home · Installation · How to treat a barn after a plague. Method of thermochemical disinfection of livestock buildings during the elimination of African swine fever. Characteristics of K-FLEX rubber insulation

How to treat a barn after a plague. Method of thermochemical disinfection of livestock buildings during the elimination of African swine fever. Characteristics of K-FLEX rubber insulation

Final disinfection in plague foci is carried out by disinfection teams consisting of 2-3 people: a doctor disinfectionist or an assistant epidemiologist, a disinfection instructor and 1-2 disinfectants.

The disinfection team is equipped with a hydraulic control panel, buckets, brushes, sprayers for powders and liquids, bags for transporting things to the chamber, packaged disinfectants and insecticides, and protective clothing.

First, disinsection is carried out. In residential premises, chlorophos, trichlorvos, pyrethrum are used to exterminate fleas, which are used to treat cracks in the floor, baseboards and walls to a height of 1 m, upholstered furniture, bedding for dogs and cats. In apartments where animals are kept, the floors should be washed daily, adding a bucket of hot water a glass of kerosene and 200 g of soap or soda. IN non-residential premises deep pollination of burrows with insecticides is carried out. All of these measures have a high insecticidal effect. IN field conditions disinsection is carried out by anti-epidemic teams.

Before disinfection, it is necessary to prepare disinfectant solutions. Those for the plague are 10% Lysol solution, 5% soap-phenol solution, 3% chloramine solution, 1% activated chloramine solution, dry bleach, etc. The room and furniture are treated with a hydraulic remote control, and things subject to chamber disinfection are placed in tight bags. Disinfection of dishes is carried out by boiling them or placing them in a disinfectant solution. It must be completed in the presence of a disinfectant.

Preventative vaccinations. It has been established that people who have recovered from the plague develop immunity to recurrent disease. However, this immunity is not absolute. Immunity to the plague has limited effectiveness both in duration and intensity, that is, it weakens over time.

The body’s ability to develop a certain resistance to repeated plague is used for preventive and anti-epidemic purposes. Immunization against plague is carried out by introducing live, weakened or killed plague microbes into the human body. An immunized organism acquires the ability to destroy plague pathogens through phagocytosis, which is stimulated by antibodies appearing in the blood.

Anti-plague preventive vaccinations are carried out for all persons located in the outbreak of plague or staying in the territory of its natural foci, as well as traveling to areas unfavorable for the plague.

In our country, a live dry plague vaccine is being prepared from weakened plague strains EB or K1, which are harmless to humans and have fairly high immunizing properties. The vaccine is stored dried. Vaccinations can be carried out using either the cutaneous or subcutaneous method. Subcutaneous administration of the vaccine is accompanied in almost all cases by a local inflammatory reaction and general phenomena in the form of an increase in temperature of 37.5-38 ° C and above, sometimes the appearance of nausea and vomiting. The reaction to the vaccine reaches its maximum after 24-48 hours and disappears after 4-5 days.

“Quarantine infections”, B.A. Mokrov

(HOI) are highly contagious diseases that appear suddenly and spread quickly, covering as soon as possible a large mass of the population. AIOs have a severe clinical course and are characterized by a high mortality rate. Prevention of especially dangerous infections, carried out in full, can protect the territory of our state from the spread of such especially dangerous infections as cholera, anthrax, plague and tularemia.

When a patient with a particularly dangerous infection is identified, anti-epidemic measures are taken: medical and sanitary, treatment and preventive and administrative. The purpose of these measures is to localize and eliminate the epidemic outbreak. For zoonotic especially dangerous infections anti-epidemic measures are carried out in close contact with the veterinary service.

Anti-epidemic measures (AM) are carried out on the basis of information obtained as a result epidemiological survey hearth.

The organizer of the PM is an epidemiologist whose responsibilities include:

  • formulation of epidemiological diagnosis,
  • collection of epidemiological anamnesis,
  • coordination of the efforts of the necessary specialists, assessment of the effectiveness and quality of ongoing anti-epidemic measures.

