home · Lighting · What to build interior walls from. Foam blocks for partitions in the apartment. Here I list the disadvantages of drywall partitions

What to build interior walls from. Foam blocks for partitions in the apartment. Here I list the disadvantages of drywall partitions

Internal partitions require the selection of appropriate materials. There are many materials and technologies on the market - brick, concrete, drywall.

How to choose suitable material what are the interior partitions, what is better to do, advantages, disadvantages various options, as without extra costs build a good, solid partition - these issues are discussed in this article.

Popular materials

In some cases, the walls must be strong enough, be able to withstand the weight of objects suspended on them (sometimes heavy), and must have good sound insulation. There are many solutions for the construction of internal partitions:

  • concrete blocks,
  • ceramic materials (ordinary, hollow brick),
  • clinker,
  • concrete,
  • drywall,
  • silicate blocks,
  • expanded clay blocks,
  • lightweight concrete blocks.

Clay hollow brick is less durable than clinker. Below we will talk about the most common technologies used in construction, which partitions are better in an apartment, what is cheaper, more durable to build partitions, what properties different materials have.

Brick, clinker

A popular traditional material for the construction of partitions is brick. There are several types of brick walls.


  • brick has better sound insulation;
  • high strength;
  • heavy objects can be hung on walls made of solid bricks, clinker, a similar situation is in the case of hollow bricks, but in this case, reinforced fasteners should be used to hang heavy objects, as they may end up in voids;
  • brick structures are highly resistant to mechanical damage.


  • Walls made of solid, hollow bricks, clinker are very heavy, significantly increasing the load on the floor.
  • Usually bricks are used (full, hollow, clinker) with dimensions of 25 x 12 x 6.5 cm. a large number of solution.
  • The brick has large deviations in dimensions, uneven surfaces. After its installation, plastering of the wall will be required, the thickness of the plaster layer is at least 1.0-1.5 cm, which increases the cost and duration of construction.

Due to their high weight, brick partitions are placed on a reinforced floor, for example, on properly designed reinforced concrete beams supported by bearing walls. You should be careful when changing the location of the walls on the upper floors. When making changes, be sure to consult with designers, specialists in the construction industry.

Which brick is better? The use of hollow bricks can reduce the weight of the partition by 20-30%. However, a hollow brick wall has less soundproof properties than a partition made of ordinary brick.

Finishing work can be accelerated if, instead of plastering, finish with plasterboard panels. Drywall does not need to be plastered, it is enough to apply putty before painting, wallpapering.

Clinker brick partitions do not plaster, this solution is expensive due to high prices for clinker good quality.
Aerated concrete - a common material, like drywall, is characterized by a fairly low cost of construction.

ceramic brick

This building material with a thickness of 11.5 cm is often used for the construction of walls.


  • relatively inexpensive, cheaper than solid, hollow bricks;
  • allows for a faster erection of the structure than in the case of standard brick walls, due to the larger size (50 x 20 x 11.5 cm), easy installation;
  • such brick walls provide good acoustic parameters indoors;
  • allows you to hang heavy objects, special spring pins should be used.

Ceramic brick walls are finished in different ways:

  1. plaster with plaster 1.0-1.5 cm thick;
  2. finished with drywall.

The walls can be realized with concrete blocks or ceramic materials such as solid bricks, hollow bricks, clinker. Clay bricks are less durable than clinker. There are several interesting alternatives to these materials - silicate blocks for interior walls in an apartment, blocks of expanded clay, lightweight concrete.

Wall of luxfers or glass blocks

Sometimes glass blocks (luxspheres) are used, creating certain stylizations. Luxspheres - an alternative to drywall constructions, gives interesting decorative effects. This material is successfully used as a wall between the kitchen and the living room, other rooms, if it fits the interior styling.

Luxspheres in the interior, photo

Aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks are a popular material for building walls.

