home · Measurements · What is a Besser block? Description, features, types and applications of Besser blocks. Decorative brick Besser Besser brown

What is a Besser block? Description, features, types and applications of Besser blocks. Decorative brick Besser Besser brown

The development of modern technologies has also affected the construction industry. Of course, there is nothing surprising in this, since construction has always been one of the most developing areas of human activity. That is why innovative developments were constantly being introduced here.

Take, for example, the basic materials that are used in the construction of buildings. There are quite a lot of them.

If it all started with the use of wood and wooden beams, then apply the usual styles natural stone, then today they most often use:

  • brick;
  • cinder block;
  • gypsum block;
  • foam block;
  • gas silicate, etc.

It would seem that it is simply unrealistic to come up with something new, rational and effective, but this opinion is wrong.

Besser – modern and proven

Almost everyone knows what double sand-lime brick M 150 is, but with such a novelty on the construction market as Besser many have not yet met.

This is modern building brick, which is produced using innovative technology, which ensures amazing durability, strength and aesthetics of the product.

Production Features

To understand more clearly what we are talking about, let's take a closer look at the process of creating Besser.

So, the following components are used for its production:

  • special plasticizers;
  • cement of elite brands;
  • fine, sifted sand.

All ingredients are mixed perfectly and then fall into special car, which through . The entire production process of building materials is fully automated.

For production, only modern, innovative equipment is used, which guarantees increased quality of the material and also completely eliminates possible defects.

Excellent material for cladding

It is worth noting that you can add any dye to the mixture, thereby giving the final product the color you are interested in:

  • red;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • black and so on.

As you can see in the photo, the brick has a magnificent appearance, due to which it enjoys increased popularity when carrying out facing work.

If we talk about its characteristics, then in addition to the already mentioned reliability, it should be noted:

  • variety of shapes and sizes;
  • highest aesthetics.

Therefore, Besser has rightfully received recognition as actually an ideal modern one, used in the construction of buildings for various purposes.

Main performance characteristics

What other characteristics can this building material boast? Believe me, there are many of them and all are positive:

  1. high environmental safety, both for people and for the environment;
  2. ease of installation;
  3. precise joining of corners;
  4. water-repellent characteristics;
  5. resistance to mechanical damage;
  6. resistance to fading from direct sunlight;
  7. increased resistance to negative influence severe frosts And sudden change temperatures;
  8. there is no need for post-laying treatment.

Decorative besser combines perfectly with other materials, which opens up ample opportunities when decorating the room outside and inside. In addition, so-called hollow models are produced, which are excellent for the construction of lightweight structures.

Despite their hollowness, such products nevertheless retain their basic characteristics:

  1. high strength;
  2. low thermal conductivity;
  3. highest frost resistance.

Areas of application

Besser was developed in the United States of America, and received its name in honor of the company that invented the new building material.

It has become widespread and is used not only as a facing material, but also in the creation of other structures:

  • load-bearing walls and column;
  • interior partitions;
  • fences and fences;
  • decorative structures for landscape design, etc.

Such widespread use is also explained by the fairly light weight of each individual brick. Thanks to this, masonry can be done with your own hands, without using special equipment. Work time is significantly reduced.

Note! The lightness of the material also simplifies its loading and unloading and transportation. In addition, it significantly reduces the pressure on the foundation, thereby allowing you to pour foundations that are not too large and save time and money on their construction.

Features of Besser masonry

This section does not present detailed instructions, how masonry is carried out, and basic recommendations that allow you to speed up the process of erecting buildings from Besser and ensure their strength and durability:

  1. When carrying out masonry, it is recommended to use a mortar of a harder type and thicker consistency than when laying ordinary bricks.
  2. Do not carry out masonry at low air temperatures, in particular if the average daily air temperature is below +8 degrees Celsius.
  3. Do not use antifreeze additives in the solution.
  4. When laying, make sure that the brick is protected from precipitation.
  5. It is necessary to provide high-quality waterproofing between the foundation and the first row of bricks.
  6. After finishing the masonry, it is recommended to open the surface of the material with a water-repellent agent.

Advice. If salt deposits (so-called efflorescence) appear on the surface of the brick, they can be removed using a three percent vinegar solution. After treatment, the brick does not need to be washed with water, which will avoid the reappearance of efflorescence.


Besser – unique material, which can be used not only as a facing material, but also as a main building material. The price for it is relatively not high, especially if you compare it with the main characteristics of the product.

In addition, it is worth noting that there are sizes to suit every taste, which opens up wide possibilities for creating unusual and non-standard structures and structures. Deserves special mention harmonious combination Besser with other building materials. Thus, unique structures can be easily created.

A wall or structure erected from Besser does not require additional cladding or processing with any materials, which allows significant savings on finishing work.

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

My home is my castle. The statement is true in the case when this place is also additionally fenced. New to the construction market, Besser brick will help create something truly interesting. landscape solution and at the same time a really strong fence.