Responsibility for eliminating the source of infection rests with the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Rice. 1. Early diagnosis of the disease is an event of exceptional epidemiological importance.

The task of anti-epidemic measures is to influence all parts of the epidemic process.

The purpose of anti-epidemic measures- cessation of pathogen circulation at the site.

Direction of anti-epidemic measures:

  • disinfect the source of pathogens,
  • break pathogen transmission mechanisms,
  • increase immunity to infection of surrounding and contact persons (immunization).

Health measures in case of especially dangerous infections, they are aimed at prevention, diagnosis, treatment of patients and carrying out sanitary and hygienic education of the population.

Administrative activities— organization of restrictive measures, including quarantine and observation in the territory of an epidemic focus of a particularly dangerous infection.

Rice. 2. In the photo, a group of specialists is ready to provide assistance to patients with Ebola fever.

Zoonotic and anthroponotic especially dangerous infections

Particularly dangerous infections are divided into zoonotic and anthroponotic infections.

  • Zoonotic diseases are transmitted from animals. These include plague and tularemia.
  • In anthroponotic infections, transmission of pathogens occurs from a sick person or a healthy carrier to a person. These include cholera (group) and smallpox (group of respiratory tract infections).

Prevention of particularly dangerous infections: basic concepts

Prevention of especially dangerous infections is carried out constantly and includes epidemiological, sanitary and veterinary supervision and a set of sanitary and preventive measures.

Epidemic surveillance

Epidemic surveillance of especially dangerous infections is the constant collection and analysis of information about diseases that pose a particular danger to humans.

Based on supervisory information, medical institutions determine priority tasks for providing care to patients and preventing particularly dangerous diseases.

Sanitary supervision

Sanitary supervision is a system of constant monitoring of the compliance by enterprises, institutions and individuals with sanitary and anti-epidemic norms and rules, carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.

Veterinary supervision

In case of zoonotic especially dangerous infections, anti-epidemic measures are carried out in close contact with the veterinary service. Prevention of animal diseases, safety of animal products and suppression of violations of veterinary legislation Russian Federation— main directions of state veterinary supervision.

Sanitary and preventive measures

The main goal of sanitary and preventive measures is to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. They are carried out constantly (even in the absence of disease).

Rice. 3. Epidemic surveillance is a shield for infection.

Neutralization of the source of pathogens

Measures to disinfect the source of pathogens in anthroponotic infections

When identifying or suspecting a particularly dangerous disease the patient is immediately hospitalized in a hospital with an anti-epidemic regime. Timely treatment begins to stop the spread of infection from a sick person into the environment.

Measures to disinfect the source of pathogens during zoonotic infections

When anthrax is detected in animals, their carcasses, organs and skin are burned or disposed of. In case of tularemia, they are disposed of.

Rice. 4. Disinsection (extermination of insects). Disinfection (destruction of bacteria, mold and fungi). Deratization (destruction of rodents).

Rice. 5. Burning the corpses of animals infected with anthrax.

Rice. 6. The photo shows deratization. Rodent control is carried out for plague and tularemia.

Maintaining a clean living environment is the basis for the prevention of many infectious diseases.

Measures aimed at breaking the transmission mechanisms of pathogens of particularly dangerous infections

The destruction of toxins and their pathogens is carried out using disinfection, for which disinfectants are used. With the help of disinfection, the number of bacteria and viruses is significantly reduced. Disinfection can be current or final.

Disinfection for particularly dangerous infections is characterized by:

  • large volume of work,
  • variety of disinfection objects,
  • disinfection is often combined with disinsection (extermination of insects) and deratization (extermination of rodents),
  • Disinfection for particularly dangerous infections is always carried out urgently, often even before the pathogen is identified,
  • disinfection sometimes has to be carried out at sub-zero temperatures.

To work in the hearths large sizes military forces are involved.

