home · Lighting · Drawing up a letter of gratitude to an employee for good work. Congratulations in verse for the last bell and graduation

Drawing up a letter of gratitude to an employee for good work. Congratulations in verse for the last bell and graduation

On this day, dear secretaries,
We wish you great happiness from our hearts,
May the light of youth and your happy dawn,
All yours life path illuminates brightly.
Let them be noticeable and successful,
All the things you take on will happen.
And may it be in the fate of each of you,
An unprecedented miracle will certainly happen.

Happy holiday to all of you,
Happy Secretary's Day, you are our dear ones,
May every hour of your life
It will become bright, let the house be a full cup.
Let the work boil and argue,
Don't let your work routine get boring
Let them be like flowers in our office,
Your life is full of health and blossoms.

All secretaries, assistants and assistants,
Assistants, nice office managers,
We will congratulate you today on the holiday,
Most best holiday, foremost.
Let your boss praise you more often for your work,
May everyone sincerely smile at you in the morning,
Close people and friends always support the path,
Let the spring sun warm your souls.

On the secretary's holiday, warm and spring,
We wish you happiness and peace of mind,
To have more vivid impressions,
So that you never lose your bearings.
Let your boss praise your work,
To have a pleasant life and friendship with colleagues,
May miracles happen to you more often,
Let there be complete bliss in your personal life.

I wish you to forget on Secretary's Day,
Take a break from persecution and work,
Like a phoenix reborn after death,
Go on vacation for twenty days.
Leave calls out of range
Let the director prepare the coffee himself,
Every minute will be more interesting
If you don't let other people's affairs go ahead.
Only for myself, my beloved self,
Leave secretarial duty away
After the holiday you will become the strongest,
And everything inside will turn over.

Today we will look with different eyes
At you, guard of the chief's office.
Of course, you will celebrate your holiday with us?
But we love you not only for this.
You work with a bunch of such documents,
You help the boss and receive clients.
And today there is a reason to stop,
Look at yourself, smile... Get drunk!

Always sweet, polite, beautiful,
Always aware of the most important matters.
Better make you some coffee for the boss
No one could ever do it.
Please accept congratulations on your holiday,
An excellent occasion - Secretary's Day,
You are the heart of our small company,
Her motor, to be honest.

The secretary is not a slacker with a cup of coffee,
This is a competent specialist
Able to solve a lot of problems at once,
Calm and polite, an optimist at heart.
Today we cordially congratulate her,
We are truly grateful for your help.
Health, good luck, family happiness
We want to wish her today.

Submitting phone calls,
You are fluent in languages,
Energetic, smart and agile,
You know how to work competently.
Let your work bring inspiration,
Let your income grow fairly
Good luck, success, luck
And only pleasant worries!

Who goes to the boss's office without fear?
The heart beats and trembles like a caught bird.
And when we see you in the reception area, we immediately smile,
Because the mood rises sharply.
You are smiling, kind, competent, friendly,
And for this we all love you very much in return.
And the boss really appreciates you, such an employee!
We wish you happiness - feminine, simple!

Always on guard for the cabinet leadership,
Always smart, attentive, smart.
You are the secretary. This profession
Believe me, you have mastered it completely.
She is complex, sometimes very nervous,
Therefore, I wish you patience
We want, and with immeasurable gratitude
We wish you joy from life!

September is already on the decline,
And autumn is so completely golden.
Today is a holiday day,
And we all gathered here, congratulating you.
We wish that the fax is always obedient,
So that the client is never rude,
So that your boss respects you and your colleagues love you!
We bought you flowers too, secretary!

[in prose]

Congratulations on Secretary's Day in prose

You are the most important key, without which the treasured door will not open. You are the keeper of order and coherence. You - right hand superiors. Let everything turn out great in your destiny! May luck lead you to happiness and prosperity! Let your health not let you down! Be smart, beautiful and a bright star! May all roads lead to you. Happy Secretary's Day!

Secretary's Day is your holiday, girlfriend! Being a secretary now means being able to do a thousand different things in a day, and at the same time smile, remain polite and remember everything. You are smart, you are like an actress on stage. And, I must admit, you are doing a great job as a secretary! Let your boss and employees appreciate you. Happy holiday!

There are different secretaries: the secretary of the leader, the secretary of the Academy of Sciences, the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee; There is, they say, even a secretary bird. But they are all completely uninteresting to me - after all, next to me there is a person who is dear to me not by the name of his position, but by other, much more significant qualities. And yet, I congratulate you on Secretary’s Day - this is a wonderful reason to be with you once again. So happy holiday!