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  • ease of cutting, forming almost any surface;
  • they can quickly drill grooves for wiring.
  • on the walls it is relatively easy to fix any defects, chips;
  • a standard aerated concrete block has dimensions of 60 x 20 x 11.5 cm, allowing you to quickly build walls, provides a lower consumption of mortar compared to brick;
  • unlike bricks, concrete blocks are produced with a low dimensional deviation, so thin masonry joints can be applied, more thin layer plaster (0.8-1.0 cm).


  • much worse sound insulation than brick of any kind, you need to consider the purpose of the room;
  • aerated concrete has a relatively low strength, so you need to carefully hang heavy objects;
  • cellular concrete walls are less resistant to mechanical damage,
  • due to poor sound insulation, for aerated concrete walls in residential premises, more thick layer plaster (1.5 cm), increasing the ability to absorb sound. There are also special drywall boards with an extra layer of soundproofing, but this greatly increases the overall cost of building a wall.

Expanded clay blocks

Expanded clay blocks are an interesting alternative for those who like to use concrete blocks.


  • high strength will allow you to hang heavy objects (but less durable than brick);
  • better absorb sound;
  • the cost of a claydite-concrete wall is lower than the cost of a partition made of conventional concrete blocks.

Expanded clay blocks are placed on standard solution, trim:

  • ordinary gypsum plaster;
  • lime;
  • cement;
  • clay (ecological plaster).

silicate blocks

Silicate blocks are:

  1. full;
  2. hollow, having special grooves, for example, for laying cables, which allows you not to make grooves in the wall.


  • excellent acoustic characteristics - blocks with a thickness of 8 cm are characterized by high standards of sound insulation, providing acoustic comfort;
  • silicate blocks are made with high precision, do not require a large thickness of plaster - usually a plaster thickness of 0.5-0.8 cm is required;
  • silicates are characterized by high strength, resistance to heavy weight - you can easily hang heavy objects on them without damaging the wall;
  • the cost of a partition made of silicate blocks is comparable to the cost of a partition made of clay brick; but bricks need to be plastered, silicate walls can be left unplastered, which reduces the cost.

What interior partition will be a compromise in terms of cost savings, sufficient strength, sound insulation? These are drywall walls.

Drywall interior partitions

Modern wall partitions between rooms are often made of plasterboard. There are waterproof panels used as partitions in bathrooms. The walls are two plasterboard surfaces mounted on special metal profiles. Between them, a mineral wool filler can be located. The total thickness of such a wall is usually 12 cm.

Advantages of drywall partitions:

  • have an average ability to absorb sound;
  • contribute to a good microclimate in the room, due to the ability of gypsum to absorb and release moisture contained in the air;
  • do not require plastering, enough putty;
  • construction speed.


  • Heavy objects on drywall structures should be placed thoughtfully, they are not as strong as brick walls - hanging heavy objects without special installation is not recommended. Usually, if there is a need to hang a heavy object, fasteners are fixed on a metal profile located inside the partition. After finishing it is not always possible to determine exactly where the profile components are located, so fasteners should be planned and marked in advance.
  • Significant disadvantage frame structures– low resistance to shock, damage.
  • When using drywall in bathrooms, an extra layer of moisture insulation is recommended, even on waterproof boards.

Drywall frame structures are a cost-effective, quickly erected solution. If good quality is used for the construction mineral wool, you can achieve decent sound insulation. Unfortunately, even the best materials will not give such performance as bricks, hollow blocks of concrete, silicates.

What to choose?

This question worries many at the stage of project planning, construction budget or home renovation. We examined the most popular options for the implementation of interior partitions.

  • Under normal conditions, it is recommended to make partitions made of hollow ceramic, silicate brick. Both solutions provide high insulation parameters and are relatively quickly erected. In the case of high-quality silicates, it is possible not to plaster the surface, which leads to a reduction in construction costs.
  • If you want to achieve maximum sound insulation, the walls are made of solid bricks. Such a decision must be made at the design stage in order to properly reinforce the floor under the partition.
  • Concrete blocks, expanded clay give limited ability hanging heavy objects.
  • The choice of expensive solutions - clinker, glass blocks will give good acoustic properties, high strength, but the price is quite high.

