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Alexander as translated. Meaning according to the church calendar. The character and fate of Alexandra

Thousands of years ago, people began to believe that too much depends on what exactly you name a newborn baby, and this belief has survived to this day. Until now, parents carefully choose a name for their long-awaited child, believing that they thereby predetermine his fate. One of the most common names all over the world is Alexander; the meaning of the name, character and destiny for a boy is interesting information for adults who trust ancient beliefs.

The meaning of the name Alexander for a boy briefly

Few people know that the meaning of the name Alexander for a boy was briefly deciphered back in ancient Greece. How can it be interpreted, and will it affect the future? The Greeks were sure that this was the name that the most significant people their countries are philosophers, healers, healers, leaders.

How Alexander is deciphered, the meaning of the name, character and fate - almost every parent who thinks about how exactly is interested in this information. Adults don’t have to worry - if their choice falls on this, they will receive only the best from the future, because it means “protector”. It was the owners of this name who stood up for the defense of disadvantaged people, defended their country with their breasts, and everything that was dear to them since childhood.

You shouldn’t worry about the man’s fate being met with terrible trials - most likely, he will only protect his family and preserve the family hearth. Of course, if necessary, Alexander will not hide in the bushes - with the same frenzy as his family, he will stand guard over the country and staunchly guard it. It will be bad for everyone who encroaches on the most precious thing.

What does the name Alexander mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

When choosing a name for their baby, parents also often carefully study the church calendar. It is here that you can find a lot of interesting things about the name that adults plan to give their child. What does the name Alexander mean for a boy? church calendar and should your beloved child choose it?

You can see this name in the church calendar quite often, because many saints bear it. The boy will be able to boast of several patrons and celebrate his name day three times a year. This is how many great martyrs can be found in the church calendar and you can see that in one way or another they were connected with the protection of the most precious thing in their lives. Great people went to their death for their faith, their native land, the poor and the suffering. In the church calendar you can also find an interpretation of this name; it differs little from the ancient Greek, and it also means “human protector.”

The secret of the name Alexander, what is hidden in it

Alexander, the meaning of the name, character and fate - all this is often of interest to parents who are planning to name their son that way. They don’t even suspect how important a role this will play in the boy’s life, because this name hides a lot of secrets. Ancient beliefs claim that many inexplicable and even miraculous things are associated with this name.

What is the secret of the name Alexander? If you study ancient legends, you can notice that often the main characters in them are men with this name. One of the most interesting stories tells that it is on the day of the saint who bears this name that inexplicable events occur, and most often it is Sasha who becomes a witness or participant in them. This is due to the fact that this name has a special meaning and mystery, and some church books say that the owner of this name is usually under the protection of not only the saints, but also God himself.

Origin of the name Alexander and its meaning for children

Many parents who plan to name their son this way are interested in the origin of the name Alexander and its meaning for children. This name came to us from distant ancient Greece. It was there that it remained one of the most popular for many hundreds of years and remains so to this day not only among the Greeks, but also in many countries. Its meaning is unchanged in different parts of the earthly world and means only “protector”. There are no other interpretations of the name, although in some countries it is generally accepted that it can also mean “conqueror.”

What kind of child will Sasha be and what should parents expect from their son? Adults don’t have to worry about raising a boy - it will give them only pleasant moments and positive emotions, because the baby will have the following features:

  1. perseverance;
  2. obedience;
  3. attentiveness;
  4. cheerful character;
  5. goodwill;
  6. curiosity.

Much here depends on the name, so parents will never make the mistake of calling their boy that. It will be possible to notice the influence of the name on the character of the baby from the first days after baptism, because the saints will also take part in shaping the character of their ward.

Sasha will also be distinguished not only by positive character traits, but also by enviable health. He will rarely get sick, and even the most common disease among children - a cold - will certainly bypass him and disturb him only as a last resort. If the inevitable happens and the child gets sick, treatment will take place quickly and without much hassle.

Character of a boy named Alexander

The character of a boy named Alexander has many positive traits. Parents will certainly be pleased with these the good side child:

  1. persistent pursuit of your goal, despite numerous obstacles;
  2. independence;
  3. caring for your loved ones;
  4. nobility;
  5. curiosity;
  6. faith in honor and conscience;
  7. decency;
  8. loyalty;
  9. devotion.

At the same time, parents will also get a little unpleasant surprise, because there is a little bit in Sasha’s character. negative traits. One of them is extraordinary stubbornness. If he has already conceived something or decided for himself, it will be almost impossible to convince him. Even if Alexander understands that his decision is wrong, he will not change it, believing that this is not appropriate for a self-confident man.

Another unpleasant trait of Sasha is his temper. It can explode for any reason, even the most harmless one. Outbursts of rage are short-lived, and if you do not pay attention to them, do not argue or try to do anything, Alexander will quickly calm down, think carefully about his behavior and certainly ask for forgiveness.

The fate of a boy named Alexander

What does the future have in store, and what blessings will fate bestow on a boy named Alexander? Parents can rest assured that their son will receive only the best. A wonderful organizer, a leader in everything, a talented leader - these are just some of the traits that will certainly help Sasha make a dizzying career. He will certainly come closer to his dream, which he has cherished since childhood, and will do what he loves.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Alexander- protector of people (ancient Greek).
A very favorite and common name.
Zodiac name: Calf.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: blue.
Talisman stone: alexandrite.
Auspicious plant: chestnut, gladiolus, lilac.
Patron name: bull, crab.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Main features: inconstancy, emotionality.


Alexander Adrianopolsky, bishop, martyr, November 4 (October 22).
Alexander African, martyr, April 23 (10).
Alexander the Warrior, martyr, June 23 (10).
Alexander of Egypt, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, March 28 (15).
Alexander of Egypt, warrior, martyr, July 22 (9).
Alexander Jerusalemsky, Patriarch, Hieromartyr, May 29 (16), December 25 (12).
Alexander Kalutinsky (Kalitsky), blacksmith, martyr, October 11 (September 28).
Alexander Komansky, bishop, martyr, August 25 (12). By God's direction, he was elected bishop from among the coal sellers. He pleased God with humility and good deeds. He died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century.
, Patriarch, September 12 (August 30).
Alexander of Constantinople, Rev., founder of the monastery of the “Unsleeping”, March 8 (February 23), July 16 (3). At first he was a warrior, then he became a monk, founded 9 monasteries and was the first to establish the rite of “non-sleeping” in Chikh, that is, the constant performance of divine services, both day and night.
Alexander Kushtsky, abbot, June 22 (9).
Alexander (in schema Alexy) Nevsky, Grand Duke, June 5 (May 23), September 12 (August 30), December 6 (November 23). Prince of Novgorod, then Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and German knights ( Battle on the Ice, 1242) he secured the western borders of Rus'. Through skillful policies he eased the burdens of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.
Alexander Nikopolsky (Armenian), martyr, July 23 (10).
Alexander Oshevensky, abbot, May 3 (April 20).
Alexander of Perga (Pamphylia), farmer, martyr, August 14 (1).
Alexander Pidsky, presbyter, martyr, March 26 (13).
Alexander Roman, martyr, son of the martyr Felicata of Rome, February 7 (January 25).
Alexander Rimsky, martyr, May 26 (13).
Alexander Rimsky, martyr, son of the martyr Claudius of Rome, August 24 (11).
Alexander I of Rome, Pope, Hieromartyr, March 29 (16).
Alexander Svirsky, Rev., April 30 (17), September 12 (August 30).
Alexander Sevastiysky, martyr, March 22 (9).
Alexander Sidsky (Pamphylian), priest, martyr, March 28 (15).
Alexander of Thessaloniki (Thessalonian), November 22 (9).
Alexander Khotovitsky, Protopresbyter, Hieromartyr, on the Sunday after February 7 (January 25).
Alexander of Aegean, martyr, June 2 (May 20).


On the night of August 25, on the day of Alexander the Martyr, various ghosts haunt the graves; whistles, howls and songs are heard; A white horse is running, whoever saddles him will be carried into the cemetery - and at the first rooster crow there will be a tombstone under the rider.


Alexander's character is unstable. He has a vivid imagination, is determined, intelligent, witty and sociable. He may be persistent, but in his persistence there is a sense of anxiety. Often self-absorbed, capable of dubious actions. Can be harsh, even not respecting the bounds of decency. Feels fear, fears failure, most often unreasonably. If anything happens, then Providence and good fortune help him cope with unpleasant situations.

