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High technologies of ancient civilizations. Ancestral Technologies: Weapons of Ancient Civilizations

The world's media, just like the general public, do not discuss the possibility of any other view of history than that officially accepted by science. Meanwhile, humanity must choose which path to follow and which view to adhere to.

Currently, there is an official history devoid of all mysteries, which only to a small extent explains the numerous finds that were discovered during archaeological excavations. Basically, she is engaged in compiling all kinds of catalogs and digging up shards. It is therefore not surprising that alternative history is gaining more and more authority.

It should be noted that a few decades ago, scientists from these two areas worked together and were almost always able to agree, but all this stopped. There are several reasons for this: representatives of the alternative direction of history quarreled with Egyptologists, not unreasonably making the assumption that the Sphinx is much older than the oldest of the Egyptian rulers. The second reason was the appearance of K. Dunn’s book “Electrification in Giza: Technologies Ancient Egypt».

This is where the two directions of history diverged. Even formal politeness no longer exists; real politeness has begun. cold war. Supporters of official history even take ideology and politics into account, actively opposing any other view of the past of human civilization. This looks very strange and raises many questions.

Archaeological excavations, meanwhile, confirm that ancient people and dinosaurs lived at the same time, and the technologies of past civilizations were at such a level that one can only guess. However, the very discovery of objects and remains of animals and people indicates a global catastrophe that destroyed ancient world.

Most often, unexplained finds are refuted by official science, because they could not have been made in a particular historical period, and should not have existed in principle. But the fact remains: the discovered objects are proof that ancient technologies were significantly superior to modern ones.

So, for example, near the American city of London in the summer of 1934, a hammer 15 cm long and with a diameter of about 3 cm was found. It was located in a piece of limestone, the age of which is estimated at 140 million years. The studies carried out gave a completely unexpected result: the chemical composition of the metal was surprising (about 97 percent iron, 2.5 percent chlorine and about 0.5 percent sulfur). There were no other impurities. In the entire history of metallurgy, it has never been possible to obtain such pure iron. No traces of carbon were found in the iron found, but ore always contains carbon and many other impurities. In addition, the discovered iron hammer was completely rust-free. In addition, it was made using a completely unknown technology.

Scientists have concluded that the find dates back to the Early Cretaceous period, that is, its age is approximately 65-140 million years. According to official science, people learned to make iron hammers only 10 thousand years ago.

In 1974, on the territory of Romania, in a sand quarry, workers found an unknown object about 20 cm long. Deciding that it was a stone ax, they sent the find for research to an archaeological institute. Scientists cleared it of sand and discovered a metal rectangular object, on which there were two holes of different sizes that converged at right angles. There was a slight deformation visible at the bottom of the larger hole, as if a rod or shaft had been reinforced in it. A side surfaces And top part were covered with dents from strong blows. All this allowed scientists to assume that the find is part of some more complex device.

After conducting research, it was found that this item consists of a very complex alloy consisting of 13 elements, the main one of which is aluminum (89 percent). But aluminum began to be used for the production of industrial products only in the 19th century. And the discovered sample was much older, as evidenced by the depth of the find - more than 10 meters, as well as the remains of a mastodon that were buried there (and these animals became extinct about a million years ago). The antiquity of the find is also supported by the oxidation film on its surface. It is also unclear for what purposes this item was used, but it is quite obvious that knowledge about ancient technologies has been completely lost, and discoveries made once are now unknown.

In the 80s of the last century, workers at the South African Wonderstone mine found unusual metal balls in deposits of pyrophyllite (a mineral estimated to be 3 billion years old) - slightly flattened spheres, the diameter of which varied from 2.5 to 10 cm. They were surrounded by three grooved and made of some material very similar to nickel-plated steel. Similar alloy in natural conditions does not occur. There was an unknown person inside the balls bulk material, which evaporated upon contact with air. One such ball was placed in a museum, where it was noticed that under glass it slowly rotates around its own axis, completing a full rotation in 128 days. Scientists could not explain this phenomenon.

In 1928, in Zambia, scientists had to deal with an unusual phenomenon: they found the skull of an ancient man with a perfectly straight hole that resembled a bullet mark. Exactly the same skull was discovered in Yakutia. Only it was the skull of a bison that lived 40 thousand years ago. In addition, the hole managed to be overgrown during the animal’s lifetime.