Rice. 7. Military forces are involved in work in large outbreaks.


Quarantine and observation are restrictive measures. Quarantine is carried out using administrative, medical, sanitary, veterinary and other measures that are aimed at stopping the spread of particularly dangerous infections. During quarantine, the administrative region switches to a special mode of operation of various services. In the quarantine zone, the movement of the population, transport and animals is limited.

Quarantine infections

Quarantine infections (conventional) are subject to international sanitary agreements (conventions - from lat. conventio- contract, agreement). The agreements are a document that includes a list of measures to organize strict state quarantine. The agreement restricts the movement of patients.

Often, the state uses military forces for quarantine measures.

List of quarantine infections

  • polio,
  • plague (pneumonic form),
  • cholera,
  • smallpox,
  • Ebola and Marburg fever,
  • influenza (new subtype),
  • acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or Sars.

Medical, sanitary and anti-epidemic measures for cholera

Epidemic surveillance

Epidemic surveillance of cholera is the constant collection and analysis of information about the disease in the country and cases of importation of a particularly dangerous infection from abroad.

Rice. 15. A patient with cholera was removed from the plane (Volgograd, 2012).

Health care measures for cholera

  • isolation and adequate treatment of cholera patients;
  • treatment of carriers of infection;
  • sanitary and hygienic education of the population (routine hand washing and sufficient heat treatment food will help avoid illness);
  • vaccination of the population according to epidemiological indications.

Rice. 16. Microbiological diagnosis of cholera is carried out in secure laboratories.

Preventing cholera

  • To prevent cholera, cholera vaccine is used in dry and liquid form. The vaccine is administered subcutaneously. The vaccine is used to prevent the disease in disadvantaged regions and when there is a threat of the introduction of a particularly dangerous infection from other places. During an epidemic, risk groups for the disease are vaccinated: persons whose work is related to water bodies and water supply facilities, workers associated with catering, food preparation, storage, transportation and sale.
  • Persons who have been in contact with cholera patients are administered cholera bacteriophage twice. The interval between administrations is 10 days.
  • Anti-epidemic measures for cholera.
  • Localization of the outbreak.
  • Elimination of the outbreak.
  • Burial of corpses.
  • Contact persons from a cholera outbreak are subject to observation (isolation) for the entire incubation period of this disease.
  • Carrying out current and final disinfection. The patient's belongings are processed in a steam or steam-formalin chamber.
  • Carrying out disinfestation (fighting flies).

Rice. 17. Fighting flies is one of the components of the prevention of intestinal infections.

Preventive anti-epidemic measures for cholera

  • implementation in full of measures aimed at preventing the introduction of infection from abroad, regulated by special documents;
  • measures to prevent the spread of cholera from natural foci;
  • measures to prevent the spread of the disease from foci of infection;
  • organization of disinfection of water and public places.
  • timely detection of cases of local cholera and imported infections;
  • study of water from reservoirs in order to monitor circulation;
  • identification of the culture of cholera pathogens, determination of toxicogenicity and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Rice. 18. Actions of epidemiologists when taking water samples.

Medical, sanitary and anti-epidemic measures for plague

Epidemic surveillance for plague

Activities for epidemic surveillance of plague are aimed at preventing the introduction and spread of a particularly dangerous infection and include:

Rice. 19. In the photo there is a plague patient. The affected cervical lymph nodes (buboes) and multiple hemorrhages of the skin are visible.

Medical and sanitary measures for plague

  • Plague patients and patients suspected of having the disease are immediately transported to a specially organized hospital. Patients with the pneumonic form of plague are placed one at a time in separate rooms, and patients with the bubonic form of plague are placed several in one room.
  • After discharge, patients are subject to 3-month observation.
  • Contact persons are observed for 6 days. When in contact with patients with pneumonic plague, contact persons are given antibiotic prophylaxis.

