home · Appliances · Technology for making stained glass on glass. Do-it-yourself stained glass on glass: how to make stained glass on glass, step-by-step instructions. Manufacturing of stained glass windows

Technology for making stained glass on glass. Do-it-yourself stained glass on glass: how to make stained glass on glass, step-by-step instructions. Manufacturing of stained glass windows

Stained glass is a special type of decor that allows you to visually enrich and effectively highlight any interior. But this is not only the merit of stained glass art, but also the entire process of reproduction. Making stained glass is a very painstaking job that will take a lot of time and effort. Without skill, it is unlikely that you will be able to create any masterpiece, which is why masters of their craft are valued very highly. But today's trend is that people are trying to create their own beautiful decoration their premises, so they are interested in a completely reasonable question: is it possible to learn this art, and how to make stained glass with your own hands?

If a person is talented in anything, then he is talented in everything. If you have a great desire to learn this skill and you have all the data for this, then nothing is impossible. First, let's figure out what types of stained glass there are.

The definition of stained glass includes several techniques, the execution of which is very different from each other. We will list the most popular options, many of which will enchant you with their beauty and uniqueness.

So, what stained glass windows are very popular:

  • Film stained glass . This is the most a budget option design, but also the most modern. Only with this technique can you create pseudo-stained glass windows, the principle of which is based on tinting the glass surface with special films. Among the advantages of this method is the use of solid glass. In addition to convenience during work, it is also safe, which is why craftsmen often resort to this technology. Stained glass in this design weighs very little, and its surface is perfectly flat. Despite this, it is very difficult to classify this technology as stained glass, since it is more like applique, only instead of paper, a special lavsan film is used.
  • Glass mosaic . Stained glass windows using this technique look very impressive, and the work itself is not difficult. First you need to prepare the colored fragments tempered glass, and lay them down to form the intended pattern. This image is very voluminous, so it is usually used to decorate ceilings and windows.
  • Stained glass windows in fusing style. The production of such decor requires special conditions, since you will have to use ovens. First, you need to make a sketch of the drawing, then lay out colored glass fragments along it, and send the entire composition to a special oven for baking.
  • Stained glass using Tiffany technology . This decor is called classic. To understand how this is done, you need to watch master classes by craftswomen. First, they form small fragments of glass of the desired shape and color, fastening all parts of the composition with copper foil.
  • Etched stained glass. Decor of this class can only be made by a specialist who has not only the materials for this, but also the relevant experience and knowledge. Using an aggressive acid, it is necessary to apply the contours of the design onto the glass. This will allow us to draw the boundaries of the future creation. And then it’s a matter of technology.
  • Pseudo-stained glass or painted decor. It is considered the easiest to perform. All you need for work is to purchase special paints for painting glass, which can be found in every store. There you can also see stencils that will help you create a masterpiece.
  • Faceted stained glass windows . These decorative elements are used by craftsmen if it is extremely important to emphasize architectural features interior, playing on the refraction of artificial and natural light. This technology helps create the illusion of glass decoration precious stones, which emphasizes the style and wealth of the home owner.
  • Filled stained glass windows . The technology of such decoration is based on manual way playback Of course, it is very difficult to do this without artistic talent, so many turn to specialists. Initially, you need to create a polymer contour that will look like a metal broach. After it dries, the design can be filled with paint or stained glass varnish.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other decorative elements, stained glass can have advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of stained glass decor include:

  • Ideal harmony with any interior style, be it hi-tech or baroque.
  • Refraction of light, which makes them softer and more enveloping. Thanks to this quality, the interior achieves an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.
  • Does not depend on the size of the room. The good thing about stained glass is that they can be used in all rooms, regardless of their size.
  • Stained glass decor is already an excellent interior decoration, so there is no need to clutter the room with unnecessary objects.

Stained glass does not have a negative side, well, at least designers never mention these disadvantages. But from a financial point of view, a real work of art is very expensive, so not everyone can afford it. Therefore, this, of course, is a minus.

Practicality or expediency?

