home · Lighting · Consumption of finishing materials per m2. Consumption of finishing materials. Types of cement mortars for plaster

Consumption of finishing materials per m2. Consumption of finishing materials. Types of cement mortars for plaster

Floor screed consumption per 1 sq.m of material, as a rule, it is necessary to calculate using specialized construction equipment.

Cooking process cement-sand mixture for requires exact adherence to the proportions of all necessary components. To make the solution you need:

  1. Cement. It is recommended to use Portland cement M500 d0 or M500 D20
  2. Washed or sifted coarse sand without large inclusions and various kinds of residues. It is advisable to use sand with a fraction of 2.5-3mm.
  3. Water . It is not recommended to take from unverified sources due to possible contamination domestic wastewater and small natural particles. Perfect option- non-chlorinated from the well.
  4. Fiber fiber . The approximate calculation is 40 grams per 1 square meter of solution with a thickness of 50 mm.
  5. Initially Cement and sand are mixed together in proportions from 1/4.5 to 1/6 (depending on the requirement for brand strength), after which water with fiber fiber is added to the dry mixture in portions.

How to calculate material consumption for a semi-dry floor screed

The calculation of floor screed, cement, sand and fiberglass is carried out in the following way:

  1. Per 1 square meter with a thickness of 50 mm, on average we need 15 kg of cement, 0.065 m3 of coarse sand, 2-3 liters of water and 35-40 grams of fiberglass.
  2. Accordingly, if you have an object with an area 100m2, then for installing a semi-dry screed with a thickness 5cm you will need 100 * 15 = 1500 kg of cement (30 bags of 50 kg each), 0.065 * 100 = 6.5 m3 of sand, 35 * 100 = 3500 g or 3.5 kg of fiberglass. It’s also worth considering the cost here polyethylene film and damper tape.

In this way you can protect any volume at any thickness and, as practice shows, this is the most optimal calculation option.

If it is necessary to add a plasticizer, Superplast is added at the rate of 50 ml per 1 sq.m.

To determine the readiness of the solution, it is necessary to squeeze a small amount of the mixture in your hand; if during the compression process a small amount of moisture is formed, but a strong lump is obtained, then the solution is prepared correctly and is ready for screeding.

If you are making a semi-dry floor screed with M-300 sand concrete, then the calculation of the amount of sand concrete will be as follows:

Necessary multiply the area of ​​the object by the thickness of the layer, multiply by 18 and divide by the weight of the bag. For example, if you have an apartment of 50 m2 and the middle layer of semi-dry screed is 6 cm, then the calculation will be as follows 50m2*6cm*18/40kg = 135m, but since the bags are constantly not filled, our advice is not to divide by 40kg, and by 38kg. It’s better to have a little more than to run out and buy it later!

Sand concrete consumption calculator for floor screed

When performed independently repair work you need to be able to correctly calculate consumption building materials. This will help you save money when purchasing them. Cement consumption per 1 m2 of plaster depends on the quality of the surface on which we will apply the solution, technical characteristics mixture and texture of the resulting coating.

Let's consider how to independently determine the mixture consumption depending on the thickness of the layer and the type of plaster used.

Types of cement mortars for plaster

Plaster mixtures used for wall finishing differ in the presence of certain components and their ratio. Divided into types:

Type of mixtureCharacteristicsProportions
Cement-sandUsed for roughing internal and exterior finishing The result is a durable, moisture-resistant coating. Suitable for finishing walls, ceilings in unheated, wet areas and for cladding facades. The constituent components are cement and various fillers: sand, plasticizers, etc.The standard solution is prepared in a ratio of sand and cement 1:3.
Cement grade M 400 can be diluted 1 part to 8 parts sand.
M 100 is mixed in a ratio of 1:2.
The composition is selected depending on the type of surface, layer thickness, and operating conditions.
To increase plasticity, add PVA glue to the finished mixture in a ratio of 50-100 ml per 10 liters of the finished solution.
Cement-limeThey have good adhesion to all types of surfaces. Used for finishing plinths, cornices made of stone and wood. Lime has bactericidal properties and protects the surface from mold and fungal infections.1 part cement and lime to 5 parts sand.
For a 25 kg bag of cement we take 21 kg of lime, 280 kg of sand, 50 liters of water.

The cement composition is most often used for rough finishing of walls. Thin layer cracks during operation, so it is recommended to apply cement - sand solutions thickness from 3 to 6 cm, depending on the material from which the walls are made and the technology used for applying plaster.

What affects material consumption

The amount of solution depends on the level of the walls. The more defects, the more mixture required

You can easily calculate the cement consumption for plastering walls yourself. Consumption is determined based on the following components:

  • type of solution and its components;
  • how much smooth walls, and what material they are made of.