There are many other mysteries of antiquity. So, in particular, the Great Pyramid is the last of the 7 wonders of the world. Despite the fact that it has been thoroughly researched, official science does not provide comprehensive explanations. It is unknown who built it and for what purpose. How were the savage and illiterate Egyptians able to build a structure of more than 2 million huge stone blocks, the total weight of which exceeded 4 million tons, fitted perfectly together using an unknown mortar and forming a perfect structure? Even now, with the latest technology, a person is unlikely to be able to replicate this structure. In addition, there are many other inexplicable facts, in particular, the seamless surface (in order to level the limestone to such an extent, laser technology is needed, just like for such precise calculations of the base of the pyramid).

A hundred-meter, perfectly flat descent tunnel, which was cut into the rock at an angle of 26 degrees, during the construction of which no torches were used. How was the angle of inclination maintained without lighting or special equipment? Moreover, the entire structure is aligned with minimal error to the cardinal directions, which requires serious knowledge of astronomy.

Harmoniously built, very complex internal structure, which turns the pyramid into a 48-story building, with mysterious doors, ventilation shafts, in the cutting of which saws with diamond tips should have been used, machine grinding of stone - official science cannot explain all this.

Another mystery that is shrouded in darkness, even more so than Egypt, is dogs. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about these animals; they are just domesticated descendants of foxes, wolves, and coyotes. But in fact, their origin is not so obvious. Recently, geneticists stated that anthropologists, archaeologists and zoologists have been mistaken about dogs for centuries. In particular, the belief that the dog became a domestic animal about 15 thousand years ago turned out to be erroneous. Moreover, the first studies of dog DNA showed that they were all bred only from wolves about 40 thousand years ago. It would seem that this is unusual, but what is interesting is how a dog suddenly turned out from a wolf. There is no answer to this question at all. Speculation that ancient man somehow incomprehensibly made friends with a wolf, after which the animal turned into a mutant wolf, does not stand up to criticism. It is completely incomprehensible how the wolf parents gave birth to a completely different animal, which only looked like a wolf, but in whose character only the traits necessary for living together with a person remained. And how did this mutant manage to survive in a pack with a strict hierarchy? Therefore, scientists assumed that without genetic engineering in this case it didn’t work out...

Official science does not argue that humanity lived without amenities until the last century. There were no sewers in ancient cities. But, as it turned out, not in all of them. So, in particular, residents ancient city Mozhenj-Daro, which existed in 2600-1700 BC, used the benefits of civilization that were not inferior to modern ones. In general, it should be noted that this city is surprising not only for the presence public toilets and plumbing, but also a well thought out and planned structure. It is quite obvious that the city was planned in advance and built on two levels on a special suspension system. The buildings are made of standard sizes burnt brick. The city was full of everything necessary even by modern standards: a clear system of streets, granaries, houses with amenities, baths.

Official science cannot answer where are the cities that preceded Mohenjo-Daro, why did people who could not burn bricks manage to build such a metropolis?

The first city in America was Teotihuacan. During its heyday, about 200 thousand inhabitants lived there. Almost nothing is known about this city. Where did the people who built the city come from, how was their society organized, what language did they speak... Here, by the way, mica plates were discovered, fixed at the top of the Pyramid of the Sun. It would seem nothing impressive, but in fact, this is a very important find. Mica quality building material not used, but it is excellent protection from radio waves and electromagnetic radiation.

What do all these finds and mysteries indicate? And they say that modern historical science insolvent. There are clearly theories and evidence. Firstly, people lived at the same time as dinosaurs, which completely refutes Darwin's theory. Secondly, in ancient times people owned technologies that modern man can only dream.

Knowledge about ancient civilizations and their technologies has been practically lost. Moreover, evidence large number cataclysms in ancient times they say that modern methods The dating of the finds is completely incorrect. What to do with all this is not yet clear, because scientists prefer to remain captive of their own conjectures and guesses.

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Where the Nile cuts through the Nubian Plateau and breaks out onto the plain, the famous Aswan quarries are located. Since the era of the Old Kingdom, and possibly even earlier, pink granite has been mined here. This stone played a special role in the life of the Egyptians: temple portals were made from it, […]

The mysterious iron column in Delhi amazes not only with its age (more than 1,500 years), but also with its resistance to corrosion, which will be envied modern technologies metal production. According to the professor heading the department of applied and human sciences at the Institute of Technology and Management in […]

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Even in ancient times, different peoples used the principles that are used in the modern lie detector to determine the guilt of a suspect. The Chinese forced you to take a handful of rice into your mouth and then spit it out. The Arabs forced you to lick a red-hot blade. If the rice was dry or the suspect received […]

Modern architects are at a loss as to how the ancient inhabitants of South America managed to hew huge pieces of stone. Moreover, this was done so flawlessly that the stone blocks fit together very tightly: it is hardly possible to insert the thinnest blade between them. A […]

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Many believe that the first robots appeared only in the second half of the 20th century, but this opinion is erroneous: humanoid automata appeared much earlier. From myths Ancient Greece we learn that there were robots already in the time of the Greek gods. Myths tell us about [...]

