home · On a note · How to make a hair hygrometer with your own hands. Homemade psychrometer for a drying chamber Do-it-yourself hygrometer from a napkin

How to make a hair hygrometer with your own hands. Homemade psychrometer for a drying chamber Do-it-yourself hygrometer from a napkin

Hatching chicks requires precision in instrument readings. The values ​​of temperature and humidity are the most important in such a matter as incubation. In order to qualitatively control the readings, a device such as a psychrometer is needed. It can be purchased at the store, but not every store has such a device, but you can make a psychrometer with your own hands. About what a psychrometer is, how to make a psychrometer for an incubator with your own hands, and I will tell you in this article + a thematic video.

What is a psychrometer

The "duties" of the instrument include measuring air parameters. Use the device in poultry farming to accurately determine the value of humidity. If the humidity is insufficient, the chicks will not be able to hatch from the shells and at the last stage of incubation, all the chicks can be lost.
At the heart of the psychrometer - physical ability liquids to evaporate. It turns out the difference in the temperature value between the one that is shown on the thermometer in dryness and that which is immersed in a humid environment.
Then use the table to find out the exact values.

Psychrometer for an incubator: how to make it yourself

To make a psychrometer for an incubator yourself, you need to purchase items such as:

  • Pair conventional thermometer working on alcohol, which serve to determine the air temperature;
  • Small wooden slats;
  • Small screws;
  • Fragment of a piece of cambric;
  • Liquid container;
  • Antifreeze.

Of the tools you will need: a screwdriver, pliers and a hacksaw.

The manufacture of a psychrometer for an incubator is started sequentially, namely:

  • From thin plywood or slats cut out a fragment of 50 * 120 mm. This will be the stand for the device, so you don’t need to make it too thick, it won’t be convenient;
  • We make a stand for a psychrometer, for this you need to cut a fragment about 15 * 15 mm in size;
  • At a right angle to the rack, a traverse is fixed, and thermometers are attached to it;
  • From batiste fabric, you need to cut off a strip 5-10 cm wide and wrap one of the ends of the thermometer with it, leaving part of the patch free for immersion in antifreeze;
  • Using glue, or better, screws, you need to fix the bar with thermometers to the central rack.

In order to correctly use the readings of the psychrometer, you need a table, which I have given below.

Raising a bird is a painstaking and complex business. In order for a chick to appear from an egg, it takes several weeks to create special conditions for the development of the embryo. The psychrometer for the incubator is a device that will help monitor the most important parameters. No owner can do without it.


Breeding birds in incubation conditions is very popular, both in the subsidiary farm and in mass production. Each owner knows that a chicken can hatch from an egg only if all parameters are met.

Diagram of a homemade psychrometer

The main points in this case are:

  • temperature;
  • air humidity.

If these indicators are lower or higher than standard, then even the most modern technologies can't turn an egg into a bird. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the humidity and heat in the middle of the incubator. This is where the psychrometer comes in handy.

This device is used on the farm to measure air parameters. In most cases, its purpose is to determine the percentage of air humidity.

But, with a complicated design, it is possible to additionally set the temperature in the middle of the incubator.

The device works on the basis physical property- liquid evaporation. Having two thermometers, one of which is immersed in water, and the second remains dry, two indicators are determined.

According to a special table compiled by specialists, the humidity of the air in the incubator itself is directly displayed. That is, a psychrometer is a special device that can calculate the humidity of the air by using the difference in the readings of two thermometers.

In practice, using this device is very easy and convenient. A psychrometer for an incubator can be purchased from specialized stores. Also, there is an option self-manufacturing device.

The most popular device models and their characteristics


Instruments provided on modern market can be divided into three groups, using as a criterion their principle of operation:

  • aspiration;
  • stationary;
  • remote.

An aspiration psychrometer for an incubator is characterized by the presence of two thermometers, which are located in a special frame. This contributes to the fact that the device is less exposed to negative influence and damage.

The thermometers themselves are constantly and with the same power blowing air from the incubator with the help of a special fan. As a result, the temperature on the thermometers is determined. Of the advantages, one can single out the accuracy of the data, and the main disadvantage is the high price.

Stationary devices are located in the meteorological booth. She, in turn, is attached to the incubator with a tripod. Calculation of indicators occurs due to circulation air flow through the booth.

The disadvantage of the apparatus is that a humidified thermometer can change data depending on the strength of the air flow, which is not in the previous version, since it is constant there. Of the benefits - it is very simple to use, easy to repair.