IN multi-storey buildings the level deviation of the plane is 2-2.5 cm. The greater the surface unevenness, the more thick layer will have to be applied.

To reduce, the surface is treated with a primer in several layers. It helps remove dust from the surface, reduce absorbency and better adhesion materials.

At the junction of two surfaces made of various materials, we install the construction mesh. Because of this, a thicker layer of plaster is required. produced using a special technique.

In old houses you can find perfectly straight walls, but more often they have crooked walls.

Calculate the layer thickness

We determine the difference in the surface relative to the vertical plane using a plumb line or installing beacons.

Methods for determining the curvature of walls:

  • We lower the plumb line from the ceiling, find the most protruding point of the wall, then measure the depth of the depressions.
  • We use long, even slats as beacons; we apply them to the wall and see how crooked it is; We measure the depressions on the wall.

For clarity, we give an example of calculating the layer thickness cement plaster for a wall of 12 sq. m.

We add up the depths of the depressions on the walls and divide the resulting result by the number of beacons: (2+3+4+5): 4= 3.5 cm. The thickness of the plaster layer will be equal to 3.5 cm.

Standard consumption rates

One bag 25 kg

The average is indicated on the packaging, taking into account a layer of 10 mm, and is individual for each manufacturer. If we apply a solution with a thickness of 2 cm, then we multiply the quantity by 2, etc. For plaster, the average consumption is 8.5 kg per sq.m.

If we take a 25 kg bag, then 8.5:25 = 0.34% of the amount of the bag will spread the plaster per 1 m2.

Let us consider in the table the calculation of cement consumption for plastering walls depending on the thickness of the applied layer at a standard consumption rate of 8.5 kg per square meter. m:

Marble chips give the “Bark Beetle” mixture a relief

Composition for finishing plaster The bark beetle contains marble chips, thanks to this it turns out relief surface with an interesting structure. Standard flow ranges from 2.5 to 4 kg. Each manufacturer indicates these indicators on the label.

Venetian plaster is applied in a layer of several millimeters, resulting in a small mixture consumption of 70 to 200 grams per square meter. m. Working with such material requires experience; in order to apply it to the surface efficiently, it is better to invite a professional.

Gypsum compositions are consumed in a ratio of 9 kg per square meter. m. on our website will help you quickly calculate how much of this material will be needed for finishing work.

At the time of buying plaster mixture you need to add 10% to the calculated amount of material so that during the work you don’t have to run to the store.

We plaster with our own hands

Apply three layers of plaster

After we have calculated the required amount of material and purchased dry components, we begin to carry out the work.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We prepare the surface. We clean the wall from dust and flaking building materials. We remove rust and oil stains.
  2. We prime the surface in 2-3 layers, applying each subsequent layer after the previous one has dried.
  3. Apply the plaster in three layers. First of all, spray a solution of medium consistency onto the wall; this can be done with your hands, a spatula, or poured from a ladle. Then rub the composition over the surface with a rule or a grater: on concrete surface We apply a thickness of 4-5 mm, on brick up to 7 mm, on wood up to 10 mm.
  4. The second layer is the main one. Mix the solution a little thicker than for spraying. Using a spatula or trowel, apply the composition to the wall and rub it over the surface, leveling it.
  5. Apply the last layer with a thickness of no more than 4 mm, and prepare a more liquid solution for it. Apply the coating to the moistened base layer. After setting, but before the surface dries, we grout. For more details, watch this video:

A type of wall plaster is beacon finishing, which allows you to create a perfectly flat surface.

The guides are installed strictly according to the level at a distance slightly less from each other than the width of the rule. Beacons can remain in the wall or be removable.

Rule from the bottom up

Stages of applying plaster to lighthouses:

  1. We fill the area between the beacons with a solution and level it using the rule. We fill all the voids and carefully level them.
  2. We cover and rub the surface well.

We need to prepare such a volume of solution that we can apply it before it hardens.

Be sure to study the calculations of plaster consumption before starting work.

Repair is not complete without leveling the walls and performing plastering works. Processed cement composition the surface serves reliable basis for finishing.

In order not to make mistakes when purchasing materials when self-repair or control the builders, you need to know how much material is being consumed. After studying this article, you can easily calculate these indicators.

Cement consumption per 1 m2 of screed allows you to understand how to calculate how much cement is needed to get a stable base that will work for a long time. We will also consider how to calculate the consumption of the central pump, which affects the consumption of the mixture and the formulas and calculation scheme for the central pump. depends entirely on the elements used in its manufacture.

What ready-made mixtures are available can be found here

  • let the area of ​​the room be 20 m2
  • screed height is 5 centimeters

Thus, making the calculation cement screed we get:

20 * 0.05 = 1 m3

1 cubic meter of cement needs to be spent on a room.

