home · Measurements · The best way to get rid of cockroaches. Removing cockroaches: quickly, efficiently, reliably. Use of boric acid

The best way to get rid of cockroaches. Removing cockroaches: quickly, efficiently, reliably. Use of boric acid

They also willingly settle in private houses and apartments. Despite the small external differences, they equally annoy a person, . Step-by-step algorithm How to get rid of cockroaches at home consists of several stages: eliminating favorable conditions for pests, preparing the premises, using an insecticide or folk remedies.

The process of getting rid of cockroaches

Black and red cockroaches are thermophilic, practically omnivorous - they are ready to feed on any food waste, chew book bindings, soap.

On a note!

They can live without food for about 40 days, without water only 9, about a day. At temperatures below minus 5°C they begin to die.

Based on the physiological needs of insects, control methods are selected and a strategy for getting rid of them is built:

  1. Deprive cockroaches and water.
  2. Prepare the apartment for processing.
  3. Use insecticides or folk remedies.
  4. Repeated disinsection is carried out according to entomological indicators.

Creating unfavorable conditions

It is necessary to eliminate food supply and sources of moisture for cockroaches.

  1. The first step is spring-cleaning in the kitchen and in areas where food is stored. If possible, move the tables away, remove all food remnants: accidentally rolled candies, bagels, crumbs, flour, etc. Clean up the cabinets and other pieces of furniture, eliminating spilled cereals and sugar.
  2. During hostilities against cockroaches, move all confectionery products, sweets, and fruits from vases into sealed containers.
  3. Dispose of garbage in a timely manner; if the garbage disposal is located in the apartment, equip it with a lid.
  4. Any condensation on glass, pipes, or tiles can fill the moisture needs of pests, not to mention puddles in sinks. Therefore, it is necessary to wipe the plumbing fixtures dry every evening. If the dish dryer is equipped with a tray, make sure it is dry. If there are leaks in communications, fix them.


If you ignore these points, then the fight against cockroaches will be protracted, and even if you defeat the Prussians, it will be short-lived. Whenever possible, insects will appear in the apartment again and quickly restore the population.

Intrusion Prevention

The most common way cockroaches get into an apartment is. All wall cracks, baseboards, and ventilation should be sealed.

On a note!

More rare are the options when Prussians are brought or brought in bags after being in a heavily contaminated room. If this winter period, you can protect your apartment from the intervention of traveling individuals if you take your bag out into the cold - onto the balcony.


How to apply insecticides yourself

You can quickly get rid of cockroaches only through chemicals, which are presented in the form of:

  • concentrates;
  • aerosols;

Processing places

Before disinsection it is necessary to do wet cleaning, isolate pets and household members if concentrates or aerosols are used. Read the instructions carefully. It may be necessary protective clothing, a respirator, rubberized gloves, and you will not be allowed to stay in the apartment for some time. The product is applied to:

  • near the trash can;
  • behind gas stove, refrigerator;
  • areas near washbasins, sinks, showers;
  • on baseboards;
  • sewer and water pipes;
  • on the back surfaces of furniture.

If there are a lot of cockroaches, treatment is carried out in all adjacent rooms with the kitchen.

When choosing insecticides, you need to pay attention to the active ingredient. It is always indicated in the description of the product. If attempts to exterminate cockroaches have already been made, then you should purchase a drug based on another active component, since insects quickly develop resistance.

Insecticides can be used in combination. But manufacturers do not recommend combining an aerosol with a gel, since the aroma of the former will prevent cockroaches from finding the gel product. Gels combine well with traps, which are convenient to place in places where it is difficult to remove gel residues.

Effective usage patterns household products from cockroaches depending on the degree of infestation:

  • in case of small numbers - chalk or pencil, gel or only aerosol;
  • medium degree of infestation - traps, gel or concentrate;
  • severe degree of contamination of the apartment - concentrate, emulsion in the kitchen, gel can be used in adjacent rooms.

Pros and cons of self-bullying

The only downside that can be noted is the search, which is due to their rapid adaptation to chemicals.

On a note!

The effectiveness of home pest control depends on the correct application, location of the insecticide, folk remedy, as well as on the quality of the preliminary preparatory procedures.

