home · Other · Brick partition in the apartment. Comparison of interior partitions, what is better to build a wall in an apartment from. Drywall - the most quickly erected partitions

Brick partition in the apartment. Comparison of interior partitions, what is better to build a wall in an apartment from. Drywall - the most quickly erected partitions

The construction of walls should only be trusted to professionals. It is very important not only to skillfully install interior partitions, but also to choose the right design. If they are intended to be installed for a long period of time, it is necessary to take care of additional heat and sound insulation. Also, the partition must be especially strong and durable. In other cases, you can choose an option that involves the installation of easily disassembled or mobile structures. They will be less durable, but will share without great expense free space for several zones.

The cost of installation of interior walls from San Sanych

Our company is engaged in installation interior walls any design and type in Moscow. Thanks to many years of experience, we will help you choose best option who will answer everyone existing requirements. Our craftsmen will professionally install any structure, so it will last for many years. Also, do not worry about the quality of the walls. The absence of level differences, cracks and other defects is excluded. Therefore, finishing surfaces will not entail too much expense. The cost of work largely depends on the materials used. We offer clients both budget options, and more expensive.

Name of works Unit change Price, rub.
1 Brickwork in 1/4 brickm21100
2 Brickwork in 1/2 brickm2800
3 Brickwork in 1 brickm2800
4 Laying a gypsum tongue-and-groove blockm2750
5 Laying foam concrete block, 8-10 cmm2700
6 Interior walls made of plasterboard (2 layers) with Knauf frame productionm2850
7 Soundproofing of plasterboard partitions is mineral. cotton woolm2150
8 Installation of drywall on a wall with pre-sheathing of the wallm2580
8 Covering heating risers with plasterboardpm580
8 Sealing gypsum board joints painter. mesh, puttym250

Partition options

Depending on the materials used, there are following types partitions:

  • brick. They have high strength, moisture resistance, sound and heat insulating properties. Disadvantages - heavy weight, need for plastering;
  • from tongue-and-groove slabs (GGP). This material is fire-resistant, not afraid of moisture, and can be quickly installed. Disadvantage: relatively low strength;
  • from foam blocks. Advantages: light weight, high sound insulation properties, ease of installation, forms a flat surface. Disadvantage - the blocks may not have an ideal shape;
  • plasterboard. Advantages: light weight, fire resistant, formation of smooth and flat surface. Disadvantages – low strength, afraid of moisture. Also, the construction of walls from gypsum plasterboard is very popular in apartments due to the ease of installation work.

The arrangement of interior partitions, it would seem, should not raise many questions, however, as practice shows, home craftsmen very often face the problem of choosing the material for their construction. And if during the construction of a house the internal walls are mounted from the same material as the external ones, then if it is necessary to make partitions in the finished building, this issue is very acute. What is the best material to make partitions from in terms of reliability and good heat and sound insulation? Let’s figure it out together.

Brick walls - reliability and practicality

Before you make a partition in a room with your own hands from brick, you should decide which brick will be used, silicate or ceramic. The first option is made from sand, lime and some additives. Ceramic, on the other hand, consists almost one hundred percent of clay, which is fired during certain temperatures. Bricks can be solid or hollow. In addition, there is another type of brick – clinker. This is a fairly expensive option and is used extremely rarely for arranging partitions. Most often this happens when you need to create a decorative effect, since clinker is not plastered.

For masonry, a standard size of 250x120x65 mm is used, although other variations can be found on sale, differing in their thickness - one and a half, double and euro. If there is no need for thermal insulation, then it is better to use solid brick, since it has distinctive soundproofing properties. You can safely hang heavy objects on such a wall, but not every object can be hung on a structure made of hollow bricks. For particularly heavy ones, you may need a special belt or reinforced fastening.

To build brick partitions, it is necessary to provide a good foundation, since such interior walls are heavy. The use of hollow bricks helps reduce the load on the base by 30%, but in this case the sound insulation will suffer, so you will need to spend extra money on its arrangement. It is also worth considering that brick walls require plastering and leveling with plasterboard, because the brick itself has a rather uneven surface.

