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How to clean old linoleum. My linoleum looks like new... how to clean dirt from linoleum? How to clean linoleum after renovation

Linoleum in the kitchen is exposed to great dangers: ingrained dirt, stains from food and drinks, greasy marks and stains are not easy to remove, but for a good housewife there are no hopeless situations.

Safety precautions when cleaning linoleum

How to clean linoleum in the kitchen without harming it? The most important rule is that stains must be eliminated immediately, before the contamination is deeply ingrained. At the same time, very hot water is contraindicated for linoleum - it is best to immediately wash the floor with warm water and laundry soap.

You should not experiment by combining several cleaning products, which may react destructively to the floor covering.

Important! Abrasive products can scratch the top layer and ruin it. appearance. If you still decide to clean linoleum with a dangerous compound, try it on small area, for example, behind a door or under a cabinet.

How to clean linoleum from various kinds of stains?

  • Very dirty linoleum washable warm soapy water with the addition of 2 large spoons of ammonia per bucket of water.
  • Shoe polish or wax stains can be removed from linoleum without a trace if you first scrape off the frozen mass and then wipe the stained area with a cloth soaked in gasoline or kerosene. These products also work great on coffee or iodine stains. Do not forget to rinse the treatment area thoroughly with water at the end of the process.
  • Ink stains can be removed with a hard sponge soaked in linseed oil. In the absence of linen, you can rub the stain with any other vegetable oil.
  • WITH rust stains Bleach works well if you mix it with water in proportions of 1 to 10. For the best result, you can additionally treat the stain with concentrated lemon juice.
  • Fresh grease stains can be easily removed with a dry soft cloth: it absorbs most of the fat, and the remaining residue is eliminated by washing with a soapy solution. How to clean grease from linoleum in the kitchen if the dirt is already firmly ingrained into the material? First, use dishwashing detergent. This will probably be enough, but, as a last resort, you can clean the linoleum in the kitchen from grease using turpentine, rinsing the floor well after it.
  • Green stains are removed very poorly, the success of this event is directly proportional to the freshness of the stain. In the fight against this solution, products such as nail polish remover, ammonia solution and hydrogen peroxide have proven themselves.

By the way, we wrote in more detail about how to remove brilliant green stains from linoleum earlier.

  • Light linoleum requires more careful care, because the smallest dirt on it is clearly visible. You can wash such a coating with a soap solution with the addition of vodka or alcohol. Pour 200 g of vodka or a few tablespoons of alcohol into a liter of water, as well as a spoon of any liquid detergent.
  • Dark coal or graphite stains You can remove it from light linoleum using chalk, rubbing it and slightly moistening it. The resulting slurry should be applied to the stain, left for 1 hour, then rinsed clean water and let dry well.

Types of professional linoleum cleaning products

If contaminants cannot be removed using improvised means, there is only one way left - to the store, for special weapons.

The choice of such tools is quite wide, but they all have one drawback: they must be applied in strict accordance with the instructions, otherwise, at best, no effect will follow, and at worst, you will encounter a change in the color or structure of the top layer of linoleum.

All linoleum care products are divided into:

1. Products for daily cleaning of linoleum

They successfully remove fresh dirt and do not contain aggressive compounds. As a rule, these gels and liquids smell pleasant and do not require special precautions.

Numerous brands offer similar products, which vary in volume and price, but do the job equally well.

The table shows the most popular of them.

Name Volume Approximate cost
Universal remedy Mr. Muscle 750 ml 140 rub.
Cleaning liquid Mr. Proper 500 ml 140 rub.
Glorix floor cleaner 1000 ml 160 rub.
Concentrated floor cleaner Kiehl Econa-Konzentrat balance 900 ml 600 rub.
Floor cleaner Eurocol Forbo 700 ml 550 rub.
Amway L.O.C Multi-Purpose Cleaner 1000 ml 450 rub.
Concentrated floor care product Wonder Worker 1000 ml 350 rub.

