home · Lighting · Mallow and its diseases. Perennial mallow: technique for planting in open ground. Beneficial and medicinal properties of mallow

Mallow and its diseases. Perennial mallow: technique for planting in open ground. Beneficial and medicinal properties of mallow

Mallow is a plant that is as simple as it is charming. This is a favorite flower of the older generation, a resident of front gardens and garden flower beds, places where ordinary plants often failed to survive. In former times, this “provincial” plant was not favored by professional flower growers and decorators, but in Lately the attitude towards this flower, pleasant in all respects, has changed dramatically. Mallow has become a full-fledged decoration of gardens and parks, and its variety of varieties is now so great that you can choose a plant to suit even the most demanding taste.

Description of mallow

Mallow, or otherwise hollyhock, belongs to the Malvaceae family, whose representatives grow in abundance in southern Europe and Asia Minor. For the most part, these are tall perennial or biennial herbs with entire, alternate, palmate-lobed or dissected leaves and very large flowers collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Currently, about 60 species of hollyhocks exist and are cultivated in varying quantities, but pink mallow is the most widespread due to its outstanding decorative properties. However, you should not confuse mallow (rose hollyhock) with mallow, which is also a malvaceae, but is a representative of a different family.

Malva has long been loved, respected and considered a symbol of the sun and honesty in Rus'. Mallow was considered capable of protecting a home from evil spirits, so they planted it directly at the exit from the house, and young people, wanting to gain the favor of a lady dear to their hearts, gave her a red hollyhock, always cut with the left hand (from the heart) and before sunrise, so that drops of dew remain on its petals. In general, the rose holly has been known in ornamental gardening for almost six hundred years, even the name was given to it for a reason, but with a meaning, which, however, is based on the structure of the plant - in translation, the stock means trunk or stick. This flower is loved in many countries of the world, including here in Russia.

Mallow planting dates

Since stockrose is grown from seeds using two methods, this determines when it will be planted. For seedlings, seeds are sown in a greenhouse or at home in February - March; in an open area, sowing is carried out in May - June.

In early spring or at the end of autumn, two-year-old seeds are planted in a prepared place, 2 pieces per hole. The gap between them is 35-40 cm, since this plant with thick large trunks with a diameter of up to 5 cm, with large, dense leaves requires more space.

Seeds sown in autumn speed up flowering. They tolerate winter and frost well and grow faster than spring sowing. Mallow flowers are well pollinated and can change color and shape. So don’t be surprised if you plant one color and it turns out different. In hot climates, water should be given to mallow more often, every 3-4 days.

How to prepare mallow seedlings

Soak store-bought seeds in warm water for 12 hours. This is necessary to soften their shell and facilitate the germination process. It is best to plant seeds that have been stored for three years; their germination rate is much higher than that of seeds aged for a year or two. Mallows do not tolerate transplantation very well, so it is better to sow them in a peat pot.

At a temperature of about 20 degrees, seedlings appear in two weeks. If you decide to plant the mallow not in a separate pot, but in a container, then after germination you need to thin out the plants. Leave a distance of 3 cm between them.

On the soil to plant mallow Mallow does not develop well on dry nutrient soils. The plant does not tolerate excessive moisture; the root system can rot. Loose, fertile and light substrates with a high nitrogen content and moderate moisture are well suited for the flower. In such conditions, stockrose will delight you with lush flowering and trouble-free development.

Planting mallow seeds in open ground

In May, the seeds are planted for seedlings, after soaking them on a saucer until they hatch. In July, after several leaves have formed, the plants are transplanted to permanent place. Mallow seeds should be stored in a dry place with minimal moisture; Their shelf life is 4 years.

The soil for planting the plant should be light. A young plant needs a large number of water, but its stagnation is unacceptable. This rule must also be observed when growing kupena.

It is necessary to carry out weeding periodically. This way you will allow the mallow to grow stronger before the first frost in its life. Before winter, it is recommended to cover young mallows with branches to prevent freezing. Planting mallow in open ground can be done in the fall.

Planting mallow with cuttings in open ground

Planting mallow can be done by cuttings; this method will preserve varietal characteristics. There are two possible cutting methods:

  1. cuttings cut at the root are suitable for spring planting,
  2. Stem cuttings are used for planting in summer.

Caring for mallow in open ground

Flowers begin to need proper care immediately after transplanting into open ground. If the seeds were sown directly into garden soil, then you need to start caring for future roses immediately after planting. While the plants are small, they need regular watering and weeding. Watering should be frequent, but moderate, since mallow does not tolerate excessive moisture - its roots rot in swampy soil. Weeding also has great importance for young shoots, since at this stage they are very weak and even small weeds can choke them.

When the flowers grow a little, it becomes necessary to install supports. Plants in the first year of life are quite fragile, and if they are not tied up, even a light wind can break them or bend them to the ground. If roses grow in the front garden, you can use a peg driven into the ground as a support. A bush planted right next to the fence is tied to the fence. Fertilizing will help ensure long and lush flowering. Universal flower fertilizers can be purchased at any specialty store. They are used no more than twice a season: at the beginning of flowering, and then again after about 1-1.5 months.

