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Making money by repairing cars: how to open a car service center. Car service as a business and personal success

Phone repair shops are a popular business. Despite the fact that there are many of them, the number of gadgets people have is growing every day, and sooner or later they all need repair.

Legal side of the issue

If you decide to open a phone repair service center, first register your business. We described in detail how to do this in previous articles.

There is no need to certify the service's activities. You can even do without cash register- use strict reporting forms BO-3. They are equivalent to cash receipts. Register the forms and have them certified by the tax office.

Do not forget to coordinate the opening of a business with local authorities, SES, fire service. They will come with checks, check details and subtleties directly with them. Be friendly! Employees of regulatory authorities are people too.

Premises: choosing and decorating

The service center can be located in a small area, for example, in a kiosk at a supermarket checkout or in an underground passage. Even if the master works in the same room, the equipment will not take up much space; a small nook is enough.

You can even organize a collection and delivery point, and the craftsmen themselves will do the work at home.

No special repairs are required either - cosmetic ones are enough. Buy furniture for the administrator and waiting clients.

We purchase equipment and spare parts

Equipment for a phone repair service center will not take up much space.

For productive work of the center, buy:

  • Soldering station with hair dryer
  • power unit
  • UFS with cables (equipment for comprehensive servicing of smartphones)
  • Ultrasonic bath
  • Microscope or lamp with a magnifying glass - for working with small parts
  • Programmer
  • Tools for opening phones (Apple equipment requires a special set)

There is no point in purchasing large quantities of spare parts for phones - they quickly become outdated, just like the devices themselves. To save on parts purchases, find a supplier with preferential wholesale terms, team up with repair services from neighboring areas and place a joint order.

The average markup for clients is 100%. If you mark up based on the wholesale price, the price list will look attractive to visitors.

The wizard will download the firmware from the Internet, so make sure you have a computer and a high-speed connection.

We are looking for personnel

If you know how to repair phones, you can initially find a replacement and work together. In this case, even a beginner is suitable, whom you teach yourself. But such a case is rare.

Look for at least two masters who can also accept orders. To motivate them to work, offer to work for a salary and a percentage of completed orders.

Be sure to register in employment contract clause on financial responsibility - after all, the technicians will work with other people’s phones, including expensive ones. Do not hire workers without registration!

Advertising and promotion

Start promoting before the official opening. This way, the service center will not be idle, but will start working immediately.

Are you thinking about how to open a phone repair shop? Detailed instructions, calculation tables And useful tips for you in this article.

♦ Capital investments – 150,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 7–8 months

Mobile phones have long ceased to be luxury items and have become a necessity accessible to everyone. Today, a mobile phone can be found in anyone’s pocket.

Because the price mobile phones- diverse, it is clear that cheap models will break.

Few people, having discovered that their mobile phone is broken, will immediately throw it away and go to the store for another one. Most will first go to a repair shop and pay for the repair.

If you understand the devices of mobile phones, and friends often turn to you about this, then why not think about how to open a phone repair service center.

You don’t have to invest a lot of money in launching a startup, and you can earn relatively well each month.

Are there any reasons to open a phone repair center?

This business has many advantages:

  • Minimal capital investment and the opportunity to save on many stages of starting a business.
  • If you are a highly qualified specialist (or you have hired such specialists) and are able to fix any breakdown, you can set any prices for your services.
  • An opportunity to develop your business in the future, for example, to repair laptops, tablets and other equipment.
    You can also combine services: repair service + sale of batteries, chargers, accessories for mobile phones, etc.
  • Minimal monetary risk.
    Firstly, you don't have to invest a lot of money into your business.
    Secondly, if you earn less than you wanted, you can always cover your workshop by putting up tools for sale.
    You don’t have to pay suppliers for unsold goods or sell leftovers for a long time in order to get back at least some of the money invested.
  • Demand for phone repair services among the population.
    No matter how much service centers didn’t work in your city, it always makes sense to open another one.

Are there any reasons not to open a phone repair shop?

