home · electrical safety · Does tall grass help fight dandelions? How to get rid of dandelions in your garden. Using herbicides: how to deal with dandelions in the country

Does tall grass help fight dandelions? How to get rid of dandelions in your garden. Using herbicides: how to deal with dandelions in the country

Weeds that sprout from seeds and perennials make life difficult for all summer residents. How to get rid of dandelions on the site, forever making it easier to work in the beds and develop cultivated plants?

There are several ways to deal with uninvited guests, including:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals, inhibiting or completely stopping the growth of the weed;
  • regular digging and weeding of the garden and flower beds;
  • using special root removers for dandelions.

Growing on roadsides, on city lawns and vacant lots, that is, everywhere, dandelion is rhizomatous perennial with powerful underground part and a basal rosette of green lanceolate leaves, which are one of the first to appear from under the snow and disappear only with the arrival of winter.

The danger of dandelion as a weed lies in its easy spread and rapid takeover of territory.

The first flowering occurs in mid-spring, then the plant can bloom up to 2–3 times, scattering hundreds of seeds throughout the surrounding area on light, flying umbrellas. Dandelions are very tenacious, they sprout well and take root in the most unfavorable conditions. But it is not easy to remove the plant because of its branched, strong rhizome.

How to deal with dandelions on garden plot, in garden beds and? The choice of method depends on where the weeds have settled and how many there are.

Fighting dandelions in the garden

For weeds, there is no difference between a vacant lot and a bed planted with tomatoes, squash or garden strawberries. Best time to assess the situation - early spring, when the foliage of dandelions is just gaining strength and the buds have not yet opened.

If there are few dandelions, you can get by with a lot. in simple ways. Compliance with agricultural technology is one of the most right paths fight against dandelions:

  1. The beds that are to be sown or planted with cultivated plants must be dug deeply, simultaneously selecting weeds down to small fragments of rhizomes.
  2. The emerging shoots are weeded out, the soil is regularly loosened so that the seeds that fall into the ground cannot hatch and take root.

Clean soil in garden beds risks becoming covered again with a carpet of dandelions if you ignore the row spacing and garden paths. Due to the density of the soil, it is difficult to weed out weeds on them, but loosening them with a hoe, hoe or hoe is quite possible. If you treat risk areas without waiting for flowering, dandelions do not reproduce, and existing plants quickly weaken.

In the fall, the beds are dug up again. Do the same with tree trunk circles under fruit trees and shrubs, perennial ornamental crops, as well as flower beds where annuals were fragrant in the summer.

How to fight dandelions on the lawn using folk remedies

Perennial turf in a lawn or garden should not be dug up; hand weeding is also ineffective here.

An attempt to manually remove the weed will inevitably lead to the breaking of the rhizome, which will soon begin to recover, or damage to cultivated plants in the neighborhood.

How to permanently get rid of dandelions on the site if the shovel and hoe are left out of use? There are several simple folk methods. To remove dandelions use:

  • table salt;
  • boiling water;
  • vinegar essence.

Aggressive compounds applied to the base of the rhizome kill the growing point, lead to inhibition of the weed and its death. Salt is used in dry form or in the form of a concentrated solution. In all cases, means of control:

  • act directly on the selected instance;
  • do not affect nearby vegetation;
  • do not change soil fertility.

Except positive aspects, in application traditional methods There are also disadvantages to the struggle. For large specimens, root system which can reach 20–30 cm in length, household products Doesn't work too much.

Fighting dandelions with a root remover

It is much more difficult to cope with dandelions than in the garden:

  • on lawns;
  • if almost the entire area of ​​the flower beds is occupied by overgrown perennials;
  • The ground in the garden is under turf.

This is where a targeted device for removing dandelions will come in handy, so as not to cause serious damage to the grass, or targeted herbicides or folk remedies.

On lawns and other areas with perennial turf, root removers of various designs provide real help.