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In dry weather, it is recommended to water the mallow, but not to over-water it. After watering, it doesn’t hurt to mulch the soil with manure and compost. In early spring, it is recommended to fertilize with wood ash (half a liter jar of ash in 10 liters of water, leave for 2-3 days, add 1 liter of solution to each bush). After 10-12 days, you can feed with an infusion of rotted manure in a 1:1 ratio with water, infused for 4-5 days. Dilute the resulting solution 1:5 and pour over the mallow bushes. She especially loves feeding with herbal infusion. In general, everything about growing mallow is quite simple, its flowers are of the “plant and forget” type, but if you want it to please you with abundant flowering, sometimes you need to pay attention to it.

Mallow is a cross-pollinated plant, so when collecting flower seeds from neighboring plants that have different colors, you need to prepare for the fact that when sowing you will get a real riot of colors and completely unexpected hybrids will grow.

Stock roses are quite resistant to disease, but occasionally they can be affected by rust - brown or red spots on the leaves. To prevent this from happening, you need to treat the plants with fungicides in the spring, such as Bordeaux mixture, and also monitor the level of soil and air moisture. As for wintering, if there is snow, you can do without additional shelter, but in frosty and light-snowy winters it is better to cover the roots of flowers with dry leaves or spruce branches.

Mallow propagation methods

Mallow reproduces by seeds. Seeds can be planted as seedlings or sown in open ground.

The seedling method involves sowing seeds at the end of winter. By the time the return frosts end (mid-end of May), the grown seedlings can be taken outside for adaptation, taken home for the night. At the beginning of summer, you can replant in open ground, maintaining a distance of 40-50 cm between plants.

Mallow seeds can also be planted in open ground in warm soil at the end of May - beginning of summer, but with this method flowering will only occur next year, both annual and perennial varieties. After the first flowering, mallow reproduces by self-sowing. If there is no room on the site for new plants next year, it is worth cutting off the wilted branches before the seeds ripen.

Diseases and pests of mallow

Although mallow unpretentious plant, but she is also susceptible to various diseases. This could be powdery mildew, rust, root-knot nematode mosaic virus, or stem cancer. The causes of the disease may be excess moisture, lack of good lighting, cold summer.

If suspicious red or white spots appear on the leaves of the mallow, the plant should be immediately sprayed with a fungicide that is usually used to treat vegetables. The disease must not be allowed to spread to the entire plant. In addition to diseases, mallow can also be attacked by pests - weevils, aphids, and various leaf beetles.

Using mallow in design

Mallows look good in low fences, fences, shed walls and other premises. You can place it in the background of the flowerbed, and plant low-growing flowers in front. The stock rose, cut during the budding period, blooms beautifully in a vase with water and does not fade for a long time.

Try growing this beautiful holly rose in your garden. Its tall inflorescences will delight the eye and give the garden personality throughout the warm season.

Rust. The disease is one of the most common and harmful.

The disease is one of the most common and harmful. It is found under any mallow growing conditions. The disease usually progresses massively in the second half of the growing season. However, in some years its first signs can be observed already in the 3rd decade of May (in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine).
Buds, leaf petioles and leaf blades are affected. The manifestation of the disease in the latter is very dangerous. A diagnostic sign of the disease on leaves is the formation of small, slightly depressed, chlorotic, yellowish spots on the upper side of the leaf blade. Moreover, for precise definition For rust, you should also pay attention to the underside of the leaf blade, where, just under the yellowish spots, brown tubercles form. These are theliopustules of the pathogen. When severely damaged, leaves die and dry out. The disease also spreads to the petioles and stems.
The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Puccinia malvacearum Bertero ex Mont. apud C. Gay, which develops in an incomplete cycle on a single host plant. The main type of sporulation is teliopustules with teliospores. The latter, unlike many other rust fungi, can germinate without an overwintering period.
During the growing season of plants, the fungus P. malvacearum spreads using basidiospores, which are formed when teliospores grow into the basidium.
Second year mallow plants are more severely affected. The disease progresses in wet weather conditions, as well as when plantings are dense.
The source of infection is teliospores on plant debris of affected plants.

Ascochyta blight
The disease is widespread. It appears on the affected plant organs in the form of spotting. Leaves are most often susceptible to infection. The disease also occurs on the stems.
A characteristic sign of the disease is the formation of rounded light brown spots 3-4 mm in size on the leaf blades. As the disease progresses, the affected areas increase in size, zoning is visible on them, as well as a dark brown border along the periphery of the spot. At the same time, an important diagnostic sign of ascochyta blight is the formation of dark dots on the surface of spots (on the upper side of the leaf) (which are visible without magnifying devices), which are pycnidia of the pathogen. They are scattered or curled, submerged or semi-submerged in the substrate.
Severe development of the disease leads to the merging of the affected areas and premature death of leaves. In this case, the plants lose their decorative qualities.
The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Ascochyta malvicola Sacc. During the growing season of plants, it spreads using pycnospores.
The infection persists on the affected plant debris in the form of fungal pycnidia.

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Cercospora malvarum Sacc. and Cer-co-spora malvicola Ellis & G. Martin. In case of infection by the fungus C. malvarum, olive-green spots, limited by veins, form on both sides of the leaf. The fungus C. malvicola causes the formation on both sides of the affected leaves, and sometimes on the stems, angular, round or elongated narrow, often merging spots, sharply limited, with a narrow dark brown rim; in the middle the fabric is pale yellow or gray.
During the growing season of plants, pathogens spread through conidia.
The source of infection is infected plant debris with sclerotia-like stroma, which produce conidial sporulation in the spring.