You are the face of our company, thanks to you, order, politeness and a positive mood always reign. Today, on Secretary's Day, we hasten to congratulate you on your professional, bright holiday. Admiring your innate tact, composure and intelligence, we express gratitude for the daily comfort that you create for all of us. I wish you happiness, autumn warmth and love!

The secretary is a responsible position, the right hand of the manager. So let your profession help the company prosper. I wish you to be savvy in all matters, understand any business subtleties and nuances, and also, of course, remain as beautiful, because the secretary is the face of the company!

Without you, charming secretary, the life of management would be difficult and chaotic, because it is you who keeps documents in order, informs and reminds about important meetings, pleases you with a cup of delicious coffee and at the same time always smiles kindly! I congratulate you today on a wonderful Secretary's Day. May happiness reign in your life, may good luck and warmth please you. Happy holiday!

How difficult it is to have a profession where you need to perform many tasks, related to different specializations. Today is the day of the universal worker, the heart of any company, firm - Secretary's Day. Who is the first to learn about new personnel promotions, knows all the instructions and orders, and who saves them from the boss’s wrath? Of course, secretary! And he enjoys the well-deserved respect of the team for good reason. We congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you patience, endurance, steadfastness in dealing with emergency situations at work and simply being a happy person!

Greet visitors, remind about the meeting, send and receive correspondence, call, prepare, compose... The secretary has so many different things to do and worries that his head is spinning! On your professional day, allow yourself to be a little distracted, if only to accept our sincere congratulations! We wish you to always shine with health and optimism! Let your work bring not only prosperity, but also pleasure!

Who is the most main man in any office? Boss? Not at all! The most important person in the office is the secretary! Well, on Secretary's Day, I congratulate you and wish you order in your workplace, in your personal life and in your thoughts. Let today be the beginning of a grandiose period of growth, development and prosperity! Happy professional holiday to you!

Last call script 2015

(fanfare sounds, the presenter enters)


Today is an unusual day:
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To class, to the last farewell
The graduation class is leaving.

May day plays on the line,
The breeze whispers gently in the leaves,
Seeing off your pets on their way,
The school will give them last call!

There will be a sea of ​​​​guests to worry,
There will be many poems and flowers -
Oceans of thunderous applause
We welcome graduates!


Greetings to the 11th grade graduates and class teacher__________

(music “School Years” plays, graduates enter)


Greetings to the 9th grade graduates and class teacher____________


Ceremonial lineup dedicated to the Last Bell is declared open

(The Russian Anthem plays)

Pupils reciting poems

1st reader.

Here it is, the last day of school,

And May is a wizard, admire for yourself,

Generously showered with tender lilacs

Lilac fragrant flowers.

2nd reader.

In the rain or in the heat,

But in due time

Every new spring

There is a last call.

It's like an exam

He's like a new dawn

He sums it up

School years lived.

3rd reader.

He spends at the entrance

Into the infinity of roads,

He is in any weather

He will call you over the threshold.

He is beautiful, desperate,

Ready to become a springboard

He signals the beginning

The main steps in life.

4th reader.

How many promises it contains!

This ringing calls into the distance.

It contains the bitterness of farewells,

And there are a million hopes.

In the rain or in the heat,

But in due time

Every new spring

There is a last call.


The floor is given to the school director______________________________

(Director's speech)


We continue the long-awaited holiday
And we present the word to those

Who we've been waiting for
To guests of honor in our hall

Today at our Last Bell celebration there are _______________________________________________________

(Guest performance)

Leading: And now the floor is given to our graduates of grades 9 and 11.

Oh, school, school, where are you?

Where are our childhood dreams?

And all of our teachers?

We part, loving you.

The last bell will ring,

He won't call us to class.

You all taught us how to live.

We should thank you

You will forgive us for our mistakes.

We will remember and love you,

And yours kind smiles,

And don't forget our school.

(Presenting a memorable gift to the school)

To the director

Thank you, our director,

Because mistakes were forgiven,

Because our class is windy

We were pointed in the right direction.

Thank you for your patience

And just warmth from the heart.

Today we are a little older

Thank you for the beauty -

That beauty of the soul that warmed

All our school years,

And the wisdom that protected

On that path - from beginning to end

(Presentation of a memorable gift)

The first teacher.

I open the doors to the classroom again

And I remember the best moments

When did you first know us?

We were funny, no doubt about it.

My first teacher.

We express our gratitude to you today.

We say thank you from the bottom of our hearts

And we sincerely thank you for everything.

