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Gesn insulation of walls with mineral wool slabs. For construction work

Norms and prices
for new technologies
in construction


Under the general editorship of P.V. Goryachkina





Authors' team: P.V. Goryachkin, A.I. Shtokolov, V.G. Guryev, A.N. Zhukov, A.P. Ivanov. L.A. Danilova, B.A. Barkhudaryan, M.V. Makarova, E.N. Fedotova, V. M. Semkova, N.N. Kalinko, T.A. Kropotova, M.I. Guslin Norms and prices for new technologies in construction (Handbook of cost estimating engineer). - Moscow, 2004. The proposed Directory includes additional elemental estimate standards and unit prices at the base price level of 2000 for work using new technologies, equipment, machines and mechanisms, materials, products and structures, including imported ones, as well as additional norms and prices for traditional work technologies. Intended for a wide range of engineering and technical specialists and economists of construction, installation and repair and construction organizations related to the development, coordination, approval and examination of estimate documentation.






Table ESN 26-01-043 Wall insulation with acoustic mats

Meter: 100 m2 26-01-043-1 Insulation of walls with acoustic mats made of ultra-super-thin fiberglass 50 mm thick plastic film

Resource code

Cost element name

Unit measured


Average job level


Driver labor costs
Flatbed vehicles up to 5 tons
Ultra-superfine fiber mats 50 mm thick

Unit prices

No. prices

Unit measured

Direct costs, rub.

IN including, rub.

Workers' compensation

Machine operation


Incl. salary

Consumption of unaccounted materials

(Codes of unaccounted materials)

Table 26-01-043 Wall insulation with acoustic mats 100 m 3 Wall insulation with acoustic mats made of ultra-super-thin glass fiber 50 mm thick in polyethylene film

Table ESN 26-01-044 Strips of fiberboard along the perimeter of floors

Scope of work: Laying thermal insulation materials with adjustment and fastening Meter: 100m 26-01-044-1 Strips of fiberboard around the perimeter of the floors

Resource code

Cost element name

E d.meas.

Labor costs of construction workers
Average job level
Driver labor costs
Single-bucket loaders with pneumatic wheels
Flatbed vehicles up to 5 tons
Bioresistant wood fiber boards 25 mm thick

Unit prices

In estimated prices as of 01/01/2000.

No. prices

Name and characteristics of construction work and structures

Unit measured

Direct costs, rub.

Including, rub.

Labor costs of construction workers, person-hours

Workers' compensation

Machine operation


(Codes of unaccounted materials)

Name and characteristics of materials not included in prices

Incl. salary

Consumption of unaccounted materials

Table 26-01-044 Strips of fiberboard around the perimeter of floors 100 m
Fiberboard strips around the perimeter of the floors
Bioresistant wood fiber boards 25 mm thick


