home · Measurements · Master class on cardboard: Creating beautiful packaging for toys. Storage systems for children's toys Do-it-yourself toy packaging

Master class on cardboard: Creating beautiful packaging for toys. Storage systems for children's toys Do-it-yourself toy packaging

Making packaging for a doll or toy

For this packaging you will need:

The fabric is opaque
- transparent fabric
- cardboard
- fabric tag
- paper tag
- cord, braid or jute rope

- stationery knife
- hole puncher
- pin
- sewing machine

First, I used a stationery knife to cut out an oval bottom from cardboard. suitable size. Oval - because I will have two toys in one package. For one toy you can make a round bottom.

Then I carved out:

No. 1. 2 parts of the bottom made of opaque fabric and marked the seam line 1.5-2 millimeters larger than the cardboard bottom

Rectangular parts with a length equal to the perimeter of the bottom:

No. 2. 2 rectangular pieces of opaque fabric 10 cm wide
No. 3. 1 rectangular piece made of transparent fabric so that the toys are visible, the width depends on the height of the toy (the size suited me was 33 cm)
No. 4. 1 rectangular piece for the top of a bag made of opaque fabric, 15 cm wide.

I sewed parts No. 1 and No. 2 on a sewing machine. I’m not grinding down the narrow side of part No. 2 yet. I repeated it again - for the inner bottom, so that the cardboard would not be visible and everything would look neat. On internal detail I sewed the side seam, on the outer seam - until it was done.

I sewed a name tag made of fabric to the outer part using a zigzag seam. At this point my machine became capricious and began to skip stitches, so I ironed a piece of non-woven fabric from the inside out, and the problem disappeared.

Part No. 3 was stitched to the long side of part No. 2, and part No. 4 was stitched to part No. 3.

I sewed the side seam and didn’t forget to leave a small unstitched space for the drawstring, where I would thread the drawstring. If the fabric is loose, you need to process the cuts with an overlock or zigzag.

I pressed the seam allowances onto the opaque parts.

On the topmost opaque strip I sewed a drawstring for the tie.

On the inner liner piece I ironed the seam allowance to the wrong side.

Placed the cardboard bottom in a fabric bag

then she inserted the inner liner piece into the bag, inside out to inside out. I aligned the edges of the opaque parts and stitched them on a machine (a little inconvenient because of the cardboard bottom, but in principle it doesn’t really interfere).

First, a little background. When I was still taking my first steps in the field of creating toys and I made my first sale, I thought hard - what should I send the toy in? All toys different sizes, it is very difficult to find store-bought packaging for them. In addition, I wanted it to be not just a cardboard box, but something cute and at the same time functional, so that the future owner could somehow use this packaging. Well, of course, I wanted the box to be strong and protect the toy from damage. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any master classes that I liked. I had to reinvent the wheel myself. I would like to make a reservation right away that when creating packaging, what is important to me is, firstly, strength, and secondly, how quickly it is created. At first it took half a day to make a box, now, having reduced unnecessary steps as much as possible, I make it in three hours. This is also quite a lot, but you never have to worry whether the animal will fit into a store or mail box.

For work we will need:

1. Cardboard box (I take them either in grocery stores, or I use furniture boxes, it’s better to take a larger size than what I have in the photo).

2. Fabric for the outer and inner lining of the box, mine is cotton.

3. Lace, wooden buttons and various beautiful things to decorate the box, whatever your imagination allows.

4. Painting tape (it is advisable to take the thicker one) and double-sided tape.

5. Threads (in my case, white and monofilament).

6. Long ruler and triangle.

1. Determine what size box we need, measure the height, width and height of the toy lying horizontally. In my case it is 21 cm by 10 cm by 9 cm.

Now we transfer the dimensions to the cardboard, first draw the bottom, then build four side walls from the bottom. This is what we should get:

We draw a pencil with effort along the fold line of the future box and bend it:

2. Now we fix the corners of the box masking tape, and then once again glue these corners inside and outside the box:

Next, we strengthen the walls and bottom of the box by covering it with masking tape in several layers. The tape makes the box very rigid and strong, it is even stronger than those boxes sold at the post office. Tested by many parcels.

I completely forgot to mention the lid for the box. In our case, it is just a cardboard rectangle the size of the box. We also cover the lid with tape. This is what we ended up with:

3. Now we need to hide this “beauty”. For this I use fabric. I “dress” the outer part of the box in some colored fabric, and the inner part in white, in this case, with a small pattern. On the fabric we make a pattern for our box similar to the one we made on cardboard: a rectangle, and four walls on the sides:

We also trace our lid and cut out two rectangles (from white fabric and floral fabric).