Remote technologies involve the use of:

  • resistance thermometers;
  • thermistors.

The main characteristic of the devices is that the results are displayed on a part of the device outside the incubator. At the same time, in the middle there is a special sensor that constantly measures the performance.

The main advantage is the accuracy of the indicators. The errors of these devices are minimal, and the results are displayed up to hundredths. Of the minuses, one can single out the high cost and complexity of repair in the event of a breakdown.

Popular Models

The most popular models among buyers of the above types today:

  • stationary psychrometer VIT-1 ( average cost- 450 rubles);
  • CEM DT-3322 Professional remote psychrometer (average cost - 2,000 rubles);
  • CEM DT-321S Remote psychrometer (average cost - 2,500 rubles);
  • aspiration psychrometer M-34M (average cost - 20,000 rubles);
  • aspiration psychrometer MV-4-2M (average cost - 21,000 rubles).

As we can see, the most cheap option- a stationary device, and the most expensive - aspiration. But, the high cost is justified by the high accuracy of the results.

Each type of device will have its own special instructions. How to use a psychrometer? If we talk about stationary devices, then they act in this way:

  • the material that envelops the mercury ball of one of the thermometers is wetted with a liquid. It is desirable that it be distilled water;
  • turn on the fan;
  • the psychrometer is placed against one of the walls of the incubator;
  • after 4 minutes, the device is removed and the indicators are checked.


According to a special table, air humidity is determined (it is located at the end of this article).

It is possible to determine the results even when the device is constantly inside the incubator. The main thing is to position it so that the scale is visible even without opening the box.

The aspiration psychrometer is mounted on a special mount so that it does not touch the bottom of the incubator. To do this, you can attach a hook to the wall. First, for 15 minutes, the apparatus is placed in an incubator for preliminary preparation.

After the device adapts to the conditions, one of the thermometers is moistened with a special pipette. The incubator is closed for 5 minutes. Then it is taken out and the indicators for both thermometers are calculated.

The easiest way is to use a remote psychrometer. It will be enough to place special sensors in the incubator and wait a few seconds (each model of the device has a different time, on average - 15-30 s). After that, the result of the study is reflected on the dial.

We make a psychrometer with our own hands

For many shop options either uncomfortable or too expensive. Therefore, some owners prefer to make devices with their own hands. Is it possible? In the presence of special materials and elementary knowledge, it is possible to make a psychrometer on your own and at home.

First you need to decide what you need for this.

Materials and instructions for creating

Making a fixture will require:

  • standard alcohol thermometer - 2 pcs.;
  • wooden slats different sizes- 2 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws - 4 pcs.;
  • cambric (fabric) - a piece of 2x2 cm is enough;
  • water container;
  • distilled water or antifreeze (in the volume of the container);
  • PVA glue;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • hacksaw for wood.

This is what the future design looks like

To begin with, the largest rake is taken. It is necessary to cut a piece of 5x12 cm from it. In the future, it will become a stand for the fixture. Thickness does not matter, but it is not recommended to take plywood less than 5 mm.

To complete the central part of the apparatus, one more rail will be required, which will become a rack in the future. Its height should correspond to the length of the thermometers themselves. Therefore, the unnecessary part of the plywood is cut with a hacksaw.

A traverse is installed on the finished rack. It is important that it is mounted at a right angle. Using screws, the thermometers themselves are attached directly to the traverse. The alcohol-containing ends should be directed towards the stand.

One of them is wrapped with a pre-cut piece of batiste fabric. The fabric should apply to the thermometer with maximum density. About 1 cm of cambric is left to hang down, since later it will serve as a connection between the thermometer and the container with the liquid.

The finished tripod with thermometers attached to it is mounted to the stand. The easiest way to do this is to cut a hole in the middle of the plywood stand equal in area to the stand itself. To hold the structure, it is fastened with PVA glue. A container of water is placed under a thermometer with cambric.

Do-it-yourself psychrometer for an incubator is ready!

How to use

You need to use it according to the following instructions:

  • the container is filled with liquid (antifreeze);
  • the finished structure is placed in an incubator. It is best to place a homemade psychrometer closer to the walls, since in the middle the liquid under the influence of light will quickly evaporate and distort the data. It is also important to consider that the apparatus must be visible when the incubator is closed;
  • after 15-20 minutes, you can already take the first indicators.

The results obtained are substituted into the table for determining the relative humidity in the incubator using a psychrometer:

Table of values ​​for the psychrometer

You can get acquainted with the features of the psychrometer on the video:

Source: http://1inkubator.ru/obshhaya/psihrometr-dlya-inkubatora.html


Incubators involved in incubation understand the importance of humidity to the success of the process.