Protecting mallow from diseases
To control mallow diseases, it is necessary, first of all, to make maximum use of agrotechnological measures. In particular, alternating crops with the return of the mallow to its original site no earlier than after 3 years. For sowing, use healthy seeds from unaffected plants. The application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers increases the resistance of plants to diseases. Preventing plant density creates conditions for more quick drying moisture on the leaves and reduces their infestation by pathogens. After flowering, plants affected by rust are recommended to be cut off at soil level, and fallen leaves around them to be collected and destroyed. To limit rust, it is necessary to destroy weeds from the Malvaceae family, which are reservoirs of infection.
At the end of the growing season (autumn), it is necessary to remove and destroy all plant residues on which winter period pathogens may persist.
It should be noted that in the publication “Pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use in Ukraine” (K., Univest Media, 2012) there are no approved fungicides to protect mallow from diseases. There is insufficient information in the scientific literature regarding mallow diseases and the development of measures to limit their development in the conditions of Ukraine.

M. Pikovsky, k.b. n., N. Kirik, d.b. Sc., NUBiP of Ukraine
Photo by M. Pikovsky

The perennial mallow is a favorite of many gardeners; it is also called the hollyhock. Summer residents fell in love with this flower for its ease of care. The flowers are tall and have bright buds, a real decoration for any garden or flower bed.

The color range of the plant's flowers is varied; everyone will find a species to their liking. Perfect for planting on a personal plot along fences; thanks to its tall growth, the plant can easily hide a nondescript building. Will fit beautifully into group plantings. Due to the fact that the plant is a perennial, it will not have to be planted every year. Choose the type of holly rose you like and plant it in the flowerbed.

General description of perennial mallow and its types

This plant grows from one and a half to two meters in height. The types are varied, let's look at the most popular ones. It has large flowers 5–15 cm in size. The color range is varied, as are the species, they differ in the growth of the plant and the doubleness of the flowers.

There are also varieties in which the inflorescences are arranged in whole clusters. This miracle blooms all summer, starting in spring - May, and ending at the end of summer. The plant has a large branched root system, so it does not suffer from drought as much as other inhabitants of the site.

  1. "Forest mallow" is a biennial plant, but in many places it is grown as an annual. It grows up to a meter and has flowers with petals that are paler than the veins. The color scheme of the flower is different. "Zebrina" - large flowers of soft pink color with red veins. “Black mother of pearl” the name speaks for itself, this variety has dark purple flowers with black veins, the diameter reaches 7 cm.
  2. "Musk mallow" not a very tall perennial, the stems reach a height of no more than a meter. With white or pink flowers, the diameter of which is 5 cm. This species blooms until frost. The aroma pleases with its charm. Popular varieties:
    • "White Tower"- white flowers;
    • "Pink Tower"- pink flowers.
  3. "Hybrid mallow" about 2 meters high, blooms with white and pink inflorescences.
  4. "Wrinkled mallow" or rose stock is one of the most popular plant species among our gardeners; it can be found in almost every area. It grows 2.5 meters in height and has flowers of various colors and sizes.
  5. "Tree mallow"- This perennial, popularly called garden hibiscus, grows up to three meters. It looks like a large shrub or even a tree.

How to properly plant perennial mallow

Mallow begins to bloom in the second year after planting in the ground. In the future, it will delight you with its flowering for many years. In the first year, the plant forms a powerful root system.

It is a perennial flower, so it does not take root well after transplantation; there is a possibility of damaging the root rosettes. Therefore, we choose the place carefully before planting, so as not to further injure the plant. The plant is unpretentious, but has its own characteristics.

First, she loves well-lit areas of the garden; if there is a lack of sunlight, you will not get lush flowering, it will be rather sparse. Secondly, it does not like drafts, so you need to immediately take care that the plant is planted in gusty winds. The wind will damage the delicate petals of flowers and may break tall flower stalks.

Select landing time

For growing Mallow, both planting in greenhouses and planting in open ground is suitable. The time for planting seeds begins in early April, in a greenhouse method, or in May, when the last frosts end (planting seeds in open ground).

At the end of August is the best time to plant from greenhouses into open ground.

With the onset of cold weather, the plant is covered so that severe frosts do not kill the plant. They usually plant it in a greenhouse so that the plant can begin to delight you with its flowering earlier. Plant in small peat pots so as not to damage the developed root system in the future.

Site selection and soil preparation

We choose a sunny plot of land for planting, with a good drainage system; the soil should be loose loamy, rich in musk.

The planting site should not be in a lowland, because the roots of the plant occupy about three meters and can rot, if there is constant accumulation of water.

Soil treatment and preparation

If the soil on your site is infertile, you will have to mulch and fertilize it. We dig the area deeply before planting it. If there is not enough in the soil nutrients, add humus (rotted manure), add sand to the soil to improve the drainage system, coarse river sand is better suited.

The process of planting in open ground

Experienced gardeners have adapted to growing by planting seeds in open ground in September, making small holes about three centimeters deep. The distance between the holes is calculated depending on the type of flower; the larger it is, the greater the distance we leave. On average 30–50 cm.