The sharpened edge of the tool easily penetrates even through a layer of turf, cuts the soil around the rhizome and easily removes the plant along with the underground part. The holes left on the lawn after using dandelion repellent are small and quickly overgrow, especially if they are filled in and the area is watered generously.

Do the same in the garden. The root remover is a lifesaver in flower beds with densely growing plants.

Using herbicides: how to deal with dandelions in the country

Before you fight dandelions on your lawn and garden using herbicides, you need to make sure that crop plants and lawn grasses will not be harmed by the chemicals.

Manual weeding or the use of mechanical devices is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Another thing is the use of modern chemical compounds, inhibiting weeds. Herbicides are indispensable if dandelions have taken over the area and it is simply impossible to deal with them manually.

The range of available drugs suitable for controlling dandelions in the garden includes the following drugs:

  • killing all types of green plants that are exposed to the sprayed liquid;
  • selective action, destroying only cereals or rhizomatous weeds.

Broad-spectrum products, for example, Roundup, Tornado, Agrokiller and other drugs, will rid the garden not only of dandelions, but also of wheatgrass, sow thistle and other annoying plants, which can be extremely problematic to remove by other means. However, the effect of such herbicides does not end immediately after spraying. For a few more weeks, the composition suppresses everything that grows in the neighborhood. This applies to both seedlings and seedlings planted in beds. Therefore, large-scale chemical weeding is carried out:

  • pre-covering cultural plantings and the soil underneath them;
  • in early spring, long before planting vegetables, flowers or other useful plants;
  • in the fall, when everything useful is removed from the beds.

Broad-spectrum herbicides that kill all vegetation are used on wasteland, for example, after purchasing a new plot.

Specialized compounds act selectively. But when purchasing this or that product, you need to remember that the wheatgrass chemical will not necessarily help get rid of dandelions, but it can kill them.

Before you get rid of dandelions on your site forever, you need to choose the most useful drug, read the instructions and follow them, without exceeding the permitted dosages.

You can destroy dandelions in beds with potatoes, garden strawberries or on the lawn in front of your house by using the herbicide Lontrel-300D, which also suppresses the growth of sow thistle, perennial sorrel and other weeds. Compositions have been developed especially for lawns that do not affect the growth of cereals, but in a few hours suppress the development of dandelions, meadow chamomile, plantain, and thistle.

When using chemicals, you must use personal protective equipment and, until the solution dries, protect the treated areas from visiting pets and family members.

Herbicides kill aboveground part dandelion and its rhizomes, but cannot affect the seeds. Therefore, it is important to carry out all treatments before the weed fades and the flying seeds ripen on the heads. Plants torn out of the ground are placed in compost, sprinkled with soil, since the seeds can ripen here too.

How to deal with dandelions in the country if it was not possible to prevent the spread of dandelions? In this case, you will have to remember about regular weeding. Dandelion seeds begin to peck as soon as the soil warms up to 10–15 degrees. While the seedlings are small and the roots are weak, removing dandelions by hand is not difficult. Loosening the beds will help in the future.

Significantly reduce the population weeds mulching or using a film covering the entire area of ​​the ridges helps, except for the places where tomatoes, zucchini or other useful crops are planted. This solution will be especially useful when growing strawberries.

Each gardener, growing different garden crops, faced such a problem as dandelions. Moreover, if you do not fight them, then every year their number becomes more and more. Even one flower will be enough to create a dandelion lawn. Weed seeds are quickly carried across the site by the wind for several kilometers, resulting in new plantings appearing.


If you look at the area strewn yellow flowers, then it hardly seems that these flowers cause any harm. But in fact, they are quite dangerous for many plants. If you do not get rid of unnecessary plants in time, they will continue to grow, multiply, thereby taking away from useful plants useful material and nutritious moisture.

Dandelions are plants that have long vitality and rapid growth. If you do not pay due attention to weed removal, then wait good harvest not worth it.