In his heart, Alexander considers himself a leader, but in life this is not always realized. Alexander can really become the head of a team: he is energetic, truthful and fair, and very inquisitive. Alexander is a talented director, artist, writer, and journalist.

Alexander is independent, but loves feminine warmth, friends, and needs care and peace. He expects something special from friendship, he dreams more about love than he acts decisively. He does not know unrequited love, but women have a hard time with him. Alexander loves children very much, not only his own, but also others.

Alexander is an active artistic person; he cannot work within the strict framework of the working day. This name was worn by the most a large number of famous people. The character of Alexander’s personality was most deeply analyzed by Pavel Florensky: “This name corresponds, fundamentally, to a sanguine temperament, with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, although not superficiality. To the signs of the name also include cordiality and kindness. In relation to women, attentiveness, courtesy, turning without delay and internal emphasis into courtship, but usually due to courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: this is a readiness to quickly pay tribute, and she has the internal measure to remain within the limits of easy flirtation, which ends as readily as it begins. These relationships, like relationships with people in general, do not explode the inner life with the plow; if they cannot be said to be sliding on the surface, then, perhaps the most correct word would be “rolling”: how two touching shafts conscientiously rotate each other, without experiencing suffering from this temporary contact, but also melancholy when the contact comes to an end. With a gear clutch, each wheel needs to rotate in rhythm with the other or move away to avoid being broken; and when the shafts slide, there may not be this correspondence of speeds; and each of the shafts is almost indifferent to how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about the life relationships of the Alexanders, but the same is about mental contacts. There is the same mobility and readiness as the same indifference, or rather the same refusal to let thoughts get under the skin. Alexander's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this is a mind self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and can, naturally, upset the established balance. Therefore, this the mind is quite broad, but self-protecting itself from the pathos of comprehensiveness - strong and fast, but without spiritual pressure; rightly weighing a lot, but not bursting into the depths - not so much because it cannot, as out of self-protection from shocks.

Alexandras can be very torturous, generous and magnanimous; they can sacrifice their own without hesitation. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this creates, when close to them, a barrier to very close communication and vice versa, hence their feeling of detachment, as well as with them. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they harbor a trickle of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite universal recognition, they are not satisfied: something, the main thing, is still missing.

In conclusion: Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most internally proportional.”

Surname: Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna.


Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), his life is shrouded in legends in which truth and fiction are intertwined. He was the son of the Macedonian king Philip, born on the same day when his father received news of three victories. On the same day, the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus, ranked among the seven wonders of the world, the largest temple in Asia, burned down. All these signs were remembered because Alexander eventually became a great victorious commander who conquered Asia.

As a child, Alexander received a strict upbringing. The uncle searched his dress and bed so that his mother would not put some delicacy there for him. From an early age, his father took him with him on campaigns, and he grew up to be a real warrior. Alexander received not only a military, but also a scientific education. His main teacher was great philosopher Aristotle, invited by Philip specifically to study with the heir to the throne. Alexander was thoroughly involved in philosophy, was fond of medicine, and adored Homer. When Alexander set out on an eastern campaign, scientists were riding in his wagon train, and in his tent, under his pillow next to the dagger, the Iliad always lay, stored in a precious casket.

Even as a boy, Alexander was worried that his father would have time to conquer all the countries, but there would be nothing left for his share, he would not be able to accomplish anything “great and brilliant.” Having become a king and commander, he dreamed of conquering the whole world - to the edge of the ocean. He became king at the age of 20, after his father was killed by conspirators.

Alexander began his reign with a campaign against neighboring countries, which he defeated, and against Persia, which at that time was the greatest world empire. Having captured the Persian state, taken the throne of the Egyptian pharaohs, and founded the new capital of Egypt - Alexandria, he advanced his army further east, capturing cities and founding new ones, as a result of a ten-year campaign, a huge monarchy was created from Greece to India.

For his victories, the young commander received the nickname “The Great”. There has never been such a huge kingdom in the world.

On the way back from his trip to India, Alexander suddenly fell ill and died. He was 32 years old. His colossal but fragile power collapsed. But for European and eastern peoples, Alexander the Great remained a favorite hero, about whom ballads and songs were composed.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Alexander, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Alexandra's zodiac is Taurus
  • Planet – Venus
  • The color of the name Alexander is blue
  • Auspicious tree – chestnut
  • Alexander's treasured plant – gladiolus
  • The patron of the name Alexander is the bull
  • Alexander's talisman stone - alexandrite

What does the name Alexander mean?: protector of people (the name Alexander is of Greek origin).

Short meaning of the name Alexander: Sanya, Sanka, Sasha, Sashka, Sashunya, Shura, Shurka, Shurik, Alexya, Alexyusha.

Patronymic name Alexandra: Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna; decomposition Aleksanych, Sanych.

Angel Alexander's Day: The name Alexander celebrates name days several times a year:

  • March 8 (February 23) – The Monk Alexander (5th century) was first a warrior, then became a monk, founded nine monasteries and was the first to establish in them the rite of “non-sleeping”, that is, the constant performance of divine services, day and night.
  • 25 (12) August – St. Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Koman, by the direction of God, was elected bishop from among the coal sellers; pleased God with humility and good deeds; died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century.
  • December 6 (November 23) – memory of St. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod, then Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Yaroslav II. With victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and German knights (Battle of the Ice, 1241), he secured the western borders of Rus'. Through skillful policies he eased the burdens of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Signs of the name Alexander: On the night of August 25, on Alexander the Martyr, various ghosts walk on the graves; whistles, howls and songs are heard; a white horse runs; whoever dares to saddle him, the horse will carry him to the cemetery - and at the first crow of the rooster it will be not the horse, but a tombstone under the rider.

Positive traits of the name Alexander: Heroism, perseverance in achieving his goal, independence, although Alexander strives to find refuge, care, peace and support in a strong partner, mother or wife. He is honest, even noble, almost always a cheerful and sincere person.

Negative traits of the name Alexander: Power, conflict, instability of mood, touchiness, desire to prove one’s superiority at any cost. A man named Alexander is capable of dubious actions. He is very unstable psychologically, although he rarely resorts to violence. Alexander justifies his actions in advance, fearing condemnation. Luck helps him get out of unpleasant situations.

Character of the name Alexander: Alexander is so deep in himself that he strives to escape from reality, hiding in the depths of his subconscious. Or, if he has the courage, he will try to remake this reality, adjust it to himself; And he won’t stop until he breaks things. A man named Alexander is artistic, always playing some vital role, looking forward to the moment when he can become himself. To his amazement, such a moment may not come at all: after all, fate always brings Alexander to the rapids of life! He tends to dream of love rather than love. It’s not easy for women with him!

The character of the name Alexander is fickle. He has a vivid imagination, is determined, intelligent, witty and sociable. Alexander can be persistent, but in his persistence there is anxiety. Often self-absorbed, capable of dubious actions. Can be harsh, even not respecting the bounds of decency. Feels fear, fears failure, most often unreasonably. If anything happens, then knowledge and a happy accident help a man named Alexander cope with unpleasant situations.

In his soul, the meaning of the name considers himself a leader, but in life this is not always realized. Alexander can really become the head of a team: he is energetic, truthful and fair, and very inquisitive. The name Alexander is a talented director, artist, writer, journalist.

Alexander is independent, but loves feminine warmth, friends, and needs care and peace. He expects something special from friendship, he dreams more about love than he acts decisively. He does not know unrequited love, but women have a hard time with him. Alexander loves children very much, not only his own, but also others.

A man named Alexander is an active artistic person; he cannot work within the strict framework of the working day. This name was borne by the largest number of famous people. The character of Alexander’s personality was analyzed most deeply by Pavel Florensky: “This name corresponds, fundamentally, to a sanguine temperament, with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, although not superficiality. Signs of the name Alexander also include warmth and kindness. In relation to women - courtesy, courtesy, turning without delay and internal emphasis into courtship, but usually due to courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: this is a readiness to quickly pay tribute, and it has an internal measure to remain within the limits light flirtation, which ends as readily as it begins. These relationships, like relationships with people in general, do not blow up inner life with the plow; if they cannot be described as sliding along the surface, then perhaps the most correct word would be “rolling”: like two touching shafts conscientiously rotating each other, without experiencing suffering from this temporary contact, but also longing when the contact comes to an end. With a gear clutch, each wheel needs to rotate in rhythm with the other or move away to avoid being broken; and when the shafts slide, this correspondence of speeds may not exist; and each of the shafts is almost indifferent to how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about the life relationships of the Alexanders, but the same is about mental contacts. There is the same flexibility and readiness, as well as the same indifference, or rather the same refusal to let thoughts get under the skin. Alexandrov's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this is a mind self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and can, naturally, upset the established balance. Therefore, this mind is quite broad, but self-protecting from the pathos of comprehensiveness - strong and fast, but without spiritual onslaught; fairly weighing a lot, but not delving into the depths - not so much because he cannot, but out of self-preservation from shocks.