Most people who decide to decorate their interior with stained glass elements ask the same question: how practical is this product and whether it is advisable to install it in their home. You can find the answer to this question by listening to several designers whose advice relates to the use of stained glass at home:

  • firstly, you shouldn’t use stained glass art to decorate the floor, but this applies more to spacious rooms, because you can easily decorate a bathtub in this way;
  • Secondly, household items interior, such as lamps or tabletops, will be purchased additional functions and will not lose their relevance, so this is a big plus;
  • thirdly, if stained glass windows are used to decorate the ceiling or niches, then you will effectively transform your room, giving it a touch of sophistication and pretentiousness.

The sophistication of your room may suffer if you overload it with elements of this decor, so designers recommend using them as accents in the room.

Making stained glass with your own hands - the beginning

For this work, it is not enough to have theoretical knowledge; at a minimum, you also need a great desire to learn a new thing. If you are interested in this activity, the first thing you need to do is develop a sketch of the future drawing. To do this, several requirements must be met:

  • All drawings and sketches must be drawn in full height. To do this, take a sheet of paper and cardboard of the appropriate size;
  • draw the outlines of the future drawing on paper so that you can see the division of the image into separate zones;
  • on a sheet of cardboard, indicate the color and material that will be used in the work;
  • if this is a type-setting stained glass window, then you will also have to indicate the direction of the glass fibers and number the parts.

In theory this may look very complicated. But with a little practice, you will gain enough experience and will be able to create a truly enchanting design on your mirror or window.

Externally, the drawing on paper looks like a coloring book for kids, only in each zone there is a number indicating a certain color or texture of the material. In addition to numbers, there may be arrows or other symbols that should help put the picture together and make your work process as easy as possible. Over time, your drawings will become more and more complex, which will speak about your mastery and acquired skills, only then can you say with confidence that this is your favorite activity.

Modern technologies can significantly save time on developing sketches and drawings. You can purchase a stencil or download it from the Internet. Your only concern will be transferring the design onto the glass.

Manufacturing technology

In order to make stained glass with your own hands, you need to decide on its technology. But first, find a place to place it where it will be used: on a window, ceiling, lamp or glass picture. Each specific case will have its own implementation nuances, so it is very important to decide on this at the initial stage.

Outside the workshops, at home, you can make three types of stained glass windows that do not require special conditions. This decor includes:

  • Tiffany stained glass;
  • film stained glass;
  • stained glass window

Unlike fusing, you do not need complex equipment and furnaces, and the workshop can be replaced an ordinary apartment, you won’t be diluting chemicals and abrasives there. But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, first let’s look at how to make a Tiffany stained glass window. Experts say that Tiffany combined several design methods that imitate all classical techniques.

Making stained glass Tiffany

For such decoration, it is necessary to create a sketch, according to which templates of the necessary cardboard parts should be prepared. Their contours need to be transferred to the glass and the parts cut out using a glass cutter. This is followed by a grinding step to ensure that the edges of the parts are not jagged. Copper foil must be placed around the perimeter of each element, securing it. After this, you can begin to connect the whole picture, tightly comparing each individual element, assembling a kind of mosaic. The extreme elements must be fixed with small nails, and the joints of the foil should be treated with flux, soldered on one and the other side of the product, and installed in a prepared frame, from metal profile. Solder is used to fix the stained glass to the frame.

Each stage of manufacturing such stained glass has its own nuances:

  • when developing sketches, avoid sharp-angled and S-shaped figures; it is better if they are smooth lines with beautiful gentle curves;
  • as base material experienced specialists It is recommended to purchase not solid glass, but broken glass, at least until you gain sufficient experience in making stained glass windows and cutting glass;
  • for cutting take diamond glass cutter, and practice using cheaper material to handle them, this will save you from major expenses;
  • The production of stained glass elements and the formation of the pattern must be carried out simultaneously, performing the work step by step. This is the only way you can accurately select all the parts and move them as closely as possible to each other;

If you use a backlit surface to assemble the drawing, it will be much easier for you to do this work.

  • To solder parts, you need to take a 100-watt soldering iron, the tip of which will be nickel-plated. And as solder you should use low-melting tin without rosin;
  • When soldering glass elements, avoid large plots grip to prevent the glass from cracking, then you will have to make the same element again.

