home · Networks · DIY snow globe in a jar step by step. How to make a New Year's glass transparent ball with snow and a photograph, figures inside with your own hands: instructions, design ideas, photos. How to make a snow globe yourself from a jar with glycerin and without glycerin? How

DIY snow globe in a jar step by step. How to make a New Year's glass transparent ball with snow and a photograph, figures inside with your own hands: instructions, design ideas, photos. How to make a snow globe yourself from a jar with glycerin and without glycerin? How

We offer you a master class on making an accessory, without which it is simply impossible to imagine the New Year holidays. We will make a glass snow globe - a decoration that is always liked by both adults and children.

These snow balls are simply mesmerizing. Once you shake them, it seems as if something magical is happening. Beautiful flakes slowly swirl behind the glass, as if there is a whole snowy world in your palms.

Of course these are traditional Christmas gifts on the eve of the holiday it is not difficult to find. But it’s much more pleasant (and, by the way, much cheaper) to make them yourself. At some point you will even feel like a wizard!

What do we need?

  • transparent glass jar
  • water (it’s better to take distilled water so that it doesn’t “go rotten”)
  • glycerol
  • white glitter
  • small figurine for the base


  1. Glue a figurine to the back of the lid (Christmas tree, snowman, birds - to your taste).
  2. Mix water with glycerin in a ratio of one to three and fill the jar to the very top.
  3. Add glitter.
  4. Carefully coat the edges of the lid with glue and screw the jar on.
  5. All that remains is to tie a beautiful ribbon around the neck and turn the jar over.
  6. The magic begins!

Tip: if the neck and, accordingly, the lid are too narrow, glue the figurine directly to the bottom of the jar. To do this, drop glue not on the bottom, but on the figure and fix it inside.

We offer you some ideas for inspiration.

Please note that even the most simple jars they look very nice. You don't have to look for a round or grooved patterned container - a regular liter jar will also work for making snow globe. In this case, you just need to choose a larger figure.

Instructions for making a snow globe.

TO New Year's holidays many strive to do the most best gifts for your loved ones. If you don't have a lot of money, but have enough free time at your disposal, you can do christmas balls with snow. Such products will complement the interior and will remind you of you all the time, as well as lift the mood of the owner of the ball. At the same time, making such products is quite simple.

How to make a snow globe yourself from a jar with and without glycerin, with water: instructions, design ideas, photos

In order to make a ball, you will need empty jar, preferably a beautiful one with a screw-on lid, some New Year's tinsel, glitter for the body, and also some kind of figurine. This could be a Kinder Surprise figurine or a small souvenir ceramic figurine that is purchased at a souvenir shop.


  • In order to make such a ball, you need to paint the screw cap with some kind of gold or silver paint.
  • The inner surface also needs to be painted. Next, apply a little glue to the figure and attach it to the lid. After the figure is securely attached to the lid, you need to fill the jar one third with glycerin and add water.
  • This means that it must be distilled or purified. You can also use boiled or chilled water. Pour water almost to the top, then chop the tinsel and pour it along with the glitter into a jar of water and glycerin.
  • Lubricate the neck of the jar with glue. Screw the cap tightly. If you wish, you can decorate it with polymer clay modeling. In exactly the same way, you can make figures that you can place inside the jar.

You can make such a cute ball without using glycerin, although you can buy it at the pharmacy for just a few rubles. Instead of glycerin, you can use purified sunflower oil. It is desirable that the oil be refined and have almost no yellow tint. This way you will achieve a perfectly beautiful, clean shimmer of sparkles. There should also be about 2 times less oil than water.

snow globe from a jar of glycerin

snow globe from a jar of glycerin snow globe from a jar of glycerin

How to buy a blank for a snow globe on Aliexpress: links to the catalog

Of course, it can be very difficult to find a suitable jar at home. The most ideal option would be jars from baby food or canned food. Baby purees are sold in these jars. They small size and quite an interesting shape. There are round jars with a flat bottom, they look very organic and pretty. Please note that craft kits can be purchased at AliExpress. The best ones are sold here various banks , and artificial snow, glitter and small figures to create snow globes.

snow globe from a jar of glycerin

snow globe from a jar of glycerin

How to make a New Year's glass transparent ball with snow and a photo: ideas, photos

A New Year's snow ball with a photo will be an excellent memorable gift. This will take a little effort. Ideal option All series of photographs will appear on one strip. It is necessary that the length of the photo be a little less length circumference of the jar.