Among the advantages of using brick as a material for interior partitions, one can also highlight the resistance of the structure to external influences - mechanical, humidity, etc. Such walls can be built in any room - from a bedroom to a sauna. The main disadvantages, in addition to the large weight, are the complexity of constructing the structure and laying communications. And if in solid brick You can also build grooves for laying, for example, electrical wiring, but doing this in a hollow structure is strictly prohibited, since such a structure will lose its load-bearing capacity and may completely collapse.

Partitions made of foam concrete blocks are an excellent replacement for bricks

An alternative brickwork can serve foam concrete blocks. They are produced by autoclave and non-autoclave methods. Last option used by small manufacturers, so the quality of such a product can be very questionable due to imperfect production technology. Blocks can be made molding method(when each element is filled with its own form) and cut (after manufacturing, the workpiece is sawn into required amount parts). The cutting method allows you to get smoother edges, which saves money on masonry mortar and further leveling of the walls.

Blocks from cellular concrete lightweight and easy to process. They can be easily cut with a regular hacksaw. In such walls, recesses can be easily made for laying electrical wiring and other communications. Due to its large size, unlike brick (installation of partitions is usually carried out in blocks of 600x200x115 mm), work on arranging the wall takes much less time. Unfortunately, the material also has its drawbacks. Foam concrete is quite fragile, so you need to be careful with it during installation. In addition, to hang heavy objects on walls, it is necessary to use special fasteners, since foam concrete crumbles easily.

You can increase the strength characteristics of the wall by using expanded clay blocks. They are more durable and do a better job of sound insulation than products made from foam and aerated concrete. One more positive quality Expanded clay blocks are inexpensive, so installing partitions will be inexpensive. There are solid and hollow options on the market. IN Lately Products with a tongue-and-groove system are more popular. It saves solution and simplifies installation work. Among the disadvantages of the material, it is worth highlighting its not very good moisture resistance, so it is necessary to equip high-quality waterproofing when using the material in rooms with high humidity.

To create load-bearing structures or when necessary internal partitions, having both mechanical strength and good sound insulation, can be used silicate blocks. They are made from environmentally friendly pure materials(sand, lime and water) using a special pressing method, which allows for good density of the material, so they can withstand heavy loads. The tongue-and-groove connection system helps reduce work time and save construction adhesive. The disadvantage of the material is its decent weight.

Interior walls made of plasterboard - quick installation and variety of shapes

Being easy to process and install, gypsum boards have gained popularity as partitions. Today you can find both standard drywall, and one that has waterproof, fire-retardant qualities, which makes it indispensable in rooms of any functional nature. In addition, manufacturers currently produce various standard sizes of products. This allows you, if necessary, to install interior partitions yourself, without the involvement of specialists or outside help. The flexibility of the material allows you to create partitions various forms and sizes.

A plasterboard wall consists of a frame, the construction of which comes from wooden slats or galvanized profile. It is important to take into account that the use of a profile is preferable, since the material is not subject to rotting and changes in structure under any humidity conditions, which cannot be said about wood. Installing a profile of the required thickness allows not only to attach sheets of drywall, but also to install heat and noise insulation, as well as lay communications in cavities. The big advantage is that the plates can be bent to give them the desired shape. Plasterboard will also not cause any difficulties: you just need to plaster the seams and paint (paste) the surface.

The most serious drawback plasterboard construction– this is its inability to withstand heavy loads. It is impossible to hang heavy objects on such a wall without installing special belts during the construction of the partition. Besides, plasterboard wall easy to damage. What is it better to make the walls from then to avoid these consequences? You can use an improved material - gypsum fiber boards. This is the same material, only cellulose fibers are used in production to give strength. Thanks to this, the material is durable and has good soundproofing qualities. They are completely safe and fire resistant.