Modern, but already proven

In fact, Besser is artificial stone, which looks very similar to the original one natural material. Besser bricks can have very different sizes: they start from 19 * 9 * 5.6 (cm) and end with 3.9 * 1.9 * 1.9 9 cm) - the latter are more related to blocks. The color scheme is also different - to the taste of the buyer.
The wave of popularity of Besser is associated with the innovative technology by which it is produced. It is this that ensures long service life and stunning appearance throughout an impressive service life.
Manufacturers make no secrets: to create such building materials, they use special types of plasticizers, cement of the most elite brands and fine, pre-sifted sand. Initially, they are mixed, and then with the help of special vibration pressing, the output is a reliable and very durable brick. At the same time, the entire process is automated - due to this, defects are also excluded.

What does the use of such material provide?

A building lined with such bricks will have a first-class appearance. The same epithets can be applied to other structures (including fences). And since the variety of shapes and sizes prevails, this becomes a huge plus for the possibilities of designer self-expression. In addition, you can also note the following bonuses:

  • environmental friendliness of the source material;
  • ease of installation;
  • precise joining in corners;
  • hydrophobic properties;
  • excellent resistance to mechanical damage;
  • weather resistance;
  • no need for final processing;
  • excellent combination with other materials and components.

There are also some disadvantages here.. Besser blocks are famous for their enhanced thermal conductivity. You can cope with these heat losses by laying thermal insulation material.

The Besser blocks themselves come in the following types::

  • special for the fence (both sides are decorative);
  • for partitions inside the house;
  • for facing bricks.

Decorative brick Besser has found application not only as a facing material. With its help, the following structures are created:

  • load-bearing walls and columns;
  • interior partitions;
  • fences and fences;
  • other decorative designs in landscape design.

You can also find out about Besser brick in the following video:

Features in bricklaying

In practice, such material easily “gives in” to any, even unprofessional hands. There is no need to hire specialists or specialized equipment - the brick is so light that this will greatly facilitate its loading, unloading and transportation. And here lies another advantage - Besser reduces the pressure on the foundation itself (and this will allow you to fill foundations that are not too large, which will save money). The duration of the work itself will also be reduced.
Besser brick has some features in its masonry. It is important to adhere to this algorithm in your work:

  1. The laying is done using a thicker and more rigid mortar than with conventional brick.
  2. Work does not need to be carried out at low air temperatures (less than +8 degrees Celsius).
  3. Anti-frost mixtures are not used in the masonry mortar.
  4. When doing masonry, you need to protect the materials from precipitation.
  5. High-quality waterproofing is laid from the foundation and the first row.
  6. After completion of the work, the surface is treated with a special water-repellent solution.

Features of Besser brick laying - in this video:

How to build a fence from Besser

Installation of fences has become the norm for a cottage with land plot. But in other cases, a fence made of stone and brick will look very harmonious and interesting.

Besser bricks- This great choice for the construction of a strong and reliable fence. Of course, if you follow all the rules for its installation.

  • We start with marking the area

When installing besser structures, it is important to first select the location where the entrance and gate will be located. Also, corners are marked along all edges of the site. It is at these points that you need to pull the rope between the placed posts (the distance between each is at least two meters). It is important to note that absolutely everything needs to be calculated - from the gate to the emergency exit. Construction tape is already being stretched along the borders of this territory.

  • How to make a strip foundation

Why this type of foundation? The requirement is due to the fact that the structure still plans to be massive and there is a risk that it will shrink in the future. For this reason, it is planned that the depth of the foundation itself will be approximately half a meter, and the width will entirely depend on the thickness of the future structure itself.
To create such formwork, you will need to take any source material that does not have the “habit” of deforming during subsequent pouring (wood, plywood or any construction waste).

The procedure for carrying out the work will be as follows:

  1. A hole is dug at least half a meter deep and the width depends on the width of the fence.
  2. The pillars are buried one and a half meters into the ground.
  3. To prevent the foundation from cracking in the future, it will be possible to place two rows of reinforcement on each side and raise the rods in place of the proposed pillars.
  4. Install the formwork so that it can rise above the ground by at least 15 cm.
  5. Before pouring concrete, a layer of sand is placed at the bottom of the trench (it is filled with water and compacted).
  6. The top layer is poured as evenly as possible.
  7. The poured composition should harden for about a week.
  8. The pillars are erected using a pre-created marking line.

More details on installation strip foundation read .

Features of bricklaying

The difference in the laying of Besser from ordinary brick will be visible only in its voids. The surface itself is not additionally moistened. And the application of the solution should proceed as follows:

  1. The first row is pre-laid out to understand the future type of masonry. If calculated correctly, everything will coincide.
  2. The first layer to be laid can be made thicker to cover possible unevenness. However, this moment should not be exceeded by more than 1 cm.
  3. For a more even masonry, you can use a template - a thread stretched between the pillars. It is on this that the first row will be laid out.
  4. On each new row, you need to check the evenness of the surface using a building level.
  5. To increase strength, a layer of reinforced mesh can be laid between the rows.
  6. The top row is protected by decorative overlays. (Read about here)
  7. It is advisable to check the vertical seams with the top and bottom rows.
  8. It is better to move some distance away to evaluate the appearance of the structure.
  9. In no case should convex seams be allowed to appear throughout the masonry - they can collect all the moisture.