You can see this in more detail in the video below:

Production of film stained glass

To make film stained glass, you will need less effort, since the technology itself is very simple:

  • First you need to clean the glass and place a pre-drawn sketch under it. Lead tape should be used to lay out the contours, and its ends should be secured with subsequent sections. When the entire design has been applied, it needs to be rolled with a roller.
  • Now you need to turn the glass over. Wipe and prepare film elements along the outlined contours, gluing them to the back side. After this, you should take a special film roller and roll the surface again.
  • The joints of the film must be glued with lead tape, exactly repeating the contours on the other side and rolled again with a roller.
  • The finished stained glass should be wiped with any detergent.

If you think that such a stained glass window has an unfinished look, you can decorate it with various glass elements by placing them on glue.

Manufacturing of jellied decor

For poured stained glass you need to prepare a polymer contour, acrylic lacquer or special paint for stained glass.

The work consists of several stages:

  • First you need to prepare a sketch, which should then be placed under glass. Alternatively, you can transfer the drawing with a disappearing marker; there are no strict instructions on this matter.
  • The working surface of the glass should be cleaned and degreased.
  • According to the applied drawing, draw the boundaries of the sketch with a polymer contour, forming closed areas.
  • When the outline is dry, you can begin to fill in these areas by filling them with paint or varnish.

You can watch this in more detail in the video:

The application of paint or varnish must be done very carefully so as not to touch the outline of the design. You cannot smear the paint on the glass; it must spread itself over its surface to create a stained glass window that plays with light.

In conclusion, we can say that stained glass, undeservedly forgotten a few years ago, is becoming in demand in our time. They not only decorate and revive our interiors, but also make them more comfortable and impressive. The great advantage of this decor is the ability to use several techniques at home, without resorting to complex equipment, which allows a person to admire a corner of luxury at home.

A self-made stained glass window will give your room originality and unusualness. Interior items made independently have a significant advantage over serial production. This article will discuss 4 ways to make stained glass windows with your own hands.

The first method of making stained glass

To install stained glass windows with your own hands, you need painted glass. Glass cut to size is thoroughly washed and degreased. The selected drawing is performed on a sheet of paper in life size. The contours of the design are transferred to the glass with black oil paint using a thin brush. For these purposes, you can adapt a rubber balloon with a medical needle tip. In this case, the paint is diluted to the required viscosity. It should be remembered that when transferring the contours of the design, you should not touch the grease-free surface with your hands.

You can separate stained glass fragments using narrow slats or halves of vine twigs, which are glued to the glass.

Another way to apply the outline of a design to a stained glass window is epoxy resin, to which aluminum or bronze powder is added. This composition is convenient to apply to contour lines using an old toothpaste tube.

Now you can start coloring the image. Paints for stained glass at home are prepared based on:

  • edible gelatin;
  • BF-2 glue (or other similar adhesives);
  • colorless furniture nitro varnish.

To obtain stained glass paint based on gelatin, gouache or aniline dye, used for dyeing fabric, is added to its solution. The resulting compositions are used to paint the pattern. Contour lines do not allow different shades to mix, so there is no need to wait for the previously painted adjacent area to dry. Gelatin-based paints are non-flammable, practically non-toxic, and can be used even in enclosed spaces.

Paints for stained glass based on BF-2 are made from light varieties glue, diluting it with acetone by half. Alcohol-soluble paint, ink or ballpoint pen paste are added to the resulting solution. This paint thickens very quickly, so it must be used within a short time.

Paints based on furniture nitro varnish are prepared as follows. The varnish is diluted twice with a special solvent. Artistic ingredients are added to the resulting composition. oil paints required color. It should be remembered that the share of paint should not exceed 10% of the prepared composition. Work with solvents must be carried out in a well-ventilated area and fire safety rules must be observed.

After the paints have dried, the surface of the stained glass window is coated with colorless varnish so that the glass can be washed with water.

