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Teleportation in space - myth or reality? Instant movement in space, cases of teleportation

Teleportation of a person without technical means as a method of rapid transition in space has not been studied at all. This may be why many reports of teleportation to early periods stories were inextricably linked with witchcraft and evil spirits.

Teleportation is a strange method of transitions in space

Modern science does not deny the possibility of moving in space over vast distances in a short period of time.

Moreover, space physics researchers are working in this direction, achieving certain successes.

Yes, now science does not deny the possibility of moving in space at the moment of a minor third. But the solution to this problem has been given technical devices. People will enter the transmitting portal and exit the receiving portal - between the two portals there will be an abyss of many hundreds of kilometers.

But all this is the distant future, where the descendants of our contemporaries will live. But history knows cases - some are even documented - when ordinary people performed teleportation, seemingly without any technical units.

Without any complex electronic devices, people manipulated objects - real teleportation with the materialization of objects as if from thin air. Often, carriers of this incredible phenomenon were accused of connections with evil spirits.

Possessed by a poltergeist.

In 1661, a Cork woman named Florence Newton was harshly judged and accused of witchcraft. It was stated that Newton was seen in violent episodes of possession, doing frightening things: pulling out fur from animals without touching, showing supernatural strength, easily scattering strong men, stopping flying stones with her gaze.

Indeed, the woman was stoned several times, fortunately without harming Florence, since the cobblestones disappeared before reaching the body! Having dissolved in the air, the stones then materialized out of nowhere, falling powerlessly not far from the woman.

Perhaps the strange ability was teleportation, and Newton, as stated, often disappeared from the room, only to appear at the same moment in the next one or even on the roof of the house.
In general, in the case of Florence, several paranormal components are visible: telekinesis one - she knocked men off their feet without touching, and, accordingly, teleportation two - the woman easily moved through walls.

Teleportation - the tricks of a poltergeist.

With evil spirits, or poltergeists, there is also a huge amount of evidence that echoes the phenomenon of teleportation. In 1722, a family of farmers from the small village of Sandfeldt, East Germany. Usually, an invisible entity lifted the children into the air, holding them for some time in a suspended state of levitation.

Sometimes children literally disappeared into thin air, as if wearing a magic “invisibility cap,” mysteriously appearing in different parts of the village. The incredible incident is quite well documented, as after disappearing, the children “returned” from obscurity several hours later - appearing out of thin air right in front of the amazed public.

A similar case is known with the children of Richard Giles, Bristol, in the United Kingdom. His kids were great: she pushed, shoved, bit and threw stones at them. A creepy spirit could even capture the children and carry them secretly in an invisible plane in order to materialize in another place.

An interesting point stands out in this incident: observers claimed that the children disappeared without a trace or visible reason in the air. Whereas for the guys themselves it was clearly a more frightening matter. After a conversation with the children, a terrible thing was revealed: it turns out that all the manipulations were carried out by a certain “witch” dressed in rags. They saw how she pulled her bony hand towards them, and at the same moment the guys stood in a different place.

These supernatural stories can be largely influenced by myth, religion, or even the amplification of a minor event. However, they show how far back the idea and occurrences of teleportation go.

A funny incident happened to Mrs. Guppy on June 3, 1871, making London laugh, and perhaps even the imperturbable cab drivers as well. The twist is that the woman spontaneously teleported from her home in Highbury England wearing only her underwear - jumping 4 kilometers from the room.

Children's hormones are the source of teleportation energy.

In 1901, the Pansini family moved to Ruvo, Italy, and soon after, the home became beset by a range of mysterious phenomena. Among the various poltergeist incidents, the one that most troubled the family was the habit of their 7-year-old son, Alfredo.

Little Pansini went into deep trances, returning with visions of pictures of the future. And soon after that, the boy began to demonstrate amazing performances from place to place.

