home · Appliances · Industrial self-leveling floors are a reliable monolith as the basis of production. Self-leveling (Polymer) floor Industrial coatings and self-leveling floors

Industrial self-leveling floors are a reliable monolith as the basis of production. Self-leveling (Polymer) floor Industrial coatings and self-leveling floors

Modern construction industry so developed that literally in a matter of time entire residential areas and cities grow up. There are many technologies thanks to which construction and renovation work significantly accelerated and simplified. And if until relatively recently construction was allowed only in certain temperature and humidity conditions, now nanotechnology makes it possible to produce construction works almost at any time of the year and in any weather conditions - both in hot summer, when it is dry and warm, and in harsh winter, when it is far beyond -20 and snowy outside. Much of this credit goes to the paint and varnish industry. After all, without various paint and varnish materials it is impossible to carry out either construction or repairs. It is worth noting that modern paint and varnish materials allow you not only to quickly cope with any work, but also to do it with high quality. One of the relatively recent inventions that short term has proven itself very well, are self-leveling floors. They were developed by the American company Ardex Inc in 1978. Their composition was based on PVA emulsion. However, such floors were not strong enough and were easily subjected to various mechanical damage and moisture. In this regard, it was decided to change the composition of self-leveling floors.

Today, self-leveling floors are ideal option for installation in industrial premises. Self-leveling floors is a coating that is a dry mixture made using cement based. The composition of this mixture necessarily includes high-quality wear-resistant polyurethane.

The main advantages of self-leveling floors over other coatings:

  1. No seams;
  2. Preventing the proliferation of harmful organisms, which allows self-leveling floors to be used in premises requiring high sterility (for example, medical);
  3. Tightness;
  4. Resistance to various types of mechanical and chemical damage;
  5. Elasticity;
  6. Fire safety;
  7. Resistant to high temperatures;
  8. No need for special care;
  9. Durability.

Currently, there are several types of self-leveling floors.

Self-leveling floors are divided into:

  1. Industrial. Scope of application: various industries. This type of flooring is characterized by a multi-layer structure, due to which they are distinguished by their strength and high density, which helps prevent the penetration of various toxins, as well as radioactive substances, through the floor. Industrial self-leveling floors can have a thickness ranging from 1-9 mm.
  2. Cement-containing. Mainly used as a base for parquet, laminate, finishing layer self-leveling floor. This type is perfect for leveling the surface. Moreover, it can be used both for the purpose of leveling deep unevenness in rooms with a large area, and for final leveling. Depending on the purpose of using a cement-containing self-leveling floor, its thickness can vary from 2 to 200 mm.
  3. Polymer. This type of self-leveling flooring is always applied as a finishing coating for the base. In turn, industrial polymer floors, depending on their composition, are divided into:
  • epoxy. These floors contain epoxy resins, as well as admixtures of special components that give the floors additional characteristics such as antistatic or anti-acidity. These floors have the following advantages: resistance to various chemical substances; high adhesion; the hardness of the finished base. However, there are also certain disadvantages, such as the low elasticity of this type of flooring, which affects their resistance to impact loads, which can lead to the formation of cracks on the floor surface. In addition, epoxy self-leveling floors are heat-loving and do not tolerate low temperatures;
  • cement-acrylic. These floors are characterized high quality and reliability;
  • polyurethane. They are distinguished by easy application and a high degree of impregnation of mineral surfaces. Well tolerated low temperatures(up to -20 degrees Celsius). They are hygienic, elastic, and wear-resistant. Also this type flooring available in different color scheme, due to which their scope of application is significantly expanded. Certain technologies make it possible to lay a polyurethane self-leveling floor in the shortest possible time;
  • methyl methacrylate. They differ in that they are quite strong and have super strength.

In addition to the fact that self-leveling floors differ in their composition, they also have different degrees of filling.

Types of self-leveling floors by degree of filling:

  1. Thin-layer. The thickness of this coating is 0.5 mm. Thin-layer type of self-leveling floors are perfect for protecting the surface from the formation of large quantity dust, as well as from exposure to various aggressive environments. The advantages include the presence of various colors, as well as low cost. However, the small thickness of the coating significantly reduces the life of the floor.
  2. Self-leveling. This type of coating contains pigmented resin and non-tinted fillers. The thickness of the floor is in the range of 1-4 mm. They have the appearance of a smooth matte surface. Perfect for hiding various irregularities formed on the base. Can be used for a long time.
  3. Highly filled. The thickest of self-leveling floors. Their thickness ranges from 4 to 8 mm. Highly filled self-leveling coatings contain pigmented resin and colored sand. Due to their high wear resistance, they are used in premises where there is very high traffic, and there is also frequent movement of freight vehicles and trolleys.