The consumption of the produced mixture, and therefore the solution made from it, is approximately 20 kilograms per 1 square meter with a screed thickness of one centimeter, so the material consumption for this floor screed will be equal to

20 * 0.05 * 20 = 2000 kg

The weight in packages is usually 50 kg, which means, according to the calculation of the cement screed, 40 bags of the product will be required.

If ready-made mixtures are not used to make the mortar, then the calculation of the cement screed looks like this:

  • Let's say the area of ​​the room is 25 squares
  • the screed has a height of 4 centimeters

25 * 0.04 = 1 m3

With a proportion of three to one, we get the cement consumption for the screed equal to 0.33 m3, and the sand consumption equal to 0.66 m3. And from here we can calculate the cement consumption per 1 m2 of screed.

When calculating the floor screed, you need to take into account the fact that the resulting figure must be increased by at least 25% for the reason that small particles of the solution during installation will fill all the smallest pores and cracks.

There is a concept like minimum thickness screeds, which should be taken into account.

Nuances when calculating TsP

When making a floor screed for installing a heated floor, you need to take certain points into account. When calculating cement and other materials for preparing the mixture, it must be taken into account that the layer height above the pipes must be at least five centimeters. If the layer is more than 150 millimeters, then a lot of energy will be required to warm the floor and thus the efficiency of the heated floor is sharply reduced. Therefore, in order to reduce screed consumption and maintain the energy efficiency of the heated floor, granite chips are added to the mixture.

When carrying out floor repairs in an apartment, when opening and altering or laying a new screed, it is in fact considered a change in the configuration of the floor, and based on provision 2.2.6 of Resolution No. 508 - PP in Moscow, these works are considered reconstruction and therefore, to carry out this operation you need to obtain official permission and draw up and approve the project.

In addition, if a new screed is installed on top of the old one, the pressure on the floors increases significantly, which is extremely undesirable. Therefore, the consumption of cement per 1 m2 of screed must be done in such a way as not to increase the load on the floors.

In this article, we examined the main points of calculating the CSP, cement consumption per 1 m2 of screed and the nuances that should be taken into account. If you follow all the recommendations received, you can easily carry out the correct calculation necessary materials, and you can also do it yourself.

Answer: Cost of construction wall materials, providing standard indicators of a wall structure for thermal conductivity and heat transfer resistance coefficient can be calculated based on the cost and consumption indicators of a specific material. Depending on the choice of a particular material, the cost square meter wall structure can fluctuate in one direction or another within 10-30%. Therefore, we can talk about exact figures for the cost per square meter of a wall only in relation to a specific material that has its own average cost. For example, the price of a plaster mixture can vary by almost two times.

Table Calculation of cost and consumption of building materials per 1 m2 of wall


Characteristics of materials

Flow determination

Approximate prices

Dimensions: 625x375x250

YTONG aerated concrete blocks have very high thermal characteristics among many wall materials. A wall 375 mm thick, plastered on both sides, fully satisfies the requirements regulatory documents on thermal insulation for buildings and structures of the Central, Northwestern and Volga regions Federal districts. YTONG blocks have excellent geometric properties, which makes it possible to significantly reduce masonry and plaster solutions, compared to other types of wall materials.

Consumption of blocks per 1 m2 of wall 37 cm thick is 0.375 m 3

In m 3 – 17.07 pcs.

In m2 – 6.5 pcs.

From 1 m 3 of YTONG aerated concrete blocks with a thickness of 375 mm, 2.66 m 2 of walls can be laid.

1 m 3 = 4000 rub.

1 block = 234 rub.

1 m 2 thickness 37.5 cm = 1500 rub.

Dimensions: 625x250x250

Thick YTONG aerated concrete blocks

250 mm are used in wall structures of low-rise buildings using insulation and cladding layers.

Consumption of blocks per 1 m² of wall 25 cm thick is 0.25 m³

In m 3 – 25.6 pcs.

In m2 – 6.5 pcs.

From 1 m 3 of YTONG aerated concrete blocks with a thickness of 250 mm, 4 m 2 of walls can be laid.

1 m 3 = 4000 rub.

1 block = 156 rub.

1 m 2 thickness 25 cm = 1015 rub.

Foam block D600,


Foam concrete blocks 600x300x200. Average weight one block – 23 kg. IN 1 m 3 – 27.7 pieces

Consumption of blocks per 1 m² of wall 60 cm thick is 0.7 m³

Foam concrete blocks with a density of D 600 are used for the construction of residential and industrial buildings up to three floors. Big sizes blocks allow you to save time in relation to, for example. TO ceramic brick. The good geometry of the blocks and ease of laying make it possible to save money on attracting highly qualified specialists.

1 m 3 – 2800

1 block - 100 rubles

1 m 2 thickness 70 cm = 1960 rub..