During these strange episodes, it was reported that Alfredo would suddenly disappear from the house (often during a meal), only to reappear elsewhere in the city, dazed and confused by the incident. Paolo, Alfredo's brother, also began to spontaneously "jump" from time to time. In one case, both brothers suddenly disappeared from the room, appearing on board a fishing boat, which greatly frightened the man.

The unsolved mystery is the engine of science.

Strange episodes of teleportation were investigated by the medical adviser to Popes Leo XIII and Pius X, Joseph Lapponi. The advisor conducted an experiment in order to personally check the dubious and.

The boys were locked in their room and all escape routes were cordoned off, including the windows and doors of the house. But even when the boys disappeared and reappeared instantly a few kilometers from their captivity, right under everyone’s noses, the mystery of the phenomenon did not get any closer.

Pansini’s mysterious “jumps” continued for several years, until the boys reached puberty, and, apparently, as a result of growing up, they lost the miraculous ability of instantaneous movement.

How to consider cases of rapid movements in space solely as possibilities human body, in what direction should efforts be made to understand this phenomenon? If people somehow cross some barrier of space to get from one place to another, how did they accomplish this?

Can such a thing as teleportation by the forces of the body fit into the universe as we understand it? Even now, when science pursues completely real theories about the possibility of instantaneous movements in space, the reality of human teleportation lies far away outer edges scientific horizon.
But it looks like for some people it may be closer than we think.


Start with “moving the void” exercises. Look anywhere and subconsciously “move the void.” This will teach you to concentrate your attention and gaze.

Try to relax your body muscles, but your arms should still move. Exercise persistently until the tension in the muscles during movements subsides.

Start practicing moving material things. Take a small piece of paper and fold it in half perpendicularly twice. Insert a sewing needle or pin into the lid, plug, lump. Place a folded piece of paper on the middle of the needle.

Try to focus on the solar plexus, feel with your hands how the warmth moves from it. Feel the slight tingling and warmth on your fingertips. If you turn your palms towards each other, you should feel some tension, as if there is an inflated balloon between them.

Relax, sit comfortably. The place for the exercise should be well lit. Bring your hands to the piece of paper and, concentrating, try to turn it over with the power of your thoughts.

At this moment, don’t think about anything, relax, get all thoughts out of your head, breathe deeply. You just have to want the leaf to turn and see this process internally.

Don't get discouraged or doubt your abilities. If you don’t succeed right away, then rest assured that success will come after three to five days of constant training.

Remember: the most important thing in this matter is faith in yourself and your abilities. If you are confident in yourself, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

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  • how to move with your mind

In the world we are familiar with, the skill of movement, or, is nothing more than an illusion. Simply put, focus. In order to demonstrate such a trick, for example, to your children, you don’t have to be Copperfield. Let's try to move an object mentally at home.

You will need

  • - powerful magnet
  • - table or board
  • - a small metal object


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Not all metals and alloys are susceptible to magnetism. Choose products that attract well.

When demonstrating a trick, try not to touch the magnet with inner surface table, it could ruin everything.

If the table is quite thick or has any technological protrusions, this may complicate the task. Perfect fit dining tables, consisting only of a table top and legs.

Helpful advice

Lean closer to the object of “telekinesis”, make distracting movements so that the viewer does not pay attention to the left hand.
Alternatively, a magnet can be attached to the knee. In this case, both your hands will be free, but you will lose some freedom of movement of the object.

Telekinesis is the ability to move items with just the power of thought. More than once, scientists have described cases of non-contact movement of things, but they could not give a scientific explanation for these facts. Most often for the ability to move items thinking, as well as playing music, requires a certain gift, but this can be achieved through hard training.

You will need

  • - a plastic cup;
  • - match;
  • - thread.


First, take care of yours. Perhaps there were already people in your family who owned . Ask yours and your grandparents. If you are lucky enough to have paranormal owners in your family tree, it will be much easier for you to move items without touching them. In addition, you can even do without training, since your abilities can awaken at any moment.