For a fairy tale, for a smile, for a dream,

For true kindness of the heart.

They led the faithful along the path to knowledge.

You gave us life lessons.

Leading: Over to you, the first teachers of our graduates________________

(Presentation of a memorable gift)

Poem to the class teacher

School class, lessons, knowledge,

Understanding your gaze

Vigilant attention

And our usual way of life,

Your good conversations,

Our useful school work,

And those who have not learned troubles,

And the itch of mischief!

You were angry - so what!

There is one answer for seven troubles.

There is still no one younger than you

And there is no prettier school!

The teachers are all wonderful

Everyone is good in some way.

Only better than our cool one

Don't try - you won't find it!

(Presentation of a memorable gift)

Leading: The floor is given to the class teacher of the 11th grade ____________________________________________________________

Presenter: The floor is given to the 9th grade class teacher___________________________________________________________

Poems for teachers and school staff.

Big bow to wonderful people,

Which are always in the shadows.

We will remember them for a long time

Because they are kind.

For greeting me politely

Us in the wardrobe and in the foyer,

They washed us, they wiped away the dust,

We thank you doubly.

In school museums and in the first aid station,

And in the secretary's room

Friendly people

It was not in vain that they worked for us.

Because they fed us deliciously,

We are sad to part with them

After all, you worked “for five.”

Forgive us for offending us

With harsh words we sometimes

All that you gave us in life,

It will remain in our hearts.

Poem about parents

One wise man was asked: “Tell me, what is happiness?” He replied: “This is when I am young at heart, when my beloved is next to me, when my parents are alive and well.”

Our dear fathers and mothers! Our closest, dearest, beloved people! Thank you for helping us overcome our first school road in life, thanks to you we did not turn away from it and reached our final destination. We promise to please you, we will try to meet your expectations. Thank you so much for your mental strength...

At this hour we still have to say

About those who gave us life,

About those closest to you world people,

About those who helped me grow,

And it will help in many ways.

Our parents follow us invisibly,

And in joy and in the hour when trouble came,

They strive to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

Forgive us, dear, dear,

After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people.

As they say, children are the joy of life,

And you are our support in it!

Song for parents

Let my song fly to my native land,
Let it not meet any obstacles on the way.
Her family is impatiently waiting for her,
waits and loves and misses you very much.
A tear will silently roll down my cheek,
I remember my parents again.
Save, my song, dear eyes,
save them, please, I conjure!

Chorus: 2 times
Save my mother from troubles
and save your father from bad weather,
because there are no dearer people in the world,
my song give them happiness.

My heart keeps crying
and rushes home,
lacks parental affection.
How I want to return to my father’s, dear, home,
listen to mother's good stories.
You fly, my song, forward around the world
and do not be afraid of the fate of trials.
Let your long flight be carefree,
you fly to my mom and dad.

Chorus: 2 times

Response to school students

Graduate: Dear guys! Today we say goodbye to school. You, its present and future remain in it. Therefore, we pass on all school traditions to you. Let the happiness of knowledge, the joy of communication, the atmosphere of love and creativity, constant search, the unity of student and teacher always live in our school. We promise that throughout our lives we will carry with us the sound of school bells, the uniqueness of the first school lesson, the bright sadness of the prom, the spirit of school camaraderie, heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for our teachers. We promise to proudly bear the title of graduate of our school.

Response to first graders

Graduate: The smallest residents of our school, first graders! So quickly the pages of the calendar flew around, connecting autumn and spring. And you are no longer the helpless little jackdaws we accepted to school on September 1st. You already look at the world consciously and confidently. Yours school desk has now become a school ship. Feel free to sail this ship on the school sea of ​​knowledge, good luck and success! Grow up strong, smart, kind.

Leading: The floor is given to first graders

    For your last lesson

The bell will now ring.

First class wishes you:

Good luck and good luck!

2. How much did you learn at school?

How many books have you read?

We are on your way

There are still many years to go!

3. You are quite different gained knowledge,

It just seems sometimes to teachers,

You deliberately missed something,

So that there is something left for us to learn!

4. We also want to grow up quickly,

We also want to get a certificate,

We will be strong, we will be brave,

We will do a lot of good for people!

5. How much joy, how much anxiety

Gave you a school bell.

Well, let's walk with him

Ten years, ten springs and winters!

6. We know that childhood cannot be repeated,

School friendships will never be forgotten.

Don’t forget your loved ones these walls,

Small and big changes!

7. You have become adults now,

And you won’t get your childhood years back.

