home · Other · What glue is best for PVC boats. What glue to use to glue a boat. One- or two-component adhesive

What glue is best for PVC boats. What glue to use to glue a boat. One- or two-component adhesive

Inflatable boats made of polyvinyl chloride fabric (PVC) can replace models made of wood, aluminum and plastic. The only drawback is failure due to improper storage and ruptures and burns. How to make repairs inflatable boats how to seal PVC boat, whether this can be done on the shore of a reservoir, how to glue the damaged area - we will talk about this.

To carry out repairs, you must find the location of the leak. The puncture is not always noticeable immediately; there are several holes. To detect them, you need to inspect the inflated vessel in the water. Air bubbles will appear at the hole site. If found, they should be marked with a puncture marker or pencil. The boat needs to be lifted out of the water and dried.

Preparations for repairs

Before you begin repairing an inflatable boat, you need to complete a number of preparatory work. You need to place a stone, board or other flat object under the hole. The base must be strong. The air is released from the chambers, the surface is cleaned and degreased with toluene, gasoline or alcohol. It is not recommended to use acetone; it will damage the PVC. Emery and sandpaper will also make the holes even larger.

The patch is cut out. It is made from the same material from which the boat is made. It is better to use a repair kit that contains everything you need for the job. The patch is cut in such a size that its edges extend 2 cm beyond the hole. Its shape is square, round, oval or rectangular. Before gluing, the patch is cleaned and degreased.

Repair kit

The boat is supplied with a repair kit, along with oars and a pump, designed to repair damage. It includes patches different color from PVC:

  • large patch - 1 pc.;
  • round patches - 4 pcs.;
  • glue in a tube.

The glue may be of poor quality, then you will have to purchase another one.

What glue to use

The most important thing in repairing punctures is to know exactly how to seal a rubber boat and how to connect the patch to the boat material. From quality glue mixture the reliability of the repair depends. What kind of glue can you use if the repair kit contains low quality or has run out? The popular composition “Secunda” is not capable of sealing a hole in a PVC product efficiently. The patch will stick, but will soon fall off. The composition of this glue is cyanoacrylate, which widens the hole.

Experienced fishermen know well what glue to use to glue a PVC boat at home. It is better to use a polyurethane-based adhesive; such a tube is included in the repair kit. This may be “Professional” glue, but it is selected specifically for PVC products. The quality of the glue is determined by next sign: good composition When dry, it does not stick to your hands. Once dry, excess cannot be removed from surfaces. Great importance It also has heat resistance; the boat gets very hot in the sun.

When choosing the required composition The following should be taken into account:

  • special glue is better than universal glue;
  • cheap composition is of low quality;
  • superglue is not suitable for working with PVC;
  • polyurethane composition requires heating to 70 °C.

If the listed factors are taken into account, the gluing will be of high quality.

Gluing methods

There are several rules for how to seal a PVC boat or carry out other repairs on rubber boats with your own hands. After cleaning and degreasing the parts to be glued, you need to give them time to dry. The glue is applied to the damaged area and to the patch in a thick layer. After application, it dries within 5-7 minutes. Exact time indicated on the packaging. The operation is repeated 2 more times. After the third drying, the patch is applied to the damaged area, pressed and smoothed. For smoothing, use a rolling pin, bottle or other round object.

The trick to the job is heating the repair area. If it is done at home, it is better to use a hairdryer. In nature, a mug of heated water is used. After heating, the repair area cools and dries. You can use the boat after 2-3 hours, but even better - after 2-3 days. By this time the glue is gaining strength.

In this way, it is easy to repair cuts or punctures up to 5 cm. Sometimes an underwater snag pulls out a large piece from the bottom, then it is easier to turn to specialists for help. Such repairs are carried out in workshops that carry out tire fitting. You can also seal a puncture in a swimming mattress there.

Materials and tools

To work you need:

  • PVC patch;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • marker or pencil;
  • brush;
  • degreasing liquid;
  • roller, rolling pin, bottle;
  • valve key;
  • thick threads.

In case of repairs in nature, the hairdryer is replaced with a lighter.

How to make repairs

Repairing a PVC boat with your own hands should be carried out taking into account some features:

  • PVC - durable material, it is not affected by ultraviolet radiation, salty water and petroleum products;
  • product service life - 20 years;
  • has high wear resistance;
  • is not afraid of mold, dampness, does not rot and does not rot;
  • withstands temperature changes from 40 degrees below zero to 50 degrees above zero;
  • weighs less than rubber counterparts.