2. Stippers

Stippers are means for deep cleaning of linoleum. They are used for periodic, spring cleaning gender or .

The composition of these substances is dominated by aggressive alkali, which dissolves almost any stains and even small scratches on top layer linoleum. Unfortunately, the surface of the material also gradually becomes thinner.

This treatment requires special equipment, and after it you need to restore the linoleum surface using a special protective agent.

Stippers mainly use clearing companies in their work.

3. Products that create the effect of a protective film

Means that create the effect protective film on a surface.
These include, for example, wax polish for linoleum ACL-4000, as well as other emulsions, mastics, varnishes and polishes. After using such products, the kitchen floor acquires a radiant and deep shine.

Thus, there are many ways to clean the linoleum in the kitchen and return it to its original, brilliant appearance.
And yet, it is better to eliminate stains and dirt in a timely manner, so as not to resort to radical methods and not waste your time searching for effective remedies.

Linoleum like flooring quite popular at the moment. And this is understandable, since it looks good, does not require maintenance, and its cost is suitable for the smallest budget. But even this type of floor suffers greatly in the process of renovating an apartment.

Of course, we are not talking about damage to the floor covering, but it is worth talking about stains and dirt on the linoleum.

Many people ask how and what they can use to clean linoleum after repairs. In fact, there are many options. It is them that we will talk about now.

Chemical cleaning of linoleum

Method chemical cleaning old or new linoleum from dirt means cleaning with household chemicals, that is, detergents. This can be used not only exclusively after apartment renovation, but also in kitchen work.

At constant process During cooking, it is necessary to clean up quite often, as grease settles on the surface of the linoleum.

It is dangerous to use some substances of chemical origin to clean linoleum-covered floors.

There are quite a lot of them and these include kerosene, gasoline, ammonia, soda. These substances spoil linoleum; they are allowed to be used only in rare cases and in small places to remove complex stains.

They are most often used for cleaning rough linoleum from ingrained dirt. They remove dirt and immediately wash off all residues with clean water.

Not many people know how to effectively and safely clean linoleum using chemicals. It's quite simple using drying oil.

For a good effect, drying oil is applied to a silk cloth and the linoleum is wiped with it once every three months. The result is obvious - dirt does not stick to the coating and does not eat into it.

Another way is to choose a floor cleaner, of which there are many types in stores. The most important thing is to carefully read the instructions for use.

On any product it is written what types of coating it can be applied to. There are the same substances that can be used to wash white linoleum.

Cleaning with improvised means

There are as many folk recipes for cleaning linoleum as there are chemical ones. Many are experimenting and thereby identifying more and more new options. The most popular is a soap solution, which does not harm linoleum in any way, while cleaning it with a plus rating.

To create such a solution, just take warm water and bath soap. The soap is grated directly into the water and dissolves until it disappears completely. The floor is already washed with this solution and rinsed with clean water, after which it is wiped dry.

An overly dirty linoleum surface can be washed with a similar solution. In order to remove stubborn dirt better, add a little ordinary vodka to the soap solution. Next, the process is the same as in the first option.

Another vodka-based product contains dishwashing gel. It is diluted in a liter of water, a very small amount is enough, then a glass of vodka is added to it. This way the floor will not only be clean, but also shiny.

You can use flax seed oil to polish your floor. Rub the linseed oil with a microfiber cloth until the oil is no longer noticeable. After this, dust and dirt will not settle on the floor.

How to remove glue from linoleum

Very often, after repairs, contaminants remain on the linoleum that need to be washed off. But how to remove this type Few people know dirt from linoleum. Many consider glue stains and tape stuck to linoleum to be the most unpleasant.

We hasten to reassure you, these contaminants do not pose any danger and are very easily cleaned with available means. Glue, for example, can be easily removed with soapy water.