Sprinkle with loose soil, or preferably peat, and in winter cover the plant with a thick layer of fallen leaves.

When planting seeds, check them for germination. Standard planting in open ground begins in late May early June. When grown from seeds, flowering begins in the second year after planting.

In this case, it is not necessary to make holes. Sprinkle the seeds with a layer of loose soil and water generously. The distance between the seeds is about 50 cm. Regular watering will speed up germination; they will appear after two weeks.


Planting from cuttings ensures that our plants will have the exact characteristics of the desired variety. When planting cuttings in the spring in the root area, it is necessary to take cuttings from an adult plant. And in the summer, stem cuttings are cut for such planting.

They are cut with a knife, and the cut is treated with charcoal. The cuttings are left for several hours so that the wound dries a little. Then the resulting cuttings are planted in pots with nutritious soil, do not forget to water them regularly. The new leaves that have appeared will tell you about normal rooting.

The grown cuttings are planted in a permanent place. This method is used experienced gardeners, because the survival rate of cuttings is very low.

To grow mallow, they use the seedling method; the sooner you plant it, the faster the plant will bloom for the first time. But when planting early, it is better to highlight the plant additionally.

Sowing of seeds begins in March-April. The grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place on the site. The time for planting seedlings is in June or July. It rarely happens that a plant will bloom in the first year.

Caring for perennial mallow

The plant is very unpretentious, so any gardener can grow it. Caring for it is simple. This includes removing weeds, watering, and loosening the soil. For good growth and the development of the root system requires periodic feeding. This is especially important for young plants.

A large plant needs access to air, despite the fact that the root system is very powerful. Therefore, frequent loosening will increase the access of oxygen to the root system. When loosening the soil, you need to use the tool carefully so that the roots and lower leaves are not damaged.

By damaging the root system, you can lose a fragile plant. Caring for the flower will also include constructing supports, because the plant is tall and strong gusts of wind can easily break it. The ideal place for mallow would be to plant it near a fence. You can later tie a flower to it. At strong winds it will not bend, which will prevent the trunk from breaking.

In autumn it is necessary to remove the tied plant, lay it on the ground and cover it with fallen leaves or covering material. So that during severe frosts the plant does not freeze.


Watering is not very frequent; the plant should not turn sour in water. One or two waterings per week is enough. Depending on the weather. If the weather is hot and dry, increase watering and water every three days.

The root system of mallow is very developed, thanks to which it does not disappear even in the driest period. Moisture is needed during rapid flowering. The main thing is not to allow water to stagnate, as this will simply rot the roots.

Moderate watering and your plant will feel great, enjoying abundant flowering.

Soil for mallow and fertilizers

To care for perennials, we use phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. The dosage should be small. The interval between feedings is three weeks. You need to start feeding from mid-June.

Of course, adding organic fertilizer will have a positive effect. It is good to use mulch; you will not only protect the plant from drying out the soil, but also get rid of weeds. Rotted mulch will be an excellent fertilizer.

Before flowering, we feed the plant with a mineral complex. It also responds well to flowering when mulched with peat. This procedure can be repeated throughout the entire period.

Diseases and pests

Slugs eat mallow foliage. They are collected by hand and various baits are placed around the garden. Put small containers with beer, the next day collect the crawling slugs. One of the diseases is the most terrible. Near iron fences, red spots appear on the leaves. The disease is called rust.

Affected leaves are removed and burned. WITH powdery mildew fight by spraying with colloidal sulfur or a specialized fungicide.


It is highly not recommended to transplant an adult plant to another place, because its root system is large and you are unlikely to be able to dig out a lump with all the roots without damaging them. And if you damage the roots, you will destroy the plant.

Sow the seeds in peat pots, and then the grown seedlings are transplanted into a permanent flowerbed.

People often ask about the healing abilities of mallow.

Mallow is very famous in folk medicine. Beneficial features tested by healers in many countries. For example, an infusion of mallow flowers and leaves treats inflammation of the stomach and intestinal disorders.

Hot baths with steamed leaves or flowers of mallow (wood mallow) help relieve swelling of the spleen. The wild mallow herb is a constant component of breast collections. In the form of lotions and compresses, a decoction of mallow flowers is used for skin diseases to relieve itching and to heal wounds (obviously, due to the mucus contained in mallow).

Mallow is also used in medical cosmetology to restore the epidermis and prevent pustular rashes. Preference in folk medicine is given to mallow flowers, since they contain higher levels of sugars, vitamin C and carotene than the leaves.

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Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. The assortment of the best indoor plants includes many beautifully flowering species. They are in the summer when they get the most bright lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl The mycelium infects the roots and penetrates the root collar and stems. With this disease of garden flowers, the flow of nutrients stops, the plants' shoots and leaves turn yellow, turn brown and dry out, and the roots rot. On sections with an abundance of moisture, dense grayish-white mycelium appears.

Control measures. Culling affected plants. To treat this disease of flowers, you need to water the soil with drugs: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B.