Prevention of plague (vaccination)

  • Preventive immunization of the population is carried out when a massive spread of plague among animals is detected and a particularly dangerous infection is introduced by a sick person.
  • Routine vaccinations are carried out in regions where natural endemic foci of the disease are located. A dry vaccine is used, which is administered intradermally once. It is possible to re-administer the vaccine after a year. After vaccination with an anti-plague vaccine, immunity lasts for a year.
  • Vaccination can be universal or selective - only for the threatened population: livestock breeders, agronomists, hunters, food processors, geologists, etc.
  • Re-vaccinate after 6 months. persons at risk of re-infection: shepherds, hunters, workers Agriculture and employees of anti-plague institutions.
  • Maintenance personnel are given preventive antibacterial treatment.

Rice. 20. Vaccination with anti-plague vaccine can be universal or selective.

Anti-epidemic measures for plague

Identification of a plague patient is a signal for the immediate implementation of anti-epidemic measures, which include:

There are two types of deratization: preventive and exterminatory. General sanitary measures, as the basis for rodent control, should be carried out by the entire population.

Rice. 21. Plague deratization is carried out in open areas and indoors.

Epidemic threats and economic damage caused by rodents will be minimized if deratization is carried out in a timely manner.

Anti-plague suit

Work in a plague outbreak is carried out in an anti-plague suit. An anti-plague suit is a set of clothing that is used by medical personnel when working in possible infection especially dangerous infections - plague and smallpox. It protects the respiratory organs, skin and mucous membranes of personnel involved in medical and diagnostic processes. It is used by sanitary and veterinary services.

Rice. 22. The photo shows a team of doctors in anti-plague suits.

Preventing the introduction of plague from abroad

Prevention of the introduction of plague is based on constant surveillance of persons and cargo arriving from abroad.

Medical, sanitary and anti-epidemic measures for tularemia

Epidemic surveillance

Epidemic surveillance of tularemia is the continuous collection and analysis of information about episodes and vectors of the disease.

Prevention of tularemia

A live vaccine is used to prevent tularemia. It is intended to protect humans in areas of tularemia. The vaccine is administered once, starting at age 7.

Anti-epidemic measures for tularemia

Anti-epidemic measures for tularemia are aimed at implementing a set of measures, the purpose of which is the destruction of the pathogen (disinfection) and the destruction of carriers of the pathogen (deratization and disinfestation).

Preventive actions

Measures against tick bites boil down to the use of sealed clothing and repellents.

Anti-epidemic measures, carried out on time and in full, can lead to a rapid cessation of the spread of especially dangerous infections, localize and eliminate the epidemic focus in the shortest possible time. Prevention of especially dangerous infections - plague, cholera,

African swine fever is a highly contagious viral disease of pigs (both domestic and wild). It occurs in the form of an epizootopy. African plague is characterized by high mortality. For humans, this disease does not pose any danger, except for significant economic losses.

African plague is a rather “young” disease. It was first recorded in the 20th century, in South America.

African swine fever treatment price


Legal entities


Order processing

Every flash African plague leads to a 20% price increase in meat.

African plague is highly resistant to physical and chemical factors. As a result, the virus for a long time persists in the source of infection and meat products if disinfection is not carried out in time. The source of the pathogen is recovered or sick pigs. The main reservoir of the pathogen is wild pigs and ticks of the genus Ornithodorus. The period from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs ranges from 5 to 15 days.

Main clinical signs:

The question of the dangers of African plague to humans has not yet been fully studied!

African plague: disinfection

First, it is necessary to determine the epizootic focus, as well as the infected object and the first and second threatened zones. After this, quarantine is imposed and measures are taken to disinfect and disinfect the facility. The premises are disinfected 3 times with special chemical solutions, as well as disinfestation and deratization. When disinfecting, a solution of phospar/parasode, formalin or chlorine-containing preparations can be used. Quarantine is imposed for 1 month. Normal resumption of enterprise activity is possible 1 year after treatment.


