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How to wash dirty linoleum. How to wash linoleum: how to wash linoleum from dirt, stains and after repairs. Pen ink

Linoleum in the kitchen is exposed to great dangers: ingrained dirt, stains from food and drinks, greasy marks and stains are not easy to remove, but for a good housewife there are no hopeless situations.

Safety precautions when cleaning linoleum

How to clean linoleum in the kitchen without harming it? The most important rule is that stains must be eliminated immediately, before the contamination is deeply ingrained. At the same time, very hot water is contraindicated for linoleum - it is best to immediately wash the floor with warm water and laundry soap.

You should not experiment by combining several cleaning products, which may react destructively to the floor covering.

Important! Abrasive products may scratch upper layer, which will spoil its appearance. If you still decide to clean linoleum with a dangerous compound, test it in a small area, for example, behind a door or under a cabinet.

How to clean linoleum from various kinds of stains?

  • Very dirty linoleum washable warm soapy water with the addition of 2 large spoons of ammonia per bucket of water.
  • Shoe polish or wax stains can be removed from linoleum without a trace if you first scrape off the frozen mass and then wipe the stained area with a cloth soaked in gasoline or kerosene. These products also work great on coffee or iodine stains. Do not forget to rinse the treatment area thoroughly with water at the end of the process.
  • Ink stains can be removed with a hard sponge soaked in linseed oil. In the absence of linen, you can rub the stain with any other vegetable oil.
  • WITH rust stains Bleach works well if you mix it with water in proportions of 1 to 10. For the best result, you can additionally treat the stain with concentrated lemon juice.
  • Fresh grease stains can be easily removed with a dry soft cloth: it absorbs most of the fat, and the remaining residue is eliminated by washing with a soapy solution. How to clean grease from linoleum in the kitchen if the dirt is already firmly ingrained into the material? To get started, get help detergent for dishes. This will probably be enough, but as a last resort, you can clean the linoleum in the kitchen from grease using turpentine, rinsing the floor well after it.
  • Green stains are removed very poorly, the success of this event is directly proportional to the freshness of the stain. In the fight against this solution, products such as nail polish remover, ammonia solution and hydrogen peroxide have proven themselves.

By the way, we wrote in more detail about how to remove brilliant green stains from linoleum earlier.

  • Light linoleum requires more careful care, because the smallest dirt on it is clearly visible. You can wash such a coating with a soap solution with the addition of vodka or alcohol. Pour 200 g of vodka or a few tablespoons of alcohol into a liter of water, as well as a spoon of any liquid detergent.
  • Dark coal or graphite stains You can remove it from light linoleum using chalk, rubbing it and slightly moistening it. The resulting slurry should be applied to the stain, left for 1 hour, then rinsed clean water and let dry well.

Types of professional linoleum cleaning products

If contaminants cannot be removed using improvised means, there is only one way left - to the store, for special weapons.

The choice of such tools is quite wide, but they all have one drawback: they must be applied in strict accordance with the instructions, otherwise, at best, no effect will follow, and at worst, you will encounter a change in the color or structure of the top layer of linoleum.

All linoleum care products are divided into:

1. Products for daily cleaning of linoleum

They successfully remove fresh dirt and do not contain aggressive compounds. As a rule, these gels and liquids smell pleasant and do not require special precautions.

Numerous brands offer similar products, which vary in volume and price, but do the job equally well.

The table shows the most popular of them.

Name Volume Approximate cost
Universal remedy Mr. Muscle 750 ml 140 rub.
Cleaning liquid Mr. Proper 500 ml 140 rub.
Glorix floor cleaner 1000 ml 160 rub.
Concentrated floor cleaner Kiehl Econa-Konzentrat balance 900 ml 600 rub.
Floor cleaner Eurocol Forbo 700 ml 550 rub.
Amway L.O.C Multi-Purpose Cleaner 1000 ml 450 rub.
Concentrated care product floor covering Wonder Worker 1000 ml 350 rub.

2. Stippers

Stippers are means for deep cleaning of linoleum. They are used for periodic, spring cleaning gender or .

The composition of these substances is dominated by aggressive alkali, which dissolves almost any stains and even small scratches on the top layer of linoleum. Unfortunately, the surface of the material also gradually becomes thinner.

This treatment requires special equipment, and after it you need to restore the linoleum surface using a special protective agent.

Stippers mainly use clearing companies in their work.

3. Products that create the effect of a protective film

Products that create the effect of a protective film on the surface.
These include, for example, wax polish for linoleum ACL-4000, as well as other emulsions, mastics, varnishes and polishes. After using such products, the kitchen floor acquires a radiant and deep shine.