In addition, an area abundantly sown with dandelions often causes the development of serious problems with health. This is due to the fact that this, at first glance, cute plant is allergenic and can lead to the development of such a serious disease as bronchial asthma. So you need to be careful with this plant. But how to remove reeds from a site, and what chemicals should be used first, is outlined in the article on


It is necessary to carry out preventive measures regularly, since dandelions spread quite quickly throughout the entire territory and then it will be much more difficult to fight them. Best method prevention means regular monitoring general condition plot and proper care behind him.

Prevention does not require complex measures, since it is enough to follow the following simple rules:

  1. Do not remove the grass on the site, but simply trim it. This will become a real obstacle to the formation of new weeds.
  2. Make sure there are no empty areas on the lawn. This location may be ideal for dandelion germination. If you avoid empty areas, then in the fall they need to be sown with grass again.
  3. The height of the trimmed vegetation should be 7-8 cm. Due to this, the grass will become excellent protection soil, and it will be difficult for dandelion seeds to take root, because there will not be enough sunlight.

It is also worth learning more about how to properly remove roots and how to get rid of tree roots on your site.

The video shows how to get rid of dandelions on your property forever:

How to remove from the site

To combat these weeds, you can use several options - chemicals, various mechanical devices and folk remedies.


If a garden is massively infested with dandelions, mechanical and folk remedies will not be able to cope with them. In this case, you cannot do without chemicals. For this, herbicides are used. Thanks to them, unwanted vegetation is removed quickly and efficiently. Of course, such a procedure cannot be called safe, but when there is no way out, then extreme measures have to be used.

To combat dandelions, selective drugs or general agents are used. The second drugs are capable of destroying everything within the affected radius, but the selective ones act in a targeted manner.

So the general-action drug is used even before the rest of the crops in the garden have been planted or after the harvest. You need to act here with extreme caution so that the drugs do not come into contact with fruit trees and shrubs.

On the video - chemistry against dandelions:

Common drugs include the following:

Selective drugs include:

After using the drugs, a week must pass for the first results to be noticed. But in a month the problem will completely disappear. But how to remove horsetail from a site will help you understand this

Mechanical method

There are several proven tools available that successfully remove weeds. The choice of one device or another depends on the personal wishes of the summer resident.

You can fight dandelion using the following tools:

Traditional methods

To combat dandelions in the garden, the following folk methods are effective:

  1. Using boiling water. Watering hot water necessary several times a day. After some time, the plant will die.
  2. Gluten Corn Flour. It should be used even before the dandelions sprout. This product creates an obstacle to seed germination. Sprinkle the garden with cornmeal immediately after the first shoots appear. Such activities must be carried out several times during the growing season.
  3. Salt. You need to take 20 g of salt and sprinkle it on one plant. At the same time, make sure that the salt does not penetrate other crops, otherwise they will die.
  4. Hydrochloric acid. It can be purchased at any hardware store. Before carrying out the procedure, you must put rubber gloves on your hands. You can use a kitchen syringe to apply the acid. Acid vapors should not be inhaled. As soon as the weeds became Brown, then they die forever.
  5. Blowtorch. And although this method may seem rather strange, it is still very effective. You just need to warm up each bush with this device. It is enough to spend just a few seconds on one bush. In this way you can get rid of

Dandelions spread throughout the garden by flying seeds and grow quickly. Getting rid of the weed is not easy because of its powerful roots that penetrate deep into the weed. If after weeding even a small piece of root remains in the soil, a new plant will soon emerge.

Damage from dandelions on the site

Dandelion - herbaceous perennial, a relative of asters and sunflowers. It has a powerful tap root, penetrating to a depth of 60 cm. Top part the root forms something like a rhizome. In autumn, the above-ground part dies off, and in April new leaves grow from the rhizome.

This is a perennial weed. It can grow in any place: flower bed, lawn and garden bed. For germination you only need a piece of soil to cling to. The plant is unpretentious, is not afraid of frost, drought and does not get wet from heavy rains.

Dandelions bloom in May, but some specimens bloom until late autumn. Dandelion produces more than 200 parachute seeds annually, so it will quickly fill the area if it is not controlled.