Alexandras can be very torturous, generous and magnanimous; they can sacrifice their own without hesitation. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this creates, when close to them, a barrier to very close communication and vice versa, hence their feeling of detachment, as well as with them. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they harbor a trickle of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite universal recognition, they are not satisfied: something, the main thing, is still missing.

In conclusion: the name Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most proportional within itself.”

Choosing a profession by name: An excellent organizer, leader in any profession. A man named Alexander can become the head of a team, skillfully manage it and be responsible to other people. The name Alexander has a sharp, insightful mind, he has diplomatic and creative abilities. Life path The name Alexander will be marked by obstacles, but patience and perseverance will help you overcome them on your own, without outside help.

Alexander's business and career: IN financial matters a man named Alexander is economical, prudent, can successfully invest money in business and take advantage of an opportunity to reap benefits and benefits.

Alexander's love and marriage: Alexander's sexuality is rather speculative. He tends to dream about love instead of living it. When communicating with women, Alexander is gallant and gives compliments. Alexandras born in the summer love their children; those born in other times restrain their emotions in relationships with children. The marriage of the name Alexander with Anna, Valentina, Vera, Veronica, Daria, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalya, Oksana, Tamara is successful. Difficult relationships names can be with Golubaya, Ekaterina, Elena, Zinaida, Lydia, Svetlana.

Health and talents named after Alexander: Often born weak, he gets sick a lot in childhood, but regular exercise physically strengthens him, and a strong and strong boy grows out of a sickly boy. strong man. A man named Alexander knows his worth and stubbornly pursues his goal. Not without vanity and thirst for power. Alexander is able to successfully manage even a large team, relying on capable subordinates.

Alexander is strict but fair. He cannot stand criticism, he can flare up, it is always difficult for him to publicly admit that he is wrong, but he will certainly try to correct his mistakes. If you find the right approach to the name Alexander and do not step on his “sore calluses,” he will be your most devoted friend.

From the outside it may seem that the name Alexander is not emotional enough; in fact, he is often simply afraid of “losing face.” He is not averse to drinking and quickly loses control of himself. Alexander loves women. He is passionate in love, capable of losing his head, but chooses his life partner carefully. A wife named Alexander usually finds herself in the position of a queen who reigns, but does not rule - in his family, he makes all decisions himself.

Alexander, born in summer, loves children very much, including strangers; those born at other times of the year are more reserved in their relationships with children. He has a sober, slightly ironic mind, his characteristic feature is a certain detachment from real life. Alexander carefully protects himself from shocks. He can be generous and magnanimous, but he is not inclined to sacrifice himself.

Name Alexander in other countries: The translation of the name Alexander in different languages ​​has a similar sound. On English language translated as Alexandr, in Italian: Alessandr, in German: Alexandr, in French: Alexandr, in Czech: Alexandr.

The fate of the name Alexander in history:

  1. Alexander the Great became king of Macedonia (a state located in northern Greece) in 336 BC. He was only twenty years old then. And thirteen years later he became the most powerful ruler in the world! Leading an army of thirty-five thousand Macedonians, he completely defeated the hundred and fifty thousand army of the Persian king Darius and burned Persepolis, the capital of his kingdom. In 323 BC. Alexander's empire was the largest in the world. He wanted to unite all the conquered countries into a single state. However, after the death of Alexander, the military leaders divided his empire among themselves, which after one hundred and fifty years ceased to exist.
  2. Alexander Peresvet is a Russian monk who fought in the army of Dmitry Donskoy, a famous hero. According to custom, every battle had to begin with a duel between the two strongest warriors. Chelubey left for the Kulikovo Field from the Tatars, and Alexander Peresvet from the Russians. They collided with their spears with such force that they both fell to the ground dead...
  3. Alexander Samoilovich Figner (1787–1813) - famous partisan of the Patriotic War of 1812. He was brought up in the 2nd cadet corps; in 1805 he was assigned to the troops of the Anglo-Russian expedition in the Mediterranean Sea. Having found himself in Italy on this occasion, Figner learned the Italian language perfectly, which was very useful to him later. With the opening of the 1810 campaign against Turkey, Figner entered our Moldavian army and distinguished himself during the siege of Ruschuk. At the beginning of the Patriotic War, Figner was a staff captain of artillery.
  4. The name Alexander was borne by many Russian princes, kings, tsars, and emperors, including three Russian autocrats of the 19th century. That was the name of the great commander Suvorov; great poets - Pushkin and Blok; the "father" of "The Three Musketeers", the French writer Dumas and many other wonderful people.
  5. Alexander Tvardovsky is a Soviet poet and public figure.
  6. Alexander Bryullov - Russian architect, artist.
  7. Alexander Glazunov is a Russian composer, conductor, musical and public figure.
  8. Alexander Demyanenko - Soviet actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  9. Alexander Popov - Russian physicist and electrical engineer, one of the inventors of radio.
  10. Alexander Vertinsky is a Russian artist, singer and composer.
  11. Alexander Suvorov - Russian commander, generalissimo.
  12. Alexander Ostuzhev - Russian and Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  13. Alexander Herzen is a Russian public figure and writer-publicist.
  14. Alexander Pirogov - opera singer-bass, People's Artist of the USSR.
  15. Alexander Varlamov is a Russian composer who wrote romances.
  16. Alexander Borodin is a Russian composer and chemist.
  17. Alexander Kerensky is a Russian political and public figure.
  18. Alexander Mitta is a film director and screenwriter.

What does the name Alexander mean? Fate and character

This name is one of the most popular. And this is not surprising, because many famous people wore it. “Defender” - that’s what the name Alexander means. It is of Greek origin. This was the name of kings, writers, poets. Its meaning greatly influences its speakers. It is known that among the famous military leaders there were many Alexanders (Macedonsky, Nevsky, Suvorov).

What does the name Alexander mean for a child?

The “Defender of People” really patronizes the weaker from childhood, loves animals, and takes care of his brothers and sisters. Little Sasha is not in good health; lung problems are common. Sports activities give positive result, and by the end of school they become stronger and stronger. Will and independence help them achieve what they want, first from their parents and teachers, and then from those around them.

What does the name Alexander mean for the character of the owner?

The guy has a contradictory character. He shows ease, artistry, and friendliness to those around him. He is smart, sociable, ironic, and able to make quick decisions. At the same time, he is withdrawn into himself, often wears a mask, and is prone to experiences, but not to demonstrating them. As a rule, each Shurik has a good sense of humor, knows a lot of jokes and can easily become the life of the party. Alexanders need to be careful with alcohol. Many Sashas are characterized by a quick temper, and in a state of intoxication they are capable of causing a lot of trouble and ruining relationships with others. Alexander's weakness is the fear of failure and the unknown. Men who are not inclined to work on themselves can be overly harsh and rude. Strengths Alexandra is ambitious, talented, lucky. Even if they make outright mistakes, fate protects them from negative consequences.

What does the name Alexander mean in the field of love and marriage?

Alexandras are very gallant, courteous, generous, and attentive. It is not surprising that women like them and reciprocate their feelings. They are not distinguished by constancy and fidelity. Often passion fades away as quickly as it arises, which is why Sasha may feel guilty. He chooses a woman with a strong character as his wife.

What does the name Alexander mean? professional field activities

Of all the professions, Alexander can master almost any one. Thanks to his innate artistry, many Sashas become famous actors. Strong will and determination help to achieve success in military affairs. Their ability to take risks, sociability and enterprise allow them to become good entrepreneurs or journalists.