Thus, there are many ways to clean the linoleum in the kitchen and return it to its original, brilliant appearance.
And yet, it is better to eliminate stains and dirt in a timely manner, so as not to resort to radical methods and not waste your time searching for effective remedies.

To keep linoleum in in its original form, when cleaning it, you should follow some rules. It must be remembered that this material does not tolerate well high temperatures and is not very resistant to mechanical stress. To wash linoleum, do not use abrasive cleaning compounds, as they can leave scratches on the surface, and undiluted chlorine-containing products, which can damage the top layer of the coating or discolor it.

General cleaning rules

Before you start washing the linoleum, clean it of dust using a vacuum cleaner or broom. Afterwards, prepare a soap solution: add a small amount to a bucket of warm water liquid soap or a special liquid for washing linoleum. Wipe the floor with a rag soaked in soapy water, and then rinse off the remaining product with clean water. It is not recommended to leave soap stains on the coating - they can destroy the top layer of the material.

To add shine to the linoleum after washing, you can rub it with a sponge or rag soaked in milk, linseed oil or drying oil, and then wipe the remaining liquid dry. In places where the coating is subject to intense load (kitchen, corridor, hallway, organizations with high traffic), it can be treated with a special polymer composition, which forms on the material protective layer.

If after cleaning there are stains or stubborn dirt left on the surface, you can use special cleaning agents. chemical compounds or folk remedies.

In order not to spoil the linoleum, trying to clean it of various contaminants, you cannot use:

  • alkaline solutions - they make the coating brittle;
  • chlorine bleaches - such compositions wash the paint out of it;
  • dry cleaning powders, abrasives - they leave microcracks in the material, into which dirt subsequently gets clogged.

Fighting stubborn dirt

If washing with a soap solution does not bring the desired result, then use other, more effective means. There are special liquids designed for cleaning linoleum, however effective formulations can also be prepared at home.

For stubborn dirt use:

  1. 1. Alcohol solution. Add 1 part vodka or alcohol to a bucket with 5 parts water. Dissolve a handful of laundry soap shavings in the liquid. Soak a rag in this water, wring it out, and treat the contaminated surface with circular movements. This product is good for getting rid of grease stains in the kitchen.
  2. 2. Kerosene or gasoline. You can try to remove stubborn stains using these products. However, you should act carefully so as not to damage the surface of the linoleum. Soak a cotton pad with the liquid and use gentle movements without pressure to treat the stains. Afterwards, wash these areas with a soapy sponge and a damp cloth.
  3. 3. Sauerkraut. Effective folk remedy against strong pollution – juice sauerkraut. It is poured in a small amount onto the problem area, left for a few minutes and treated with a sponge. Afterwards wipe with a damp cloth.
  4. 4. Drying oil. By washing dirty linoleum with drying oil, you can not only get rid of old stains, but also give the coating shine. The liquid also prevents cracks from appearing on the material, so it is recommended to use it once every few months for preventative cleaning. Pour a little drying oil onto a clean rag and wipe the contaminated areas with it. Afterwards, take a piece of flannel and polish the treated areas.
  5. 5. Mastic. For a new coating, use a colorless liquid; it is better to clean the old one with a dark liquid. In addition to removing old dirt, mastic makes various defects in the material less noticeable, protects it from dust, dirt, water and mechanical damage. Use the product according to the instructions on the package.
  6. 6. Melamine sponge. Get rid of stubborn stains without using household chemicals A melamine sponge will help. The stain is not wetted big amount water and rub gently with a sponge. You need to wear gloves to avoid damaging the skin of your hands, and after cleaning, wipe the floor well to remove sponge particles.
  7. 7. Floor cleaning products "Mr. Proper", "Mr. Muscle" and others. The liquid is added to a bucket of warm water according to the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Soak a rag in the solution, wring it out to remove excess water, and wipe the contaminated areas. Wash off with clean water.
  8. 8. Compositions for cleaning tiles. Light linoleum can be washed with a detergent tiled surfaces. It helps get rid of dirt and grease. Directions for use are indicated on the packaging.

Rough linoleum can be cleaned of old dirt using a slab cleaner (for example, Adriel). It is diluted in warm water before use.

