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Cross-promotion: bringing together the best. Textbook examples of the best cross-promotions - how to find a cool partner

From this article you will learn what cross marketing is and the best examples in business history. The essence and basic concepts in simple and understandable language.

Advantages and pitfalls that it is better not to step on when introducing cross marketing in your business.

And most importantly, you will receive step by step instructions how to find a partner and implement a cross-marketing system in your business.

Cross marketing: what is it in simple words, essence and basic concepts

Cross marketing, in simple words is a type of affiliate marketing when two or more companies combine their marketing efforts. That is, in attracting clients.

This type of marketing has been known since ancient times and works very effectively.

The simplest example: you buy mobile phone in the shop. The sales consultant offers a tariff from a well-known mobile operator that is convenient for you. One of the advantages of this tariff is the excellent price for the device.

What can I say - you know about this advantage even without entering the store. Advertising goes through all channels: television, radio, leaflets, posters and billboards.

So, the essence of cross marketing is when clients of one company become potential clients of another company with a product that “continues” the product of the first.

And in your case, the essence of cross marketing is so that your company’s clients become your partner’s clients or vice versa. Your partner's clients became your clients.

Cross marketing is beneficial and works both ways.

As a rule, partners receive the same benefits from cooperation, but it is very important who is the initiator. I think it will be you, then you will learn how to find a partner and the whole scheme of work step by step.

Types of cross marketing

There are three types of cross marketing in nature

The first is tactical

As a rule, various one-time actions to attract customers. Two or more companies may participate.

This will be a one-time event. The next drawing is another one-time promotion.

The second is strategic

Long-term partnership in the field of marketing. The goal is joint promotion of products. This type can also involve multiple partners. Some marketers limit the number to 2-3 brands. But in reality, it all depends on your sales system and the transaction cycle in the industry where your company operates.

Example: The construction industry involves a long transaction cycle. And no matter where your business is in this cycle, you collaborate with partners working at every step.

Your company is engaged in the construction of cottages under the roof, without finishing.

Your partners can be those who participate in the cycle before the construction stage:

  • architects
  • cadastral engineers
  • realtor for the sale of land plots

So are those who participate in the cycle after you:

  • various finishers (plasterers, painters, etc.)
  • landscape designers
  • fence builders
  • furniture sellers
  • and... everyone who participates in home improvement

The third is cultural

Partners are located and work in different countries.

To promote productively, you need to implement both strategic and tactical cross-marketing into your business.

Cross marketing - examples

  • Clients of the Burger King chain receive various equipment, accounts and prizes in the World of Tanks game.

  • Sheraton Hotels & Resorts customers receive a discount on Lufthansa Airlines flights
  • Fans of musicians collaborating with Live Nation can use reward points received from Coca-Cola to purchase concert tickets and various souvenirs.
  • If you buy an apartment, you get a free dinner at the restaurant. Payment for the dinner is split between the construction company and the restaurant owner. Construction company receives loyal customers, the restaurant has regular visitors.
  • Clients of the Temp Auto company who purchased a car on New Year's Eve receive a gift from a sporting goods store. And customers of the store, when purchasing sporting goods for a certain amount, receive souvenirs from the car dealership.
  • When a realtor buys an apartment from him, he recommends interior design at a “good price.” As a result, the designer's sales increased by 40%.
  • Company dealing external finishing houses, offers its clients a “seasonal discount” on the installation of swimming pools.

Benefits of cross marketing

  1. Reducing promotion costs– your product is promoted by partners, just as you promote their product. Accordingly, promotion costs are reduced significantly.
  2. Quick results– due to the fact that the promotion of your product works with a warm audience, you can see results already in the first hours.
  3. Increasing the trust of the target audience– your product is promoted by partners who have already earned the trust of their clients.
  4. Expansion of the range– at the expense of the goods and services of their partners.
  5. Increase in sales and average check– when you promote an affiliate product, you can put the so-called “ purchase amount thresholds» after which the buyer receives his benefit.
  6. Efficiency– rather, as a result of previous advantages, since it reduces the cost of attraction potential clients, starts working almost immediately after launch and increases the rating of your company.

How to find a partner

To find a partner, ask yourself one single question:

“Who is already working effectively in my industry’s deal cycle?”

I will repeat myself, but this is important!

At the same time, you need to find out who these people are, both before you and after you in the cycle. What is a cycle, see above.