If we talk about the shortcomings of this business, then among the most obvious:

  • high level competition in this sector;
  • relatively small monthly income;
  • business relies on specialists, and if your competitors managed to hire a technician who can easily fix any breakdown, but you don’t have one, then people will visit the competitor’s service center, not yours.

In what cases should you open a phone repair center?

It makes sense to enter this business:

    Highly qualified specialists who have been repairing phones, laptops and other equipment for a long time as a hobby or as an employee.

    Why not open your own business?

    Managers who can make any startup profitable.

    If you are looking for a promising idea in which to invest money, then you should think about opening a repair shop.
    You just need to find a good specialist and start earning money.

What should you do first to open a service center?

Launching a startup involves completing several mandatory steps at the preparatory stage:

  1. Thinking through all the pros and cons (you must find reinforced concrete arguments why you should open this particular business and not another).
  2. with specific calculations.
  3. Theoretical study of this field of activity.
  4. Search for the main components of your future business: premises, a telephone repairman, if you are going to serve as a manager. Only after this can you begin to register the case.

Two forms of opening a service center

This business is good because it allows entrepreneurs to choose what exactly to open:

    Legal service center.

    You register as an individual entrepreneur, rent an office with a specific legal address, pay taxes, etc.
    This method is suitable for both craftsmen who intend to repair phones themselves, and managers who want to perform only an intermediary function.

    Illegal workshop.

    Let's say you are good at repairing phones and other equipment.
    Friends and acquaintances know this and regularly give you work, agreeing to pay for it.
    All renovation work can be carried out right at home, and look for clients using word of mouth.
    This method is not suitable for managers.

Two types of phone repair service center

All workshops are divided into two types:

    You cooperate with a specific manufacturer, order spare parts from them, report on the work done, perform warranty service for phones, etc.

    You are not accountable to anyone and undertake to repair any phone models that clients bring to you.
    In this case, difficulties may arise when ordering spare parts, and there will be no one to get advice from.

How to advertise a phone repair service center?

Such a modest business does not require a large advertising campaign.

All you need is:

  • distribute business cards to all your potential and existing clients;
  • provide information on your page in in social networks that you have opened a workshop, and ask your friends to spread this information;
  • register on a local forum and tell the residents of your city that such a service is now available to them.

If you can fix most cell phone breakdowns and charge a reasonable price for it, then you can be sure that you will soon have a lot of customers.

Schedule for opening a phone repair service center

The preparatory stage of opening a workshop will not take you too much time.

In fact, the most difficult thing that awaits you is the registration procedure, which, due to bureaucratic delays, can last for several months.

If you can speed it up, then you can rent and arrange the premises and purchase tools quickly enough.

Things will go even faster if you don’t need a phone repairman, but you are going to perform his functions yourself.

Registration and obtaining necessary permits
Rent of premises and repairs therein (if necessary)
Purchasing tools for craftsmen’s work
Advertising campaign

Business plan for opening a phone repair service center

To understand how much money you need to start a service center and what steps you need to take care of, check out this business plan.

Let's say you decide to open a workshop in one of the big cities.

You are going to repair the equipment yourself, so you will not hire a technician.


Interesting fact:
The most popular phone was and remains the Nokia 1100, which was owned by 250,000,000 people. The phone has been available in all stores since 2003.

Register as an individual entrepreneur, choosing the form of taxation - UTII.

It is better to start the registration procedure not immediately after the idea arises, but to work illegally for a while.

And only when you realize that you are able to bring broken phones back to life and you have formed at least a small client base, you can submit documents for registration.


To open a repair shop, you do not need large room. A room of 20–30 square meters is enough. meters.

Open your center where it will be easy for customers to find it: in the city center or in a densely populated residential area.

You don’t have to worry about the decor of the room, since clients will be interested in your qualifications, and not the color of the office walls.

If you are going to cooperate with a master on a fee basis, and leave the functions of a manager to yourself, then a reasonable step would be to open a business in one of the popular shopping centers your city.

All you need is a small corner where you can sell spare parts and accessories for phones and accept broken models for repair.