If it’s not found in your family, don’t be upset, you can achieve everything on your own. Find some point (if you have new wallpaper without stains, draw it yourself) and concentrate your attention on it every day for 15 minutes. You should sit comfortably and be relaxed. Imagine that rays are emanating from your eyes and resting on a point.

After you have learned to concentrate your attention without any problems, complicate the exercise. Now look continuously at the point, while rotating your head. If this exercise was easy for you, draw on the second point slightly lower than the first and, concentrating on the top, smoothly move your gaze to the bottom. You should have the feeling that your gaze is glued to the top point and is pulling it down.

Take the plastic one and place it in front of you on a hard chair. At the same time, sit on the floor. Making passes over the glass (which ones exactly - your intuition will tell you), use the power of thought to move it from its place. With careful and regular implementation The results of this exercise should appear within a week.

Take a match, tie it by a thread and hang it up. Now, making passes with your hands, try to make the match turn around its axis. The result should also appear within a week.

Once you have successfully mastered the exercises of moving a plastic cup and a match, you can move larger items, guided by the same principle.


  • How to learn telekinesis
  • how to lift an object with your mind

Concentrating attention and thoughts requires a lot of mental energy. Any external stimuli can distract a person from the object of concentration. It can also be difficult to concentrate when doing routine work. Special exercises and a fresh look at familiar things will help you maintain a steady interest in the problem you are considering.


An important factor for concentration is the absence of external stimuli. When you are reading a book, writing or thinking about something, any sound or movement can distract your attention. It is most difficult to concentrate in crowded and noisy places. If you work at home, and your loved ones are watching TV, loudly and constantly asking questions, you will not be able to fully concentrate on the task at hand. Try to isolate yourself as much as possible from external irritants. Find a secluded and quiet place where you can be more productive. If you can’t find a place, try to mentally isolate yourself from the events happening around you. Imagine that your head is in a large glass ball, and all external sounds bounce off it without reaching your attention.

When you need to concentrate on routine work or a boring lecture that doesn't excite you, try to find something new in it. Look at familiar things from a different perspective. Let's say you're listening to the tenth report at a conference, your attention wanders and thoughts left in an unknown direction. Imagine yourself encountering the topic presented for the first time, as if you accidentally walked into the hall. Find points in the report that might interest you. This may be a different opinion from yours on things already in place, some previously unstudied figures, facts and formulations of terms. You might be interested unusual style the speaker's speech and ability to access complex material.

Learn to concentrate thoughts special exercises will help. Place any object in front of you - an apple, a vase, Matchbox or watch. Focus your attention on the selected object. Look at it from different perspectives. Pay attention to color, volume, shape, sensations when touching an object. Try to keep your attention clearly and think about the subject for at least two minutes. As soon as you notice that your attention has moved away from the object of concentration, gently bring it back and continue the exercise. Do the exercise every day for 5-10 minutes. Soon it will be easier for you to control thoughts.

Concentration - the ability to fixate attention at one object for a certain period of time. However, the pace modern life, the abundance of information and routine tasks often makes it difficult to concentrate on one thing. This especially affects work or study. How can you learn to push everything unnecessary into the background?


Create the right environment. The first step is to minimize your exposure to distractions. For some, this is a working TV or loud conversations around, others are unable to refuse in social networks, and for some, order in the workplace is important and comfortable armchair. Having figured out what prevents you from concentrating the most, it will be much easier to create a comfortable environment: turn off the TV, turn off Internet access, remove unnecessary things from the table, or get comfortable.

Take care of your health. Unable to work in full force, feeling not very good. Even minor headache leads to a decrease in concentration and performance. The ability to concentrate also deteriorates due to chronic stress. After all, it is during sleep that the brain cells necessary for... To avoid psychological decline, try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

While reading a continuous text, it becomes scattered and it becomes difficult to assimilate what you read. In this case, you can draw up graphs, diagrams, mental maps or thesis plans. The brain, busy processing the information received, is much more difficult to be distracted by foreign objects.