Industrial self-leveling floors: installation technology

Self-leveling floors are building material, which can be laid either independently or with the help of specialists. However, the technology for installing self-leveling floors requires certain tools, as well as compliance certain rules, violation of which will result in the formation of a poor-quality coating requiring replacement.

When laying a self-leveling floor, you must have:

  1. A special spatula that allows you to properly level the mixture;
  2. Containers for preparing the solution;
  3. Shoes with metal spikes, which prevents premature damage to the coating;
  4. A needle roller, with the help of which air bubbles are expelled from the finished surface;
  5. Drills and whisk attachments for quickly mixing the mixture;
  6. Heat fans;
  7. Mechanized machines used to clean and grind the surface;
  8. Rules to control evenness.

Laying of self-leveling floors is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparation. As with any paint application, the first step is to properly prepare the substrate for the floor to be poured. At this stage of work, it is planned to pour a new concrete base, suitable in all respects for laying a floor on it. After concrete base filled and completely hardened, you should check for the presence of various cracks and irregularities, and, if any, they should be eliminated.
  2. The next step is grinding the base in order to eliminate various minor defects.
  3. Padding. This is done using epoxy resin and hardener. Thanks to priming, microcracks are bonded.
  4. Quartzization. Pour onto the still wet primer quartz sand for better adhesion of the base to the finishing coat.
  5. Filling the finishing layer and leveling it. The floor is completely poured immediately. If the room large area, then a team of several people is needed. A freshly poured floor is generally not intended to be walked on. However, in case of urgent need, special shoes with spikes have been developed, in which you can walk on a floor that has not yet hardened.

Thus, it is worth noting that self-leveling floors have many positive qualities, which allow the use of this coating in almost any premises, from industrial to medical institutions. Their main advantage is their high compressive strength, which cannot be said about conventional cement-sand screeds. This is due to the smaller amount of water required during the preparation of a mixture of self-leveling floors containing cement. In addition, self-leveling floors ensure that there is no need for frequent replacement of the coating, since their service life ranges from 50 to 140 years.

Manufacturing polymer compositions for floors today is the most popular area in the construction industry in Russia. By latest information, polymer floors occupy almost 10% of the total volume of floors that are installed in industrial, office and public buildings, and this figure is constantly growing. Over the past few years, this segment domestic market increased to 18 thousand tons (or 11 million m 2), which in price equivalent equals approximately 5 billion rubles. At the same time, almost 50% of demand comes from the Central federal district, and almost 25% - in the Northwestern Federal District.

The external beauty of floors in production workshops is usually put aside from repair requirements - industrial self-leveling floors allow construction to be carried out according to the full formula of reliability, aesthetics and durability.

Self-leveling floor for industrial premises - features and characteristics

Separately, it is worth mentioning that if any metal object This type of coating does not produce sparks. This quality is in demand in industries with strict fire and explosion safety standards - ordinary concrete can become the source of a fatal accident if you drop a wrench on it.

The disadvantages of self-leveling industrial floors include their high cost and difficult pouring technology. In fact, the floor is installed on a ready-made concrete surface, fresh screed and other reliable finishing. Often, business managers save on expensive finishing coating, justifying by personal example the proverb “The miser pays twice.”

Types of liquid floors for industrial purposes

To achieve the required parameters of strength, elasticity, resistance and durability, industrial floors are produced with the addition of polymer additives. Based on the degree of polymer concentration in the total volume of the mixture and the poured thickness, the coatings are divided into three large groups:

  • Thin or thin-layer. Used to protect concrete (less commonly cement and polymer-cement) floors from dust and moderate loads. Their thickness does not exceed 1 mm, which significantly reduces the cost of filling. However, the coating does not mask surface defects (rather the opposite), and the typical load is limited to non-self-propelled cargo trolleys weighing up to 500 kg;
  • Leveling floors with a thickness of 1 to 4 mm. Form monolithic surface glossy or matte shade, hide base defects well, and withstand significant mechanical loads. Relevant for heavy traffic of forklifts and periodic passage of vehicles weighing up to several tons.
  • High-fill polymer floors. The most expensive and most durable type of coating for industrial enterprises, with a pouring thickness of 4-8 millimeters. The high concentration of expensive polymers will make it possible to use such mixtures to protect any coatings from very significant loads.