New archaeological finds, information about which is becoming available to an increasingly wider circle of people, suggest that the historical information about the past of our planet that has been put into our heads all this time requires a meaningful revision. Of particular interest are finds related to the use in ancient times of technologies that could not have been available to the ancient inhabitants of the earth.

For example, in one of the issues of the journal "Accounts of Chemical Research" it is said that scientists discovered the fact that artisans who lived more than 2 thousand years ago used application technology thin films metals on statues and other objects exceeding modern standards similar works. In the article, American Chemical Society scientists argue that "the high level of competence of the artisans of this ancient period, who were able to produce objects of a quality that could not be surpassed in those times, and which has not yet been achieved by modern technology."

Gilding and silvering is a long-known process in which, using mercury, products can be coated with a thin layer of silver and gold. Sometimes this was used for fraudulent purposes, giving the appearance of silver and gold to less precious metals. So, ancient craftsmen managed, using unknown technologies, to coat products with an ultra-thin layer of precious coating, allowing the layer to adhere tightly to the surface of the product and take any shape - this technique saved precious metals and increased the durability of the product. Experts say that modern technology has not reached this level of perfection. Ancient craftsmen, not knowing anything about physical and chemical processes, developed their own technologies through trial and error, including the use of mercury as glue and coated objects the thinnest layer precious metals.

Another example of amazing ancient technology from 2000 years ago is the so-called Antikythera mechanism, consisting of a complex combination of gears and used to calculate positions celestial bodies. We cannot remain silent about another invention of the ancients - the Baghdad battery (the prototype of the electric battery). The Baghdad battery was a clay jug containing a copper cylinder with an iron rod in the center. And although the level of technological sophistication of ancient scientists and artisans is amazing, many questions still remain about where this knowledge, ahead of its time, came from.

It must be admitted that the ancient Romans can rightfully be considered pioneers in the development of nanotechnology - the mystery of the 1600-year-old cup remains unsolved. We are talking about the jade Lycurgus Cup (the cup is decorated with scenes with the participation of King Lycurgus). When passing through the goblet of light, it changes its color from Green to Blood Red. Scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of this phenomenon since 1950, ever since one of the English museums acquired this exhibit. Researchers have found that artisans, when making the Lycurgus Cup, impregnated the material of the cup with microparticles of silver and gold measuring 50 nanometers in diameter (for comparison, this is less than a thousandth of a grain of salt). It is believed that the Lycurgus Cup could be the key to the creation of a new ultra-sensitive technology that could be used to diagnose human diseases, as well as carry out biohazard screening of luggage at checkpoints. But a completely legitimate question arises: how did the ancient Romans know about nanoparticle technology? And what true meaning had a 4th century artifact during the time of King Lycurgus?

There is a lot of information about the Egyptian pyramids, but most often all information can only be attributed to scientific guesses. After all, until now no one can say with certainty who actually was the builder of these grandiose structures. Egyptologists claim that at that time people lived in the “Bronze Age” and did not know what a wheel and iron were. The only thing they had at that time was a huge amount of labor. And if, with some assumption, it can be assumed that the construction of the pyramids was carried out with the involvement of an unprecedented number of people, then no arguments can explain the level of astronomical and mathematical knowledge, as well as architecture and examples of art that the Egyptians possessed.

Thus, in the Cairo Museum there are samples of stone products found at the pyramid in Saqqara (the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser of the 3rd dynasty) and on the Giza plateau, which bear signs machining. Such circular grooves applied to these stone products could only be applied using a mechanism similar to lathe. The same traces of processing were found on other finds dating back to the period of Ancient Egypt (for example, on a basalt bowl kept in the Petrie Museum). The paradox is that the found and most skillfully made household utensils date back to the earliest period of ancient Egyptian civilization, and not only soft material- alabaster, but also granite.

