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Geosynthetic materials in road construction. Application of geosynthetic materials in road construction. Transportation and storage of geogrid Armicet-RU

Coatings highways refer to engineering structures located at the interface between two media (air-soil), which reveals the specificity of their work and operational maintenance. As is known, the ability of road pavements to absorb loads directly depends on the state of the surface layers of the soil, which is not constant over time due to seasonal soaking, drying, freezing and thawing under the influence of changes in meteorological factors - precipitation and air temperature. The range of changes in the load-bearing properties of the surface layer of soil throughout the year is very significant, especially in areas with frosty winters: from a durable frozen surface that practically does not deform under wheels, to a weakly water-saturated surface during spring thawing. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to design and build roads on heavy clayey, subsidence, technogenic soils, in territories with complex hydrogeological and climatic conditions, in cramped conditions.

In all these cases, builders have to carry out road survey and implement measures to improve physical and mechanical properties soils, which include strengthening soils with cement, lime, binders, compacting soils with special high-performance machines, regulating the water regime of foundation soils using a drainage device.

The variety of soil and climatic conditions of the construction areas, various operating conditions of individual structural layers, a significant number of factors affecting the coating in combination with natural scattering quality characteristics the materials used require in-depth analysis when choosing and justifying the appropriate method for improving the physical and mechanical properties of soils.

All this predetermines the need to develop and improve various methods for inspecting roads and constructing road pavements, each of which could be the most appropriate.

An analysis of the methods used in domestic and world practice to increase the bearing capacity made it possible to identify promising ones, among which the most effective for solving the above problems and the least developed in our country are highways using geosynthetic materials.

Geosynthetics– a class of polymer building materials that themselves or as part of structures on soils can perform the functions of reinforcement, filtration, separation and drainage and have qualitatively new properties compared to traditional building materials, namely:

  • high strength;
  • chemical resistance;
  • durability;
  • high temperature resistance;
  • low material consumption, etc.

Based on their structure, geosynthetic materials are divided into:

  • geotextiles
  • geogrids
  • geogrids
  • geocomposites
  • geomats
  • geocameras
  • geomembranes

Based on permeability, geosynthetic materials can be classified into 4 categories - insulating, moisture-proof, gas-proof, filtering and drainage.

All of them, in turn, are divided by type into bulk, rolled materials and geofoams.

According to the load/elongation ratio, they are classified as non-tensile, tensile and super-tensile.

The use of geosynthetic materials in road design and the design of road surfaces is based on the introduction of a synthetic element into the design. Depending on the purpose of the structure, the features of the design solution and the type of material, geosynthetics can perform either one function or several functions simultaneously. The most well-known functions of geosynthetic materials are summarized in the table.

Functions of geosynthetics
Function Symbol Material Description
  • geotextiles
  • geocomposites
Allows migration of liquids without moving soil fractions
  • geogrids
  • geocomposites
Liquid drainage
  • geotextiles
  • geocomposites
Prevents mixing of two various soils or materials
  • non-woven geotextile
  • geogrids
  • geocomposites
Protects structure, material or other geosynthetics from damage
  • geomembranes
  • geocomposites
Barrier for liquid products
Strengthening walls/slopes center">Distribution of tensile forces in the soil thickness
Strengthening weak soils
  • geotextiles
  • geocomposites
Increasing the bearing capacity of the soil
Strengthening asphalt and concrete
  • double orientation geogrids
Provides endurance and stretch resistance
Erosion control and surface stabilization
  • geomats
  • geocells
  • biomats
  • biogrids
Prevents soil from separating and moving due to rain, runoff and wind by sealing the base
  • geocells
Resistance to lateral movement of soil masses

There is already sufficient experience abroad in the use of synthetic materials in road design and construction.

The development of the chemical industry, a significant expansion of the range of synthetic and composite materials, simplification of technology and improvement of their physical and mechanical characteristics lead to a significant reduction in the cost of production of the designed highways.

Geosynthetic materials are promising building materials, the use of which in road design provides high level design solutions, construction technologies, production standards and compliance with environmental requirements for constructed facilities.