  • You need to roll the photo into a tube and glue it together with a thin strip of tape to make a cylinder or tube.
  • After this, you need to laminate or tape the surface of the photo. This will prevent it from getting wet in the water.
  • Next, apply a little glue to the ribs and glue them to the lid. It also needs to be pre-painted. Start gluing the photo.
  • After this, pour glycerin into a jar, add glitter and crushed tinsel to the water. Apply glue to the neck and screw the jar tightly. Let the glue dry. You can admire your creation.

glass transparent ball with snow and photo

How to make a New Year's glass transparent ball with snow, sparkles and figures: ideas, photos

You can make any cute ball. To do this you will need all the same tools and items. This is glycerin, jewelry, and also figurines. Most often, such figurines are purchased in souvenir shops. You can also use small figures from Kinder surprises. Jewelry that you can make yourself from polymer clay is also suitable. Keep in mind that such products should not be painted. acrylic paint, but some kind of oil.

Because under the influence of glycerin, the paint can dissolve and then your liquid will become colored. If desired, you can paint the liquid in some color. To do this, use some food coloring. If you want to make blue, then blue will suit you; for pink, use a few drops of fucorcin. If you want to make green water, add a drop of greenery.

Such balls look very unusual if a New Year's landscape with Christmas trees and snowmen is used. Such products are complemented with tinsel, body glitter or small rhinestones. You can also use crushed polystyrene foam as snow.

New Year's glass transparent ball with snow

New Year's glass transparent ball with snow

The best DIY snow globes: photos

Below are the most interesting options balls with snow. As you can see, making New Year's balls with snow is quite simple. You will need half an hour of time, cute figures and beautiful jar. If you don’t have them in stock, you can purchase everything you need in craft stores or on AliExpress. Such products are extremely popular. If desired, you can supplement them with sprigs of dry grass or flowers.

VIDEO: Snow balls

They say that the first snow globe was created back in the 16th century. True, it was not quite “snowy”, but filled with “just” water in which birds swam. The first documented snow globe was demonstrated at the Paris Exhibition in 1878, containing a figurine of a man holding an open umbrella. Within a year, five large European companies were producing such balloons. In the UK and USA, the peak of popularity of snow globes occurred in the 20s of the last century. By this time, a wide variety of scenes and views could be found inside glass spheres, and the balls gradually began to be associated with Christmas.
Each manufacturer had its own secret of the composition of the liquid and “snow”. Initially, the balls were crystal on a ceramic stand, the water was spring water, and the snow was planed from the smallest pieces of porcelain or bone. Then crystal became glass, porcelain and bone were replaced with white sand and pieces of foil. Now the balls are most often made entirely of plastic, and the snow is grated from plastic pipe. In order for the snow to fall most naturally and slowly, glycerin is added to the water. Balloons with a slot in the middle appeared on sale, into which you can insert your own photo. And also most Christmas balls began to be produced in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. A rotation mechanism is mounted in the stand so that there is no need to shake the ball (so that snow begins to fall), often together with the music box. Light bulbs are inserted into the balls. In the USA they sell inflatable snow globes made of transparent vinyl; by the way, they can be inflated to a very high large sizes, so they are often used for decoration, e.g. shopping centers. Limited editions are sold for fabulous money by famous fashion houses - from Chanel And Louis Vuitto n to Lanvin And Christian Dior.

