home · electrical safety · Which animal eats cabbage? Who eats cabbage? What products are best to use to control cabbage pests?

Which animal eats cabbage? Who eats cabbage? What products are best to use to control cabbage pests?

, Brussels sprouts, Savoy sprouts also harm other plants of the cabbage family, such as radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga and other representatives of this family.

Cabbage fly affects the stems and roots of cabbage. She can give three generations over the summer. Larvae cabbage fly feed on stem and root tissues. Particularly suffers cauliflower. Young plants suddenly begin to wither, and inside the root crop (radish, radish) there are passages eaten by larvae.

Plant seedlings as early as possible or vice versa, later and never bury them. Useful mixed plantings cabbage with tomatoes. Cover the plantings with a protective net. Treat with biological products, such as lepidocide or deprobacillin.

- light gray aphid with waxy “fluff” - located in dense colonies on bottom side leaves that begin to curl and curl.

Gluttonouscabbage butterfly larvaefeed on cabbage leaves. Plant cabbage interspersed with tomatoes and celery. When removing side shoots (extra side shoots) from tomatoes, place them between the cabbage plants.

Crush the eggs of cabbage butterflies on the lower surface of the leaves. Collect caterpillars by hand. In case of severe damage, spray the plant with a biological product, for example, lepidocide), dipel or any remedy for leaf-eating caterpillars. Timely covering of plantings with a protective net will prevent butterflies from laying eggs.

Medvedka cannot stand the smell of marigolds. You can plant marigolds among cabbage. They protect cabbage from both ground pests and mole crickets underground.

Cabbage root plant: rarely, but it happens. Round, hazelnut-sized, hollow galls appear on the root collar, the insides of which are eaten away by the larvae of this beetle.

They are found not only on kale, but also on kohlrabi, radish, and rutabaga. Do not confuse it with cabbage clubroot, a fungal disease whose galls are not hollow.

In areas where this pest is widespread, cabbage and radish plantings are recommended to be covered with a protective net. When purchasing seedlings, check to see if they are already affected by these gall-forming insects. Use crop rotation and mixed plantings with repellent plants in your garden.

Cabbage bugs with a metallic sheen feed on plant juices. Yellow spots form at the injection sites, the leaves wither and dry out. Cauliflower inflorescences are deformed. Insects reproduce especially actively in hot weather at the beginning of summer. To get rid of cabbage bugs, treat the plants with some pyrethroid insecticide or sprinkle them with ash, tobacco dust, or a mixture of both.

By the way, ash helps in the fight against slugs. They cannot crawl with their tender bellies over the ash crystals.

In the north and in middle lane whiteflies live on winter indoor flowers. They move from them to seedlings of vegetable crops and to a greenhouse at their summer cottage.

In the southern regions greenhouse whitefly destroys plants and open ground: reduces the yield of potato tubers, spoils the leaves of tomatoes, squash, and other vegetable and ornamental crops. It comes from whiteflies and cabbage.

The female whitefly lays eggs on the underside of young leaves. The larvae hatch in 2-3 days, 10-14 days after three molts they turn into a nymph, and after 10-12 days into an adult insect. Thus, several generations develop over the summer.

Larvae and adult insects live on the underside of the leaf. They suck out the cell sap of plants, and part of the incoming food is not digested and is released in the form of small drops that pollute the plant, and this is a nutrient medium for saprophytic fungi. The plant, oppressed by the loss of cell sap, contaminated with sugary secretions and a black coating of sooty fungi, gradually turns brown and dies.

The whitefly usually overwinters in the imago (adult insect) stage in various shelters, including cracks in greenhouses and window sills, on plant debris in heated greenhouses. At negative temperature the pest freezes out.

Measures to combat greenhouse whitefly

Spraying plants during the growth period with Rovikurt (25% emulsion); 10 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water and treated at least three times. After treatment, you cannot work in the greenhouse with plants for a week and collect fruits for four days;

Using yellow glue traps (ZhKL on Lipofix glue). They are hung in a greenhouse with vegetable crops one per square meter parallel to the plants 7-10 cm below the top;

destruction of plant residues after harvesting, deep digging of the soil (for freezing).

Cabbage is a wonderful vegetable rich in vitamins and microelements, but the main obstacle to getting a good harvest is pests that strive to destroy it most. To avoid these problems, you should know which insects and animals are pests of cabbage. Also in this article we will look at what means are best to process cabbage.

What products are best to use to control cabbage pests?