The methods of processing granite products by ancient artisans raise many questions. For example, hollow products with a narrow and long neck are processed from the inside, which raises doubts about their manual production. Many Egyptian finds have scratched symbols on their surfaces with the names of the rulers who reigned during the most early period Egyptian history. These primitive writings do not correlate in any way with the elegant examples on which they are applied. Most likely, these notes can only be explained as being later scrawled on the items and indicating the names of their owners. But then a lot of questions arise again: who made them? When? Where? How? why were they in the Egyptian pyramids?..
Traces of mechanical sawing on basalt are very clearly visible on surviving examples of Egyptian pyramids. There are even “try-on” cuts on the rocks, which could only be done with the help of a stable and easy cutting tool. Another interesting detail of the processing of hard rocks by the ancient Egyptians is the drilled holes.

Thus, on the tourist trail near the obelisk in Karnach there is a fragment of processed rock with holes 2 cm in diameter and 10 cm in depth. Even a non-specialist can see that the holes were drilled in the granite with a tool that went into the hard rock like butter. These holes once again confirm the presence at that time high level technology from the ancient pyramid builders.

Scientists have found a slab of black basalt, on which the mark of a circular saw is clearly visible. It is known that such a saw can operate on a pneumatic, hydraulic or electric drive. But the Egyptians did not have such an instrument then! The slab also shows that after sawing there was grinding, very High Quality and far superior to similar work performed manually: This would leave noticeable scratches. This quality of grinding can only be achieved with diamond-coated saws moving at great speed.

The stone floor of the destroyed temple in southern Saqqara causes considerable surprise. The stones were laid various configurations, and then someone walked over them, making them perfectly level (similar to how floors are sanded today). Only the material for scraping is not wood, but granite!

One more thing must be said amazing fact. In Dashur there are fragments of a sarcophagus, internal corners which are cut perfectly at right angles. And this processing is more like casting or stamping. But even modern technologies do not allow similar work.

Of course, one could believe that the construction of the pyramids was carried out directly by the Egyptians, using practically unlimited labor, but the studied technological nuances of the giant buildings cast doubt on such a version.

Most Egyptian structures reach the height of a 50-story building; processed stone blocks weighing 100-200 tons at this height were laid perfectly without any mortar. And the walls of the pyramid in Medum, as it turned out, were leveled after the construction of the pyramid! The inclined surface of the pyramid was processed. Such work, without the use of special equipment and knowledge, is simply impossible. Today, such work can only be done using laser technology. So how could the ancient Egyptians deal with this?

As a result of excavations under the pyramid of Pharaoh Joser in the underground galleries, a stone collection was found, numbering more than 30 thousand items: plates made of stone 1.5 millimeters thick, stone vessels with a convex surface, objects very similar to laser discs, with holes in middle and many other interesting things.

Russian Egyptologist Andrei Sklyarov believes that most of the Egyptian monuments were created by representatives of the ancient earthly civilization: “You can call them Atlanteans, you can call them aliens, you can do something else, but there are an incredible amount of traces of their presence in Egypt. It’s even strange that Egyptologists did not pay attention to this before. Although now I have the impression that modern Egyptians are guessing about something, but are carefully hiding the secret.” The words of the Russian scientist are confirmed by the fact that the Great Sphinx, the creation of which was dated by Egyptologists to the years of the reign of Pharaoh Cheops, however, according to the records found on the “inventory stele”, on the orders of Cheops, it was only repaired and not erected. Consequently, the Great Sphinx was created long before the reign of Pharaoh Cheops. When they read this entry on the “inventory stele”, it was immediately hidden in the storerooms of the Cairo Museum, and another one was put up in its place - the Egyptians decided to hide this interesting fact, concerning the Great Sphinx.
Perhaps the answer can be given by the assumption that the Egyptian pyramids were built on the ruins of high-tech structures. This version can be supported by research showing that the base of the pyramids is made of powerful processed structures, and above there is rough clay masonry made of stones and untreated bricks.

In Abydos there is a magnificent temple built from huge blocks. On its walls there are inscriptions testifying to the repair work during the reign of the pharaohs. According to legends, this is where the god Osiris rests. Egyptologists believe that the age of the structure is at least 11 thousand years.

By the way, among other things, in Egypt there are many statues of gods, each of which weighs up to a thousand tons. Again, the question arises - how could such huge blocks of granite or quartzite be transported and installed?

