home · Appliances · Replacement of double-glazed windows in wooden windows. Replacing double-glazed windows in wooden windows The main reasons for replacing double-glazed windows and repairing a wooden window

Replacement of double-glazed windows in wooden windows. Replacing double-glazed windows in wooden windows The main reasons for replacing double-glazed windows and repairing a wooden window

HelpWindow company's specialization is professional repair and replacement of double-glazed windows in Moscow and the region inexpensively and efficiently.

Modern window systems made of plastic, aluminum, and wood are designed for a service life of up to 20-60 years. But, over time, it may be necessary to repair worn-out elements and repair double-glazed windows. Windows restored by our specialists, including profiles of complex shapes and non-standard sizes, in appearance, convenience and reliability are in no way inferior to new ones, but are several times cheaper.

Double-glazed window installation

Double-glazed window - the main element modern windows- assembled from 2 or more glass sheets separated by gaps. To increase heat and sound insulation, they are filled with dry air or inert gases - argon, krypton.

Hollow perforated frames made of aluminum, steel, and plastic are laid between the glasses. They contain a desiccant (silica gel, molecular sieves) to absorb condensation and protect the window from fogging and freezing when there is a large temperature difference between indoors and outdoors.

The seams where the glass meets the sashes are sealed with sealants. High-quality blocks provide double sealing - from the inside and from the outside.

Double-glazed windows are made from ordinary glass and special - with protective coating, reinforced, stained glass, triplex. They are rectangular shape and non-standard ones, in the form of a trapezoid, circle, arch, triangle.

Defects in double-glazed windows and the reasons for their occurrence

The need to repair or replace a double-glazed window is indicated by obvious and indirect signs:

  • broken glass, cracks, scratches and chips, change appearance- cloudiness, yellow coating;
  • violation of tightness and the appearance of condensation between the glasses;
  • cracking at sharp changes temperatures;
  • drafts, increased noise levels.

There are several reasons for failure:

  • blows from heavy objects;
  • hidden manufacturing defects - inaccurate glass cutting, incorrect assembly, poor-quality sealants;
  • installation errors and shortcomings;
  • shrinkage of the building foundation;
  • unprofessional repairs and filming.

Repair and replacement services for double-glazed windows

HelpWindow company carries out repairs, modernization and replacement of double-glazed windows of all types, shapes, brands and colors on window openings, balconies, roofs, doors and facades according to low prices. We produce:

  • installation of new ones to replace damaged and defective ones;
  • replacing standard ones with heat-saving, reflective, impact-resistant and armored ones, with increased noise insulation, mirrored, matte, colored, with decorative layout;
  • pasting with tinting, sun protection, decorative, anti-vandal films;
  • installation of a glass block with a hole for an air conditioner;
  • urgent replacement on the day of application.

Replacing old blocks does not require dismantling window or door designs- work is carried out in 1-2 days in the following sequence:

  • taking measurements;
  • making a new profile in the workshop;
  • dismantling double-glazed windows and installing new ones;
  • gluing with a sealing bead.

Glass replacement

Replacing glass in modern windows requires more time, labor and is often more expensive than replacing an entire glass unit.

New glass is inserted using specialized equipment. The glass unit is dismantled and sent to the workshop where the canvas is cut the right size, is inserted into the profile frame, the chamber is filled with argon and sealed.

It is advisable to replace the glass in a double-glazed unit if it is unique or if the intact glass is expensive.

Regulations for the provision of services

Our specialists carry out work on repairing double-glazed windows:

  • in any weather, at any altitude;
  • quickly, at a time convenient for the customer;
  • based on contracts with guarantees and all financial documents.

Submit a request for repair, replacement, modernization of a double-glazed window or replacement of glass, receive free consultation you can by phone, Skype, through the form feedback Online.

Speed ​​up your work and find out approximate cost Services can be provided in advance if you provide the following information when ordering:

  • brand, type and dimensions of the glass unit;
  • the presence of tinting, film coatings, and other features;
  • type of structure in which replacement of glass or double glazing is required - window, door, facade.

Repair of modern windows can only be entrusted to professionals.

Unqualified repair or replacement plastic double glazed windows will result in new problems and additional costs.

Prices for repair and replacement of double-glazed windows in Moscow

Services list Explanations Unit measurements


1. Visit of the master 1.1 Moscow (upon conclusion of the contract) Departure for free
1.2 Moscow (if no agreement is concluded) Departure 300
1.3 Moscow region (outside the Moscow Ring Road up to 10 km) Departure 500
1.4 Moscow region (beyond the Moscow Ring Road over 10 km) km. plus 30 rub. km.
2. Double-glazed windows and glass 2.1 Single-chamber double-glazed window sq.m. from 2500
2.2 Double-glazed window sq.m. from 3000
2.3 Glass 4-6 mm. sq.m. from 2000
2.4 Tempered glass 4-6 mm. sq.m. from 2500
2.5 Tinted glass in bulk sq.m. from 1500
2.6 Triplex glass unit sq.m. from 5000
2.7 Low emission - energy saving sq.m. plus 20%
2.8 Corrugated glass sq.m. plus 20%
2.9.1 Application of anti-vandal film 112 microns sq.m. 1500
2.9.2 Application of anti-vandal film 216 microns sq.m. 2300
2.9.3 Application of anti-vandal film 300 microns sq.m. 3100
3. Delivery by car 3.1 Moscow PC. 1500
3.2 Scope PC. plus 30 rub. km.
4. Delivery to truck 4.1 Moscow PC. 2500
4.2 Scope PC. plus 30 rub. km.