It is better to entrust the selection of the optimal type of polymer mixture to specialists. As well as the pouring of such a floor itself. Often a premium blend (in specific production conditions) will be no better than a leveled floor - and the savings in money and labor will be noticeable.

Industrial self-leveling floors - technology is determined by the base

When diluted, industrial self-leveling polymer floors are a flowing liquid and are well absorbed into the base. They are not subject to peeling or exposure to any “chemicals”, are indifferent to the vagaries of weather and high temperatures and look great due to their seamless appearance. The basis for applying such compositions can be:

  • Standard concrete, mosaic slabs. When pouring, it is enough to clean the floors from any debris, dust and moisture;
  • Strengthened concrete. Upper layer such a base requires shot blasting for reliable adhesion to the polymer mixture;
  • Fiber concrete. The possibility of the fiber “floating” after shot blasting forces such a substrate to be subjected to additional annealing and mechanical cleaning;
  • Old self-leveling floors. Due to the wide variety of available mixtures, the previous layer must be removed with an abrasive tool (if it is deep, abrasive stripping of a few millimeters is sufficient). After which the filling is carried out on the test area - in the absence of swelling, cracks, etc. within a few days you can fill the entire floor;
  • Gypsum and anhydrite floors can be applied high-strength mixtures, but under very specific conditions. Firstly, the foundation itself will not be strong enough. Secondly, it will require constant ventilation, which is very difficult for long industrial floors. Before using self-leveling floors, it is advisable to remove the gypsum and/or anhydrite layer down to the concrete base.

Installation of self-leveling industrial floor

The main stages of pouring high-strength polymer-based industrial floors and the conditions for the success of the entire repair are as follows:

  • Fresh concrete or base screed must harden efficiently - that is, within several weeks (or even a month). Do not trust the fast advertising promises of unscrupulous concrete manufacturers - if the base is poorly maintained, self-leveling floors will never be strong and durable;
  • IN various places premises, it is worth taking measurements of the strength and humidity of the base. The presence of oil, grease, dust, dirt and any deposits that prevent reliable adhesion of the polymer mixture and the concrete base is strictly prohibited;
  • Work must be performed at moderate air humidity (up to 70%) and at positive temperatures. In the temperature range from +12 ˚C to +22 ˚C contact bulk mixture with a base is optimal. Repairs in conditions of frost or Central Asian heat are theoretically possible, but labor-intensive and less reliable;
  • Cracks and potholes in the concrete base are pre-primed and sealed with mortar - it is simply not profitable to spend expensive polymer on them. Deep tile seams and joints are glued with fiberglass and carefully sprinkled on top thin layer quartz sand. Before pouring, excess sand is removed with a vacuum cleaner;
  • A primer is applied to the leveled surface. It is often mixed together with quartz sand to make the base more rough;
  • A day after priming, the floors are poured. If its depth is significant, the floor is painted during the second stage, when a thin finishing layer of pigment is poured onto the already applied coating;

Damper joints are cut at intervals of 3 to 6 meters throughout the entire depth of monolithic floors (depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations). Otherwise, the polymer coating will crack and deform during use. The seams are sealed last with a primer, a special sealing cord and sealing compounds.

Industrial floors are used in industrial and general economic facilities and are concrete bases protected by seamless polymer coatings.

Exist following types industrial floors:

  • Concrete floors - their installation is necessary in cases where there is no even concrete base yet or there is an old one that has become unusable.
  • Polymer cement floors - used to level uneven concrete floors.
  • Polymer self-leveling floors, coatings and impregnations - protect the base from the effects of adverse factors such as mechanical shock, vibration and chemical loads. Serve as a decorative covering.

The price of industrial flooring depends on a number of factors:

  • Room area
  • Presence, condition and brand strength of the base
  • Operational requirements

Concrete floors

– is the basis of any floor, provides thermal insulation, waterproofing and sound insulation. It can be of different brand strengths, the most common is M300. However, the higher this indicator, the lower the consumption of materials for the final protective coating will be.

Topping - applied to freshly laid concrete screed to strengthen the top layer of concrete. The topping consists of a mixture of Portland cement with the addition of pigments, quartz or corundum material, which is rubbed into the concrete using a trowel until a smooth polished surface is obtained. To ensure complete fixation and sealing, after grouting, the surface is treated with primer and after the entire structure has dried, the topping becomes part of the base.

Polymer cement floors

If you already have a rough uneven concrete base and need to level it, then either coatings are performed. They are the most durable and wear-resistant among all industrial floors, providing high strength, impact resistance, wear resistance, and chemical resistance.