The experience of using “reinforced soil” abroad is enormous. There are many theoretical and experimental research scientists from various countries devoted to the mechanics of reinforced soil. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement scientific research in the field of application of geosynthetic materials in our country with active implementation in the practice of design and construction of highways.

The intensification of road construction, as operators of the geosynthetics market hope, will have a positive effect on sales volumes of these materials. Firstly, this segment is one of the main consumers of geosynthetics. Secondly, domestic road construction enterprises are increasingly turning to the use of more modern materials and technologies, which, of course, include geosynthetics.

In this segment, geosynthetic materials are used to construct slopes of increased steepness, retaining walls, strengthen the bases of road embankments. In addition, geosynthetics are used to protect overpass cones, reinforcement asphalt pavements, separating the structural layers of the road “pie” as elements of drainage systems.

IN road construction mainly used Various types geotextiles, both woven and non-woven. In this case, their more or less pronounced characteristics are taken into account - mechanical, filtering.

In addition to geotextiles, geogrids are widely used to strengthen (reinforce) slopes or road surfaces. The use of geogrids makes it possible to achieve significant savings in building materials: for example, reinforcing a layer of crushed stone in a road construction system “gives” 60-70% savings in the same crushed stone.

The use of geosynthetics is economically more effective than traditional technologies such as the construction of concrete retaining walls and soil replacement during construction on weak foundations. In railway construction, geosynthetics are mainly used for reinforcing railway tracks and embankments (geotextiles, geogrids).

Moreover, it is almost impossible today to carry out high-quality construction of runways and bridges without geosynthetics that meets all requirements, as experts note. Often these objects are built on weak soils, and therefore require reliable and durable reinforcement.

Application of geosynthetic materials

When constructing roads (from pedestrian to railway) and parking lots, crushed stone is usually used. But over time, ruts form on the road on a weak foundation (clay, peat or waterlogged soils), or the crushed stone generally “sinks.” Geotextiles help solve these problems by preventing the crushed stone backfill from mixing with the base and maintaining the original thickness of the backfill, which, in combination with the significant elastic modulus of the geotextile itself, allows:

Significantly increase the load-bearing capacity of such a structure;

Ensure an increased degree of compaction during the construction phase, preventing crushed stone from being pressed into the soft base;

Reduce road damage caused by frost. The trapped tiny particles (fine inclusions) act like a sponge, absorbing water and expanding when frozen.

Prevent rutting.

The result of using geotextiles as a separating layer is:

Reduced installation costs (reduced use of crushed stone to achieve the same load-bearing capacity).

Reduced construction time due to faster and better compaction.

Cost reduction Maintenance and increasing the service life of the structure.

The combination of a high initial modulus of elasticity and elongation (the combination of the properties of woven (power) geosynthetics and needle-punched geotextiles allows the material to absorb more energy. This provides it increased stability to damage during installation and performs a reinforcing function.

Geotextiles are also widely used in the construction of paths and platforms from paving slabs. Soft (without concrete screed) laying paving slabs is much lower in price (the difference in the cost of concrete and reinforcement and work reaches 70%), it prevents sand from being washed out, mixing it with crushed stone or soil base, increases the rigidity of the structure and significantly reduces the likelihood of subsidence. You get an excellent result, the possibility of easy repairs and redevelopment with significantly lower material, labor and time costs.

Embankment reinforcement

Used to reinforce fine-grained, cohesive soil.

· Prevents slope collapse.

· Reduces increased pore pressure of the soil.

What allows us to consider geosynthetics (GS) as materials with a “great future”?

Firstly, their use makes it possible to optimize economic costs and ensure high quality construction work on reinforcement and waterproofing of structures and structures, the basis of which is loose rocks- soil, sand, gravel mixtures, etc.

In global construction practice, geosynthetic materials have made significant changes in many aspects of transportation and civil engineering practice in less than 30 years. If in the 70s of the 20th century there were only 5-6 hydrocarbons on the world market, then in 2000 their number was about 600. The volume of use is 1 trillion square meters. m per year for a total amount of about 1.5 billion USD. Such growth rates and volumes indicate the extremely wide application and effectiveness of HS in construction due to their properties and functions in structures. In many cases, the use of GS can significantly increase safety margins, durability and reliability, improve performance and reduce cost compared to traditional design solutions.