Almost all developed countries of the world currently use energy-saving technologies, and not the least of them are systems facade insulation.Purpose: i Increasing the thermal protection of building envelopes during new construction and reconstruction existing buildings. i Saving energy resources for heating buildings. i Expansion of possibilities for decorative finishing appearance facades. i Increase protective properties façade against adverse factors. i Indirectly solve the problem of protecting the environment and reducing the manifestations of the “greenhouse” effect. Requirements for modern facade insulation systems: i Can be used on any type of building substrate. i High resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influences. i Resistant to UV radiation. i Good vapor permeability of the entire system. i System compatibility of all constituent elements. i Breadth of architectural and technological solutions. i Variety of choice of decorative and finishing materials. i Maintainability. i Long service life and operation. The State Construction Committee of Russia has currently certified more than 15 facade insulation systems, both foreign and domestic producers. The most well-known Russian systems are: THERM OMAX (Loritel-Anker LLC), ISOTECH (Izotech LLC), POLYDOM (Polidom LLC), RADEX (BelNIIS Minskstroyarchitecture, Republic of Belarus), "RUSHHEKK-TISS" (RUSHEKK LLC), "SINTECO" (NIIMosstroy, State Unitary Enterprise Center "Enlacom"), TEPLO-AVANGARD (Avangardstroymaterialy LLC), "WARM HOUSE" (OJSC "Pilot Plant of Dry Mixes"), and etc. Among Western systems, it should be noted: “ALLIGATOR” (Germany), “ALSECCO” (Germany), “SARATEST” (Germany), “CERESIT” (Germany), “DRYVIT SYSTEMS” (USA), “ISPO” (Germany) , “SENERGY” (USA), “TEX-COLOR” (Germany), etc. Legend: A - load-bearing wall; B - exterior decoration(plaster, etc.), if available; B’ - penetrating primer; B - special mineral adhesive composition; D - special facade driven or screw dowel; D - insulation boards (basalt fiber or expanded polystyrene); E - base layer made of adhesive mineral composition; F - alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh; Z - acrylate primer with quartz sand(quartz primer); And - decorative facade plaster. Before starting the installation of thermal insulation systems, it is necessary to ensure that all internal “wet” processes are completed (this is especially true plastering works and production of cement screed). The enclosing structure and internal plaster must dry to such an extent that excessive accumulation of moisture in the walls becomes impossible. External part The wall should be dry to the touch. The foundation must be separated from the “structure” by horizontal waterproofing, which prevents the capillary rise of moisture into the thermal insulation system. During installation, measures must be taken to prevent water from entering the system and into the system. All materials must be stored dry warehouse. The minimum daily air temperature during the installation of the system should not be lower than +5 ° C. Best quality can be achieved when performing work under protective coating located on scaffolding and fencing work area from the rain and sun rays. Installation is recommended to be carried out: i after completion of interior finishing work; i after installation of the roof; i after installation of window and door units.

Technical part

1. General instructions 1.1. Elementary estimate standards for external thermal insulation of buildings with thin plaster for insulation (systems with rigidly fastened insulation) are developed in accordance with SP 12-101-98 " Technical rules production of external thermal insulation of buildings with thin plaster on insulation" (Gosstroy of Russia dated March 19, 1998 No. BE-19-8/14). The regulations apply to the device thermal insulation coating external enclosing structures of residential and public buildings, made of the following materials: concrete (monolithic, prefabricated panels), brick (with or without plaster), wall blocks (with or without plaster). The façade system was adopted as a representative system thermal insulation system THERMOMAX (Technical certificate of the Gosstroy of Russia No. TS-07-0680-03). 1.2. The standards provide for the performance of work from ready-made inventory scaffolding at a height of up to 30 m. When performing work at a height of over 30 m, the following coefficients should be applied to the labor cost standards depending on the height: up to 50 m - 1.12 up to 60 m - 1.20 above 60 m - 1.30. If it is necessary to install scaffolding specifically for thermal insulation of facades, justified in the construction project of the facility, the consumption of resources for these purposes should be determined according to the standards of the Collection GESN-2001-08 “Structures made of bricks and blocks.” Correction factors provided for in clause 1.22 of the Technical Part of the Collection GESN-2001-26 " Thermal insulation work» to the standards of the table. 01/26/045 do not apply. 1.3. The standards provide for thermal insulation of simple external walls and walls of medium complexity with the area occupied by architectural details not exceeding 30% of the wall area. When thermally insulating complex facades (where the area occupied by architectural details is more than 30% of the wall area), an increasing coefficient of clause 3.1 of the Technical Part is applied to the labor cost standards for construction workers. 1.4. Specific brands thermal insulation materials should be taken according to design data. The materials and structures in the standards are averaged and adopted according to those most commonly used at present. In the case of using materials and structures (adhesives, primers, facade plasters, profiles, dowels) different in brand from those taken into account in the standards, the norms of the ESN table are not adjusted, except in cases of development individual standards in agreement with the customer. 1.5. When insulating the facades of repaired and reconstructed buildings, the following can be carried out as part of the preparatory work: i repair of the wall surface; i dismantling gas and drainpipes, as well as other parts that interfere with the work; i removal of efflorescence, fungi, mold using special compounds; i lengthening the mounting brackets for drains, lightning rods, external lighting fixtures etc.; i sandblasting; i rinsing with water using units high pressure and drying. Costs for these purposes are determined according to the standards of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction works. 1.6. Priming and painting of the protective and decorative layer ( facade plaster) is determined according to the standards of the Collection GESN-2001-15 “Finishing works” and GESN-2001-13 “Protection building structures and equipment from corrosion." 2. Rules for calculating the volume of work 2.1. The area of ​​the insulated wall surface should be calculated minus the openings along the outer contour of the boxes. If there are two boxes in the opening, the area of ​​the opening is calculated by the contour of the outer box. 2.2. Area insulated architectural details(pilasters, half-columns, cornices, parapets, bay windows, loggias, belts, etc.) should be included in the total area of ​​the insulated wall surface. 3. Coefficients to norms