The work doesn't always deliver. Therefore, there is a great temptation to push an unpleasant or tedious task into the back drawer. The ability to focus is closely related to self-discipline, as well as the ability to achieve goals. At the end of each working day, make a to-do list for tomorrow and try to stick to it. Persistence in this endeavor will lead to the fact that you will be able to regulate your attention yourself and direct it to one or another object.

Prolonged concentration leads to fatigue. This is due to overstrain of certain areas of the brain. Therefore, to maintain good performance during the working day, be sure to take breaks. Take it from the school schedule. Organize hourly “changes” of 10-15. The main thing is not to sit in the same place while chatting with colleagues or playing games. computer game. It’s better to take a walk, stretch your muscles, massage your neck or do eye exercises.

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Ability to move distance, or telekinesis in scientific terms, has been described more than once by scientists and shown in thrillers and science fiction films. There is still no clear opinion as to why items moving. Most often, this ability is innate, but through hard training it can be learned.

As early as the first century BC, paranormal phenomena occurred with by different people and objects. Many scientists have devoted their entire lives to studying these phenomena. Renowned American explorer Charles Fort first coined the term "teleportation" in 1931 to describe certain paranormal events and phenomena. By this definition he understood the movement of objects and people in time and space. Is this really possible? Has human teleportation been proven? How to learn to travel in time? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

First teleportation

As mentioned earlier, paranormal phenomena called teleportation were noticed back in the first century BC. This happened, for example, with the famous scientist philosopher Apollonius (1st century BC). Flavius ​​Domitian, the Roman emperor, tried him for witchcraft and magic, when he suddenly disappeared from the courtroom and found himself on the other side of the world. And such disappearances were not uncommon. In many prisons, prisoners disappeared without any trace of escape.

Nikola Tesla's experiments

N. Tesla is a Serbian scientist and inventor in the field of radio and electrical engineering. Some of his discoveries were related specifically to the movement of objects over a distance. He believed that teleportation was possible and conducted secret experiments with magnetic fields to prove it. There is even a unit of induction named after him. magnetic field- Tesla (Tl). He dedicated his entire life to devices powered by alternating current. In his circles he was often called a genius of all times and peoples and a superman. Indeed, many claimed that he had the gift of foresight, could read minds and even draw information from space. There is a legend that N. Tesla conducted experiments on a military destroyer called Eldridge, and he managed to move this warship 320 kilometers in a fraction of seconds. At the same time, along with the ship, the entire crew in it moved in space. There are rumors that almost all the people on the ship died due to exposure to strong radio-magnetic waves. Those who survived were distraught.

There is another legend associated with the great scientist N. Tesla. Rumor has it that he created a time machine and could move any person or object in space. Based on these assumptions, the film “Prestige” was shot in 2006. Opponents of stories about teleportation believe that this is impossible from the point of view of physics, since in order to move from one place to another, you need to move at super speed, and with such movement the object is destroyed. Accordingly, the question arises: how then does everything come together again?

Quantum human teleportation

Quantum is a very small indivisible particle in physics. IN Lately many scientists conduct experiments specifically with the movement of these particles in time and space. If you can move a small particle, then everything else will work out too. Recently, Chinese and Canadian scientists managed to teleport encoded information in particles of light. Of course, quantum channels were used for this purpose to transmit data, but in the future such experiments could lead to the transfer of information without the use of any transmitters.

Sufi miracles

The followers of the esoteric movement in Islam - the Sufis - also pay a lot of attention to such a concept as “human teleportation”. Almost every famous Sufi teacher knew how to learn to move in space and time. They used this knowledge, as a rule, for the purposes of self-improvement and self-knowledge. Returning to the past allowed them to “learn a lesson” from certain situations, while they went to the future to see what events needed to be changed in the present. There are a huge number of records of how experienced Sufis traveled hundreds of kilometers in order to convey certain knowledge to people.