Thus, according to experts in the field of geosynthetics, the use of GS in road construction, for example, geotextiles to combat “reflected cracks” Polyfelt PGM 14 and PGM G (repair asphalt concrete pavements highways) reduces stress in areas of old cracks by up to 40% by absorbing deformations between the old and new pavement. And the overall effect of the use of these materials is a significant slowdown in crack formation, a threefold increase in the time between repairs, savings on road operation, regular routine and extensive repairs and reinforcement of the pavement. Secondly, the area effective application geosynthetics is not just wide. The materials work great where the use of other solutions does not provide such a reliable and durable result. Domestic construction production, in contrast to the West, geosynthetic materials began to be “considered” directly from the perspective of widespread use relatively recently, and the list of problems associated with the use of this material is quite standard. There is no official Ukrainian classification of these materials, which stems from a completely traditional situation - the lack of standards. And awareness of the properties and advantages of GS customers still leaves much to be desired.

Geosynthetic materials in road construction are mandatory for use when laying roads in permafrost areas, deserts, peat bogs, swamps, in other difficult geological conditions, as well as in soils of technogenic origin. The use of geosynthetic materials significantly reduces the cost of preparing terrain for the construction of roads for vehicles, since there is no need to carry out some labor-intensive and expensive work, for example, lowering the level groundwater or strengthening slopes.

Geosynthetic materials in road construction

Geotextile mesh, geogrids, as well as non-woven geotextile fabric are used mainly for reinforcing road surfaces, as they are made from very durable polymers with excellent performance properties. These materials can perform separating and reinforcing functions, while absorbing point loads and distributing them over the widest area of ​​their surface. This ability makes it possible to reduce the occurrence of potholes, cracks, holes and ruts on the surface of the road surface itself. In cross-section, the structure of the roadway is a multi-layer “pie” in which the duration of operation of the road will depend on the stability and strength of each layer. The use of geosynthetics as a layer between bulk layers makes it possible to strengthen the base of the road and create a reliable road structure.

Also, between the layers of soil and crushed stone, a geogrid is laid, which prevents crushed stone from being pressed into soft soil, thereby reducing material consumption and increasing the overall stability of the base, while the crushed stone fractions are fixed in the cells of the geonet and form a composite layer that is well resistant to loads.


Non-woven geotextiles, which can even be used to strengthen the shore of a reservoir, are usually laid between sand and crushed stone. This material does not allow sand particles to penetrate between larger fractions of crushed stone, preventing the mixing of bulk materials, which significantly reduces their consumption and increases the overall stability of bulk layers, while performing separating and reinforcing functions. Microscopic holes in the geotextile fabric also give it drainage and filtering properties. Because of them, it does not become clogged with the smallest particles of soil, allowing air and moisture to pass freely. By its design, a geogrid is a three-dimensional canvas with cells filled with various bulk materials depending on the purpose of their use during the construction of certain construction works. Such a grid gives the road surface additional rigidity and promotes uniform distribution of the load on it. Gesynthetics in construction significantly reduce transportation costs, costs for materials, machinery and mechanisms, and energy costs, which leads to a significant reduction in the time of construction work.

Geogrid Armiset-AS

Geogrid Armiset-AS is supplied standard width 5.4 meters per roll. Each roll is packed in plastic film.

Geogrid Armiset-AS

Application of Armiset-AS geogrid

  • Reduction of rutting, deformation and shifts of road and airfield pavement during active operation
  • Reinforcement of structural layers of road and airfield pavements

Advantages of geogrid:

  • Increasing the time between repairs of road and airfield pavements
  • Reducing the formation of rutting, potholes, ridges, shifts and other deformations of the road surface by increasing the tensile strength of the asphalt concrete pavement and ensuring a more uniform distribution of stress over a larger area.
  • Preventing the re-occurrence of reflected and fatigue cracks from old to new layers of asphalt concrete pavement
  • Reducing the thickness of the asphalt concrete pavement layer
  • The presence of a thin technological substrate that facilitates the unhindered movement of people and equipment along the surface of the laid material
  • Possibility of producing material according to individual order requirements

Types of geogrid - AS

The problem of durability and crack resistance of asphalt concrete pavements is currently relevant for most automobile and airfield pavements of various categories. With the annual increase in automobile and air traffic, the dynamic loads that destroy the road structure are constantly increasing, and therefore the requirements for the strength characteristics of rigid and non-rigid road pavements are constantly becoming more stringent.