Ways to control dandelions

Dandelions are not as bad weeds as bindweed or wheatgrass.

3 ways to fight:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • folk

Start the fight against dandelions by weeding. If there are a lot of weeds in the garden, supplement mechanical destruction with traditional methods. Use chemicals if you feel that you cannot cope with weeding, and the weeds grow faster than you weed them out.


It is convenient to dig up dandelion taproots with a root remover - a special device.

If a plant has sprouted in a crack in the asphalt or on a brick-lined path, it will not be possible to remove it by the roots. Cut off the above-ground part and sprinkle the cut thickly with table salt. Dandelion will not grow in this place.

You can remove dandelions that have grown in a place that is difficult to remove by depriving them of sunlight. Cover the above-ground parts of the plants with opaque material and they will die within a few days.


Herbicides are used for chemical weeding. Use chemicals when you need to clean large plot overgrown with weeds. In such cases, even opponents of “chemistry” use herbicides rather than a shovel.

It is effective to use herbicides in the fall, when perennial plants there is an outflow of nutrients from the leaves to the roots. The herbicide will enter the roots with nutrients and destroy the plant, including small roots.

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Moss on an apple tree - causes and methods of getting rid of it

Continuous herbicides

Dandelions are easy to eradicate with Roundup and Tornado. Dilute one of the preparations according to the instructions and apply to the leaves with a brush or spray. Treated plants will wither in 3-5 days.

Brush and spray

Getting rid of dandelions on your lawn is easy with a brush or spray. Before using the herbicide, do not cut the grass for 2 weeks to allow the weed leaves to grow and absorb more of the chemical.

After applying herbicides, do not mow the lawn for a week: the juice of the treated plants can get on the grass, it will wither and bald spots will form on the lawn.

Special herbicides against dandelions are produced:

  • Lintur– systemic herbicide. Absorbed into leaves and stems, from there it gets into the roots. The plant looks depressed after a week, and dies after a month. Lintur is not dangerous for most cultivated plants - it can be used in plantings.
  • Sniper– comes in a bottle with an applicator. Designed for targeted use. After treatment, the dandelions die. The herbicide does not affect the seeds, which remain viable even if the plant dies after treatment.
  • Lontrel– destroys dandelions and other types of weeds in strawberry plantings.
  • Lapis lazuli– will clear dandelion from tomato and potato plantings.

Protect your skin, eyes and respiratory system when working with herbicides. Carry out the treatment in calm weather. Make sure that no water gets on the treated plants within 24 hours after spraying.


Gardeners use it to eradicate dandelions traditional methods. Each of these options works no worse than herbicides.

Ways to quickly kill weeds with roots:

  • Water the plant at the root 2-3 times with boiling water.
  • Make a solution of 1 part vodka and 10 parts water. Water the plants. The alcohol will burn the roots.
  • Cut off the above-ground part and sprinkle the cut with salt - a dark spot will remain in place of the weed.
  • Warm each dandelion with a blowtorch.
  • Apply vinegar to each weed several times throughout the week.
  • Treat the weeds with hydrochloric acid purchased from a hardware store. Wear latex gloves when working with acid, without inhaling the fumes.

It's hard to believe, but there are simple and natural ways to permanently rid your lawn of dandelions. Pay attention to our tips - they will help you get rid of annoying dandelions without spoiling the grass.

Dandelions (Taraxacum) belong to the Asteraceae family. There are many ways to useful application Despite this, dandelions are generally considered weeds throughout the world. For example, the common dandelion (pharmaceutical) is included in the list of poisonous plants.

Dandelion, a broad-leaved perennial, can grow in any soil. Its lanceolate leaves grow from 7 to 30 cm in length and from 1.5 to 6 cm in width. They always form a basal rosette just above the central tap root. Several flower stems can form in a rosette at the same time. By yellow or orange flowers Dandelion is easy to distinguish from other plants. As the flowers mature, they turn into fluff balls. The light seeds spread with the wind, which is why the species got the name “dandelion.”