Name compatibility

Successful marriages with Natalya, Lyudmila, Tamara, Valentina, Anna, Veronica, Varvara, Daria, Elizaveta, Inna, Zoya, Lyubov, Maria, Nadezhda, Oksana, Vera, Polina. But there may be difficulties and problems in relationships with Lydia, Elena, Zinaida, Svetlana, Ekaterina.

Name for a boy. Alexander. Diminutive derivatives

The name has a large number of diminutive analogues. Sasha, Shurik, Sanya, Alex, Sanek - depending on the company, the same person can choose for themselves different variants how to introduce yourself.

What does the name Alexander mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate


Brave Successful Responsible

Alexander Rybak, singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of the name: Slavic

When you're lucky: Wednesday, Saturday

When there are problems: Tuesday

Important years of life: 22, 41

Zodiac sign: Libra

Lucky number: 5

What does the name Alexander mean?

How proud and beautiful name- Alexander. How many secrets and mysteries are hidden inside this name! By studying what the name Alexander means, you can find out that the word “Alex” is interpreted as “protection”, and “Andros” means “man”. As a result, the name Alexander literally means: “protector of people,” “courageous defense.”

Alexander differs from other men in his fair and respectable character and good health. The secret of the name endows the owner of the name with subtle intuition and enviable determination. To form all the advantages of Alexander as a boy and a future man, you need to provide him with freedom within reasonable limits and unobtrusively show your care.

A man or woman with a weak character and low self-esteem will not be comfortable in the company of Alexander. Such people should not have any illusions about creating a family or friendship with him.

Alexander will grow up to be a complex person, having patronymics: Semenovich, Borisovich, Vladislavovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Olegovich.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

The origin of the name Alexander has ancient roots, the origins of which are found in Ancient Greece.

Where did this name come from on Russian soil? Rus' borrowed it from Byzantium. This happened long before baptism in Rus'. Initially, the name was written as “Olgsandr”, and the meaning of the name Alexander was interpreted as “similar to Leg, the son of a druid.” According to the scientific interpretation, legas were celestial beings who were superior to humans, like gods.

The first known owner of the name, Alexander the Great, created a powerful empire in the 4th century BC. Other prominent historical figures also bore the name Alexander: A. Suvorov and A. Nevsky.

The history of the name Alexander echoes the exploits of many legendary commanders, courageous military leaders, powerful rulers and politicians.

For a long time, the name Sasha was fashionable and beloved, leading the list of popular names and becoming widespread throughout the world. According to statistics, it was the most popular name of the 20th century, but in modern times it has ceased to lead in comparison with other popular names.

Forms of the name Simple: Sasha Full: Alexander Ancient: Alexander Affectionate: Sashenka

The name Alexander hides strong energy and gives its owner courage, confidence, perseverance and authority. Sasha differs from his peers in his strong-willed core. The characteristics of the name Alexander reveal the determination and assertiveness of a man. Men named Alexander are distinguished by their lively, insightful mind, sociability, and nobility.

Alexander's psyche is unstable, so he is prone to outbursts of anger and irritability when communicating with others. Sometimes he even ignores generally accepted standards of decency. Alexander is able to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy if force is used against him.

According to Alexander’s description, he is an introvert and experiences failures within himself. Sasha tries to close herself off from real life and finds cozy salvation in her own subconscious.

Sasha has the ability to quickly react to events and tries to avoid trouble. If he finds himself in a difficult situation, he finds a way out of it instantly, but fearing condemnation, he comes up with excuses.

The name Alexander is characterized by masculine independence and the search for a safe haven. A man named Sasha shows his real face only after actions that do not correspond to moral standards. In such cases, he asks his friends for help. Alexander highly values ​​friendly relationships and adheres to an active life position. Throughout his life, this man feels the need for a strong partner, and he constantly needs the support of his mother or wife.

Alexander is a strong, decisive and strong-willed man, but despite this, he questions everything. He is afraid of the unknown and often, for no apparent reason, experiences a feeling of fear of failure.

Alexander treats finances carefully and prudently. He can wisely invest his capital in business, skillfully using money with maximum benefit for himself.

Alexander’s characteristics define him as a leader and favorite, but in life the owner of this name is not always able to realize his talents. Possessing excellent organizational and diplomatic skills, Alexander can occupy a leadership position in any field of activity and is able to lead a team.

Sasha does not like scientific research, but if he is fleetingly interested in science, it will only be for the sake of ambition and satisfying his own ego. When he was young he couldn't stand it schooling where it is necessary to obtain knowledge under duress.

The character of the name Alexander is artistic and creative. Alexander has all the prerequisites for creative activity.

Professions that suit him include: actor, director, entertainer, radio and television worker, traveler, sailor or lawyer.

A man named Sasha strives for independence, but he is comfortable in the company of reliable friends. He adores feminine warmth and needs care and affection.

Character Traits Decisiveness Activity Purposefulness Sociability Friendliness Instability Temperance Self-confidence Vanity Pickiness

Alexander is a courteous gentleman and remembers every detail, elegantly courting the woman he loves. Sasha will not forget to give the girl his hand, elegantly help her put on her coat, present her with a bouquet of flowers, and sincerely give her a compliment.

But despite his gallantry and affection for the opposite sex, he prefers to live in dreams of love rather than enjoy real relationships. At the same time, Alexander is passionate about love.

Good and bad couples Tamara Natalia Vera Maria Anna Zinaida Lydia Elena Svetlana Ekaterina

The owner of the name Sasha is compatible only with a caring and sincere woman with a strong character. Sasha chooses a wife who will provide him with reliable support and support, in the hope that she will always be nearby. He, in turn, is able to offer his chosen one significant responsibility and a sense of duty.

Family life with Alexander is fraught with many difficulties, but at the same time he is crazy about all children - not only blood ones, but also strangers.

Alexander has ancient Greek roots. The name means "to protect, man." Nature has laid down the awareness of itself in the role of a courageous and strong defender. Sasha is the most common and favorite name in Russia.

He has strong energy. The meaning of the name gives the child courage, perseverance, and authority.

From an early age, Sasha is decisive, brave, witty and sociable. The boy is an introvert by nature and often tries to hide from reality in his inner world. The child is gentle and sensitive, reaching out to the mother's warmth. He does not tolerate being forced to do anything. Hardy, strong and active.

What will Alexander achieve success in? At school, experienced teachers can get a lot out of Sasha if they want. You need to deal with him individually and pay more attention to him. During his school years, the boy shows himself to be a hot-tempered bully and displays leadership qualities. Always actively follows orders. Alexander has a penchant for any kind of work. Can choose the profession of actor, director, military man, traveler, sailor, lawyer, writer. He tries to prove himself at the highest level everywhere.

Raise your son in the spirit respectful attitude to people. Keep your child’s whereabouts and circle of acquaintances under control. Help the boy enroll in a sports section by directing his activity in the right direction.

What games will Alexander like? Alexander devotes an important place in his leisure time to playing sports and reading adventure books. He loves watching adventurous films. Enjoys playing outdoor games. The child always finds something to do on his own. He is distinguished by his careful attitude towards toys.

When is the name day?

February 11, 27, April 15, 25 August 1, 11, 19 August 22, 29 November 2, 12, 17 November 2, 23 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Alexander: characteristics of the name. Origin, mystery of the name Alexander

Family is of great importance in Alexander's life. He will always worry about his relatives, support them morally and financially. This man takes pleasure in taking care of his younger brothers and sisters. He is capable of becoming a responsible family man.

Where did this name come to us from? What mystery does Alexander hide? The characteristics of the name suggest that its bearer has the makings of a leader. He is honest and straightforward, but knows how to use diplomatic tricks at the right time. Men with this name are able to realize themselves only through work and labor.

Origin of the name Alexander

The name Alexander is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from two words: “andoros”, which means “man”, and “alex” - protector. Therefore, the name has a literal translation - “courageous defender.”

In ancient times, the name Alexander had status. This was the name given to Macedonian kings, popes, and Scottish kings. It was impossible to find such a name among a commoner.

What character will Alexander be awarded? The characteristics of the name presuppose the ability to go towards the goal. A man with this name is honest and fair; acquaintances often turn to him in difficult situations. Alexander knows how to sympathize and put himself in the position of another.

Name in numerology

The name Alexander is the owner of the number 9. “Nines” are cheerful and sociable. They love noisy feasts and friendly parties. Such people are generous and often help others. Number 9 people are romantic and amorous. All their lives they dream of finding an ideal partner. But frivolity and selfishness lead to disappointment and broken relationships.