And only after you select and write out all these people, the heads of your companies, select as partners those who fit these four rules:

  1. Your products do not compete with each other. It is no good to promote a competitor's product, just as a competitor will not promote your product. Exception: when you have the same product. but is in a different price category or different class, then you can enter into an agreement on joint promotion with competitors. But at this stage, it is better to exclude competitors from the list. Believe me, you will have a lot of worthy applicants.
  2. Your products are in approximately the same price sector. Roughly speaking, you shouldn’t offer a top-class Mercedes to someone who buys products at the cheapest price.
  3. Your products complement each other. A men's business suit can be complemented by a tie, shoes, socks, shirt, briefcase, expensive pen, watch, etc. Of course, you can also offer a tracksuit, but this is only if your audiences overlap.
  4. You have a common target audience. The more touchpoints your potential customers have, the better.

Cross marketing is using the latest method product promotion. It is carried out jointly by several companies to increase sales of interested companies.

The advertised products or groups of products are complementary (accessories, additional devices) or related (the product is necessary for the use of another product). Advertising is also carried out to promote similar products by many manufacturers.

An example of cross-marketing is promoting sales of SIM cards and phones when, when connecting to mobile operator offered to buy the phone at a reduced price. Another example is advertising of cleaning tablets for dishwashers in shops household appliances or stimulating milk sales in the region by different farms.

Cross-marketing activities

  • Stock.
  • Raffles with prizes.
  • Fairs, exhibitions with special offers.
  • Promotions.
  • Holiday lotteries.
  • Advertising with bonuses.
  • Loyalty programs.
  • Cross-partners with favorable conditions.
  • Discount programs.
  • Direct marketing.

The history of cross-marketing

Cross-marketing or cross-marketing arose in the USA in the early 90s (20th century), when the market was oversaturated with a variety of products, and the consumer became more picky and picky. However, the concept of joint sales (co-marketing) was developed during the Great Depression (30s). Unconfirmed sources claim the use of cross-technologies by Benjamin Franklin, a famous American politician, innovator and inventor.

The heyday of cross-selling was the end of the 20th century. Modern science positions cross-marketing as an inevitable trend.

Conditions for using cross-marketing

The most popular cross-marketing is:

  • in case of insufficient financial resources (partnership assistance);
  • if there is a cross-audience (target consumers);
  • if necessary, improve the image of the product at the expense of a well-known manufacturer;
  • in the joint production of the main and related goods;
  • when production different groups has a general need;
  • if the buyer sees benefits in purchasing these goods;
  • when heterogeneous products are in the same price and quality segment.

Benefits of Cross Marketing

Cross marketing has obvious benefits.

  • Saving money when carrying out marketing activities.
  • Joint partnerships with larger manufacturers.
  • Benefit from cross-selling.
  • Opportunity to significantly increase sales volumes.
  • Target audience (interested) reach and access to new markets.
  • Creating a favorable image and promoting the brand.
  • Bribing the consumer with trust and forming associative connections.
  • Fast psychological technique offering everything necessary goods or services in addition to the main purchase.

Types of cross marketing

  • Tactical (one-time cooperation).
  • Strategic (long-term partnership).
  • Cultural (international).
  • Equal (cooperation between equally well-known companies).
  • Unequal (collaboration with benefits for both the branded company and the less recognizable one).
  • Branding.

Cross-marketing technologies or techniques

  • Providing discounts on cards.
  • Publishing cross-references in electronic media and in social networks.
  • Providing a bonus product (gift, discount certificate, individual promotion).
  • Receipt of goods is offered through exchange or as a gift.
  • Attachment of samples from another company upon purchase.
  • Sponsorship of competitions, festive events, sweepstakes.
  • Providing unique conditions for the luxury consumer.
  • Display of related products on display.
  • Distribution of leaflets, booklets.
  • Joint advertising on TV.
  • Offering an assortment in online stores in the column “they often buy with this.”

Cross Marketing Tools

  • Online cross-marketing “cost per action” or “pay per action” (CPA). Companies pay for the number of attracted consumers who follow the link of an online platform to the advertised site and buy the product. This includes: banner advertising, popup windows, push notifications, native advertising.
  • A joint advertising campaign (advertising) is carried out through various channels (TV, radio, media, Internet, fairs).
  • A joint competition involves attracting a wide audience. By investing money to implement an idea, manufacturers acquire potential customers.
  • Joint events are carried out taking into account the specifics of the goods. Usually these are fairs, holidays, tastings, master classes, exhibitions, conferences, etc.
  • Joint production takes place in conditions where goods do not compete with each other. The need for combined production is appropriate for products with accessories and removable parts (parts), as well as for ease of transportation. Sometimes businesses team up to develop a new product line.
  • Co-branded cards offer the client to take advantage of a bonus (points, discounts) available from the company’s partners.
  • A loyalty program is designed for a certain category of consumers in order to force them to make a purchase. At the same time, an individual approach and care for the client are emphasized (discount on partner’s goods, etc.).

