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Underwater gardens. Underwater temple-garden in Bali. It's worth seeing! Problems in an aquarium with live plants. Shrimp - an indicator of well-being

Pecan...have you heard of this one? Pecan nuts are rightfully classified as superfoods. Today you will learn about the benefits and harms of this amazing product for orgasm. Pecans are one of the most popular edible nuts in the United States and are native to North America and Mexico. Pecan trees, native to southern and central North America, were used as a food source by Native Americans for many centuries before the arrival of colonists. Pecans were not domesticated until the 17th century; the first plantations of this plant appeared in Mexico. The pecan tree is a large deciduous tree belonging to the nut family and can bear fruit for 300 years. Nuts appear in autumn.

What does a pecan look like?

In appearance, the pecan resembles the familiar walnut to all of us, but the size of the pecan nut is larger. The nut itself has an elongated oblong shape and smooth surface shells. Behind the golden brown shell lies the kernel beige colour with corrugated surface. The kernel occupies from 40% to 60% of the internal space of the nut. Nuts have a characteristic soft creamy, buttery taste and texture thanks to high content monounsaturated fatty acids. Their rich, buttery flavor makes them suitable for use in both sweet and savory dishes. The famous pecan pie is a classic South American dish that features pecans as the main ingredient. Raw pecans can be salted or sweetened and used as a healthy snack. In America, pecans are widely used in the confectionery industry as an additive in cookies, candies, pastries, and cakes.

What are beneficial features pecans?

Pecan Benefits: The Amazing Benefits of Pecans for Skin, Hair and Health

Like most other nuts, pecans contain a variety of nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, which are responsible for the nut's wonderful health benefits.

1. Benefits for the cardiovascular system:

Pecans are rich in healthy dietary fiber, which lowers bad cholesterol levels in the blood and improves heart health, reducing the risk of coronary artery disease, and also has a preventive effect against certain types of cancer. The oleic acid (monounsaturated fat) contained in pecans, combined with phenolic antioxidants, also supports healthy heart function by preventing unwanted oxidation of blood lipids and helps prevent coronary artery disease and strokes.

2. Benefits for digestion:

Useful alimentary fiber, contained in pecans, normalize intestinal function and improve peristalsis. This allows the intestines to work more efficiently by cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, pecans prevent constipation and reduce the risk of colitis, colon cancer and hemorrhoids.

3.Helps in weight loss:

Research has shown that a diet containing nuts such as pecans helps in weight loss. This is because consuming nuts increases satiety and increases metabolism.

4. Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer:

5. Benefits of nuts for bones and teeth:

Pecans are rich in calcium and phosphorus. Phosphorus is one of the most abundant minerals in the body after calcium. About 85% of phosphorus is found in bones and teeth, while the remaining 15% is found in cells and tissues. Phosphorus, along with calcium, promotes healthy bones and teeth. This mineral has vital important for the growth and repair of cells and tissues, as well as for the production of DNA and RNA. And finally, it prevents muscle pain that can occur due to high physical activity.

6.Anti-inflammatory properties of pecans:

Pecans are rich in magnesium, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that increased magnesium intake reduces indicators of inflammation in the body such as CRP (C-reactive protein), TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor alpha), and IL6 (interleukins 6). Helps reduce inflammation in artery walls, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and other inflammatory diseases.

7.Reduces blood pressure:

Magnesium present in pecans helps lower blood pressure. Although pecans cannot cure hypertension, they help reduce its symptoms.

8. Reduces the risk of stroke:

Studies have shown that consuming 100 milligrams of magnesium per day reduces the risk of stroke by 9%. Pecans can be a good source of magnesium if included regularly in your diet.

9.Anti-cancer properties of pecans:

Pecans are rich in phytochemicals such as polyphenolic antioxidants, ellagic acid, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds play an important role in removing toxic free radicals from the body, thereby protecting it from diseases, cancer and infections. Ellagic acid has antiproliferative properties, inhibits DNA binding to carcinogens such as nitrosamine and polycyclic hydrocarbons, thereby protecting the human body from cancer.

10.Strengthens the immune system:

Pecans are high in manganese. This trace element is a powerful antioxidant. Manganese helps boost immunity and protects nerve cells from harmful effects free radicals. Adequate intake of manganese is vital for nerve conduction and brain function.