School has opened the door to life for you.

And showed the way!

8. You and I have almost finished our studies.

We should go for a walk,

It’s up to you to take the Unified State Exam!

Wish us good entertainment.

We wish you: (in unison ) break a leg!

Gifts are given to graduates

1st reader.

School bells rang,

Ten years have passed with lessons

From the moment we became students,

And today we are graduates.

2nd reader.

The school led us along the path of knowledge,

We all grew up, but not suddenly,

And he was always there with us

Our school teacher is our best friend.

3rd reader.

How I want to walk along the corridors,

Hear a quiet whisper, a children's din,

Collect flowers in a big mountain

And throw them at the teacher’s feet!

The graduates perform a song...

We studied at school for many years
Everyone studied well
And we'll tell you a secret
That we are very lucky

Learned a lot of different things
The whole school recognized us
We fell in love with each other
We are a huge family

Gained a lot of knowledge
And thank you for them
To you, beloved ones, relatives,
We say to the coolest

If life gets tough
Or just sometimes
We'll come visit you
To always be remembered

CHORUS: We wish those who remained good luck
Always get more A's
We will not be able to forget our native school
And we will remember her often 2p

We give flowers to teachers. (Background music)

Leading: In memory of your childhood, make your deepest wish and release the doves into the heights of heaven.

(They launch pigeons)

Performed by graduates

Song “Last Call”

    We remember both our first and fifth grades,

What were we like for you at that time?

And school and desks and the first bell,

Good luck, tasks and first lesson.

Now foreign lands will call us,

Distant distances, large seas.

And we dreamed about this moment more than once,

We are with you for the last time.


And our childhood is gone into yesterday,

The time has come for us to part.

It's almost time for exams,

The first summer flower has already bloomed.

For the last time, you are the last call,

Call us for the last lesson,

Ring, ring, only, only for us

Last time.

    Teacher, teacher, don’t be sad,

Please forgive our pranks.

Sorry that we're growing up, sorry that we're leaving,

We will take your image with us in our hearts.

Thank you for your severity, for your affection and laughter,

For friendship, for help, for first success.

And we will remember this moment more than once,

We are with you for the last time.

The chorus is the same:

Leading: The bell rings for the last time.
A call of hope and a call of farewell
And the moments of parting are approaching
And ahead - confusion of roads.

And the sun shines in the sky as before,
But childhood has its time in life.
And then the bell rings for the last time,
A call of farewell, and a call of hope.

Leading: The right to give the last call is granted to: ___________________________________________________________________

(bell rings)

Leading: This concludes our holiday. The right to leave the holiday first is given to graduates.(Music sounds, graduates enter the school)

Happy birthday. I wish you always have enough strength and vigor for successful work, because being a secretary is not an easy task. Therefore, let every day be successful, eventful, productive and interesting in its own way. I wish you not to know fatigue and spiritual sadness, I wish you to live beautifully, cheerfully, luxuriously and wonderfully!

The profession of a secretary is an excellent start to a brilliant career, you are at on the right track, and on Secretary’s Day, we not only congratulate you, but also wish you, without stopping there, to boldly look forward, and, fulfilling your dreams, to live happily ever after!

Today is the birthday of a wonderful secretary, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you easy work and pleasant worries, respectful attitude and success in business, great happiness and excellent mood, a fulfilling life and bright emotions.

Today is Secretary's Day, accept my congratulations! You are actually the second person after your boss, you manage a thousand things and are always with you great mood and a sea of ​​fresh strength! Today we would like to wish you more smiles, good luck and love!

Happy birthday to the most responsible, attentive and successful secretary. I wish you great success and prosperity in your activities, prosperity and understanding in your home, sincere love in your heart, joy in your soul, brilliant prospects for the future and true happiness in the present.

Please accept my congratulations on Secretary's Day! From pure heart I want to wish you luck and happiness, as well as beauty and prosperity! Know how to achieve your goals, be with everyone excellent relations and know everything about your business - that’s the secret to success!

Congratulations on your personal professional holiday! Let Secretary's Day help you achieve your goals, strive for the best and enjoy life. I wish you to work with pleasure and not to forget that your work is always worthy of praise!

On Secretary's Day, my wishes are as follows: I wish you to always obey your boss in everything and never contradict him, because a good relationship with leadership is the key to success! I wish you to enjoy life and believe in the best, and never doubt your own abilities!

I send you my most sincere and sincere congratulations Happy professional holiday - Secretary's Day. Let there be only successes and ups in your work, and no downs! Let your good mood protect you, let your bosses appreciate you, and often increase your salary!

