home · Measurements · DNA hacker: a microbiologist performed a genetic experiment on himself (2 photos). Genetic experiments

DNA hacker: a microbiologist performed a genetic experiment on himself (2 photos). Genetic experiments

How long have people been changing the genes of organisms?

Humans began tampering with the genomes of other organisms approximately 14,000 years ago. We can say that genetic modification is an ancient, traditional activity. Of course, at first this was done through artificial selection: people bred animals and plants with the necessary characteristics, and these characteristics changed when certain genes were inherited. This is how we, for example, turned a wolf into a domestic dog. The first purposefully genetically modified organism was the humble bacterium E. Coli, modified by scientist Stanley Cohen in 1973. Cohen used the technique of molecular cloning, when a foreign substance is introduced into a cell genetic material. For a long time this remained the main method of genetic modification. Now they have learned to change genes directly. Mainly three technologies are used (named after the protein molecules involved in them): ZFN, TALEN and the recent CRISPR - the latter is significantly more effective than anything that has been used before.

What is CRISPR?

Quite simply, CRISPR allows scientists to modify genes with unprecedented precision, efficiency and flexibility. (however, the technology still does not work perfectly). Over the past few years, many experiments have been done with CRISPR: from creating mutant monkeys to preventing the HIV virus in human cells.

CRISPR is a defense mechanism that has long existed in many bacteria. Scientists discovered it back in the 1980s. CRISPR are sequences in the DNA of bacteria that match the DNA of viruses that are dangerous to bacteria. CRISPR remembers viruses to recognize them and defend against them. The second part of this defense mechanism is CRISPR-associated Cas proteins, which can trim DNA and remove attacking viruses.

There are many varieties of Cas proteins, but the most famous is Cas9. Together they create the CRISPR/Cas9 system, which for simplicity is called CRISPR. You can guess how genetic modification using CRISPR works: Cas9 cuts the DNA, and CRISPR “explains” to the protein what exactly and how to cut. Scientists just need to ask for Cas9 correct sequence- and you can cut and paste pieces of DNA however you want, almost like biological Photoshop. It is even possible to repair a faulty gene by inserting a healthy copy into a cell using CRISPR. The problem is that Cas9 still sometimes gets cut in the wrong place, so CRISPR is relatively dangerous.

What did they do in China?

On April 18, a group of scientists from Sun Yat-sen University published a study in the journal Protein & Cell. They used CRISPR to change the DNA of "non-viable" (those from which people could not grow) human embryos. Scientists tried to replace the gene in the embryo that causes the blood disease beta thalassemia. In other words, they tried to cure a genetic disease that is inherited. They used CRISPR on 86 embryos; of these, only 71 survived the experiment and only a small part of these embryos were cured of the disease. However, Chinese scientists have shown that CRISPR can be used in humans - and this has caused controversy and scandals in the scientific community. For example, it turned out that the journals Science and Nature refused to publish the study for ethical reasons. The director of the American National Institutes of Health said that the institute's money (received from the state) will never be used for such research and that the human genome cannot be experimented with. Many journalists have written that such experiments will lead to us designing and modeling children by genetically modifying embryos - and this will not end well.

What? Projected children?

Exactly. This is the conclusion that many have come to. A study from Sun Yat-sen University is the first step towards the fact that we will live in a real-life version of the movie "Gattaca", where people change the genes of future children to make them smarter, stronger and more beautiful, and there is a split in society because not everyone can afford such a modification. On the one hand, to draw such a conclusion is to go too far. CRISPR allows you to change just one gene, and not very much depends on one gene in the human body: for example, you can change the color of your eyes. On the other hand, there are studies showing that one gene is enough to make a mammal smarter. One way or another, in order for this technology to be used practically, you will need long years tests. CRISPR can also be used to cure diseases. Genetic engineering Thousands of diseases can be overcome, from Alzheimer's to cystic fibrosis.

What are the problems here?

Ethical, social, medical, whatever. Firstly, even if we hone the CRISPR technique on bacteria, birds, rodents and other organisms for many years, there is always a chance that this change will have dangerous consequences for humans, which we will see only when the child is born and begins to grow. Risking children is simply immoral. Secondly, the question arises to what extent is it permissible to change a person’s DNA without asking him about it? (yes, this is a paradox, given that genes change before birth, but how will the person himself react to this when he grows up?). Thirdly, there is indeed a danger that genetic modification will be available only to the rich and privileged, and even if they do not create smart, beautiful and strong children, they will at least be healthier. This is an incredibly complex topic - and one that needs to be approached with great care and caution. Finally, one more thing must be said: CRISPR technology, of course, can be used (and has already been used) not just for experimenting on people.

According to one of the hypotheses humanity was created by aliens. The first people on Earth treated their creators as gods. The most ancient peoples knew about the existence of aliens. This is evidenced by wall paintings left in temples and tombs.

Based on a careful analysis of frescoes in Egyptian temples, researchers concluded that the aliens created an artificial assembly of a person from his parts. For example, some drawings on the walls of tombs show the process of introducing micropipettes into the egg.

According to scientists, this is how the “gods” influenced human genes. If you look at the picture more closely, it becomes clear that the aliens were engaged in genetic experiments. Moreover, in the frescoes, experimenters are shown as tall creatures, and people are shown as short creatures.

Apparently, people were previously used as experimental animals, as they are now modern people rabbits and mice. Professors believe that men were created to be a labor force for the aliens. Now geneticists are confident that the evolution of men and women is complete.

Vigen Geodakyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, believes that men are responsible for evolution humanity.