If you need to protect the floor from excessive loads, add quartz sand to polymer materials. The sand takes over most loads, distributing them evenly over the surface. This technology for installing a self-leveling floor is called quartz-filled coating.

Self-leveling floors and coatings

They protect industrial floors from destruction and exposure to aggressive environments: water, oils, acids and alkalis, strengthen the base, increase its service life, impart aesthetic properties, and remove dust from the surface. Performed on a prepared, level surface concrete surface. Epoxy or polyurethane compositions are used as materials for their construction.

The most popular are the following:

If necessary, any polymer coating can be given special properties, i.e. make it antistatic, anti-slip or non-sparking.

How to choose?

On our website, you can independently select a floor in 1 minute, taking into account the specified factors, and receive a cost estimate for your property.

To do this, click on the object with the corresponding name in the picture above and answer simple questions regarding the conditions of its operation. The system will select the most suitable option, materials, stages of work for its installation and calculate the cost.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us by phone numbers listed on the website.

When inspecting your property, by prior arrangement, it is possible to apply a free sample area for quality testing. All materials are certified. The work is guaranteed.

Basic coatings for industrial premises are polymer self-leveling floors. They have a number of advantages that will always justify the price of the material.

Advantages of polymer floors

  • Solidity, the entire floor is poured as a single covering.
  • Moisture resistance, the ability to clean the coating with abundant use of water; the coating itself can be used as a waterproofing layer.
  • Thermal insulation, does not allow cold from the floor to pass into the room.
  • Increased abrasion compared to concrete self-leveling coatings 2.5-3 higher.
  • Impact resistance, withstands heavy blows.
  • Environmental friendliness, It is odorless, does not cause allergies, and meets all sanitary standards.
  • Durability, The service life declared by the manufacturer is at least 10 years, but in practice they last more than 20 years.
  • Elasticity and strength, withstand large point and distributed loads of various objects; over time, cracks do not appear on the surface.
  • Chemical neutrality, Resistant to gasoline, oils and many chemicals.
  • Fire safety, self-extinguishes heat does not cause spontaneous combustion, does not generate sparks when hitting the floor, an indispensable coating for oil refineries.
  • Anti-slip effect, good grip on any type of sole.
  • Esthenicity, smooth, always presentable coating.

Application area

  • Residential premises for utility and utility purposes.
  • Public buildings and structures.
  • Catering enterprises.
  • Medical and preventive institutions.
  • Educational institutions.
  • Shopping and entertainment facilities.
  • Garage complexes, service stations.
  • Parking lots.
  • Workshops of industrial enterprises.
  • Enterprises light industry(and also food).
  • Enterprises of the electronic and electrical industry.
  • Private houses and residential premises (3D floors).

Types of polymer self-leveling floors

Polymer-based industrial self-leveling floors are divided into:

  • , this type of flooring contains a polyurethane binder (glue), which results in very elastic and strong coatings.
  • , the coating of this type of flooring is based on epoxy resins, which makes the coating less elastic, but quite strong.

3D floors

One of the varieties of epoxy and polyurethane floors are 3D floors. They are quite rarely used in industry due to their high cost and are quite often used in private homes and premises.

Laying 3D floors is quite a painstaking task. They are poured into two layers, between which a special film with a 3D pattern applied to it is placed. The first layer is the base for the film with the pattern, it is displayed at absolute zero. The second, more transparent one serves as a lens and is poured over the design, which subsequently gives the coating a 3D effect.

Taping system

When choosing finishing materials for flooring in residential premises, various industrial and civil structures it is necessary to take into account the strict operational parameters intermediate and final coating.

Except technical characteristics, it is desirable that the result also meets the aesthetic needs of the customer and the very demanding requirements of the project designers. In this case, it is necessary to withstand sanitary rules and norms. The optimal solution, capable of answering all the questions posed are Taping self-leveling floors. They can be used as self-leveling floors for industrial premises, as floors for gyms, various government institutions, as well as in private construction.

The Taping Floor 205 system is a two-component system that does not require the use of solvents. The coating provides unsurpassed strength and wear resistance on long years. Preparation of the compound consists of mixing the hardener and base in the proportions regulated by the instructions.

The InterEco company has been engaged in liquid liquids for many years. polymer floors. The company's specialists will help you buy a self-leveling polymer floor according to your requirements. In the company's online store you can purchase not only polymer self-leveling floors, but also other alternative coatings.

Alternative floor coverings.