home · Appliances · Portable saunas from 3750 rubles. Mini sauna. Portable steam and infrared folding mini sauna. The portable steam sauna has two parts

Portable saunas from 3750 rubles. Mini sauna. Portable steam and infrared folding mini sauna. The portable steam sauna has two parts

Portable steam sauna With rigid frame

I recently learned from a friend about an interesting device - a portable portable steam sauna. This is a mini-sauna in the form of a tent. At that time, I was just choosing an anniversary gift for my mother and decided to use this idea.

We all love going to the sauna; since childhood, they always took me with us, but now it doesn’t always work out.

Mom is also a big fan of the sauna; in the city she always visits it once a week. In the summer she most spends time at the dacha and is very bored without his hobby. I started looking for where I could buy a portable sauna, found it in my favorite online store and placed an order.

Now I’ll tell you about this unusual thing in more detail.

My portable sauna review

What is a portable sauna or sauna tent?

Portable sauna- this is a device that allows you to create a corner of relaxing warmth right in a city apartment, in a country house or in any other place. This design consists of two parts - a rigid frame covered with fabric material, and a steam generator.

The material from which the sauna cabin is made is two-layer. The inner layer is made of non-stick thermal fiber with the addition of tourmaline fibers, the outer layer is made of satin. The frame of the mini-sauna is prefabricated. The dimensions of the assembled sauna are 95 x 80 x 70 cm. The size of the steam generator is 26 x 19 x 19 cm.

The item was packaged in cardboard box. Box size – 100 x 70 x 8 cm. Weight – 10 kg.

Technical parameters of the steam generator:

  • Maximum capacity – 1.5 liters of water;
  • Power – 550-850 W;
  • Voltage – 220-230 V.

How does a portable sauna work?

The principle of operation of a portable mini-sauna is as follows: water is poured into a special compartment of the steam generator, from which the device generates steam, which is then supplied inside through a special hose. The steam generator operates from the mains. It is equipped with a timer that allows you to set the duration of the session (maximum time is 60 minutes).

What are the benefits of a steam bath tent?

Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits that moist hot steam brings to the body. A session in a home steam sauna, just like in a regular sauna or steam bath, has a healing effect, namely:

  • together with sweat, waste and toxins are removed from the body;
  • blood circulation accelerates;
  • metabolism improves;
  • pores are cleansed, the skin becomes softer and looks younger;
  • sleep improves;
  • muscles and joints warm up;
  • the condition of people with diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia improves;
  • Leaves excess liquid, weight loss;
  • The whole body relaxes, nervous tension is relieved.


A steam mini-sauna has the same contraindications as any other. You should refrain from using it the following categories of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • persons with heart disease, high or low blood pressure;
  • persons who have recently undergone surgery;
  • persons with any skin diseases;
  • persons with respiratory diseases.

How to Use a Portable Portable Sauna

I gave my mother a portable sauna at the dacha where we celebrated her anniversary. She was pleasantly surprised and wanted to experience the gift in action as soon as possible. The next day, after order was restored after the feast, we began to deal with the sauna. First, we took all the components out of the package, and then acted in accordance with the instructions:

We assembled the frame as shown in the illustrations. The result was a nice sauna-tent with a slot door on one side.

Fill the steam generator tank with water to the maximum level mark.
We connected the steam generator to the cabin using a hose and checked that it was securely fixed.

We set the time on the timer and decided to try 20 minutes for the first time.
Plug in the steam generator. After this, steam began to be produced, which began to fill the cabin. After about ten minutes, a sufficient amount of steam has formed to take a sauna.

After the set time has elapsed, the steam generator switches off automatically. After that, we wiped the inside of the sauna cabin with a napkin and left it to dry. The generator was also wiped down on top (it cannot be immersed in water for cleaning).

After the sauna has dried, you can disassemble it and put it aside until next time, so it won’t take up much space. We left it assembled, since the space at the dacha allows it.

I think that from my story it became clear that using a mini-sauna and storing it is very easy. At first we were a little afraid that steam would come out of the sauna and high humidity in the room will ruin the wallpaper and lead to mold. It turned out that everything was thought out perfectly, and we worried in vain; if you close the door well, there is no steam or moisture. So the sauna can be safely used in any room.

As for the session itself, my mother really liked everything. She said that the sensations in the cabin of a portable sauna are the same as in a regular steam room; in the very first minutes, heavy sweating begins and the whole body relaxes. The temperature was comfortable, mom felt good in the sauna, and came out happy and rejuvenated.