IN modern world people are divided into strong and weak half. Is it possible to divide them like this? Men are physically stronger, but women have more energy reserves. Does this indicate that women are more resilient than men? Maybe women were created by genetic experiments to provide for men favorable conditions for work?

Supporters of this hypothesis have an irrefutable fact: in any religion, God is a man, but next to him there is always a Goddess who protects him.

Today, many scientists say that the existence of a woman without a man is impossible. However, as well as vice versa. Of the 23 chromosomes in humans, only one is responsible for gender. For men it is XY, and for women it is XX. It may seem like a small difference, but there are a lot of differences between a man and a woman.

Experts have come to the conclusion that men are inherently genius. These words can be confirmed by the fact that men more often become inventors, discoverers and brilliant scientists. But representatives of the stronger half are in danger of destroying their own male chromosomes, the degradation of which is due to environmental degradation. To date, representatives of American tribes have preserved the most persistent male chromosome.

For this reason, it is quite possible that in the near future women will give birth to children from Indian machos. But if they fail to cope with this task, hope remains only for high tech. However, such a turn will be dangerous for men, because today conception is possible without their participation. Whether humans are truly the result of genetic experiments conducted by extraterrestrial intelligence is anyone's guess. One way or another, the version is very interesting.

According to Mendel's third law, segregation of two different pairs of alleles occurs independently of each other; all possible zygotes for two pairs of alleles are formed by free recombination. When crossing heterozygote AaBb and homozygote aabb, four types of individuals are formed in equal proportions.

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Shortly after the rediscovery of Mendel's laws, Batson, Sanders and Punnett (1908) found an exception to this rule in Lathyrus odoratus. Some combinations occurred more frequently and others less frequently than expected. In some cases, the parental types were more common in the offspring (in our example, AB is the paternal plant, and ab is the maternal plant), in other cases, two other types, Ab and aB.

It seemed that in each of the parents the allelic genes were either attracted or repelled. Batson et al. proposed the term “attraction” for the first case, and “repulsion” for the second. Morgan (1910) pointed out that attraction and repulsion reflect the location of two genes on the same or homologous chromosomes. He coined the term "clutch". Attraction means that in a doubly heterozygous parent, genes A and B are located on the same chromosome; repulsion means that they are located on homologous chromosomes. To indicate the position of genes

in the phases of attraction and repulsion, the terms are used more often cis And trance respectively. With complete linkage, the offspring can be of only two types. However, in most cases all four types are found, although two of them are found in smaller quantities. Morgan explained this phenomenon by the exchange of chromosomal regions between homologous chromosomes during meiotic crossing over. He also discovered that the frequency of crossing over depends on the distance between the two gene loci on the chromosome. Using recombination analysis as an analytical tool, Morgan and his colleagues successfully localized a large number of genes in Drosophila. Their results were confirmed when in the early 30s. Geitz, Bauer and Painter discovered giant chromosomes in some dipterans and compared data on the localization of specific genes, obtained by indirect methods, with structural rearrangements of certain chromosomes. Since then, linkage analyzes have been carried out for a huge number of species.

Cohesion and association. It is sometimes assumed that linked genes in a population should associate, i.e., chromosomal combinations AB and ab (attraction) should be found more often than combinations Ab and aB (repulsion). However, this is not the case for a population with random mating. Even with close linkage, crossing over repeated over many generations will lead to a uniform distribution in the population of all four combinations AB, ab, Ab, aB. As a rule, the association of genetic traits does not indicate linkage, but is caused by other reasons.

However, this rule has exceptions. Some combinations of closely linked genes are actually more common than expected from a uniform distribution. This “linkage disequilibrium” was first postulated in humans for Rh blood groups (Section 3.5.4) and demonstrated for the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), especially the HLA system (Section 3.5.5), as well as for DNA polymorphisms . Linkage disequilibrium has two causes.

1. The study population was formed from two populations that differ in the frequencies of alleles A, a and B, b, and the time that has passed since the mixing is not enough for complete randomization.

2. High frequency of certain al-

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efficient combinations of linked genes are maintained by natural selection.

These issues will be discussed in more detail in connection with the MHC system (section 3.5.5) and when discussing the association between HLA and various diseases (section 3.7.3).

3.4.2. Linkage analysis in humans: the classical pedigree method

Direct examination of pedigrees. In humans, linkage analysis classical methods, developed on Drosophila, is impossible, since direct crossings are impossible. In some cases, pedigree analysis provides some information. For example, linkage can be excluded if one of the genes is localized on the X chromosome and the other on the autosome, and, conversely, linkage can be asserted with high probability if both genes are located on the X chromosome. Detection of linkage in this case can be difficult if the genes are far apart and separated by crossing over. This is also true for autosomal genes. Genes located on the same chromosome are called synthetic. It does not matter whether linkage can be formally demonstrated in family analysis or not. To identify crossing over, either a large pedigree or several small pedigrees must be examined. In Fig. 3.23, A a pedigree is given in which color blindness (for red and green colors 30380, 30390) and hemophilia are simultaneously inherited. Male siblings in risk groups either have both characteristics or are healthy. Genes are in the attraction phase (or cis-position). In the pedigree in Fig. 3.23, B the opposite picture is observed: here the genes are in the repulsion phase (or trance position). In the pedigree in Fig. 3.23, IN crossing over must occur twice in the maternal oocyte. Either the mother carries two mutant alleles in cis-position, both the second and third sons will turn out to be crossovers; or she has two mutant alleles in trance-position, and then the first and fourth sons will be crossovers. Unfortunately, there is no information about the color vision of the maternal grandfather, which could resolve this controversial issue. Currently there are quite detailed map Human X chromosomes (section 3.4.3, Fig. 3.28).