The master will be able to bring already repaired models once a day and pick them up new job. Thus, a specialist will be able to work at home, and you will be able to save on rent and expand the range of services of your business.

Workshop tools and equipment

We remember that our room is small, which means we shouldn’t clutter it with unnecessary furniture.

To work properly, you just need to purchase:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:55,000 rub.
8 000
Chair or work chair
1 500
Table lamp
1 000
18 000
10 000
Telephone set
Lockers for changing clothes and storing personal belongings
5 000
Rack or shelf for storing tools and spare parts
3 000
Other7 700

You will also need minimum set tools to carry out standard telephone repair work.

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:35,000 rub.
Soldering station with hair dryer
4 000
Ultrasonic bath
2 000
UFS-3 box + HWK programmer with cable set
6 000
power unit
2 000
Digital oscilloscope
8 000
Vacuum tweezers
1 000
A set of miniature tools (screwdrivers, tweezers, etc.)
5 000
Other7 000


In the first stages of work, until you form a client base and promote your business, you can do without staff at all.

If you want, you can hire a part-time cleaner and part-time accountant.

Once your phone repair service center becomes popular, you should consider hiring a sales rep.

How much does it cost to open a phone repair center?

You really don't need huge amounts of money to launch this startup.

It is enough to have 150,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses in this type of business are small and will mainly go towards renting premises, taxes, internet and purchasing tools.

You can easily meet the amount of 30–40,000 rubles.

How much can you earn with a phone repair shop?

It is impossible to name the exact amount.

The formula for making money is simple: the more orders you have, the more money you can earn every month.

Form a reasonable pricing policy, but not at a loss. When telling your client the price, add 100% to the parts you used to fix the phone.

If you serve at least 5 clients a day, your daily revenue will be at least 3,000 rubles.

Even working with two days off a week, you can earn about 60,000 rubles per month.

That is, the net profit is about 20,000 rubles.

On initial stage we invested 150,000 rubles. In this situation, they will pay for themselves in 7–8 months.

Download a ready-made business plan for a mobile phone salon with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

We also invite you to watch a video about

where to start opening a phone repair service center:

5 tips for those who are planning to open a phone repair shop:

  1. Call real terms repairs so as not to disappoint the client.
  2. Even taking into account the order of spare parts, the phone repair period should not be more than 14 days.
    If you can't handle the volume of orders, hire an assistant.
  3. Be honest with the client: if the phone cannot be repaired, you should be honest about it.
  4. You should have a minimum set of spare parts and tools, but you should not collect too many “in reserve”.
  5. Do not rush to name the price for phone repair.
    The breakdown may be more serious than you thought at first glance, and if you decide to charge the client more than you initially quoted, he will decide that you are trying to deceive him.

Now you know, how to open a phone repair shop, and if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, then take a close look at this type of business.

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We present to your attention a small step by step instructions opening your own car service from a real entrepreneur from Izhevsk, Konstantin Ivanovich Petrenko. Konstantin Ivanovich has successfully owned a car service center for ten years now and kindly shares the secrets of his success with readers of the Russian Startup website.

How to open a car service center correctly and inexpensively?

Car service as a business idea

For many people, repairing their own car is a big problem. Most car enthusiasts are willing to pay any money so as not to have to repair the engine or gearbox.

Needless to say, if 7 out of 10 car owners go to a service station to change their oil. And this despite the fact that such work takes no more than 20-30 minutes.

Why not take advantage of this? You can open your own car service business and make great money. The main thing is to have a car service business plan at hand and have a good understanding of this area.

But where to start? How to open a car service center? What aspects to focus on Special attention? Let's talk about everything in order.

Initial investment or turnkey car service

Opening a car service promises the following income and expenses:

  • initial investment – ​​from 5 million rubles;
  • annual turnover – from 2 million rubles;
  • rate of return – 30-40%;
  • payback period is five years.

Development options

You must clearly understand in which direction you will develop your new car service. There are several options here:

1. Conservative. You open a single car service and provide a certain range of services (depending on the specialists who are available).

This option is the most effective from an investment standpoint, but in the long term you can’t expect a quick payback. As practice shows, it is very difficult for single service stations to cope with huge competition (this is especially true if you open in a big city).