Comparison of interior partitions, from which it is better to build a wall in an apartment

What are the partitions in the apartment made of? To answer this question, you must first familiarize yourself with existing materials and the terms of their use. Today, the most diverse material is used for partitions in an apartment or residential building. Moreover, their type and dimensions depend on the purpose of the partitioned space. But before getting acquainted with the types of partitions, you should understand the very concepts of division of a room or its zoning.

What is the best way to make an interior partition so that the room is isolated from other rooms? Here it is better to use a denser or durable material that has high sound insulation performance. Such partitions in apartments are most often installed in order to create a separate room for children or a study. It is important not only soundproofing, but also the vibration resistance of the walls. What is the alternative to plasterboard partitions. Alternatively, the inner wall can be made of cheaper, expanded clay blocks, gypsum blocks and foam blocks.

The internal partitions in the apartment are symbolic, and most often the tongue-and-groove partitions are simply decoration of the room. They only visually divide the room into two or more specific zones. Such interior partitions in an apartment are most often installed, for example, in the living room to separate the dining and recreation areas, in large bedroom can thus be separated working area- an office from the main square.

Construction of insulated walls

Let's take a closer look at the methods of erecting insulated walls, for example, internal partitions from foam blocks or expanded clay blocks in order to obtain a secluded space. But first of all, it should be noted that, according to generally accepted standards, blind partitions can only be installed in rooms with several sources. natural light. That is, in which there are two or more windows. If the partition will be erected in other places, then permission from the BTI and a new project will be required. Therefore, the first thing we consider is the conditions for installing partitions in an apartment.

It is forbidden to make capital partitions in the following cases:

  • in order to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, bathroom or toilet at the expense of living space;
  • in the same way, reduce the kitchen or bathroom in order to increase living space;
  • equip a sanitary unit above the kitchen of the neighbors below;
  • carry out the transfer of the kitchen to the living area;
  • if there gas stove, it is forbidden to combine the kitchen and living quarters;
  • divide a dwelling into two or more with one source natural light(window).

In addition to the places for installing partitions, you should also take into account some technical aspects that will determine what it is better to make interior partitions from. These include the following:

  • it is forbidden to demolish partitions in order to transfer it, if they are load-bearing;
  • installation of heavy partitions should be carried out only on a solid foundation (reinforced concrete monolithic, brick or block, with its density not less than D600, wall). In other cases, walls can be laid from foam blocks 10 cm thick, or it can be made according to frame technology from drywall.

The table below compares several materials according to their physical characteristics, which is decisive in choosing a particular type.

It can be seen from the table that the most warm material is gas or gas silicate blocks for partitions in an apartment, but at the same time it has less strength due to its high porosity. by the most durable material is a brick, but due to high density material, its weight is very large: 1 sq.m. masonry weighs 250 kg. In comparison with gas blocks, the weight of one element is from 5 to 10 kg with dimensions of 600x300x100 mm, they are more than 4 times heavier, and, therefore, will create a greater load on the floors. As for soundproofing characteristics, gas blocks and foam blocks have better insulating properties due to the presence of many gas bubbles. But also from the table you can see how foam concrete differs from aerated concrete, the pros and cons of both types are obvious.


For the construction of partitions in rooms with high humidity it is necessary to use a material with a low moisture absorption coefficient. This has a brick or special moisture-resistant green gypsum blocks. At the same time, it is better to use hollow material for partitions, it has less weight, at least 30%, but has the same strength.

Brickwork as a partition has several advantages:

  • high strength and load capacity;
  • bricks can be used to build walls of any curvilinear shape;
  • the material is resistant to humid environments and fungal formations; due to poor moisture absorption, it generally does not form.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • high weight of the partition;
  • high curvature of the surface after laying, which will require additional plastering, but in the case of tile installation, this does not play a special role;
  • high labor intensity of work;
  • lots of associated dirt.