Pecan benefits for skin:

Pecans, like most other nuts, are rich in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, folic acid and phosphorus, which play an important role in maintaining skin health. Key Benefits of Pecan Nuts for Skin:

11.Prevents skin problems:

The appearance of our skin depends on how we nourish it from the inside. Thus, proper nutrition very important for maintaining healthy skin and preventing skin problems. Toxins inside our body slow down the metabolism in the skin, disrupt the functioning of its cells, causing inflammatory rashes, acne, increased oiliness, and unhealthy complexion. Pecans are a good source of fiber, which can do wonders for our health and therefore our skin. Fiber helps in removing toxins from the body, thereby improving appearance skin.

12.Helps relieve inflammatory skin manifestations:

Thanks to the high content of zinc, which is also involved in maintaining skin health, it protects the skin from all kinds of infections. Vitamin A: acts as an antioxidant on the one hand, but on the other hand it has a beneficial effect on complexion.

13. Pecans prevent aging of the body:

Healthy skin and hair are a sign of a healthy body. Hair follicles require sufficient nutrients to maintain their proper functioning and prevent hair problems. The nutritional value Pecan nuts make them beneficial for healthy and beautiful hair.

14. Stimulates hair growth:

Pecans are an excellent source of L-arginine, an amino acid that, when applied topically, helps treat male pattern baldness and also promote healthy hair growth. Strong blood flow to the hair roots is vital for healthy hair growth. L-arginine is beneficial in this regard, the amino acid improves the condition of artery walls, making them more flexible, reducing the tendency to form blood clots that can block blood flow.

15.Prevents hair loss:

Anemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss. This is caused by a deficiency of iron in the blood. Pecans, being a good source of iron, can be included in your diet to improve iron levels in the blood and hence fight hair loss.

Pecan nut beneficial properties video:

Pecan nutrition facts

Pecans are enough high-calorie product, but most of these calories are 90% unsaturated fatty acids, and pecans also contain no sodium. Let's look at the calories in pecans.

Pecans are harmful. Side effects

Pecans are safe for most people, without any side effects related to its use. However, people with hypersensitivity to this product may have an allergic reaction to pecans. In case of allergic reactions to pecan nuts, the immune system reacts to the proteins contained in the nut, and causes symptoms such as hives, vomiting, laryngeal swelling, shortness of breath and dizziness. All of these reactions are associated with the release of chemical substance histamine.

Learn more about pecan tree varieties and find out if a variety can be grown in the region where you live. Consider the tree varieties recommended for the growing season in your region, temperature requirements and endurance so that trees survive in winter period, and also to be resistant to diseases.

Choose a location with deep, rich and fertile soil that is fully illuminated most day. Pecan trees require a lot of water, but they have long tap roots to find deep sources of water and must be thoroughly watered upper layer soil, approximately once a week, during the growing season.

To plant the tree, choose well-drained soil or the slope of a small hill, but not swampy soil. Temperatures are higher in higher areas, while more low temperatures, as a rule, are characteristic of lowland areas.

When planting trees, consider the space required for the pecan tree. Leave approximately 10m between each tree planted. If planted densely, faster growing trees will shade slower growing trees and eventually choke them out. But a slow growing tree will try desperately to grow thin and long and lean over an aggressively overpowering tree.

Inspect pecan trees before planting them in the ground. Trim off all dead and broken branches.

To plant pecan trees, dig holes so that each hole is not excessively deep, but the roots are sufficiently covered. If the holes are too deep, the trees will settle, which can lead to root rot or damage, poor growth, and pecan trees may die prematurely.

Water the trees immediately after planting. For the first 6 months, water them once a week. Before fertilizing trees, wait a few days after planting for the soil to settle around them. Water newly planted trees with a special soluble fertilizer. Don't water too much or too often to avoid keeping trees in harmful, swampy conditions.

Look behind trees regularly to find possible harm from insects, diseases and wild animals. Spray the pecan trees with zinc fertilizer to help fill out the nut mass if the pecans have come out rather empty in previous years. Also consider other sprays, as recommended by product manufacturers, to kill and control insects and diseases - but understand that tall, mature trees will be difficult to reach without tall ladders or special equipment.

Prune pecan trees regularly, removing excess, dead, and low-growing branches. Pruning helps trees grow well without becoming overgrown.

Mow and control any overgrown brush around the pecan tree. Weeds will inhibit the growth of young trees and absorb some of the water needed to support unrooted young trees.

  • Harvest the pecans after their husks have opened. One method of harvesting is to shake the tree branches so that the nuts fall to the ground, and then they can be immediately collected. Do not leave nuts on wet soil or wet leaves, as they will become waterlogged, cracked, or even sprouted. A thin fishing rod can lightly knock open-hulled nuts without much damage to subsequent years' harvest.