Phyllosticosis. The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta aquilegicola Brun.- causes the appearance of large, irregular shape, vague light brown spots without obvious bordering. By autumn, small black dotted fruiting bodies form in the necrotic tissue.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, spraying in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is the fungus Erysiphe communis Grev. f. aquilegiae West. A white powdery coating of sporulation develops on the upper side of young leaves. Over time, it turns brown, and dotted black fruiting bodies form in it. The leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, spraying with preparations: speed, pureflower, keeper, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Diseases and pests of asparagus flower: photos and preparations for treatment

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. During industrial cultivation, treatments are carried out with the following drugs: benomyl, benazole, benorad.

Gray rot. The causative agent is a fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers.. Large brown confluent spots without borders appear on leaves and young shoots. In hot weather, the tissues of the spots crack and fall out; in the presence of moisture, the spots quickly enlarge, become covered with a smoky-gray coating of sporulation, the leaves and stems rot.

Control measures.

Twelve point asparagus rattle Crioceris duodecimpunctata L. A small beetle 5-6.5 mm long, with 6 black spots on its reddish-yellow elytra. Antennae, legs, abdomen are black.

As you can see in the photo, the larvae of this flower pest are dark yellow, 6-7 mm long, with dark legs and a light head:

Adults overwinter under the leaves, in June they fly to asparagus and lay eggs. Flower pest beetles in the garden skeletonize, eat leaves and stems, larvae gnaw leaves and fruits, 2 generations develop.

Control measures. Removing leaves in autumn. What can you water the flowers against these pests? Effective drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

How to treat astilbe flower diseases

Fusarium rot. Pathogen - mushroom Fusarium oxysporum Schl. - preserved in soil and plant residues.

Control measures. Using high-quality planting material,

Gray rot. The causative agent is a fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers.. With this disease, large brown confluent spots without borders appear on the leaves of flowers and young shoots. In hot weather, the tissues of the spots crack and fall out; in the presence of moisture, the spots quickly enlarge, become covered with a smoky-gray coating of sporulation, and the leaves and stems rot. The spread of the disease is facilitated by an abundance of precipitation, sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures, and dense plantings. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, thinning of plants. By effective means For this disease of flowers there are drugs: fast, pure flower, guardian, agro-medicine.

Phyllostictosis spot. The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta vulgaris Desm.-causes large, round, olive-colored spots to appear on the leaves. Over time, the spots lighten, and a thin dark border becomes noticeable. Dark pycnidia are formed on the upper side. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry out prematurely. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures.

Diseases of the bergenia flower: photos and treatment

Gray rot. Pathogen - mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, thinning of plants, compliance with the requirements of agricultural cultivation techniques, spraying with one of the preparations: quick, pure flower, keeper, agro-medicine.

Ramulariasis. The causative agent is a fungus Ramularia bergeniae Vasjag. - causes spots to appear on both sides of the leaves and on the petioles. The spots are numerous, small, round, light brown with a sharply defined dark border, with bottom side red-brown with a light center. The petioles are red-brown, elongated, depressed. Over time, they merge into large necrosis and cause premature drying of the leaves.

Control measures.

Alternaria blight. The causative agent is a fungus Alternaria tenuis Nees. - causes the appearance of reddish-crimson spots without borders along the edges of old overwintered leaves. The spots grow, turn brown, dry out, and a dense, dark brown coating of sporulation fungus develops on the underside, the spores of which infect neighboring leaves. The infection persists in leaves and plant debris.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

You can see how these flower diseases are treated in the photos below:

How to spray geranium flowers against diseases and pests

Geranium powdery mildew. Pathogens - fungi Sphaerotheca macularis Magn. f. gerani Poteb. and Erysiphe communis Grev. f. geraniacearum Room. The first mushroom forms a dense white gray coating on the leaves and petioles, in which brown fruiting bodies are formed. The second has a white, cobwebby coating that quickly disappears; the fruiting bodies are dark brown. Affected leaves dry out.

Control measures. Spraying with the following preparations in the spring: skor, rayok, keeper, pure flower, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Puccinia pelargoniizonalis Dge. In summer, numerous small round yellowish spots appear on the leaves on the upper side, which turn brown over time. Brown, darkening pustules form on the underside of the spots. Affected leaves dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes in the spring.

Slobbering Penny Philaenus spumarius L. A large sucking insect up to 10 mm long, yellow-brown to black in color. Can fly and jump. The larvae of this garden flower pest are greenish-yellow with red eyes and feed on leaves and shoots in a saliva-like foam. The eggs overwinter in the tissues of the buds and young stems. In the spring, the larvae emerge and feed on tissue sap. Damaged leaves become deformed and dry out.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of larvae. How can you treat flowers against these pests? Spraying with the following preparations is effective against pennies: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, biotlin. Intya-Vip.

How to treat elecampane flower diseases

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is a fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. f. inulae Jacz. causes the spread of a grayish-white cobwebby, quickly disappearing coating of sporulation on the leaves. Over time, dark brown, dotted fruiting bodies form in it. The leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with preparations in the spring: skor, rayok, keeper, pure flower, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Puccinia inulaecaricis Tranz.- miscellaneous. It constantly develops on sedge, and in summer it develops on elecampane, on the leaves of which numerous orange convex pustules form on the underside. The leaves turn brown and dry out.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Ramulariasis. The causative agent is a fungus Ramularia inulae (Sacc.) v. Hoehn.- spots are grayish-brown or brown, numerous, of various shapes, sometimes merging. A white or reddish coating of sporulation develops on the underside. The leaves are drying up.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to deal with delphinium flower diseases

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl.- preserved in soil and plant residues.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Black bacterial spot. The causative agent is a bacterium Pseudomonas delphinii Stapp. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous round spots of black-brown color with a convex surface and concentric zoning. Over time, the spots merge, crack and fall out. The spots on the stems are depressed, brown, elongated. The affected stem turns brown, rots and breaks.