Masonry brick calculator

Partitions from gas blocks and foam blocks

What is the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete? These materials are quite similar to each other, but they have a number of differences, which are as follows:

  • mode of production. Aerated concrete blocks are made by baking in autoclaves, unlike foam blocks, which harden under normal conditions and can be made directly at the construction site;
  • chemical composition. They contain in their composition large quantity cement than in the first version, which makes them stronger and more moisture resistant;
  • foam blocks are less susceptible to processing due to the greater proportion of cement.

Given all of the above, we can say with confidence that the foam block or gas block is stronger. Naturally, a foam block, but it has a lower thermal insulation coefficient. In particular, for the construction of partitions in an apartment, this does not play a big role.

If the base does not allow the construction of massive and very heavy interior walls, then great option there will be an interroom partition made of foam blocks. But at the same time, it must always be faced without gaps using tiles, plaster and other means in the case of construction in rooms with high humidity.

Today on sale there is a wide variety of sizes of foam blocks and gas blocks for construction. But for the construction of partitions there are so-called partition blocks. Their standard sizes can be: 600x300x100 mm, 600x200x100 mm.

Interroom partition from blocks have a number of advantages:

  • installation of partitions from foam blocks is carried out quite quickly due to the small weight of each block and its impressive size;
  • high rates of heat and sound insulation;
  • high fire resistance;
  • high indicators of the geometry of the finished masonry;
  • gas and foam blocks can be easily processed with any tools (chisel, hand saw, drill), but it is recommended to use a tool specially designed for this. The hacksaw should have a thick blade, and be studded with large double teeth;
  • when laying partitions made of foam blocks, doorways up to 80 cm wide can be made without the use of metal lintels, but only with the use of adhesive mixture. Learn more about the construction of a foam block wall.

But just like with any other construction, there are some disadvantages due to the following:

  • gas and foam blocks have deviations in geometric dimensions up to 2 mm, which indicates the need to level the wall plaster mixtures. You can learn how to plaster foam block walls from another article on this site;
  • to exclude the formation of fungus in damp and damp rooms, partitions must be treated with antiseptic protective equipment and must be 100% finished with plaster mixtures;
  • the surface is less durable than brickwork.

: Inner wall of aerated concrete Is it worth it?

tongue-and-groove slabs

Of no less interest are tongue-and-groove blocks or slabs for partitions in an apartment. This new material, which is based on gypsum, plasticizer and other hydrophobic additives to increase water resistance, has excellent geometric parameters. Also, each plate has a groove and a ledge (ridge) in its structure to ensure the perfect docking of the components among themselves, forming a single flat surface.

Gypsum blocks, as a building masonry material, have a number of advantages:

  • not combustible, and does not deform when exposed to fire for a long time;
  • have excellent geometric parameters unlike partitions made of foam blocks, which speaks of ideal flat surface and no need for plaster;
  • easy to process with any tools;
  • have excellent soundproofing and heat-insulating properties;
  • have a relatively small weight approximately equal in volume to a gas block;
  • on sale there are plates with voids, which without much difficulty allows you to make the wiring of all necessary communications;
  • the light weight of the plates and the large geometric dimensions of each block contribute to the rapid construction of walls and partitions;
  • the presence of a groove and a ridge makes the wall stronger than the laying of an interior partition made of foam blocks.

Like any other material, gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs have disadvantages:

  • comparatively low strength of the material;
  • high water absorption, up to destruction. For the construction of partitions in rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to use plates with special additives, and they have a different green color than usual;
  • for the installation of plates, only special gypsum glue should be used, which is another difference between the wall of foam blocks in the apartment.

Partitions from expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay blocks for interior partitions are also a good option, because they have good performance strength, sound and heat insulation and most importantly low cost. But one should take into account the fact that a more durable one has less heat retention properties. For the construction of partitions in the apartment, it is enough to use elements with large expanded clay granules. Expanded clay blocks also have pros and cons, which are described below:

  • the least durable expanded clay concrete blocks have a moisture permeability coefficient much less than foam blocks, and is only 50% versus 85%;
  • less durable expanded clay concrete block has greater strength compared to the foam block, the indicator differs by almost half;
  • laying of expanded clay blocks can be carried out directly on a reinforced concrete base in an apartment, while gypsum or gas blocks should be mounted on a substrate to compensate for the temperature coefficient;
  • these blocks are not prone to shrinkage, which indicates the preservation of ideal geometry after completion of work for a long time;
  • on sale there are a variety of sizes and shapes of expanded clay blocks, which allows you to build structures of complex shape.