When through cracks appear in asphalt concrete layers, the solidity of the entire coating, the uniform distribution of incoming loads and their redistribution to the underlying layers of the base are disrupted. As a result, deformations of road pavements and irreversible structural damage to pavements appear. When reinforcing asphalt concrete pavements to prevent the above negative consequences It is recommended to use woven polyester geogrid ARMISET-AS to increase transport performance characteristics roads, thereby increasing the service life, eliminating and also slowing down the process of the appearance of road surface defects (cracks, potholes, ruts). The ARMISET-AS geogrid increases the elastic properties of asphalt concrete, increasing its resistance to tensile forces under long-term and repeatedly applied loads.

Transportation and storage of geogrid Armiset – AS

Woven geogrid Armiset-AS is supplied in widths from 4.20 to 5.40 m per roll. The weight of the rolls depends on the type of material. Each roll is packed in plastic film.

Reception and unloading

The delivered cargo must be checked for identification and possible damage during transportation. Damaged cargo should be set aside. The responsible party must sign a statement to confirm receipt of Armiset-AS in good condition. The following devices can be used for unloading:

  • forklift with matching steel support bracket (> 2/3 roll length)

Geotextile woven Armistab

Armistab is a woven polyester geotextile. The production of geotextiles is carried out using the latest high-tech German equipment.

Armistab - woven polyester geotextile

Application of Armistab geotextiles

  • Construction of reinforced soil structures (retaining walls).
  • Reinforcement of embankments on weak and heaving foundations during the construction of temporary roads, winter roads, parking lots and other structures.
  • Reinforcement of embankments for automobile and railways, construction of parking lots, taxiways and runways of airfield pavements
  • Construction of structures on pile foundations (creation of flexible pile grillages).
  • Construction of sites under high loads (container terminals, airfields, solid waste landfills).
  • Reinforcement and separation of heterogeneous and fine-grained soils, protection of soils from water erosion.

Advantages of Armistab geotextiles

  • High tensile strength up to 1600 kN/m2;
  • Separation and filtering functions;
  • Ability to perform work in winter;
  • High resistance to damage during installation;
  • High tensile strength with low elongation.
  • High level of resistance to microbiological and chemical influences pH 2.0-9.5;
  • Possibility of producing material according to individual customer requirements;

Laying geotextile Armistab

ARMISTAB geofabric due to its ability to absorb high tensile loads, as well as adhesion to the ground, when laid in earthworks together with compacted layers of soil it forms a fairly complex and durable structure. Having highest performance tensile strength, woven geotextile ARMISTAB is an indispensable component for reinforcing the subgrade. At high speed erecting embankments on heaving and weak soils (clay, peat) and insufficient shear strength of the foundation soil, the risk of reducing the bearing capacity of the entire structure increases. When placed between soil and aggregate, ARMISTAB is designed to eliminate this problem, increasing the bearing capacity of the soil and the stability of the entire embankment as a whole. During the construction of earthen supporting structures, woven geotextile AMISTAB, greatly facilitates the construction of embankments on weak foundations. The unique characteristics of ARMISTAB geofabric make it possible to repeatedly enhance the bearing capacity of the soil during the construction of breakwaters, dams, piers, and other port structures for various purposes. In the design and construction of landfill sites, it is recognized that excessive loads may cause cracks in the mineral insulating coatings. ARMISTAB geofabric laid under such a covering prevents critical deformations of the covering that occur during settlement of dumped debris or underlying soil. Often landfills have very steep slopes, in which ARMISTAB can also be used as a reinforcing element. Often, strengthening slopes with very steep slopes or retaining elements is limited by the shear strength of the soil. ARMISTAB allows you to achieve the necessary stability by reinforcing with horizontal layers of geofabric according to the “pie” principle. If it is necessary to ensure the bending of the landscape and ARMISTAB acts as external cladding structures, a layer of soil is poured, followed by sowing of grass. Summarizing the above, it can be noted that woven geotextile ARMISTAB is indispensable for reinforcing soils with low bearing capacity, allows you to avoid construction stoppages associated with the replacement and long-term consolidation of soil. It is also obvious that there is a reduction in material costs for carrying out the above work. Installing ARMISTAB does not require special equipment or special climatic conditions.