Control measures. Using high-quality planting material, culling diseased plants, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Septoria delphinium blight. The causative agent is a fungus Septoria delphinella Sacc. - causes the appearance of rounded dark olive spots on the leaves. Over time, the center of the spots becomes lighter, but a thin dark border remains. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Control measures. Using high-quality planting material, culling diseased plants, spraying in spring and autumn with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Protecting the iris flower from disease

Fusarium rot. Pathogens - fungi Fusarium oxysporum Schl., F. culmorum (W.G.Sm.) Sacc.-Stored in soil and plant residues. The mycelium infects the roots and penetrates through the vascular system into the root collar and stems. The flow of nutrients stops, the plants' shoots and leaves turn yellow, turn brown and dry out, and the roots rot.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Soft bacterial rot. The causative agent is a bacterium In spring, yellow-brown soft necrosis is observed on rhizomes and leaves. As the leaves grow, they turn brown, rot from the base, and fall like fans to the ground. When there is an abundance of rainfall, the rhizomes rot, the tissues soften, turning into a rotten mass with a pungent odor.

Control measures. Using healthy planting material, collecting plant debris, stripping rhizomes to healthy tissue and cauterizing with a black solution of potassium permanganate.

Heterosporiasis. The causative agent is a fungus Heterosporium glacile Sacc. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous oblong spots of a grayish-brown color with a dark border. The leaves turn brown and dry out, and olive-black sporulation of the fungus develops on the surface of the spots.

Control measures. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to get rid of diseases and pests of the carnation flower

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. dianthi (Prill, et Del.) Bilai. The roots and stems turn brown and rot, the plant loses turgor, withers and turns yellow. The leaves acquire a red-brown tint, and grayish-pink sporulation of the fungus develops on sections of stems and roots. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil in spring with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Gray rot. Pathogen - mushroom Botrytis cinerea Pers.

Control measures. Collection of fallen leaves, thinning of plants, compliance with the requirements of agricultural cultivation techniques, spraying with one of the preparations: quick, pure flower, keeper, agro-medicine.

Ascochytaosis. The causative agent is a fungus Ascochyta dianthi Berk.- causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous round spots of a grayish-brown color, merging and drying out. Over time, pinpoint brown fruiting bodies of the overwintering stage of the fungus form on the surface. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying in the spring with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Alternaria blight. The causative agent is a fungus Alternaria dianthi Stev. et Hall. Rounded and elongated spots of brown or ashen color without borders appear on the leaves and stems. Leaf blades curl and dry out, ulcerations and deformation appear on the stems. A dense, olive-black coating of sporulation develops on the affected tissues.

Control measures. The same as against ascochyta blight.

Rust. Pathogens - fungi Uromym caryophyllinus (Schrank) Wint. and Puccinia arenariae (Schum.) Wint. The first fungus causes the formation of small, round, powdery brown uredopustules and round, merging powdery brown-black telopustules on both sides of the leaf. The second mushroom forms mainly only teletopustules on the lower side. They are numerous, round, merging, dark brown, non-powdery. In this case, yellow-brown drying spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, surrounded by a chlorotic halo. The infection persists in plant debris.

Control measures. This flower disease should be treated in the same way as ascochyta blight.

Orthosia stabilis Schiff. Brownish-red butterfly with a wingspan of 35 mm. The caterpillars of these flower leaf pests are green, with five yellowish longitudinal lines on the back and small yellow dots. The penultimate ring has a transverse yellow stripe. Pupae overwinter, butterflies fly in April, caterpillars feed from late May to June, roughly gnawing leaves of trees and shrubs.

Control measures. To combat these flower pests, spraying is carried out in the spring with the following preparations: Kinmiks, Fufanon, Spark, Inta-Vir.

How to water a daylily flower against pests and diseases

Snow mold. Pathogens - fungi Fusarium oxysporum Schl., Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) d. By., Botrytis cinerea Pers., Alternaria tenuis Nees., preserved in the soil on plant residues. In the spring, after the snow melts, overwintered leaves are covered with a grayish-white dense coating of mycelium. Over time, the mycelium dries out, but the infection persists, and rot may appear in the summer.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. During industrial cultivation, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Heterosporiasis. The causative agent is a fungus Heterosporium glacile Sacc.- causes the appearance of oblong grayish-brown spots with a dark border on the leaves. The leaves dry out, and olive-black sporulation of the fungus develops on the surface of the spots.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, spraying with copper-containing preparations.

Tobacco thrips Thrips tabaci Lind. A very small sucking yellow-brown insect, 1-5 mm long, wings fringed with long hairs. These insect pests of flowers overwinter in the soil, emerge to the surface in early April, and feed thrips and larvae on the juice of the tissues of leaves and petals. Damaged tissues turn yellow, dry out, and the buds do not bloom. 3-4 generations develop.