There are no ideal materials, so this one has some disadvantages:

The block, due to the presence of a large number of fired clay granules, is difficult to process conventional tools, therefore, it is required to purchase discs specially designed for concrete.

: Drywall partitions six months later.

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  • The choice of material for interior partitions

    Today, more and more developers are selling apartments with open plan. And this means that the construction of partitions in a new building falls on the shoulders of the owner. This approach has many advantages. The owner of the apartment can safely implement almost any design ideas, recreating the geometry of the space for himself. The only problem is how to choose the right material for the future partition, so as not to be disappointed with the result. After all, the task is not only to simply zone the room. The partition must be reliable so that shelves, pictures, and a TV can be subsequently attached to it. Also, the partition must have soundproofing properties. Otherwise, it will only be a decorative screen.

    What to make interior partitions in a new building?

    We bring to your attention an overview of the most common materials for the construction of partitions in the premises. They are suitable not only for new buildings, but also for secondary housing, offices, cottages, country houses etc.


    The most durable partitions are obtained from this material. Also, brick is great for building walls in rooms with high humidity, because it has a low moisture absorption coefficient.

    Usually a brick partition is a half-brick wall so that the thickness of the structure does not exceed 160 mm. If the length of the partition is more than one and a half meters, it must be additionally strengthened with a reinforcing mesh, which will significantly increase the strength of the entire structure.

    The main disadvantages of bricks include:

    • the high cost of material and work on the construction of the partition;
    • the large weight of the resulting partition (on average, the load on bearing structures is about 300 kg per square meter area).

    Gas and foam concrete blocks

    At first glance, these blocks are very similar to each other. But there are still a number of differences. For example:

    • by chemical composition: foam blocks contain more cement, so they are more durable and moisture resistant;
    • by production method: aerated concrete blocks are produced by baking in autoclaves, and the foam blocks solidify under normal conditions.

    Installation of partitions from blocks is faster and easier. This material is excellent for cutting. With it, you can build walls of almost any configuration. The partitions themselves are light in weight. Their total thickness, taking into account the layers of plaster, is 130 mm. At the same time, they have excellent heat and noise insulation properties.

    In addition to the advantages of this material, of course, there are also disadvantages. These include deviations in geometric dimensions up to 2 mm, so you will have to level the resulting wall with plaster. Also, in wet rooms, partitions made of blocks must be coated with antifungal agents.

    tongue-and-groove blocks

    This material is based on gypsum. Hydrophobic additives increase its resistance to moisture. Such blocks are distinguished by excellent geometric parameters.

    There are quite a few advantages of tongue-and-groove plates:

    • not subject to combustibility;
    • you can create perfectly flat surfaces;
    • easy to process with any tools;
    • weigh relatively little;
    • have excellent noise and heat insulation properties;
    • voids in the slabs are suitable for internal wiring of communications;
    • ease and speed of installation;
    • interior walls in a new building are stronger due to the presence of a groove and a ridge.

    But do not forget about the disadvantages:

    • Low strength of the material compared to brick
    • Requires the use of special gypsum adhesive


    A very popular material for the construction of partitions, especially in office space. As for residential apartments, then partitions are usually erected from drywall for wardrobe rooms, pantries or decorative partitions for symbolic zoning of premises.

    The main advantages of drywall:

    • lightness of the material - the weight of one square meter is no more than 50 kg;
    • ease of installation.

    At the same time, the drywall wall is not able to withstand a lot of weight. Maximum - up to 15 kg. If you plan to increase the load, it is worth additionally strengthening the wall with plywood sheets. It is also worth taking care of soundproofing in advance. This can be done using special fiberglass or basalt slabs, as well as with the help of polystyrene foam mats.