Competition creates the need for additional costs (for quality equipment, for wages good craftsmen and so on).

Table No. 1. Potential of consumers of car service services in Russia

2. Small network of service stations. To “promote” such a service station business plan, it is worth preparing for significant capital investments. The main funds will be spent on advertising, promoting a new brand, attracting new clients, and so on.

At the same time, it is much more promising to “unwind” in big cities, where there are no well-known “network” brands yet.

3. Independent car service by franchising. It is believed that with this type of activity the costs will be minimal. Not at all - you must be prepared for certain investments.

At the same time, it is far from a fact that the owner of a well-known network will cooperate with you.

As a rule, franchisee services are very popular in state-populated cities. There are two reasons for this: firstly, there is not yet much competition in this field.

Secondly, the income level of most people allows them to repair their car at a service station, rather than doing it directly in the garage or asking “Uncle Vasya for a bottle” for help.

List of standard car service services

At the initial stage, it is worth deciding what kind of services your car service will provide.

The choice here is very wide:

  • aggregate work - overhaul of the main components of the car (gearbox, engine);
  • computer diagnostics;
  • electrical repair;
  • metalwork work (repair work of transmission, power unit, suspension, wheel alignment, and so on);
  • body work;
  • painting;
  • tire fitting and so on.

Can be done Additional services(as a rule, they bring the bulk of the profit) - installation of acoustics, alarms, airbrushing, installation of gas equipment, power unit tuning, interior reupholstery, noise and vibration insulation, vinyl application, chip tuning, and so on.

Table No. 2. Average prices for car painting in Russia


A special discussion is the service station room. There are three main options here:

1. Buy a ready-made premises. As practice and experience show large quantity successful entrepreneurs - the most correct, economical and least labor-intensive option is to take a ready-made prefabricated sandwich car service kit panels according to a standard project.

2. Construction. If you decide to build your own car service center, then immediately prepare to provide the maximum range of services (otherwise you will burn out).

You will need a high-quality car service project, which must be agreed upon local administration. If you order work from a specialist, the average cost will be about 500-600 thousand rubles.

After this, the project will require approval by several commissions, and then the purchase of the right to lease the land plot.

On average, renting 5-7 acres of land somewhere in the central part of the city will cost about 150-170 thousand rubles (these are annual costs). Once the lease expires, it can be renewed for another 49 years. In this case, costs can reach several million rubles.

When drawing up a project, it is important to take into account that the service station has its own metalwork, body and painting shop. In addition, you will need a site for electrical work and tire fitting. As a result, the construction and arrangement of the service costs from 5 million rubles.

3. Rent. In this case, the costs will be much lower. But! Find good room it can be very difficult, because best option already busy.

Sometimes you have to spend more than one month choosing a decent place. If you manage to find a good area, then make sure that it complies with the rules of the SES, labor and fire inspections. Rental price – from 150-200 thousand rubles per month.

Equipment for service station

A good car service center needs high-quality equipment so that it inspires the respect and trust of customers.

On average, you will have to spend about 80-100 thousand rubles on the purchase of a lift, from 80 to 100 thousand rubles on diagnostic equipment, from 100 thousand rubles on the purchase of tools, and from 10 thousand rubles on workbenches.

In addition, you will need a lot of small tools - hacksaws, hammers, pliers, vices, repair kits, side cutters, and so on.

As a rule, you should select equipment taking into account the specialization of the service.

In this case, the total cost of equipment can exceed one million rubles.


Buying high-quality equipment from a service station is one thing, but choosing truly qualified personnel to work on it is a more difficult task. Of course, people can be trained, but it takes time and money.

I would like to immediately find a ready-made master who will master the equipment within a few days and get to work. There are such masters, but their wages will be appropriate.

Average good specialist requires a salary of 30 thousand rubles. But talented craftsmen, as a rule, are already employed at other service stations.

You can lure specialists not only with good wages, but also with an additional bonus, the opportunity to “have fun” in the workplace, and so on.