Geogrid Armiset-SL

Geogrid Armiset-SL

Application of Armiset-SL geogrid:

  • Strengthening coastlines reservoirs, bridge cones and overpasses.
  • Protection of slopes from landslide processes, wind and rain erosion.
  • Strengthening rock dumps during the development of mines and plants, followed by giving an aesthetic appearance by sowing grass.
  • Strengthening the slopes of the foundation pit embankment.
  • Landscape design (reinforced soil structures, artificial reservoirs etc)
  • Strengthening embankment slopes and excavations during the construction of roads and railways.

Advantages of the Armiset-SL geogrid:

  • Easy installation: due to the elasticity and low weight of the material, it accepts any unevenness of the slope without requiring additional anchoring.
  • Thanks to the 3-D structure, up to 90% of the material is open surface, which contributes to the rapid germination of the plant layer.
  • Resistance to chemical and biological influences pH 2.0-9.5.
  • Possibility of operation in different temperature limits (from -60 to +60 degrees), resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
  • The large width of the roll (up to 5.4 m and length up to 200 m) facilitates laying the material along the entire length of the slope without horizontal seams, thereby forming a single structure.
  • Possibility of producing materials according to individual customer requirements.

Laying geogrid Armiset-SL

When creating non-cohesive load-bearing layers, constructing slopes or supporting structures, first of all, it is necessary to align the height base layer and then compact it. Subgrade must be cleaned of the remains of previous structures, trees and stumps after uprooting, sharp objects and large stones. In some cases, it makes sense to additionally lay a layer of geotextile as a separator between the base and load-bearing layer(or a layer of embankment).

Cutting the material to length and laying it down

The rolls are rolled out over the entire area intended for reinforcement and cut into desired length knife or scissors. The cut part of the ARMISET-SL roll unfolds in its longitudinal direction, which is almost always the direction of the greatest tensile strength of the material, parallel to the direction of the load. On slopes and supporting structures, the load direction is always perpendicular to the axis of the structure. This generally also applies to the reinforcement of non-cohesive load-bearing layers in road construction. When laying the material, folds should be avoided. The material is laid vertically, the maximum permissible deviation is from +/- 1 cm to 1 m. Before application bulk material the canvas should be stretched using stakes or tension devices and slightly tensioned. In supporting structures or in the construction of slopes, joints of material sheets in the direction of reinforcement are not allowed. If joints cannot be avoided, then they must be confirmed by calculations. When organizing overlaps on flexible pile grillages in the direction of reinforcement, overlaps are allowed only on the pile heads. When reinforcing slopes and supporting structures, overlaps between adjacent sheets of ARMISET-SL material should be avoided. However, if construction requires it, the maximum permissible overlap width is 20 cm. When reinforcing non-cohesive load-bearing layers, the overlap connection should be about 25 cm, and only in exceptional cases in cases, for example in weak soil, about 50 cm. Overlapping areas can be reduced using seams. For any type of construction, the overlap areas should be covered with a layer of granular non-cohesive material with a thickness of 2 to 7 cm.

Laying bulk material

Vehicles are not allowed to move on rolled out sheets of material that are not covered on top. The movement of vehicles is allowed only after the creation of a fill layer with a thickness of at least 0.15 m. The thickness of the fill layer depends on the fill material and the compaction device used, but it should not exceed a maximum value of 0.50 m. Compaction should be carried out carefully and evenly, observing required minimum values ​​of degree of compaction or deformation modulus.

Types of geogrid-SL

ARMISET-SL is a woven polyester (polyester) 3D geogrid, made on the latest high-tech German equipment. Serves to strengthen road slopes.