Plagueacute conventional infectious disease, characterized by severe intoxication, high fever, damage to the lymphatic system, and a tendency to septicemia.

Etiology. The causative agent of the plague - Yersinia pestis, according to modern ideas, it is recognized as an independent species of the genus Yersinia. It has an ovoid shape, dimensions 1.0–2.0´0.3–0.7 microns. Characterized by polymorphism, gram-negative, does not form spores, forms a capsule, produces an exotoxin. According to the ability to ferment glycerol (G), rhamnose (P) and form nitrites (N) Y.pestis divided into options: rat (G-N+); marmot (G+N+); gopher (G+N-); field (G+N+R+); gerbil (G+H- – causes constant bacteremia in gerbils). The stability of the plague pathogen allows it to survive in sputum and blood for several months, in the corpses of rodents and people for several days, in the pus of a bubo for up to 20–30 days. Starving fleas can remain viable in the body for more than a year. The microbe cannot withstand the competition of other microorganisms, especially putrefactive ones. A temperature of 50°C causes the death of the plague bacillus within 30–40 minutes, 70°C – 10 minutes, 100°C – a few seconds. It is not resistant to the effects of disinfectants (5% phenol solution, 1–2% chloramine solution).

Source of infection. Plague is a natural focal infection confined to certain geographical areas, within which there are favorable conditions for the dispersal of the main carriers and vectors Y. pestis. Under natural conditions, carriers of the plague pathogen are warm-blooded animals belonging to more than 300 species. However, 5 species of rodents are of greatest epizootic and epidemic significance: marmots, ground squirrels, gerbils, voles and rats. In areas of natural foci, circulation is ensured among field rodents with the participation of specific blood-sucking carriers (fleas). Y. pestis. An increase in the number of animals and vectors in certain areas leads to the development of acute epizootics of plague. During an epizootic, one part of the rodent population dies, and the second recovers and acquires resistance to the plague pathogen. These circumstances lead to a decrease in the intensity of the epizootic process. In conditions of attenuation of epizootics, qualitative changes in the properties of the pathogen occur. The virulence of circulating strains decreases, atypical strains appear, and natural immunization of the host population increases. There comes an inter-epizootic period when the plague microbe is detected with difficulty or is not detected at all by modern methods. Gradually, the pressure of the plague pathogen on the host population weakens, as old individuals resistant to it die, and their place is taken by new generations of animals susceptible to plague. Sensitivity to plague is restored in the entire population. Epizootics among wild animals lead to the spread of the plague pathogen to synanthropic rodents and domestic animals (camels).

Incubation period ranges from several hours to 6 days, on average 1–2 days.

Mechanism of infection– transmission, contact, aerosol.

Pathways and factors of transmission. Under natural conditions, plague pathogens spread among rodents with the participation of fleas. Fleas become infected with the causative agent of plague when feeding on sick rodents, in whose blood there are Y. pestis. Virulent strains of the plague microbe enter the flea's proventriculus, where they multiply and form a block that impedes the further passage of food through the insect's gastrointestinal tract. Such fleas are starving and when they bite, the contents of the forestomach, consisting of plague bacteria, enters the wound, causing infection of other rodents (or humans). Most blocked fleas die within 2–7 days, but some individuals, when infected, survive up to 180–360 days and retain the plague pathogen in the gastrointestinal tract. A distinction is made between the transmission of infectious agents through fleas from rodents to humans and from person to person. In areas where there is an epizootic among rodents, humans are exposed to the threat of attack by infected fleas. This danger is small when the number of rodents is large, but as a result of a sharp decrease in the last flea in search of food, they attack a person who becomes an accidental host for them.

If a plague patient develops sepsis, accompanied by intense bacteremia, then, if human fleas in the home they become infected and after 6–10 days (the time required for the formation of a block) they become capable of infecting other people. In these cases, almost all family members become ill, and they predominantly develop bubonic-septic forms of plague.