“Nines” are impulsive, quick-tempered and ready to fight. They are the masters of their lives. And they prefer to pave their own way. Due to their lack of restraint and aggressiveness, they often end up in conflict situations and make enemies.

These are fearless leaders who spend their entire lives fighting for rights and justice. They know how to sympathize and help not only friends, but also unfamiliar people in trouble. With the help of charm, they attract others to their side. Number 9 rewards Alexander with artistry and the gift of eloquence.

Boy character

What does the name Alexander mean for a boy? From an early age he is distinguished by his mobility and intelligence. Many Alexandras suffer from colds in childhood. But by adolescence, they begin to play sports intensively, becoming strong and resilient.

Little Sasha is an easy-going, cheerful boy. He spends a lot of time outside, running with friends and inventing new entertainment. At school he is diligent and inquisitive, but is unlikely to become an excellent student - Sasha does not chase grades.

As he gets older, he calmly takes criticism and knows how to work on his shortcomings. Alexander is confident and easy to communicate with. The name (meaning, character) will bring the boy adequate self-esteem. Youthful maximalism will hardly touch him. Alexander is wise enough not to come into conflict with his parents.

Character of a man

What does the name Alexander mean for a man? The bearer of this name is sociable and friendly. He can find a common language with almost anyone. This man knows how to set life priorities. He takes a responsible approach to work and often achieves leadership positions.

The origin of the name Alexander gives a man determination and courage. Such a man will not be afraid to start his own business or completely change his profession. He takes risks and wins. Alexander can achieve a lot in life with the help of life experience, ingenuity, and diplomacy.

This man has wit and a vivid imagination. Can act eccentrically, not paying attention to the opinions of others. The male name Alexander will give its bearer leadership qualities. They do not necessarily have to be implemented in the profession. Such a man is a wise head of the family. He knows how to take care of his loved ones and loves children.

His life path will not be easy. Alexander will encounter many obstacles and misunderstandings. But a discerning mind and creative abilities will help you emerge victorious from the most difficult situations.

Sexuality of the name

How sexy is Alexander? The name (character, fate largely depend on the vibrations of the name) will reward such a man with deft handling of the fair sex. Alexander knows how and loves to give compliments. He is gallant and helpful with the ladies.

Such a man is not deprived of female attention. He has many female fans attracted by his charm and masculinity. In love, he is ready for the most unexpected actions. Alexander quickly gets carried away, he is generous and magnanimous with the object of his sympathy. But he chooses a woman carefully. Alexander thinks for a long time about all the pros and cons of marriage before making an offer.

For all his love of love, this man prefers that a woman take the first step towards rapprochement. He, hot and passionate in sexual relations, remains internally detached. Women are not a priority in Alexander's life.

What names are suitable for Alexander?

He should not start relationships with women whose names are: Elena, Ekaterina, Lydia, Zinaida, Svetlana.

The mystery of the name

What secret is Alexander hiding? The characteristics of the name imply that its bearer is persistent in achieving the goal. Alexander has heroism. He is independent of the opinions of others, but strives to find support in the person of his mother or wife. The women in his life who will play an important role must be strong personalities. Only bright individuals can attract Alexander. Only to a wise, confident woman can he tell all the secrets of his heart.

Alexander is noble and honest. The name (meaning, character, secret) will make this man a sincere and understanding person. But not only positive features bestows a name. It also brings with it negative aspects. Alexander is powerful and does not tolerate other people's opinions. He is conflicted and deliberately goes for provocation - thus, this man proves his superiority.

Alexander rarely resorts to violence. But he always strives to prove that he is right, disarming his opponent with facts or irrefutable arguments. Alexander is touchy, but not vindictive. He is pathologically lucky in life, which helps him get out of unpleasant situations with ease.

There is another secret that Alexander is hiding. The characteristics of the name suggest that its bearer may be addicted to alcohol. Libations in the company of friends can gradually lead to an ineradicable craving. Men with this name have long denied their dependence on alcohol. But having realized it, they use their will and are able to overcome their addiction.

Name by seasons

"Winter" Alexander– the owner of an unbalanced temperament. He has many ideas and plans, but it is difficult for him to highlight the main thing. Therefore, a man often rushes about in life, trying to “find himself.” He has many interests and hobbies. But the lack of integrity of character will not allow him to achieve success in his favorite business.

"Spring" Alexander smart and friendly. This is a reckless, freedom-loving person who easily makes acquaintances. He has creative inclinations and an artistic nature. He is easily hurt by a harsh word or an unflattering review. Such a man is emotional and quick-tempered.

"Summer" Alexander endowed with remarkable talent in the field of literature or painting. In women he looks for and finds a source of inspiration. His life is filled with novels and love affairs. He often fails in relationships with women, but quickly tries to switch to a new object.

"Autumn" Alexander more balanced and calm. He will make a wonderful leader. He can do stupid things because of his impulsiveness. But such an Alexander has the courage and patience to methodically correct mistakes and compensate the people around him for the damage caused.

Characteristics of the name Alexander | The mystery of the name Alexander

Alexander - “courageous defender” (gr.).

He is always decisive, smart, witty and sociable. But he is often quick-tempered, impudent, harsh, and does not respect the bounds of decency. Anyone who tries to influence him from a position of strength should not expect success.

An introvert by nature, he tries to escape from reality, hiding in his subconscious. He has a vivid imagination and incredible curiosity. Characteristics of the name Alexander has a synthetic way of thinking and a reliable memory. Justifies his actions and deeds in advance, especially when he deserves condemnation. At first glance, he has remarkable willpower and can make every effort to achieve a goal, but in his determination there is still a certain amount of doubt and unsteadiness. He experiences fear of the unknown and is often and unreasonably afraid of failure. There is some restlessness in persistence, which determines the fickleness of character.

The speed of reaction of the mystery of the name Alexander to events is so great that it sometimes takes the form of escape from unwanted situations. And then he even gives the impression of a frivolous person. It is difficult to understand him, he is too independent, although he strives for a haven where he can find care and safety. Alexander's true face is revealed only after actions that contradict moral standards. Then the secret of the name Alexander tears off the veil of mystery and seeks help from friends. He perceives friendship deeply, and often passionate love develops into strong friendship, but this offends many women.

Alexander is quite active, but tries to give the impression that work in production is tiring for him and he dreams of returning home, where he can do whatever he wants. In fact, the wife has to wait a long time for him to return home from work. Characteristics of the name Alexander often looks for something incredible and passes by a real opportunity. Luck and good fortune help you get out of unpleasant situations. This man needs a strong partner all his life - be it a mother or a wife.

Character of the name Alexander

He is not attracted to science, and if he is, it is only for the sake of personal ambitions. This is a type of independent loner who cannot stand the pedagogical process at school, where one must study under compulsion. The secret of the name Alexander has an artistic nature. He can become a talented actor, director, entertainer, radio and television worker, but he can also be a lonely traveler, sailor, lawyer. Artists or journalists with this name are able to reproduce the image of a person with extraordinary truthfulness.

Alexander's health is not very good. Easily overtired. He should take care of his stomach and intestines. His sexuality is mainly mental in nature. He tends to dream about love instead of living it. His sensuality carries something childish with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

“Winter” Alexander is unbalanced, his interests are disordered.

“Autumn” is more balanced, but no less reckless. He can do a lot of stupid things, but then, after analyzing, persistently correct the situation. He can make a good entrepreneur or trade worker. The name matches patronymics: Sergeevich, Mikhailovich, Filippovich, Anatolyevich, Emmanuilovich, Grigorievich, Valentinovich, Yakovlevich.

“Summer” is a tireless seeker of love adventures, which leads him to trouble. An excellent graphic artist and writer.

“Spring” is poetic in nature. Cheerful, smart, reckless. But also touchy and sensitive.

What middle name suits the name Alexander?

Suitable for middle names: Dmitrievich, Bogdanovich, Stanislavovich, Vladislavovich, Evgenievich, Danilovich.

Compatibility of the names Alexander and Alexandra. The meaning of the name Alexander for a boy. What does the girl's name Alexandra mean?

The name given to us at birth affects our entire life. Therefore, it is very important not to make a mistake with your choice. After all, the name contains information on which our fate depends. In addition, names interact with each other. Compatibility determines the relationship between partners. Here we will talk about two common names - Alexander and Alexandra. Compatibility and ways to maintain relationships will also be mentioned in this article.