To get an environmentally friendly cabbage harvest, many gardeners use folk remedies, which are more suitable for small areas and in cases of mild pest damage.

For larger areas and heavily affected plants, it is necessary to use different chemicals, for example “Bankol”, “Aktellik”, “Iskra-M”, “Fury”, etc.

Before using drugs with chemical composition be sure to read the instructions.

If planting cabbage allows you to fight without the use of chemicals, you should use simple folk remedies; in the end you will get a wonderful harvest of healthy and healthy vegetables.

Common cabbage pests:

  • Cruciferous flea beetle
  • Cabbage cutworm
  • Cabbage aphid
  • Bedbugs
  • Cabbage leaf beetle
  • Weevil
  • Slugs and snails
  • Hares

Cruciferous flea beetles

Cruciferous flea beetles

Cabbage pests that attack not only cabbage leaves, but also other leaves cruciferous crops. Cruciferous flea beetles are small jumping bugs.

Methods of control and prevention

  • To combat flea beetles, weeding is carried out regularly;
  • Spraying cabbage is carried out with various infusions, from folk remedies Pollination of a mixture of ash, lime and tobacco dust is quite effective.

Cabbage leaf beetle and weevil

Cabbage leaf beetle

Known cabbage pests that cause the most problems for gardeners. The cabbage leaf beetle gnaws huge holes in cabbage leaves, and weevils are dangerous because they lay eggs in the veins and stems of cabbage. The larvae develop inside cabbage ovaries, gnaw leaves, penetrate the stems and bore passages, reaching the root system. Plants affected by these pests are significantly stunted in growth or even die.

Methods of control and prevention

  • Basic methods of combating cabbage leaf beetle similar to the fight against cruciferous flea beetles;
  • Plants damaged by weevils should be discarded and burned.

Owl butterflies

Cabbage scoop

At the end of spring, cutworm butterflies leave clutches of eggs on inside cabbage leaves. After three weeks, young caterpillars emerge, the main pests of cabbage, which eat away through holes in the leaves. The cutworm penetrates the developing heads of cabbage and gnaws out numerous tunnels. Affected heads of cabbage are no longer suitable for consumption.

Methods of control and prevention

  • Preventive control of cutworms comes down to deep digging of the soil before winter.
  • Collect eggs and young caterpillars by hand before they penetrate the heads of cabbage;

Cabbage aphid

Cabbage aphid

It adheres to the edges of the lower leaves in a dense layer and feeds on the sap of the plant. When there is a large proliferation of aphids, cabbage foliage becomes discolored and curls.

Methods of control and prevention

  • Carry out regular weeding of weeds, especially from the cabbage family;
  • In autumn, the remaining vegetation from the beds should be removed and burned;
  • Digging the soil before winter;
  • Spraying with onion decoctions and infusions, onion peel, garlic, tobacco, potato and tomato tops;


Bedbugs and their larvae

Cruciferous bugs are pests of cabbage; they are variegated in color; their colors vary depending on the species. In early May, young cabbage seedlings are attacked; bedbugs and their larvae pose a danger. You can notice the damage to foliage by bugs by the characteristic yellow spots, with significant pest damage, crop losses increase.

Methods of control and prevention

  • To reduce losses, seedlings are planted at optimally early dates;
  • Keeping the area clean from various weeds, destroying and burning plant debris;

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Slugs and snails

Cabbage pests - slugs and snails - gnaw through the pulp of the leaves, penetrating to the very core. The presence of these pests can be determined by gnawed leaves and silvery traces of mucus on the cabbage.

Methods of control and prevention

  • The soil between the cabbage beds is sprinkled with a mixture of ash, salt, ground pepper and mustard, then dug up. Then the plants are pollinated with a solution with the same composition, only without salt. After a week, the process should be repeated.


Hares are animal pests of cabbage. They go out to feed at dusk, after sunset and early in the morning before dawn. It’s just a pity to look at the garden, which was visited by oblique robbers.

Methods of control and prevention

  • A fence of at least 1.5 m will help protect your garden from hares; if you already have one, inspect it for cracks and holes.
  • Experienced gardeners believe that strips of shiny material or other bright material hung on a wire or cord are good at scaring away hares. However, this fear in hares goes away after 3-4 weeks, and then the animals get used to it.

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Video: It will be useful for you to know - the tricks of growing cabbage

The most common pests that cause trouble for cabbage are aphids, cruciferous flea beetles, butterfly caterpillars, cabbage fly larvae, leaf beetles, slugs and thrips.