Stages of drawing up a cross-marketing plan

To create a cross-marketing plan, use an action plan that includes:

  • Search for partners producing related goods or services who agree to such cooperation.
  • Personnel training and education.
  • Selecting a promotional product and developing a special offer for a partner.
  • Creation of a database of cross-companies that responded to the terms of the transaction.
  • Final verification of information about partners, conditions of cross-marketing promotions, methods of presenting information.

How and where to find a partner for a cross-marketing program

  1. Initially, study the list of partners (by city, region) with a similar target audience.
  2. Send the terms of cooperation or commercial proposal to the company representative.
  3. Companies are searched through:
  • City portals, forums, bulletin boards.
  • Internet (browser requests).
  • Company directories (published annually).
  • Outdoor advertising.
  • Newspapers and magazines.
  • Search in social networks (filters).
  • Google Maps, Yandex maps.
  • Business connections and relationships.

Cross marketing commercial offer

A commercial proposal for affiliate cross-marketing is presented in the form of a short report or presentation. The information reflects the essence of the offer and the benefits for the partner.

As points commercial offer speakers:

  • description of the company and the advertised product;
  • characteristics of the cross-project;
  • cost and timing of implementation;
  • educational materials (calculations, graphs, images);
  • program effectiveness;
  • partner's benefit;
  • action coordination mechanism;
  • data transmission channels.

The commercial proposal is drawn up based on the existing project plan (briefly, informatively). Resume is sent by e-mail, fax or delivered in person. Depending on the scale of the promotion, proposals are sent out en masse or as responses are received from firms.

If a partner is interested in cooperation, they additionally send a project release and agree to hold negotiations.

How to draw up a cross-marketing agreement

The cross-marketing agreement is drawn up according to a standard form, taking into account the specifics of the agreement. It states:

  • names of partners;
  • their certificates of registration as legal entities or individual entrepreneur;
  • name of product groups participating in the promotion;
  • goals of cross-marketing activities (general, individual, other);
  • whether goods are provided for sale and terms for returning part of the profit;
  • conditions for providing assistance to partners;
  • rights and obligations;
  • nuances of conducting common affairs (mandatory meetings, negotiations);
  • terms and responsibilities under the agreement.

Examples of products/services with a similar target audience

Cross marketing in tourism

Tourists are the most solvent audience. Cross-companies in the tourism industry offer various promotions and advertising.

  • They offer cheap hotels.
  • They advertise beach accessories, glasses, swimsuits, suitcases, etc.
  • They provide points when purchasing air tickets (for which you can later purchase a free ticket).
  • Promote healthy image life, ideals of harmony and beauty.
  • Inform clients about advantageous offers on travel packages, hotel reservations, and convenient flights.

Tourists are often faced with an offer to buy an Upsell product, which is a kind of improvement to a completed purchase. Such goods include excursions, services of guides, photographers, medical procedures and massages, transfers, etc.

Cross marketing in the restaurant business

The restaurant business has a slightly different cross-partnering option. Any audience is suitable. Catering enterprises work closely with suppliers of products, sauces, spices, etc. Signature dishes are famous for their presentation, the skill of the chef, and special ingredients. When ordering them, you usually receive a “compliment from the chef” or a discount on a cocktail or dessert.

Restaurants also hold joint events of a cross-type nature. Mainly discount cards, which operate in 2 or more cafes, bars, bistros.

Catering enterprises cooperate with organizers of festive events, sports competitions, artists, DJs, vocal performers. Sometimes cross-PR becomes a campaign by the “face of the company,” a well-known and respected figure.

On Internet sites you can often find bonus codes, discount coupons and promotions for restaurants that cooperate with non-target consumers: users of online games, the Internet and social networks, clothing buyers, customers of holiday services and goods.

Restaurants mainly cooperate with shopping centers, travel agencies, hotels, beauty salons, radio stations. When organizing children's parties, coupons and discounts on animation and entertainment services are widely used.