Using thin slats, beer and Epsom salts glass door can be painted antique. The wood is painted bog oak and position the slats so that an imitation of devitrification into a small cell is obtained. To process glass, prepare a solution of the following composition: a glass of beer and a pack of Epsom salts. For better dissolution, the beer can be slightly warmed. The solution is applied with a sponge to horizontal surface stained glass Of course, the glass must first be thoroughly washed and degreased. When dry, Epsom salt forms decorative patterns that are yellow-brown in color. After drying, the glass is covered protective layer varnish

The second method of making stained glass

After developing a sketch of the stained glass window, cover it with the glass on which the stained glass window will be made. It must be clean and grease-free.

The first method of making stained glass is based on the use of soluble colored fabrics, such as acetate silk, which is easily dissolved by acetone and nitro varnishes. Cut out pieces of thin fabric of the required configuration and color according to the design of the future stained glass window. Cover the glass thin layer transparent nitro varnish and dry. Then the same nitro varnish is applied to individual areas, and scraps of the workpiece are glued to them. Gluing must be done as accurately as possible, since the fabric begins to dissolve almost immediately and it will be impossible to move it. Having glued the flap to the place reserved for it, coat it on top with nitro varnish and move on to the next one.

Having filled all the glass with stained glass elements, apply another layer of nitro varnish, and a couple of layers of parquet on top. The next step in making stained glass with your own hands is making a pseudo-frame. To do this, epoxy resin is mixed with a hardener in a ratio of 1: 8~10. The resulting mass is mixed with talc and aluminum or bronze powder until the mixture acquires a metallic sheen and does not spread on the glass. Then the resulting mass is poured into a pastry syringe or a used toothpaste tube and squeezed out with an even roller along the outlines of the stained glass window. In this case, it is important to avoid intersections between the lines, since the rollers should not run into each other.

We recommend that you carry out all operations with nitro varnish in a well-ventilated area or in the open air, and you need to work with epoxy resin wearing rubber gloves. The solvent for epoxy is gasoline.

The third method of making stained glass

You can make a stained glass window from broken glass and silicate glue. First you need to develop a life-size stained glass drawing on a sheet of paper. The image must be in color. When developing a sketch, a drawing from a postcard, poster or magazine illustration is taken as a basis. It should be borne in mind that the dark outline plays an important role in the drawing, so its drawing should be expressive, but simple and constructive. The completed sketch must be pasted onto the back side of the glass on which the stained glass window will be made, front side to the glass. Then, using a thin brush and quick-drying paint of black, dark brown or dark blue, apply the contours of the image to the glass. Now you need to select colored glasses. Useful car lights, used light filters, glassware, etc. are suitable. The glass must be broken into fragments of the required size. Stained glass is performed as follows. The glass with the sketch pasted on it should be placed on a horizontal base, for example on a table, face up.

Then its surface must be degreased ammonia, apply a layer of silicate glue (liquid glass) on it and lay out a mosaic of colored glass fragments based on the drawing. The stained glass pattern can be laid out in areas that are limited by contours. After 4-6 hours, it is necessary to fill the surface of the finished stained glass with glue so that it covers all the protruding fragments. To prevent glue from dripping from the glass, you can place a restriction of wooden slats around the stained glass window, attaching them with plasticine.

A continuous layer of silicate glue smoothes out the roughness of the stained glass, as a result of which its surface becomes wavy and shiny and transmits light well. In order to get a continuous layer of color when making stained glass, you need to prepare a slurry by mixing silicate glue with crushed glass, and spread it in an even layer on the surface of the glass with the end of a brush. Instead of silicate glue, you can use epoxy glue or polyester resin

The head of the stained glass art studio, Alexander Poltavets, speaks about glass for stained glass:

Sometimes it is very difficult to find glass in the right color. However, from any hopeless situation you can always find two ways out. Colorless glass can be painted with tsapon varnish. Aniline dyes are also used as dyes: yellow - auramine, rivanol; blue - methylene blue; green - brilliant green (can be purchased at the pharmacy); red - rhodamine. To ensure an even coating, the surface of the glass is doused with varnish, allowing the excess to drain off. If the glass is exposed to strong sunlight, it is better to use glyphthalic varnish to paint the glass. It is a solution of artificial resin (glypthal) and aniline paint of one color or another in wine alcohol. If you don’t have tsapon or glypthal varnish, you can prepare alcohol-based colored varnish next line-up:

  • 500 ml ethyl (wine) alcohol,
  • 1 g aniline dye,
  • 1 g shellac.