I wish you nothing but lots and lots of pleasure from your work. Moral pleasure, financial and material pleasure. Congratulations on Secretary's Day, may you be overtaken by a whole sea of ​​inspiration for great work achievements!

Happy birthday to a magnificent, responsible, successful, successful and the best secretary. I wish you order in documents and affairs, understanding from your superiors and respect from colleagues, high performance results and undoubted happiness on the path of life.

Congratulations on your holiday and I really want to wish you success in your work! A lot depends on your work, because one mistake in a document can sometimes cost a company its reputation. Everything rests on you, so let professionalism be your strong point!

I congratulate you on Secretary’s Day and want to wish you inexhaustible professionalism, optimism and success in all matters and any endeavors. I wish you to gain respect in the team, learn to achieve your goals and always make sure that the boss doesn’t make mistakes!

I would like to congratulate you on Secretary’s Day with all my heart! I sincerely wish you great happiness, an interesting and cheerful life, and that there will always be room for imagination, creativity and real celebration! May your day be filled with love and goodness!

Today, on Secretary's Day, I want to wish you to be a true master of your craft, be able to achieve what you want, strive for the best, remember the future, love and be loved! May your work be for the benefit of the entire company and bring prosperity to the team!

I congratulate you on Secretary's Day and I want to wish you to do your job professionally, to master all the skills that are necessary for successful work! I wish you to be able to understand people well and get along with your superiors!

The secretary is the boss’s right hand, without him it’s like without fresh air, it is impossible to understand the routine of affairs! Today is a holiday, Secretary's Day, and I congratulate you, I wish you to work even harder and better and grow on yourself, and success will certainly overtake you!

Without knowing fatigue, but without unnecessary fuss, you skillfully manage all your affairs, answer hundreds of calls and with all your appearance and work, you prove that you bear the title of secretary with pride and honor! Today, by the way, is Secretary's Day, please accept my congratulations and best wishes!

Happy birthday to the wonderful secretary! We wish that the workload office work did not deprive you of the joys of life. So that you always have a great mood and a smile on your face! Health, personal happiness and career growth! May everything work out for you!

What are the responsibilities of a secretary? It’s impossible to list everything! Lots of important things and little things, troubles for the whole working day! But on this holiday, on Secretary’s Day, it’s time to relax a little and accept congratulations with a smile! I wish you happiness and love, good luck and inspiration!

Happy Secretary's Day! You type quickly, answer calls politely, and keep more details in your memory than in a notebook! I want to wish you great success in your work, happiness in your personal life, fulfillment of desires and a cheerful, good mood for every day!

May your secretary's day give you only pleasant emotions and the best impressions! I want to wish good mood, as many joyful moments as possible! May this day be filled with pleasant emotions, positivity and fulfillment of desires!

If a person’s mood depends on the weather, then you, since the sun is shining today, the birds are singing, and the whole world is filled with positivity, today you should be in a simply wonderful mood. Moreover, you have another reason for joy - your professional holiday! Congratulations!

Today, as a representative of the most sought-after profession, I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday. May Secretary's Day bring you only positive emotions, respect, joy, and most importantly, just a great mood.

Happy birthday to a wonderful secretary, a responsible and important worker. I wish you order in your papers, mutual understanding in relationships, pleasant new acquaintances, interesting ideas, activities without mistakes and difficulties, life in the rays of happiness and love.

They say that a special place of work has been prepared for every person in the world. And if a person finds such a place, he is told that he is a specialist from God. And looking at how you feel about your profession, I understand that you are just such a specialist! Congratulations!

When a person loves his job, it is immediately noticeable. When a person loves his job, he is not lazy to wake up in the morning, get ready, come and start work right away. I congratulate you on Secretary's Day, and I wish you to always do only the work you love.

On your holiday, Secretary's Day, may spring give you a lot of inspiration, joy, positive emotions and success for the most productive work. I congratulate you on this day and wish you to always receive only positive and pleasure from your profession.

Congratulations! I wish you a lot of pleasure from your work! Let your bosses and colleagues respect you and often pamper you with flowers and sweets. Let them give you a high salary so that you can go to resorts often! I sincerely congratulate you on Secretary's Day!

Honey, I congratulate you on Secretary's Day. A day of smart, long-legged beauties who make visitors forget about the purpose of the visit. May you always have a cup of delicious coffee, sweets and flowers on your table. And let your boss only praise you and increase your salary.