Caring for such a structure

Until the solution has stabilized, it is best to protect the masonry from external influences. Otherwise it may affect her top layer. The constructed fence must be covered plastic film in two weeks.
If salt deposits do appear, they can be easily removed with a three percent vinegar solution. Also, during processing, the brick is not washed with water - otherwise this will lead to their repeated manifestations.

Best. This is how the word besser is translated from German. It applies to building blocks. Although their name is German, the production technology came from the United States.

There is a company there, Besser, with a 200-year history. It was its specialists who used dry vibration pressing technology to create an alternative to brick. The dry mixture does not contain water.

Its absence prevents shrinkage of finished blocks and the formation of voids in them. However, there are also gaps in consumer knowledge. Besser blocks– new Russian market. Let's find out what is pressed with what and where it is used.

What are Besser blocks?

The material is similar to lightweight concrete building blocks. They correspond, for example, Besser block dimensions. The standard for walls is 39 by 19 by 19 centimeters. In septums, the width is reduced to 90 millimeters.

The standard for bricks is 25 by 12 by 6.5 centimeters. Being larger, the Besser block is easier to combine in masonry with already familiar building blocks, for example, expanded clay concrete or gas silicate.

In terms of composition, there are expanded clay Besser concrete sides and sand-cement. In the latter case, sifting is mixed quartz sand, a number of plasticizers and grade 500 cement. It is produced in accordance with GOST “10178-85”, which regulates the composition of the mixture.

Accordingly, sand-cement besser contains gypsum, blast furnace charge and clinker - a product of sintering clay with limestone. This is exactly the composition of 500 cement, not counting plasticizers.

Its characteristics make it possible to cast the foundations of high-rise buildings, hydraulic structures, and construct buildings subject to increased loads. Increased loads can withstand and Besser blocks.

Production expanded clay concrete blocks are based on the addition of baked refractory clay granules to a standard mixture. It's foamy. The voids inside the expanded clay retain heat, but reduce the density of the “bricks”, and therefore their strength and bearing capacity.

Yes, yes, the material is suitable not only as facing. Besser blocks– full-fledged building slabs. With expanded clay their strength is 50. The usual composition corresponds to the 100th indicator, which is not inferior to brick. Some factories make besser with a strength of 150. The number depends not only on the composition of the blocks.

Characteristics and properties of Besser blocks

The density of besser brick largely depends on the equipment on which it is produced. Vibrocompression technology involves shaking the dry mixture in a mold, which leads to compaction of the components.

The vacated space is refilled and again subjected to vibration. When the mixture stops settling, it is pressed. The final density of the material depends on the weight given to it.

The original Besser equipment provides a pressure of 100 tons. You have to pay millions for such equipment. However, for the sake of results and customer trust, Besser block manufacturers strive to buy American presses.

The sand-cement “bricks” obtained from them compete with conventional ones. multi-storey construction. Expanded clay concrete blocks No matter how you press them, they are only suitable for buildings up to 3 floors in height.

Laying Besser blocks in terms of complexity - something between fastening brick and gas silicate slabs. The new item has a medium size, average weight. So, 513 bricks and only 22 aerated concrete blocks fit in one cube.

There are 71 Bessers per cube with a total weight of 1,200 kilograms. This is 500 kilos less than brick, but half as much as silicate slabs.

True, due to its size, 1 vibrocompressed block is lighter than aerated concrete. The latter weighs about 30 kilograms. The mass of 1 besser is 14-17. Sand-cement has the advantage.

Unlike brick, which is fired, besser does not contain scale. These are fused metal granules. Clay for bricks usually contains a lot of aluminum. There is also iron.

Their fused fragments interfere with drilling bricks. Construction with Besser blocks involves drilling. True, it is impossible to cut a new product, like a standard brick.

From this point of view, aerated concrete is beneficial. For interior walls, for example, builders recommend it. It is often necessary to cut niches and holes in partitions. However, the low strength of aerated concrete may not withstand, for example, fastening a horizontal bar. It is better to install it in besser blocks.

The frost resistance of the new blocks exceeds that of conventional bricks, approaching that of clinker bricks. The designations F50 and F75 indicate the ability of Besser to survive about 100 defrost-freeze cycles.

U standard brick service life is 50 years, and for clinker made from refractory clays - 200. gas silicate block require overhaul already in 60 years.

But, aerated concrete does not require additional insulation when laying in 1 unit. Besser blocks characteristics have close to brick. This requires massive walls, or their insulation.

Best preserves comfortable temperature Besser block house expanded clay concrete type. Their disadvantage, as already mentioned, is strength. So, everywhere you have to look for a balance, compare your requests and the parameters of a particular material. In the case of Besser bricks, their type decides a lot.