Snow globes are traditionally collected; the largest collection to date belongs to a resident of Nuremberg (about 8,000 balls). And this is not surprising, because not so many “real” snow globes are produced. The first patent for their production was received by the Austrian Erwin Perzi, who constantly experimented with lighting effects and fluorescent lamps, and did it in the kitchen. One day he poured semolina into the water of the lamp, and when it swelled and began to slowly settle, it reminded him of falling snow. Then Erwin placed a tiny model of the famous Austrian Mariazellerkirche inside the lamp and gave his creation to the nearest souvenir shop. The success was so great that in 1900 he and his brother opened a snow globe factory in Vienna, which is still in operation today. Gradually, the factory's assortment expanded - Christmas scenes appeared, the diameter of the balls changed, and in the 90s of the last century a museum was created at the factory. Snow globes at this factory are still made by hand, and half of the employees work from home.

By the way, you can also try making a snow globe with your own hands!

glass container with a tight-fitting lid - we took a plastic ball with a lid for crafts, small figures, distilled water, glycerin solution, glitter or artificial snow, glue for plastic.

TIP If you want to make a ball without falling “snow”, replace the glycerin solution with a drop of dish soap.

HOW TO DO: turn the glass container upside down (we put our ball in a cup). Glue the figures to the inside of the lid. If you want to make a “vault” from which snow will fall, then mix glitter or artificial snow with glue and apply the mixture to the bottom of the container. Let the glue dry completely.

Fill the container with distilled water mixed with glitter. Add glycerin to the water until it reaches the consistency of a (very) runny dough: the more glycerin you add, the denser the liquid will become and the slower the snow will “fall.”
Apply glue to the junction of the neck of the container with the lid (distribute the glue evenly, leaving no areas uncovered with glue!) and put on the lid. Allow the glue to dry completely, turn the container over and make sure that the liquid does not leak.

Hello, dear readers! We all know factory-made glass balls with liquid and a beautiful composition, which, when shaken, “activate” snowfall inside the container, but not everyone knows that a similar item can be made independently. That is why today we will tell you how to make a snow globe with your own hands, practically from scrap materials. We recommend involving children in the process of creating such a wonderful item; it will be very interesting for them to observe and perhaps even participate in its recreation.

DIY glass ball with snow.

What you will need:

  1. A small jar with a screw cap (you can buy it specially glass jar with baby puree).
  2. Nail polish.
  3. Polymer glue or Moment.
  4. White tinsel or artificial snow.
  5. Scissors.
  6. White and silver glitter.
  7. A suitable figurine is clay, ceramic or plastic (sold in any souvenir departments).
  8. Glycerin (can be bought for about 8 rubles at absolutely any pharmacy).
  9. Purified water (distilled or purified with a home water filter).

How to make a snow globe with your own hands.

Using scissors, cut the white tinsel very finely, cut as finely as possible, since even the smallest particles will visually appear large in water.

Paint the lid of the jar with a matching nail polish color. Also pay attention to the inner walls of the lid, since more often than not the product will be in an upside-down state, which means that possible unadorned places will be evident.

After the varnish on the lid has hardened, glue the selected figure to the inside of it. We used a figurine of the Moscow Kremlin, it’s just a pity that the inscription on it is in English, but apparently in Moscow such products are purchased more often by foreign tourists than by our compatriots, since literally all the souvenirs are full of English-language engravings.

You can place Kinder Surprise figures, small figurines or small children's toys inside your snow globe. We recommend stopping by the gift shop and purchasing a tiny plastic Christmas tree or snowman. If you don’t want to look around the city for a souvenir shop, visit any hypermarket; they usually have departments with similar trinkets.

Try to select small figures. Glass with water will act as a magnifying glass, so a large composition will appear bloated and dimensionless.