Gasoline can also be used, but its use requires thorough rinsing with warm water. As soon as the glue is cleaned, immediately wash off the gasoline, otherwise the linoleum will be damaged.

To the question of how to wash tape from linoleum, the answer is just as simple. Can be applied essential oils or White spirit. These products also require caution in use and rinsing off immediately after removing problems.

Of course, getting rid of dirt after repair is not difficult. But it is best to take care in advance to protect the floor from various substances. If trouble does occur, you can easily find cleaning products.

How to clean linoleum in the kitchen after renovation or if stains of iodine or brilliant green appear on it? The most accessible and proven means come to the rescue.

Has time or someone's careless actions led to the appearance of difficult-to-remove stains on the linoleum? The question arose: “How to clean linoleum in the kitchen?” Read our tips and tricks.

Ingrained dirt

No matter how hard we try, slowly but surely the dirt will eat into the surface of the linoleum and change its appearance. For this type of pollution there are special household chemicals and there are options for home remedies that come from folk practice. Professionally, you can apply personalized products to linoleum that are created only for it and nothing else. You can also use universal compounds suitable for all types of floors.

Of the folk inventions based on household chemicals, the simplest and most popular is made from laundry soap. 100 grams of shavings of this soap per 10 liters of water will wash away various types of dirt. You will only need to apply force to the rag or sponge in particularly dirty areas.

Natural construction drying oil can cope with almost any dirt and stains. Pour a little onto a dry cloth and rub the floor. After 10 minutes, wipe with another dry cloth.

Old folk remedies suggest using juice sauerkraut. The juice contains acid formed during the fermentation of cabbage, which brings cleanliness. And, as reviews from housewives show, it copes with dirt very well. To do this, wet the stain and wipe it off immediately.

One of the remedies for stubborn stains is a melamine sponge. Wet the stain with water and scrub it vigorously with a sponge. Afterwards, wipe the floor well to remove sponge particles. When cleaning, protect your hands with rubber gloves.

Gasoline, kerosene and turpentine can do a lot, including dealing with old stains. Take a dry cloth, moisten it with one of the solvents and slowly wipe the dirty area. The agents are aggressive, so safety precautions require in this case to protect your hands with rubber gloves. Next steps: wash the surface with soapy water, then with plain water.

“Careful, but possible” - we are talking about using bleach. Be careful, because the chlorine contained in the product affects the pattern of linoleum. The colors begin to lose their brightness until they disappear completely. There is only one way out - prepare a very weak solution of one part bleach and 10 parts water. Wipe the dirty areas with a sponge soaked in this solution and, as in all cases, finish by washing the floor with clean water.

Since potatoes contain starch, you can use either potato peelings, or half a potato. Rub them onto the contaminated area and leave on it for another 20 minutes.

Another, no less serious remedy is a mixture of soda and vinegar. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain and add a little vinegar on top. If it doesn’t wash off, repeat the procedure or leave the mixture overnight and remove everything in the morning.

Green spots

If the stain is very fresh, a soapy solution made with soap or washing powder. Wet the stain and gently wipe it with a cloth or sponge.

If it doesn’t help, or the stain is not that fresh, then use alcohol-containing products. It could be alcohol different types: ammonia, medicinal, camphor. Or, as a last resort, the liquid that women use to remove nail polish will do.

Very old stain can be destroyed with a mixture of potassium permanganate and vinegar in a ratio of approximately 1 to 5. Apply the resulting solution to the stain, but do not rush to wash it off. Do this only when the greenery changes its color first to pink and then to brown. Finally, pour hydrogen peroxide onto the stain; this will completely discolor the brilliant green stain.

And another way for an old stain of brilliant green is to remove it with soda. Dip a damp cloth in baking soda and place on the stain for a few minutes. If a few minutes is not enough, increase to half an hour.

Wax drops

The wax is first scraped off with a blunt but hard object, and the remaining stain is treated with gasoline. The procedure is completed by wiping with a soapy solution to remove gasoline residues.