Types of Besser Blocks

In the Internet "Besser block" - photo, on which, at first glance, different “bricks” appear. Some of them are monolithic. These are called full-bodied. The absence of voids increases the strength of the blocks and their durability.

Cons are similar to others solid slabs for construction. They are so dense that there is no room for gas. Meanwhile, it is its “bubbles” that trap noise and heat. As a result, in Russian realities, the structures of their full-bodied Besser have to be insulated.

In areas with subtropical and tropical climates there is no need for this. Low noise insulation is also not a problem if the house is private, or if the blocks are used for factory workshops, bathhouses, or garages. Besser block fence also does not have to delay sounds.

Full-bodied bessers are standard, L-shaped and angular. This makes the laying easier and makes it aesthetically attractive and neat. In addition, there are options with decorative surface. As a rule, it is ribbed and imitates a natural stone. Blocks with such a surface are called chipped.

The second type of Besser blocks shown in the photo are double-hollow. About 30% of the volume is filled with air. They are divided into 2 cavities. Therefore, we minus strength, but add noise and heat insulation properties.

In addition, saving sand-cement or expanded clay-concrete mixtures also saves the budget for blocks. If low-rise construction is to be done, this is an ideal option.

There are also slotted bessers. There are 8 voids in them. They are thin and elongated. The similarity of the cavities with cracks gave rise to the name “bricks”. The cavities in them account for about 50% of the volume.

The voids are through, making the bessers as warm and soundproof as possible, but unsuitable for heavy loads. They build from slotted blocks interior walls without bearing load.

Solid and double-hollow blocks have half-bodied versions. They are called additional ones and are used where ordinary ones are not included. As you remember, they are difficult to cut.

Designs are not always created with an even number of bessers for each wall. We have to get half ones. True, there are additional costs for their production. Typically, 50 percent “bricks” are more expensive than standard ones.

Application of Besser blocks

It is no coincidence that the chapter “Characteristics” contains a comparison of sand-cement besser with clinker bricks. The latter is so durable and wear-resistant that it is used in paving sidewalks.

Besser blocks are also suitable for paths. In fact, the new product is universal, just like natural stone. Stairs are lined with besser. Made from vibropressed blocks and exhaust pipes, stoves, fireplaces, gazebos, fences, wells.

In Besser houses, bricks can form any walls and partitions. Basically, the new product is purchased for private construction. The material becomes an attractive alternative to brick. Informing about the new product encourages her price. Besser blocks are more expensive than bricks. But, do not forget about the size of the slabs. Let's calculate in cubic capacity.

Price of Besser blocks and reviews about them

Buy Besser blocks They offer, on average, 40 rubles apiece. For an ordinary brick they ask 10-15. As a result, a cube of Besser is at least a quarter more profitable. On a scale even one-story house with an area of ​​90 square meters, the savings amount to tens of thousands of rubles. This does not take into account the internal walls, but only the cost of the box.

Those who managed to take advantage of the new product speak mostly positively. Thus, Andrey Silchenko from Anapa noted that “Besser does not require plastering.”

Vladimir Shcherbakov from Balakovo chose the new product for its price, environmental friendliness and durability. A man erected from besser two-story cottage, lives in it for 3 years. Vladimir’s comment on one of the online forums reads: “I saved money on the boiler room and expanding the garage.

Initially, I planned to build it out of brick, but my brother, who lives in the states and rebuilt the house out of Besser, knocked me off the hook. These blocks have expanded the possibilities with the same budget and, so far, I don’t see any differences from brick ones in terms of strength, beauty and reliability.”

There are no negative reviews about Besser. There are a couple of comments about cracks in masonry. But it’s a matter of the design of the walls, not the quality of the blocks. They, like bricks, do not burn, do not rot, do not evaporate harmful chemicals and are not of interest to rodents.

So, there are reasons to be interested in people who want to live happily ever after in equally durable and prosperous homes. The main thing is to ask for quality certificates for Besser and documentation confirming its compliance with GOSTs.


Factors influencing the final color of concrete and concrete products when stained with iron oxide pigments

There are many factors that affect the color of concrete and concrete products colored with pigments. The main factors are:

Concrete aggregates

To prevent the color of the aggregates from affecting the final color ready-mixed concrete It is important to maintain a stable fractional composition of the filler and use the same filler throughout the entire production batch. The effect of aggregate color on concrete color is more noticeable with yellow and green colors than with more dark shades such as red, brown and black.


When preparing colored concrete, it is important to set the color saturation limit. With an increase in the added mass of iron oxide pigments to concrete mixture the color intensity at the beginning increases proportionally. However, at a certain concentration of pigment, further addition of it no longer leads to an increase in the intensity of the shade. It is important to know that if the saturation limit is exceeded, the pigment is actually wasted, in addition, there is a possibility of deterioration in the technical characteristics of the concrete.