At the same time, do not forget to “slip” new workers to the foreman for training (of course, for additional payment). Every employee should feel that they are needed and have prospects for growth.

On average, the number of personnel at a service station can reach 10-12 people (again, depending on the areas of activity).

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A high-quality selection of franchises for aspiring entrepreneurs, collected by us

From this article you can find out how a simple driver from Samara created a taxi service and earned a million dollars:

Occupational Safety and Health

We must not forget that a car service is a place of increased danger for personnel. There is always a risk of serious injury (even death).

To avoid serious problems, you, as a manager, must ensure a high level of labor protection.

To do this, you must strictly comply with the requirements fire safety, store flammable liquids in the bleaching room, provide workers with everything necessary - goggles, gloves, safety shoes and overalls.

Once every 6 or 12 months, an employee must pass labor safety rules. To monitor compliance with all regulations, you can hire an OT engineer or perform these functions yourself.


One of the main secrets to the success of a car service is high-quality promotion. On average, the monthly advertising budget should be from 200 thousand rubles.

This should be enough for outdoor advertising (placing signs with the name of your service station, posters at intersections, banners, etc.), advertising in newspapers and on the Internet, creating and promoting your website, designing stands in stores with spare parts for cars, and so on.


As a rule, a car service business can pay for itself very quickly. On average, one specialist is able to service 3-5 cars per day (the average duration of one restoration job is about 2-3 hours).

The average wage (for one repair) is about 2-4 thousand rubles. Consequently, one master brings about 120-200 thousand rubles a month. Wage specialist - from 30-40 thousand rubles per month.

Excellent profitability. To increase your income level, you can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

How to open a successful car service?

Download a car service business plan for free or create it yourself?

The first thing that all aspiring entrepreneurs need to understand is that having a working business plan at the start is a must!

Starting a business from scratch, especially for a not very experienced entrepreneur, without your own, well-developed business plan is the height of imprudence and even stupidity.

A car service business plan can be downloaded for free from the Internet, but I advise everyone to buy a template and, based on it, create an inexpensive business plan of their own:

Key secrets

To always be on top of your game, consider a few useful tips:

  • Firstly, immediately find a reliable supplier and work only with him. At the same time, make requests several months in advance, taking into account the potential demand for certain types of work. Do not skimp on spare parts - try to select them with a little reserve. This is especially true when operating network service stations, where you can exchange parts between individual “divisions”;
  • secondly, from the very beginning, concentrate your attention on the most cost-effective services that are most popular - car wash, painting, tire fitting, body repair, and so on;
  • thirdly, do not forget to increase the range of services from time to time. This will increase your overall profit and earn more repeat customers.

Results or how much it costs to open a car service:

Initial costs:

  • Purchase of equipment, installation, installation – from 1 million rubles;
  • Advertising expenses – from 200,000 rubles;
  • Approvals – from 50 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent of premises – from 150 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase Supplies– from 80 thousand rubles;
  • Salary – from 300 thousand rubles.


  • Total profit – from 700 thousand rubles;
  • Net income – from 100 thousand rubles.


Opening your own car service- This is a profitable direction. The main thing is to choose a good premises, find qualified personnel and constantly improve the quality of the services provided. Good luck.

12 hours ago, aleksandr_orb said:

Why pay wages if there is no flow of clients? Because he will repair 7 rotary hammers and one grinder a week? I don’t quite agree with your position, although you may be right

In general, I found a pensioner who understands electrics, but does not have much experience in repairing instruments. He is retired, he likes repairing instruments, and wants to develop in this direction. By the way, I found it through an advertisement in the newspaper. I immediately gave it to Avito, other Internet portals and to the newspaper. The result, oddly enough, was only from the last source.

We interacted with him back in the summer; he came a couple of times and repaired our equipment as best he could. Today he will come, I want to offer him to work 4/3 for seven hours with a lunch break for 500 rubles per day. With such a demand for repair services and our need to fix our equipment, it seems to me the best option. We will purchase the spare parts ourselves.