Rubber shoe marks

If you clean them right away, it will be a very easy process. The older the trace, the more difficult it will be to deal with. And the remedy is an ordinary school eraser. It can erase not only a pencil, but also a trace of rubber on linoleum.

Ink stain

Ink stains are one of the most difficult spots, but they also have control. The first method is to pour salt and vinegar on top and give the ink a little time to dissolve.

The second method is based on chemical reaction between gray and ink. Where is the sulfur? In ordinary matches. Wet the match head with water and begin to rub the ink mark with it. It removes stains very well, but for a large stain you will need a whole box and a lot of patience.

Washing linoleum after repair

During repairs, it is better to cover the entire surface of the floor with film or, for example, extreme case, sheets of newspaper or other paper. If this did not happen and for some reason the repair was carried out on the open surface of the linoleum, then the following steps must be taken.

First, and this is understandable, all debris must be removed from the linoleum. Secondly, remove all drops of putty with a blunt object, the same spatula. If there are pieces of dried polyurethane foam, then they must first be cut off sharp knife, and then put a very wet cloth on them for 1 hour. The swollen foam can be easily removed with any non-sharp object. Remaining foam that does not want to leave the linoleum can be removed with a solution specially designed for this. It can be bought at construction stores.

If it turns out to be on the linoleum Oil paint, the trinity of solvents already familiar to you will help eliminate it: gasoline, kerosene and turpentine. Handle them carefully; they can discolor the coating pattern.

Traces of water-based paint can be easily removed with a wet cloth. Water will also cope with traces of whitewash, and in this case you will need a lot of it, since lime is usually washed away with white stains and does not want to leave the floor. Therefore, change the water and rinse the mop frequently. For a better cleansing effect, you can add a little potassium permanganate or vinegar to the water, and things will go faster.

Protecting and updating linoleum

If you have just bought linoleum, you can immediately increase its wear resistance and preserve its original appearance for a long time by applying colorless mastic. Any universal floor mastic is suitable for this. It usually contains wax and is suitable for all types of floor coverings. Mastic will significantly extend the life of your linoleum.

Mastic is applied thin layer on a clean and dry floor with a soft, dry cloth. Once the process is complete, wait 10-20 minutes and polish the floor. Excellent shine and protection are guaranteed. For 1 sq. meter of linoleum will require only 10 grams of mastic, and the effect will last a whole year. At the same time, you can wash the floor at least daily.

Linoleum care

To avoid having to wash linoleum with special products, you need to wash it regularly and follow a few simple rules:

  1. Before washing, do not forget to remove debris from the floor with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Linoleum is not very resistant to abrasives and over time, any small debris that gets in during washing or abrasive cleaning products will ruin its coating.
  2. Do not use for washing hot water, this will lead to delamination of the linoleum surface.
  3. When washing, wring out the cloth a little so that there is no excessive flow of water. Once it gets into small joints, it will gradually begin to spoil both the coating and the adhesive base on which the linoleum rests.
  4. If the floor is very dirty, add detergent, and then be sure to rinse again with clean water.
  1. Wash the floor regularly, wipe it daily if possible, and treat any stains that appear immediately. This rule will protect the floor surface from the consequences - difficult or no longer amenable to removal contamination.

Linoleum is one of the affordable and practical floor coverings. It is used in residential and non-residential premises- from the kitchen to the nursery. In general, caring for the material is not difficult, but washing linoleum after repair work or from stains of various origins it is more difficult. The choice of means and methods must be approached responsibly, since some of them can severely damage the coating.

Sometimes there is no need to change the floor covering, but housewives may find it difficult to remove traces of repairs. To simplify the task, before starting work, the floor can be covered with film and secured with tape to the baseboard. They need to be removed only after all dusty work has been completed, otherwise the glue will stick a large number of dirt that will be difficult to remove.