Linkage of autosomal genes in some cases can be established simple overview extensive pedigree. In Fig. 3.24, A depicts a large pedigree in which Huntington's chorea cosegregates with the DNA marker G8, identifying Hin dIII polymorphism according to

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Rice. 3.24 , A. Large pedigree from Venezuela with Huntington's disease. A, B, C represent three different “alleles” of a polymorphic DNA marker. The Huntington's disease gene is transmitted along with the C allele. One individual (indicated arrow) I haven't gotten sick yet. It is very likely that this woman will get sick later. (According to Gusella et al.) B. Autosomal linkage between the Rh locus and dominant elliptocytosis (■). There are two crossovers (specified arrows): II. 11 and III.9. In all other cases, the elliptocytosis gene is in the attraction phase ( cis-position) with the CDe haplotype. n- not examined. (Lawler, Sandier, Ann. Eugen. 1954.)

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the corresponding fragment of the human genome. In this pedigree, four allelic variants of the G8 marker are inherited: A, B, C and D. The Huntington's disease gene is invariably expressed in carriers of the C allele. Only one woman (VI. 5, indicated arrow) I haven't gotten sick yet. This will probably happen later. This pedigree indicates a close linkage of the Huntington's chorea gene and the G8 DNA marker: several crossovers were identified, the proportion of which (i.e., the fraction of recombinants) was no higher than 4%. In Fig. 3.24, B a pedigree with elliptocytosis segregation is shown ( oval shape erythrocytes) and the Rhesus system (Rh) gene complex. Almost all family members with elliptocytosis had the CDe complex; only two exceptions were identified (II.9; 11.11). Many unaffected sibs had other combinations. When analyzing this pedigree, it can be concluded that there is a linkage between the Rh locus and elliptocytosis. This conclusion is confirmed by other pedigrees. These examples show that the phase type of the alleles of the two analyzed loci (cis- or trance-position) can usually be determined with great precision, and recombinants are relatively easy to identify if (at least) three generations and many siblings are available for analysis.

Statistical analysis. In most cases, linkage analysis is much more difficult. Extensive pedigrees such as those shown in Fig. 3.24 is not the rule, but the exception. Most families consist of only parents and children. In this case, the problem is that the linkage phase is usually unknown: the double heterozygote may be AB/ab (cis) or AB/AB (trance). When alleles are distributed evenly in a population, both types are expected to have approximately the same frequencies. AB/ab individuals will form gametes in relation to

On the other hand, in an Ab/aB heterozygote, gametes are formed in the ratio

If the two specified types have approximately equal frequencies, then the average frequency of all four types of gametes in the population will be

and all four types of gametes appear at the same frequencies regardless of the probability of recombination 9. Linkage does not lead to any association of alleles A, B or a, b in a population. Some other linkage criterion must be found that does not depend on the phase of double heterozygotes.

Such a criterion should be based on the distribution of children in siblings. In AB/ab marriages ( cis-position) most children should have allelic combinations of their parents; in marriages of Ab/aB persons (trans-position), most children will have new allelic combinations. How can we measure these deviations from uniform distribution within siblings and use them to establish linkage and determine the probability of recombination? Bernstein (1931) was the first to propose such a method. The "Lod Point" method developed by Haldane and Smith (1947) and Morton (1955ff) is commonly used to establish linkage. Its principle is as follows.

The probability is calculated R 2 that the available family data correspond to the case of two unlinked, freely recombining genes. The probability is determined similarly P 1 that the same family data corresponds to the case of two linked genes with a recombination frequency of 9. The ratio of these two probabilities is the likelihood ratio, which expresses the odds for and against linkage. It's an attitude P 1 ( F/Q )/P 2 ( F/(1 / 2)) must be calculated for each family F.

Let, for example, one of the spouses (husband) have the genotype of a double heterozygote

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for a pair of alleles A,a and B,b, and the second (wife) is a double homozygote genotype for two recessive alleles of these genes aa, bb. In addition, let two sons in this family be, like their father, double heterozygotes, i.e. they inherited alleles A and B from their father. If genes segregate independently, then the probability of such an event is 1 / 2 1 / 2 = ¼. If the genes are closely linked, then in the absence of crossing over the probability of such a pedigree can be calculated as follows. Genes are either in the AB/ab attraction phase, in which case the probability of joint transmission to two sons is 1/2 (transmission of the ab combination also has a 1/2 probability) > or in the Ab/aB repulsion phase, in which case the transmission of both dominant alleles to one son involves the presence of crossing over, i.e., with close coupling and the absence of crossing over, the probability of joint transmission under the conditions of the repulsion phase is 0. Consequently, the total probability of transmission of the combination aB to both sons is equal to 1/2 and the likelihood ratio is P 1 /P 2 = (1 / 2)(1 / 4) = 2 in favor of close coupling. In the same way, similar likelihood ratios can be calculated for any degree of linkage.

For convenience, the logarithm of the likelihood ratio "log odds" is used:

In this formula P( F|Q ) means the probability of family F when the recombination frequency is 0. The advantage of using logarithms instead of the probabilities themselves is that the z i of any newly examined family is simply summed with the previous result, giving for all examined families.

Equation (3.3) assumes that the frequency of recombinants is the same for both sexes. Since there are sex differences in recombination levels, for real data the value z must be calculated separately for each gender:

where θ is the recombination frequency in women, and θ" is in men.

