applies to modern finishing materials, because with proper processing it perfectly imitates the texture of any natural elements. It is lightweight and relatively inexpensive when compared with previous textures. The convenience of using such material lies in the unlimited choice of any design - artificial beams of all variations and colors will reliably convey the structure required coverage. Products made from it are moisture resistant and durable, plus they are easy to install with your own hands.
  1. Fiberglass. It is the best option when a profile of impressive size is required. It is able to hide the communications carried out, leaving the connecting seams invisible. This is achieved through special bandage kits. Then the beams are suspended on belts or mounted using self-tapping screws.

How to choose the right option

All factors should be taken into account when choosing ceiling structures. Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the parameters of the room itself. The determining factor is the height of the ceiling. If it is low in the house, then it is better to completely forget about decorative ceiling products. The same applies to narrow, small rooms. Beams will only increase the effect of claustrophobia in a person.

It is also necessary to check the compatibility of the chosen style with the ceiling structures. Pompous baroque is unlikely to go well with these massive products. Brutal ceilings are also not suitable for rococo, where the pretentious atmosphere requires completely different types of finishing. Beams gravitate more towards strict, stylish, even masculine interiors. Where the naturalness and natural shade of the material is valued above all else, and pomp is completely unnecessary.

Much will depend on the budget allocated to create the required design. Based on the amount of funds, it is selected optimal material. For example, if resources are limited, it is recommended to opt for artificial polyurethane beams. If the ceiling is high, no one will notice the replacement of the natural analogue with a false beam.

Design nuances

  1. If the interior of a country house is mainly wooden, then it is advisable to order beam structures from wood. A living room with a similar design will create the right atmosphere of comfort and warmth, in which it will be pleasant to gather with friends. Wood can also be used to decorate the kitchen interior;
  2. If we are talking about relatively small apartment, then it is recommended to select lightened beams with whitewash. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the oppressive impression that dark products could make. The space will also become brighter and more joyful;
  3. Rustic elements will look very original if combined with the chosen style. Untreated wood goes well with nautical styles and Greek interior design;
  4. The option of using already familiar material for the manufacture of beams seems to be a win-win option. For example, the one from which the furniture set is made;
  5. The decoration of the bedrooms in the attics looks quite pretentious. In this case it would even be justified uneven surface ceiling;
  6. The most universal seems to be the snow-white version of beam structures. Since it can be painted, it matches any decor color and is appropriate in a modern interior;
  7. There are examples of how a bathroom was decorated with ceiling structures. A city bathroom is not suitable for such escapades, but a bathroom in a country house encourages experimentation in every possible way. At the same time, you should remember about moisture-resistant impregnation so that the wood does not rot prematurely. Recently, the material used for such purposes is polyurethane.

Design style

Decorative ceiling beams in the interior can be decorated tastefully, the main thing is to decide on suitable style. There are types of stylistics for the most harmonious use of hanging products:

Classic style

One of the most optimal options for these purposes. Designers love to emphasize the rich interior with decorative beams on the ceiling. This sets off the luxurious furniture and natural wood floors.

Best harmonizes dark color wooden beams with a light ceiling.

When the budget is limited, you should turn to polyurethane, which perfectly imitates a textured surface. Fine carvings can say a lot about the status of the owners.


More a budget option, since it allows the free use of artificial products. Ceiling beams in the interior are made in such a bright color that natural wood does not have. Then zone lighting is installed to delimit functional areas. Their number is farmed out to the owners.

Victorian style

The luxurious interior of this style is favorably emphasized by noble wood species (red), which are additionally treated to look antique.


French style goes perfectly with whitewashed decorative beams. According to the budget, natural wood or false beams are used. The latter are easy to install with your own hands, since installation does not require special skills.


High-tech and loft are at the peak of popularity now. To create this style, polyurethane or aluminum beams are used. It will coexist harmoniously with metal suspended structures brickwork in the interior and a lightened ceiling.


Rough, brutal style implies exclusively natural wood, the installation of which is not easy to cope with. Need a friend's help.


Ceiling beams can and should be used when arranging a spacious home. This unique design element can become the main highlight in the interior and emphasize the respectability of the owners of the house. The above recommendations are enough to try to implement installation work on one's own.