From cement, whitewash and putty

After repairs, white marks often remain on the floor. building materials. You can solve the problem as follows:

  1. First, sweep the floor to remove any abrasive particles that could damage the finish.
  2. Carefully scrape off the frozen putty with a spatula.
  3. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt and a little grated laundry soap to warm water. Wash the linoleum with the prepared solution.
  4. Change the water and add a little potassium permanganate to it to get a light pink solution. Wipe again.
  5. Wipe the flooring dry.
  6. To make linoleum shine, rub it with a woolen cloth dipped in linseed oil or drying oil.

It is better to wipe the primer immediately with a damp cloth, otherwise you may need to use special products. For example, you can remove traces of primer with a solvent, but first check its safety on the remaining material or in an invisible place.

From paint

You can remove paint from linoleum if it is not ingrained with vegetable oil. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Add a few drops of vegetable oil to the paint.
  2. Wait a couple of minutes for it to soften.
  3. Then wipe with a cloth or the hard part of a washcloth.
  4. Wash the floor with warm soapy water.

Dried paint is more difficult to remove. White spirit can cope with it, but it must be used carefully, as it can damage the coating. Soak a cotton pad in the solvent and wipe the stain. When finished, oil the floor.

From polyurethane foam

Due to its excellent adhesion to any surface, polyurethane foam is difficult to remove. It is advisable to remove traces immediately, before the material has time to harden. If the moment is missed, carefully cut with a sharp knife top part material. Then use special remedy for removing polyurethane foam. You can find it in a hardware store or market. Use the product strictly according to the instructions, do not increase the holding time.

Note! Do not scrape off foam with hard brushes or sharp objects. It is not recommended to use acetone or other aggressive substances for removal.

How to clean dirty linoleum?

To make dirty linoleum shine clean again, you can wash it with special detergents. If you are not a supporter of chemicals, add soap shavings to warm water when washing floors, but it is better not to use powder. Its abrasive particles may leave scratches. In the kitchen greasy spots washed with dishwashing detergent. First, wipe the stains with a damp cloth, then add a drop of detergent and wash with a cloth again. Folk remedies will also help restore the attractiveness of the floor covering.

Interesting video about removing stains at home:


Use alcohol like this:

  1. Dissolve a few drops of dishwashing detergent in a liter of warm water. You can replace it with shavings of laundry soap.
  2. Add a glass of vodka.
  3. Soak a soft cloth in the prepared solution and wipe the linoleum with it, paying attention to dirty places.
  4. Afterwards, wash the floor with clean water.

Using this method, the linoleum in the kitchen is well washed from traces of grease. Vodka washes away dirt well even from surfaces with relief.


You can get rid of stubborn dirt weak solution kerosene. Add just a couple of spoons of this substance to a bucket of water. Rinse the floor covering with the prepared solution. Eliminate bad smell You can use clean water to which you should add a little vinegar.

To restore the attractiveness of old linoleum, it can be washed with a solution of milk and water (1:1 proportions) or cleaned with special mastics that are sold in stores.

Note! When cleaning, do not use abrasives. Avoid using bleach, turpentine, solvents and other aggressive substances unless absolutely necessary.

How to remove stains?

Stains of various origins may appear on linoleum. To combat them, choose a suitable folk remedy.

Deep cleaning - video:

Shoe marks

U front door Black streaks from shoes often appear. You can remove them with a regular office eraser. You just have to rub it problem area with an elastic band.

Pen ink

The paste from the pen should be rubbed gently with fine-grained paper. The main thing is not to overdo it so that there are no traces of scratches. Then rub the area linseed oil. Using the same principle, you can scrub the handle with a pumice stone.


You can remove a rust stain with lemon juice. The best alternative is bleach. It is allowed to use a very weak solution (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Felt pen or marker

If children live in the house, marker marks on the floor are not uncommon. On light-colored surfaces they are especially noticeable. To remove them, soak a small piece of cloth or cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide and rub it over the problem area. This method can even remove permanent markers.