The practice of construction and construction of embankment slopes and road excavations does not have a holistic design and technological solution in this area. There are two reasons for this: the absence of lightweight types of slope strengthening, which would occupy a niche between erosion protection using grass sowing, as well as massive fortifications in the form of slabs or riprap. The second reason is caused by the need to industrialize structures and fortifications, thereby reducing the volume and labor costs for performing work on slopes. Since work on slopes by people and machines is extremely complicated, and sometimes even extremely difficult, slopes with a pitch reaching 1:1.5-1:2 will serve as an example. In these cases it may be more effective flexible design like the polyester geogrid ARMISET-SL, which is more stable due to its better ability to accept various slope deformations, thereby ensuring better job material ARMISET-SL with primer. ARMISET-SL performs the functions of reinforcement, drainage during the development of the turf layer in the slope parts of embankments and excavations, and also increases their resistance to wind and water erosion and suffusion processes. The use of ARMISET-SL geogrid makes it possible to develop design solutions that are more effective in terms of technical and economic benefits.

Transportation and storage of Armicet-SL geogrid

Woven geogrid Armiset-SL is supplied in widths from 4.20 to 5.40 m per roll. The weight of the rolls depends on the type of material. Each roll is packed in plastic film.

Reception and unloading

The delivered cargo must be checked for identification and possible damage during transportation. Damaged cargo should be set aside. The responsible party must sign a statement to confirm receipt of Armiset-SL in good condition. The following devices can be used for unloading:

  • automatic unloading device on the delivery truck, with lifting straps attached to the steel tubular core (when unloading in this way, the recipient must carefully check the rolls for damage)
  • forklift with matching steel support bracket (> 2/3 roll length)
  • construction equipment with a paver or pipe of adequate force to push through the steel core.

Lifting belts, ropes, etc. should not chafe rolls and protective packaging. Unloading by simply picking up rolls or using simple belts may damage the material and is therefore not permitted. SETTKA is not responsible for damages arising in such cases.

Storage and transportation on the construction site

Rolls should be stored away from traffic on a flat, dry and clean surface. Rolls can be placed parallel, on top of each other, but in a quantity of no more than 4 rolls. Further overload should be avoided. It is recommended to cover the rolls with a tarpaulin to protect them from exposure ultraviolet rays. The packaging can only be removed immediately before installation. To move rolls from the storage area to the stacking site, use the transport system described above. Before transporting, check the protective packaging of each roll for damage.

Geogrid Armiset -RU

  • Preventing soil deformation and subsidence.
  • Reinforcement of embankments on weak foundations during the construction of permanent and temporary roads, parking lots and other structures
  • Advantages of geogrid-Armiset-RU:

    • Reducing layer thickness inert materials road structure.
    • Preventing mixing of components of dissimilar materials of construction.
    • Increasing the service life of facilities, increasing the time between repairs of roads and airfields.
    • High resistance of the material to biological and chemical influences, as well as ultraviolet and mechanical damage.
    • Possibility of use in reinforced soil structures in conjunction with gabion structures and facing blocks.
    • Easy installation thanks to technological features material.

    Types of geogrid-Armiset-RU:

    Problems that can arise when high loads are applied to the base of a road structure lead to the fact that the layer of crushed stone located in the road structure penetrates into the layers over time sandy soil, thereby disrupting the uniformity of the number of layers of material, which leads to the formation of various defects on the road (ruts, heaving), thereby reducing the service life and increasing the cost of maintaining this road.

    To prevent these negative consequences, it is recommended to use the material for reinforcing the bases of road structures ARMISET-RU (road geogrid), designed to improve the transport and operational characteristics of the road and increase its load-bearing capacity, thereby increasing its service life, eliminating and also slowing down the process of the appearance of associated defects with insufficient bearing capacity of the foundations (cracks, potholes, heaving, ruts). The SETTKA company also produces composite material under the brand name ARMISET-RU - a geocomposite with a non-woven backing made of polypropylene or polyester (Dornit type). The main features of this material are the possibility of its use as a reinforcing and draining layer that will drain excess moisture from the construction of road layers, and also serve as base reinforcement. Depending on the thickness of the non-woven substrate (100g/m2, 400g/m2, 800g/m2, etc.) the throughput rate and filtration coefficient of water in the road structure depend.

    Transportation and storage of geogrid Armicet-RU

    Woven geogrid Armiset-RU is supplied in widths from 4.20 to 5.40 m per roll. The weight of the rolls depends on the type of material. Each roll is packed in plastic film.