You can protect cabbage and other vegetables from slugs by pouring narrow paths of wood along the edges of the bed along the surface of the ground. mineral fertilizers. Lime (quicklime or chlorine) is even better at killing slugs, but it must be used carefully for cabbage so as not to disturb the acidity of the soil. But most often, slugs are destroyed by setting simple traps for them - wet rags and large cabbage leaves(including spoiled ones and therefore unsuitable for food), and during the day they turn them over and get rid of the slugs that have accumulated under them. You can also place shallow containers (for example, cans of cans buried in the ground) with sour diluted beer or sour jam around the bed that needs to be protected.

Cruciferous bugs

Sometimes they move onto cabbage from weeds and cruciferous bugs that feed on leaf sap. These are large, conspicuous insects (green with red spots on the elytra) that can be collected by hand. Eliminating weeds in the vicinity of the garden bed will also help.

Flea beetles of cruciferous crops

Flea beetles of cruciferous crops- small jumping bugs that feed on the pulp of leaves and especially love young shoots. If there are too many of them, they are able to eat all the seedlings (however, this rarely happens, only if they are taken care of very poorly). They can affect any plants of the cruciferous family, including not only vegetables, but also flowers. These bugs overwinter in the soil or under the remains of plants and lay eggs there, and therefore, in order to protect themselves from them, it is often enough to dig up the soil well both in the fall (with turning the layer over) and in the spring. If they have already appeared, a good way to get rid of them is to spray the plants with a regular soap solution (and also better with a mixture tobacco infusion and soap solution).


- These are very small sucking insects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. You can understand that a plant is infected with them by the fact that in the place where they feed and live, the tissues first become discolored, and then turn brown and die. Infusions of onion or garlic, as well as regular liquid soap. Stronger chemicals such as Aktara, Arrivo, Taran, Decis and others cannot be used on cabbage (but can be used on many other vegetables, except leafy ones).

In addition to these pests, prevent getting good harvest cabbage can also rapeseed beetle, wireworms,, and with the seedless growing method sometimes long-legged mosquitoes.


My cabbage grew well. At one time they appeared on it, so in the photo you can see that the old cabbage leaves have holes. But I sprinkled them with vinegar, and then it started to rain. And these pests don’t like humidity, give them some sun. I didn’t notice them anymore. Heads of cabbage have sprung up, I’ve even cut one of them for salad - tasty and tender cabbage.

Eaten head of cabbage

Yesterday I went out to the garden and I have one question: “Who eats cabbage? What kind of pests? See for yourself, overnight half a head of cabbage is gone! And so on all plants! There is no limit to the outrage.


Cabbage is a wonderful vegetable; not only people love it, but also many pests. Cruciferous flea beetles Your cabbage has already been eaten. Now, apparently, the time has come cabbage scoop . It's a butterfly Brown, small (5 cm), flies at night. Surely, you saw her, you just didn’t know that she was the cabbage pest, and you need to know the enemy by sight - so look at the photo.

Cabbage scoop

Cabbage moth caterpillars appear in mid-June. At first they are small, green and not particularly noticeable. They grow for 2 months, significantly increasing in size (up to 5 cm).

It would seem that you would immediately notice the caterpillars and the question of who eats the cabbage would not arise. But the fact is that the caterpillars feed mainly at night; during the day they wisely hide at the base of the head of cabbage and among the leaves. With age, the caterpillars begin to gnaw tunnels in the cabbage and you can no longer get them out of there. Such heads of cabbage are poorly stored; pests leave their excrement there, which makes the cabbage unsuitable for consumption.

Biological preparations based on bacteria (Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin, Dipel) help against cabbage cutworm caterpillars with a small spread. If the number of caterpillars is large - more than 7 caterpillars on 50 plants, you can spray with chemicals (Aktellik, Bazudin, Aktara, Inta-vir, Karbofos, Kinmiks, Fitoverm). Here you need to take into account that after spraying, for example, with Actellik, the harvest can only be harvested after 20 days. Therefore on early varieties, when the head of cabbage has already formed, chemicals used very undesirably.

Slug - cabbage pests

Additionally, damage to your cabbage could cause slugs, which just begin to actively feed in rainy weather. But it’s not difficult to get rid of them; if you scatter the Slug Eater or Thunderstorm preparations around the plants, they help very well. The preparations are granules of blue color with specific smell, the active ingredient is metaldehyde. It attracts snails, they crawl towards the scent of the drug, eat it, lose their mucus and die.