From the definition of the likelihood ratio it follows that as the numerator increases, the odds in favor of the presence of linkage increase. In terms of logarithms, this means that the larger the value z, the better the existence of coupling is justified. Usually lod-point z≥ 3 is considered as evidence of linkage. When calculating odds, small adjustments are necessary for dominance and registration of pedigrees with rare traits, but we will not touch on this issue here.

The lod score z(θ, θ ") for the entire sample of families is equal to the sum of the lod scores of individual families. To simplify calculations, as a first approximation, we can put θ = θ ". Once linkage has been established, sex differences can be tested.

Lod points. There are a large number of lod point tables published along with the rules for their application. When working with fairly extensive pedigrees, it is recommended to use the algorithm proposed by Ott. In an ideal marriage for a researcher, one of the spouses should be a double heterozygote, i.e. heterozygous for two different genes, and the second is homozygous for the same genes. On the other hand, there are families that do not provide any information to infer linkage:

a) in which neither of the parents is a double heterozygote;

b) in which no segregation is detected;

c) in which the phases of two genes in the spouses are unknown and, in addition, there is only one child.

Most linkage studies are based on the analysis of either two genetic markers that are common in a population, or a common marker and a rare inherited disease. Favorable opportunities to install

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linkage between two rare genes is unlikely to ever be realized. The ideal pedigree for linkage studies includes three generations and many matings with many children. Sibstva big size found in Western countries less and less. An alternative approach is to test large number small families. Although in most cases this type of sample contains very little linkage data, sometimes in very large samples some new linkage information can be revealed.

The LIPED program is a computer program that produces maximum likelihood estimates of linkage parameters based on all pedigree data. This program calculates the most likely genotypes of members of a pedigree and uses this data to obtain the most likely probable value recombination frequencies. Because computer speed far exceeds that of manual calculations, the LIPED program has become a standard tool in the study of clutch in humans.

As already mentioned in Sect., the length of the genetic map of the human genome is approximately 25.8 morganids. If we assume that the haploid genome contains approximately 3.5 × 10 9 nucleotide pairs, then 1 cM corresponds to ≈ 1.356 × 10 6 nucleotide pairs (or 1356 kb). However, as will be discussed below, the distribution of crossing over sites on different chromosomes is not uniform.

Once linkage has been established and the maximum likelihood estimate of 9 has been obtained, it is necessary to address the issue of possible heterogeneity in this parameter. For example, if there is linkage between a polymorphic marker and a rare dominant trait locus, then a linkage heterogeneity test may be useful to identify genetic heterogeneity of the syndrome (if linkage is true only for some part of the family material). Appendix 9 provides two numerical examples: for moderate linkage and for no linkage (or independent recombination).

Recombination probabilities and the genetic map. Once linkage between several loci has been established, the next step is to estimate the distance between these loci on the genetic map. These distances are expressed in morganids (or centimorganids). One centimorganide (cM) corresponds to 1% recombination (θ = 0.01) if short sections of chromosomes are analyzed. For large distances between loci, a correction for double crossing over is necessary. For this purpose it was proposed different methods calculation of the so-called mapping function. Using a special graph (Fig. 3.25) for a given recombination frequency θ, the distance on the map can be determined directly.

Autosomal linkage, sex differences and the influence of parental age. The linkage of autosomal genes in humans was first identified for the Lutheran erythrocyte antigen system locus and the ABO system antigen secretion locus. Several years later, it was possible to establish linkage between the Rh system loci and elliptocytosis (16690). These data were used to identify the genetic heterogeneity of elliptocytosis, since not all families with this syndrome showed linkage. Subsequently, linkage was shown for the ABO system locus and the dominant

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nail-patellar syndrome (16120). In this case, for the first time, it was possible to identify sex differences in the frequency of recombination in humans: the distance on the genetic map was 8 cM in men and 14 cM in women. Similar sex differences were established for the Lu/Se locus pair (men: 10 cM; women: 16 cM), for the ABO/Ak (adenylate kinase) pair (men: 12 cM; women: 19 cM), for the HLA-PGM 3 pair ( men: 15 cm; women: 3 cm). As we have already said, polymorphism in the length of restriction fragments is now used in linkage analysis. In some cases, such as the long arm of chromosome 13, this method was able to confirm a higher frequency of crossing over in women. However, there is literature data that the level of recombination may be higher in men. This conclusion was made, for example, for the distal third of the short arm of chromosome 11.

A higher frequency of recombination in females was also found for the mouse. These results confirm the rule formulated by Haldane back in 1922, according to which crossing over occurs more often in the homogametic sex (i.e. XX) than in the heterogametic sex (i.e. XY). For example, male Drosophila do not have crossing over at all.

At one time, there was a long discussion regarding the influence of parental age on the level of recombination. Available data in mice suggests that with age, the frequency of recombination decreases in females and increases in males. Weitkamp (1972) for eight closely linked loci in humans found a significant increase in the frequency of recombinations with increasing gestational order, which indicates the influence of parental age (it was the same in both women and men). The dependence of the frequency of recombination on the age of the parents is typical for pairs of loci Lutheran/secretor and Lutheran/myotonic dystrophy (16090), but for pairs of loci ABO/nail-patellar syndrome and Rh/PGD such an effect was not found. It is likely that the frequency of recombination of different loci in meiosis depends differently on age.

As follows from the publications, cytogenetic data on the frequency of chiasmata in 204 men indicate small (or nonlinear) changes with age. For women, similar cytogenetic data are not available. The discrepancies between the data of formal genetic linkage analysis and cytogenetic data on the frequency of chiasmata have not yet found a clear explanation.