Who was the actual builder of the pyramids of Ancient Egypt? Highly developed civilization? Representatives of ancient Atlantis? Alien aliens? And for what purpose were mega-structures erected almost all over the planet? Why do the myths of many peoples talk about the war of the gods? And all the ancient structures were very strong and reliable and could theoretically become shelters from a nuclear attack.

Also for a long time it was believed that megalithic structures in South America built by the Incas. But now the version is completely different - the builders were some technically advanced unknown civilization. This is also confirmed by the presence of megalithic polygonal masonry, which is formed by huge blocks connected without the use of mortar, and most importantly, without any gaps; depressions and holes in basalt blocks, as well as cuts, which could only be done using high-tech equipment by transporting huge blocks over rough terrain at a distance of several tens of kilometers from the quarries; structures built into steep mountain slopes; the presence of a high level of polishing of walls made of black basalt, ideal matching of joints and cuts made with high quality.

On the territory of Lebanon there is the building of Baalbek, which is striking in its size. But what is of interest is the fact that the temple terrace, built from huge blocks, is much older than the temple itself. Nine rows of stone blocks were laid as the floor of the temple, each weighing about 300 tons. It is in this temple that there are three colossal blocks called Trilithon - the Miracle of Three Stones, each weighing 800 tons, length 21 meters, height 5 meters, width 4 meters. Traces of mechanical processing are clearly visible on these miracle stones; they are joined so precisely that even a knife blade cannot be inserted between them. The Baalbek structure itself is significantly larger than the Cheops pyramid. It is possible that such a structure at that time could only be built by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.

Archaeologists also know of 13 crystal skulls found during excavations. Their origin is associated with the Mayan and Aztec cultures. The most interesting among them is the Mitchell-Hodges skull (“skull of fate”). Its special feature is a removable jaw, the presence of a system of prisms, lenses and channels that create unusual optical effects. It is possible that in its production the craftsmen used holographic technologies. Experts suggest that it was completed 12 thousand years ago.

In the Qutub Minar mosque (India, Delhi) there is metal column, known as the “pillar of Indra”. The column was made 1500 years ago, its weight is 7 tons, its height is 7.5 meters, its diameter is 48 cm, it does not rust, it is made of pure iron - 99.7% with a low content of carbon, sulfur and phosphorus. Such a ratio can currently only be obtained in space conditions. No one can reveal the secret of the anti-corrosion feature of this column. Interestingly, when studying the lunar soil, iron was discovered chemical composition similar to an Indian pillar. But at the time of the creation of Indra’s pillar, humanity did not have the technology to create such “pure” iron.

In the jungles of Costa Rica in the 40s of the last century, giant stone balls were found with an impeccable shape - a diameter of up to 3 meters, and the weight of the largest reaches 16 tons. Balls of obsidian and granite were arranged in groups and individually, forming geometric figures. They were beautifully processed and had smooth surface. They are approximately 12 thousand years old and there are more than 300 of them. Similar balls have been found in Egypt, the mines of Western Mexico City, Germany, Romania, Kazakhstan and Franz Josef Land. One of the versions is that the balls were landmarks for space aircraft.

While digging one of the tunnels in California, two mysterious cylinders were found, consisting of platinum and an unknown metal. When heated, for example, to 50 degrees, they are able to maintain this temperature for several hours, and then instantly cool down to air temperature. When current is passed through them, the cylinders change their silver color to black, and then return to their original color. Their age is approximately 25 million years.

From all of the above, it is clear that humanity still knows very little about its history and that many discoveries and interesting finds still await us. It is possible that they will give a new impetus to earthlings in the development of new technologies.

The remains of ancient megalithic structures, composed of stone blocks weighing tens and even hundreds of tons, clearly indicate that the ancient “antediluvian” civilizations had quite “advanced” high technology, which we are not yet able to repeat. Thus, the experience of Japanese scientists and engineers with the help of modern technology and technologies to recreate the Cheops pyramid. At the same time, they are trying to convince us that all these colossal megalithic structures were erected with the help of manual labor many slaves.

Of course, this is complete nonsense, as is the studious ignoring of ancient megalithic structures located on Russian territory. It remains a mystery exactly what technologies the ancients used to move and stack multi-ton blocks. At the same time, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergei Albertovich Sall suggests that the ancient highly developed antediluvian civilizations were more technomagical than technocratic, and therefore connects the technologies they used with the ability of consciousness to neutralize gravity. It is no coincidence that many ancient megalithic structures are located in inaccessible areas where ground vehicles are unable to reach.