Washing after repair

Clean linoleum from construction dust, white plaque and other contaminants remaining after repairs, you can do this:

  1. 1. First, the floor is cleared of large debris, after which it is vacuumed or swept.
  2. 2. Drops of putty are removed using a plastic spatula.
  3. 3. Stains from oil paint and traces of tape are wiped off with vegetable oil. A small amount of liquid is poured onto the stain and left for a short time. Then they are treated with a sponge. Greasy marks are washed off with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Footprints water-based paint wipe with a damp cloth.
  4. 4. Leftovers polyurethane foam removed in two stages. First cut off the main part sharp knife. Then a wet rag is applied to the remaining foam. After an hour, when the mass swells, it can be easily scraped off with a non-sharp object. IN difficult cases when this method does not help, use Dimexide or a special foam remover, which can be found in a building supplies store.
  5. 5. Use warm water to clean the floor from whitewashing. Wipe the surfaces several times, constantly rinsing the cloth. For greater effectiveness, add a little potassium permanganate or vinegar to the water.
  6. 6. Wipe the linoleum dry with a clean cloth.

Removing stains of various origins

The sooner you start removing the stain, the easier it will be to get rid of it. Old contaminants penetrate deep into the material, and it is not always possible to completely cope with them.

Before trying to wash linoleum using any method, the cleaning composition should be applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating and wait. If no negative changes follow, you can treat the stain.

Type of pollution


Mode of application

Grease remover

If a drop of grease gets on the linoleum, wipe it off immediately with a napkin.

The old stain is treated with dishwashing gel or other products designed for cleaning surfaces from grease (for example, Sanita Anti-Great). A small amount of liquid is poured onto the stain and scrubbed with a sponge in a circular motion. Then wash off the foam with a damp cloth

The berries are crushed with a blender and distributed over the surface of the stain. Rubbing with a sponge. Afterwards, collect the pulp and wipe with a damp cloth.

Complex stains are removed with an alcohol solution. A rag or cotton pad or tinder is soaked in it. Residues are removed with a damp sponge


You should wash linoleum with turpentine only if other means have failed. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the coating. Use it in the same way as alcohol

Zelenka (fresh)

Soap, washing powder

Prepare a soap solution, soak a sponge in it, and rub gently. Afterwards rinse with water

Zelenka (old stain)

Vinegar and potassium permanganate

Cleaning linoleum from old traces of brilliant green takes place in several stages:

1. A small amount of potassium permanganate is stirred in a 9 percent solution (the liquid should be light pink).

2. Soak a piece of clean cloth in the solution and place it on the stain. After a few minutes, traces of brilliant green will change color - turn pink, and then acquire a brown tint.

3. After removing the fabric, treat the contamination with a damp sponge. If the stain does not disappear completely, hydrogen peroxide is poured onto it. After a few minutes it should become discolored.

4. Remains of cleaning solutions are removed with a damp cloth.

Zelenka (old stain)

Ammonia or medical alcohol, nail polish remover

Apply to a cotton pad and treat the stained area, then be sure to rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Shoe stripes

Rub off shoe marks with gentle movements using an eraser

Iodine (fresh stains)

Sprinkle starch generously on the contaminated area and leave for 5 minutes. Collect with a napkin and, if the traces have not completely disappeared, pour in a little hydrogen peroxide

Iodine (old stains)

Soda and vinegar

Sprinkle the powder on the dirty area and pour in a small amount of vinegar. It is recommended to do this in the evening. The next morning, remove the residue with a rag.

Iodine (old stains)


Cut raw potatoes in half and, placing the tuber with the cut site on the stain, wipe off the stain.

Drinks (tea, coffee)

Gasoline, kerosene

Moisten a piece of clean cloth with any of the liquids and wipe the stain. Wash off with soap solution

Felt pen

Turpentine, gasoline

Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and remove any patterns or stripes from the coating. Then wipe the surface with a soapy sponge and a clean damp cloth.

Traces of wax are first scraped off with a non-sharp object and then wiped with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline. Remains of dirt are removed with a soap solution

Chewing gum

Ice Cube

Apply ice to the stain and wait until it hardens. Then carefully scrape off the gum with a non-sharp object.

Rust, mold

Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed juice is applied to the problem area and rubbed with a sponge. Wash off with clean water

Fine-grit sandpaper

It is useless to wash the marks left by ink; they can only be carefully treated with sandpaper. This is done very carefully so as not to damage the coating too much. Then wipe with a soft cloth dampened linseed oil. Do not wash off

Another method that will take more time is using matches. The sulfur head is moistened with water and applied to the contamination. Start rubbing the stain until it disappears completely.

Old linoleum with a lot of stains can be washed with water with the addition of ammonia (2 tablespoons per 10 liters).