Venerable Mary and teleportation

This sounds incredible, but the Soviet writer-historian A. Gorbovsky describes in his works that in the 17th century the Venerable Maria, who never left the monastery in which she lived, at certain points in time found herself near Indian settlements in America and told them about Christianity . Later, one of the priests, who went to these tribes for the same purpose, found out that someone had gotten ahead of him. In addition, it became known that the Venerable Mary not only told the Indians about her faith, but also gave them rosaries, crosses and a communion cup. The inhabitants of these lands themselves later clearly described a woman from Europe as two peas similar to Venerable Mary. Whether there can be so many coincidences is anyone's guess.

Spontaneous teleportation

If you believe everything that is written above, it actually turns out that cases of human teleportation occurred with different people, V different countries and completely in different time. Of course, there are a huge number of opponents of this phenomenon; they are trying to explain this phenomenon with scientific point views, refute certain events and, of course, have every right to do so.

Supporters, on the contrary, are looking for evidence and trying to learn how to travel in time. There is an opinion that the first practice of human teleportation, as a rule, occurs completely unexpectedly and spontaneously. Of course, before this you need to study a lot of literature and learn how to enter a certain state. It also happens the other way around, when a person teleports completely consciously and understands exactly what is happening to him. For the first time, this phenomenon is accompanied by dizziness and nausea. In any case, an unprepared person is unlikely to be able to learn how to move.

What is needed for teleportation

Most likely, many who want to learn this are wondering where they should start. There is a huge amount of different information on the Internet, some for a fee, some for free. Let's try to structure it and choose the most important points for an event such as teleportation. Learning these techniques is very important to achieve the best results.

First of all, in order to learn teleportation, you need to be able to concentrate on a specific thought.

It sounds very simple, but in reality, when a person closes his eyes and tries to think about only one thing, a variety of subjects and problems constantly flash through his head. Therefore, first you need to master the technique of complete relaxation and turning off absolutely all thoughts. When you can maintain a “blank slate before your eyes” (which means no thoughts) for at least 10 minutes, it means that the first stage is already behind you.

Transferring the astral body

As mentioned earlier, you need to start small, which means it’s not worth traveling through time yet. You need to focus your thoughts on When you are completely relaxed, you need to figuratively try to move “your double” to a very close distance. If, for example, you are meditating on the sofa, then imagine that your astral body gets up from the sofa and stands next to you. You should see the room with “different eyes”, look around: here is a chair, a closet, here you are lying on the sofa, etc. When this exercise is completely successful and you can clearly see all the objects in the room, you can begin to change the distance - first to kitchen, then to your street and so on.

Conscious human teleportation

Only a few know how to learn this technique, but if a person believes in his abilities, he can succeed. If the teleportation of the physical body turns out to be insurmountable, it is necessary to continue training and not retreat. Even moving the astral body through time is already a great success. When a person fully masters this skill, he can think anywhere on the planet and “see through” any situation. Teleportation in time is, of course, more difficult than movement in space, but a huge number of stories on the Internet on this topic still indicate that it is possible. Many practitioners - magicians, Sufis, shamans - claim that the first experience, as a rule, occurs in a dream. On the one hand, a person is already quite trained, but with a high concentration of attention, his body is so tense that he cannot teleport. The situation in a dream radically changes things. A person who has a sufficient amount of knowledge is in complete relaxation, which means his body is ready to move for a split second to another place.

Many scientists and esotericists have dealt in detail with such an issue as human teleportation. How to learn this technique has always been kept in the strictest confidence, and there are reasons for this. Of course, everyone would like to be able to move, but does each of us really need it? How, for example, should we deal with criminals in prisons who could teleport out of there at any moment? In addition, if everyone could be transported wherever they want at any moment, how much would thefts in the world increase, and how would murders be investigated? There are no answers to these and many other questions yet. Of course, teleportation is very interesting and exciting, but we should not forget about real life.