Table ESN 26-01-045 External thermal insulation buildings with thin plaster over insulation

Scope of work: 01. Inspection and preparation of the base ( mechanical cleaning building base from mortar residues; sealing local damage and cracks, leveling individual places with lime-cement mortar). 02. Prime the base with a penetrating primer to eliminate leaks on the wall surface. 03. Installation of insulation (with dressing) on ​​the adhesive composition with its preparation. 04. Mechanical fastening of insulation with “disc-type” façade plastic dowels with a metal rod 1). 05. Sealing the junctions of insulating boards to wooden, metal and other structures on the facade using polyurethane foam. 06. Installation of additional protective elements on the external corners of the building, as well as strengthening of door and door ribs window slopes perforated aluminum or steel (galvanized steel) corners (profiles). 07. Construction of a reinforced (base) layer on an adhesive mineral composition (application adhesive composition, fiberglass mesh reinforcement and priming). 08. Application of a protective and decorative layer (facade plaster). The standards take into account minor and auxiliary operations: drilling holes; preparation of compositions; gluing oblique reinforcing mesh inserts to the corners of window and doorways on the facade; sealing the places where scaffolding is attached to the wall, etc. 1) Depending on the adopted technological sequence, doweling of the insulation can be done before or after laying the reinforcing mesh. Instead of “disc-type” plastic dowels with a metal rod, spacer sleeve dowels or polyamide dowels can be used. These options do not affect the performance standards given below. Meter: 100 m 2 of insulated surface of external walls (excluding openings) External thermal insulation of buildings with thin plaster over insulation 26-01-045-01 slab thickness up to 50 mm 26-01-045-02 slab thickness up to 80 mm 26-01-045-03 slab thickness up to 100 mm 26-01-045- 04 slab thickness up to 120 mm 26-01-045-05 slab thickness up to 150 mm

Resource code

Cost element name

E d.meas.

Labor costs of construction workers
Average job level
Driver labor costs
Electric winches
Electric rotary hammers
Thermal insulation slabs (type, brand according to the project; mineral wool slabs made of basalt fiber or polystyrene foam boards)
Fiberglass dowel 100 mm
Fiberglass dowel 120 mm
Fiberglass dowel 150 mm
Fiberglass dowel 170 mm
Fiberglass dowel 200 mm
Dry adhesive mixture for insulation and reinforcement type “TERMOMAX-100” (dry mineral lightweight adhesive composition)
Fiberglass plaster mesh 5 ´ 5 mm
Fiberglass mesh angular
Decorative facade plaster type “TERMOMAX - D 1”
Polyurethane foam sealant (mounting foam) type Makroflex, Soudal in 750 ml cylinders
Aluminum profiles CA16-122
Dowels for fastening profiles
2) The consumption of dowels is averaged based on the amount per 1 square meter of the surface of the insulating material:

Unit prices

In estimated prices as of 01/01/2000.

No. prices

Name and characteristics of construction work and structures

Unit of measurement

Direct costs, rub.

Including, rub.