After this, I also wanted to visit this home sauna, which I will do in the near future. By the way, before starting the session, you can add a few drops to the water in the steam generator essential oils, infusion of herbs or sea salt, then to useful action steam will add the healing effect of aromatherapy.

Precautionary measures

To ensure that using a portable sauna is beneficial, you need to remember a few important rules:

  1. The sauna is taken no later than half an hour before a meal, and no earlier than half an hour after it.
  2. You cannot use the sauna while intoxicated.
  3. Children and elderly people should use the sauna under the supervision of relatives.
  4. Do not stay in the cabin for too long to avoid overheating;
  5. If you experience any unpleasant sensations, you must leave the sauna.

When using a steam generator, you must also follow the instructions for use. electrical appliances: do not turn it on if there is a malfunction, keep it away from children, animals, hot objects and water, do not repair it yourself. The sauna cabin must also be handled with care and do not use sharp or cutting objects when using it.

In conclusion, I want to say that portable steam bath A tent is an excellent device that allows you to relieve stress and relax after a hard day and create a real SPA room at home or even in a small apartment! After the session you can feel like a new person, fresh and rested, full of energy and energy.


  • provides a unique opportunity to enjoy a sauna session at any time and anywhere;
  • has a healing effect on the body;
  • simple and easy to use;
  • small dimensions when assembled;
  • The presence of a timer allows you to regulate the duration of the session.

My mother really liked the portable portable sauna tent. I think this is a great gift for those who cannot imagine their life without useful steam sessions. You can buy a portable sauna using the button below. I'm looking forward to your feedback!

Portable Portable Steam Sauna

A portable sauna tent will help you create a spa in your home!

Written by: Nadya Kupriyanova

The invention is simply superb! We also really love the bathhouse and sauna and go there periodically. It's just a dream to have one like this in your own apartment! I will ask my husband to buy it.

A portable sauna bag is great option a steam room that can be organized in any room of your apartment and at any time. Portable sauna comprises:

· A bag made of waterproof fabric;

· Steam generator;

· Pump.

The operation of such a bag is very simple: inflate the fabric with a pump, fill the generator with water and begin the procedure. For convenience, a chair is placed inside the booth, on which you sit for the procedure. A portable sauna or bath bag, in terms of its effect, is between a Russian bath and a Turkish bath. But in any case, after visiting such a steam room, your skin will become velvety and healthy. And your overall health will improve several times.

Advantages of a sauna bag

Buy portable sauna bag can be several times cheaper than a cabin. Moreover, such a device does not require any separate free space. You only need to install it immediately before the procedure, and when nested it will fit even in a drawer desk or in a handbag. The service life of such a steam room is quite long, so such a purchase will be useful and desirable in all respects.

A portable steam sauna is a miniature bathhouse that can be placed in any apartment. It consists of a cabin with a rigid frame and a steam generator powered by an electrical network.

Main characteristics:

  • packaged weight – 10 kg;
  • box size – 1 mx0.7 mx8 cm;
  • size assembled cabin– 0.95mx0.8mx0.7m;
  • steam generator tank volume – 1.5 l;
  • power supply – 220 V;
  • operating time – up to 1 hour.

Operating a portable sauna is very simple. First you should assemble it according to the existing instructions. Then pour water into the steam generator, without exceeding the maximum mark, and connect it to the cabin. Connect the parting to an outlet. After a few minutes you will be able to take a seat inside the sauna on a special chair.

Advantages of a portable sauna with a rigid frame:

  • does not take up much space;
  • can be used in any room where there is electricity;
  • the inner surface has a non-stick coating;
  • safe when used correctly;
  • presence of a timer and automatic shutdown;
  • does not allow steam to pass from the cabin into the room.

If you use such a sauna regularly, you can not only remove excess fluid from the body, but also improve the condition of your skin.

Customer reviews about a home mini-sauna with a rigid frame

Elena 30 Volgograd

In all my 30 years, I had never heard of a portable steam sauna. The first time I saw this unit was when friends came to my birthday party with a strange box. When asked what it was, they were mysteriously silent and smiled. When the structure was assembled, I still didn’t understand what it was. When I was solemnly informed that this was the bathhouse I had dreamed of for so long, I didn’t believe it and laughed. I couldn't wrap my head around the similarities between wooden sauna with a steam room and this device. Dreams, of course, should come true, but the bathhouse looked too futuristic.