White cement provides more vibrant colors to colored concrete. Gray cement makes colors appear duller. This loss of shade brightness when used gray cement is not the same for all pigments; it is most noticeable in the case of yellow and angry pigments. Attention! The shade of gray cement can also vary, so it is important to use cement from the same manufacturer throughout the entire job. Remember also that titanium dioxide does not replace white cement in search of achieving cleaner and bright colors.


When there is excess water, it evaporates with the formation of micropores. Incident sunlight is scattered when it hits the porous surface, making it visually lighter. This dispersion is independent of pigmentation and therefore also occurs when gray cement is used.


Efflorescence appears after several weeks, during which the concrete is exposed to poor weather conditions. Water dissolves free lime, which is a component of cement, and brings it to the surface of the concrete. After the water evaporates, a precipitate of soluble salts remains. Such salts are gradually washed away by rain. In addition, it is also possible to remove using special compounds. The type and concentration of pigments in concrete has no effect on the appearance of efflorescence.


Manufacturing of facing bricks "Besser"

For the production of products, cement, fine sand, and special plasticizers are used. All components are thoroughly mixed and sent to special equipment, where reliable and durable elements are created through vibration compaction. All production processes fully automated. Manufacturing is carried out on modern production lines, therefore it is guaranteed high quality material and completely eliminates the possibility of defects. The initial mixture can be painted in any color, so the final product is offered in a variety of shades - brown, red, blue, yellow, black, etc. Thanks exact dosage of all coloring pigments, products from different batches have the same tone.

Each batch of products is tested for frost resistance, strength, and water absorption. Testing is performed under conditions as close as possible to actual operation products.

The main advantages of decorative bricks "Besser"

  • Made from environmentally friendly raw materials and does not contain harmful or toxic components.
  • High water-repellent characteristics.
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation, color preservation during operation due to coloring of the product over the entire thickness.
  • Resistant to temperature changes, installation in any climate zone.
  • Strength and resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Excellent aesthetic qualities of the finished masonry.

Finishing elements are perfectly combined with other materials (stone, wood, metal, etc.), so architects and designers have ample opportunities to implement the most daring ideas.

Besser brick is produced different sizes, so it’s easy to choose the optimal solution for the construction of decorative internal structures or load-bearing walls. When using large blocks, the solution consumption and thermal conductivity of the object are significantly reduced by reducing the number of seams.

How to order products?

To short time get high-quality material, study the catalog and place an order using the online form or contact number. Popular shades of products are always available in our own warehouse, but when choosing a rare color, delivery times are also kept to a minimum. We offer high-quality certified products with delivery to addresses in the region and throughout the country. The client is provided with the entire package of necessary accompanying documentation.

Save money on your purchase masonry mixtures, finishing materials and order facing brick"Besser"! Call now to receive your goods in a short time!


Modern, but already proven

In fact, besser is an artificial stone that looks very similar to the original natural material itself. Besser bricks can have very different sizes: they start from 19 * 9 * 5.6 (cm) and end with 3.9 * 1.9 * 1.9 9 cm) - the latter are more related to blocks. The color scheme is also different - to the taste of the buyer.
The wave of popularity of Besser is associated with the innovative technology by which it is produced. It is this that ensures long service life and stunning appearance throughout an impressive service life.
Manufacturers make no secrets: to create such building materials, they use special types of plasticizers, cement of the most elite brands and fine, pre-sifted sand. Initially, they are mixed, and then with the help of special vibration pressing, the output is a reliable and very durable brick. At the same time, the entire process is automated - due to this, defects are also excluded.

What does the use of such material provide?

A building lined with such bricks will have a first-class appearance. The same epithets can be applied to other structures (including fences). And since the variety of shapes and sizes prevails, this becomes a huge plus for the possibilities of designer self-expression. In addition, you can also note the following bonuses:

  • environmental friendliness of the source material;
  • ease of installation;
  • precise joining in corners;
  • hydrophobic properties;
  • excellent resistance to mechanical damage;
  • weather resistance;
  • no need for final processing;
  • excellent combination with other materials and components.

There are also some disadvantages here.. Besser blocks are famous for their enhanced thermal conductivity. You can cope with these heat losses by laying thermal insulation material.

The Besser blocks themselves come in the following types:

  • special for the fence (both sides are decorative);
  • for partitions inside the house;
  • for facing bricks.

Besser decorative brick has found application not only as a facing material. With its help, the following structures are created:

  • load-bearing walls and columns;
  • interior partitions;
  • fences and fences;
  • other decorative structures in landscape design.