Repair and tuning of PVC boats step by step looks like this:

  • the area for the glue is cleared;
  • degreased;
  • the patch is cut out;
  • the adhesive is applied and dried;
  • a second layer is applied and dried;
  • a third layer is applied, dried and applied to the damaged area;
  • the surfaces to be glued are heated to 70 °C;
  • the surface is leveled using a roller.

After 2-3 days, the patch will be firmly fixed in place.

Punctures, burns

Punctures and burns happen far from home. Emergency and permanent repairs can be performed. Emergency repairs are used when it is necessary to continue fishing from a boat. Procedure:

  • the punctured chamber descends;
  • the patch is cut out;
  • the surfaces at the site of damage and patch are cleaned and degreased;
  • apply a layer of glue and dry for 2-3 minutes;
  • the patch is pressed against the hole.

This method allows you to stay afloat for some time, but the house needs to be constantly repaired. If you have free time:

  • the damaged chamber is lowered and the puncture site is degreased;
  • the patch is cut out and degreased;
  • The adhesive mass is applied to the surface and dries for 15 minutes;
  • a second layer is applied and allowed to dry for 15 minutes;
  • apply the third layer and dry for 7-10 minutes;
  • the patch is applied to the hole and heated with a lighter or a mug of water;
  • the hot patch is rolled with a bottle to remove air.

After 3 hours the boat can be pumped up, but not to the maximum. The glue will dry completely after 3 days.

Large punctures

Special knowledge is needed when solving questions like how to glue a boat that is torn at the seam or has a puncture big size, is it possible to replace the valve on a PVC boat with your own hands? Sealing holes larger than 4-5 cm is done using the same methods as small punctures. The only difference is in the number of patches, which need to be used 2 or more: 1 patch is applied from the inside, the other from the outside. They roll well. The strength of adhesion is checked with a soap solution, which is applied to places where air can pass through (soap bubbles will appear at the exit point).

A large hole makes it difficult to join the edges of the material. In such cases proceed as follows:

  • the damaged area is washed, dried and degreased;
  • the edges of the hole are sewn together with harsh threads;
  • glued with 2 patches;
  • A larger patch is placed on top of the glued one.

It is better to have large holes repaired in a workshop; they have equipment, materials and craftsmen there.

Sometimes the valve fails. The boat valve is not repaired, it is simply replaced. To perform the replacement, you need to take the key from the repair kit and unscrew the tap. If you don't have a key, you can easily do it using plastic pipe and a jigsaw. The valve is tightened with the same key. Replacing a valve on a PVC boat in a workshop costs 600 rubles.

Bottom cuts and torn holes

If punctures and lacerations are easily repaired, then restoring the bottom will not cause problems for a master who has experience and knows exactly how to seal PVC with a damaged bottom. Therefore, it is better to repair the bottom in a workshop, otherwise the glued rubber may come off at the most inopportune time. Repairing a rubber boat with your own hands is not that difficult. Need to use good methods glues, fabric and glue. Holes up to 10 cm can be sealed at home.

The best patches are made from PVC. They are glued on the bottom and top of the bottom. The gluing areas are cleaned and degreased. Other larger ones are glued on top of the patches. At proper operation the boat will last after repair long years, if you wash, clean and dry it after each use.

Torn while fishing? Don't worry, it happens. Even if you don’t have the money to buy a new one, such an “injury” absolutely does not mean canceling a wonderful weekend by the river. Let's look at how you can seal this unit for swimming.

Before gluing anything, take a critical look at the damage. If you have a large cut, or worse, a torn hole, you shouldn't try to repair it yourself. Only in conditions of extreme necessity.

You can repair a small break yourself using the repair kit that comes with the product. In case of serious damage, it is best to contact a specialist. Of course, you can try it yourself, but there is no guarantee that at the most unfortunate moment it will not break and you will not go to the bottom.

Many establishments that repair such watercraft claim that any damage can be repaired, even if the patch is aesthetically hidden. The only question is how much the repair costs.

What will be needed for repairs?

Before starting repairs, prepare the necessary tools.