Darling, today is your holiday, Secretary's Day. I admire your versatile abilities, responsibility and ability to find a way out of even the most hopeless situation. I wish you wisdom and patience, smiles and good mood.

The beautiful face of the office,
And it all depends on you
First of all, they judge by their clothes,
Do you know how to control yourself?

You are a Secretary with a capital letter,
Always amazingly good
Your friends love you very much
Men are simply crazy!

Today, friend, congratulations!
Today is Secretary's Day!
I wish you a lot.
Listen here - like this: I wish -

The salary is higher, the chair is softer,
Always hot tea in your cup!
A smile is wider, life is sweeter
And may there be a blooming May in your soul!

My faithful friend,
The whole office froze without you
After all, your table is not an altar
You are the almighty SECRETARY!

I sincerely congratulate you:
I wish to find a higher “throne”.
(After all, you are smart enough,
So that you become the boss yourself)

Secretarial work
Needs attention
And control and care,
Understanding in everything.

Mom, on your day I wish
Lots of happiness and goodness!
May your wishes come true
Life is generous with joy!

You enter the office with a light gait,
You have time to do everything - our talisman.
You are our real find,
Apparently, it’s not for nothing that he was given such a secretary!

We congratulate you on this holiday,
Enjoy life, fall in love, love,
And from our hearts we still wish
Find your happiness on the way!

Girlfriend, this holiday is yours,
You are the right secretary!
To you with an open soul
I wish you well in life!

Let it be easy for you
Any extra task
May fate reward you
For all your efforts!

You are the secretary
The employee is not easy.
We are delighted
Intelligence and beauty!

We want to wish
Only the best for you:
Don't grieve
And joy in fate!

The most important rank in the company,
Schedule for everyone
She will remind you about business
Radiates joy and laughter!

May you have help from above
And in all matters you are welcome,
The secretary breathes cordiality,
And he knows everything in advance!

For all the secretaries of the planet,
To keep your office warm!
So that the boss notices his efforts,
May the Lord love you!

I wish you great health,
May your dreams come true,
May happiness always be new!
To the Secretaries of the Earth - VIVAT!

The secretary is a business bird!
You are my friend, I love you!
You're so. You know, you are like that.
I want to congratulate you on the holiday!

Happy Secretary's Day
And I wish you to work joyfully!
Let everything in life be “Hurray!”
Secretary, business bird!

Let your wishes come true in life,
And also – do a good job!
There's nothing to worry about
May the desired success come!

I congratulate you, secretary,
I want to say so many words!
Devoting all my time to work,
You are ready to help everyone!

Let your wishes come true
Let work be a joy!
Of good! And in fact - prosperity!
So that sadness does not touch your life!

Today is secretary's day
And you, my friend, are a secretary!
And - I congratulate you!
I wish for a more senior position!

I also wish you warm days!
Good bosses endlessly!
And only hearts and suits
If only your life were like this!

Secretary - irreplaceable
office worker,
May your enthusiasm be unquenchable
Will not fade away on weekdays

Stay cheerful
And just as cute.
Every working day is new
Let it go beautifully!

Sister, Happy Secretary's Day!
Goodness and joy without end!
Giving you the warmth of my soul,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Let there be harmony in all matters,
And a bonus to your salary,
So that everything that is in your dreams,
One day you become rich!

A real office altar,
You are always well-groomed and beautiful!
Our faithful comrade-in-arms, the secretary,
You work honestly, not in vain.

Congratulations on this day to you,
And today we wish you the best:
You live, hoping and loving.
Everything will come true for you. We know.

I send to my beloved wife
On a wonderful Secretary's Day
The warmth of both words and kisses,
Giving everything in the world the best.

May your every day be the best
Your beauty always blooms,
And let a happy bright occasion
Will give miracles in life!

You get a lot of things done during your shift,
You don't seem to get tired at all,
You greet guests with a gentle smile,
And you don’t give any reason to be offended!

Today is a holiday - the secretary is held in high esteem,
Please accept congratulations on this day!
We can't find another one in the whole world,
Let your life's goal come true!

Secretary - this profession
Very necessary and important, and in general!
How are you always dressed elegantly?
You always greet your guests with a smile!

Response word on the “Last call” line


Graduates come to the center of the line.

Waltz "Parting"

You, completing the required path,

Don’t forget your dear school,

The first fine day in September,

The first formal school bell

Native class, native class threshold.

We part to meet again,

After all, love remains forever,

Years later, clear as a stream,

Let the school bell ring,

Let it ring - the school farewell bell.

Do you hear the spring winds blowing?

The time has come for us to part.