At the beginning of the incubation process, humidity does not matter, provided that the room is not too dry - an indicator of 60-70% is quite sufficient. In the middle of the period, the humidity should be lowered to 40-45%.

Control over the provision of such a multi-stage approach will make it possible to implement a digital hygrometer used in the incubator.

Humidity measurement in an incubator

For bird incubators, wireless miniature (sometimes as small as Matchbox) models of hygrometers without excessive functionality, since their main task is only to measure air humidity and temperature, if there is no separate thermometer.

If there is a temperature controller or a thermostat with a display in the incubator chamber, a moisture meter with the function of determining the air temperature can serve as a control thermometer.

Psychrometers for use here are far from the most convenient option, since the constant recalculation of readings according to the tables will tire even an avid lover of oral mathematical counting.

The principle of operation of a hygrometer for an incubator is no different from digital hygrometers:

  • RH measurement range is within 20-99%;
  • an allowable error of 5% does not have a significant effect on the development of embryos;
  • unstable readings of the incubation moisture meter with significant deviations may be due to leaks in the design of the incubator itself.

Incubator hygrometer device

Such moisture meters are very easy to operate: power switch, display and key for switching the system of temperature units. Hygrometers for an incubator with a remote sensor on a wire up to 3 meters long allow you to place it inside the incubator body. The digital display with well readable figures displays value of indicators of humidity and temperature.

The moisture meter for the incubator works on batteries in the form of a tablet (it is better to use alkaline batteries, which have a longer service life than salt ones), installed in the rear compartment of the plastic case. The case has technological openings for convenience of fixing the hygrometer on horizontal and vertical surfaces.

How to choose a hygrometer for an incubator?

Among farmers and poultry farmers, inexpensive and rather simple models are the most popular; you can buy a thermometer hygrometer for an incubator at an average price of 200 to 1000 rubles.

When buying a moisture meter, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • integrity of the display and temperature sensor cable for models with a remote sensor;
  • the measured humidity parameter can be the usual relative (RH) and, in more rare cases, absolute (g/m3);
  • if it is necessary to measure high accuracy, preference should be given to optical models of hygrometers.

A rough check of the health of an incubator moisture meter upon purchase can be to hold the touch sensor in the palm of your hand - not very quickly, but the current reading on the display should change, showing the temperature of the human body and the relative humidity of the environment.

Most well-known manufacturers incubator humidity meters: Vena, Hedao, WareHouse.com, Zhe Da and others.

Using a hygrometer in an incubator

It should be remembered that with a hygrometer installed in the incubator, opening the housing cover leads to a rapid drop in the humidity stored there, and the previous readings of the device will be restored only within an hour.

For successful operation of the device for many years, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer:

  • The moisture meter should be protected from impacts and drops, as well as mechanical damage wires and touch sensor;
  • exclude the influence of direct sun rays and being in a draft;
  • observe the recommended temperature regime for the normal functioning of the moisture meter (-40 ... + 70 ° С);
  • Avoid direct contact with moisture and contamination of the device.

Homemade Alternative

Despite the general availability of factory hygrometers for the incubator, some poultry masters prefer to make a device for measuring the humidity inside the incubator with their own hands, explaining this with a higher accuracy of readings.

The homemade device is complete analogue psychrometer:

  1. You need two mercury or alcohol thermometers, a mounting plate, and a small container of distilled water.
  2. Thermometers are fixed on the panel vertically and parallel to each other.
  3. Under one of the thermometers recording the temperature environment taking into account evaporation, install a container with water. The mercury tank of this thermometer is wrapped in a cotton wick, one end of which is dipped into the water. This thermometer will show more low temperature, since the evaporation process leads to cooling of the surface.
  4. The entire structure is installed in the flask and the difference between the readings of both thermometers is recorded. According to a special psychrometric table is determined relative humidity inside the incubator.

The convenience of using such a device is very doubtful: in order to take readings, each time it is necessary to open the lid of the flask, violating the instrument, which plays a serious role in successful development chicks microclimate. Yes, and rounding off when taking readings and then determining the output parameter from the table can lead to a significant error.

IN modern conditions very topical issue is an arrangement. To create in it comfortable conditions various measuring instruments are used. So, the change in temperature and humidity can be monitored using a psychrometer or hygrometer. Let us consider in detail the principle of their action.