Glass - an extraordinary approach to building walls

We looked at the most popular options for how to make interior partitions yourself, but modern technologies make it possible to use various materials for arranging walls. One of them can be called glass blocks. Their advantages are undeniable - they are easy to install, reliable in operation, since they are made of thick glass and transmit light perfectly. Glass blocks allow you to implement various ideas in an apartment, since they are produced different colors and structures. They can be combined, thereby achieving interesting design solutions.

The material has a number of advantages. It is fireproof and has good soundproofing properties due to the presence of air inside glass structure. The blocks are not subject to rotting, moisture and temperature changes. They do not accumulate odors, and their care is minimal - just wash them. But glass material is not without its drawbacks. The block cannot be cut into pieces, so when building a wall you need to take this property into account first. It is impossible to hang any object on them, with the exception of objects with an adhesive surface. In addition, communications cannot be hidden in them.

In some cases, it is possible to erect partitions in a house from ordinary glass, more precisely tempered or triplex. This approach helps protect a person from injury, since if damaged, the material does not shatter into fragments, but falls into small pieces or remains on the film (mesh) that is built into the glass.

The only advantages that can be highlighted are the variety of color and design solutions, as well as the ability to transmit light. Otherwise, such partitions do not protect against extraneous sounds and do not create reliable thermal insulation due to their minimal thickness. As a rule, such walls are mounted from metal, plastic or wooden frames, inside which glass is placed.

It can be noted that for the construction of partitions between rooms they use natural materials, such as cane or fabrics and plastic. But such walls are more decorative than practical.

What are the partitions in the apartment made of? To answer this question, you must first become familiar with existing materials and terms of their use. Today, a wide variety of materials are used for partitions in an apartment or residential building. Moreover, their type and dimensions depend on the purpose of the separated space. But before getting acquainted with the types of partitions, you should understand the very concept of dividing a room or its zoning.

What is the best material to make an interior partition from to make the room isolated from other rooms? Here it is better to use a denser or durable material, which has high sound insulation rates. Such partitions are most often installed in apartments to create a separate room for children or a study. Not only soundproofing is important here, but also vibration resistance of the walls. What is the alternative? As an option, the internal wall can be made from cheaper expanded clay blocks, gypsum blocks and foam blocks.

Internal partitions in an apartment are symbolic, and most often just decoration of the room. They only visually divide the room into two or more specific zones. Such interior partitions in an apartment are most often installed, for example, in the living room to separate the dining room and relaxation area; in a large bedroom you can thus separate work area(office) from the main area.

Construction of insulated walls

Insulated partition

Let us consider in more detail the methods of constructing insulated walls, for example, internal partitions made of foam blocks or expanded clay blocks in order to obtain a private space. But first of all, it should be noted that according to generally accepted standards, blind partitions can only be installed in rooms with several sources natural light, that is, in which there are two or more windows. If the partition is erected in other places, then permission from the BTI and the drawing up of a new project will be required. Therefore, the first thing we will consider is the conditions for installing partitions in the apartment.

Conditions for installing partitions in an apartment

It is prohibited to make permanent partitions in the following cases:

  • in order to increase the area of ​​the kitchen, bathroom or toilet at the expense of the living space;
  • in the same way, reduce the kitchen or bathroom in order to increase living space;
  • install a sanitary unit above the kitchen of the neighbors below;
  • transfer the kitchen to the living area;
  • if there gas stove, it is prohibited to combine the kitchen and living space;
  • divide living space into two or more with one source natural light(window).

In addition to the installation locations for partitions, you should also take into account some technical aspects that will determine what is best to make interior partitions from. These include the following:

  • It is prohibited to demolish partitions for the purpose of moving them if they are load-bearing;
  • the installation of heavy partitions should only be carried out on a solid foundation (monolithic reinforced concrete, brick or block, with a density of at least D600, wall); in other cases, walls can be laid from foam blocks 10 cm thick or made using a frame.

The table below compares several materials according to their physical characteristics, which are decisive when choosing a specific type.