In addition, we will need two rectangles of white fabric to create the attachment of the roof to the box, mine are 5.5 cm by 11 cm:

4. Now important point: cut out the pattern for the inner and outer packaging of the box with a seam allowance of about 1-1.5 cm (we will remove the excess later) around the perimeter of the pattern. After cutting, we make a cut, not reaching 0.5 cm from the edge, in the part where the two walls of the box form a right angle. In general, it's easier to show:

5. Now we connect two adjacent walls of the box and stitch them:

This is what you should end up with:

We also sew two parts for the box lid and two parts for fastenings (you should get two rectangles, I sew them front side I also stitch on a machine).

6. Now that we have “dressed” the box on the outside, we will “dress” it on the inside.

To make this task easier for myself, I came up with this method: with pieces of double-sided tape I glue inner part boxes like this:

Why do I need this: when you start sewing the inside and outside of the boxes, the fabric inside begins to “fidget”, which can lead to us sewing everything crookedly. Scotch tape allows you to avoid this and additionally fixes it interior lining at one place. In addition, I glue the edges of the outer skin onto the double-sided tape to make it easier and faster to connect the two parts later. A lot of words, but from the photo everything is clearer, I hope:

Now we insert the inner lining into the box and also bend its allowance inward; for convenience, you can fix all this with pins:

Sew the inner and outer part monofilament sheathing. Why monofilament? It is transparent and practically invisible on the fabric. We do the same with the lid of the box, wrapping the allowance inside:

Here's what we got:

7. Now it's time for us to work on the fastenings. To do this, we take two white stitched rectangles and make buttonholes in them (if you know how to make buttonholes using sewing machine– everything is easier for you, but with my machine I’m still on “you” and do everything manually:

Sew the loops:

Now we sew the rectangles to the lid, trying to place them in the center:

We mark on the box where our buttons should be sewn on:

7. Now all we have to do is sew the buttons to the box and decorate the lid with braid (I also sew it on monofilament), this is what we ended up with:

And this is Vasilisa trying on the box:

The box can be decorated as you please, I love simplicity.

I used to make boxes with a lid like this:

But in this option, only the lid takes the same amount of time as the box itself, so I abandoned it.

Why is it seemingly bad when children have a lot of toys? And the fact that they are scattered throughout all the rooms and their owners do not really like to collect them. Proper storage toys in an apartment or house are a guarantee of order and tranquility (mothers first of all), because even simple maintenance of order in this case is a task of increased complexity. It can and should be made easier. To do this, you will need furniture for children's toys - racks, shelves or a closet, as well as a decent number of boxes, drawers, bags and pouches.

Furniture for storing toys in the nursery

Furniture for a child's room is needed from the first days of life. And most often this is a chest of drawers and a shelving unit. Only at first they are occupied mainly with linen and children's clothing, and toys take up little space. But gradually funny things - rattles, bears, cars, dolls, etc. It’s getting bigger, they require a separate place, and sometimes more than one.

Most convenient option- rack. Not a cabinet with doors, but a rack with open shelves on which drawers can stand. Storing toys in this form is optimal - it’s convenient for the child to get them out and put them away quickly.

At first, you can buy or make one rectangular rack, preferably with square cells. Now you will understand why...

While the child is small, he can be placed “lying” - as in the photo, with the long side on the floor. This is more convenient for a small child - he will first master what is below, then move on to the upper shelves. And it’s safer - older children can use the shelves as a ladder, but in this position they won’t be able to climb high))

In a couple of years, the child will grow up, there will be more toys. You can turn the rack over and put it “in height”, and install a second one in the free space or make shelves. By combining several racks different heights get a children's toy storage system.

You can increase the volume gradually: buy a single rack or, as they used to say, a bookcase, then another one. The beauty of a nursery is that they don’t even have to be the same color. And if you care, paint them or choose neutral color"under the tree".

Different baskets - plastic or wicker Plastic chests of drawers in the nursery - convenient and hygienic

How to organize toy storage: ideas

You can put different boxes in the racks, into which small and not very toys can be loaded. Please note right away that wooden boxes(or from, and other similar materials) for small children - not the best option. They are too heavy; children often injure their fingers when trying to reach toys. They also have hard, traumatic corners that can, of course, be rounded a little, but they still remain hard. Such boxes are suitable for schoolchildren. They already have more strength and better coordination. And it is better to organize the storage of toys for children in softer and less traumatic plastic containers/baskets or in thick boxes covered with colored paper or fabric.

It’s not so difficult to buy or make furniture for a wound, but teaching a child to put his toys there is a more difficult task. For girls, the rack can be decorated in the form of a house. Then she herself will resettle the “tenants” and create conditions for them.