Vodka is also used to remove felt-tip pens. Dilute it in warm water with a small amount of detergent added.

Paint for shoes

Fresh traces of shoe paint can be easily removed with a solution of detergent or soap. If the substance has become embedded in the coating, wipe the stain with hydrogen peroxide. Instead of an antiseptic, use gasoline or kerosene, but with caution. First, check their interaction with linoleum in an invisible place.

Printer ink

If ink from a cartridge spills on the floor, carefully wipe it with solvent, and then immediately rinse with warm soapy water. To restore shine, rub the floor with oil.

Zelenka and iodine

If iodine or brilliant green gets on the floor covering, you can solve the problem in several ways:

  1. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. Place it on the stain and leave it for a while. Carefully remove the baking soda and rinse with clean water.
  2. Dilute potassium permanganate in acetic acid. You should get a bright pink solution. Soak a rag in it and apply it to the stain. Leave for a few minutes. Remove any residue with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Saturate a rag with nail polish remover. Place it on the spilled iodine or brilliant green and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the cloth and wash the floor.

7 ways to remove brilliant green stains - video:

Note! To remove pink spots from Fukortsin, just sprinkle them with tooth powder. It can also be used to remove green paint stains.

Try to remove any stains that appear immediately. Substances that have penetrated into the material are more difficult to remove. Choose the most safe methods removing stains and dirt so that linoleum serves you for a long time and does not lose its attractive appearance.

Linoleum is a practical, inexpensive and reliable floor covering that will last long years, if used correctly. It is universal, easy to install and has original design. These properties allow it to be used in official premises, in country houses, apartments. Cleaning linoleum is not difficult if you clean it in a timely manner.

To prevent contamination, it is necessary to systematically clean the floor covering. Before wet cleaning linoleum is swept or vacuumed. Then wash the floors with warm water and a soap solution, to prepare which you should grate 100 g of laundry soap on a coarse grater and add it to a bucket of water. The rag needs to be twisted well to prevent streaks from appearing - linoleum does not like moisture.

Household stains

  • To remove dirt, it is enough to regularly wash the floor with soapy water. To make the floor less dirty, place a rug in the hallway;
  • ingrained traces of rust will go away if you treat the surface with kerosene;
  • food stains can be quickly washed off by adding 200 g of vodka (or alcohol) to the soap solution;
  • greasy stains in the kitchen are removed with drying oil and washed off detergent. Afterwards the floor is wiped with a woolen cloth. Old yellow traces of grease will be removed by turpentine (apply locally, to dirt).

From various substances

  1. Camphor alcohol will help remove traces of iodine from linoleum. lemon juice or ammonia. The substances are diluted with water and applied to the stain. After cleaning, the dirt is treated with linseed oil.
  2. Rub the ink with sandpaper. Be careful not to use excessive force as this may damage the coating.
  3. Shoe paint can be removed with hydrogen peroxide, gasoline, vinegar, and lemon juice.
  4. The toner cartridge is removed from the printer using gasoline. The substance is applied to the mark for 5 minutes, then cleaned with a soap solution.
  5. A paste of baking soda will help get rid of hair dye stains.
  6. Markers and marker marks can be removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  7. To remove brilliant green, mix potassium permanganate and acetic acid(1:5), treat the stain. The contamination should change color from green to pink to brown. After this, apply hydrogen peroxide and rinse with soapy water.

Traces of repair

To prevent stains from building materials during repairs, it is better to cover the floor, walls and furniture with oilcloth.