Labor costs of construction workers, person-hours

Workers' compensation

Machine operation


(Codes of unaccounted materials)

Name and characteristics of materials not included in prices

Incl. salary

Consumption of unaccounted materials

Table 26-01-045 External thermal insulation of buildings with thin plaster over insulation 100 m 2 insulated surface of external walls (excluding openings)
External thermal insulation of buildings with thin plaster over insulation:
slab thickness up to 50 mm
Thermal insulation boards
slab thickness up to 80 mm
Thermal insulation boards
slab thickness up to 100 mm
Thermal insulation boards
slab thickness up to 120 mm
Thermal insulation boards
slab thickness up to 150 mm
Thermal insulation boards

Technical part

The standards of Table 26-01-046 provide for thermal insulation of floor slabs and internal basement walls as for prefabricated buildings reinforced concrete panels(expanded clay concrete) and for buildings with brick walls. Mineral wool boards with a synthetic binder, polystyrene foam, and fiberglass materials (ISOVER, URSA) are used as materials for thermal insulation of walls and ceilings. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is determined depending on the wall material in accordance with the project. Thermal insulation boards are attached to the walls and floor slabs of the basement with galvanized steel mesh using anchors. The nets are protected with a layer of plaster 20 mm thick.

Table ESN 26-01-046 Thermal insulation of ceilings and internal walls of the basement

Scope of work: 01. Preparation of the insulated surface. 02. Installation of anchors in ceilings (standards 5, 6) or in the internal wall of the basement (standards 7, 8) with drilling holes. 03. Sawing slabs 04. Laying thermal insulation boards“dry” in 2 layers with local adjustment to the ceiling at the floor level of the 1st floor (standards 1 - 4). 05. Installation of insulation and metal mesh with fastening to anchors with nuts and washers (standards 5 - 8). 06. Installation and fastening of steel strips (standards 7, 8). 07. Plastering on a grid the surface of the floor (standards 5, 6) or the surface of the walls (standards 7, 8). Meter: 100 m 2 of insulated surface Thermal insulation of the ceiling at the floor level of the 1st floor with insulation thickness: 26-01-046-1 140 mm 26-01-046-2 120 mm 26-01-046-3 100 mm 26-01-046-4 80 mm Thermal insulation of the floor above the basement from below with insulation thickness: 26-01-046-5 70 mm 26-01-046-6 60 mm Thermal insulation device interior wall basement with insulation thickness: 26-01-046-7 70 mm 26-01-046-8 60 mm

Resource code

Cost element name

Unit measured

Labor costs of construction workers
Average job level
Driver labor costs
Electric rotary hammers
Mortar pumps 1 m 3 /h
Flatbed vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons
Thermal insulation boards
Woven mesh with square cells No. 05, galvanized

Table continuation

Resource code

Cost element name

Unit measured

Labor costs of construction workers
Average job level
Driver labor costs
Electric rotary hammers
Mortar pumps 1 m 3 /h
Truck-mounted cranes when working on other types of construction (except main pipelines) 10 t
Flatbed vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons
Thermal insulation boards
Woven mesh with square cells No. 05, galvanized
Ready finishing mortar (composition and brand according to the project)
Polyethylene expansion dowels
Anchor pieces made of straight or bent round threaded rods (with or without washers and nuts), supplied separately

Unit prices

In estimated prices as of 01/01/2000.

No. prices

Name and characteristics of construction work and structures

Unit measured

Direct costs, rub.

Including, rub.