From the table it is clear that the most warm material are gas or gas silicate blocks for partitions in an apartment, but it has less strength due to its high porosity. The most durable material is brick, but due to high density material, its weight is very large: 1 m 2 of masonry weighs 250 kg. In comparison with gas blocks, the weight of one element is from 5 to 10 kg with dimensions of 600x300x100 mm, they are more than 4 times heavier and, therefore, will create a greater load on the floors. As for sound insulation characteristics, gas blocks and foam blocks have better insulating properties due to the presence of many gas bubbles. But the table also shows how foam concrete differs from aerated concrete; the pros and cons of both types are obvious.

Types of materials for partitions


For the construction of partitions in rooms with high humidity it is necessary to use a material with a low moisture absorption coefficient. This is a brick or green color. At the same time, it is better to use hollow material for partitions, since it has less weight, at least 30%, but has the same strength.

Brickwork as a partition has a number of advantages:

  • high strength and load capacity;
  • You can build walls of any curved shape from brick;
  • the material is resistant to humid environments and fungal formations; due to poor moisture absorption, it does not form at all.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • high weight of the partition;
  • high curvature of the surface after masonry, which will require additional plastering, but in the case of installing tiles this does not play a special role;
  • high labor intensity of work;
  • a lot of accompanying dirt.

Calculator for calculating bricks in masonry

Partitions made of gas blocks and foam blocks

What is the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete? These materials are quite similar to each other, but they have a number of differences, which are as follows:

  • Mode of production. Aerated concrete blocks are made by baking in autoclaves, unlike foam blocks, which harden under normal conditions and can be produced directly on the construction site.
  • Chemical composition. They contain large quantity cement than in the first option, which makes them stronger and more moisture resistant.
  • Foam blocks are less susceptible to processing due to the larger proportion of cement.

Considering all of the above, we can confidently answer the question of what is stronger - a foam block or a gas block. Naturally a foam block, but it has a lower thermal insulation coefficient. In particular, for the construction of partitions in an apartment this does not play a big role.

If the foundation does not allow the construction of massive and very heavy interior walls, then excellent option There will be an interior partition made of foam blocks. But at the same time, it must always be covered without gaps using tiles, plaster and other means in case of construction in rooms with high humidity.

Today there is a wide variety of standard sizes of foam blocks and gas blocks for construction on sale. But for the construction of partitions there are so-called partition blocks. Their standard sizes can be:

  • 600x300x100 mm;
  • 600x200x100 mm.

An interior partition made of blocks has a number of advantages:

  • Installation of partitions made of foam blocks is done quite quickly due to the light weight of each block and its impressive size.
  • High rates of heat and sound insulation.
  • Good fire resistance.
  • High indicators of the geometry of the finished masonry.
  • Gas and foam blocks can be easily processed with any tools (chisel, hand saw, drill), but it is recommended to use a tool specially designed for this. The hacksaw should have a thick blade and be equipped with large double teeth.
  • When laying partitions from foam blocks, doorways up to 80 cm wide can be made without the use of metal lintels, but only with the use glue mixture. More details about.

But just like with any other construction, there are some disadvantages due to the following:

  • Gas and foam blocks have deviations in geometric dimensions of up to 2 mm, which indicates the need to level the wall with plaster mixtures.
  • To prevent the formation of fungus in raw and wet areas partitions must be treated with antiseptic protective equipment. It must be 100% finished with plaster mixtures.
  • The surface is less durable than brickwork.

Tongue-and-groove slabs

Partition made of tongue-and-groove slabs

Tongue-and-groove blocks or slabs are of no less interest for partitions in an apartment. This new material, which is based on gypsum, plasticizer and other hydrophobic additives to increase resistance to water, has excellent geometric parameters. Also, each plate has a groove and a protrusion (ridge) in its structure to ensure ideal joining of the components with each other, forming a single, flat surface.