Despite its comical appearance, the sauna turned out to be very convenient to use. My wife is absolutely delighted; she says that after a 30-minute procedure, blood circulation improves and the skin becomes velvety.

A portable sauna can be placed in any room. While in the apartment, it will not spoil the finish and will not affect the condition of the wallpaper in any way. The door closes very tightly with a lock, and steam and moisture cannot escape.

This sauna is now an indispensable companion on all our trips to the country. Together with the packaging it weighs no more than 10 kg. I calmly carry this wonderful sauna in one hand and a baby stroller in the other.
If you follow the instructions, the sauna can be assembled fairly quickly. Before the procedure, it is necessary to fill the steam generator with water, set right time on the timer and plug it into the outlet. At the end, all elements should be dried and stored in special packaging.

I was pleased with this device and now I’m going to give this sauna to my parents!

Ekaterina 32 Moscow

I don't usually focus on my appearance. I stopped doing this since I gave birth to my second child. It's not that I stopped taking care of myself. But now I simply don’t have time to exercise regularly or go to fitness. I've done this before. But circumstances have changed. And my time is no longer entirely my own. Nevertheless, I want to remain attractive to my husband.

You understand that after giving birth to two children I don’t have ideal figure. I was advised to try a home sauna. This is a mechanism that can be placed in any corner of your apartment. It gives you the opportunity to relax and at the same time keep your home under control. For me this is the ideal way. The sauna has two parts:

  1. frame with fabric;
  2. steam generator.

I simply pour water into a special hole, it turns into steam. It penetrates inside, and you not only relax, but also strengthen your condition. And everyone knows that hot steam is very beneficial for the body. With sweat, toxins and fat come out, blood circulation improves. As a result, the skin and body overall look fresher. Sleep becomes more sound. And since excess fluid leaves the body, the person loses weight. And what a good mood after this sauna!!!

Valentina 44 Ekaterinburg

Thanks to our talented inventors! I have always loved and love saunas and steam baths. Such procedures are very beneficial for health and beauty. They relax tight muscles and joints, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate, soften and nourish the skin, remove harmful toxins, and break down fats. That's why we love baths so much!

Our grandparents used to regularly perform such procedures, but you and I sometimes cannot afford such luxury. On weekends, unfortunately, it is not always possible to choose a time. I found a solution for myself - I bought a portable sauna and use it without leaving home! The effect is wonderful! I get tired at work, or after training, I come home “nothing”, and at hand is a miracle source of relaxation and healing. She is always at home and does not take up much space in the apartment.

Folds out simply and easily. It’s very convenient that it has a rigid frame - I put a chair inside, fill the steam generator with water, you can add aromatic oil, set the time regulator, turn on your favorite TV show or music and that’s it! I really enjoy drinking herbal tea! At home! In complete comfort. And the most important thing is that after the procedure you don’t need to go or travel anywhere, just go straight to your crib and rest. In the morning - the mood is wonderful, I want to live and do good!

Irina Kursk region

Have you ever had the desire, after a busy day at work, having done all your household chores, to go and take a steam bath in the sauna? It's good to have it own house with a personal sauna or an option when there is a sauna nearby. And if not? But I want to take a steam bath.

A portable steam sauna with a rigid frame was a godsend for me healing properties pair. It's inexpensive and easy to install. Everyone can use the sauna: both children and the elderly. It is advisable to enjoy the procedure for about 30 minutes a day.

While using the sauna, blood circulation is stimulated, muscles relax, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, and sleep improves. Steaming in a sauna removes waste and toxins, therefore stimulating kidney function and regulating water balance the body, the protein metabolic process improves. After the sauna you are guaranteed good health, a clear mind, freshness and vigor throughout the body, a beautiful and slender figure, strength and youth of the body, clean pleasant skin.

You can place a chair inside the sauna. During the session you can drink hot drinks: tea, coffee, milk. This is simply a magnificent, wonderful and healing vacation. Take care of your health!

Olga 36 St. Petersburg

Muscle tension? Back or joint problems? Or do you just constantly feel tired and weak? With a portable steam sauna you can forget about this forever! The latest invention easily solves the problem of lack of time to go to the sauna - now you can do it right at home without loss of effectiveness - a portable sauna, just like a regular one, helps improve blood circulation and general well-being, is useful for a runny nose, swelling and migraines, and just taking a steam bath after a hard day at work is one of the most pleasant things, isn’t it?