Getting rid of stains on linoleum is difficult, but possible. When cleaning, do not rub the coating too hard to avoid damaging it, and after treatment, be sure to wash off any remaining product with a clean, damp cloth.

How to clean dirt from linoleum? - This question interests many modern housewives, because the best-selling and most sought-after floor covering in construction stores in this moment is precisely linoleum. Variety of textures and colors, excellent characteristics wear resistance and inexpensive cost make it possible for even the most picky buyer to choose a product. But despite a number positive qualities, linoleum coating, like any other, is susceptible to contamination. Stains can form in the kitchen and other rooms, which are very difficult to get rid of. This significantly affects the appearance of the floor and the quality of the coating in general.

In most cases, linoleum for residential premises is made from materials of average quality. Of course, you can use a flooring that is more resistant to mechanical damage, but its price will be many times higher, and this is not always advisable.

In order for linoleum to serve for a very long time and look like new, it is necessary to clean it from dirt correctly and on time. To do this, we recommend following a few simple tips for caring for linoleum:

  1. If you have just made repairs and laid new linoleum, do not rush to wash it with water. At first, carry out only dry cleaning with a broom or vacuum cleaner.
  2. In the hallway and other rooms, cover the floor with a rug. It will collect all small contaminants (sand, dirt, water from shoes).
  3. Place rubber pads under heavy furniture or purchase special furniture attachments. With their help, the coating is prevented from pushing through the load.
  4. Under influence sun rays linoleum flooring may lose its color. Therefore, you should take care of the curtains on the windows to reduce direct rays hitting the floor.
  5. Do not drag heavy objects across linoleum floors. This can scratch or tear it. Subsequently, the material will have to be completely replaced.
  6. If you are going to wash the linoleum, first sweep away the debris with a broom.
  7. The ingress of embers from matches, smoldering cigarettes, shoe polish or abrasives leads to the appearance of defects that will irrevocably damage the bedding.
  8. The longer dirt remains on the surface, the more difficult it is to remove.
  9. Carry out wet cleaning with a soft cloth using warm water.

Important! Do not use hot water for cleaning the floor so as not to damage the protective layer of linoleum.

  1. Make sure that floor care products are completely dissolved in water.
  2. Wash off products containing soap thoroughly with water.
  3. Do not use powder cleaners to clean the floor - they will leave scratches on the floor.
  4. Do not use the flooring in open areas: on a balcony or terrace. Weather conditions negatively affect the material.
  5. Treat the canvas with emulsion or special polymer spraying. This creates a protective layer on the linoleum. Such treatment will be especially relevant in places with the highest traffic.
  6. To ensure that linoleum has an attractive shine, wipe it with drying oil or linseed oil once a month.

What absolutely cannot be used to wash dirt off linoleum?

Among all flooring materials, linoleum can be called waterproof. Therefore, if you often carry out wet cleaning, do not worry. This will not affect the quality of the floor covering in any way. But you shouldn’t be too zealous - water can cause dirt to stick to the linoleum.

There are also some contraindications for caring for linoleum, which must be adhered to in order to avoid unpleasant situations. So, what products should be avoided if you need to wash linoleum from dirt:

  • Solutions containing alkali and soda. Such products cause the fabric to become brittle.
  • Chemical cleaners, solvents and bleaches have a destructive effect on the structure and affect the color fastness of linoleum.
  • Abrasive components leave microcracks. Subsequently, dirt gets into them, which complicates the cleaning process.
  • To disinfect the premises, do not use bleach or other similar substances.

How to clean dirty linoleum?

There are many means for cleaning such material. Let's consider first effective methods washing with industrial substances.

Drying oil

To clean linoleum from stubborn dirt, use drying oil. Using this product, you can not only rid the surface of dirt, but also restore the color of the canvas and prevent the appearance of cracks. To get a good result, you need to perform simple manipulations:

  1. Wipe the linen with drying oil.
  2. Using a clean silk cloth, polish the item.
  3. Repeat the procedure once every few months.


You can purchase this product at a construction supermarket. Affordable price Such a product makes it increasingly popular for linoleum care.

Important! The mastic should be used very carefully, strictly observing the proportions specified in the instructions.

If you plan to use mastic for a new floor covering, it is better to purchase a colorless one. For old linoleum, use a dark one. It will help hide defects that have already appeared on the floor.

Important! When treated with mastic, a protective film is formed on the surface, which has a number of positive properties:

  • Linoleum is less susceptible to wear and loss of color and shine.
  • Protects against mechanical damage.

This way, dust and debris will stick less and it will be easier for youwash the linoleum from dirt.