Gypsum blocks as a building masonry material have a number of advantages:

  • non-flammable and does not deform during prolonged exposure to fire;
  • have excellent geometric parameters in contrast to partitions made of foam blocks, which indicates a perfectly flat surface and no need for plaster;
  • easy to process with any tools;
  • have excellent sound-proofing and heat-insulating properties;
  • have a relatively small weight, approximately equal in volume to a gas block;
  • slabs with voids are available for sale, which allows you to easily lay out all the necessary communications;
  • the light weight of the slabs and the large geometric dimensions of each block facilitate the rapid construction of walls and partitions;
  • the presence of a groove and a ridge makes the wall stronger than laying an interior partition made of foam blocks.

Like any other material, they have disadvantages:

  • comparatively low strength of the material;
  • high water absorption, up to destruction - for the construction of partitions in rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to use slabs with special additives, they have a green color different from ordinary ones;
  • For installation of slabs, only special gypsum adhesive should be used.

Partitions made of expanded clay concrete blocks

For interior partitions they are also a good option because they have good performance strength, sound and heat insulation, and most importantly, low cost. But you should take into account the fact that a more durable material has lower heat retention properties. To build partitions in an apartment, it is enough to use elements with large expanded clay granules. Expanded clay blocks also have pros and cons, which are described below:

  • the weakest expanded clay concrete blocks have a moisture permeability coefficient much lower than foam blocks, and is only 50% versus 85%;
  • a less durable expanded clay concrete block has greater strength compared to a foam block, the indicator differs by almost half;
  • laying expanded clay blocks can be carried out directly on a reinforced concrete base in an apartment, while gypsum or aerated blocks should be mounted on a substrate to compensate for the temperature coefficient;

Very often the question arises about the demolition of old and the construction of new interior partitions. Which ones to choose - brick or blocks, plasterboard or glass? How to follow the technology during installation, ensure sound insulation and resistance to stress? Let's try to figure it out in our review.


Whatever the material - brick, blocks or slabs, partitions are erected at the stage of general repair work, before starting finishing works. Base - load-bearing beam, floor slab, rough floor screed.

The choice of material is influenced by several mutually exclusive conditions:

  • on the one hand, the load on the floors of new partitions should not exceed the weight of the previous ones, the thickness of the partitions should not significantly “eat up” usable area, - which means the partitions should be quite light and thin;
  • on the other hand, partitions must be strong enough to withstand the weight of hanging furniture, lamps, and decorative items while providing comfortable sound insulation.

To solve this dilemma, we turn to building regulations and rules:

  • SNiP 03/23/2003 “Noise Protection” recommend comfortable sound insulation standards from 41 decibels between rooms to 47 decibels between a room and a bathroom. knot. Is it true, modern recommendations increase this barrier to 55 decibels - this is the type of noise protection that is considered optimal. To ensure such conditions minimum thickness partitions must be no less than the depth of the interior door frame, i.e. no thinner than 10 centimeters. Better yet, about 30 centimeters, which corresponds to a plastered brick wall on both sides.
  • SNiP 2.01.02-85 " Fire protection systems"require that internal partitions be made of low-flammability materials and be sufficiently fire-resistant. The most stable in this regard reinforced concrete panels, small-piece blocks, plasterboard sheets on a metal frame.

Which material is better? Only specialists, for example, from the construction company TopDom, can say with confidence. The decision is made taking into account individual characteristics your home.

Here we can only consider the characteristics of some materials.


Recently, due to the variety of modern building materials, brick has been losing its position. At the same time, a partition made of this material has a number of advantages:

  • durable and reliable;
  • is able to hold fasteners perfectly;
  • isolates sound well at low, mid and high frequencies;
  • resistant to resonant vibrations.

Partition thickness of a quarter brick

Laying on edge significantly saves usable space and is different lightweight design. At the same time, its strength is low, and its soundproofing ability (even plastered on both sides) does not exceed 40 decibels. To strengthen the structure, vertical and horizontal reinforcement with steel wire is used.