Now let's move on to the next more interesting step, pour glycerin into the jar, look at the photo below to see how much we poured into the jar. small capacity. The speed of rotation of snowflakes will depend on the amount of glycerin; the more of it, the slower they will spin. Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to make a snow globe without glycerin just using water? The answer is no, without glycerin the snowflakes will immediately fall to the bottom of the container, while with it they can swirl around the composition inside the jar for quite a long time.

We also pour purified water into the jar with glycerin to the top. It is important that the water is crystal clear, which is why we recommend using either distilled water or simply purified in a home filter.

Well, here we come to the very interesting moment. Pour half a teaspoon of previously chopped white tinsel or prepared artificial snow into the jar. Mix it with a teaspoon and see how our snowflakes “come to life.” Do not add a lot of snow, otherwise the composition itself will not be visible behind the snowfall.

Add 1/3 teaspoon of white and silver glitter here. Mix everything thoroughly. Here I would like to say that the point with sparkles can, in principle, be completely skipped; snow alone will be quite enough.

We close the jar with a lid on which the figure is attached. Scroll the lid with special care so that the liquid does not start leaking out. Ideally, the lid should be treated with a layer of glue with inside, and only then tighten it.

Finally, you can decorate the neck of the jar with rhinestones, tie a ribbon with a bow, or make a spectacular stand from polymer clay. We decided to leave our snow globe with open lid and neckline, I didn’t want to burden the composition with unnecessary details.

Before you pick up your snow globe, wipe it with a napkin to remove any marks left during the creation process. Now shake our snow globe and admire the snowfall, as well as the playful shimmer of white and silver glitter.

DIY glass ball with snow, video:

Today you learned how to make a snow globe with your own hands, we hope this master class was comprehensive, but in any case, if you still have questions, or if they arose in the process of creating a similar composition, feel free to ask them in the comments, we’ll be happy to answer them we will answer.

Whatever one may say, the best gift is the one made with your own hands. A snow globe will be an excellent gift for a friend on the eve of the winter holidays and will be unique New Year's decoration Your room.

Create a small Christmas miracle with your own hands and give your friends a festive mood. And I will share with you the secrets of making a snow globe.

Are you ready to surprise everyone around you with your rich imagination and talent as a wizard? Then go ahead!

For work you will need:

  • a small glass jar with a tight-fitting lid,
  • any plastic or ceramic figurines and small faux Christmas tree,
  • good glue(ideally epoxy),
  • artificial snow and sparkles,
  • distilled water,
  • glycerol,
  • Oil paint white enamel (optional),
  • polymer clay, polystyrene foam (optional).

Instead of artificial snow you can use: coconut shavings, small balls polystyrene foam, grated paraffin, etc.

1. From foam plastic or other material that is not afraid of water, we make a platform for the figure (snowdrift), glue it to the lid. We paint in White color. Leave until completely dry.

2. Lubricate the platform with a thin layer of glue and generously sprinkle with glitter. Carefully shake off those that do not stick.

3. On the “snowdrift” we glue a serpentine tree and a figurine of an animal or a favorite fairy-tale character. By the way, you can make a unique figurine from polymer clay.

4. It’s time to fill our jar with distilled water and add glycerin (it should be a little less than half of the total liquid in the jar). You can find glycerin in any pharmacy. It is needed so that the glitter slowly and beautifully sinks to the bottom of the jar.

Pour in enough liquid so that the jar comes out complete with the figures. Do you remember Archimedes' law?

5. Add sparkles and artificial snow. Buy glitter in a large size (or even in the shape of stars), then they will not float up, but will spin, smoothly descending “to the bottom” of the jar, like real fluffy snow.

6. Cover the jar with a lid and screw it tightly, having previously lubricated the outer side of the neck with glue. This must be done, because over time, water can leak out.

Look how beautiful you and I have turned out! Shake the jar, turn it upside down and enjoy the magical snowfall.

Look what else your snow globe can look like:

How do you like the version of a New Year's ball with snow without water? To make it, in addition to traditional figurines, a jar and a serpentine Christmas tree, you will need fishing line and cotton wool.