The farewell bell will ring for us,

This last lesson will end,

This last school lesson will end.

School, School! Last day
We come to class
Will sound for us today
Final call.

Our childhood is within these walls
Stays forever

We will never return!

It's time to say goodbye
A tear runs down my cheek,
It's a pity that it's more to school
We will never return!

We read, we wrote,
We solved tests.
We sat day after day
In front of the blackboard.

Six lessons - the hard way
We should straighten our backs,
We should turn our necks,
We need to warm up our muscles.

But the bell rings again
Calling for a lesson.

Last day of school.
My soul is in turmoil:
Sometimes there’s joy, laughter, sometimes there’s a lump in the throat,
A series of bright emotions.

Sincere filial "thank you"

We tell all teachers.

Be young and happy

Mira, for long years, good health to you!

We want to say thank you today together.

We cannot convey everything in words.

We, dear ones, need to take care of you all.

This is what we wanted to tell you.

    Words of gratitude to the school staff.

Greetings to the director:

The cup of our unspent feelings,

And the living breath of spring,

And our love and gratitude

We address it to the director.

From dawn to dusk you are at work,

You are always in search and in care,

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

The heart will urgently help anyone.

We wish you to remain like this,

In spite of all adversity, smile

And save this dear house,

So that you can meet our children there!

Dear _____________________! Thank you for your work! Please accept flowers from us.

We bow to the head teachers,

Who among us is not in love with you?

You are sincere and kind

And yet so smart.

Thank you for this hard work! For the knowledge you gave us, for your patience! We are extremely pleased to express our gratitude to you on such a significant day.

We sincerely thank the head teachers of our school:________________________________________________________________!!!

Dedicated to the First Teachers

How quickly time flies, it would seem that just recently, with a briefcase in your hands and a bouquet of flowers, you were walking to the 1st grade, and the 1st bell called you to the 1st lesson.

On the threshold of the school you were met by your first teacher.

There are avenues for Enthusiasts and Builders,

But if I tell you frankly,

I am a street in honor of the First Teacher

I would definitely like to name it!

And let there be a big school on it,

The bell rings like a bell,

And so that they hurry to her in a cheerful crowd

Boys and girls to class.

Dear ______________________________!

Do you recognize us? Look...

Your first-graders are standing here,

We wore big backpacks,

Rulers, pens, blotting pads.

We remember you with love

So dear, so familiar,

How did you mothers treat us?

And we felt at home with you.

We will remember you like this

And we can’t change our memory,

Graduates are now before you

They want to bend their knees.

Thank you for your amazing work,

For sincerity, generosity of soul - without deception

For the fact that, even though the years go and go,

You will forever remain our school mom.

Presentation colors the first teachers.

Dedicated to class teachers...

After the first teacher, your class teachers carefully took you into their reliable hands, like a relay baton.

Our cool leader,

Let me congratulate you,

Our large and friendly class

Congratulates you today.

And today is a spring day

Are you in good mood.

You are second school mothers,
You are not afraid of life's dramas,
Are you ready to help us?
Overcome all bad weather.

Presentation of flowers

After primary school you have moved to the middle level and you are already surrounded by many teachers. For five years they taught you not only school sciences, but also many other life sciences.

And now our graduates will express their gratitude to their teachers.

Dear teachers,
Our dear, dear ones!
Can't find all the words
To express love!

We respect you very much
We appreciate, we love, we adore,
Our class welcomes you,
Our deepest bow to you!

Dedicated to the social educator:

We can't live without you,
If they don't let you into class,
If difficulties arise,
You immediately got into the problem.

Social teacher

from bad habits saved us

protected from crimes

and boyish excitement.

Dedicated to speech therapist ________________ and psychologist _____________________:

Like artists we teach sounds,

We say them in response.

For any problem in the word

Will give us good advice.

Always calm and tactful

He will never shout at us

I wanted to be like you in everything

On you.

Dear _______________ and ___________________________! Thank you for your support and understanding!

Dedicated to labor education teachers...

Introduce us to mastery

Not that simple at all;

Make something with your hands

Sometimes it can be difficult.

Everyone must work
Both simple and important.
If you learn
You can change.

Monkey into man

Only work could transform.

Sewing, planing and pounding,

We will! To live better!

teachers, ________________________________

Thank you for the love,
We will come to your office again one day.
Let's tell you how bored we were without you,
Don't forget our fun class.

Dedicated to the physical education teacher ___________________________________

On a fine day or a gloomy morning -

There are no weather barriers for us!

To hurry to physical education -

Your wonderful item!