The target audience is sought in zoos, cinemas, educational institutions, aquariums, at children's exhibitions.

Restaurant marketing is becoming widespread when organizing professional holidays or celebrations (wedding companies, gift and souvenir shops, leisure companies).

Joint cross-marketing with fitness clubs

The audience of fitness clubs is diverse.

  • Visitors to healthy food restaurants.
  • Car owners.
  • Security structures.
  • Using the services of beauty salons and medical centers.
  • Visitors to salons and beauty salons.
  • Buyers of sporting goods and equipment.
  • People involved in sports clubs or visiting sports centers.

The audience is also notified within office environment through information leaflets. A small part is attracted through various shops through shares.

How to conduct a cross-marketing campaign

  • Select one partner so as not to distract the consumer’s attention.
  • Choose the format of a cross-marketing event (advertising in a store, on the Internet, in crowded places, mailing).
  • Develop a project (advertising materials, conditions for buyers).
  • Involve project developers, typographic works, Internet designers, programmers, IT managers.
  • Deliver samples, flyers, cards, coupons, promotions, or merchandise to the promotion location.

How to use promotions to control customer purchases

First, determine the volume of promotional goods or the timing of the promotion.

Control over purchases is carried out using periodic reports and electronic means of commerce ( software, cash register, warehouse programs accounting).

In the online space, control is carried out using special software, controlling the number of clicks on links and other attributes.

At sales points, the purchasing process is accompanied by trained consultants and managers. They monitor the correct display of goods, in many cases they make purchasing decisions when insufficient knowledge buyer about the product and its properties. It is also advised to purchase products if you have your own experience or a profitable promotion.

The top management responsibility for executing a cross-marketing event rests on the shoulders of the chief marketer and the initiators.

How to stimulate sales on promotions

To increase the number of promotional sales, use additional tools marketing.

  • Issuance of invitation leaflets.
  • Placement of advertising signs.
  • Offer more favorable conditions purchases (gradation of bonuses depending on the cost of purchase, number of purchases, etc.).
  • Consulting on promotions when meeting at the point of sale (leading the client, informing).
  • Control over the availability of advertising materials and goods.
  • Adequate behavior of employees in relation to ordinary consumers (competent presentation of information).

What mistakes are made when organizing cross-marketing?

  • They select partners with competing services (fitness center and yoga center).
  • They use BTL (luxury) technologies to promote goods of different price points (expensive kitchen furniture and a discount on a set of simple pots).
  • They do not take into account the consumer’s vision for the action (inappropriateness, going beyond reason, unaesthetic, illiterate and everything that “hurts the eye”).
  • Do not use special identification means (clothing, branded accessories).
  • Sale promotion is planned and carried out by people who are far from sales.
  • Promotion dates are not specified.

How to hold an event without any controversial issues arising

You should conclude an agreement with your partner, spell out all the nuances of joint actions, as well as rights and obligations. With a competent approach to business controversial issues arise only at the stage of interaction with the consumer (defective goods, lack of awareness about the conditions of the competition, promotions).

How to calculate the costs of cross-marketing

The calculation of cost per share directly depends on the expected profit. If the company's goal is simply to attract consumers, they count on reserves. Each expense item is planned when drawing up the project:

  • costs of prizes, gifts, discounts;
  • employee benefit costs;
  • costs of advertising materials or electronic promotion;
  • transport costs;
  • costs for Consumables, samples, exhibition samples;
  • registration costs.

Cross-channel marketing results

  • Increase in sales of retailers (15% on average).
  • Raising the image of manufacturers (sales growth in the future).
  • Brand awareness as a result of using various advertising channels.
  • Possibility of detection promising directions advertising.

How to calculate the return on a stock

The effectiveness of a promotion is obtained using indicators:

1. ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment) or return on investment (DR)/R

  • D - income from the share.
  • P is the cost of carrying out the action.
  • If the total according to the formula is less than or equal to 1, the promotion is ineffective.
  • Cha is the number of checks for the promotion.
  • H is the total number of checks.
  • The higher the percentage of checks, the better the action was organized.

3. Analysis of the cost of attracting (returning) a guest Salary

  • The fewer rubles spent on one purchase, the cheaper it costs the client.