The meaning of the name Alexandra

This feminine version of the name Alexander is of Greek origin and has the same meaning of “protector.” In the USSR, this name was very common, then it was practically forgotten, and in the 90s it regained popularity, although it was inferior to Dasha, Masha and Nastya in the top three. Sasha is now used as a diminutive, before little Alexanders were called Shurochki.

Alexandra's childhood

If Sashenka has no brothers and sisters, then she will grow up spoiled and stubborn. You shouldn't indulge her whims. As a child, she is not very sociable and can play alone, not striving for peers. She needs to visit more fresh air, and her parents should make sure she eats: Sasha may well forget to have lunch. At school he is proud, strives to get excellent grades, and will become a leader. She has little success in her studies; she will participate in olympiads, competitions, and competitions. But he doesn’t like household chores and tries to avoid them.

Girl's health

Little Shurochka is prone to bronchitis and gastritis. There may be curvature of the spine. But when she grows up, she will be in excellent health. The only thing she needs to take into account is the requirements of compliance with the regime. She quickly gets out of her rut: if she doesn’t get enough sleep or overeats, then it will take a week to come to her senses.


As a child, Alexandra seems too closed, and in her youth she seems too emotional. She loves adventure and is not used to sitting still. Capable of the most unexpected adventures, but, albeit with difficulty, she finds a way out of even the most seemingly hopeless situations. Sasha refuses offers to calm down. This is not surprising, she only dreams of peace, and if she still calms down, then troubles and failures begin to haunt her. She is smart, charming, and has a subtle sense of humor. He has good abilities and intuition, quickly masters a new situation and makes decisions easily. The protector (that's what the girl's name Alexandra means) will protect her family, younger and simply weaker people.

Love and family

She feels good in male society and has many friends of the opposite sex. Sasha is friendly, sensual and sexy. She is contradictory, easily perceives relationships, and is characterized by a masculine approach. She will get married late, but she will become not only a good housewife, but also a friend to her husband. She will become a strict but fair mother for her children. She shares the interests of her husband, will go with him to the stadium to watch football and go on a hike. Boredom is not expected in marriage, but there will be a lot of emotions, violent quarrels and reconciliation.

Alexandra's profession

Alexandra is energetic, she has good logic, so she is close to male professions. She loves to travel, so business trips will only please her. Can work in the IT field, with technology. Will become a successful manager or referent. Drives a car well. Logic and the desire to lead can lead her to school or medicine.

The meaning of the name Alexander for a boy

This name is of Greek origin and means "protector of the people." It is one of the most common in Russia, and has been for many years. Him big number diminutives. These are Sasha, Shurik, Sanya, Sanya, Alex - any Alexander can choose the desired option for himself. Many great people bore this name, this was the name of emperors, poets, and generals.

Boy's childhood

Little Sasha is very sickly and prone to colds. Parents need to send their son to the sports section and start hardening him. He is determined, loves to show off and show off. IN adolescence rebellious, conflicted, does not like to obey rules. If he cannot become a leader among his peers, he will want to be an authority for younger children.

Alexander's health

After Shurik leaves childhood, his health will be fine. Maintains a youthful appearance and activity for a long time. You need to be careful with alcohol, addiction can quickly develop.

Character of a man

Sociable, loves flattery, exaggerates his merits. Often has somewhat inflated self-esteem. Not afraid of dangers, knows no fear, easily accepts challenges. He is inquisitive and has a good imagination. It is best if he does not waste his time on trifles, but finds his job and goes towards his goal. The available willpower will help him in this, and his abilities will allow him to achieve success in almost any field of activity.

Personal life

Alexander is gallant, he likes to look after girls, and they appreciate his chivalrous attitude. He opens the door, gives flowers, says compliments. At this moment he is absolutely sincere. We must take into account that Sasha quickly lights up and quickly goes out. After some time, another young lady will hear passionate confessions from him, and the previous one will begin to be perplexed and offended. He will want to become a friend for his ex, but not every woman will agree to this. His wife will be a quiet, calm, but at the same time confident woman. He will be a good father in marriage, but not at all faithful husband. However, although he will often cheat, he will not take his many mistresses seriously. His wife will be his priority; in other matters you can rely on him.


Alexander is a born leader. He will become a wonderful leader, whom his subordinates not only respect, but also love. He is not afraid to entrust instructions to others, he easily finds people who will carry out everything difficult work, a good manager. He has an artistic nature, it is not surprising that many famous actors bear this name. He can go into show business and become a holiday host, director, or work on television. A penchant for challenge and risk will lead Alexander to become a sailor, military or political journalist, or traveler.

Compatibility of the names Alexander and Alexandra

Despite the similar sound of the names, they are not similar to each other. However, there may be a vibrant romance between them. Alexander and Alexandra are a couple of people of different character and temperament. Active, cheerful Alexander is able to distract serious Alexandra from her career plans and show her the joy of life.
She will become a reliable companion and help organize his life. However, the proud Alexandra will not be able to come to terms with his constant betrayals. But they can enter into a marriage that will last more than one year. This couple (Alexander and Alexandra) has every chance of a happy and long marriage. This union can be concluded by calculation or by Great love, but will last only on mutual respect, patience and forgiveness. At the beginning of the novel, Sasha appears before her companion as a sort of knight in armor. But gradually everyday life and everyday life will make their own adjustments. And he will want a holiday, and she will want constancy and confidence in the future. Here the good compatibility of names (Alexander and Alexandra) plays an important role. The only important thing is that there is a desire to compromise. Mutual concessions will save this marriage. In general, everything is not so bad. Quite the contrary. If we talk about the compatibility of the names Alexander and Alexandra, then it is good. There is a high probability that the marriage will be bright and extraordinary. The husband will help his wife around the house, and she, in turn, will not bother him with questions and instructions. But in the evening, instead of having a home-cooked dinner in front of the TV, both will prefer to take a walk together or go to a restaurant. Their emotions run high, despite good compatibility names Alexander and Alexandra, excessive passions are destructive for this union. But there is no place for boredom here. The children in this family live in an atmosphere of eternal celebration. I really want to believe that the high compatibility of the names Alexander and Alexandra will give society more than one strong family.

beautiful and ancient name“Alexander” is worn by strong and strong-willed, intelligent and purposeful men. Looking back into history from antiquity, one can understand that the Alexanders are extraordinary individuals, who are the ones who created this history.

What is the meaning of the name Alexander, and what fate is a person so named destined to bear?

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Character and fate of the name

To find out what the name Alexander means, it is enough to be familiar with one or two owners of this name. As a rule, there are few sharp differences in communication with different Alexanders. The characteristics of the name largely reflect Alexander’s behavior.

What kind of person is this? Alexander is decisive, witty, self-confident. He is purposeful, brave and noble. But both temper and insolence are not alien to Alexander. He does not tolerate pressure on himself.

What is the meaning of the name Alexander for the boy Sasha? As a child, Alexander is inquisitive and has a developed imagination. Despite his ease of learning, Sasha does not like to study: he sees this as an encroachment on his independence. And independence for him is his life goal.

During his youth, Alexander tries with all his might to prove his superiority in any field (for example, in sports), and suffers failures very painfully. At heart this person is always a leader, but in practice this is not always realized.

Adult Alexander becomes more balanced, especially if the “right” woman is nearby. Courage, perseverance, justice and honesty - these qualities characterize Alexander.

Why has this name not lost its popularity over the millennium? Perhaps the answer is that without the Aleksandrovs the passage of time is impossible?


Even Alexander's totem stone bears his name: alexandrite. Unusual color this rare gemstone captivates the eye. The ability to change color from red to purple and green also greatly affects the emotional component of its owner. Card players consider alexandrite to be their talisman.

What does this stone give to Alexander? If you carry a product made of alexandrite with you, you can forget about diseases of the hematopoietic system, as well as pain in the spleen and pancreas.


Not only jewelry made of alexandrite, but also stones such as chrysoprase and agrillite can serve as a talisman for Alexander.

Color of the name Alexander

Red is a symbol of energy and strength (as well as the color of joy and aggression). Those people whose talisman color is red are very sociable.