The fourth method of making stained glass

You can make stained glass from solid colored glass using the following technology. We prepare a sketch of the stained glass window and attach it to the back side of the transparent glass, as in previous cases. We cut out sections of the pattern of the required configuration from whole colored glasses. We make a “dry” set of stained glass on a transparent glass base. The space between the pieces of colored glass is filled with a solution of the following composition: cement - 1 part, sand - 3 parts, glue (PVA type) - 1 part. For convenience, during this operation you can even take a plastic shampoo container, into the cork of which a glass or plastic tube with a diameter of 4-5 mm is inserted. Before pouring, the edges of the colored glass at the junction with the silicate glass are thoroughly lubricated with the solution using a wooden stick. After drying, the main filling is carried out. With this treatment, the solution does not leak under colored glass, and the stained glass window turns out neat.

Stained glass is bright decoration made of glass, which can transform even the most modest interior. Colored glass carefully cut out, after which it is fastened with lead or aluminum wire. But today stained glass can be made from colored film, special wire, paints, individual glass elements in the form of drops, geometric shapes and other elements. This stained glass window is easy to make with your own hands. Real stained glass is much more difficult to make; it is a real art that requires experience and skill. Stained glass covers window and door openings, screens and niches.

Stained glass manufacturing techniques

Today stained glass can be made in various techniques. You can choose exactly the option that is most suitable for your needs. specific case. The most common working techniques:

  1. Tiffany is a variant of making stained glass when individual elements pre-wrapped with special foil and soldered.
  2. Fusing is a technique of creating a pattern on the surface of a single sheet of glass. The resulting structure is baked in an oven at high temperature. It will not be possible to use such a technique at home, since it is problematic to make such a stove with your own hands.
  3. Murano glass for windows is no less attractive than previous options. For work, molds are used into which pre-melted glass is poured.

There are other window design options. Imitations of stained glass are also popular. Stained glass colored films, foil adhesive strips, colored drops and more. Such products are glued to the surface of the glass, creating an extraordinary pattern. Of the real stained glass art techniques at home, you can use Tiffany. It does not involve the use of a furnace or molds for melting - you just need to purchase a soldering iron or a complete set for the job. Cutting requires certain skills, since glass is a fragile material. It chips easily if the pressure is too strong or if you start working on a surface that is not flat.

To make a stained glass window with your own hands, you need to prepare the following:

  • a sketch for work, which is performed on a large sheet of thick paper;
  • scissors, pencil, ruler;
  • a special stained glass soldering iron, a set of materials for soldering, which can be purchased in specialized stores;
  • a set of colored glass of selected quality;
  • copper tape;
  • glass cutter;
  • polishing cloth, detergents.

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How to make a stained glass window in Tiffany style?

The most common working techniques: Tiffany, Fusing, Murano glass.

The Tiffany style stained glass window is one of the most beautiful. Usually people start making it when they have some experience. It is important to draw up a sketch correctly and meet certain requirements:

  1. The window project must have a large number of special cross-shaped lines for connection. This stained glass window is resistant to various mechanical influences.
  2. If you use windows when sketching wide seams, then it is best to avoid long and narrow elements, sharp and retracted corners, since cracks may occur when heated. In addition, a wide foil will block most upper end parts.
  3. The pattern for the window must be selected carefully, and calculated immediately own strength for its manufacture. All elements must be numbered by color, and a separate list of parts used must be made.
  4. After this, the sketch is printed, it is important not to forget that an allowance of 0.127-0.126 cm is observed for the seams. It will be needed to create a tin solder of the required size.
  5. Getting ready editing table, the cut pattern is placed on it, and a glazing bead is attached to the edges, which will provide the stained glass window with clear boundaries.

Next, you need to start choosing glass for the window. You can create a variety of stained glass windows with your own hands. Today on the market there are various options glass and other materials required for work. They differ in shade, color intensity, and thickness. Therefore, the choice must be approached carefully. The sketch itself should be done in color so that the glass can be selected correctly. The glass must be the same thickness and the same texture (unless the difference is provided for by the project). The best glass is from German and American manufacturers. Some people recommend Chinese glass because it is cheaper.