Morphological markers of chromosomes. Pairs or clusters of linked autosomal genes (linkage groups) cannot be correlated with specific chromosomes using only formal genetic analysis of pedigrees. For the first time, the actual localization of a gene on a specific chromosome in humans was carried out as follows.

In the long arm of the first chromosome in humans, a secondary constriction is often found near the centromere. In approximately 0.5% of cases in the population, this constriction turns out to be much thinner and longer than normal. Such variants are inherited dominantly. If one of the homologs of the first pair of chromosomes exhibits an abnormal phenotype, then it is assumed that it carries the allele (despiralization factor). There is evidence of close linkage between the Duffy blood group locus and the Un-1 locus: θ = 0.05. On the other hand, linkage between the Duffy and congenital focal cataract loci was previously established (11620). Therefore, the linkage group of three loci: cataract, Duffy and Un-1 can be correlated with the first chromosome or “assigned” to this chromosome.

Another possibility of localizing a gene on a specific chromosome involves deletion analysis. For example, if a gene for which a dominant mutation is known is lost due to deletion, then the absence of this gene can determine a phenotype similar to that caused by the dominant mutation. When the deletion is large enough to include regions adjacent to a given locus, it can be expected that

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the phenotype will present additional symptoms. In 1963, a deletion in the long arm of one of the group D chromosomes (as it turned out later - chromosome 13) was discovered in a mentally retarded child with bilateral retinoblastoma. The 13ql4 deletion has been found in a number of other cases of retinoblastoma and additional abnormalities. In patients with retinoblastoma without additional symptoms, the deletion was usually not observed. From the above facts it follows that the retinoblastoma locus belongs to chromosome 13.

Another, apparently more commonly used, approach is based on quantitative research enzymatic activity in cases with chromosomal abnormalities. Most enzymes exhibit a clearly discernible gene dosage effect, i.e. heterozygotes for enzyme deficiency exhibit approximately 50% enzymatic activity. A similar effect of gene dosage can be expected when the gene is lost due to deletion. This mapping approach has been used for a large number of genetic markers. Most often, the result was negative, but this kind of “exclusion mapping” is useful in that it can narrow the area of ​​probable localization of marker genes. It should, however, be taken into account that incorrect conclusions were also drawn based on this approach, since the presence of a “silent” (null) allele, i.e. undetected mutation may mimic the effect of a deletion.

If it is true that heterozygotes and monosomics exhibit a gene dosage effect, then it is quite realistic to expect the same effect to be present in trisomics. The first studies of enzyme activity in Down syndrome (trisomy 21) seemed to confirm this conclusion. However, the more enzymes were included in the analysis, the more of them were found that should be attributed to the 21st chromosome (the activity of most of the enzymes studied turned out to be increased). In addition, an unexpected increase in the activity of the X-linked enzyme G6PD was found in patients with Down syndrome. It follows that quantitative changes in enzymatic activity in trisomics in vivo may be associated with dysregulation of the activity of genes localized on different chromosomes.

However, an increasing number of cases of gene dosage effects have been described for trisomic and monosomic cells cultured in vitro (Section Let's look at just one example. The activity of the enzyme phosphoribosylglycinamide synthetase (GARS) has been studied in several cases of partial monosomy and partial or complete trisomy 21. These studies were stimulated by previous evidence of a gene dosage effect for this enzyme. With regular trisomy, the coefficient of excess compared to the norm was 1.55. In other cases, the ratios were: 0.99 for monosomy 21q21®21 pter; 0.54 for 21q22 ® 21qter monosomy; 0.88 for 21q21 ® 21pter trisomy and 1.46 for 21q22.1 trisomy. Analyzing these data, we can come to the conclusion about the possible localization of the GARS gene in the 21q22.1 subsegment. Some other examples are given in table. 4.27 and Appendix 9. Use different options chromosomal morphology (such as the secondary constriction on chromosome 1 mentioned above) and the effect of gene dosage for mapping - the path is slow and not reliable enough. New method mapping based on cell hybridization has led to great advances in this field.

Quantum biology specialist Vladimir Poponin published the results of an experiment he conducted in Russian Academy sciences together with colleagues, among whom was Pyotr Garyaev. The article was published in the USA. It describes direct impact human DNA onto physical objects, carried out, according to the authors, through some new energy substance. I think that this energetic substance is not so “new”. It has existed from time immemorial, but it was not recorded by previously available instruments.

Poponin repeated his experiment in one of the American laboratories. Here is what he writes about the so-called “phantom DNA effect” he found: “In our opinion, this discovery has huge potential to explain and gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that underlie subtle energetic phenomena, particularly those observed in alternative medical practices."

The experiment by Poponin and Garyaev investigated the effect of DNA on particles of light (photons) - the quantum building blocks that make up everything in our world. All the air was pumped out of the glass tube, creating an artificial vacuum in it. It is traditionally believed that vacuum means empty space, but at the same time it is known that photons still remain there.

Using special sensors, scientists determined the location of photons in the tube. As expected, they chaotically occupied all of her space.

Human DNA samples were then placed into the tube. And then the photons behaved completely in an unexpected way. It seemed that DNA, thanks to some invisible force, was organizing them into ordered structures. There was no explanation for this phenomenon in the arsenal of classical physics. And yet, the study showed that human DNA has a direct impact on the quantum basis of the material world.