Use: in utility rooms such as pantries, dressing rooms.

Half brick thick partition

The usual method of installing interior partitions. Due to sufficient thickness and plaster on both sides, sound insulation is at 45 decibels.

Brick thick partition

The partition is 24 centimeters thick and ensures maximum reliability and sound insulation. However, it has a high mass, so before its construction it is necessary to obtain information about bearing capacity house designs.

An alternative to ordinary brick is slotted brick (the weight of the partition is 2 times lower, but the sound insulation is worse) and porous ceramic blocks (good geometry and sound insulation).

In order for a brick partition to be installed with high quality, it is necessary to involve highly qualified craftsmen in its construction, since this is a complex, labor-intensive process. An uneven brick wall will have to be covered with plasterboard, which will increase the cost and thickness of the partition.


The specific gravity of blocks compared to brick is twelve times less, and the dimensions are larger (600x300x150), which makes this material in demand and popular in the construction market.

Such blocks are easy to use - they can be easily cut with a hacksaw and laid on cement mortar or special formulations. The surface of the blocks is imperfect and requires plastering, just like brick.

Compared to brick, a wall made of foam blocks is less strong and cannot withstand a fastener load of more than 20 kg. Sound insulation is also somewhat lower.

MATERIAL - Tongue-and-groove slabs (GGP)

Tongue-and-groove slabs - solid and hollow, with a thickness of only 8 cm, are increasingly used in the construction of partitions. They are easy to install using special glue and are more durable compared to foam blocks. There is no need to plaster a partition made of PGP: two or three layers of putty are enough to level and close the seams.

Since the sound insulation of a wall made of GRP may be insufficient, curtain walls should be used. soundproofing materials. This is, as a rule, a frame made of plasterboard, the internal space of which is filled with sound-absorbing materials.


A partition made of plasterboard sheets is almost four times lighter than one made of brick, blocks or slabs. And it is built much faster and easier. In addition to simplicity, the technology allows for ideal geometry and smooth surface walls. But this is not all the advantages. It is convenient to place communications in the voids of the plasterboard frame. The cost of the finished partition is much more economical compared to other materials.

With all its advantages, a plasterboard partition is not without some difficulties.

  • In achieving the required level of sound insulation. To do this, it is recommended to assemble two independent frames with a gap of a couple of centimeters between them. Additionally, rubber gaskets and sound-absorbing mats are used.
  • In achieving strength and resistance to cantilever loads. If it is necessary to hang heavy shelves or other pieces of furniture, they must be attached directly to the frame. For additional strength, the frame is reinforced with a number of jumpers, and standard profiles are replaced with rolled metal.


More precisely - glass blocks. They are now quite often combined with other materials or used solo - depending on fashion trends And design idea. Glass blocks can come in a wide variety of colors, so they are also an excellent interior decoration. Such material is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also safe, and it provides sufficient sound insulation.

Fixing glass block masonry with cement mortar or tile adhesive. Using white cement dyes can be used. The seams are filled with grout of the desired shade, similar to ceramic tiles.

Another option for a partition that provides a sufficient level of illumination is a partition with a glass insert. If, in the event of redevelopment, some room is left without a window (usually utility room) and became dark - glass or a similar transparent material will save the situation.

The light will come into it from an illuminated corridor or an adjacent room. Glazing options are different - the transparent part can be superior to the blind part or vice versa. The glazing can also be double - then you can put blinds or decorative curtains between them. In a word, glass partition- This is an undoubted decoration of your home.

However, in addition to stationary partitions, which cannot be moved from place to place, there are also mobile partitions. Their material is light and decorative, and the partitions can be moved at your request.

Why they are most often used and what they look like - read here: a review of sliding partitions for home renovations. In the matter of redevelopment, they will serve you excellent service.

Internal partitions require the selection of appropriate materials. There are many materials and technologies on the market - brick, concrete, plasterboard.

How to choose suitable material what types of interior partitions are there, what is best to make them from, advantages, disadvantages various options as without extra costs build a good, durable partition - these issues are discussed in this article.