Household bleach

A huge number of household bleaches are presented on the shelves of household chemical stores. For example: “Mister Proper” and “Mr. Muscle”. The variety of components in the composition of the products allows you to choose a detergent, taking into account the characteristics of the floor covering. detailed instructions The packaging will tell you what concentration the solution should be used for your surface.

Important! Before use, be sure to read the instructions. Follow safety precautions when working.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute the purchased product in the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Apply the resulting solution to the linoleum.
  3. If necessary, rinse with clean water.

Important! After cleaning the floor, be sure to ventilate the room.

How to clean linoleum from dirt at home?

In addition to popular industrial linoleum care products, you can also use substances that are not directly intended for these purposes. They will definitely be found in every housewife’s home and will not require you to spend additional money.

Soap solution and vodka

Don’t know how to remove grease from linoleum in the kitchen? The most severe and persistent stains on the kitchen floor can be easily removed by preparing a mixture of soap and vodka. This product is perfect for linoleum light shades, because on such a coating, traces of grease are very noticeable and leave yellow spots.

Mode of application:

  1. Add 200 g of vodka and one teaspoon of dishwashing detergent to one liter of water.
  2. Using a soft cloth, apply the resulting solution to problem areas in a circular motion.
  3. Finally, rinse off the product with clean water and wipe the floor dry.


How to clean linoleum from grease if you accidentally spilled a small amount of oil on the floor while cooking? The greasy product should be removed immediately, as the floor becomes slippery when oily products come into contact with it, which is unsafe for your health.

To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. First, use a clean, dry cloth to remove any grease from the surface.
  2. Add a few drops of detergent to clean warm water.
  3. Use a circular motion to remove any remaining grease from the decking.

Important! The floor should be washed in small areas so that the soap solution does not damage the protective layer on the surface of the linoleum coating.

  1. Wipe the floor with a dry, clean cloth.

Important! If fat has become embedded in the material, first treat it with turpentine.

Tile surface cleaner

Tile cleaner will perfectly clean dirty linoleum from greasy stains on a light surface:

  1. Prepare the product according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Wipe away any dirt on the surface of the material.
  3. Upon completion of cleaning, rinse the treated areas with plenty of water and wipe dry.

Gasoline or kerosene

Such products should be used on the surface of a linoleum covering with extreme caution, since these substances do not have a very favorable effect on its structure.

Option #1

How to clean linoleum from coffee stains and food dyes so that not a trace remains of them? In this case, gasoline or kerosene will help you. These substances are also indispensable for removing gouache and marker marks. They are used this way:

  1. Dampen a rag with your chosen product.
  2. Apply it to the surface of the stain.

Important! Before use, be sure to try the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the floor.

  1. Wash off any remaining gasoline or kerosene with clean water.

Important! If after treatment the surface has lost its shine, use lemon juice to restore it. Rub a slice of lemon or freshly squeezed juice onto the tarnished area.

Option No. 2

Gasoline will also help to quickly and completely remove drops of wax or shoe polish from the surface of linoleum:

  1. To remove wax, use a spatula to carefully pick up a piece of the stuck substance.
  2. Dampen a rag with gasoline and wipe the stain.
  3. Rinse off any remaining residue with water.


Mold stains in corners and rust marks from leaking pipes can be easily eliminated with clothes bleach:

  1. Mix water and bleach in a 10:1 ratio, respectively.
  2. Soak a clean rag in the resulting solution and wipe away any dirt.

Important! Use the bleaching agent with extreme caution so as not to completely ruin the surface of the material.

How to clean linoleum from dirt after renovation?

After repairs, construction dirt and dust settles on all surfaces. In order not to complicate the cleaning process and so that the question of how to clean linoleum does not take you by surprise, the following information will be very helpful:

  1. Before starting repairs, cover the floor covering with protective film. If this is not available, use newspapers.
  2. If debris does get under the protective flooring, wet cleaning should be carried out.

  1. Collect all construction garbage from the coating.
  2. Using a spatula, carefully remove any putty that has already adhered to the floor.
  3. Wash the linoleum with warm water.

Important! Change the water as often as possible to avoid whitewash stains.

  1. For heavily ingrained stains, you can use white spirit, using it strictly according to the instructions.
  2. At the end of cleaning, add a small amount of vinegar or potassium permanganate to the water and wipe the floor clean with a clean rag.

How to remove polyurethane foam from the surface?