Another surprise awaited the scientists when they extracted DNA from the tube. It was logical to assume that the photons would return to their original chaotic arrangement. According to Michelson-Morley's research (their experiment was described above), nothing else could have happened. But instead, scientists discovered a completely different picture: the photons exactly preserved the order specified by the DNA molecule.

Poponin and his colleagues had a difficult task - to explain what they observed. What continues to affect the photons when the DNA is removed from the tube? Maybe the DNA molecule left something behind, some kind of force that retains its effect even after its physical source has moved? Or maybe the researchers encountered some mystical phenomenon? Is there some connection left between DNA and photons after their separation that we are unable to detect?

In the final part of the article, Poponin writes: “My colleagues and I are forced to accept the working hypothesis that during the experiment the action of some new field structure was excited.” Since the observed effect was associated with the presence of living material, the phenomenon was called the “phantom DNA effect.” The field structure found by Poponin is very reminiscent of Planck’s “matrix”, as well as descriptions found in ancient texts.

What conclusion can we draw from Poponin's experiment? The main characters of this experiment are man and his DNA, which at the quantum level is capable of influencing the world around us and the entire Universe!

Summary of Experiment No. 1. This experiment is important for us for a number of reasons. First of all, it shows the direct connection between DNA and the energy from which the world is created. Here are the most significant conclusions that can be drawn based on the phenomenon observed in this experiment:

1. There is an energy field that has not yet been detected.
2. Through this energy field, DNA influences matter.

So, under the strictest laboratory control conditions, it was demonstrated that DNA changes the behavior of particles of light - the basis of all things. We have become convinced of what has long been discussed in spiritual literature - our own ability to influence the world. In the context of the next two experiments, this conclusion will take on even greater significance.


In 1993, Advances magazine published a report on research conducted by the US Army. The purpose of these studies was to determine the influence of a person's feelings on samples of his DNA placed at a distance. A tissue sample containing DNA was taken from the subject's mouth. The sample was placed in another room of the same building in a special chamber equipped with electrical sensors that recorded what changes occurred in the observed material in response to the feelings of the subject located several hundred meters away.

Then the subject was shown a special selection of video materials that evoked the strongest feelings in a person, from brutal war documentaries to comedic and erotic stories.

At the moments of emotional “peaks” of the test subject, samples of his DNA, which, we repeat, were located at a distance of hundreds of meters, reacted with strong electromagnetic excitations. In other words, they behaved as if they were still part of the host organism. But why?

In connection with this experiment I must make one remark. During the September 11 attack on the World Shopping mall and the Pentagon I was on tour in Australia. Upon arrival in Los Angeles, it became clear to me that I had returned to a completely different country from which I had left ten days earlier. No one was traveling - the airports and parking lots in front of them were empty. Shortly after returning, I was scheduled to speak at a conference in Los Angeles. It was clear that in such a situation very few people would come to the conference, but its organizers decided not to change the program. Our fears were justified on the first day: it seemed that the speakers were speaking for each other.

My talk was about the interconnectedness of things, and as a final example I referred to an experiment in the US Army. During lunch, a man who introduced himself as Dr. Cleve Baxter approached me, thanked me for my talk, and told me that he was the designer of this DNA experiment as part of a larger research project. His research in the military field began after pioneering work on the effects of human feelings on plants. Dr. Baxter told me that after the US Army closed the research project, he and his team continued the same research at much greater distances.

They started from a distance of 350 miles, using an atomic clock in Colorado to measure the time between the subject's emotional stimulus and the reaction of his DNA sample. So, there was no time gap between the emotional stimulus and the electrical stimulation of DNA, separated by hundreds of miles. Everything happened at the same time! Regardless of the distance, the DNA samples reacted as if they were still part of the subject's body. As Baxter's colleague, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, so eloquently put it, "There is no place where our body really ends or begins."

So-called common sense tells us that such an effect is impossible. Where does he come from? After all, the experiment of Michelson and Morley in 1887 showed that there is no field connecting all things to each other. From a common sense point of view, if any tissue, organ or bone is physically separated from the body, there will be no connection between them. But it turns out that in reality this is not the case.

Summary of Experiment No. 2. Baxter's experiment makes you think about serious and even a little scary things. Since we cannot completely separate even the smallest part of the human body, does this mean that after an organ is transplanted from one person to another, they become connected to each other?

Every day, most of us come into contact with dozens or even hundreds of people. And every time we shake a person’s hand, their skin cells and DNA remain on our palm. We, in turn, pass on our DNA to him. Does this mean that we maintain a connection with all those people with whom we happen to come into physical contact? And if so, how deep is this connection? We must answer the first question in the affirmative: yes, the connection remains. As for its depth, here, apparently, the whole point is how much we are aware of it.

That's why this experiment is so important to us. It also makes you think about the following: if the test subject's DNA sample responds to his feelings, then there must be something that serves as a conductor for such signals, right?

Maybe yes, maybe not. It is possible that the results of Baxter's experiment lead to a completely different conclusion - one so simple that it is easy to miss. It is likely that the subject's emotional signals were not supposed to move anywhere. Why not assume that the subject’s feelings arose not only in his mind, but also all around, including in the remote long distance a sample of his DNA? In saying this, I'm briefly highlighting some amazing possibilities that we'll talk about in more detail in Chapter 3.

Be that as it may, Baxter's experiment proves the following:

1. Living tissues are connected by a previously unknown energy field.
2. Through this energy field, the cells of the body and the isolated DNA samples maintain communication with each other.
3. Human feelings have a direct effect on the isolated DNA samples.
4. This effect is equally manifested at any distance.

“Breaking the Paradigm: The Experiments That Change Everything” has been shortened a bit to make the truly amazing essence of the three experiments described clearer.