After this, you can begin cutting glass, for which a stencil sketch is applied to the material. A thin line is drawn along the contour of each element with a special marker. We must not forget that all elements are numbered; you need to circle only those that correspond to the selected shade. If the glass is textured, then it is necessary to cut it only on the smooth side. This is done on flat surface, the cut is performed with a careful movement. Do not press too hard, as the glass may crack. To avoid chipping, you need to release the pressure at the end of each movement. If you need to make a recess for the lens, i.e. glass balls, then it is necessary to use a grinding machine with a stone of the appropriate diameter.

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Processing and preparation of parts

After finishing the cutting work, which can take quite a lot of time, it is necessary to process all the ends of the parts. For this, a grinding machine is used; it removes all the smallest defects, chips, etc. If you do not do this, the folia may not be of such high quality. After this, you can begin preparing the parts. Each element is wrapped with foil around the edge. The tape has an adhesive layer that is glued to the end like regular tape. It is recommended to use protective gloves while working to avoid cutting your hands.

It is important to choose the right layer of adhesive for the tape. It comes in two versions - transparent and black. The choice of adhesive depends on the glass used. If transparent glass is used, but with a black patina, then you should take foil with a black adhesive layer. As a result, the tape will not be visible, and the design will appear as a single canvas.

The tape should only be applied to dry and pre-polished glass.

All turns should be the same; there is no need to rush. When the winding is completed, the tape must be ironed with a special plastic stack. All elements are laid out on tracing paper in the order they should be according to the sketch. It is recommended to start laying out from the corner, so the work will be completed faster. A distance of 1 mm is maintained between each element so that the tin perfectly connects the parts together. The seams are covered with soldering acid flux; for convenience, you can use a brush. This will allow the oxide to be removed from the tape, and the tin to adhere perfectly to the surface.

There are several easy techniques for making stained glass at home.

Real stained glass is not cheap, and is made by experienced craftsmen. There are several simple methods for making stained glass at home. A window opening or door with stained glass will add an authentic touch to the room. Stained glass windows look expensive and, finally, they are simply beautiful.

There are several easy techniques for making stained glass at home. They will not require unusual skills or large financial outlays from you. A pencil sketch of the stained glass window you like is applied to whatman paper or tracing paper. These might be: animal silhouettes, geometric patterns, exotic birds or floral designs. Fragments of the sketch are marked with the desired color tone.

Types of technologies for making stained glass

Stained glass can be used in the decoration of a wide variety of interior items. Glass can be inserted into window frames, doors, decorate ceilings, use as a partition screen or apron in the kitchen. Sometimes mirrors are decorated with stained glass frames.

To create a stained glass window you will need a palette of translucent and volumetric paints, markers for marking and sketches of the drawing on tracing paper. After completion of the work, the self-leveling stained glass window can be secured with transparent varnish. After heat treatment, the stained glass window becomes moisture resistant.

Tiffany stained glass is a little more difficult to make. The materials you will need are a set of colored glass and stained glass foil. If you have skills in cutting glass and working with a soldering iron, then making a Tiffany stained glass window will not be difficult.

Film stained glass is the easiest to make. Multi-colored translucent self-adhesive film is cut out according to sketches and glued to the glass. Work can be done even on a vertical plane without dismantling the glass. The selection of colored self-adhesive films in construction stores is very large.

The work of producing any type of stained glass cannot be rushed and requires attention and scrupulousness.

Manufacturing of stained glass windows

On horizontal set table a sketch is placed stained glass pattern on a scale of 1:1. Cleaned from dirt and degreased glass is placed on top of the sketch. Relief paint is applied along the contour lines of the design. Tubes of this paint are equipped with nozzles of different diameters, and in color scheme there are tones similar to the colors of metals. Relief paint it is applied along the contour in uniform rolls, and after drying it forms a side 3–4 mm high.

The contour edging can be made from a special stained glass tape. This is a lead strip on a self-adhesive base in metallized colors. The ribbon can be a natural lead color or imitating copper, bronze, gold plated, etc. The width of the ribbon has different sizes.