How to poison the Prussians

With a mild infection, the well-known one will help many. Active ingredients – zetacypermethrin, deltamethrin, price from 40 rubles. The perimeter of the room is outlined with a pencil, and at night the floor and areas near the plumbing are liberally “painted”. In the morning, dead individuals are swept out.

To remove cockroaches from an apartment, use. The principle of operation is the same as that of dusts. The poison penetrates the chitinous cover of the insect, destroys nervous system, which inevitably leads to death. The disadvantage of the product is toxicity, the unpresentable appearance of the applied powder in the apartment, and difficulties in purchasing. Can only be purchased in online stores. Price about 100 rub. per package 15 g.

On a note!

When there are a lot of cockroaches or you want to simplify the process, use more modern methods: gels and insecticidal traps. They are easy to use and give good results. And what is important is that you do not need to leave the apartment after the procedure and inhale toxic fumes. It is important to remove the gel and traps after killing insects.

The most effective remedies for cockroaches include the following:

  • Gel Excil (). The paste is applied pointwise, dropwise, or a substrate is used to make it easier to remove the gel in the future. The insects eat the bait, the poison penetrates their body, and after 15-24 hours the individual dies. During this time, the infected pest manages to bring poison into the lair and, according to the domino principle, the entire colony is destroyed. Gels are safe for apartment residents. Also effective.
  • They act on the principle of gels, active substance in which hydromethylnon appears. Efficiency lasts for 3 months. You can exterminate all cockroaches in 2 weeks. They promise the same result, Brownie Proshka.
  • good remedy, known since Soviet times. The composition has been modernized. They spray and leave the apartment for several hours. It is convenient to kill insects if their nests are discovered.
  • with chamomile aroma is used against all types of synanthropic insects. Spray the product and leave the room closed for several hours. As with the use of aerosols, to get rid of all cockroaches, you may need additional processing.
  • . The anti-cockroach product is a granular bait in the form of lenses. The drug is absolutely safe for all household members.
  • strong remedy, but you can use it only if you have a respirator and a cotton-gauze bandage. Dilute in accordance with the instructions with water and spray with a spray bottle.
  • the best remedy for high-quality disinfestation at home. The structures are installed in the center of the room; after activation, insecticidal smoke begins to be released, penetrating into all hard-to-reach places.
  • The Quiet Evening smoke bomb, when ignited, produces toxic smoke that kills cockroaches. However, use in an apartment is fraught with fire.

Main advantage folk recipes is their low cost, in some cases, effectiveness and safety for people and pets. However, you must immediately be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to fight cockroaches in an apartment; it is a labor-intensive process. Strongly smelling substances should be used with caution to avoid allergic reactions and headaches.

Both a pot with a plant and fresh branches will do.

  • will help significantly reduce the number of cockroaches. As the filling progresses, old structures must be removed.
  • Freezing. Temperatures below minus 5°C are detrimental to cockroaches. In private houses in winter time You can turn off the heating and expose the Prussians to cold. But if you consider that insects hide in cracks, under baseboards, it should be at least -10°C. Freezing cockroaches is not used in apartments; there is a risk of damaging the system central heating, water pipes.
  • To quickly cope with the invasion of cockroaches in the apartment, it is better to combine different ones. However, you should not use aromatic mixtures in combination with industrial gels. This will disorient the insects and they will not be able to find the bait.

    Preventive measures

    Timely removal of garbage, wiping surfaces dry, removing food debris from tables, troubleshooting water supply and sewerage problems, and eliminating wall cracks will help protect your apartment from pests. Crayons and gels are used as barrier protection.

    Anyone can get rid of cockroaches, you just need to make a little effort and visit the department household chemicals and not create favorable conditions in your apartment for synanthropic pests.

    Man does not accept proximity to insects and devotes all his strength to fighting the mustachioed ones. The result does not always live up to expectations; repeated treatment may be required, especially for owners of multi-apartment buildings. In words, many people know how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, but how to do this so that they disappear once and for all?

    Let's take a closer look at why arthropods come to people's homes and what methods of control can be called truly effective.

    It happens that a person uses all kinds of insecticides, sets traps, buys expensive repellers, but nothing helps against red stasis. What is the reason for the massive invasion?