    If you need the construction of an interior partition, it is better to take the advice of a specialist who will tell you what is best done in your particular case. A real professional will help you decide on the material, orient you at prices and help with the purchase. Do not neglect the advice of qualified craftsmen!

    IN Lately interest in interior partitions as construction site is growing every day. For many developers or owners of new apartments, questions such as what are they built from internal walls, and what materials to give preference to, not idle curiosity, but a completely understandable need. In order to competently answer these questions, first of all, it is necessary to understand the difference between load-bearing structures that serve to transfer the load to the foundation and walls - self-supporting, dividing the interior space into rooms. They do not take on the weight of the structural elements of the building, and therefore can be anything, depending on their functional purpose. There is no definite classification of interior partitions, as such, however, they can be conditionally grouped according to some characteristics. So, according to the method of construction, they can be:



    By type of construction:


      From piece material


    By functional purpose:

      Separation of space into isolated rooms

      Room zoning


    Simply put, with the help of partitions, you can reshape your future housing in your own way and manner, but it is worth considering some nuances. If you are in doubt about the location of the structure on this moment and in the future you plan to move it from time to time, then you better fit option frame partitions which are easy to erect and just as easy to dismantle. Here, you will mainly need to pay attention to the design strength of the structure, translated into practical language, this means how much weight a square meter of the wall can withstand. Naturally, if you are not going to hang kitchen cabinets And bookshelves, then it will be enough indicators bearing capacity 60 - 70 kg / m 2, otherwise you will need a wall of material that can withstand 150 - 200 kg / m 2.

    When installing stationary partitions, it will be necessary to comply with the conditions that regulate the permissible weight of the load on the ceiling, it should not exceed 300 kg / m 2. From this calculation, it will be necessary to find the optimal ratio of the physical and mechanical properties of the material from which it will be erected and its mass.

    Focusing on the requirements that apply to the design, and they can be very diverse increased fire resistance, moisture resistance, improved soundproofing characteristics or just a design addition to the interior, one or another type of partition is selected.

    Stationary are most often used to equip a separate dressing room, bathroom, etc. In these cases, it is recommended to use blank interior walls. If additional lighting is required, window openings can be provided in the partition canvas, which, as a rule, are located in the upper part of the structure. Attention is also paid to the parameters of sound insulation of the structure. In order not to be unfounded, we will give examples of the index value of the sound absorption of some materials

    Table 1

    Construction material Soundproofing index

    Half brick wall + plaster

    Cork crumb sheet (2 - 4 mm)

    Foam concrete D400 (100 mm)

    Plaster (80 mm)

    Drywall + mineral wool (52 mm)

    For reference, according to the requirements of regulatory documentation, it is not recommended to exceed the noise level of 40 dB.

    Considering the above, it can be concluded that stationary structures should be something between the enclosing walls and lightweight partitions.

    Movable, they are also called transforming partitions, serve for temporary limitation and modification of space. The great-grandmother of this type of partitions can be called an ordinary screen, which was used in ancient times. According to their design, they are folding, from one or several modules, and sliding from a solid and composite canvas. According to the method of attachment, they are divided into:



    In the first option for flooring a guide is attached along which, with the help of a system of mechanisms, the partition moves from place to place. In the second case, the fastening elements are located in the upper part of the partition, so that the canvas is in a suspended position. This type of construction is very economical in terms of use. usable space and has been successfully used in small apartments or in rooms with limited amenities.

    Structurally, internal walls can be made of small-piece products (building blocks) and frame-frame, which of these options is for your suitable at home more, it's up to you, everything will depend on the purpose of the partition. An interesting solution and it can be said that the idea of ​​using cabinets, shelving and decorative shelves as interior partitions was a design find. This made it possible not only to plan the zones of the room more rationally, but also to save usable space.