Control measures. To treat flowers against these pests, the following drugs are used: fufanon, spark, fitoverm, actara, biotlin, Inta-Vir.

Fighting diseases and pests of lupine flowers

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is the fungus Erysiphe communis Qrev. f- lupini Room. - causes the appearance of a cobwebby grayish-white coating of sporulation on the leaves, petioles, and peduncles. Over time, dark dotted fruiting bodies form in it. The leaves dry out and the flower stalks become deformed.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with preparations in the spring: speed, paradise, pure flower, keeper, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Septoria. The causative agent is the fungus Septoria lupini Kazn. - causes the appearance on the leaves of single round spots, up to 10 mm in diameter, initially dark brown, eventually turning pale yellow, surrounded by a bright dark brown border. Numerous pinpoint black fruiting bodies are formed in the necrotic tissue.

Control measures. Collection and burning of plant residues, spraying with copper-containing preparations.

Meadow bug Lygus rugulipennis Popp. A sucking insect 5-5.5 mm long, greenish-gray, rusty-yellow in color. The base of the fore wings of these flower leaf pests is leathery, the apex is membranous, and the hind wings are membranous. Adult bugs overwinter under plant debris; in the spring, females lay eggs on petioles and leaves. The larvae are similar to adult bedbugs, but smaller in size.

Control measures. Effective remedies against these flower pests are: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Insect pests and diseases of mallow flower leaves

Gray rot. The causative agent is a fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. Large brown merging spots without borders appear on the leaves and shoots. The tissues of the spots crack and fall out, and in the presence of moisture they become covered with a smoky-gray coating of sporulation.

Control measures. Collecting fallen leaves, complying with the requirements of agricultural cultivation techniques, spraying with one of the preparations: quick, pureflower, keeper, agromedicine.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Puccinia malvacearum Mont. Teleithopustules form on the underside of the leaves and on the petioles. At first they are brownish-brown, later ash-gray, dense, round, breaking through the epidermis. Affected leaves dry out quickly.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Common red bug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. A large sucking insect 9-11 mm long and brightly colored. The body, abdominal rim are red, the head, antennae, legs, spots on the elytra are black. Bedbugs overwinter in crevices in the bark of trunks and stumps. In spring they come to the surface and form large clusters. Females lay eggs from May. The larvae feed until autumn on the leaves of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. In autumn they descend and spend the winter.

Control measures. To protect flowers from these pests in the spring, spraying is carried out with one of the following preparations: fufanon, kinmiks, spark M, Inta-Vir.

How to deal with diseases and pests of the nevberry flower

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum gchl.- preserved in soil and plant residues. The mycelium infects the roots and penetrates through the vascular system into the root collar and stems. The flow of nutrients stops, the plants' shoots and leaves turn yellow, turn brown and dry out, and the roots rot. On sections of parts, when there is an abundance of moisture, dense grayish-white mycelium appears.

Control measures. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Soft bacterial rot. The causative agent is a bacterium Erwinia carotovora (Jones.) Holl. The plants' stems and leaves turn yellow and rot from the base. The affected tissues soften and acquire an unpleasant smell of rot. A mucous exudate appears in the moist chamber. The infection persists in plant debris and in infected plants.

Control measures. Removing plant residues, rotten plants, spilling with a red solution of potassium permanganate.

Septoria spot. The causative agent is a fungus Septoria leucanthemi Sacc. et Speg. The spots on the leaves are depressed, rounded-angular, brown-ocher in color, which darken over time, crack and fall out, leaving a thin brown border.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitute.

Diseases and pests of the comfrey flower: photos and control measures

Gray rot. The causative agent is a fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. Large brown confluent spots without borders appear on leaves and young shoots.

Look at the photo - with this disease of flowers in hot weather, the tissues of the spots crack and fall out:

In the presence of moisture, the spots quickly increase in size, become covered with a smoky-gray coating of sporulation, and the leaves and stems rot. The spread of the disease is facilitated by an abundance of precipitation, sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures, and dense plantings.

Control measures. Compliance with the requirements of agricultural cultivation technology, collection of plant residues, thinning of plants, spraying with one of the preparations: quick, pure flower, keeper, agromedicine.

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is a fungus Erysiphe communis Grev. f. symphyti Jacz.- causes the appearance of a grayish-white cobwebby coating of sporulation on the leaves, in which, over time, dotted dark brown fruiting bodies are formed. Affected leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying at the first symptoms with drugs: speed, paradise, pureflower, keeper, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Click beetles. These are small, medium or large insects from 1 to 60 millimeters long, having an elongated and more or less flattened body.

Control measures. Drainage of low areas, liming acidic soils, removal of weeds, application of diazinon-based preparations in the spring: Barguzin, provotox, medvetox, zemlin. How can you spray flowers against these pests? The following drugs are used against beetles: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

How to treat peony flower diseases

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl. - preserved in soil and plant residues.

Control measures. Use of high-quality planting material, compliance with all requirements of agricultural cultivation technology. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

White rot. The causative agent is a fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) d. By. - causes rot of roots, rhizomes and bulbs of plants. The roots turn brown and rot. On the affected tissues, dense cotton wool-like white mycelium develops, in which dense, irregularly shaped black sclerotia are formed, inner part which are light. When there is an abundance of rainfall, the base of the stems often turns brown and rots, and watery spots appear on the leaves. brown spots, the buds do not open and dry out.