    Before you get rid of them yourself, without involving special organizations, it is important to find out the reasons for the settlement.

    Red Prussians and black relatives come to the house where:

    • There is no place for order;
    • The taps are dripping;
    • There were dirty dishes in the sink;
    • There are many cracks in the floor and walls;
    • A coarse mesh is installed on the ventilation hole.

    Dirt, moisture and ubiquitous crumbs are an excellent environment for the life of moustaches. will be powerless, no matter what methods a person undertakes to destroy the Prussians.

    • Lavender essential oil;
    • Vinegar essence;
    • Ammonia;
    • Lemon juice;
    • Kerosene;
    • Turpentine.

    After washing the floors, the doors and windows are closed for several hours, then the room is ventilated. The arthropods will be blown away by the wind. Intolerance to strong odors is associated with the developed olfactory receptors of insects.

    Since the times of the Soviet Union, it has been popular to remove cockroaches in an apartment with boric acid. The product costs a penny, but it works no worse than advertised expensive drugs.

    The acid is used in pure form, or prepare a deadly “delicacy” for the crawlers.

    To attract Prussians, they add boiled potatoes, egg yolk or vanilla sugar. Having combined the ingredients, pour flour into the resulting mixture, bringing the mass to a thick consistency. The dough is divided into balls, which are laid out in secluded corners of the house.

    Before getting rid of cockroaches at home with acid, eliminate possible sources of water. The insect should not drink, otherwise death will come quickly.

    Residents of private houses face another problem. In the spring, individuals with two tails crawl out of all the cracks. These are insects that live underground and prefer to live in damp conditions.

    As soon as you leave a damp rag on the doorstep, hang up clean laundry at home, double tails rush from the underground into the house. You can get rid of unpleasant insects by sealing cracks in the floor and ventilating the underground. Open the vents in the summer to dry out the soil under the house.


    The best way to get cockroaches out of your home once and for all is to use insecticides.

    The following are used as toxic compounds:

    • Gel in a syringe tube;
    • Aerosol sprays;
    • Powdered products;
    • Insecticidal chalks;
    • Spray made from concentrate.

    Some of them will definitely help remove pests both in and outside the apartment. First, determine the area of ​​the proposed object.

    For disinfestation large apartments It is more advisable to use repellers or electric traps. If preference is given to an insecticide, choose a product with economical consumption, for example, a gel.

    Gel insecticide

    Apply the drug around the perimeter of the treated object, dropwise, at a distance of 10 - 15 cm. Arthropods - smart creatures, they will not eat poison. Jogging along the baseboard will lead to dirty paws.

    Sensing that the limbs are dirty, the Prussian will begin to carefully remove the remnants of the poison, which will certainly penetrate the gastrointestinal tract. Possessing a nerve-paralytic effect, the toxic substance will have a detrimental effect on the insect, paralyzing the respiratory center.

    Running in search of food, the pest will “share” its poison with its fellows. Death of individuals occurs after 7–10 days. To consolidate the result, re-process.

    During its existence on the market, the trust of consumers has been gained by:

    • "Arsenal";

    Low toxicity, speed of action and ease of use are the main advantages of gel preparations.

    Aerosol efficiency

    Aerosols are good for quickly treating a room. , black, stasiks, two-tailed ones die instantly. Important rule– Apply the product to areas where pests are concentrated.

    Simply spraying insecticide into the air will not bring results. 2 hours after treatment, dead individuals are collected and flushed down the toilet.

    Tested and effective against insects:

    • "Raid";
    • "Raptor";
    • "Dichlorvos".

    Aerosols will not be able to get rid of cockroaches forever, due to the rapid volatility of the toxic substance, but it is possible to destroy individual individuals and quickly treat the room.

    Powders and dusts

    Powders are used for direct baiting of arthropods. The product is scattered around the perimeter of the apartment or private house. Before disinfestation, bring the taps into working order to block the Prussians’ access to water.

    Death occurs when a toxic compound enters the insect's stomach. The principle of operation is similar to the gel; re-processing will be required to consolidate the result.