So we read the description of the third experiment and the general conclusions that Gregg Braydon draws from the proposed material.


In 1991, staff at the Institute of HeartMath developed a program to study the effects of feelings on the body. At the same time, the main attention of researchers was directed to the place where feelings arise, namely, to the human heart. This groundbreaking research has been published in prestigious journals and is frequently cited in scientific papers.

One of the most striking achievements of the Institute was the discovery of an energy field concentrated around the heart and extending beyond the body, shaped like a torus with a diameter of one and a half to two and a half meters (see picture above). Although it cannot be said that this field is the prana described in the Sanskrit tradition, it is possible that it originates from it.

Knowing about the existence of this energy field, researchers from the Institute wondered whether, by generating certain feelings with its help, it was possible to change the shape of DNA - the basis of life.

The experiment was carried out between 1992 and 1995. Scientists placed a sample of human DNA in a test tube and exposed it to what are called coherent senses. Leading experts on this experiment, Glen Raine and Rolin McCarthy, explain that a coherent emotional state can be induced at will “using a special self-control technique that allows you to calm the mind, move it to the heart area and focus on positive experiences.” The experiment involved five subjects specially trained in this technique.

The results of the experiment are indisputable. Human feelings actually change the shape of the DNA molecule in a test tube! Participants in the experiment influenced her with a combination of “directed intention, unconditional love and a special mental image of a DNA molecule” - in other words, without physically touching her. According to one scientist, “different feelings have different effects on the DNA molecule, causing it to twist and unwind.” Obviously, these conclusions are completely inconsistent with the ideas of traditional science.

We are accustomed to the idea that the DNA in our body is unchanged, and we consider it a completely stable structure (unless we influence it with drugs, chemicals or electromagnetic radiation). They say, “what we received at birth is what we live with.” This experiment showed that such ideas are far from the truth.

Inner technology for changing the world

What new can we learn about our interaction with the world around us from the three experiments described? Each of them contained human DNA. From the point of view of conventional common sense, it is difficult to imagine that living matter human body can affect anything in the world around us and that our feelings can influence DNA over great distances. But, judging by the results of the experiments described above, this is exactly the case.

Each of the experiments separately points to a certain fact beyond our usual ideas. We don’t know how to use such facts: “Yes, this could probably be useful... but it’s not clear how.” However, if we consider them together, like fragments of one puzzle, a paradigm shift occurs, and a certain general and holistic outline appears before us, as in Escher’s drawings. So let's take a closer look at them.

Poponin's experiment demonstrated that DNA affects photons. The results of Baxter's experiment indicate that an organism maintains a connection with its DNA regardless of the distance separating them. Research from the Institute of HeartMath has revealed the direct influence of human feelings on DNA, which, as we already know, can affect elementary particles matter that makes up the whole world. That is, in essence, we are dealing with the basics internal technology, thanks to which we have the opportunity to influence the world around us.

The experiments described allow us to draw two conclusions that are of fundamental importance for my book:

1. Beyond our everyday perception, there is a certain energy field that connects all things in the world. The existence of this connecting field of the Universe has been confirmed experimentally.

2. We can join the connecting field of the Universe thanks to the DNA of our body, and a decisive role in this process the feelings we experience play a role.

Having understood the principles of operation of the connecting field of the Universe, we will be able to use all its capabilities. I invite you to think about how important this is for our lives. Where will insoluble problems, incurable diseases and hopeless situations come from if we have the ability to change the program that creates them?

Characteristics of the Divine Matrix

Experiments show that the binding energy field of the Divine Matrix is ​​unlike any currently known form of energy. That's why scientists couldn't detect it for so long. This field is called "subtle energy" because it operates differently than conventional electromagnetic fields. The Divine Matrix is ​​more like a tightly woven network; it is the very fabric of the universe.

Here are the three main characteristics of the Divine Matrix:

1. This is the container of the entire Universe.
2. It is a bridge between the hidden and visible worlds.
3. This is a mirror that reflects all our thoughts, feelings and life principles.

The Divine Matrix differs from other types of energy in three ways.

Firstly, it initially resides everywhere and always. Unlike radio waves, which are emitted from one place to another, it is present everywhere.

Secondly, it originated along with the Universe, no matter what we call it - the Big Bang or something else. Of course, no mortal was there or held a candle, but physicists are convinced that the gigantic release of energy that occurred at the moment of the Big Bang was an act of creation of the world. The cosmogonic hymn of the Rig Veda says that before the beginning of the world nothing existed - “neither emptiness, nor air, nor sky.” When “nothing” gave birth to a cosmic “something”, a certain substance arose in the void. One can imagine the Divine Matrix as an echo of the time when time began, as well as the connecting force between time and space that connects us to all things in the world and allows everything to exist.

And the third, most important parameter for us, of the Divine Matrix is ​​that it has intelligence and responds to human feelings! The ancient texts say a lot about this. The sages of the past tried to convey such important information to us, our descendants. Left behind by them detailed instructions We can see energy interaction with the world both on the walls of temples and in parchment scrolls. In addition, they show us by their own example how you can heal your body and make your most cherished dreams and desires come true.

The force discovered in modern scientific experiments is so unusual that scientists have not yet been able to agree on what to call it. Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell calls it Natural Intelligence. One of the authors of string theory, physicist Michio Kaku, is a quantum hologram. Similar definitions are found in texts created thousands of years before quantum physics.