Control measures. The same as against fusarium rot.

Rust. The causative agent is a fungus Cronarium flaccidum (Alb. et Schw.) Wint.- multi-owner. Its main development takes place on Scots pine, and in the spring spores from it infect peonies. Small, numerous brown spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, and orange, gradually turning brown pustules form on the underside of the spots. Affected leaves curl and dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to get rid of hosta flower diseases and pests

Phyllosticosis. The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta aspidistrae Oud. - causes the appearance of rounded-angular spots of light brown color with a darker border. Small brown fruiting bodies of the wintering stage are formed in the necrotic tissue, the spots dry out, crack and fall out.

Control measures.

Anthracnose. The causative agent is a fungus Colletotrichum omnivorum Halst. Brown confluent spots of irregular shape appear on the leaves in the upper part as a type of marginal necrosis. The leaves gradually dry out and numerous dark sporulation pads form on the surface of the spots.

Control measures. The same as against phyllosticosis.

Garden or grape snail -Helix pomatia. A gastropod with a spirally twisted shell, up to 5 cm in diameter. There are two pairs of tentacles on the head, the wide lower part represents the leg, with the help of which the snails move and leave a characteristic mucous trail. Two generations develop per year. Females lay eggs in the soil near plants. They live in damp, shaded places, in dense plantings, feeding on leaves, green shoots, and fruits. Damages all plants.

Control measures. To combat these flower pests as effectively as possible, you need to collect and destroy single individuals, remove weeds, thin out dense plantings, and drain low areas.

Treatment of chrysanthemum flower diseases

Fusarium rot. The causative agent is a fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schl.- preserved in soil and plant residues.

Control measures. Using healthy planting material. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Bacterial spotting. The causative agent is a bacterium Pseudomonas syringae van Hall. Yellowish translucent spots appear along the edges of the leaves, which gradually turn black and dry out. Affected leaves curl and fall off. With high humidity, exudate appears on the tissues, consisting of a huge number of odorless bacteria.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, culling of heavily affected plants, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Mottling of the veins of chrysanthemum leaves. The causative agent is Chrysanthemum vein mottle virus. - causes mild chlorosis of the veins on young leaves and the appearance of numerous small yellowish spots between the veins. The stains become visible, dry out, the fabric falls out, and small holes form. The virus is transmitted by aphids.

Control measures. Removal of individual stems with symptoms, culling of heavily affected plants, spraying against aphids and other pests with drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Protecting phlox from diseases and pests

Verticillium wilt. The causative agent is a fungus Verticillium albo-atrum R. et B. - a soil pathogen that causes wilting and death of plants during the growing season. Stems with leaves and buds suddenly turn yellow, turn brown and dry out. The mycelium from the roots penetrates the vascular system and fills it with its biological mass, which stops the flow of nutrients. On sections of the affected parts, a weak, barely noticeable grayish coating of mycelium with spores develops.

Control measures. Use of high-quality healthy planting material, compliance with all requirements of agricultural technology for growing this crop. Culling of affected plants, spilling the soil with preparations: phytosporin, gamair, alirin-B. When industrially growing crops, treatments are carried out with basezole analogues (benomyl, benazol, benorad).

Powdery mildew. The causative agent is the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. f. phlogis Jacz.- causes the formation of a dense grayish-white coating on the leaves and shoots, which completely covers the bushes. Over time, the plaque darkens, pinpoint black fruiting bodies of the wintering stage form in it, the leaves turn brown and dry out.

Control measures. Collecting plant residues, spraying at the first symptoms with one of the drugs: speed, paradise, pureflower, keeper, topaz, thiovit Jet.

Septoria spot. The causative agent is a fungus Septoria phlogis Sacc. et Speg. - causes the appearance on the leaves of numerous small spots with a diameter of 1-3 mm, brown, later turning white and merging into large necrosis. Over time, pinpoint black pycnidia form on the upper side. Other pathogens are also common: Septoria phlogina Bond., S. divaricatae Ell. et Ev., S. drummondii Ell. et Ev. The spots are small, olive green or pale ocher, but always white and surrounded by a border of different colors.

Control measures. Collection of plant residues, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Penny is slobbering. A large sucking insect up to 10 mm long, yellow-brown to black in color. Can fly and jump.

Control measures. To get rid of these flower pests as quickly as possible, you need to collect and destroy the larvae, spray the plants with drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, biotlin, Inta-Vir.

Cabbage scoop. The caterpillars of these flower leaf pests are green, with five yellowish longitudinal lines on the back and small yellow dots.

Control measures. Preventive and eradicative spraying in spring and summer with drugs against flower pests: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Fawn leaf beetle Labidostomis lucida Germ. A beetle 5-9 mm long with an elongated body. The pronotum is blue or green, with sparse small dots, shiny, the elytra are yellow with a black spot on the shoulders. Feeds in April-May on all bushes and herbaceous plants, where it eats leaves.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of individual beetles and preventive spraying of plants against a complex of pests also reduce the number of leaf beetles. They use one of the drugs: fufanon, spark, kinmiks, Inta-Vir.