    What can be said about the choice of material? His list is as diverse as for the main walls. For the construction of interior partitions is used:

    • Aerated concrete blocks

      Drywall of all kinds

      tongue-and-groove slabs

      glass blocks

    • Oriented - particle boards

    • Etc. and so on.

    So this list is endless. Now some specifics.

    Brick partitions are mainly installed on the first floors of the building, due to the fact that it is the heaviest of all materials. Undoubtedly, such walls are durable and durable. For the construction of brick structures in the upper part of the structure, calculations will be required in order not to exceed permissible loads on the cover. The weight of the wall can be reduced by using hollow stone. To disadvantages brick partitions can be attributed to high labor intensity, the presence of wet processes and a significant amount of construction debris. About the cost, such structures also cannot be classified as cheap, since in addition to the main work, finishing will also be required, which also cost time and money.

    Interroom walls made of cellular concrete

    A good alternative is cellular concrete, but in the case when it will

    the right balance between strength and density is chosen. As positive points, one can note the ease of processing of this material, it is easy to saw and process, which indicates that in such a partition it will be possible not only to hide the wiring and some communication systems, but also to experiment with the author's ideas of arched openings, decorative niches and others. designer stuff. Due to the large format of the blocks, the construction time of the walls of their cellular blocks is minimal, which reduces the period construction works. However, when choosing this material, it is worth considering the fact that the pore formation structure of gas silicate and foam concrete is different, this is significantly reflected in their physical and mechanical properties. So the cells of gas blocks are open, which is perfectly reflected in the air and vapor permeability of the material, but on the other hand, open pores increase its hygroscopicity. That's why Finishing work such partitions are required additional processing surfaces. The technology of foam blocks implies the creation of closed pores, therefore this material has the best sound-proofing and moisture-resistant properties to the detriment of air exchange.

    Interroom walls made of tongue-and-groove slabs

    Received the most flattering reviews tongue-and-groove slabs. They are made on the basis of gypsum or gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binders and have an impeccable smooth surface. Thanks to it and a kind of lock, such as a thorn - groove, the installation of an interior wall comes down to a simple assembly of the plates among themselves, moreover, after assembly, you can do without applying plaster. The guides in the form of a groove and a ridge will ensure the straightness of the structure in any case, which is the most in the best way affect the installation time. This material, like cellular concrete, easy to process, inside such plates m You can hide wires and piping. By introducing water-repellent additives into the raw mix, the moisture resistance of the material is increased, which allows it to be used for the construction of partitions in rooms with high humidity. The only unfortunate flaw of tongue-and-groove plates is low sound insulation, which imposes some restrictions on their use.

    Plasterboard interior walls

    Partitions made of drywall, although in fairness it should be noted that opinions about such structures are very ambiguous. The indisputable advantages of drywall interior walls include lightness, prefabricated , no wet processes during installation and a minimum of construction debris. There are many varieties of this material, ordinary, moisture resistant, fire resistant and composite. Accordingly, each of them has its own specific properties and can be used in a variety of rooms. An important role in the assembly of partitions is played by the shape of the edge, it can be of three types:


      Rounded, from the side of the front surface

      With edge thinning

    The use of sheets with a special edge allows butt joints to be made almost imperceptibly and without laying a reinforcing tape.

    Installation of the partition is very simple, it consists of mounting a frame, which is made of aluminum or PVC profile. From its design and strength characteristics of drywall will depend on what power load the future partition can withstand. The thickness of the sheets usually varies from 6.5 to 24 mm; a double layer of drywall is sometimes used to increase the bearing capacity of the wall.

    Glass block interior walls

    Interior partitions made of glass blocks look very extravagant and unusual. The effect of the uniqueness of this design is given by the transparency of the material and the original design of the products. They can with a glossy and matte surface, with a smooth and embossed top layer and different color solutions. This gives unlimited possibilities flight of fancy and the realization of the most daring plans. But installation of such beauty requires preliminary calculations, because to a lightweight design glass partition cannot be attributed. The usual size of a glass block is 19x19x8cm, there is an enlarged version of 24x24x8 cm. The weight of a standard product is about 4 kg, so such an interior partition in weight will not differ much from a brick one. Curvilinear glass structures look spectacular; to complete the composition, you can use shaped blocks, which are produced in the form of semicircles and corners. Installing such a partition will require a lot of patience and accuracy from the performer. Due to the unusual properties of glass, it is recommended to lay out no more than three to four rows per day in order to ensure the required adhesion and eliminate possible deviations from straightness. In no case should even a small part of the mortar be left on the surface during installation, its removal after setting may leave scratches.