You can also find out about Besser brick in the following video:

Features in bricklaying

In practice, such material easily “gives in” to any, even unprofessional hands. There is no need to hire specialists or specialized equipment - the brick is so light that this will greatly facilitate its loading, unloading and transportation. And here lies another advantage - Besser reduces the pressure on the foundation itself (and this will allow you to fill foundations that are not too large, which will save money). The duration of the work itself will also be reduced.
Besser brick has some features in its masonry. It is important to adhere to this algorithm in your work:

  1. The laying is done using a thicker and more rigid mortar than with conventional brick.
  2. Work does not need to be carried out at low air temperatures (less than +8 degrees Celsius).
  3. Anti-frost mixtures are not used in the masonry mortar.
  4. When doing masonry, you need to protect the materials from precipitation.
  5. High-quality waterproofing is laid from the foundation and the first row.
  6. After completion of the work, the surface is treated with a special water-repellent solution.

Features of Besser brick laying - in this video:

How to build a fence from Besser

Installation of fences has become the norm for a cottage with a plot of land. But in other cases, a fence made of stone and brick will look very harmonious and interesting.

Besser bricks- this is an excellent choice for constructing a strong and reliable fence. Of course, if you follow all the rules for its installation.

  • We start with marking the area

When installing besser structures, it is important to first select the location where the entrance and gate will be located. Also, corners are marked along all edges of the site. It is at these points that you need to pull the rope between the placed posts (the distance between each is at least two meters). It is important to note that absolutely everything needs to be calculated - from the gate to the emergency exit. Construction tape is already being stretched along the borders of this territory.

  • How to make a strip foundation

Why this type of foundation? The requirement is due to the fact that the structure still plans to be massive and there is a risk that it will shrink in the future. For this reason, it is planned that the depth of the foundation itself will be approximately half a meter, and the width will entirely depend on the thickness of the future structure itself.
To create such formwork, you will need to take any source material that does not have the “habit” of deforming during subsequent pouring (wood, plywood or any construction waste).

The order of work will be as follows:

  1. A hole is dug at least half a meter deep and the width depends on the width of the fence.
  2. The pillars are buried one and a half meters into the ground.
  3. To prevent the foundation from cracking in the future, it will be possible to place two rows of reinforcement on each side and raise the rods in place of the proposed pillars.
  4. Install the formwork so that it can rise above the ground by at least 15 cm.
  5. Before pouring concrete, a layer of sand is placed at the bottom of the trench (it is filled with water and compacted).
  6. The top layer is poured as evenly as possible.
  7. The poured composition should harden for about a week.
  8. The pillars are erected using a pre-created marking line.

Read more about installing a strip foundation here.

Features of bricklaying

The difference in the laying of Besser from ordinary brick will be visible only in its voids. The surface itself is not additionally moistened. And the application of the solution should proceed as follows:

  1. The first row is pre-laid out to understand the future type of masonry. If calculated correctly, everything will coincide.
  2. The first layer to be laid can be made thicker to cover possible unevenness. However, this moment should not be exceeded by more than 1 cm.
  3. For a more even masonry, you can use a template - a thread stretched between the pillars. It is on this that the first row will be laid out.
  4. On each new row, you need to check the evenness of the surface using a building level.
  5. To increase strength, a layer of reinforced mesh can be laid between the rows.
  6. The top row is protected by decorative overlays. (About design brickwork read here)
  7. It is advisable to check the vertical seams with the top and bottom rows.
  8. It is better to move some distance away to evaluate the appearance of the structure.
  9. In no case should convex seams be allowed to appear throughout the masonry - they can collect all the moisture.

Video on laying a brick fence:

Caring for such a structure

Until the solution has stabilized, it is best to protect the masonry from external influences. Otherwise, this may lead to unnecessary efflorescence on its top layer. The constructed fence must be covered with plastic film for two weeks.
If salt deposits do appear, they can be easily removed with a three percent vinegar solution. Also, during processing, the brick is not washed with water - otherwise this will lead to their repeated manifestations.


Features of facing bricks

The modern construction market is replete with finishing materials for various facades. Among them, a special place is occupied by facing Besser brick. This building material is called so thanks to the manufacturing company that was the first to produce facade brick of such kind.

The raw material for making Besser bricks is a mixture of sand, high-quality cement, specialized plasticizers and pigment fillers. The production process itself is based on vibration pressing, which produces a ceramic cladding product with an attractive appearance and increased strength characteristics.

A special feature of Besser bricks is that one side of the facing brick has a chipped texture, which makes the product more decorative.

You can purchase Besser facing bricks from us at Nizhny Novgorod, and the price of such products will satisfy even the most zealous craftsmen.

Brick Besser - Advantages

Due to its high thermal conductivity, Besser facing brick is not used for the construction of external walls of buildings, but due to its decorative qualities it is widely used in finishing facades, building fences, constructing buildings that do not require heat conservation and internal partitions buildings.

The main advantage of brick is that it is made from natural materials, which means it is an absolutely environmentally friendly building material. Besser also resembles natural stone in its appearance, and this naturally has a positive effect on the overall picture of the facade.