    • Know that you have the option of waiting until the nuts fall to the ground, such as after a windy night. Squirrels can take the nuts while they are on the tree, so collect them early every day. Commercial orchards They use a special device to free the nuts from the opened husks, as well as mechanisms for collecting fallen nuts.
  • Not everyone has tried pecans, much less know where such a nut grows in Russia. This culture is only gaining popularity in personal plots. Pecans are grown primarily in the south, but developed frost-resistant varieties allow planting in northern regions. Exotic is unpretentious in care and reproduces in the same way as a walnut. If you look at the photo, you can see that the plants are similar in appearance.

    Varieties and varieties

    Pecan's homeland - North America where it is grown in industrial scale. The walnut grows in Central Asia, Crimea and the Caucasus, Stavropol Territory and Rostov Region of Russia. Some varieties can easily tolerate frosts of thirty degrees, are distinguished by drought resistance, stable fruiting and undemanding to the composition of the soil.

    Pecan is a fairly unpretentious plant.

    • Textan;
    • Success;
    • Indiana;
    • Major;
    • Stewart;
    • Greenriver.

    Pecan wood is harder than oak and has an interesting structure - it is used to make various furniture. The nuts are used to make nut butter and cosmetics, and are used to make confectionery. Pecans have a higher fat content than other nuts, about 10% pure protein, and are rich in vitamins and minerals.

    Advice. Pecan is a vigorous, large plant. It reaches a height of 60 m, with a crown diameter of 40 m. Pollination requires several trees, since pollen is carried by the wind.

    Planting and propagation

    The nut is propagated by seeds and vegetatively:

    • cuttings;
    • grafting on white pecan;
    • budding.

    Pecan fruit

    Fruits that fall to the ground are considered ripe. Immediately after harvesting, the fruits can be sown in the ground or stratified before planting. Make furrows up to 10 cm deep and sow nuts. A distance of at least 1 m is left between the rows. In the spring, absolutely all the seeds germinate, and the seedlings turn out to be more hardy and resilient.

    In spring, nuts are sown at the end of April. Before this they are stratified. Soak for a couple of days in water, then place in damp sawdust or peat and place in a cool place for germination. Make sure that the substrate is constantly moist and the room temperature remains at 2 - 4 0C. After two months they are taken out to warm room. Sow in furrows, sprinkle with humus and water regularly.

    Choose a place for planting that is sunny and protected from the wind without stagnant moisture. If the seeds are planted immediately on permanent place, then fill the planting site with compost in advance.

    pecan sprout

    Pecans grow very slowly in the first years - they increase root system. The annual growth of the plant is only about 30 cm, to three years old reaches 50 cm and is suitable for transplanting to a permanent place. Cooking planting pits measuring 60 x 60 cm; if the soil is acidic, lime. Fill with a nutrient mixture of compost and soil. The roots must be placed so that they do not tuck and are completely spread out to the sides. They drive in a peg to which the seedling will be tied after planting. The root collar of the plant should be at soil level; after planting, the soil is slightly compacted and watered abundantly. The top is mulched with humus or any organic material. The distance between seedlings is about 15 m.

    Young seedlings need watering, fertilizing, and protection from weeds. Fruiting of a seedling grown from a seed occurs in the tenth year of life. Grafted seedlings bear fruit earlier - at 4 - 5 years of age.

    Advice. Before sowing, the nuts are soaked in water; any that float are discarded.

    Pecan care, diseases and pests

    Young plants need large quantities moisture and weed protection. Abundant watering is necessary in hot, dry weather. Pecans also need fertilizing and formative pruning. Pruning is carried out to form young trees; adult plants no longer need this procedure. In the spring, dry branches and branches that excessively thicken the crown are cut out.

    The culture loves regular watering

    Pecan is notable for the fact that it practically does not get sick. Its fruits are not affected by the nut moth, since the fruit has a solid shell, unlike walnut, which has a soft layer between the halves of the shell.

    Important. The pecan tree is a long-liver, bears fruit up to 300 years of age, and can live 500.

    Fertilizer and feeding

    In the spring, fertilizers containing an increased dose of nitrogen are applied. Phosphorus and potassium are applied in the fall - they help the wood to ripen and contribute to the formation of the future harvest. Mature trees that have crossed the thirty-year mark can be fed with a mixture of potassium salt, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate.

    Pecans are visually similar to olives, which is why they are called "olive nuts." If you have a lot of space on your plot, feel free to plant a pecan, and the tree will generously thank you with a harvest.

    Properties of pecan nut: video

    Pecan nut in the garden: photo