Alexander has two patron numbers: 6 and 9. This is the character and fate of Alexander: the duality of nature and at the same time constancy - no matter how you twist the number “69”, it will remain so. “Six” characterizes Alexander as a hardworking and responsible person. “Nine” is an indicator of learning ability. But it’s very difficult to force Alexander to learn if he doesn’t want it himself.


The patron planet of Alexander is Saturn. Wards of Saturn are purposeful people, but restrained in emotions.


The closest element to Alexander is the Earth. Reliability, hard work and lack of sky-high ambitions are the traits that characterize the “earthlings”.


The season that patronizes Alexander is spring. This is the time not only for the blossoming of new life, but also the time of parting with the cold and emptiness of winter. It is best to plan global life changes with names for spring.


The totem animal of all Alexanders is the crab. He is cunning and rational: he attacks the enemy with sharp claws, but if the enemy is obviously stronger, he hides in the sand.


Alexander has a whole “garden”, where there is a chestnut - a symbol of good luck, a gladiolus - a symbol of constancy of feelings (but if you pay attention to the name of the flower - this is the gladiator’s “sword”) and lilac - a symbol of victory and love.


Warlike Sagittarius is the patron zodiac of Alexander. This sign belongs to purposeful, ambitious and assertive people.


Platinum is a rare precious metal that protects Alexander. It symbolizes strength in relationships, love and affection.

Name Description


We can say about Alexander that he is the owner of synthetic thinking. A flexible mind and excellent memory make him capable of many sciences.


If we talk about morality, then nobility is what the name is historically associated with. However, in life, Alexander is capable of committing rash acts, and he is not distinguished by his loyalty.


By nature, Alexander is an introvert; he tries to escape from reality, hiding in the world of the subconscious.

Alexander can be quick-tempered and cruel, but this is the case when there is a person who can drive the good-natured Alexander out of himself. In general, Alexander can boast of balance.


Since childhood, Sasha has been prone to colds. For “winter” Sasha, the problem is stomatitis. In addition, he has a weak immune system, so the best thing that can be offered to combat ill health is sea air. “Spring” Alexandras are predisposed to frequent increases in body temperature, which are very difficult to tolerate. Alexanders born in summer often suffer from vision problems. In adulthood, Sasha may suffer from radiculitis and alcoholism.


Alexander has been interested in technology since childhood. He also likes sports and travel.


If Alexander loved to study, he would have realized himself in any industry he wanted - he is such a talented and intelligent person.

Alexander performs well in creativity, acting, tourism, military affairs and law. Fantasy allows Alexander to write books, songs, and film scripts.


If Alexander wants, he will instantly fly up the career ladder. He does not stay long in subordinate positions, but strives for leadership positions.


Alexander's only beloved woman is his mother. He is looking for a life partner similar to her.


In sexual relationships, Alexander is a good psychologist: he feels and predicts all the desires of his partner. When satisfying a lady, he has selfish motives: the better the woman is now, the more pleasure she will give him. “Autumn” Alexandras are gentle and affectionate, “summer” ones are adventurers, for which short-term romances often end in treatment in the venereology department. “Spring” Alexandras are loving, and “winter” ones are lovers of liberated and experienced partners.


If “his” woman became his wife, whom he sought and won for a long time, then the meaning of the name is precisely realized in marital relations: he will protect his wife from any troubles. But at the same time, the wife should always be ready to go to bed with him. Alexander is not particularly distinguished by his loyalty. But he is an exemplary father, and his children dote on him.

Origin of the name

What does the name mean (interpretation)

The origin of the name Alexander is Greek. In the myths of ancient Greece, it is used as the second name of the kidnapper of Helen of Troy, Paris, because of whom the famous ancient war began. The Greek interpretation of the name has its own history: when Paris was born, the parents, frightened by the terrible prediction about the end of Troy, ordered the baby to be abandoned wild animals, but good shepherds raised Paris. For his victory over a gang of robbers, Paris was nicknamed Alexander, which literally means “reflecting men.”

Name translation

From Greek, the translation of the name sounds like “courageous protector”: from ἀλέξω [aleks] - protector, ἀνήρ [andros] - man.

History of the name

The mythological origin of the name made it very popular in ancient times. It wandered through the centuries, spreading to other countries. Alexander the Great, the great conqueror of the 4th century BC, brought particular glory to the name.

The name came to Rus', like many things in culture, from Byzantium and immediately took root. The symbolism of the highest power of the name was attributed to naming princely sons and sons of the nobility this way. By the way, even in Rome this name was worn with dignity by the Popes.

Forms (analogues) of the name

As soon as they don’t call Alexander! And Sasha, and Sanya, and Shura, and Alex. Meet and official versions, documented: Oleksandr, Leksandr.

Diminutive names in the following forms: Sashenka, Sanyushka, Sanechka, Sanyuta Shurik, Shurunya, Aleksyusha.

Name in English

It is very important to write names correctly in English to avoid mistakes, for example, when applying for a visa and passport. The name is written like this: Aleksandr. And no "X" in the middle!

Name in different languages ​​of the world

How is the name written and pronounced in different languages ​​of the world?

  • in German: Alexander [Alexander];
  • in French: Alexandre [Alexander];
  • in Italian: Alessandro [Alessandro];
  • in Irish: Alastar [Alastar];
  • in Belarusian: - Alexander;
  • in Tatar: İskəndər [Iskander].

The mystery of the name Alexander

Patrons of the name

In Orthodoxy there are many saints named Alexander. You can read more about your heavenly patron in the Saints. The most famous patron Alexanders are:

  • Alexander the Venerable, Great Martyr;
  • Alexander Komansky, martyr;
  • Alexander Svirsky Reverend;
  • Rev. Alexander Nevsky, Grand Duke;
  • Alexander of Rome, martyr;
  • Alexander Armenian-Nikopolsky.

Angel's Day (name day)

In Orthodoxy, the name day should be celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint closest to the birthday, under whose name the person was baptized. You should never celebrate a name day before your birthday.

Alexander has many name days:

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Alexander in Russia:

  • Prince and commander ancient Rus' Alexander Nevsky (1220 – 1263);
  • Famous commander Alexander Suvorov (1729-1800);
  • Alexander Kolchak (1874-1920) – admiral;
  • Alexanders I (1777-1825), II (1818-1881) and III (1845-1894) – Russian emperors;
  • Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) - “our everything” - poet and writer, playwright and historian;
  • Alexander Griboedov (1790 or 1795 - 1829) – diplomat and playwright, author of the famous play “Woe from Wit”;
  • Alexander Blok (1880-1921) – symbolist poet;
  • Alexandre Benois (1870-1960) – painter,
  • Alexander Ostrovsky (1823-1886) - playwright and creator of folk theater;
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) - writer “banned” in the USSR, Nobel laureate in literature;
  • Alexander Barykin (1952-2011) – pop singer;
  • Alexandra: Abdulov (1953-2008) and Pankratov-Cherny (1949) – theater and film actors; etc.

Compatibility of the name Alexander

In a successful, long and happy marriage, the compatibility of the names of the partners plays an important role. Who will Alexander have a relationship with? the best way, and who shouldn’t you start them with?

Alexander and Alexandra

Despite the fact that these are namesakes, mutual understanding in such an alliance is a rare thing. But the partners' flexibility can preserve this relationship for a long time.

Alexander and Alisa

Alice – perfect couple for Alexander. Both partners in this union are devoted to each other, they feel good together both in everyday life and in sexual relationships. A common desire for material wealth, self-development and a career - this unites people who are already similar to each other.

Alexander and Valeria

For the union of Alexander and Valeria to be strong, no special effort is needed. Two ardent natures who adore independence. This couple never infringes on each other’s freedom, so one can only envy the relationship in such a union.

Alexander and Anna

The end of the relationship with Anna can only come when Anna begins to become independent. But this happens very rarely: she is already comfortable in the role of a follower. In such a union, Alexander fully realizes himself as a defender.

Alexander and Daria

Passion is the foundation of the relationship between these partners. Intimacy enlivens their world; in sex, both receive true pleasure from each other. It is very important to save the relationship when the passion begins to fade.

Alexander and Rose

An ideal relationship: one speaks, the other listens, then switch roles - and no disagreements. The marriage of Alexander and Rosa is concluded once and for all.

Alexander and Polina

In this union, the duration of the relationship depends on its strength. But strength is not easy to achieve: Polina is used to putting pressure on Alexander, this makes him angry, hence the quarrels. But in sexual relationships the partners have complete harmony. If this is enough to save the family, then Polina and Alexander will be together for a long time.