Today, Besser facing brick is one of the most popular materials for facade finishing. This is due to the fact that it has a number of significant advantages:

  • Increased strength. Due to which ceramic brick can be used for cladding multi-storey buildings.
  • High degree of temperature resistance of bricks. The material does not collapse due to seasonal temperature changes.
  • Does not absorb moisture, which also prevents rapid wear of bricks.
  • The brick does not lose its original color under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation and over time.
  • Facing bricks are light in weight. This indicator is very important, both for the foundation of the building (there is no heavy load) and for production construction work(no specialized equipment required).
  • Thanks to the variety of colors, you can choose a facing brick that suits your preferences.
  • Long service life of facing bricks (about a hundred years beautiful facade provided for you).

By purchasing Besser bricks for cladding buildings, you will provide your home with a beautiful and durable finish, the best way combined with general landscape design. Nizhny Novgorod.


Besser base colors

Decorative brick (chipped)

Savannah Terracotta Cappuccino Cinnamon


The experience of using materials manufactured on BESSER equipment has proven their economic feasibility. The construction of buildings from Besser™ wall stones and decorative bricks can dramatically reduce the labor intensity of work and material consumption compared to construction from conventional bricks and aerated concrete blocks.

Thermal resistance of wallsRtr=∑ δn/ λ n+1/αb+1/αh

Rtr for Nizhny Novgorod

SNiP 23-02-2003 clause 5.3 calculated thermal resistance of building walls 3.36 m2 °C/W

1/αb=1/23=0.04 (Table 8, paragraph 1 SP23-101-204 thermal resistance of the outer surface of the wall)

1/αh=1/8.7=0.12 (table 7 clause 1 SNiP 02/23/2003 thermal resistance inner surface walls)

δ - material thickness.

Rgas powerD 400 =0.3/0.12+0.12/0.8+0.05/0.04+0.04+0.12=4.06 m2 °C/W

Basalt insulation 50 mm

RBesser=0.19/0.82+0.1/0.028+0.09/0.74+0.04+0.2=4.08 m2 °C/W

Insulation 100 mm Extruded polystyrene foam.

As calculations have shown, single-layer structures do not economically meet the accepted new standards of building heating engineering. For example, in the case of using the high load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete or brickwork, in order for the same material to withstand thermal resistance standards, the thickness of the walls must be increased to 6 and 2.3 meters, respectively, which is contrary to common sense. If you use materials with best performance in terms of thermal resistance, their load-bearing capacity is very limited, for example, like aerated concrete and expanded clay concrete, and expanded polystyrene and mineral wool, effective insulation materials, are not construction materials at all. On this moment There is no absolute building material that would have a high load-bearing capacity combined with a high thermal resistance coefficient.

In order to meet all construction and energy saving standards, it is necessary to build the building according to the principle of multilayer structures, where one part will perform load-bearing function, the second is the thermal protection of the building. In this case, the thickness of the walls remains reasonable, and the normalized thermal resistance of the walls is observed.

Frost resistance

Frost resistance is the ability of a brick material saturated with water to withstand repeated alternating freezing and thawing without visible signs of destruction and without a significant decrease in strength.

This characteristic is the most important parameter, on which the durability of the constructed building depends. It is measured by the number of freezing and thawing cycles. IN technical documentation frost resistance is indicated by the letter “F”, and the number following it informs about the number of freeze-thaw cycles that the brick can withstand.

BESSER, thanks to its extremely low (about 2-6%) water absorption coefficient, is a frost-resistant building material.

According to the results of the tests, the frost resistance of our BESSER products is F200-400 cycles (depending on the type of product).

Strength, durability

The block, produced by the method of semi-dry vibrocompression on the Besser production line, has high mechanical strength, resistance to climatic factors and some other characteristics that are not inferior, and in some respects superior to the characteristics of currently produced small-piece wall materials. Technology and equipment make it possible to produce wall materials with strength for hollow up to 30 MPa (up to 300 kg/cm 2), solid up to 60 MPa (up to 600 kg/cm 2)

Water absorption

Water absorption is an indirect characteristic of porosity, which shows the ability of a brick to absorb moisture and get rid of it without losing its strength characteristics.

Saturation of a material with water worsens its basic properties, increases thermal conductivity and average density, reduces strength.

BESSER products manufactured at our enterprise belong to the class “Concrete wall stones”. Low water absorption of concrete products is achieved by increasing the density of the working mixture.

Obtaining concrete of increased density is possible with optimal balance content of cement and fillers in the mixture, their quality characteristics, low water-cement ratio and corresponding intensive compaction when molding products, as well as optimal humidity conditions concrete hardening.

There are two main methods for the production of small-piece concrete products: vibrocompression and vibrocasting. Already from the names themselves you can understand their main difference. Obviously, when casting, the concrete mixture must be more liquid, that is, contain more water. And, as you know, adding water reduces the strength grade of concrete. However, not only the water content in the concrete mixture affects the number of pores in concrete, and therefore the quality of concrete products.

When preparing concrete and when placing it in forms, a lot of air is drawn into the mixture, which, if it is not compacted sufficiently, forms many voids, cavities and pores. To avoid this, vibrate the mixture. Vibration is used both during casting and during pressing, but with the second method, the concrete mixture is additionally pressed, compacting and displacing air, due to which, compared to casting, the number of voids in the mixture is additionally reduced.