When dry, polyurethane foam not only perfectly fills wall cracks, but also leaves stubborn stains on the floor covering. To get rid of traces of polyurethane foam on linoleum, you will need to do the following:

  1. Using a sharp knife, carefully scrape off the top layer of foam.
  2. Soak a clean rag in water and place it on the foam stain.
  3. Leave it for a while so that the foam gets wet.
  4. If such actions did not give positive result, you should buy a foam cleaning product at a hardware store.
  5. Wash off any remaining product with a damp cloth.

How to remove traces of brilliant green and iodine from linoleum?

Probably every housewife has faced the question: how to clean linoleum from very stubborn stains? Iodine and brilliant green are found in every home, and drops of brilliant green on the floor are a very common occurrence, especially if you have small children whose scratches are often treated. You can still try to help the floor covering. Contamination should be removed immediately so that the brilliant green does not have time to soak into the flooring. Tools that are easy to find at home will help you with this.

First aid for removing brilliant green:

  1. Use a porous sponge to soak up any spilled solution.
  2. Wipe off any remaining residue with a dry cloth.

Important! Never rub brilliant green or iodine with a rag.

  1. You can try to remove a fresh stain with a soap solution with the addition of washing powder.
  2. Stubborn stains are removed with alcohol-containing products.

Baking soda

You can get rid of spilled iodine using baking soda:

  1. Pour baking soda onto a clean, damp cloth.
  2. Place the resulting lotion on the stain.
  3. If the stain does not completely disappear, repeat the procedure again.

Nail polish remover or ammonia

To remove brilliant green, you can try using nail polish remover:

  1. Apply a small amount of liquid to a cotton swab and wipe the stain with it.
  2. An ammonia solution can be used as an alternative to liquid.
  3. After using the products, thoroughly wash the floor with clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can find hydrogen peroxide in every home medicine cabinet and try to save the coating with this drug:

  1. Apply peroxide to a cotton swab and treat the problem area.
  2. Rinse off any remaining peroxide with clean water.

Important! Before using peroxide, test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material.

Camphor alcohol

Camphor alcohol is often used to remove green spots. You can buy it at a pharmacy or look for it in your home arsenal. Application is very simple:

  1. Apply to cotton wool and wipe the green blot.
  2. Rinse off any remaining residue with plenty of water.

How to remove ink from linoleum?

Another liquid that can cause problems when removing it is ink. Cleaning up such stains cannot be put off for a long time. If the ink is absorbed into the material, it will be much more difficult to remove.


  1. Take a pumice stone or fine sandpaper and gently scrub the stained area.

Important! When removing a stain, do not rub hard on the surface so as not to damage the protective layer.

  1. After cleaning, treat the floor with linseed oil.
  2. Polish the damaged and already cleaned area with a silk cloth.

How to restore shine to linoleum?

During operation, uncarpeted linoleum in a room or hallway may lose its original shine. The renovation immediately loses its novelty, and the floor begins to look dull. To restore the sparkling surface of the flooring, you should use simple recipes.

Method number 1:

  1. Mix milk and water in equal proportions.
  2. Wipe the floor with the resulting mixture.
  3. Rub the coating with a special polish.

Method No. 2

To give linoleum shine, you can use grandma’s method:

  1. Boil the potatoes until tender and wait until they cool.
  2. Wipe the floor with the resulting broth.
  3. To keep your flooring clean, you don't have to use complex components or spend a lot of time removing them. Sometimes simple ways Cleaners deal with the problem faster and more effectively. The longevity of your linoleum directly depends on how you care for it. The means and methods described in this article will definitely help maintain the beautiful appearance of your floor for many more years.

How to wash old linoleum, many housewives ask themselves, because this coating has remained popular for a long time. Linoleum is a very practical floor covering, and also inexpensive.

Having laid new linoleum, it is subjected to dry cleaning only for a while. Initially, it should be rubbed thin layer mastic to increase its wear resistance and ensure long-term safety appearance.

  • Before front door Lay down a rug to protect the floor from street dirt.
  • To protect linoleum from fading, you can cover the windows with UV-resistant curtains.
  • Soft protective pads for furniture legs will protect the linoleum from squeezing and other damage.
  • Do not drag furniture or other heavy objects across the floor. At best, there will be stripes and scratches; at worst, the linoleum may tear.

Cleaning linoleum during daily cleaning

Before you start cleaning the floor, you should sweep or vacuum it thoroughly. Do not wash linoleum hot water.

Linoleum is washed with warm water with the addition of a soap solution or a special floor cleaner

Linoleum is washed with warm water with the addition of a soap solution or a special floor cleaner. To give your floors a shine, add 2 tbsp to the water. l. vinegar in a bucket. With this water it is necessary to wash off the soap solution that was previously used to remove dirt. When washing the floor, you should not wet the cloth abundantly or flood the floor with water, since water can penetrate into small crevices; such washing may cause the linoleum to peel off over time.