They, easily adaptable to any soil and weather conditions, grow all over the world, even in modern “disturbed” ecosystems - lawns or open spaces under the bright sun. They are difficult to get rid of because they thrive in the most unfavorable conditions. Dandelion seeds do not remain dormant for long and germinate quickly. In addition, seeds can form without cross-pollination (fertilization), meaning the dandelion can pollinate itself. All this helps to increase the rate of plant reproduction.

It has long been noticed that the harder you try to breed dandelions, the faster they grow. They will grow again and again if they are not completely destroyed along with their long, strong roots. Here are several ways to kill this harmful weed, both organic and inorganic.

How to clear your lawn of dandelions

The germinating dandelion pushes aside grasses and other plants to make room for itself, and soon your plants begin to become starved of water and nutrients. To prevent this from happening, you need to destroy the weeds as soon as they begin to sprout. Each dandelion can produce up to 15 thousand seeds that can survive in the soil for up to 6 years. Each seedling also produces 15 thousand seeds. This is how this tenacious weed grows and spreads.

Kill the root

The best way to clear a lawn of dandelions is to pull it out along with the taproot, which grows into the soil to a depth of 60–90 cm. The easiest way to pull out the weed is from wet soil. The main root, from which the lateral ones branch, goes vertically down under the shoots. In the fall, when the shoots die, the main root remains alive deep underground. In spring, new shoots grow from these roots. That is why it is simply necessary to destroy the roots in order to get rid of the harmful dandelion.

You won't be able to completely remove the root by simply pulling it. You need to use a long-handled lifter, a Japanese hoe, an auger or a pedal lifter. You need to do this in the spring, as soon as the first seedlings appear.

Regular mowing

Periodic mowing will slow down the growth of dandelions as soon as they hatch. As you already know, dandelion flowers turn into white puffs with seeds. These seeds are easily spread by the wind. If you prevent plants from flowering, their spread will become less rapid.

Dense high lawn

Mow the lawn so that the grass is slightly taller than usual (about 6-8 cm). Thick, hard varieties lawn grass will help you control the growth of dandelions. High density landings and more high grass will not leave enough space for the weeds and will block them from sunlight.

That is, not allowing the seeds to ripen and depriving them necessary conditions for germination, you can curb the growth of weeds. If only a few dandelions have settled on your lawn, then their growth can be slowed down simply by changing care tactics. Bald spots in the lawn should be immediately replanted with the grass you would like to grow. Otherwise, even a small gap will be enough for fluffy and flying seeds to take root on it.

Selective herbicide

Since dandelion is a broadleaf plant, to get rid of it you need to use a special herbicide for broadleaf weeds. These herbicides will kill dandelions without harming your lawn. Don't forget to feed the grass with lawn fertilizer. Feeding will help the grass grow faster and fill in the spots where you dug up the dandelions. Synthetic herbicides are best used only for chronic weed problems; otherwise, use natural herbicides.

Broad spectrum herbicide

A non-selective herbicide, such as glyphosate (Roundup), will kill not only harmful weeds, but also all other plants that it comes into contact with. Before applying the herbicide, they must be carefully covered with plastic or cardboard. Broad-spectrum herbicides can be used to control dandelions growing in flower beds or paths, or to spot treat weeds. Both selective and non-selective herbicides are ineffective once dandelions have already bloomed. Herbicides should be applied as soon as seedlings appear.

Pre-emergence herbicides

Application of pre-emergence herbicides in early spring prevents dandelion seeds from germinating. The herbicide must be applied before the seeds can germinate. These substances may affect grass growth to some extent, but it will soon recover.

Boiling water

Pour boiling water over the dandelion. Can be repeated 3-4 times during the day. After a couple of days, the plants will wither and die.


Acetic acid will help kill the weed. Vinegar can be used as a herbicide high content acids. Table bite can be made more concentrated by evaporating it. The resulting liquid should be applied to the leaves or poured into the hole left by the pulled out dandelion. Vinegar is a non-selective herbicide and may damage the surrounding grass to some extent.