All BESSER products produced by our company are manufactured using original equipment from the American company BESSER, from high-quality materials and with an optimal ratio of fillers, and undergo a full cycle of vibration pressing and heat and humidity treatment. This guarantees the unconditionally high quality of all our products, and in particular the extremely low water absorption of all products.

Environmental friendliness



The sizes of BESSER blocks and bricks allow them to be conveniently combined with all types of small-piece building materials, reinforced concrete load-bearing beams and floors, metal structures and wooden door and window blocks. Colored concrete blocks and bricks are convenient for transportation, storage and easy to use. Their laying is no different from laying ceramic and silicate bricks when building walls; it does not require special devices and devices and the result is lighter, faster to construct and economically justified. The construction of walls from BESSER blocks is available to any enterprise or contractor. Through voids in the blocks allow you to arrange hidden frame in the body of the wall, which dramatically increases its load-bearing capacity. In the USA, Canada and other countries it is constructive solution successfully used for the construction of both low- and high-rise buildings, including seismic areas. Due to the wide variety of shapes and colors, durability, blocks and bricks produced on Besser equipment are suitable for construction various buildings, facade cladding, interior finishing, small
architectural forms and landscaping. Their use is possible without plastering internal and façade surfaces, which makes it possible to avoid wet processes on construction sites as much as possible.

Fire resistance


Basic physical and mechanical parameters of stones produced by LLC NZSM "Besser"

compared to traditional materials

Characteristic Unit measurements Kinds wall stones
Besser Ceramic Silicate
Strength kg/cm 2 up to 600 125-200 150-200
Frost resistance Col. cycles (F) 100-200 50 35-50
Water absorption % 2-6 14 at least 6

Calculation of dressings for Besser TM products sand-lime brick including seams

Bonding of facing bricks Besser SKTs-6D with silicate thickened brick (250x120x88)

Bonding of facing bricks Besser SKTs-19D with silicate thickened brick (250x120x88) Bonding of facing bricks Besser SKTs-8L, SKTs-8D with wall blocks 1L (390x190x190)
Wall stone 390x190x190 mm, decorative facing bricks 190x90x56 mm

relief brick SKTs – 8D

Hollow wall stones 390x190x190 mm, facing stones 390x90x90 mm

row 2-hollow SKTs – 1L

relief brick solid SKTs – 6D

Hollow stones 390x190x190 mm, decorative wall stones 390x190x190

row 2-hollow SKTs – 1L

relief facing stone SKTs – 1D

Pole design options

It is necessary to vertically reinforce the pillars in two voids with reinforcement with a diameter of 6-10 mm, and you can also install a pipe with a diameter of 60-8 mm in the pillar foundation to increase the strength and stability of the structure. Fill voids with concrete every three rows of masonry. Every three rows, horizontally bandage the masonry of the pillar and span with reinforcing mesh.

To increase the stability and strength of the fence span masonry, you can fill the joints of stones with mortar, forming “lock” type joints.



Factors influencing the final color of concrete and concrete products when painted with iron oxide pigments

There are many factors that affect the color of concrete and concrete products colored with pigments. The main factors are:

Concrete aggregates

To prevent the color of the aggregates from affecting the final color of the finished concrete, it is important to maintain a stable fractional composition of the aggregate and use the same aggregate throughout the entire production batch. The effect of aggregate color on concrete color is more noticeable on yellows and greens than on darker shades such as red, brown and black.


When preparing colored concrete, it is important to set the color saturation limit. As the added mass of iron oxide pigments to the concrete mixture increases, the color intensity at the beginning increases proportionally. However, at a certain concentration of pigment, further addition of it no longer leads to an increase in the intensity of the shade. It is important to know that if the saturation limit is exceeded, the pigment is actually wasted, in addition, there is a possibility of deterioration in the technical characteristics of the concrete.


White cement provides more vibrant colors to colored concrete. Gray cement makes colors appear duller. This loss of shade brightness when using gray cement is not the same for all pigments, but is most noticeable in the case of yellow and angry pigments. Attention! The shade of gray cement can also vary, so it is important to use cement from the same manufacturer throughout the entire job. Remember also that titanium dioxide is not a substitute for white cement in the quest to achieve purer, brighter shades.


When there is excess water, it evaporates with the formation of micropores. Incident sunlight is scattered when it hits the porous surface, making it visually lighter. This dispersion is independent of pigmentation and therefore also occurs when gray cement is used.


Efflorescence appears after several weeks, during which the concrete is exposed to poor weather conditions. Water dissolves free lime, which is a component of cement, and brings it to the surface of the concrete. After the water evaporates, a precipitate of soluble salts remains. Such salts are gradually washed away by rain. In addition, it is also possible to remove using special compounds. The type and concentration of pigments in concrete has no effect on the appearance of efflorescence.