    Reception and unloading

    The delivered cargo must be checked for identification and possible damage during transportation. Damaged cargo should be set aside. The responsible party must sign a statement to confirm receipt of Armiset-RU in good condition. The following devices can be used for unloading:

    • automatic unloading device on the delivery truck, with lifting straps attached to the steel tubular core (when unloading in this way, the recipient must carefully check the rolls for damage)
    • forklift with matching steel support bracket (> 2/3 roll length)
    • construction equipment with a paver or pipe of adequate force to push through the steel core.

    Lifting belts, ropes, etc. should not chafe rolls and protective packaging. Unloading by simply picking up rolls or using simple belts may damage the material and is therefore not permitted. SETTKA is not responsible for damages arising in such cases.

    Storage and transportation on the construction site

    Rolls should be stored away from traffic on a flat, dry and clean surface. Rolls can be placed parallel, on top of each other, but in a quantity of no more than 4 rolls. Further overload should be avoided. It is recommended to cover the rolls with a tarpaulin to protect them from exposure to ultraviolet rays. The packaging can only be removed immediately before installation. To move rolls from the storage area to the stacking site, use the transport system described above. Before transporting, check the protective packaging of each roll for damage.

    Modern requirements and standards of the road surface become achievable through the use of innovative materials, which, in addition to their unique properties, will help save on the construction process and possible repair work in the future.

    In addition, modern geosynthetics convenient to transport, unlike its competitors – bulk materials for drainage. Their low delivery costs make them even more attractive to road builders.

    Application of geotextiles in road construction

    Road geotextiles It is important to use it to build an overpass or bridge when peat, clay or waterlogged soil is added to the base of the canvas. This is done in order to differentiate layers of different fractions (crushed stone, sand, soil) and prevent their mixing, which entails deformation of the road surface.

    Geotextiles have high strength. This allows it to be used more than once, but even after operation and further dismantling of a temporary road.

    Geotextiles vary in density. For road construction, materials are used from 250 g/sq.m for medium-load roads and car parking lots to 600 g/sq.m for roads especially loaded with heavy vehicles, runways, and so on.

    The excellent performance characteristics of road geotextiles allow it to find everything great options applications in the construction of all types of roads. This material is characterized by elasticity, resistance to various mechanical and chemical damage, resistance to temperature changes and excellent water-permeability qualities.

    Also, road geotextiles are used as a restorer of the road surface with its further reinforcement after the work has been carried out. renovation work overpasses and highways. Not allowing factions to mix various materials, this geosynthetic evenly redistributes loads, which eliminates the possibility of failure and deformation of the coating under heavy vehicles.

    The GeoSM company is a manufacturer of geotextiles. In order to buy road geotextiles at a wholesale price without markups from intermediaries, call us at 8-800-500-32-24. Our managers will help you select the required density of this geosynthetic material, based on the conditions of its use and the required functionality.

    Application of geogrids in road construction

    Geogrid is a rolled polymer geomaterial with a mesh structure.

    Geogrid is a highly efficient construction material, which has high strength, wear resistance and excellent adhesion (adhesion of the surface of different fractions).

    Functions of a road geogrid

    Geogrid is used as a separating and reinforcing layer in the construction and repair of roads at various levels: federal, local, embankments for railway tracks, as well as sidewalks and platforms for various purposes.

    The use of geogrids in road construction helps to strengthen the top layer of the road, making you forget about cracks, ruts, holes and other defects in asphalt and cement concrete. Geogrids prevent crumbling dirt roads, and are also used when applying new asphalt to old concrete covering roads and reinforces seams during its repair.

    Classification of road geogrid

    The classification of road geogrids is quite simple.

    The geogrid has:

    • scope of application (for asphalt concrete or soil);
    • material (fiberglass, polyamide, polyester, polypropylene, polyester);
    • design (uniaxial - mono-oriented, biaxial - double-oriented).

    Advantages of road construction technologies using geogrids

    Road construction using geogrids has a number of advantages:

    • significant reduction in construction time for facilities;
    • minimal costs;
    • reduction (up to 40%!!!) consumption of bulk materials (sand and crushed stone);
    • reducing the likelihood of road repair frequency;
    • improving the transport and operational characteristics of the road surface;
    • increasing the service life of roads.