4. Profit D-R(as a rule, companies do not have unprofitable shares).

5. The effectiveness of cross-marketing is assessed by comparing profits in promotional and non-promotional periods.

Global cross-marketing experience

Cross-marketing is used by large companies, as well as network structures. It is common in the banking, insurance, tourism sectors, as well as in the sale of goods and services from the automotive industry, furniture and textile industries, catering establishments, equipment and household appliances manufacturing enterprises. Cross-selling is rare in craft production, private manufacturers and B2B sales.

Today, almost all markets are overflowing with goods. This excess supply makes the consumer very picky and increasingly difficult to persuade to make any purchase. In response to growing competition and the increasing complexity of customer involvement in communication, cross-marketing is emerging. How to quickly and cheaply attract customers? This question plagues marketers all over the world. There is no single correct answer to this. But cross-marketing can solve a number of problems in attracting consumers, but there are a number of nuances in its application.

Cross marketing concept

When answering the question of what cross-marketing is, you need to remember that marketing is the activity of a company to promote goods or services in order to satisfy consumer needs and make a profit.

However, marketing efforts are becoming more and more expensive, and their effectiveness is decreasing due to the high information saturation of the consumer environment. Promotion specialists are trying to come up with new ways to achieve this, and thus the technology of cross-marketing, co-marketing or cross-marketing arises. Its essence lies in the accumulation of efforts to promote several companies within the framework of one communication program. Two or more producers of goods or services in one advertising campaign affect the overall target audience.

The history of cross-marketing

Cross marketing how special technology promotion, arises in the 90s of the 20th century, when traditional ones bring less and less results or require more and more investments. Then large companies in the United States decided to join forces to promote goods and received a great synergistic effect. Thus was born the concept of cross-promotion or cross-marketing, which took root very slowly in the commercial sphere, but at the beginning of the 21st century it became a common technology for advertising certain goods and services. Today this technique has been poorly studied from a theoretical point of view, but practical experience allows us to say that it has its undoubted advantages.

Benefits of Cross Marketing

When thinking about who and how to conduct cross-marketing, it is worth determining the main advantages of this method of promotion. The most obvious advantage of joint promotional activities is saving the advertising budget. The consumer receives double benefits, so he responds to offers with great pleasure.

All this not only reduces costs, but also increases the efficiency of communication. Another advantage of cross-marketing is the ability to widely reach the target audience and reach new segments. Since each partner company engages in advertising activities with its own target audiences, the recipients are expanded at the expense of the partner’s audience.

When you find a worthy partner, cross-marketing can significantly improve your image, increase customer loyalty, and increase the number of consumers aware of the brand. Cross-marketing campaigns inspire more confidence in the client, he transfers some of his ideas about well-known company on its partner, thereby improving the image of this company. The consumer forms associative connections between partner companies, this greatly simplifies the memorization of information and gives a greater psychological effect.

Types of cross marketing

  1. Tactical. Those that are limited in time and solve short-term problems. These usually include one-time partnership promotions.
  2. Strategic. Long-term, diverse cooperation between partner companies. Allows you to solve various problems, including in the field of image making and branding.

Cross-cultural marketing is also distinguished as a type of promotion in international markets. In this case, the resources of two or more countries are combined to advertise products. IN pure form such promotion cannot be called cross-marketing, since cooperation is carried out within the framework of one brand. With the cooperation of honey different countries It is necessary to take into account cultural and linguistic differences so that the product receives the correct semantics in the new region. Often, to promote in other countries, it is not enough to simply translate advertising texts. It is often necessary to develop new packaging and sometimes even change the name in order for the product image to be positive.

You can divide cross-marketing activities according to the distribution of roles between partners. They can be equal and then their common efforts can achieve higher goals. For example, a company promoting an expensive brand kitchen furniture, can take as a partner famous brand built-in technology. The second option is an unequal relationship, when one brand is much more famous than the partner brand. In such cases, the contract is concluded in such a way as to balance the position and distribute benefits in accordance with it.

Conditions for using cross-marketing

Joint marketing activities require special conditions to be met for the promotional activity to be successful. The program of a co-branded advertising campaign is influenced by the goals being pursued. Based on them, a promotion concept should be developed.

Thus, strategy and tactics determine cross-marketing. Examples of conditions that are taken into account can be divided into two groups: from the initiator’s side and from the partner’s side. The initiator must have a good understanding of the partner’s image and its target audience. The partner, in turn, must see the benefits and advantages of cooperation.