Hunters can become infected with the plague through contact by tearing off the skins of rodents, foxes, and hares. In this case, the bubonic form of plague occurs more often. A special place is occupied by outbreaks of plague due to contact with a sick camel. As a rule, several people are involved in butchering a forcedly killed camel, and the meat is distributed among several families, in which the first sick people may appear. For the most part in persons who had contact with raw meat, the bubonic form of plague develops.

Despite the zoonotic nature of the plague, diseases associated with human-to-human aerosol transmission of the pathogen are possible. These diseases are observed when secondary plague pneumonia appears in patients, and then primary pneumonia. Such patients are extremely dangerous, since they secrete a huge number of pathogens and outbreaks develop like aerosol anthroponotic infections.

Cases of human infection through secretions of ulcerated buboes or skin ulcers in bubonic and cutaneous forms of plague are extremely rare. One should also keep in mind the possibility of the appearance of an intestinal form of plague and the danger of infection through the patient’s secretions.

Susceptibility and immunity. Human susceptibility to the plague pathogen is very high. In the past, entire settlements died out from the pneumonic plague. The disease leaves behind an immunity of low intensity and insufficient duration.

Manifestations of the epidemic process. Plague is a natural focal infection. A natural focus is an area enzootic for plague, which has geographic and environmental barriers for carriers, carriers and intraspecific categories of the plague pathogen. Within its limits, self-regulation of the epizootic process can be ensured in one or several populations of the main carrier.

Natural foci of plague have been identified on all continents except Australia and Antarctica. The most studied are: Trans-Baikal, Tuva, Gorno-Altai, Tien Shan and Pamir-Altai, Gissar-Darvaz, Central Asian lowland, Volga-Ural, Trans-Ural, North-Western Caspian, Central Caucasian, East Caucasian natural centers.

Every year, several hundred cases of human plague are recorded worldwide. Diseases are predominantly detected in Africa, South America and South-East Asia. In tropical countries in maintaining the plague important have synanthropic rats that form anthropurgic foci of this infection. In Central Asian countries, plague diseases associated with the cutting of sick camel carcasses are detected. In some countries, imported cases of plague have been reported due to persons arriving from endemic areas during the incubation period.

Risk factors. Being on the territory of a natural outbreak, lack of hygienic knowledge and skills.

Prevention. The system of preventive measures in natural plague foci provides for: 1) epidemiological reconnaissance and observation; 2) vaccination of the population according to indications; 3) rodent control; 4) control of fleas of wild and synanthropic rodents; 5) measures to prevent the introduction of plague from foreign countries; 6) sanitary educational work.

The main goal Epidemiological reconnaissance is a rapid assessment of the epidemic state in the outbreak based on an epizootic survey of an area enzootic for plague and medical observation of the population. This work is carried out by the system of anti-plague institutions. Searches for local and diffuse epizootics are being conducted, the density of rodents - the main carriers of plague, the number of carriers is being determined, bacteriological, biological and serological studies of field material are being carried out.

Vaccinations against plague are currently advisable to be carried out mainly in natural foci among people at risk of infection (shepherds, shepherds, geologists). Mass vaccination is carried out only when indicated in the event of acute epizootics in the surrounding area settlements and the threat of the emergence of secondary foci of plague among synanthropic rodents. The use of vaccination to protect against sporadic plague diseases in natural foci is ineffective as a preventive measure and is currently not recommended.

One of the most powerful means of preventing plague in natural foci is the fight against wild rodents—carriers of the causative agent of the disease. Currently, this measure reliably and quickly suppresses epizootics and reduces the risk of human infection.

Flea control is a highly effective preventive measure. Field disinsection in natural plague foci located in the temperate climate zone, based on the principle deep processing bur with insecticides, leads to a sharp reduction in the number of fleas and suppression of acute epizootics of plague. Despite the labor intensity, this way of combating the plague is considered quite promising.