This option will not work with boys. They usually have a lot of cars and the main task of storing the boy's toys is to arrange the cars. To do this, you can make an entire wall-mounted garage. These are long narrow shelves on which the entire fleet is located. Other options are transparent fabric pockets (sold as shoe storage systems) or a shelf assembled from plastic pipes.

To stimulate the desire to “drive” cars into the garage, you can make markings on the floor with masking tape, along which “after the shift” they drive into the parking lot.

In principle, such pockets can be used to store collections of dolls and soft toys.

When there is no longer enough space on shelves and racks in the nursery, more ideas are needed. In addition to pockets, you can make drawers(large) under a bed or table.

Drawers under the bed don’t take up space, and you can hide boring toys there

To prevent everything from being piled up in large boxes, you can put it under small items plastic baskets. This way everything will be found faster than in a general heap.

Boxes can be installed in racks not only on shelves: it is possible to hang them. To do this, grooves are cut out in the side walls into which the sides of the baskets and baskets are simply inserted. You can take plastic baskets (if you find them with sufficiently rigid sides), or you can take metal ones - from the complete set of dressing rooms or wardrobes.

The largest free surfaces in a room are the walls. They can be used. For example, attach a strip of Velcro to a wall (the side wall of a cabinet, lamp shade, etc.). Soft toys Sew small pieces of this tape onto the backs too. They will be easy to put in place and take off. And the decor will also become more diverse.

Velcro is one of the simple ways find a place for soft toys

You can hang mesh pots made of wire or plastic on the walls. They also perfectly accommodate small dolls, bears, bunnies or cars.

You can borrow an idea from the kitchen: attach different bags to a horizontal pipe. To make the necks tougher, you can tighten them with a hoop or sew in elastic wire.

Pockets or bags on a pipe are another idea for storing toys in a nursery.

Pockets are also made on wooden bases. It can be cut out of plywood, painted, and several hooks, pockets and bags can be nailed on. The mini toy storage system is ready.

But not everything can be attached to the walls. Some items require baskets or boxes. For example, sports equipment - all balls, soccer balls and other equipment. They are conveniently stored in wire bins.

If desired, you can attach baskets to the walls and practice hitting the ball into the basket (away from breakable objects and windows).

Storing toys from the “cheap and cheerful” category - folding fabric baskets. Of course, they are inexpensive and look good, but they tear very quickly. Especially mesh ones: the toy gets caught, the child pulls it... there is a hole.

No matter how hard parents try, children don’t really want to put away toys. Or rather, they don’t want to at all. In this sense it's simple perfect option bag-mat.

This is an ingenious solution: a small “wall” is sewn along the edge of the round rug, and along its upper edge there is a drawstring through which the cord is threaded. To remove the toys, you just need to tighten the cord. The edges of the mat will rise and the mat will turn into a bag.

Then these bags can be placed somewhere near the wall or hung on special hooks. Really ideal.

DIY toy boxes

Looking at the not childish prices for cute wicker or plastic baskets in stores, you think that the idea of ​​​​making colored toy boxes with your own hands is not so bad. Will be needed carton boxes made of thick (not corrugated) cardboard, most likely from under household appliances. You can try your luck with your friends: many manufacturers provide warranty repair only if packaging is available. So people keep the boxes. The warranty period has long passed, and they forgot to throw away the packaging. These boxes are the best option for children.

Another option is to ask in department stores. They also often receive goods in hard packaging. For example, diapers, wipes, etc. come in these.

Cover with paper

Cut off the lid from the found boxes. We cut holes-handles in the side walls (narrow). We seal all joints from the inside with tape.

Take colorful paper. The wrapping paper used to wrap gifts is perfect. It is dense, there is a large number of different drawings. You can also use scrapbooking paper. If the finishing is made of paper different color, cut into strips of equal width, if we are going to paste over with one pattern, measure the strip along the height of the box.

We take glue (PVA), brush the surface of the box and start gluing it from the corner. We try to glue without bubbles, smoothing the paper gradually, from edge to edge. We place the next sheet with a slight overhang, not the previous one. Continue this way until we have covered all the surfaces.

After looking at the light, we cut out the handles with scissors. To make the edge more neat, we glue the sections of the handle with a thin strip of paper. We also decorate the top cut with a stripe.

We cover it with fabric

In this case, all corners of the box can be taped on both sides - it will last longer. Next, take the fabric and cut out two sets of blanks to fit the box. One is strictly in size, plus a seam allowance, the second is 1 cm smaller and also with an allowance. Add 0.5-1 cm to the seams on each side. You can cut the workpiece immediately in the form of a cross, but this way the fabric consumption is greater - it is more economical in separate pieces))

We first sew the parts together in the form of a cross, then make a bag from the blank. Let's try it on the box. We stretch one (the larger one) from the outside, and straighten the second one from the inside.