Usually this is a fairly standard set:

  1. Firstly, you will need the repair kit that came with the boat. This is important because there is fabric for patches, all the necessary screwdrivers and keys, and other similar little things. If you are just buying a boat, make sure that all this is there.
  2. Secondly, a pencil is needed for calculations.
  3. Third, scissors to cut the required piece of fabric.
  4. Fourth, you will need an object like a roller. It could be anything - a knife handle, a mug or something similar.
  5. Fifthly, hairdryer You can use homemade one to dry your hair. Don't worry, it won't spoil. You just need to heat the surface to 60-80 degrees.
  6. At sixth, solvent or acetone to degrease the surface.
  7. Seventh, a brush with which the glue will be applied.

Glue for work

Polyurethane glue “Professional”

Suitable according to different opinions different types glue. The most common option is polyurethane based using a hardener. This is a fairly durable composition that has been tested by many.

However, it is worth considering some difficulties in the work. If during gluing you apply the fabric a little unevenly, then everything will remain that way. The fact is that it bonds very quickly, which means it is impossible to tear the material back. In the process, you will need to take your time and thoroughly smooth out the glued part.

There is also an opinion that “Professional” glue is quite effective. It is sold in many stores, making it affordable.

There is also a catch here. If you have an old bottle lying around, don’t rush to use it. This glue must be purchased specifically for PVC.

You can consult the nearest relevant store, just remember that you need to select glue specifically for PVC.

Let's start the renovation

Once all the tools are in front of you, the repair location has been determined, you can begin to act.

Let's describe the actions step by step:

  1. We clean the place where the glue will be. This must be done carefully, but without significant effort. The process is performed with acetone or solvent. The fact is that with prolonged exposure, the PVC itself is destroyed. IN as a last resort, wipe the designated area with alcohol, although this is not as effective. Without performing this action, nothing will work! Never touch the surface with sandpaper or similar materials.
  2. We measure the hole and count around the edge about four centimeters. We cut out such a patch, apply it to the break and outline it with a pencil.
  3. For stronger adhesion Apply a layer of glue to the patch and outlined area and wait for it to dry, repeat the procedure. After this, apply another layer and carefully apply it to the selected surface. If you need it quickly, it won't turn out as good. Simply lubricate the fabric of the boat and the patches and fasten them together. It is better to redo such repairs at the first opportunity.
  4. We heat the surfaces to be glued. You need an average of 70 degrees. If you have industrial dryer, don't overdo it, because it's too heat will destroy the material.
  5. Carefully level the surface using a roller. We expel all bubbles and irregularities. The smoother it lies, the more it will hold. If you are not confident in your abilities, glue a small piece to another part of the boat, practice a little and you will succeed.

In principle, the renovation is complete. Leave the patch alone. It is better not to shift and under no circumstances bend the gluing area.

If you do everything carefully, without negligence, you may well be able to repair fairly large tears. The main thing is to take your time while gluing, since once glued it is very difficult to tear off and redo.

Glue the bottom of the boat

The bottom is the element of the boat that requires the greatest strength and, in turn, is most susceptible to injury. If you have a small hole or a huge cut, it is better to contact a repair shop.

You can try to repair the bottom yourself, however, to do this you need to use only the most durable gluing method and the best glue. Also, this only requires PVC fabric.

Glue along the seam

Here the process is no different from that described, only the number of patches changes. We apply one from the inside, according to the technology described, and glue the second from the outside.

We do this carefully so that there are no gaps left on the folds. Roll thoroughly with a roller, and if necessary, glue another patch on the sides.

Checking the strength is quite easy. Prepare a thick soap solution and lubricate the areas where air may leak, first wait until it is completely dry and inflate the boat.

Each glue takes its own amount of time to dry, but it is better to let the repair sit for an extra hour to be more sure. If there is poisoning somewhere, soap bubbles will appear.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Let's summarize what was written:

  1. The best fabric for repairs is the same PVC material.
  2. The most effective glue according to popular opinion– polyurethane.
  3. Major damage should be repaired in a workshop, however, you can try it yourself.
  4. If the restoration process is strictly followed, the boat will serve you for a long time.
  5. Do not treat the surface with sandpaper or overdo it with solvent or acetone.
  6. When self-repair large damage, it is better to glue two pieces of fabric: outside and inside the cylinder.
  7. The bottom is worth your time greatest attention, since it is most susceptible to destruction.
  8. The seams of the boats are glued using more patches, which are applied from the inside, outside and, if necessary, on the sides.

Try to realistically assess the damage and make right choice. You can try sealing a boat with PVC yourself in case of any breakdown, however, this does not provide any guarantee of results.

Please note that such a patch can fail you at any, and most importantly, the most inopportune moment.