Measures to protect the territory and prevent the introduction of plague from natural foci and countries where plague is endemic are carried out by a network of quarantine institutions, departments of especially dangerous infections, treatment and prophylactic and outpatient clinics. The basis of these activities are: 1) development and approval of plans to prevent the introduction and spread of plague in a certain territory; 2) preparation medical personnel by section of clinic, treatment, laboratory diagnostics plague and ensuring its readiness to carry out preventive and anti-epidemic measures; 3) rational distribution of functions among medical institutions; 4) monitoring the epidemic situation in the world and determining the potential danger of introducing plague into the country; 5) control at sanitary control points over the timely identification of patients with suspected plague among passengers arriving in the country; 6) isolation for 6 days of persons suspected of being infected with plague; 7) creation of stocks of diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic agents.

Health education is an important part of any plague control program.

Anti-epidemic measures– table 33.

Table 33

Anti-epidemic measures in plague foci

G.R.Yusupova Ph.D., Head of NIS KGAVM named after. N.E. Bauman.

It has been established that the indirect hemagputination reaction using an antibody erythrocyte diagnosticum allows one to determine the virusicidal effect chemical substances from various classes

Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious infectious disease characterized by fever; damage to the circulatory and hematopoietic systems, lobar pneumonia and lobar-diphtheritic inflammation of the large intestine,

Currently, CSF occurs everywhere, with the exception of the USA, Canada, Australia, Iceland, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden. As a result of planned anti-epizootic measures, in particular, the widespread use of live vaccines, the scale of its distribution in Russia has sharply decreased, so , according to V.A. Apalkina (2005) in the Russian Federation, CES was registered in 2004, in one point, and in 2005. - in six, where 1213 pigs fell ill and were destroyed. Despite limited epizootic outbreaks, to prevent the disease, the state spends enormous sums on vaccination of pigs.

In this regard, along with the development of new effective vaccines and diagnostic tools, the search for new, environmentally friendly disinfectants remains relevant.

Issues of CSF virus resistance in external environment A small number of works have been devoted to it, showing that its stability depends on the nature of the material that contains the virus (pieces of organ tissue, blood, urine, etc.). temperature, drying humidity, rotting processes According to P.I. Pritulina, A.I. Karelin (1969) the CSF virus is very resistant to external factors environment, especially low temperatures In a frozen state, it persists for many months and even years (XT Gizatullin et al., 1973; GR Yusupova, 1990). The virus is insensitive to drying and retains virulence for 3 to 6 years (G.R. Yusupova, 1990).

Currently, a 1.0-2.5% sodium hydroxide solution is widely used for disinfection during CSF, which inactivates the virus in 60 minutes. N.A. Lagutkin (1983) found that the chemotherapy drug A-24 at a concentration of 500 μg/ml completely inactivates 9.0 log KKI-D50/ml of the vaccine strain "LKVNIIVViM" of the CSF virus, which allows one to obtain laboratory samples of a concentrated culture-inactivated vaccine against CSF .

In veterinary practice they also use a 3% solution of cresol, a 5% solution of phenol, a 2.5% solution of formaldehyde, bleach at a dilution of 1:5 and 1:20 (P.I. Pritulin et al., 1969) However, as rightly noted by A.Z. Ravilov et al. (1974), B.C. Ugryumov (1980) the problem of finding new effective drugs remains relevant for veterinary disinfection. However, work related to finding new disinfectants for classical plague pigs are rare (V.Kh. Pavlov, 1989).

The purpose of our research was to find new disinfectants that most completely disinfect the CSF virus in the external environment.