Whatever the names of this force, they all point to the same thing - to the living substance that makes up the fabric of reality. Max Planck also spoke about its rationality in the middle of the 20th century. During his 1944 lecture, he made a suggestion that was not understood by scientists at the time. In the 21st century, the prophetic words of the great physicist shake the foundations of science no less than in his contemporary era:

I, as a person who has devoted my life to the most precise of sciences - the study of matter, can summarize my research in the field atomic physics as follows: matter as such does not exist! Matter is organized and exists thanks to a force that causes vibration in all the elements of the atom and preserves the integrity of this microscopic solar system... We must feel behind it the presence of a certain conscious Mind, which is the matrix of all things.

The three experiments discussed in this chapter indicate that, without a doubt, the Planck matrix exists.

Whatever we call the field that connects all things, no matter what laws of physics it obeys (or does not obey) - it is undoubtedly real. This field exists here and now, in this moment, for example in the form of me and you, and is a quantum bridge between our ideas and the reality of the world. It is thanks to him that good feelings and prayers created within a person can influence the world around him.

The theory of Nazism is based on the chosenness of the so-called Aryan race. To prove this “uniqueness” and the second-class status of other peoples, Nazi scientists conducted various genetic experiments.


In Nazi Germany, it was believed that only people with blond hair and blue eyes could be “true Aryans.” But since there were still not enough of them, in 1938, on the initiative of Hitler and his associate Himmler, the Lebensborn program was developed, which translated means “Source of Life”.

As part of Lebensborn, German women or women meeting certain racial criteria from occupied territories were encouraged to voluntarily give birth to children of SS soldiers and officers recognized as “one hundred percent Aryans.” If a girl expressed a desire to participate in the program, she was given a total check. They found out whether there were any Jews, gypsies, mentally ill people or criminals in her family. Meetings of candidates with “Aryans” took place in special visiting houses. Before this, the parents of the future “Aryan” usually did not even know each other.

For example, in occupied Norway from German soldiers and officers, about 12 thousand children were born. As a rule, the child was left to be raised by the mother. One of those born under the Lebensborn program was ABBA lead singer Frida Lyngstad. She was born in November 1945, a few months after Norway was liberated from occupation by German troops.

The next part of the program was to select children of "non-Aryan" races, such as those of Slavic or Scandinavian origin, who fit the "Aryan" parameters. Typically, in the occupied territories, eligible children between one and six years of age were taken from their parents and placed in foster families or special shelters. Children received new names, they tried to make them forget their real family, native language and everything that happened to them in their homeland.

Professor, doctor medical sciences Vladimir Mazharov is one of these kids. His mother Zinaida Mazharova met the war in the Latvian city of Liepaja in the last month of pregnancy. During the occupation, Zinaida first went to prison, then went through several concentration camps.

Volodya was lucky - he ended up in a special children's institution near Lübeck, Germany. There the children were taught discipline, the vaunted German order. In 1947, Latvian Irena Astors returned from Germany and worked as a teacher in this orphanage. In the newspaper “Soviet Latvia” she published a list of all the children under her command. Among them was the name of Volodya Mazharov. So, at the age of six, Volodya returned to his homeland and met with his loved ones.


The main hobby of Josef Mengele, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Medicine of the University of Munich, was eugenics - the science of racial purity. In May 1943, he was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp to conduct some “genetic research.”

Mengele performed vivisections on infants. In a special barracks he housed people with physical defects - for example, dwarfs or freaks. But Mengele was especially interested in twin children. "Mengelet" (as they were called) were kept in relatively good conditions- they weren’t beaten, they weren’t forced to work, they fed them decently... At the same time, the twins were actively used for the most savage experiments.

So, Mengele transfused the blood of one child to another and observed what the result would be. Blood types often did not match, and the children suffered from terrible headaches and feverish symptoms.

Very young children were kept in a cage, their reactions to various stimuli being monitored. Older children were subjected to all sorts of operations, without anesthesia. They were castrated, sterilized, in some cases part of the insides were removed, limbs were amputated, and they were infected with various viruses. All data during the experiments were carefully recorded in “case histories.”

The “doctor” was also interested in whether it was possible to artificially change the color of human eyes, which was inherent in nature. To do this, experimental children were injected with dyes into their pupils. This usually caused severe pain in the eyes, and in severe cases led to sepsis and loss of vision.

Most children died as a result of inhumane experiments. After his death, Mengele cut out the eyes of many of them and pinned them to the wall as “scientific exhibits.”

Experiments on gypsies

The Nazis viewed the Gypsies as members of an “inferior race.” “True Aryans” argued that this is why the gypsies lead a vagabond lifestyle, engage in theft and other unworthy activities.

The persecution of this nation began almost immediately after Hitler came to power. Among other things, Roma women and even girls were often sterilized in a savage way: they were injected into the uterus with an unsterile needle. An infection that entered the uterus often led to infertility, and sometimes to blood poisoning and death. At the same time, the gypsies did not receive any medical care.

Gypsies became the object of various scientific and medical experiments by Nazi scientists. For example, the latter tried to understand why some representatives of this ethnic group are born blue-eyed. In the Dachau concentration camp, such prisoners had their eyes removed and then studied to find out the cause of the phenomenon. There, in Dachau, an experiment on dehydration was performed on 40 gypsies. They were simply not given anything to drink and watched as they died of thirst.

Fortunately, the Nazis did not have modern technologies that would allow them to artificially modify the genes of a living organism. Otherwise, the consequences could have been much more severe and widespread. For example, genetically modified soldiers would appear who know no pity, do not feel pain or fatigue, and are obsessed with the idea of ​​​​establishing world domination of the Aryans.