When planning a cross-marketing campaign, you should make sure that the partners' target audiences overlap, but do not completely coincide. The products offered must also have common ground, ideally satisfying some general need. The consumer must be provided with some benefit from participating in the promotion, for example, he receives a discount or a gift. Partner products must be in the same place price segment. There is no need to conduct a cross-marketing campaign, for example, for a Mercedes and some water from the village of Penkovo. The quality and level of goods must correspond to each other.

Basic forms of cross-marketing

Cross marketing can come in three main forms:

  1. Joint advertising campaign for partner products. In such events, partners act as equal customers of advertising. For example, the Coca-Cola brand conducted a co-branding campaign with McDonald's under the slogan “Tastes better together.”
  2. Joint bonus or discount programs. In such campaigns, a client, using the services of one company or purchasing one product, receives discounts or bonus points for a product from another brand. For example, Aeroflot issued a joint card with Sberbank, which accumulated points for transactions.
  3. Joint BTL events. a holiday or promotion can be carried out by two or more campaigns.

Cross marketing technology

Like any marketing activities, co-branding companies require a certain sequence of actions. Cross marketing usually includes the following steps:

  • defining goals: as in any marketing event in co-branding, you need to understand what should be the result;
  • selection of partners: a very important and responsible stage that requires separate consideration;
  • preparation for the event: at this stage it is necessary to determine resources and carry out motivational procedures for staff;
  • development of a plan for a cross-marketing event and its coordination with partners: it is necessary to determine such campaign parameters as the volume of databases to be exchanged, frequency of actions, campaign timing, fines and bonuses, development of a campaign script, identification of those responsible for the implementation of the plan;
  • implementation of cross-marketing campaign;
  • summing up results and activities.

Search and evaluation of partners

Cross-marketing, in which partners play a key role, is based on the following principles:

  • partners should not be competitors;
  • products should also not compete with each other or replace each other, preferably they should be complementary;
  • partners must overlap in target audiences;
  • products must be in the same price segment.

Photo www.freepik.com

Example of companies with similar audiences that are not competitors:

Beauty salon - cosmetics stores - fitness center - shops women's clothing- agency for organizing festive events - photographers - children's centers (after all, women live there too).

Affiliate Marketing Examples

1. Carrying out joint actions.

The simplest thing you can think of is discounts. For example, you give a discount to a buyer who presents a loyalty card from a partner company, and vice versa. For example, a fitness club and a sports nutrition store could do this. Or a clothing store and hairdresser.

You can easily determine how many new people came to you from this partnership. For efficiency, it is better to set a limitation on the validity period.

2. Using products from partners that are suitable for your buyer.

If you see that your products do not satisfy all the buyer’s needs, think about what else you can offer.

Olga Zhukova

Commercial Director of a business solutions agency"KIT MEDIA" :

We worked to increase sales in the Teskoma premium kitchenware store. To achieve this, we introduced a partnership program with an eco-friendly household goods store: the buyer received dishwashing detergent as a gift along with expensive dishes.

The promotion hit the target audience, because both the partners advocate a healthy lifestyle, and the Teskoma store makes dishes from environmentally friendly materials. pure materials.

Result: Sales of expensive pots and pans increased by 7%.

Joint promotion of a dishware store and a dishwashing detergent brand

4. Sales through an aggregator.

Emilia Manvelyan

Founder of the clothing brand “Art Flash”:

We have entered into agreements with several companies: partners send an offer about our service to their clients, we pay them a percentage of sales as agents for attracting clients.

5. Organization of mutual PR.

Guest post on Nina Zaitseva's blog

How to find a business partner and do cross-marketing

1. Make a list of possible partners.

  • You can find a partner for your company in almost any field. You just need to look at everything from a different angle - not as an owner, but as a buyer: what else might you need if you purchase a product like yours.
  • You can conduct a survey among your customers on social networks: where they go, what stores they visit, what they buy.
  • Look for partners among those whose pricing policy is equivalent to yours.

2. Think about the format in which it would be interesting to interact with each of the possible partners.

In a short presentation you can write:

  • plan, conditions of the promotion, timing;
  • benefits for each party: specific results you plan to achieve;
  • resources to be spent;
  • what kind of promotion will there be;
  • How will you track the results?

3. Meet or call the decision maker.

That is, you need to negotiate a partnership with the store director, and not with the seller, with the club owner, and not with the administrator, and so on.

4. Sign an agreement if we are talking about large investments.

5. Prepare all resources and materials.

6. Launch marketing campaign and track the results.