After the purchase, I was very pleased with the ease of use - easier than it might seem at first glance.

You just need to assemble it from a couple of parts and fill a special tank with water, and then start the session! The contraindications are the same as for a regular sauna, so I would advise people with blood pressure problems to carefully study the instructions! To avoid dehydration, the sauna is made so that it is impossible to stay in it for more than 60 minutes at a time. As a renowned sauna lover, this has saved me from unpleasant consequences more than once.

Svetlana 39 Serpukhov

I have always loved going to the sauna; since childhood, my parents taught me this special Saturday ritual, when they went and relaxed after a week. When I became pregnant, I had to put off going to the sauna, and after giving birth I no longer had time for myself. But I really missed the relaxation that you get after visiting the sauna. That’s when my sister advised me to buy a participatory steam sauna with a rigid frame, which can easily be installed at home without harming others.

When I received my order, I decided to check out the sauna. The structure consists of a rigid frame, which is covered with fabric material and a steam generator. This miracle works from the mains, but the good news is that it doesn’t draw much light, even if you set the mode to the maximum time (60 minutes).

I took the sauna in order to be able to relax after a busy day of working with a child.

But after several procedures, I noticed that my skin became more elastic, soft, and also began to feel less pain in my back and lower back. After a “trip” to the sauna, you feel a surge of strength and energy.
The sauna is easy to maintain; you just need to wipe the inside with a napkin and let it dry. The steam generator only needs to be wiped, never washed with water.
I am very pleased with my purchase.

Alla 36 Riga

Not so long ago I got married, and the first time we were together put me in a stupor. New Year. I had absolutely no idea what to give my husband. I wanted it to be a memorable day and a gift accordingly. Before the New Year, I went with my friends to the sauna, we had a wonderful time and on the way home, it dawned on me.

I remembered seeing a portable steam sauna with a rigid frame in a store. I also thought to myself that it would be nice to buy it if the opportunity arises. Here it is, this opportunity. The very next day I bought it. Delivery was arranged for December 31st. When they brought her, my husband was a little surprised, because he is a big fan of the sauna and did not know that such a thing could even exist. Without waiting for the evening, I immediately unpacked it and decided to try it.

It consists of two parts: a steam generator and a frame, which is covered with material and looks like a tent. Having figured out how to install it, we began to study the principle of operation. It turned out that water is poured into the steam generator and steam is generated, which is supplied inside the tent. The steam generator itself is connected to the network and you can set a timer on it. After filling in the water, we turned on the sauna for half an hour. After about fifteen minutes, there was a sufficient amount of steam in it. And the husband began to test her. When he finished “taking a sauna,” we wiped it off and put it in the room.

It doesn't take up much space, so I didn't have to fold it. I haven’t seen such a happy husband for a long time. He said that he felt like he was in a real sauna. The feeling was very pleasant and relaxing.

Now I’m happy: my husband is in the sauna and at the same time is at home. Everyone is happy.

Anastasia 45 Yaroslavl

I recently had a birthday and my son gave me a steam sauna. Looking ahead, I’ll say that my son was pleased and this best thing which I didn’t even know existed. We celebrated the event in a restaurant, so we didn’t get a chance to try out the purchase right away. But the next day, my son came to me and helped me figure out this thing.

It turned out to be nothing complicated and I could have done it myself without difficulty. We assembled the cabin, poured water into the steam generator and connected it tightly. Water was poured to the maximum and for the first time the interval was set to 15 minutes. When the cabin began to fill with steam, I was afraid that the high humidity would cause the wallpaper to peel off. My fears turned out to be false, the structure is assembled securely and tightly, preventing steam leakage from the inside.

Having climbed inside without any problems, I immersed myself in the warmth. The sensations are simply magical, the whole body warms up to the very bones (this is useful for my osteochondrosis), and with then all the toxins come out of the body.

Previously, I went to the sauna once every two weeks, wasting time and money. Now I have the same thing right in my apartment!

When I finish my procedures, I simply wipe with a dry cloth. inner part cabins, drain the remaining water and easily fold the entire structure. When assembled, the steam sauna does not take up much space and I easily store it in the closet.

Portable sauna with rigid frame

A portable sauna with a rigid frame means health without leaving home.