    The design of interior walls made of wood is similar to a frame structure made of drywall. It is based on metallic profile, which is sheathed on both sides natural material. In the same way, internal walls made of MDF are installed, oriented - particle board and plywood.

    During the redevelopment of the apartment, we face the question of the demolition of old interior partitions and the construction of new ones. It would seem that there should not be so many types of materials for their construction, but this is an erroneous opinion. Let's explore and find optimal solution!


    Stationary interior partitions, unlike screens, wardrobes and sliding doors, are the most reliable option that isolates a room from other rooms. The basis for them can be, for example, wood, brick or concrete. Which material is right for you depends on several factors. important factors:

    • the load on the supporting structures, which will be created by new partitions, should not exceed the load created by the previous ones;
    • the thickness of the erected partitions should not be large, otherwise they will reduce the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room;
    • the partition material must be strong enough if you plan to hang decor items on the walls or screw furniture to them;
    • interior walls must provide sufficient sound insulation;
    • internal partitions must be made of slow-burning materials.

    Let's look at what the options might be, and then, armed with knowledge, you will carefully choose the material for the partitions in your home.


    This is a material that has stood the test of time. Recently, brick is not so popular, but it has certain advantages:

    • partitions from solid brick have good soundproofing properties, a thickness of one brick (12 cm) is considered ideal according to current building codes and rules;
    • it is a moisture resistant material; brick walls - reliable and durable, hold fasteners well.

    There are also some disadvantages:

    • such structures have significant weight, which means they create a significant load;
    • for the construction of brick walls, it is necessary to involve specialists, since this difficult process;
    • require plastering;
    • an uneven partition will have to be sheathed with drywall, which will not only increase its thickness, but also the cost.


    Blocks are often used as building material for interior partitions. There are several reasons for this:

    • they have good sound and heat insulation. However, it should be noted that this is not high level like a brick;
    • easy to use: the blocks are easily cut with a hacksaw and stacked, but masonry skills are indispensable;
    • have significantly larger size compared to brick.

    Let's not forget about some disadvantages:

    • the surface of the blocks must be plastered before fine finish;
    • a partition made of blocks is less durable than a brick, does not withstand a large load, so it is impossible to hang something heavier than 20 kg on it in total.


    Solid and hollow tongue-and-groove slabs are increasingly used in the construction of partitions. They are made from alabaster with various kinds of additives. Features of this material:

    • has a low weight;
    • has good soundproofing properties, but to achieve a higher level of soundproofing, hanging materials can be used: for example, a plasterboard frame filled with sound-absorbing materials;
    • durable, holds nails well;
    • easy to fit on a special glue;
    • there is no need to plaster a partition of this type: you can level and close the seams with two or three layers of putty.

    • light weight;
    • the material itself poorly isolates sounds, but it all depends on the internal filling of the frame: polystyrene foam is most often used (not a good soundproofing material) And mineral wool boards(have higher soundproofing performance);
    • it is built faster and easier than partitions from other types of materials;
    • partition surface has perfect shape and does not require plaster;
    • the voids of the plasterboard frame make it convenient to place communications in them.

    For all its advantages, a plasterboard partition has several disadvantages:

    • when working with mineral wool materials a large number of small fragments of fibers are formed, so you need to wear a special suit, a respirator and protect your hands with gloves. Otherwise, fiber particles will dig into the skin and settle on the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat;
    • if you plan to hang something on the interior wall, then for the stability of the partition to the load, it is necessary to fasten all interior items directly to the frame, which must be reinforced with a number of jumpers.