A rubber or PVC boat is a very useful and important attribute for a fisherman or hunter. It is compact and small in size when deflated, inflates quickly and folds just as quickly. PVC boats are much more convenient than ordinary boats made of wood or metal.

Their only drawback is their tendency to mechanical damage, especially punctures. If such a problem occurs, the violation of the integrity of the rubber coating can be eliminated yourself by sealing it with a patch.

First of all, you need to understand the basic properties adhesive solution to avoid making the wrong choice:

  • To carry out repairs on high level, do not use cyanoacrylate-based substances, that is, superglues. They stick firmly, but unfortunately, not for long,
  • If the dried film of glue sticks to your fingers, then the product is not very good,
  • Universal glue, despite its versatility, is almost always worse than special glue,
  • Heat resistance is a clear example of the quality of the adhesive solution,
  • The cheaper the product, the more likely it is to be of poor quality. Such an acquisition is inappropriate, since it will not bring the desired result,
  • Polyurethane preparations, like chloroprene preparations, are susceptible to negative influence moisture.

So how to glue PVC and rubber boat?

It is worth understanding that when choosing a mixture, you need to pay attention to the type of material from which the floating inflatable is made.

Breaks in PVC boats can only be repaired using polyurethane options glue, and for example on rubber ones - polychloroprene.

Most manufacturers supply adhesive with the patches. If for some reason it is not in the repair kit, you can always visit a specialized store.

  1. Bostick glue for PVC 50 ml.
  2. Desmocoll 300 ml.

Options for rubber:

  1. Russian rubber glue 88n.
  2. Glue 4508.

We glue a PVC boat with our own hands - detecting punctures

Working with polyvinyl chloride is quite simple, despite its artificial origin.

Initially, it is necessary to detect all damage - punctures and tears. At the same time, you should not ignore even the smallest holes - under air pressure they will eventually turn into large ones.

It is easy to find the resulting holes. If an inflated boat is placed under water, air bubbles will come out of every puncture or crack.

  • You can fix them with tape or chalk.
  • Abrasions, peeling and other changes are also taken into account. appearance PVC surfaces.

After detecting all defects and determining the severity of the damage, you can proceed directly to the repair.

The punctures are closed with special patches - small pieces of round or rectangular shape. It is advisable to cut them from the same material from which the boat is made.

The size of the patches should be such as to completely cover the damage, but not exceed it too much.


How to glue a PVC boat - applying glue to the boat

One of the most common methods is described.

  • Degreasing surfaces.

The glue will work much better if the surfaces to be glued are initially treated with a degreaser. This can be acetone or alcohol, but in no case gasoline or solvent.

  • Applying glue.

The adhesive solution is applied evenly thin layer on both surfaces to be glued. do this procedure necessary twice. Between applying each layer, the glue should be allowed to dry thoroughly for 6-10 minutes. Next, we apply a patch to the hole.

  • Compound.

Before joining the surfaces to be glued, you must carefully ensure that there are no air bubbles left between them. Immediately after pressing, they will grip tightly. The final stage– rolling freshly glued surfaces using a spatula. This will increase adhesion and improve gluing quality.

  • Exploitation.

PVC glue dries completely within a day after use.


How to properly glue the seams of a rubber inflatable boat

For repairs you need:

  • skin,
  • gasoline "Galosha"
  • White Spirit,
  • toluene,
  • glue for boat repair,
  • roller,
  • collagen-containing primer (dichloroethane),
  • clamp,
  • roller


Stages of work:

  1. Sand the damaged area.
  2. We wipe the surface with Galosh gasoline and then with white spirit. This will remove dirt and dust after sanding.
  3. We wash the rubber surface with a rag soaked in toluene. We wait a few minutes until the surface dries.
  4. It is also recommended to walk with a rag soaked in collagen-containing soil.
  5. We prepare glue with the addition of polyisocyanate to increase the strength of the seam.
  6. Apply glue to the damaged area and leave to dry for 20 minutes. Then apply another layer of glue.
  7. We connect the edges of the material and smooth out the folds.
  8. We heat the material with a hairdryer and roll it with a roller.
  9. We place the glued material between two boards, compress it with a clamp and leave it for a day.

There are as many inflatable boat owners in the world who want to know what to do if it gets damaged. How to seal the resulting cuts and punctures, how to do this efficiently? Well, nothing is impossible if you know what properties the glue should have, as well as some techniques for its use, without which you cannot achieve a good result.