Inspiring with your talent,

You have added goodness to the world.

We sincerely congratulate you

And we shout to you: “Fizkult-hurray!”

Dedicated to music teacher ______________________________:

Music lessons more than once.
They boldly gave it to each of us.
Music was taught to listen and understand,
And we all tried to get on your nerves.
Don't be discouraged, you are the best
After all, the wars are already past the worst time.
You gave us wonderful years,
Believe me, your worries about us are not in vain.

To the tune of "Pinocchio's Song"

1. Who has everyone known since childhood?

Who is responsible for us?

Who should give us knowledge?

To tell about everything in the world,

Whose creative work is not easy

Tell me, what is his name?

Our teacher!

2. He is both an artist and a poet,

he is always 15 years old.

He surrounded us with warmth,

He is our idol, he is our hero!

He's a funny buffoon during the holidays

So what's his name anyway?

Our teacher!

3. He is surrounded by people's rumors.

He's not an icon, he's alive

In his hands is the key to happiness

And that's why he's so lucky

And the children sing songs.

Tell me, what is his name?!

Our teacher! Our teacher!

Dedicated to our librarian ___________________________________:

Modern man

Develops intelligence -

Nothing is more important than a book

There is no such thing!

And it has been like this for centuries

Everyone needs a librarian!

Dear _________________________! Thank you for your work!

Dedicated to medical workers:

You can show the miracles of medicine
In difficult times, you will always help us.
Today we say to you: “Thank you!”

Please accept small surprises from us.

Dedicated to the canteen workers...

We love to eat very much
We are strong in this matter.
You fed us more satisfyingly,
So that we grow faster.

What smells in the dining room every day.
Cutlets, soup, sweets and other bliss,
We adore these tastes perfection,
It’s not too lazy to go down to the second floor for this.

Thank you for your work!

Dedicated to the technical staff...

Here fluttering like birds

The technicians create comfort.

Here they count the minutes

And they always give a call.

Thank you for your work,
They are waiting for you at school with hope.
Cleanliness is the key to success
Joy, fun, laughter.

Dear_______________________________________ Thank you for your work!

Dedicated to the secretary of our school:

Our best secretary
The age knows no peace.
In the morning and without lunch,
She helps everyone.
He will fill out any paperwork with a smile.
The error will be corrected in the documents.

Thank you! Please accept flowers from us.

    Words of gratitude to parents.

Parents are our support in all endeavors! We can safely say that they studied with us, going through the curriculum of each class and participating in extracurricular activities. Dear Parents! We give you a high five!

Well, how can we not remember today those

Who shared joy, sorrow, laughter with you,

Who got you to school every day

And sometimes I burned with shame for you.

Parents! You can't go anywhere without them!

Any trouble - no problem with them!

And joy, so full to have fun -

After all, together you study and learn!

Our dear parents!

We want to thank you

For caring, for being with us

Everyone is ready to take the exams.

You moved from class to class,

We gained knowledge and grew.

Everything we were taught at school

You helped us manage everything.

Thank you, our dear parents.

Forgive us if we offended you in any way,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at my father's temples

And for the wrinkles of my own face.

Let us bow to the ground at your waist,

Thank you, dear ones, thank you!


Like a joyful holiday, fairy tales end.

Like a movie reel, dreams are cut short,

No longer relying on anyone's tips,

You must solve all problems yourself.

Not every path will be smooth,

Not all trials will be easy,

And life lies before you like a notebook,

In which there is not a single line yet.

"Call me with you…"

The day came when the school bell rang

Sounds sad

Inviting us to the last lesson.

And at the farewell hour

Our teacher looks at us with excitement,

And we understand now

How much he did for us...

Leaving the school class

We say: “Goodbye!”

Expensive our teacher,

We wish you farewell,

So that all students

Like us, we loved you,

To new dreams

We regained the power of heights.

Option with pigeons or balloons?

According to tradition, on the day of farewell to school, graduates say goodbye to childhood and graduate Balloons.

Dear graduates! Hold hands together, stand in a circle, make a wish and let go of your childhood forever. Let it fly to other boys and girls.

Graduates dance, walk in circles, sing, and converge in the middle.

Bright festive fireworks

Let the colored balloons fly!

Let them decorate the world everywhere

The golden years of childhood!

Let's all count down the last seconds of our passing childhood: five, four, three, two, one... Let go of your childhood!

Graduates let goballs.

Let these balls fly into the sky

Let the cranes fly high...

We're letting you all go, guys...

With wishes of happiness and love!