Ceramic facing brick has standard sizes 250x120x65 mm. This ratio of length and width allows you to perform masonry work with the most optimal options suture dressings. The consumption of bricks for wall cladding depends on the thickness of the masonry joint; the difference in the thickness of the joint can be within one centimeter.

Brick consumption per 1 m² of wall - is 52 pcs.

1 piece – 12 rub.

1 m 2 ½ brick thick -

Due to gas silicate blocks YTONG blocks have minimal geometric deviations; they are laid on a thin adhesive layer. A thin layer of masonry allows you to reduce the thermal conductivity of the structure, avoid the appearance of cold bridges, and increase the speed of construction wall structures and ultimately reduce costs.

The actual thickness of the seam in practice is 2-3 mm.

Consumption of masonry glue mixture for “YTONG” blocks is indicated by the manufacturer of the materials, partly this indicator also depends on the professionalism of the masons.

Glue consumption masonry mixture 1.4 kg/m2 with a thickness of 1 mm.

240 rub.

bag 25 kg

10 rub. kg

Dry mixture M 150 universal is intended for masonry and plastering work for puttying. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Consumption for a layer thickness of 10 mm – 15-16 kg/m2

100 rub.

bag 50 kg.

1 kg – 2 rub.

Water resistant facade plaster, with high vapor permeability and adhesion. Range permissible thickness 3-30 mm, drying time 8 hours.

Material consumption per m2:

For each mm of thickness – 1.5 kg

Price 400 rub.

bag 25 kg.

16 rubles kg.

Plaster mixture for interior work

Wall G.B.

Dry plaster mixture on a cement-lime basis for leveling and plastering walls and aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks.

Material consumption per m2:

For each mm of thickness – 1.3 kg

Price 240 rub.

bag 25 kg.

10 rubles kg.

(1000x600x50mm) 6m2 0.3m3

Hydrophobized thermal insulation boards, made from mineral wool based on basalt rocks, they are used as sound and thermal insulation of multi-layer wall and roof structures.

Material consumption per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 50 mm - 1 m 2 .

Packaging price

510 rubles.

Price 1 m2

85 rubles for a thickness of 50 mm

Construction dowel is used for fastening thermal insulation materials to the walls of buildings. Walls made of brick, gas silicate and foam concrete are used

Price 1 piece – 5 rub.


Fiberglass mesh. The main purpose is to reinforce facade thermal insulation for further plastering. Non-toxic, chemically inert, well resistant to weathering

Price 1 m 2 - 10 rub.

In the process of carrying out repair work, determining required quantity plaster is related to its consumption rates, which directly depends on the thickness of the layer applied to the bearing surface, the technical characteristics of the mixture and the area covered by the material.

Factors affecting plaster consumption

In their classification there are two main ones, which provide greatest influence on the amount of material consumed.

When carrying out calculations, the following are taken into account:

  • wall curvature;
  • type of plaster mixture.

Calculation method for different types of mixtures

Consumption rates depend not only on the manufacturer and brand of material, but also on its type and texture. When carrying out calculations, it is recommended to focus on their features, among other things.

Decorative plaster “Bark beetle” for walls:

Here the calculation method is different, different from other types. The value will depend not only on the thickness of the layer, but also filler sizes. It is not entirely accurate - the resulting number is needed multiply by 5-10%, to get the right amount:

  • for fraction 1 mm – 2.4-3 kg/m2;
  • fractions 2 mm – 5-6 kg/m2;
  • fractions 3 mm – 7-9 kg/m2.

Thickness work surface there will be from 10 mm to 30 mm.

Cement plaster for the facade texture “Bark beetle”:

Plaster mortar on cement based bark beetle texture is used as a finishing layer when finishing part of a building. She earned her recognition thanks to good quality indicators - strength and moisture resistance, and economical consumption.

To cover 1 m2 of working surface with the “bark beetle” texture, 3 kg of mixture is required with a layer thickness of 1 cm. If it is necessary to make a calculation for a larger value, multiply 3 kg by layer thickness in mm and get the desired numerical value.

Gypsum plaster "Rotband":

Application and consumption gypsum plaster.

The consumption of dry plaster mixture with gypsum binder "Rotband" is determined by the manufacturers and indicated on the packaging with the material.

For application manually you will need 8.5 kg of gypsum plaster per 1 m2 of surface with a thickness of 10 mm. If the layer thickness is greater - multiply it in mm by 8.5 kg and get the required value.

Venetian plaster mixture:

It is rarely used, but it looks beautiful thanks to its marble texture. Consumption per 1 m2 will depend on the layer thickness:

  • for 1 cm – 70 g;
  • for 2 cm – 140 g;
  • for 3 cm – 210 g.

Skills correct calculation material– your opportunity to spend it economically and save your time and financial resources.