Based on the experience of experienced “boat piercers”, we can say the following:

The range of specialized adhesives of domestic and imported production is very diverse, and on every tube and bottle the qualities of the product are praised in the most superlative terms. However, you need to keep in mind that ideally suitable glue for boats, PVC is polyurethane; it is with the help of it that repair work can be carried out with the highest quality and durability. The strength of the connection when used sometimes even exceeds the strength of the fabric itself.

Gives good performance for PVC boats, especially those that set when warmed up. It is these compositions that are used for gluing boats in production. Experience shows repair work, the adhesives “Desmokol”, “Vinikol-1520”, “900I”, “Moment”, “Crystal”, “Winstik” are especially effective.

Algorithm for gluing technique: prepare, mix in the required proportion), degrease the gluing area and patch with acetone, apply a layer of glue on them and wait for the period of time specified in the instructions. Then put the patch in place and carefully roll it in, warming it up at the same time. After this, the boat must be inflated without creating excessive pressure, but only until it takes shape, and left for 1-2 days to gain full strength.

That's all the basic wisdom of a small current repairs PVC boats.

If you need to repair a rubber boat, then you need to look for good glue. There are many types of glues on the market, but to repair a rubber boat you need a really high-quality glue. It would be very disappointing and inappropriate if adhesive connection will come unstuck. It is especially dangerous if this happens on the water while moving.

Therefore, many people believe that using the glue that is commercially available, it is almost impossible to properly repair a boat.

Glue for a rubber boat should be slightly different from ordinary rubber glue, in better side. Therefore, when choosing glue for a boat, you should focus on some recommendations:

  • It is necessary to immediately discard cheap products, since such adhesives do not differ in quality. In addition, sometimes they are made of unknown components. In addition, they can render the areas being repaired unusable.
  • You should not resort to buying superglue (cyanoacrylate) if you need to properly and permanently seal the boat. Despite the fact that superglue makes a strong connection, it will not last long. As a rule, such a connection cannot withstand temperature changes.
  • It should be an adhesive that has high heat resistance and can withstand temperature differences.
  • First of all, you need to give preference to special, but not universal adhesives that can glue everything, but not so well.
  • When gluing a boat, you need to remember that the presence of a small amount of moisture can lead to a loss of joint strength. Therefore, before the repair process, the boat must be thoroughly dried.
  • The main focus should be on its non-stickiness. Many people believe that the more glue sticks, the better quality it is. This is actually a misconception.

The most suitable glue for repairing a boat is the glue that came with the boat. If glue was not included in the kit, you can purchase black rubber glue " Radical" It is available, it has water-repellent properties and gives a high-quality connection. Not bad results can be obtained when using polychloroprene adhesives.

The composition of the glue is always indicated on the packaging, so it is necessary to have such information.

The higher temperature conditions surfaces to be bonded, the better the quality of such a product.

In any case, before starting work it is better to carry out experimental gluing of two pieces of rubber. After complete drying, maximum effort is applied to the parts. Based on the results of the experiment, a conclusion is made about the quality of the glue.

Repairing a rubber boat is not as easy as it seems, especially for beginners. For owners who have already encountered a similar situation, repairing the boat is not a big problem.

The most important thing is to at least have an idea of ​​repair technology in order to know where to start. And they always start by preparing everything necessary materials and tools. For example:

  1. Prepare patches from pieces of rubber, the size of which should be larger than the size of the crack or tear.
  2. Special rubber glue.

The main task is to determine the location of the leak if there are no visible breaks. To do this, the boat needs to be pumped up and launched into the water. If this is not possible, then the boat can simply be watered. Air bubbles will definitely appear at the puncture sites. Now this place needs to be marked, for example, with chalk. After this, the air is bled from the boat, and the boat is set on open space. This is necessary so that it dries well. In this case, there is no need to rush too much, since the presence of a minimum amount of moisture can ruin everything.

Only after the boat has dried thoroughly can you begin to repair it. To ensure a high-quality and reliable boat repair, the glue is applied strictly according to technology. Even minor deviations from gluing technology will lead to poor-quality connection of the bonded surfaces. Under the influence of temperature differences - water temperature and the temperature of the surface of a boat heated in the sun, a hastily made connection can easily come off.