Sometimes the edging is made of aluminum wire 2 mm thick. The wire is flattened with a hammer, bent along the contour pattern of the sketch, coated with thick PVA glue and pressed tightly against the glass.

Acrylic paints diluted with water are used for stained glass designs, or colored varnish is prepared. For colored varnish, a little transparent nitro varnish is taken into clean plastic jars and diluted with solvent to a liquid consistency. Add a little oil artistic paint and stirs. Colored varnish is poured into the free openings of the stained glass pattern according to the marked markings and left to dry in a horizontal position. The tone and thickness of the layer of colored varnish is selected depending on the desired light transmission of the stained glass.

Aniline or acrylic paints are diluted with water with the addition of PVA emulsion. The paint is applied in strokes, from the outline of the fragment to the middle. After the first layer has dried and the color saturation has been adjusted, the stained glass fragments are finally filled.

The stained glass window is coated with transparent varnish, and when installed in the frame, a rubber seal is used.

Technology for stained glass "Tiffany"

Two sketches of a stained glass drawing are being prepared. The fragments on them are numbered and color coded. One of the sketches is cut along the contour lines into fragments. The cut out elements will serve as a template for cutting colored glass.

Technical supply stores or art stores sell sets of colored glass for Tiffany stained glass windows. They have different thickness, texture and color density. It is advisable to purchase glass of uniform quality and always the same thickness. Edging copper foil - folia - is also purchased there. Folia - a strip of copper foil with one-sided adhesive surface. Depending on the type of patina chosen, black or copper foil is purchased.

Fragments of a sketch of a stained glass window cut out of paper are glued onto colored glass. The elements of the design are cut out using them using a glass cutter. By using grinder the part is adjusted to size and chamfered. Glass elements are degreased and blotted dry with a napkin. Each piece is wrapped in foil.

A second whole sketch of the stained glass window is placed on a sheet of thick plywood. Elements of stained glass are laid out on it, starting from the corner. Along the outer perimeter, the stained glass window is fixed with strips or baguette slats. The laid out several elements are nailed and soldered.

The seams are treated with flux, and tin solder is evenly distributed over them with a hot soldering iron. Wood slats along the perimeter are removed and the stained glass window is edged with a U-shaped frame profile. The contact points of the profile and seams are secured by soldering for strength.

A fully soldered Tiffany stained glass window reveals a patina at the seams. The patina solution is applied with a sponge. Stained glass is cleaned with glass cleaner and installed in the frame.

The simplest film stained glass windows

To make stained glass from self-adhesive film you will need:

  • a set of translucent multi-colored adhesive film;
  • lead stained glass tape;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • sketch;
  • marker.

Work can be carried out even in vertical position glass Dirt is removed from the glass and wiped with a degreasing solvent. According to the film pattern different color fragments of stained glass are cut out. A sketch of a stained glass window is glued to the opposite side of the glass using double-sided tape.

Along the lines visible through the glass, a relief rim made of lead flexible tape is glued. The joints of the contour side can be soldered. Colored pieces of film are glued into the free openings. The film is applied in the central part of the fragment and smoothed to the edges of the contour. Excess film is trimmed with a sharp stationery knife. The air sinuses that appear when gluing the film are pierced with a needle and smoothed out with your fingers.


Home-made stained glass is difficult to distinguish from factory-made glass. Be careful and patient when working. It is recommended to place stained glass for windows on the south side of the house. In this case, they look more beautiful in the light and “steal” little sunlight. published

Stained glass is one of the types artistic painting, nowadays it is becoming increasingly popular. Stained glass on glass is absolutely safe and can be done with children. It is made using acrylic paints. To execute this work, you do not need to have any special skills or abilities. The necessary colors can be purchased at any art or construction store. Painting can be done not only on transparent surfaces, but also on wood, plastic, ceramics, metal or plaster.

Just the facts

The name "stained glass" comes from Latin word vitrum - "glass", which implies transparent patterns, pictures or designs made on glass or from colored glass.