Important: When cleaning linoleum, you cannot use concentrated alkaline substances And ammonia– they cause the coating to become brittle.

Abrasives scratch smooth surface linoleum and overdry it, which also leads to its fragility. Bleach can discolor linoleum.

Linoleum care

Once a year, cover the floor with mastic. The mastic will protect the floors from daily mechanical damage, add shine and prolong cleanliness. With frequent use of mastic, a layer of protective film grows on linoleum; over time, under the influence of oxygen, this film loses its aesthetic appearance. In this case, it must be removed using special means.

Advice! Once every 2-3 months it is useful to cover the floor with drying oil or linseed oil.

Such prevention will preserve the elasticity of linoleum, which means it will prolong its life and maintain the brightness of its color. If you use linseed oil, you should use it like this: apply the oil in a thin layer using a woolen cloth and leave for a day; you cannot walk on it at this time, then you just need to rub the floor with a soft cloth.

It is also recommended to wash linoleum with kerosene once a year. Kerosene removes heavy dirt, rust and many others from the floor difficult spots. When using kerosene for washing, be sure to remember fire safety rules.

How to get rid of stains

Before you wash old linoleum, understand the origin and complexity of the stains. Heavy stains are washed with a soap solution in which vodka is diluted (200 g of vodka per 1 teaspoon of detergent). This solution is especially good to use if you are wondering how to clean old linoleum in the kitchen from grease and other contaminants typical of the room.

A mixture of milk and water 1:1 will help restore the brightness of old linoleum; after washing the floors with this “lotion”, you need to apply mastic to its surface. For disinfection, vinegar or vodka is used instead of chlorine-containing substances.

Important! All the products listed below are used only for local stain removal; It is not recommended to wash floors with these substances, or to use them too often.

A mixture of milk and water 1:1 will help restore the brightness of old linoleum.

Gasoline, kerosene and turpentine are the main and interchangeable means that are used to clean linoleum from most types of stubborn stains. In some cases you can use:

  1. Camphor alcohol or ammonia 10%. They will help remove traces of brilliant green and iodine. To remove iodine stains, you can try diluting soda with water to the consistency of a thick paste and covering the contaminated area with it, after a while rinse the surface to be cleaned and lubricate this area with drying oil or linseed oil. You are unlikely to be able to remove an old iodine stain without damaging the surface of the linoleum.
  2. Sandpaper with the finest grain texture. You can try to clean off the ink stain with it. After using it, the floor should be covered with linseed oil. Instead of sandpaper, you can use pumice.
  3. Bleach, like kerosene, can be used to remove rust. To do this, you need to dilute it with water in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water.

Sandpaper will help clean up the ink stain.

Cleaning linoleum after repair

During repairs, it is better to protect linoleum from dirt by covering it with newspapers or plastic film, if you still fail to protect the floor, the dirt stains are washed off in the same way as all the others, only this time you will have to wash the floor several times. The dried putty must first be scraped off with a spatula, swept thoroughly and then proceed to washing the floor. To speed up the process, it is advisable to use a fresh rag after each wiping, since lime and other construction contaminants are difficult to remove from rags during rinsing, which complicates the cleaning process. The final step will be wiping the floor with water with the addition of vinegar essence or potassium permanganate to finally rid the floor of white stains. Varnish and paint stains are removed using nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.

It may seem that linoleum, although inexpensive, is fragile and very finicky. This is wrong. Any floor covering without exception requires careful care, and linoleum has a number of practical household advantages. High-quality linoleum, laid in a closed, well-heated, dry room, will serve you for a very long time if you carefully care for it, maintaining its elasticity. And this is not such a difficult and expensive process.

Linoleum is rightfully one of the most common types of floor coverings. This material is different high quality protective coating, durability, variety of colors. But, like all materials, over time it loses its original appearance: the shine disappears, streaks, marks and stains appear. To extend the life of linoleum, it should be provided proper care. “How to wash linoleum?” – The answer to the question can be found in this article.

Many people do not ask themselves how to ensure that linoleum does not lose its appearance during use. It must be said that sometimes it is better to properly care for the surface than to restore it later. Proper cleaning will preserve the shine and integrity of the material.

It is important to take into account that each type of defect has its own methods and techniques for elimination. You should not look for one universal solution to solve all problems.