Principle of operation

As an instrument for measuring humidity and temperature in a room, a psychrometer is a device that contains 2 mercury columns located independently of each other. They are called dry and wet thermometers.

Did you know? The first mercury thermometer was invented by the Italian physician Santorio, who was born on March 19, 1561. While working in Europe, he studied the breathing process, and carried out some of his experiments on himself. The inventor of the first practical hygrometer is Francesco Folli.

Its principle of operation is based on the ability of water to evaporate, provoking the occurrence of a temperature difference according to the psychrometer. The speed of this process depends on the level of humidity. The higher it is, the smaller the difference between the readings of thermometers will be. This is due to the fact that in the process of evaporation of water, the container in which it is located is cooled.

Types of hygrometers

Depending on the design features, there are several types of this measuring device. Among them are weight and ceramic hygrometers, hair moisture meter, film sensor. Let's take a closer look at the description of each of them.

This measuring device is a system consisting of U-shaped tubes that are filled with a hygroscopic substance. Its property lies in the ability to absorb moisture released from the air. Through this system, a certain amount of air is drawn with a pump, after which it is determined absolute humidity. To do this, you need to calculate indicators such as the mass of the system and the volume of air passed.

Hair moisture meter

This device is a metal frame on which a fat-free human hair is located, stretched along. It is connected to the arrow, and its free end is equipped with a light weight. Thus, depending on the degree of humidity, the hair is able to change its length, signaling this by a moving arrow.
It should be noted that for home use hair moisture meter has a small error. In addition, its fragile design can quickly break under mechanical stress. To avoid this, it is recommended to hang the measuring device on the wall, and also make sure that there are no vibrations in the chosen place, and that sources of cold or heat are at least 1 m away. water.

Important! the best temperature regime for the operation of a hair moisture meter, the interval is from -30 ... + 45 degrees. In this case, the accuracy of the instrument will be 1% relative humidity.

Film sensor

This device is a vertical design. It consists of an organic film, which is a sensitive element. It is able to stretch or shrink depending on the increase or decrease in humidity, respectively.


This device looks like a clock, only the numbers depicted on it are divisions of the mercury column, indicating the percentage of air humidity. The main element for its manufacture is a ceramic mass, which contains metal impurities of kaolin, silicon, and clay. This mixture has electrical resistance, which is affected by air humidity.

How to choose the right hygrometer

Before choosing a hygrometer, it is necessary to consider that there is several types: wall, desktop, mechanical and digital. These devices differ not only in their technical specifications, but also in terms of configuration, accuracy of indicators. In addition, they may have additional functions such as calendar, clock, alarm clock, comfort level indicator, etc.

Important! In the case of desktop placement of the hygrometer, one should take into account not only its dimensions, but also the angle of rotation of the device to the light source. This will provide more accurate data.

When studying technical parameters sensor, you should pay attention to the indicators of relative and absolute pressure. Moreover, the choice of instrument should depend on the size of the incubator. So, if it is intended for more than 100 eggs, it is necessary to install a more powerful hygrometer.

Examples of the most popular models:

How to make a hygrometer yourself

An alternative to a store-bought appliance can be homemade hygrometer. To make it, you will need to acquire some materials and tools, as well as study the step-by-step instructions.

Materials and tools

In order to independently design a psychrometer, you need to purchase two thermometers. In addition, you will need a piece of cloth and a small cup of distilled water.

Such a liquid can be obtained by purification from impurities or simply purchased at a store. Do not forget about the panel for mounting. It can be made of plastic, wood or other materials.

Did you know? The largest thermometer operating on the territory of Eurasia is considered to be a device installed in 1976 in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov, having a height of 16 m.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

To make a device manually, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Fix 2 thermometers on the panel, placing them parallel to each other.
  2. Under one of them should be placed a container of water.
  3. The mercury tank of this thermometer must be wrapped in cotton cloth and attached by tying it with a thread.
  4. Dip the edge of the fabric into the water by 5-7 cm.

Thus, the thermometer on which this manipulation was carried out will be called “wet”, and the second one will be called “dry”, and the difference between their indicators will show the level of humidity.

With help special device for measuring humidity (hygrometer) you can easily measure the level of humidity in any room. But what if there is no such device at hand, but there is a need for measurement? Having made simple devices on your own, you can find out approximate, and even exact values air humidity in the apartment.