  • the putty is removed mechanically(scrub with a wooden spatula), then thoroughly wash the floors with soapy water. The contaminated surface is rinsed with water with the addition of potassium permanganate;
  • concrete stains, plaster, whitewash, lime are first treated with a soap solution with table salt (4 tablespoons per bucket of water), then with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If these methods do not help, apply kerosene to the stain;
  • stains on linoleum from varnishes and paints are removed depending on the composition of the chemical substance that damaged the surface. Fresh acrylic or water-based paint just scrape it off carefully with a sharp object. Dried paint and varnish substances are removed with nail polish remover or acetone; fresh stains can be easily removed with sunflower oil;
  • stain (wood treatment liquid) is removed with hydrogen peroxide;
  • The mounting foam and primer are removed with a solvent intended for these purposes. Need to work cotton swab to avoid contact of caustic substances with the clean surface.

The floor covering cannot be cleaned with concentrated alkalis, ammonia, or abrasive substances.

How to restore shine to linoleum

  1. Effective home remedy- vinegar. When cleaning, add 2 tbsp to a bucket of water. substances.
  2. Use the solution: mix milk with water in a 1:1 ratio. Then apply mastic. This event It is recommended to carry out at least once a year.
  3. Treat your flooring with linseed oil and it will shine again.

Review of cleaning products for cleaning linoleum

New linoleum often has an unpleasant odor. The smell of burnt candles will help get rid of the aroma of rubber and plastic. You can light candles around the entire perimeter of the coating, or you can place them on the cuts.

To remove old or new stains from linoleum, you need to establish the nature of the contamination.

Traditional methods

Components Application of the traditional method What contaminants are removed?
Eraser Mechanical method (rub the surface) Traces of rubber shoes.
Alcohol Add to the soap solution (2 tbsp). Fat.
Salt, vinegar Sprinkle the stain with coarse table salt, add a few drops of vinegar (depending on the degree of contamination). Traces of a fountain pen, felt-tip pen, marker.
Vinegar Add to the cleaning solution (2 tbsp). Black shoe stains, traces of grease, adds shine to the coating.
Gasoline, kerosene Apply to dirt. Traces of adhesive tape, adhesive tape, black shoe marks, toner, oil stains.
Starch Pour onto a damp cloth and cover the mark. Iodine.
Potato peelings Treat contamination. Iodine.
Lemon juice Treat plaque. Iodine, shoe dye.
Camphor alcohol Add a few drops to the detergent. Iodine.
Ammonia Add a few drops of alcohol to a bucket of soapy water. Iodine, biological contaminants (blood, cat urine).
Hydrogen peroxide Apply to stain. Traces of a pen, felt-tip pen, marker.

Gasoline, kerosene, and ammonia are used with caution and applied to the contaminated area. Because of regular use abrasive products often damage the floor covering.

Specialty chemistry

Hardware stores sell powders, pastes, sprays, and liquid cleaners that can easily remove stains. Before using aggressive chemical substances, test them on an inconspicuous area of ​​linoleum.

  1. Immediately after installation, treat the coating with polish; this measure helps to create an additional protective layer;
  2. Wash old linoleum Tile cleaning liquid will help remove stubborn dirt;
  3. Oxygen or optical brighteners do not spoil the texture of the floor covering, unlike chlorine-containing ones.
Name Peculiarities
White Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. Dampen a napkin and treat problem areas.
Mellerud German linoleum care product. Dosage: 100 grams of substance per bucket of water.
Wa-Lin Prepare a solution at the rate of 10 ml per 1 liter of water. The product is concentrated, use gloves.
HG Add 100 ml of product to a bucket of warm water.
Mister proper For 1 bucket of water – 100 ml of product. In addition to removing stains, it eliminates unpleasant odors. Thanks to natural composition Suitable for cleaning children's rooms.
Vanish Universal stain remover. The product is applied directly to the site of contamination.

When buying linoleum important factor is thickness, thin flooring wears out faster. Linoleum is used in dry heated rooms; direct impacts have a detrimental effect on the surface. Sun rays. Take care of the coating, clean it in a timely manner, get rid of fresh stains, linoleum will last a long time.