Typically, emergency replacement of glass in a plastic window unit is required when there are cracks when heavy branches or stones get into the window. However, the structure can be damaged for a number of other reasons:

  • defective glass;
  • defects in the initial installation of the window unit;
  • frame deformation due to various mechanical influences;
  • abnormal low temperatures in winter;
  • impacts on PVC glass with heavy objects.

Will the seal of a plastic window be broken during the process of replacing one of the glasses?

Provided that the replacement of PVC glass is carried out by professionals using specialized equipment, there is no fear of depressurization of the structure.

Qualified specialists can replace any double-glazed window, regardless of the size and extent of its damage. In some cases, the damaged frame geometry is simultaneously restored using straightening plates, which can also cause cracks in the glass.

Is it worth it to replace the glass in a double-glazed plastic window yourself?

Those who decide to replace the glass or the entire structure with their own hands should understand that it is virtually impossible to carry out all the necessary manipulations for such a complex procedure at home.

The only correct solution is a process that includes accurate measurements of the glass unit by professional craftsmen from specialized company, its subsequent dismantling and production of a new one using special equipment.

Experts strongly do not recommend replacing glass window blocks on one's own. At home, it will not be possible to glue glass in such a way that the structure remains sealed. Unprofessional integration of glass into a PVC block will lead to the fact that moisture will subsequently begin to appear in its chambers, and the windows will sweat at any temperature fluctuation.

High-quality work on replacing double-glazed windows in a PVC window by craftsmen from the OknaDel company in Moscow

Our experienced specialists will carry out gluing of new glass into a double-glazed window, having previously made a new one custom sizes customer.

The advantages of working with us are obvious:

  • We quickly replace glass even with the most complex damage;
  • We manufacture new double-glazed windows using modern high-tech equipment;
  • We carry out diagnostic work and make all measurements free of charge;
  • We provide customers with discounts under certain working conditions.

How we are working:

  • upon receipt of an application from a client, a repairman will go to the repair site to assess the damage and take measurements;
  • a new design is made within a few days;
  • After the order is ready, installation work will be carried out at a time convenient for the client.

We work with high quality, conscientiously and provide guarantees for all work performed! Place an order with us for this type you can work in any way in a convenient way: by calling or leaving a request on the website.

Replacement of double-glazed windows in Moscow and the Moscow region falls into the category of the most frequently ordered services, especially for windows and doors of premises located on the first floors, in crowded places, in objects with high traffic, etc. Why is it necessary to timely replace the glass unit in the window? Everything is extremely simple, since broken or even cracked glass in a double-glazed window breaks the tightness of the entire structure, significantly deteriorates the energy efficiency of the structure, its thermal insulation properties, sound insulation and other characteristics important to the user.

Prices for replacing double glazing in windows

Repair services for windows and window fittings in Moscow and Moscow Region U measurement Cost in .
Double-glazed windows and glass (price indicated for standard double-glazed windows)
Replacing a single-chamber double-glazed window PC. 4000 - 6000
Replacing double-glazed windows PC. 4800 - 7000
Replacing glass 4-6 mm PC. 2500 - 4000

Notes: The minimum cost of work is not less than 2000 rubles.

The cost of work and materials is given in .

Exact cost Most work can be determined only after a technician has visited and inspected the windows that are faulty or require modernization.

The warranty on glass replacement is 3 years.

Warranty for other types of work is 1 year.

* The visit of a specialist is free if you order any service.
In case of refusal of services, the visit of a specialist will cost 300 rubles.

Why do you need to change the glass unit?

Sometimes, poor-quality use of technologies for the manufacture of double-glazed windows leads to the fact that this design has to be changed. Remember the main thing, it is necessary to completely replace the double-glazed window, even if only one window is damaged.
And although the material from which plastic windows are made is durable and of high quality, it is impossible to guarantee their durability, as they can deteriorate for some reasons:

Reasons why you need to change your double glazing?

  • the window was installed incorrectly and its seal was broken;
  • measurements were taken incorrectly during manufacture or installation. This factor can make itself felt only after a few months. Due to the internal stress that occurs in the window, it causes it to crack. And then you need a glass unit replacement service from real professionals;
  • cracks may also appear as a result of improper storage during the manufacture of double-glazed windows or changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • unintentional damage - improper pressure on the sash, a ball or other objects hitting the window, etc.
  • Regardless of the reason for replacing the double-glazed windows, you will still have to install a new structure.