Now we take universal glue and glue the fabric around the perimeter of the bottom, inside and out. Then we glue it in the corners. This way the fabric will not move.

We fold the edges of both bags inward and trim the box around the perimeter by hand.

We trim the top of the toy box, cut out the handles

Using scissors, cut through the handles. Just don't cut it out big pieces. You need to leave about 1 cm of “extra” fabric. We wrap it inside, hemming the handle.

Having decorated the handles, we get a ready-made box for storing toys.

Decorated with self-adhesive film

How to pack a gift? Of course, the easiest way is to use a gift bag purchased at the supermarket. But if you use a little imagination and make original packaging with your own hands, you will create a much greater effect!

Especially for you, the Maternity.ru portal presents gift wrapping ideas for every taste!

Magic slots

The design is quite easy to implement - magic slots on the packaging. It could be a themed street, a star, Christmas decorations, silhouette of Santa Claus, candy and more. This approach looks original in combination with a contrasting color box from.

Thematic paper for gifts

Lovers can pack in geographical map, for musicians - in sheet music, or you can use wallpaper with images of twinkling stars and Christmas trees.

Instead of signatures, use a simple one wrapping paper and paste photos of family members. Thanks to them, even a child who cannot read will be able to distribute gifts to recipients!

Newspaper and wrapping paper decor

You can create a bright gift design not only with colorful paper, but also with ordinary newspaper or craft paper.

To do this, you can draw lines with glue, draw symbols of the New Year - a Christmas tree, a ball, an inscription, a snowflake - and sprinkle them with colored confetti.

You can apply a design to the wrapping paper. For example, a lush New Year tree.

You can glue wheels from toy car. This will sound especially original if the gift itself is related to the automotive theme.

From plain paper you can make “vacuum” packaging for an easy gift. To do this, draw an outline, make outlines, put the gift inside the envelope and stitch it with colored threads on all sides. Original figures are obtained.

You can decorate gift packaging with snowflakes from scrap materials: cocktail straws, .

You can attach colorful handmade cards to wrapping paper or newsprint packaging.

Simple packaging can be decorated with bright threads and funny pom-poms.

We decorate the newspaper packaging with bright stripes of colored paper. It can be golden or silver, with imprints of New Year and Christmas symbols. Look at the strip folding diagram.

We decorate the wrapping packaging with a garland of colored balls, a Christmas tree, and snowflakes made of colored paper. Simple and stylish!

We make a reindeer out of a gift. We attach the eyes and mouth, funny horns on the sides. The original New Year's gift packaging is ready!

We glue the appropriate applique onto the paper bags - a clock with the last minutes of the New Year, New Year's or Christmas.

Decorate New Year's gift real cones and spruce branches. Very New Year's!

We wrap gifts in plain paper various shapes. Now we decorate with fir branches made of green colored paper and a pine cone.

Pieces of fabric, lace, or braid can be glued to wrapping paper or newsprint packaging.

Packaging with imprints and stamps

New Year themed stamps are perfect for decorating holiday packaging.

If you do not have such stamps, then you can use other available materials. For example, a spruce branch.

Packaging - candy

The packaging of a suitable gift in the shape of a candy or a cracker looks original. Inside the cardboard tube you can put a rolled up soft gift or several small gifts. The top of the thick tube is wrapped in colored paper, tied and decorated to your liking.

You can make candy entirely from thick cardboard according to the scheme.

New Year's attributes

You can tie small Christmas tree decorations to the bow on the gift wrapping.

For children, you can make sweet decor from lollipops and sweets.

You can “sew” bright winter mittens from colored paper and attach them to a gift.

You can give a gift with wishes. It could be a chamomile with excerpts from poems, anecdotes and aphorisms. Such packaging will make an impression greater than the gift itself!

You can decorate a gift with threads with “filling” - beads, balls, snowflakes.

Chocolate girls

An original gift - a chocolate bowl. This is a box the size of a chocolate bar, where you put a sweet present and a warm sincere wish. It is possible to put cash gift- right under the bookmark with a wish.

The chocolate maker can be decorated to match any symbol of the New Year. For example, wrap a chocolate bar in white paper, draw a snowman figure, and put on a small hat. Original and tasteful. Thus, you can decorate any gift that is not bulky.

DIY boxes

We offer several patterns for cutting out gift boxes.

Make an original box from thick paper or wallpaper with “spruce” decor can be done according to the following scheme:

We wish you creativity and original ideas for wrapping New Year's gifts!

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