I have been repairing tools for more than twelve years, the workshop can be said to be more or less normal with hired workers from outside, I began to develop it two years ago. I have had enough experience in repairing any instrument since childhood, since life in our country (I mean the Soviet space) was always insufficiently secure, especially in the outback, and I had to come up with a lot myself; I often remember Ford’s words about this, how he was surprised at the resourcefulness of the Poles , saying himself that he didn’t know ours.

So, about the renovation: I was busy servicing tools when our bright future became even darker in 2014 and sales fell to the minimum of the early 2000s, it’s good that I kept a small room next to the tool market for many years in rent and closed all my “businesses” moved to work there in 2012. After working for a couple of years myself, simultaneously selling through the website and from the premises, and repairing instruments, I had to stay until 12 at night. Two years later I hired two people. When hiring, I weeded out those who were too smart and abstruse, taking those who had been beaten a little in life, but most importantly, those who were savvy.

For a long time (and even now often) I repaired instruments in a place with men, passing on my experience and learning from them, so we came to the point that we repair almost everything that they bring. Issues with the provision of spare parts are resolved through the nearby market, some equipment importers and competitors.

Thanks to Chinese production We have enough work during the season, but we also have enough headaches due to production problems related to the quality of spare parts and the tools themselves. Clients are now asking for branded instruments to be repaired using Chinese spare parts, and this is very unpleasant for me as a craftsman, but what can I do if the situation in the country is such that people’s money is spent on utilities and so on, but on a cool instrument, or at least on its service is not enough.

By the way, I am currently training a person to work in a repair shop in Kingston, in the Ontario district of Canada. Dima (that’s his name) asked for a job for the sake of studying and was ready to work for free, of course he works on equal terms for everyone, but the one-month work experience in Canada that I received from him is very interesting and useful to me, I didn’t even count on it Well, I didn’t even think that instruments were repaired in the West, there was such information that it was cheaper to buy a new one there, but no.

Since February, Dima is going to Kingston again for four months to work in the workshop, we will communicate with him via Viber, since we still need to help him with a lot of things, but this is also a huge experience. But even from those few stories about the service in Canada, it is clear to me that it is easier to work there.

Based on the work of the workshop in our conditions, I can write everything I know. If you have any questions, write.

Opening a computer and laptop repair service - how to organize this business correctly?

In any city you can now find several workshops providing repair and maintenance services for computer equipment.

Despite its prevalence, such a business is in great demand. After all, every day hundreds of people buy computers and office equipment, which, like any machine, tend to break down. Therefore, having knowledge of programming and the internal structure of computing devices, you can organize your own business. And in order for it to bring a stable income, it is important to follow several rules.

Computer and laptop repair service is an organization specializing in providing maintenance and repair services for computer equipment. The business is quite profitable, as it requires virtually no costs for products. All equipment and tools are purchased once, upon opening. They will only require replacement if they break down, and this can happen if the operating conditions are met, after 2-3 years. You will only have to pay for the rent of the premises and salaries of the employees. Everything else is pure profit, which can reach up to 10 thousand rubles per day.

Opening a service can cause some difficulties, which will involve the preparation of documents and search for premises. The fact is that in order to obtain a license, an entrepreneur is presented with a number of requirements, including a stable financial situation and the ability to easily pay taxes. As for premises, it is now quite difficult to find it in the central region, and landlords are asking a considerable fee. If you rent a room in remote areas, then there is a risk of being left without clients.

Where to begin? Any business starts with documents. You will have to go through a lot of authorities to sign the necessary contracts and papers. The first step is to register your business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In accordance with the law, the owner of the new company receives permission to conduct business. With this paper it will be possible to open several service centers, but only aimed at specific type services.

In addition to the permit, you will have to pay a bribe for obtaining the paper and tax authorities. Also, you need a bank account to which money for the work done will subsequently be transferred.

Regarding the financial side, That minimum amount to open a business of this plan is 30 thousand rubles, excluding the rental of premises. This money will be spent on obtaining a permit. To the amount you need to add about 100 thousand more for the purchase of equipment and materials.