Materials and methods. When studying putative disinfectants of test subjects chemical compounds applied " Guidelines on the primary selection of disinfectants for especially dangerous infections based on changes in the antigenic activity of pathogens, detected using serological reactions" (UTA of the State Inspectorate of the State Inspectorate for Food and Procurement of the USSR on June 5, 1990) RIGA was set up in accordance with the instructions developed by R.Kh., Yusupov and G.X. Ilyasova (1989),

Research results. 50 drugs related to the CSF virus were subjected to primary testing to study the inactivating effect against the CSF virus. various classes chemical compounds, these included both synthesized drugs and waste from the chemical and petrochemical industries (Table)

From the data presented in the table it is clear that most of the studied drugs have an inactivating effect on the CSF virus. Thus, among the studied drugs, synthesized drugs obtained from the Institute of Organic and Natural Resources had inactivating properties against the swine fever virus. physical chemistry them. A E Arbuzova (No. 290, 319, 321, 46, 291, 418, 461, 411, 412, F-761,

List of chemicals used for the initial test of their inactivating effect on the CSF virus

Name of chemical groups


Name or codes





Chemical waste

sodium formate


sample No. 1,2


sulfate-formate solution (SFR)


sample No. 1 and No. 2 (alkaline waters)

samples No. 1,5,6

samples No. 2,4

sewage water drainage

Televin sorbent

(sample no. 1,2,3)




technical calcium hypochlorite

DP -1

DP -2


F -810, F -771,


F-bbb. F-bbb. F - Wb?,


290.319, 320, 321, F -761

HG -40, HG -22,

46.291.82 a,




Bik -2, Bik -1

copolymer -4-methyl - pentene with

sodium methacrylate







various groups

dezoxon -2

sodium hydroxide




Has an inactivating effect on the CSF virus; - - does not have an inactivating effect on the CSF virus.

515, 516, 517, 369, 82a) and a number of other drugs obtained from VNIIVSGiE (chlornonizide, DP-2, dezoxon-2, glutaraldehyde, sulfochloranthine, technical calcium hypochlorite), as well as waste from the chemical and petrochemical industries (No. 756, TRFN, phenosmolin, sulfate-phosphate solution, alkaline waters, samples No. 1: 2, 4, evaporated liquor, technical calcium hypochlorite),

However, given the acute shortage of disinfectants for CSF, and the production of synthesized drugs is under development, three drugs were subjected to detailed study - phenosmolin, sulfate-formate solution (SFR) and sodium saltichloroiocyanuric acid (DP-2), which are publicly available, but their inactivating activity against CSF virus has not been studied.

In order to determine the reliability of the primary selection method by the degree of reduction or absence of antigenic activity, initial experiments were carried out using a disinfectant generally accepted for CSF - caustic soda.

Studies have shown that under the influence of caustic soda solutions there is a decrease in the antigenic activity of the virus, detected in RIGA using the antibody erythrocyte diagnosticum. At the same time, a decrease in hemagglutinating activity was noted under the influence of a 0.1-0.5% alkali solution, and at 3% - At 5% and 5% concentrations, the reaction was negative, that is, complete destruction of antigenicity occurred. In the corresponding controls, the reaction was positive - hemagglutinating activity was 1:8 -1:16. The results obtained made it possible to continue developing the RIGA to study the inactivating properties of chemical substances during CSF

As a result of research, it was established that phenosmolin destroys hemagglutinating activity at a 0.5% concentration; a decrease in antigenicity was noted even with the use of 0.1%. The sulfate-formate solution is more active against the classical swine fever virus - destruction of hemagglutinating activity is observed in 0.25%; while the activity of the virus sharply decreases when using already 0.05%, DP-2 in its effect on the antigenicity of the virus was similar to caustic soda. When using a virus vaccine as a viral material, no significant changes were established in the inactivation process (destruction of hemagglutinating activity), namely, the concentrations affecting hemagglutinating activity remained at the same level, and the most significant effect was exerted by the sulfate-formite solution .

Thus, the conducted studies have convincingly shown that the indirect hemagglutination reaction (IHA) using an antibody erythrocyte diagnosticum makes it possible to determine the virusicidal effect of the studied chemical substances from various classes. It should be noted that during the initial selection (screening) a virus vaccine against CSF can be used as viral material,


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magazine "Veterinary Doctor" No. 2 2007