Written by: Oleg

A portable sauna with a rigid frame replaces going to the sauna for me. Now you can arrange pleasant treatments at home! I bought it and don’t regret it!

Almost everyone loves a sauna, because being in a warm room filled with aromatic steam is not only pleasant, but also very beneficial for health (with the exception of some contraindications). Unfortunately, city dwellers are not able to visit the sauna often - after all, to do this they have to go out into the countryside and come for sessions at spa salons or fitness centers. All this is associated with unnecessary expenses - not only time, but also money.

Today, true sauna connoisseurs have the opportunity to receive wellness treatments at any convenient time right in their own apartment. There are three ways to get a home mini-sauna: buy ready cabin, order a sauna according to your sketch or build a sauna with your own hands. Which option to choose is up to you. In this article we will tell you about existing varieties home saunas and how to build a sauna in an apartment yourself.

Types, their pros and cons

Of all the variety of types of saunas that exist in the world, only two are suitable for installation in an ordinary city apartment: the classic Finnish steam room and the infrared sauna. Let's look at the features of each of these types.

The Finnish sauna has gained particular popularity in our country, since in its effects it is very similar to the Russian bath. True, unlike the usual sauna, the steam in the Finnish steam room is not wet, but dry. The air in a Finnish sauna is usually heated to a temperature of 100 to 120 degrees, so only well-trained people can stay there for a long time. A large number of Hot steam is obtained by pouring water over hot stones lying on the stove.

Installing a Finnish steam room in an apartment requires waterproofing and a powerful ventilation system; in addition, you will need to comply with the requirements fire safety, of which there are quite a lot.

Other disadvantages of the Finnish sauna include a large list of contraindications and negative impact on human mucous membranes.

Infrared sauna in Lately is gaining more and more fans. This is due to the fact that infrared rays are completely harmless to the body, so this type of steam room is suitable for those for whom a traditional “hot” sauna is contraindicated (however, an infrared sauna still has some limitations, so before equipping it in your apartment, read with a list of contraindications). Infrared rays heat not the air, but the body, therefore, the heat penetrates into the deep layers of muscle and bone tissue. The air temperature inside the cabin does not rise above 60 degrees, so being in the infrared sauna is quite comfortable. Significant advantage infrared sauna is low power consumption.

If it is impossible to allocate space in your apartment to install a full-fledged stationary sauna, but you still want to receive wellness sessions, take a closer look at portable models home sauna.

In apartment conditions, the following varieties are most convenient:

  • Phytobarrel – sauna sessions inside wooden barrel often offer various wellness centers. The size of the barrel allows an adult to fit comfortably in it. You can steam using infusions of medicinal herbs.
  • A fabric sauna is also a kind of barrel, consisting of dense fabric stretched over a metal frame. When folded, this mini-sauna takes up virtually no space; it can be hidden in a closet or under the bed. The disadvantage of this device is the high energy consumption, since powerful heaters are installed inside the structure.


Having decided to build a real steam room at home, you need to be prepared for claims from some authorities. Therefore, before you start equipping a home sauna, obtain the consent of these organizations. The exact list of authorities that you will need to contact to obtain a permit depends on your place of residence, since even within the same country the requirements may vary.

If you are in Russia, then most likely you will need consent:

  • State Fire Service;
  • State Housing Inspectorate;
  • Homeowners' Associations;
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • State construction supervision inspections.

Collecting all the documents will take you a lot of time and some money, but you will probably get permission.

How to do it yourself?

Construction of a full-fledged sauna in a city apartment is a labor-intensive process. To ensure that the result is a beautiful, comfortable, and most importantly safe sauna, you need to take care of some important points:

  • Electrical safety. All electrical equipment that you will use when setting up a steam room must have an appropriate degree of protection from moisture. Wiring must be done in a hidden way. One cable should be “responsible” for lighting, and the other for the stove. Be sure to connect the device to the wiring protective shutdown and grounding elements.
  • Ventilation. Mandatory for all types of sauna, except infrared. Ventilation system must include an exhaust hood and through holes in doors that provide air flow. Ventilation can be located on the wall or on the ceiling, the main thing is that it is opposite the stove.
  • Wall and floor finishing. Since we are talking about a dry steam room, there is no need to equip water drains. The floor can be laid out ceramic tiles or wooden planks. Pine timber is usually used for wall cladding. The beam is fixed to dowel-nails in at least five places, therefore, it is necessary to secure the same number of cross members to the frame.
  • Insulation. To create a heat-insulating layer, you can use only those materials that do not emit toxic substances when heated. Most often for these purposes they choose mineral wool. Foil is attached over the first layer of thermal insulation (using staples and foil tape). A counter-lattice is placed on the foil and only the timber is attached to it.
  • Bake. Traditionally, home saunas use a so-called electric heater (with the exception of an infrared sauna - infrared heaters are installed in it). If the apartment has electric stove, then there will be no problems connecting the electric heater - the power of the electrical equipment is quite enough to connect another stove. However, in apartments connected to a gas pipeline, some difficulties arise. There are two ways to solve the problem: by connecting a stove with low power (in this case, the sauna will warm up for at least a couple of hours) or by organizing a separate entrance to connect the electric heater to the network (here you will need the help of a professional electrician).
  • Door. The doorway and, accordingly, the door itself should be as small as possible - this will help retain heat better. If funds allow, the door should be made from solid solid wood just like in real saunas. According to safety requirements, the door must have a heat-resistant glass insert built into it.
  • Internal equipment. There should be a minimum amount of furniture inside the sauna. There is enough seat, footrest and shelf for bath accessories. Experts recommend making sauna accessories from linden. Optimal height upper seat – 110 cm.

The Russian bathhouse and the Finnish sauna are two brilliant inventions of great peoples who know what winter is and value natural healing from ailments. Living in an apartment has forced city residents to forget the sensations of a steam bath, but in vain! Doctors assure: the therapeutic effect of steam is amazing. Relax your body, relax your muscles, restore your nerves - all this is available in a short session in the steam room. But where can I get it on the 16th floor of an apartment building?

Arrange a steam room in your own apartment, at the dacha, in the house! There is no need to buy building materials and invite a foreman - just buy a mini-sauna! It installs without installation. The remote control is used to set the steam temperature and duration of the procedure. remote control. All zippers are double-sided, so you can zip up the sauna without outside help. A portable sauna is a mobile, inexpensive and ingenious solution for your health! The spine, muscles and joints will be grateful.

Portable sauna tent: what rooms is it suitable for?

Many people buy mini-saunas for their apartments and are satisfied. Someone needs portable sauna tent for a summer residence or country house, and the mini-sauna from this display case helps out. Don't want to lose comfort while traveling? Mini sauna compensates you for all the comforts of home. It will take up very little space in the car.

Portable steam sauna: how it works

Where does steam come from? It is produced by a compact steam generator, which is installed inside the mini-sauna body. The volume of water poured into it is enough for an hour of continuous operation in intensive mode.

How to use a portable sauna?

  • install a mini-sauna;
  • place a stool covered with a towel inside;
  • pour water into the steam generator;
  • connect the sauna to a power outlet;
  • set the steam temperature and exposure time;
  • sit inside, zip up the walls of the mini-sauna;
  • after 5 minutes the selected temperature will be reached;
  • use the controls to adjust the temperature comfortably;
  • optimal time The procedure, according to doctors, lasts 15-20 minutes.

the effectiveness of the impact is the same as in a large, expensive sauna;

  • acceleration of blood flow;
  • normalization of kidney function;
  • improvement of microcirculation of lymph and blood;
  • revitalization of metabolism;
  • moisturizing, skin regeneration;
  • prevention of colds;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • relief of muscle pain and migraines;
  • stress relief;
  • deep relaxation;
  • powerful warming effect;
  • reduction in the appearance of cellulite;
  • natural elimination of toxins;
  • weight loss.

Portable portable steam sauna good because it:

Portable mini sauna: characteristics

In the box:

  • Weight: 7 kg
  • Dimensions: 60x24x40 cm

Steam generator characteristics:

  • Power: 850 W
  • Water capacity: 2 liters
  • Mains voltage: 220-240 Volts
  • Operation timer: from 10-20-30-40-50-60 min
  • Operation indicator: LED

Portable mini sauna: models

Portable mini sauna on a rigid frame


  • height 98 cm
  • width 78 cm
  • depth: 79 cm


  • Sauna on a folding metal frame
  • Steam generator

Portable mini sauna on an inflatable frame


  • height 98 cm
  • width 78 cm
  • depth: 79 cm


  • Sauna on an inflatable frame
  • Steam generator
  • Electric pump