Room. The selection of premises for opening a service must be approached with particular care. It is highly recommended that the building be located closer to a busy street and next to a computer store. If possible, you can negotiate with point of sale about directing clients to this particular workshop. Of course, you will have to pay a certain percentage, but any advertising requires investment.

The premises must comply with the standards of the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. If there is no such permission, then it will be necessary to obtain it by inviting employees of inspection services for inspection. This, again, will require investment. But, without the appropriate papers, the service will be closed at the first visit of the SES or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The size of the premises depends on financial capabilities. As a rule, service centers open in a small room, which is quite enough for the first time. If the business develops successfully, the premises can be expanded.

Equipment. The next step will be the purchase of equipment necessary for the full implementation of repair services. First of all, you will need pieces of furniture - tables, chairs, cabinets with shelves. This is a minimum set that can be expanded various shelves, sofas for visitors and stands for advertising.

You can buy all this at any furniture store. If the service opens for the work of several people, it is worth looking for a wholesale base where you can get a good discount for purchasing identical items.

After arranging the premises, it is necessary to begin purchasing equipment and tools. This list must include the following:

  • Screwdriver Set. To open a computer or laptop, you will need small flathead and Phillips screwdrivers. It's also worth stocking up on tools. average size
  • Scalpel. This tool will be needed to strip the wires and open the case. You can buy a scalpel at any pharmacy, but preference should be given to to domestic producers
  • Eraser. Necessary tool for cleaning small surfaces from dirt
  • Toothbrush. Helps clean hard-to-reach places
  • Multimer. This modern look diagnostic equipment needed to identify computer problems
  • Charging device. It is best to stock up on a universal option, to which you can connect connectors for various models. Charging is necessary to test computer equipment. You can use a USB cable instead
  • Hot air soldering station. Using this equipment, craftsmen will be able to resolder chips and wires
  • Microscope. Helps with repairs small parts. Also, a microscope will be needed to diagnose chips
  • Card holder. Useful for craftsmen when working with motherboards
  • Working computer for internet access and downloading software
  • Accessories for computers - screens, keyboards, spare buttons, USB connectors
  • Wipes for cleaning screens and internal parts computers

All equipment should be purchased from trusted suppliers, which can be found via the Internet or familiar service centers. After delivery of the tools, it is important to inspect the quality of the products. And, if everything meets the stated requirements, then it is recommended to establish relations with this supplier. In the future, you will have to change equipment and purchase new tools.

Staff. Personnel selection must be done in advance so that after the opening of the service the staff is fully staffed. Especially if you plan to hire employees without work experience. In this case, it will be necessary to conduct training to improve skills and improve the level of knowledge.

Great computer repair service it will require several people - craftsmen, an order-taking worker (also a consultant) and an administrator. In the future, as the business develops, it will be possible to open a small store selling accessories and spare parts for computer equipment. Along with this, you will need a seller.

In a small service that occupies one small room, One person will be enough to take orders and carry them out.

Requirements that must be met for personnel successful development business is sociability, politeness, lack of bad habits and knowledge of computer programming. The master must quickly navigate the Internet and internal structure computer.

Advertising. Like any new business, the service needs advertising to attract customers. At the initial stage it should be advertising posters, hung in crowded places, business cards that can be handed out on the street or you can enter into an agreement with a store where they will be publicly available to visitors. You should definitely place an ad on the Internet, or even better, create your own website.

Another type of advertising is the creation of pages and groups on social networks. The main thing is to come up with an advertising slogan that attracts customers. Let it be low prices, discounts on comprehensive services or reduced cost of services in certain days. Such advertising will in a great way business promotion.

And the most important way to attract customers is high-quality and fast work. If after the repair the computer user is satisfied, then next time he will contact you again and recommend the service to friends.

Opening any business requires time, initial capital and the so-called “entrepreneurial spirit.” A huge number of service organizations closed at the beginning of their work, or never had time to open. The reason for this is the incorrect formulation of the plan, too fast or slow business development. Therefore, in order for a computer repair service to generate a stable income and develop successfully, it is important to comply with the listed requirements and advice, as well as to bring the job started to completion.