  1. To obtain a strong and reliable adhesive connection, you must follow some rules. Without fail, each bonded joint must go through a degreasing process with solvent, acetone or gasoline. In addition, the gluing areas are rubbed with sandpaper. This technique improves the bonding process between the base and the patch.
  2. If the cracks on the boat are too big sizes, then before gluing it is advisable to tighten them with nylon threads. This technique will strengthen the gluing area.
  3. Most adhesives require constant drying of each layer during the gluing process. An ordinary hair dryer or a hair dryer will help you cope with this task.
  4. Working with glue requires a well-ventilated area. The best option is to work outside, but only if the air humidity does not exceed 60%.

When gluing surfaces, other important factors should be taken into account. Hands should be clean, and most importantly, not greasy. It is also not recommended to glue in the sun, when the gluing area overheats under the influence sun rays. Fast setting of glue will not lead to reliable results. Plus, you should never forget about excess moisture.

How to glue the bottom of a boat?

As a rule, the bottom of the boat is subjected to the greatest mechanical loads, which can cause various types of damage. To glue the bottom back to a rubber boat, you need to follow certain rules.

Before the gluing process, it is necessary to completely tear the bottom off the boat, then heat it with a hairdryer and clean it well with sandpaper. Then you need to glue the sealing tape. Only after this should you start gluing the bottom.

The operation of gluing the bottom is carried out with the boat fully, maximum pumped. After this, the air is completely bled off and the boat should remain in this state for 48 hours until the glue dries completely. During the work, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology of working with glue, otherwise a high-quality connection will not work.

Popular brands of glue for rubber boats

Glue, brand 4508, is the most popular glue in our time. The basis of this glue is natural rubber. Distinctive features of this glue:

  • acceptable stickiness;
  • acceptable elasticity of connections.

You can also find polyurethane glue, which has strong adhesive properties. Gummi glue, made from rubber, can withstand moisture. It can also be recommended for use.

Many owners of inflatable rubber boats use Radical glue. It is resistant against low temperatures, against strong mechanical loads and against salt water, which is ideal for repairing rubber boats. This glue is made on the basis of rubber, with the addition of various solvents and fillers, which provide it with excellent performance characteristics.

Repairing rubber boats can be accompanied by certain difficulties, depending on the nature of the damage, as well as the personal capabilities of the owner. Some take the process very seriously, while others try to “cover up” the damaged area with whatever is necessary. In this regard, some owners of rubber boats turn to professionals for advice or look for answers to their questions on the Internet.

Some customers are interested in questions regarding the application glue "Moment" for repairing rubber boats. The answer to this question can be very simple: if the instructions indicate that it can be used to glue rubber products, then Moment glue can be used to repair rubber boats. But at the same time, you need to take into account some features of this glue: you need to work with it very quickly. This is a contact adhesive, like superglue, although there are other developments. The advantages of using Moment glue are:

  • gluing speed;
  • ease of use.

Despite this, you need to be prepared for the fact that the bonded surfaces will not last long. This glue is sensitive to elevated temperatures and it is unknown how it will behave after warming up in the sun.

Glue "Moment" is a good option For quick solution Problems. For example, you can take it with you fishing or on a trip, and if something happens, you can quickly and reliably seal the hole. The advantage is that you do not need to wait for the connection to gain its strength, since it can be used immediately. The glued surface can serve throughout the entire trip, but upon arrival home, it is advisable to re-glue the damaged area with another glue, adhering to all the technology.

This is why experienced owners refuse to use Moment glue: why glue it twice if you can do it once and for all.

How to get rid of old rubber glue?

It is very difficult to wash off old rubber glue from bonding areas. The fact is that the glue connects to the rubber surface at the molecular level. Therefore, using force when removing old glue is not recommended at all, as this can lead to even greater damage to the boat. It is also not recommended to remove it using various solvents or other aggressive means. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to recommend anything. Perhaps you can try and remove some of the old glue using an abrasive method, armed with sandpaper, but very carefully so as not to damage the boat’s cylinder.

Repairing a rubber boat using shoe glue

Some owners use shoe (nairite) glue to repair their boats, as it has excellent water-repellent properties. In addition, the adhesive connection has a certain flexibility and strength. In addition to rubber, it also glues other materials, such as leather, wood, fabric, and so on. Naturally, gluing must be done strictly according to technology.

Before each summer fishing season approaches, you should check your boat in advance for any defects. Moreover, the boat was in storage for the whole winter. The sooner this is done, the faster the problem will be resolved. The most important thing is to choose the right glue so that the repair is not temporary, but lasts long time and there would be no need to fear that the boat would fall apart at the most inopportune moment. This is very important because you have to fish at considerable depths. Personal safety should always come first.