The procedure for updating linoleum should be carried out once every six months - this will preserve its shine and eliminate scratches and abrasions. If linoleum has a polyurethane base, it can be updated using special equipment. But it is important to note that it cannot be used for materials that are too thin.

Wax renewal procedure:

  • Before applying wax, it is necessary to wash the linoleum thoroughly. You can use a variety of different types to clean your floor. chemicals, which are suitable for caring for linoleum. But most experts insist on washing the floor with water and milk. The composition is prepared in different proportions.
  • Linoleum needs to be allowed to dry thoroughly. After this, it should be thoroughly rubbed with a dry cloth - this will prevent the appearance of streaks.
  • Wax is applied to the surface and distributed along the entire perimeter of the linoleum.

Various restorative products can be purchased in specialized stores. The technique for applying them can be very varied - it depends on the level of surface damage. After applying the protective layer, it is recommended to clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner. There is no need to carry out wet cleaning too often: water can disrupt the structure of the material.

Caring for linoleum at home

Linoleum requires careful handling. Care products for this floor covering should be chosen that are non-aggressive and suitable for specific type material and contamination. Wet cleaning of linoleum must be done correctly, otherwise the material may be damaged.

Before wet cleaning you should carry out a thorough dry cleaning - this is where success lies in caring for the floor covering.

At self-cleaning If the surface is too dirty, do not use too hot water. Experts advise using a vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning, and for wet cleaning using rags made from soft fabric. To simply refresh the surface, you can carry out wet cleaning by wiping the surface with a not too wet cloth.

Linoleum care:

  • Not too dirty linoleum can be washed with plain water.
  • If the linoleum is sufficiently dirty, use water with added soap to clean it.
  • A solution prepared with water, soap and vodka will help get rid of severe stains.
  • To get rid of greasy stains, apply dishwashing liquid to the linoleum, rub the surface a little with a sponge and wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  • To remove old grease stains, use turpentine or a product designed for cleaning tiled surfaces.

Products for cleaning linoleum need to be selected very carefully. They must not contain solvents or acetone. Stains from food or chemical paint can be removed using gasoline or kerosene.

How to clean linoleum floors

Linoleum looks beautiful: a variety of colors allows it to fit perfectly into the interior. But in order for the material not to lose its attractiveness, it needs to be properly cared for - this will help extend its service life and wear resistance. Different types require linoleum different approaches to cleaning them.

Typically, wet cleaning of linoleum is carried out using a soap solution - regularity of procedures will prevent the surface from becoming too dirty.

If, however, linoleum needs more thorough cleaning, to wash the floor, you should use solutions specifically designed for caring for linoleum. It is important to make sure that the solution does not contain solid particles that could damage the surface of the linoleum. Also, do not use chlorine-based products.

Types of compositions:

  • Universal;
  • A product intended for frequent use;
  • Concentrated preparations with dirt-repellent properties.

Cleaning the floor correctly is the main task of cleaning linoleum. Before you begin wet cleaning, you need to rid the linoleum of dust. Surface treatment should be carried out using only one solution. Solutions cannot be mixed with each other.

How to wash linoleum with relief

The ribbed floor looks beautiful, but causes a lot of difficulties. It collects a lot of dust and dirt, which cannot be removed by simply washing the floor. It will not be possible to clean a rough floor well with a rag or sponge.

When choosing embossed linoleum, you need to know that you will have to clean it often, and the procedure will be quite labor-intensive.

A folk remedy for such cleaning is to fill the surface with soap and water and leave the dirt to soak for some time. Dirt is usually removed using a stiff bristle brush. It is necessary to clean linoleum carefully so as not to damage its surface. Of course, this method takes a lot of time, but it is the most effective.

Options for cleaning embossed linoleum:

Polishing such linoleum will also be quite problematic. Polishing can take a long time, so sometimes it makes sense to hire a professional to do it. It is important to remember that cleaning will be many times easier if you handle the surface carefully and carry out dry or wet cleaning daily. Tarkett linoleum can be easily cleaned using special products. Surface treatment must be gentle, otherwise the surface can be easily damaged. Sometimes exhausting surface cleaning can be prevented by careful handling of linoleum and daily cleaning.

Handy tools: how to wash linoleum (video)

Linoleum is a common coating that pleases consumers with its durability and reliability. You can extend the life of the product with regular cleaning. Such cleaning must be done correctly, because the linoleum surface may be vulnerable to the effects of aggressive substances. It is best to carry out systematic dry and wet cleaning of linoleum. Can be used for wet cleaning plain water with soap, or you can purchase special linoleum care products in the store. The situation is more complicated when cleaning embossed linoleum.