    The GeoSM company is a manufacturer of geogrids. In order to
    buy road geogrid at a wholesale price without markups from intermediaries, call us at 8-800-500-32-2 4. Our managers will help you choose the required type of geosynthetic material, based on the conditions of its use and the required functionality.

    Application of geogrids in road construction

    Geogrids are increasingly used in road repair and construction work that passes through wetlands, sandy granular soils and permafrost zones.

    Flat geogrids are actively used in the construction of roads consisting of many lanes. This material is located between the load-bearing base and the bedding layer.

    Its use speeds up road construction and makes it economically profitable.

    The GeoSM company is a manufacturer of geogrids. In order to buy road geogrid at a wholesale price without markups from intermediaries, call us at 8-800-500-32-24. Our managers will help you select the required type of geosynthetic material, based on the conditions of its use and the required functionality.

    Application of geomembranes in road construction

    Geomembranes is another geosynthetic material that is successfully used in road construction and repair. The main raw material for its production is high-density polyethylene.

    Geomembranes in road construction perform two main functions:

    • waterproof the lower layers road clothing, raising moisture upward;
    • reinforce the road surface from possible deformations.

    Advantages of geomembrane in road construction

    Application of geomembrane:

    - reduces the volume of use of bulk materials for the base of the road surface by almost 50% - reduces the cost of construction work;

    - increases the strength of the road surface, making it more durable and reliable - increases the repair-free period of the road;

    — practically eliminates the possibility of siltation of the layers underlying the road surface;

    protects layers of road pavement from the destructive effects of groundwater;

    — reduces and distributes the pressure exerted on the road when the ground freezes.

    The GeoSM company is a manufacturer of geomembranes. In order to buy a road geomembrane at a wholesale price without markups from intermediaries, call us at 8-800-500-32-24. Our managers will help you select the required density of this geosynthetic material, based on the conditions of its use and the required functionality.

    Buy geosynthetics

    The GeoSM company produces and sells geosynthetic materials used for road construction.

    In order to buy geosynthetics at wholesale prices without markups from intermediaries, call 8-800-500-32-24 and order high-quality geomaterials for road construction right now!

    Engineering practice in the field of road construction, including strengthening slopes and excavations, proves the low rate of design and technological solutions in this area. This is due to several reasons: the lack of lightweight types of structural strengthening, and the need to industrialize road structures, as well as a reduction involume of carrying out necessary work(construction, reconstruction, repair of the roadway). One of constructive solutions is the applicationgeosynthetic materials, whichThey have been actively used in road construction throughout Europe for more than 50 years. Geosyntheticsmaterials help improvesoil and road stabilitysoft embankments provide protection against erosion, thereby preventing the process of suffusion. The use of geosynthetics increases the efficiency of technical and economic solutions in road construction. To this day, laboratory and field studies are being conducted on the effectiveness of the use of road geotextiles, which have repeatedly proven the manufacturability of the material.

    Study of the effectiveness of materials use

    With the creation of a full-size model of the roadway on crushed stone base V clay soil it became possible to study the mechanism due to which it provides the reinforcing function of the road surface model under given conditions when a two-axle vehicle with a rear load moves along it lower axle 9.1 t.

    The most interesting data was obtained by creating the same level of road deformation as in the case of impact vehicle. In the part of the web that contains geotextiles, the level of deformation is lower and less pronounced within the entire area of ​​impact of the wheel. On the contrary, in the part of the roadway that does not contain geotextiles, the deformations were deeper.

    Technical and economic advantages of permeable nonwoven fabric, placed between the soil and the base of the roadway, there is no doubt, but very often during design one has to face the problem of choosing the most suitable type of material for certain tasks.

    Density of road geotextiles? What is the difference?

    In general, we can say that when exposed to the same load, the use of lightweight materials (200-250 g/m²) provides low tensile strength and high permeability, while the use of materials with a slightly higher density (300-400 g /m²) leads to increased tensile strength and decreased permeability.

    The choice of geosynthetic material density depends on the purpose of the road structure. For example, when constructing federal highways, it is recommended to use geotextiles with a density of more than 300 g/m2.