    Earned consumer trust:

    • "Phenaxin";
    • "Clean house";
    • "Fas."

    Powders are toxic; the poison should be placed in places inaccessible to children's eyes. If a toxic substance gets into a child’s mouth, immediately seek medical help.

    Gastric lavage will help. Before the ambulance arrives, do not feed or drink the child to prevent the toxic substance from entering the systemic bloodstream.


    Chalk has stood the test of time. The notorious “Mashenka”, at one time, saved millions of apartments from the invasion of barbels. The product is very simple to use: draw stripes on rear walls kitchen cabinets, baseboards and bottom of the sink.

    Death occurs on days 10–14. The effect of the chalk lasts up to 3 months. Repeated treatment is carried out 3 - 4 weeks after the first application.

    Most popular:

    • "Clean house";
    • "Tornado";
    • "Brownie."

    Advantages: affordability and low toxicity. When treating your apartment from insects, use gloves. After disinfection, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


    Ready-made sprays are sold in specialized stores. You can prepare the preparation yourself: powder for baiting insects is diluted with water and the room is treated.

    It is better to use the filling method. You cannot stay in the apartment after disinfestation. After the event, floors and furniture are thoroughly washed, and the room is ventilated.

    Almost all sprays are odorless, but if they enter the human digestive tract there is a risk of poisoning.

    Effective against crawling insects:

    • "Dr. Klaus";
    • "Delicia"
    • "Clean house".

    Lack of drugs means a lot of expense. When disinfesting an apartment of impressive size, it is not profitable to use sprays.

    Modern methods of pest control

    How to get rid of crawling insects at home if small children live in the apartment? It is dangerous to use insecticides, and odorous substances can cause an allergic reaction and bronchospasm in a child.

    Use modern destruction methods. They will help glue traps and repellers. Expensive, but safe way kill the Prussians - electrical devices.

    The crawler's path to the bait will be over as soon as it crosses a certain line. Discharge electric current will instantly destroy the barbel.

    Repellers operate from mains power. Emitted ultrasonic waves disturb the peace of pests. The crawlers will rush out of the apartment in search of safe haven from the unbearable sound.

    Adhesive backings are effective for preventive purposes. It is impossible to free housing from the mass settlement of Prussians using this method.

    Calling professionals to your home

    If no extermination measures bring results, how to exterminate insects? A special disinfection station will help resolve the situation.

    Professional exterminators will treat every corner of the room without missing a single crawler. High efficiency processing is due to the use of special equipment.

    The fog generator allows you to apply a toxic substance to all surfaces. Fine particles of the chemical penetrate into every crevice, leaving no opportunity for the longhorned beetles to hide from death.

    Disinfestation will bring results if you continue to maintain cleanliness in the room. If the garbage in the house is still not taken out and the dishes are not washed, insects cannot be removed by any expensive means.

    Cockroaches as neighbors are a very unpleasant phenomenon. The discomfort they cause to their appearance– this is not the worst thing. Insects are carriers of various viruses and posing a danger to humans. Therefore, you need to try not only to drive them out at the first appearance, but also to prevent further reproduction.

    First, you should try to find out if you have uninvited guests. If they have moved from neighboring apartments, then it will be impossible to eradicate them forever only within the confines of your home.

    In this case, you need to take joint action with your neighbors, poison cockroaches simultaneously in all neighboring apartments, and ideally in the entire house, in order to completely eliminate them.

    If the source of infection was the street, and you brought large cockroaches along with some box or things, it is advisable to treat all the rooms and the entire local area.

    Cockroach can get into the apartment with purchases from the store, and with things brought from a tourist trip, and even arrive in a parcel.

    Most often they breed in houses, but you can find both. Even one specimen accidentally brought into the house can lead to the fact that after some time the population grows to incredible numbers. They are such that the population is capable of increasing exponentially.



      Spraying is carried out in places where cockroaches are supposed to nest. Their use is effective in the evening hours.

      After treatment, the room should be left for a day, and after the exposure time has expired, the room should be thoroughly ventilated. The most popular and effective are cockroach sprays, Dichlorvos, Mikrofos,.

      IMPORTANT! When spraying drugs, it is advisable to protect Airways.