Modern designers manage to bring to life even the most bold ideas, so today a ceiling with beams can fit quite harmoniously into both city ​​apartment, and to a country house.

This is possible thanks to diversity existing varieties beam materials: natural wood, metal, polyurethane, plasterboard, etc.

Types of ceiling beams

Natural wood beams

Wooden beams are made mainly from cedar, ash, larch, less often - from pine and oak (due to the softness of the first and the appearance of cracks during drying on the second). For greater strength and also decorative purposes they are covered with paint or stain of almost any shade, or with special mixtures that create the effect of antiquity. It all depends on the style. Thus, wooden beams on the ceiling fit perfectly into rustic style, eco-style, Provence style and even classics. With them, the room looks solid, cozy, and harmonious.

Depending on the interior design tasks, the location of the beams is selected. It is worth saying that if it is planned in advance to equip the house with wooden beams, then this must be taken into account at the design stage of the building. In the future, such calculations will make it possible to correctly distribute loads, rationally conduct wiring, etc.

So, beams can be placed directly on the ceiling, below the ceiling with fastening on opposite walls, on the ceiling with a transition to the wall. A ceiling with beams can serve as a guide when zoning a room. For example, a beam can be located at the junction of zones along the entire length of the room or in the center of the room, say, above the rest area. Usually in such cases the beams are equipped with lamps.

Metal beams

It is clear that wooden beams on the ceiling are an expensive proposition. In addition, they are not always suitable for the premises from a technical point of view. However, for connoisseurs of this design idea there is always an alternative way out. For example, metal beams. They are optimal for urban styles: hi-tech, loft, etc.

Metal beams on the ceiling in the interior are in perfect harmony with such characteristic features similar styles, such as clarity of lines, strength of forms, minimalism in the setting. Depending on the basic color scheme of the room and the desired effect, they can be coated with steel, black, white and other suitable shades.

Polyurethane and plasterboard beams

So-called false beams are mainly created from plasterboard and polyurethane. They have U-shape, a light weight, low cost. The advantages of such beams include ease of installation. Thanks to the wide color scheme and variety of textures, they can even imitate wooden beams on the ceiling.

Polyurethane and plasterboard beams can fit into absolutely any style. The most important thing is to decide on the location and color.

Due to the fact that the structure of such beams is hollow inside, they are very often used to disguise wires, cables, pipes and other elements.

Color and location of beams

Beams on the ceiling in the interior in very rare, one might say exceptional, cases go unnoticed. Usually this design element is used to add texture, relief, and style to the room. This can be achieved through the play of color and by choosing the location of the beams.

In the living room, you can use a parallel arrangement of beams in a color contrasting with the ceiling.

Beams of color look no less advantageous natural wood, matching the color of the ceiling. In the living room or bedroom, a special effect can be achieved by laying the beams in a lattice or herringbone pattern. A beamed ceiling can turn even an attic into a cozy nest. Today, designers quite often resort to this method of designing uneven attic ceilings, creating real architectural masterpieces.

Speaking about the shades of ceiling beams, one cannot help but dwell on the opportunities that the existing color palette. After all, you can give up the classic shades and allow yourself to bring bright colors into your home. The color of the beams can be combined not only with the color of the walls, but also with the color of textiles and other decorative elements. Therefore, rich blue beams can contrast with a white ceiling and be combined with blue curtains. Or the beams on the ceiling in the interior, along with the main tone of the ceiling, can be painted dark blue in contrast to a completely white bedroom. To achieve coziness and comfort, it is possible to bring any ideas and plans to life.

Useful uses of beams

A ceiling with beams can serve not only as a kind of addition to the interior, but also as a useful element.

So, on the beams all kinds of lamps and room lighting look quite original. Lighting items can be of any shape, size and style, as long as they match the strength of the beams. If the beams are wooden, then there are no restrictions. Polyurethane or plasterboard structures may require small calculations.

In the kitchen, beams can be used for drying medicinal herbs and for hanging kitchen utensils.

If the beam has high strength, for example, made of solid wood or metal, and is firmly attached to the ceiling or walls, then it can be used to install a swing or a cradle for a baby.