Here is what Sergei Albertovich said about this:

I have seen such “cubes” measuring ten by ten meters in Korea, which are located on the tops of mountains accessible only to mountaineers and rock climbers. There are similar objects in the Himalayas, Tibet and throughout to the globe. Naturally, they were not built with the help of some giant cranes. I think not with the help of spacecraft. The whole secret was in the power of human thought, that is, the ancient priests knew how to change physical reality, they knew how to change the ratio between the inertial and gravitational mass of bodies.

There were unique people, such as the author of "Coral Castle" in America, who had the ability to make large objects almost weightless. In addition, there are several people living on Earth who have the ability to levitate. Indeed, they have the ability to change the relationship between inertial and gravitational mass, changing the properties of the physical vacuum or ether around them. A person has such abilities and it’s all a matter of training, of course.

As for the “Coral Castle”, I think that this is not a hoax, and that this Latvian actually managed to build it without any special devices, which were capable of lifting enormous masses. I think he's really trained. He read ancient books on Egypt and other ancient civilizations, and was really able to read something and train his body to the point that he was able to control the gravitational mass of bodies. So I think that these are not fairy tales and the “Coral Castle” was really built by a man who had unique abilities.

It's all about training. Even modern man, with training, can come into contact with these subtle matters. There is nothing strange here. Therefore, these people only knew how to come into contact with subtle matters, and naturally, due to the fact that the civilizations in which they lived existed for many tens, and maybe hundreds of thousands of years, they reached a huge level of knowledge that we now not available.

All people who possessed such extraordinary abilities came into contact with the subtle world to one degree or another. They practiced special techniques that allowed them to tune in to this. Information came to them from the outside, so to speak from the Cosmic Mind.

True, there is information that the builder of the “Coral Castle” mentioned by Sergei Albertovich, Edward Lindskalninsh, used for its construction ancient knowledge regarding the influence of acoustic vibrations on the properties of stones, which, at a certain resonance, led to a significant reduction in weight. It was precisely the same technologies that Tibetan lamas used in the last century to build monasteries in inaccessible mountainous areas.

But maybe the ancient antediluvian civilizations also had some other unknown to us anti-gravity technologies. There is evidence that the ancient “civilization of the gods” could create a certain white powder from gold at very high temperatures, which could neutralize the effect of gravity. In particular, these technologies are written about in the official report of Ya. Blumkin’s expedition to Tibet, which was carried out on instructions from the NKVD. Be that as it may, the ancients really could somehow neutralize gravity to create such colossal structures. And these technologies still remain a mystery to us.

A. Sklyarov never made it to India. Life was cut short; there was not enough time to show much more in this corner of the ancient cultures and civilizations of the Earth. There are no fewer artifacts and high-tech traces of stone processing there than in Egypt and Turkey. I offer you a video from one Indian researcher:

India. Officially 12th century. The use of lathes and cutters for stone carving is obvious.

Photo of modern equipment for comparison:

But processing such volumes of stone is very expensive and costly. As a rule, segments are made composite columns, example:

A modern analogue of making a column, but only a segment of it. Multi-meter columns are not made, it’s too complicated.

The rectangles on the disk elements of the columns are interesting. What are they for? They don't add aesthetics.
Maybe the grooves in the columns are places for winding. All these temples are transformers or even generators electrical energy? The metal was removed by the aborigines, who began to live in this territory after (after the cataclysm or departure of the Gods)

If we talk about the cargo cult, then the following comparisons are not excluded:

Modern pores of adjustable floor levels. Perhaps the ancient builders poured interfloor ceilings in the same way. And later this was imitated by other residents who had already lost all meaning. But still had the high-tech equipment to make one.

Modern power transformer. Then all the temples with such columns are the imitation of the aborigines of what they saw in the past with the Gods.

Low oil switch VMT-110B-25/1250UHL1

There is also a rectangular base at the bottom.

Let's continue watching the videos:

A model that probably recreates the process of making circular marks on stones

Vertically manufactured column in China. Most likely, this is what they did in India. So you need simpler equipment and a less demanding bearing (sliding support) at the bottom.

Screenshot from the video:

The temple is made of granite, the chain is made of sandstone. How did they connect without taking into account that it was casting?

In conclusion, I would like to add that I do not exclude the possibility of casting many stone products and elements. It makes no sense to transport black basalt thousands of kilometers away. It is easier to cast an imitation for it (if it was necessary and the technology was available).