      Used for sprinkling areas where insect nests are supposed to be located. Effectively dusting skirting boards. The most popular brands of powders are Phenaxin, Pyrethrum, Phenax,. A variant of powders are poisons in the form. The most famous chalk.


      Are used in case of severe contamination of the premises, when there are already too many cockroaches, since the concentration of toxic substances in them is maximum. It is applied dropwise in places where insects accumulate: along baseboards or near cracks through which insects crawl.

      In addition to the toxic substance, the gel contains bait. A cockroach dies within a few hours after consuming the poison. Then it becomes a source of food for its relatives, who also die from the poison remaining in its tissues. The most good feedback deserved gels Raptor, Absolute, Combat, .

    1. Liquid concentrated solutions.

      Very effective means, which are diluted with water and sprayed with a spray bottle in places where insects accumulate. Most in demand use such as , .

    2. .

      Ultrasound and magnetic resonance devices, easy to use and safe for health.

    It is difficult to say which method of getting rid of cockroaches will be; professionals advise using several in parallel different ways struggle. For example, and. It is worth noting that they are continuously improving their insect repellents, trying to make them more effective, especially since cockroaches adapt to poisons quite quickly.

    Folk remedies

    There are several ways to make poisonous baits yourself:

    • Based boric acid .

      Mixed with egg yolk and placed in the form of balls in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet. This poison acts for two to four weeks, gradually killing more and more new specimens.

    • Based on borax (sodium salt).

      Borax is mixed with starch, vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Add water to the mixture until it reaches a paste consistency. Borax can be mixed with mashed potatoes and egg, and arrange into balls.

    • Arsenic based.

      It is mixed with powdered sugar and scattered over the baseboards and around the cracks. After a few days, the floor needs to be washed.

    IMPORTANT! Use these baits carefully if there are children or pets in the house. They can eat poison, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.

    Video recipe for a product based on boric acid:


    They can be purchased at the store and made yourself. The application is effective as a preventative against the proliferation of insects, especially when you know that they live in neighboring apartments.

    1. Electrical traps.

      They are a metal box in which the bait is placed. The cockroach is killed by electric current high voltage. The trap needs to be periodically cleaned and the bait updated. Electric traps are absolutely safe for humans and animals, durable - this is their advantage.

      ATTENTION! Traps must be placed in a dry place, out of reach of children.

    2. Traps with poison.

      Plastic boxes with bait inside. Cockroaches penetrate it, then spread the poison on their paws and infect other individuals. Thanks to the adhesive tape on the back side, poison traps can be attached anywhere. The result of their action occurs in 10-15 days. Popular brands of poison traps are Taiga, Domovoy, and Clean House.

    You can make traps with your own hands, for example, in the following ways:

    • A small jar along the inner edge is lubricated vegetable oil, and beer is poured into the bottom. Alternatively, you can spread the bottom with condensed milk or honey. The effect is that cockroaches, Once they get into the jar, they can’t get out.
    • Tape is attached to the cardboard with the sticky side facing up. To attract insects, add a drop of honey to the middle of the tape. Cockroaches will stick to the tape when they come to eat the honey.

    Video instructions on how to make a sticky trap:

    Professional exterminators

    If your apartment house has been invaded by cockroaches, it will be difficult to drive them away without the help of specialists. They know exactly how to destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever.

    Processing several apartments simultaneously, will help get rid of pests of all types quickly and effectively.

    Using special equipment and potent chemicals, specially trained people, will get rid of your problem quickly and efficiently, and most importantly, forever.

    IMPORTANT! Although the service is somewhat expensive, professional pest control is the most reliable way to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home quickly and, most importantly, effectively.

    Neighborhood with cockroaches is dangerous for human health, and the infections they carry are not a myth, so the fight must be taken seriously. Using various methods fight, you will protect your home from uninvited guests and, over time, cockroaches. And how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever at home, we described in detail in this article.

    Useful video

    We bring to your attention a video with the largest selection of cockroach remedies:

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    Not everyone knows an effective way to kill cockroaches in an apartment forever. These unpleasant insects are unpretentious to their living conditions; they only need water and just a little food to feel great. Therefore, extermination of cockroaches in an apartment is not an easy task. In order to exterminate cockroaches forever, you need to make a lot of effort. But there are many ways to kill cockroaches.