One of the most simple ways, which will show approximately whether a high or low humidity, consists of the following sequential operations. Must be stacked cold water(from the tap), put it in the refrigerator for a certain time, usually a few hours. Water should be cooled to a temperature of about 3-5 degrees. Next, taking out the stack, you need to place it in the room where you plan to measure the humidity, and away from heating appliances. And then observe the surface of the glass for about 5 minutes. If the walls first sweat, and after 5 minutes they become dry, then the air in the apartment is dry. If the walls remain foggy even after 5 minutes, then the humidity level is normal. But when streams of water formed on the surface of the glass, the humidity in the room is high.

Another easy way is to pierce a cocktail straw with a pin. In the hole from the straw you need to stick wooden plate. Moreover, this straw should rotate freely and easily around its axis. It is even recommended to take a fairly long human hair, tie one end to a straw, and the other to another pin, which is stuck below so that the hair becomes a little stretched and the straw becomes horizontal. At the end of the resulting tube, you can glue a cardboard pointer and draw a scale. When the humidity of the air rises, the hair will simply lengthen and the arrow will deviate upward. If the humidity decreases, everything will happen exactly the opposite.

More hard way. You need to take 2 identical room thermometers, they are tested, there should be no difference in the readings at all, otherwise there will be a large error. Then a piece of gauze twisted into a tube is tied to the ball of one thermometer. The other end is immersed in an ampoule with distilled water. Both thermometers are attached to the shield, inserting the ampoule into the cutout, and hung on hooks. 2 thermometers are obtained: “dry” and “wet”. A "wet" thermometer will show a lower temperature, as water evaporates from its surface. The temperature difference indicates the level of humidity in the air. These indications can be found in the table on the Internet.

Relative humidity can be measured with a simple instrument called a hair hygrometer or hair hygrometer. The action of this device is based on the property of a human hair to lengthen with increasing humidity and shorten when it decreases. If you wish, you can make such a device yourself.
For this you will need:
- human hair;
- gasoline or acetone;
- hot glue;
- nitro glue;
- nails;
- carpentry and locksmith tools;
- drawing accessories;
- a sheet of plywood 5 mm thick;
- thick paper;
- steel wire;
- a rod from a ballpoint pen;
- roller with inside diameter about 1 cm.
In the hygrometer, you can use not only hair, but also high-quality cotton thread.

Making a hygrometer

Take a human hair at least 40 centimeters long. The hair should not be dyed and in no case varnished. First of all, it must be degreased. To do this, rinse your hair in water with washing powder(without conditioner) or boil it in a soda solution. You can also apply a rinse in gasoline or acetone. Attach a small plumb line to one end of the hair. It is best if the plumb line has a point. You can use the sharp end of a nail or the solvent-washed tip of a ballpoint pen to make a plumb line. It is important that the weight of the tip is sufficient to straighten the vertically hanging hair. To fix the plumb line on the hair, use hot glue or a drop of nitro glue. Pick up a small nail, put on it a piece of a ballpoint pen about 5 mm long or any other suitable plastic tube. It is important that the tube is free to rotate and not slip through the cap. The hygrometer is mounted on a vertical board or plywood panel with a horizontal base. Drive in the nail you prepared with a plastic tube in the center of the vertical panel so that the hair thrown over it with the free end can be attached to the horizontal base. The part of the hair thrown over the nail was about a third of its total length. Throw the hair over the nail and secure the free end with hot glue. When the humidity changes, the length of the hair will change, and the tip of the plumb line will rise and fall. Equip the hygrometer with a scale. It can be made from a strip of paper by sticking it on dashboard behind the plumb line.

Hygrometer calibration

You can calibrate the hygrometer in the following way: Take the appliance into the bathroom, after turning on the hot shower in it. When the room begins to fill with steam, mark on the scale the lowest point against which the tip of the plumb line will stop as 100%. Next, place the appliance in a preheated and cooling oven. cooker(not very hot, so as not to burn the device). At the top point opposite the tip, put a mark of 0%. The 50% mark can be placed in the middle between the two extreme marks. You can carry out a more accurate calibration using a control hygrometer, but you can also calculate, since the scale hair hygrometer linear. If long hair you could not get it and the sensitivity of the device is not enough, equip the hygrometer with an arrow. Put a small pulley on the nail instead of the plastic tube. As a pulley, a roller from a curtain rod, a wheel from a toy car with a tire removed, you can also make it yourself. The main thing is that its diameter does not exceed 1 cm. In this case, the hair must be wrapped around the roller for one turn. Make an arrow from light material: elastic wire or strips of plastic. Glue the arrow with hot glue to the end of the roller so as not to interfere with its rotation on the awn. In this case, the hygrometer scale must be made in the form of an arc or a sector of a circle.