Stained glass on glass dates back to ancient times. Most often it was used in temples and churches. In the churches of Germany and France, the first narrative stained glass windows were used, made in bizarre shapes, from different colors, quite large sizes. The stained glass windows depicted religious events, the life and everyday life of saints. This is the so-called painting on glass.

Stained glass appeared in Russia only in 1820 and they were first called transparent paintings. Just at this time, the revival of this art form began in Europe after a long period of oblivion.

Necessary tools for acrylic painting

If you don't know how to draw stained glass on glass, we will tell you. You need to prepare the following tools:

  • the most suitable sketch made on paper;
  • which is supposed to be painted;
  • pre-selected shades (it doesn’t matter which company you choose, the main thing is that at least 12 hours pass between applying layers, and 3-4 days before the first wash);
  • solvent, it is advisable to choose one company with paints;
  • ferrule;
  • stained glass outline;
  • cotton buds;
  • toothpick or thin stick;
  • synthetic brushes.

Once you have everything ready for work, you can proceed directly to creating your masterpiece.

Making stained glass with acrylic

So, let's start making stained glass on glass carefully and without rushing.

Glass is laid out on a pre-prepared sketch, the edges are aligned so that the drawing is in in the right place. The glass must first be washed and degreased; for this you can use regular vinegar or alcohol.

To make the line made by the contour thinner, a special metal tip is put on it. Using an outline, the design is applied to the glass. Movements should be fairly confident, clear and fast, with light pressure on the bottle. In order for the paint to flow better and the contour to be a little more voluminous, the tip must be held at a large angle to the glass. The outline must be drawn carefully enough so that there are no breaks in the drawing, since then it will need to be filled in liquid paint, and it can blur through the holes.

After the application of the main contour is completed, you must wait until it dries. Then we start filling it out. The technique of filling the contour is so simple that you can do it even with a child. To do this, select the necessary shades of acrylic paints. When working, you need to remember that only enough paint should be applied to the surface so as not to exceed the height of the contour. If the paint has flowed a little onto the outline, don’t worry; after drying it will become transparent, and your mistake will no longer be so noticeable.

When making stained glass, artists often want to achieve smooth transitions or different shades. To do this, you need to mix or shade several colors. This can be done with a regular toothpick. One of the colors is applied with a slight distribution towards the center. Then a second color is applied from the center to the edges, which is necessary for mixing. Then, using a toothpick, the paint is mixed and leveled so that it is evenly distributed over the element to be painted. If air bubbles appear during application, they can be easily removed with the same toothpick.

Little tricks

  • While working, don’t worry about being too pale and not looking the way you would like. After drying, it will darken a little and become much more transparent.
  • To make the paint apply more evenly, you can lightly tap the glass from below - it will spread better.
  • It is very convenient to work with acrylic paint not only on horizontal planes. You can also use it to decorate and even make a stained glass window on the door glass without removing it from the frame.
  • To make the design look a little more voluminous, use a sponge when applying a pure white color.

Advantages and disadvantages

Stained glass on glass is created quickly enough, and the work will not have any similar ones. The biggest advantage of such a painting will be its practicality. Painted stained glass windows, unlike soldered ones, can be used for large surfaces; moreover, they do not require cutting out individual pieces of glass and attaching them to the sketch. Therefore, painting glass acrylic paints, you get a solid and seamless image. In addition, stained glass made with paints can be inserted into a double-glazed window, which will save much more heat than if soldered stained glass is inserted into them.

Glass painting fits much more easily into any apartment interior, while soldered stained glass windows require carefully selected furnishings. In addition, painted glass perfectly transmits light, creating a slight kaleidoscope effect.

Other types of stained glass

Stained glass on glass using paints is the easiest to do at home, but there are other types and methods of such work.

The most common of them:

  • classic soldered stained glass;
  • Tiffany stained glass;
  • fusing;
  • frosted stained glass;
  • Plastic Lead stained glass windows;
  • stained glass windows made using casting technique;
  • film stained glass window made using SGO technologies;
  • faceted stained glass;
  • bending;
  • combined stained glass;
  • stained glass window made by etching;
  • laser engraving.

If you decide to decorate glass with stained glass, then before starting the main work, practice on small glasses, so to speak, get your hands on a little.