    Not everyone knows an effective way to kill cockroaches in an apartment forever.

    Boric acid is the most common and effective way to kill cockroaches at home. It is a potent poison for them. Its effect is based on the fact that, penetrating the digestive canals of the pest, boric acid affects its nervous system, disrupting its functioning. As a result, the cockroach is paralyzed and suffocates.

    2-3 mg of boric acid is a lethal dose for harmful insect, and smaller doses cause unpleasant itching in the cockroach.

    In order for boric acid to effectively perform its functions of killing cockroaches, it is necessary to force them to eat it. In itself, it is of no interest to them, since it has no taste or smell. Therefore, to get rid of them you need to mix them with food, thus making a bait to destroy them. It is best to give preference to boric acid in powder form. You can prepare a tempting bait using egg yolk or flour. You need to mix these ingredients with boric acid, form balls and let them dry. And then scatter them in favorite places cockroaches

    Boric acid is the most common and effective way to kill cockroaches at home.

    Efficiency can also be guaranteed next way using boric acid: simply sprinkle the powder in places where insects most often visit, blocking their access to water. Even if an insect simply walks through the powder, poisonous particles will remain on its legs. And when the cockroach begins to clean its paws, particles of boric acid will fall into its digestive system. By the way, the poison does not act instantly, so the pest can bring the poison on itself to the cockroach shelter, where particles of boric acid will thus fall on other insects. This is how it will begin mass extinction cockroaches

    1. It is necessary to determine where the insects live and, most importantly, where they drink. All possible ways movement should be sprinkled with boric acid powder. It should be noted that these are not only sinks and toilets. For a cockroach to drink enough, just a drop of water is enough, for example, next to flower pot. The fight will be more effective if you treat the baseboards, various cracks, and places behind the cabinets in the kitchen with powder. But many consider another method of preparing boric acid to be more effective.
    2. Cockroaches need to be treated. Into the raw yolk chicken egg add 30-50 g of boric acid and mix thoroughly.
      Make small balls from the resulting dough and leave them to dry for about an hour. Then the prepared treats are placed in pest habitats. They are very curious, so they will definitely try or at least smell the treat. To get poisoned, a cockroach only needs to touch the poison with its antennae.


    Often they help get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever. Let's look at the most popular of them:

    Sticky traps

    Trap jar

    Traps Raid and Raptor

    Such traps appeared at the end of the last century, although currently their popularity has fallen significantly. They are suitable for fighting single individuals.

    Trap Kombat

    Automatic traps

    Inexpensive devices similar to the trap described above.
    The bait is placed inside, and when the insect enters, it can no longer leave. Auto traps are recommended to be used in hard-to-reach places.

    Low temperatures

    Aerosol products

    It is better to spray an empty apartment. The most important thing is that there are no children or animals in the house. All food products must be carefully packaged to ensure they are not exposed to poison.

    When poisoning cockroaches you need to wear a mask and preferably gloves. The aerosol is also dangerous for humans.

    This method should be used in combination with other means, since the spray repels pests and makes them escape rather than kills them.

    Gels against cockroaches

    Pencils and powders

    The pencil is applied to surfaces on which cockroaches can move, and the powders are scattered in hard-to-reach places.

    It is better to protect children from contact with the powder, it can be dangerous to their health.

    The pencil is more convenient to use; it can be applied without problems to vertical surfaces.

    Ineffective methods


    Kerosene and turpentine

    Many people recommend applying these liquids to baseboards and cracks in your home. The fact is that the use of these products in the kitchen is not recommended if the premises are residential. And cockroaches live in this part of the house. Moreover, as soon as bad smell disappears, they will immediately continue their active life activities.

    The right choice of control methods

    As practice shows, you should not constantly use the same method of fighting insects. Cockroaches adapt to changes quite easily environment. Over time, they can get used to dichlorvos, and the gel, and the pencil. But don't despair. How to get cockroaches out of your apartment forever.

    Chemicals need to be changed periodically; it is better to combine them with other means described above. But the main thing is not to overdo it and not to use all the means at once.