Labor costs of construction workers, person-hours

Workers' compensation

Machine operation


(Codes of unaccounted materials)

Name and characteristics of materials not included in prices

Incl. salary

Consumption of unaccounted materials

Table 26-01-046 Thermal insulation of ceilings and internal walls of the basement 100 m 2 of insulated surface
Thermal insulation of the ceiling at the floor level of the 1st floor with insulation thickness:
140 mm
Thermal insulation boards
120 mm
Thermal insulation boards
100 mm
Thermal insulation boards
80 mm
Thermal insulation boards
Thermal insulation of the floor above the basement from below with insulation thickness:
70 mm
Thermal insulation boards
60 mm
Woven mesh with square cells No. 05, galvanized
Thermal insulation boards
Ready finishing mortar (composition and brand according to the project)
Thermal insulation device for the internal wall of the basement with the thickness of the insulation:
70 mm
Woven mesh with square cells No. 05, galvanized
Thermal insulation boards
Ready finishing mortar (composition and brand according to the project)
60 mm
Woven mesh with square cells No. 05, galvanized
Thermal insulation boards
Ready finishing mortar (composition and brand according to the project)

Table ESN 26-01-053 Coating the insulation surface of flat and curved surfaces with asbestos-cement sheets and slabs

Scope of work: Installation and fastening of plates Meter: 100 m2 Surface insulation coating of flat and curved surfaces: 26-01-053-3 with asbestos-cement sheets and slabs

Resource code

Cost element name

Unit measured

Labor costs of construction workers
Average job level
Driver labor costs
Single-bucket loaders with pneumatic wheels
Flatbed vehicles up to 5 tons
Asbestos cement slabs
Galvanized sheet steel 0.8 mm
Steel tape 2 ´ 30 mm
Low carbon steel wire for various purposes galvanized 1.1 mm

Unit prices

In the estimates prices on 01/01/2000

No. prices

Name and characteristics of construction work and structures

Unit measured

Direct costs, rub.

Including, rub.

Labor costs of construction workers, person-hours

Workers' compensation

Machine operation


(Codes of unaccounted materials)

Name and characteristics of materials not included in prices

Incl. salary

Consumption of unaccounted materials

Table 26-01-053 Coating the insulation surface of flat and curved surfaces with asbestos-cement sheets and slabs 100 m 2
Surface insulation coating of flat and curved surfaces:
asbestos-cement sheets and slabs
Asbestos cement slabs

Operation of construction machines


Price without VAT, rub.

estimated cost, mash.-h

incl. drivers' wages

Truck-mounted cranes when working on other types of construction (except main pipelines) 10 t
Electric winches, traction force 19.62 (2) kN (t)
Mortar pumps 1 m 3 /h
Single-bucket loaders with pneumatic wheels
Electric rotary hammers
Electric circular saws
Combined press shears
Flatbed vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons

Estimated prices for material resources


Price without VAT, rub.

Low-carbon steel wire for various purposes, galvanized with a diameter of 1.1 mm
Calm strip steel, grade St3sp, width 50 - 200 mm, thickness 4 - 5 mm
Galvanized steel sheet sheet thickness 0.8 mm
Polyurethane foam for sealing joints in a 0.75 l can
Plaster mesh made of fiberglass 5 ´ 5 mm with polymer impregnation (according to the “TERMOMAX” system)
Polyethylene expansion dowels
Dowels for fastening metal profiles 6.0 ´ 40 mm
Galvanized self-tapping screws
Corner fiberglass mesh with polymer impregnation (according to the “TERMOMAX” system)
Steel tape 2 ´ 30 mm
Stitched mats made of super-thin glass fiber without binder, 50 mm thick
Fiberglass dowels 100 mm for facades (according to the “TERMOMAX” system)
Fiberglass dowels 120 mm for facade (according to the “TERMOMAX” system)
Fiberglass dowels 150 mm for facade (according to the “TERMOMAX” system)
Fiberglass dowels 170 mm for facade (according to the “TERMOMAX” system)
Fiberglass dowels 200 mm for facades (according to the “TERMOMAX” system)
Penetrating primer type “TERMOMAX-300”
Quartz primer type “TERMOMAX-1301”
Dry adhesive mixtures such as “TERMOMAX-100”
Facade plaster mixtures decorative type"TERMOMAX - D 1"
Anchor pieces made of straight or bent round threaded rods (with or without washers and nuts), supplied separately
Cold-formed profiles from aluminum alloys for enclosing building structures SA16-122-0.6P
Ready-made finishing mortar, heavy, cement-lime 1:1:6