Hydrochloric acid

A little of hydrochloric acid Can be applied to dandelion leaves. Soon the leaves will turn brown and the plant will die.

Mulch and compost

Dandelion growth slows down if the soil is rich in nutrients. Applying fertilizers will help remove weeds faster.

Chickens or rabbits

If you have chickens or rabbits, you can easily get rid of dandelions without damaging your lawn. These animals love to eat dandelion leaves and will eat them as soon as they hatch.


Sprinkle a tablespoon of salt on the rosette where the weed is sprouting and it will wilt. Be careful not to kill your favorite plants.

Corn gluten meal

The yellow powder, which contains corn gluten, acts as a natural pre-emergence herbicide and will prevent dandelion seeds from germinating. It must be applied to the soil 4–6 weeks before the weed emerges.

Weed burner

If other means do not help, you can destroy dandelions with a special weed burning device.

Dandelion leaves can be added to salads and are rich in a variety of nutrients. Slightly bitter, they highlight the taste of the salad. Wine is made from yellow dandelion flowers. They can also be added to salads for flavor and color, or dandelion roots can be boiled and added to soup.

In herbal medicine, dandelion root is used to treat various diseases. The white milk that dandelion produces is used to treat various skin diseases - it soothes irritated skin. This way, instead of throwing away weeds, they can be put to good use.

If you are allergic to dandelion, you should not eat it. You should also be careful when weeding, as dandelion pollen can cause a skin reaction in people who are sensitive to it.

How to get rid of dandelions on the lawn forever?

No matter how diligently you look after yours, you still won’t be able to protect it from the appearance of dandelions, because weed seeds are carried by the wind and grow wherever they land. But there are several ways to get rid of already grown stubborn plants once and for all. For your attention the most effective methods and a video of their application on the site.

Mechanical removal of dandelions

There are three surefire ways to get rid of weeds mechanically:

  • Manual digging. If you have a couple of hours of time left, you can use the simplest, but effective method– digging up dandelions with roots. To work, you will need a special spatula with an oblong narrow handle - ordinary tool It won’t work here, because the root of the plant goes deep into the soil, and you can simply cut it with a regular cutting. To make the digging process easier, water the lawn first.

Important! By cutting rather than completely digging up the dandelion root, you do not remove the weed, but help it reproduce.

  • Burning out. Not good safe method, requiring maximum accuracy, but effective. To remove weeds, you will need a torch: consistently point the device at the dandelions and burn them out. Please note that there is a risk of damaging the rest of the lawn vegetation.
  • Blocking light. Dandelions need large quantities sunlight, so if you cover them with dark cardboard for several days and completely deprive them of light, they will die.

Removing a Dandelion by the Root

Home remedies for dandelions

If mechanical methods If you don't like it, pay attention to less radical home methods:

  • Vinegar – Spray onto leaves and stems. You can also pull the weeds out of the ground a little and pour vinegar into the holes to damage the roots.
  • Boiling water – water the weeds with boiling water 3-4 times a day until they die.
  • Salt - cut the dandelions to the very root and sprinkle thickly with regular table salt. There should be at least one tablespoon of salt per weed.

Remove dandelions before they produce seeds.

  • Hydrochloric acid - use a kitchen syringe to apply the concentrated product along the entire length of the dandelion. Within 5-10 minutes they should turn brown - this indicates the beginning of the process of plant death.

Advice. Among the chemicals, the most effective in the fight against dandelions is considered to be a herbicide, but it can only be used spot-on, applied directly to the leaves of the weeds, so as not to destroy the lawn grass.

So, we have many different ways to get rid of dandelions on the lawn once and for all. All of them have been tested in practice and are effective, but remember that you need to fight weeds before they become covered with fluff, so that the seeds do not scatter throughout the area and ruin all your efforts.

How to get rid of dandelion on the lawn: video