Alexander and Maria

Alexander will experience feelings for Maria “increasingly”: the longer their relationship, the stronger the attachment. An excellent union of talented individuals.

Alexander and Anastasia

The relationship between Alexander and Anastasia cannot be called smooth: their interests and views on life are too different. A happy marriage can only happen if you follow common goals. But setting these goals is also not easy - each partner has their own priorities.

Alexander and Victoria

If Alexander and Victoria decide to start a family, it will work out! They will never be able to get tired of each other, because, despite living under the same roof, everyone has a personal life in which the spouse does not interfere.

Alexander and Yana

Yana and Sasha seem destined to be together. Complete coincidence of interests and goals, one hundred percent mutual understanding, respect and love. This is a match made in heaven!

Alexander and Vladimir

When Alexander and Vladimir meet, it is impossible to accurately predict whether this relationship will result in marriage. Both are headstrong, capricious, unyielding. The only thing that can unite them is a common goal. Having built their lives in such a way that they will always have to strive for something together, they can be quite happy.

Alexander and Alina

The marriage of Alina and Alexander cannot be called anything other than strange. It is completely unclear what keeps them close to each other: no common interests, no common goals. However, this is probably the case about opposites and attraction. Surprisingly, marriages are usually long and quite happy.

Alexander and Elena

In an alliance with Elena, Alexander will have his own difficulties: these people are complete opposites of each other. And, although they are attracted, without mutual understanding the union cannot be called happy.

Alexander and Evgenia

Sasha and Zhenya have a strong masculine side in both of them, so who will rule in this union is a moot point.

Alexander and Yesenia

Shy Yesenia will always wait for the first step from Alexander. And he will be happy to take the initiative. Therefore, in marriage they are both happy in their own way.

Alexander and Ekaterina

Alexander and Olga

Olga has completely different expectations from marriage than Alexander. She needs comfort and peace, stability in relationships, but Alexander cannot boast of consistency. A common cause is what can save this marriage.

Alexander and Pelageya

When Pelageya appears in Sasha's life, she completely changes his view of the world. From now on, this world is filled with tenderness and sensuality. This union is long and happy.

Alexander and Veronica

This couple cannot be called looking at life the same way. Disagreements are common in marriage. But Alexander, in love, is crazy about his sophisticated soulmate, and she appreciates his masculinity and ability to control the situation. Therefore, the union, although not ideally smooth, is happy in its own way.

Alexander and Sofia

Alexander will not have a quiet life with Sofia: disputes and showdowns gnaw at this couple. But affection often wins, and they are unable to run away.

Alexander and Kira

In this union, the partners are not so much lovers as friends. Even though there are differences in views, they still understand each other. Common values ​​are what their marriage is so firmly based on.

Alexander and Arina

With Arina, Alexander is, as they say, “on the same wavelength.” Common views, common interests - all this leads to the fact that their life becomes common: one for two.

Alexander and Ksenia

Ksenia and Alexander understand each other without words and feel each other intuitively. The feelings in this couple are deep, but they cannot get hung up on each other: in the event of separation, it will be very difficult to cope with the loss.

Alexander and Tatiana

Life with Tatyana is full of surprises. Lovers often argue, but this only makes reconciliation sweeter. Such a marriage is long, because everyone is able to analyze their actions and come to a compromise.

Alexander and Milana

If fate brought Alexander and Milana together, you can be sure it will be forever. In such a union, Alexander fulfills his destiny: the role of a protector. Trembling and sensual Milana surrenders to his power without a trace.

Alexander and Marina

With Marina, life is like on a volcano. Eternal showdowns, quarrels... It’s difficult for Alexander to withstand this. Marriage lasts as long as there is strength to seek compromises.

Alexander and Maya

The relationship between Alexander and Maya is selfless, built on trust and love. These partners are 100% made for each other.


What kind of person is Alexander? The secret of the name says: fickle and emotional, and also brave, noble, purposeful! Perhaps in every century throughout history, a person with this name appeared who left his mark on it. To name your child Alexander means to give him an unusual destiny - favorable, generous with gifts. Alexander will never be lonely, because he attracts people to himself like a magnet.

Alexander in Greek means “courageous defender” and was formed as a result of a combination of two Greek words, "alex" - which means protector and "andros" - which means man.


As children, Alexandras often get sick, but if as teenagers they begin to harden themselves and engage in physical exercise, then they grow into strong and resilient men.

The Alexandras persistently achieve their goal. They can become the head of a team and skillfully manage it, while relying on the most capable people, entrusting them with the most difficult matters. They have a reputation for being fair people.

One of Alexander's vulnerabilities is a weakness for wine. In a state of intoxication, they lose control of themselves, begin to brag and strive to get ahead of their feast partners. But some serious events in the life of family and friends can forever turn Sasha away from drinking alcohol.

Alexander is usually smart, witty and sociable. By psychological makeup, an introvert tries to hide from reality in his inner world. He really doesn’t like it when they try to influence him from a position of strength, he is often quick-tempered and impudent. He has extraordinary willpower and determination, but in this determination there is a share of doubt and fear of the unknown, and is often unreasonably afraid of failure.

Alexander is quite independent, but at the same time he strives for shelter and needs a strong partner, who can be a mother or wife. He is not in good health and gets tired easily.

Tends to dream about love rather than love. In relationships with women, Alexander first of all strives to be charming. It is rare to meet such a friendly and charming man as Alexander. Offering a hand, helping to put on a coat, buying a bouquet of flowers - this has become a habit for him.

Alexander's main weapon is a compliment. No, Alexander is not playing, he really believes in the sincerity of his compliments, as well as in the sincerity of his declarations of love. The trouble is that, having vowed to love forever, Alexander, after some time, with the same fervor and faith in the feeling that gripped him, will swear to another woman.


Alexander loves women very much, strives for them and values ​​himself. He believes that women themselves should achieve it. It directs a significant part of the energy into other channels. The habit of being the first everywhere and always manifests itself in sex. The thirst for dominance and excessive vanity invariably carry him to the top. Unlike many others, he is not capable of emotional highs.

In a loved one, it can cause a feeling of powerlessness, because, despite a great desire, she is never able to master it completely. She tries again and again to lasso him, but each time to no avail. Loyalty doesn't matter much to him.

His wife, if she is on the same social level as him, enjoys the privileges of a queen, who reigns but does not rule. The main duty of a woman is to be ready at his first call to meet him in bed.

Born in spring, Alexander is loving, passionate, clearly separating love from sex. If he honors someone with his love, he usually evokes strong feelings in his partner. His sex life is spontaneous; he does not like to plan his intimate relationships.

In marriage, he views sex as a gift, a means to reward his wife for her devotion and warmth. Often in his youth he has an unsuccessful romance, which he remembers all his life. He carefully selects his wife so that disappointment does not happen again.

Alexander, born in the fall, walking down the street, can instantly cast an appraising glance at the women he meets, even if his wife is next to him. He is very affectionate and gentle and appreciates these qualities in his partner.

Alexander, born in winter, is hypersexual, especially if his patronymic is Eduardovich, Borisovich, Yakovlevich. He needs a sexually liberated woman who does not accept any prohibitions and is devoid of prejudices. He is ready to satisfy her every desire, but he himself expects the same from her. Alexander is selective, he likes women with a sense of humor, he likes to laugh, make good jokes, tease his partner, and is not offended by her jokes.

Alexander is an experienced partner, is interested in literature on sexual topics, tries to learn as much as possible about intimate relationships. He is a good psychologist, he tries to better understand a woman’s character, her hobbies, habits, so that later it is easier to communicate with her during intimacy. Alexander is a ladies' man, he likes to satisfy all the desires of a woman.

He knows that in this case he will receive from her much more than he will give to her. He pays great attention to studying the erogenous zones of his partner and skillfully uses his knowledge. Inventive and even sophisticated in caresses. However, he does not know how to be faithful; most often, he dates several women at the same time.

Born in summer, Alexander is loving, physically strong, and does not separate sex and love. Very emotional. Charming and easily defeats any beauty. Unpredictable in sexual relationships, he likes to present surprises. In marriage, he views sex as a reward for his wife. May marry repeatedly.




Zodiac sign.


The word Alexander gives the impression of something good, beautiful, majestic, courageous, brave, active.