How do you understand that double-glazed window repair services are necessary?

As a rule, problems indicating the relevance of such a service are as follows:

  • it started to blow from the window;
  • the window has become difficult to open or close;
  • It is necessary to replace the glass in the double-glazed window (it broke, a crack appeared), etc.

What determines the prices for repair and replacement of double-glazed windows?

When replacement or repair of a double-glazed window is necessary, the price is the most important factor for most customers. It is precisely by focusing on the prices offered by a particular company for the repair of double-glazed windows or their replacement, potential client chooses with whom to cooperate and from whom to order a service.

It is worth noting that for services in the category of repair and replacement of double-glazed windows, the price depends on a number of factors and is determined individually in almost every individual case:

  • glass size (after all, windows can be made not only in standard sizes, but also according to individual measurements and sketches of customers);
  • width of the glass unit (this parameter depends on the number of cameras);
  • types of glass (regular, reinforced, shockproof, armored and other types of glass can be used);
  • complexity of work associated with replacing double-glazed windows in windows, etc.

In any case, double-glazed window repair services in Moscow will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper than completely replacing a window and installing a new one.

Replacing glass in a double-glazed window is one of the most popular types repair work

Replacement of glass in a double-glazed window should only be carried out by specialists, because in a double-glazed window there is not just glass installed in 2 or 3 rows, there is specially dried air between them. If the tightness of the structure is broken, then in the future the window may begin to fog up from the inside, letting in cold and drafts, etc.

In our company, prices for replacing double-glazed windows are reasonable and affordable, which allows you to avoid saving on this service and not putting it off for a long time. We provide services for replacing double-glazed windows in Moscow quickly and efficiently, within the timeframe agreed with clients and with a guarantee of the quality of the work done.

Double-glazed windows, glass and sandwiches from 1350 17.1.2. Moscow region to. 10 km. PC. from 1700 17.1.3. Moscow region, from 10 to 20 km. PC. from 2100 17.1.4. Moscow region over 20 km. km 35 17.2 Long country work 17.2.1. Long-term country work (Moscow region up to 10 km.) day 1700 17.2.2. Long-term country work (Moscow region from 10 to 20 km.) day 2100 17.2.3. Long-term country work (Moscow region over 20 km) km 35* *Work is carried out without the use of materials, either replacing the seal, foaming or sealing up to 10 m.p., or replacing handles up to 10 pieces 17.3 Team departure 17.2.1. Team visit* (work without using materials) in Moscow pcs. 700 17.2.2. Departure of the team* (work without the use of materials) Moscow region up to 10 km pcs. 850 17.2.3. Departure of the team (work without the use of materials) Moscow region, from 10 to 20 km. PC. 2100 17.2.4. Departure of the team (work without the use of materials) Moscow region over 20 km. km 35 17.4 False exit 17.4.1. False exit in Moscow pcs. from 1350 from 1350 17.4.2. Moscow region to. 10 km. PC. from 1700 from 1700 17.4.3. Moscow region, from 10 to 20 km. PC. from 2100 from 2100 17.4.4. Moscow region over 20 km. km 35 35 Removal of double glazing 18.1. Removal from village Moscow* (use of car) car 1350 18.2. Removal from villages of Moscow region up to 10 km* (use of machine) machine 1700 18.3. Removal from s/p MO from 10 km to 20 km* (use of machine) machine 2100 18.4. Removal of villages Mo over 20 km* (use of machine) km 35 18.5. Removing the glass unit to the car (s/p pcs. 650 *10 sq.m of double-glazed windows fit into 1 VIS car. Taking out the trash 19.1. Ordering a container container 4800 19.2. Loading structures into a sq. m container. 320 19.3. MO over 10 km (additional payment to clause 18.1) km 40 Garbage is removed to a container located no more than 30 m from the entrance
For every 8 designs panel house/10 Stalin additional container is ordered
Removal of structures over 3 sq.m. calculated individually
Rent of masters 20.1. Hours of work of the service technician hour 1950 20.2. Day of work of the service technician (8 hours) day 7900 20.3. Hours of work of the service team (2 people) hour 3000 20.4. Day of work of the service team (2 people) day 11900 Selection of components 21.1. Selection of components (5% of the total cost of work but not less than 1800 rubles) order 5% of 2000 Installation/dismantling of structures 22.1. Installation of PVC windows sq.m. 1500 1800 22.2. Installation of wooden windows sq.m. 2300 2760 22.3. Installation of loggias PVC, aluminum. (without dismantling) sq.m. 1490 1800 22.4. Dismantling PVC Windows sq.m. 300 300 22.5. Dismantling of aluminum/wooden windows sq.m. 470 470 22.6. Dismantling Loggias sq.m. from 200 from 200 22.7. Slice metal structure, parapet cut 790 22.8. Concrete/brick cut sq.m. 3000 The price is for installation work up to 100 sq.m. (Installations > 100 sq. m. are calculated according to the price list for window installation)