Popular materials

In some cases, walls must be strong enough, be able to withstand the weight of objects suspended on them (sometimes heavy), and must have good sound insulation. There are many solutions for the construction of internal partitions:

  • concrete blocks,
  • ceramic materials (regular, hollow bricks),
  • clinker,
  • concrete,
  • drywall,
  • silicate blocks,
  • expanded clay blocks,
  • lightweight concrete blocks.

Clay hollow brick is less durable than clinker. Below we will talk about the most common technologies used in construction, which partitions are better in an apartment, what is cheaper and more durable to build partitions from, what properties do different materials have.

Brick, clinker

A popular traditional material for the construction of partitions is brick. There are several types of brick walls.


  • brick has better sound insulation;
  • high strength;
  • on walls made of solid brick, clinker, you can hang heavy objects, the situation is similar in the case of hollow bricks, but in this case you should use reinforced fastenings for hanging heavy objects, as they may end up in voids;
  • brick structures are highly resistant to mechanical damage.


  • Walls made of solid, hollow bricks, clinker are very heavy and significantly increase the load on the floor.
  • Typically, bricks are used (full, hollow, clinker) with dimensions of 25 x 12 x 6.5 cm. Construction interior wall labor-intensive: for 1 m² of wall you will need 60 bricks, a large number of solution.
  • The brick has large deviations in dimensions, uneven surfaces. After laying it, the wall will need to be plastered, the thickness of the plaster layer is at least 1.0-1.5 cm, which increases the cost and duration of construction of the structure.

Due to their high weight, brick partitions are placed on a reinforced floor, for example on properly designed reinforced concrete beams supported on load-bearing walls. Care should be taken when changing the location of walls upper floors. When making changes, be sure to consult with designers and construction specialists.

Which brick is better? The use of hollow bricks can reduce the weight of the partition by 20-30%. However, a hollow brick wall has less soundproofing properties than a partition made of ordinary brick.

Finishing work can be speeded up if, instead of plastering, finishing is done with plasterboard panels. Drywall does not need to be plastered; it is enough to apply putty before painting or wallpapering.

Clinker brick partitions are not plastered; this solution is expensive due to high prices for clinker good quality.
Aerated concrete is a common material, like drywall, characterized by a fairly low construction cost.

Ceramic brick

The construction material 11.5 cm thick is often used to build walls.


  • relatively inexpensive, cheaper than solid, hollow brick;
  • allows for faster construction of the structure than in the case of standard brick walls, due to bigger size(50 x 20 x 11.5 cm), easy to style;
  • such brick walls provide good acoustic parameters indoors;
  • allows you to hang heavy objects, special spring pins should be used.

Ceramic brick walls are finished in different ways:

  1. plastered with plaster 1.0-1.5 cm thick;
  2. finished with plasterboard.

Walls can be realized using concrete blocks or ceramic materials, such as solid brick, hollow brick, clinker. Clay brick is less durable than clinker. There are several interesting alternatives to these materials - silicate blocks for interior walls in an apartment, blocks made of expanded clay, lightweight concrete.

Wall made of luxpheres or glass blocks

Sometimes glass blocks (luxpheres) are used to create certain stylizations. Luxpheres are an alternative to plasterboard structures and provide interesting decorative effects. This material is successfully used as a wall between the kitchen and living room, and other rooms, if it suits the styling of the interior.

Luxpheres in the interior, photo

Aerated concrete blocks

Cellular concrete blocks are a popular material for wall construction.

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  • ease of cutting and shaping almost any surface;
  • You can quickly drill grooves into them for wiring.
  • It is relatively easy to correct any defects or chips on the walls;
  • standard aerated concrete block has dimensions of 60 x 20 x 11.5 cm, allowing you to quickly build walls, provides lower mortar consumption compared to brick;
  • Unlike brick, concrete blocks are produced with low dimensional deviation, so thin masonry joints can be used and a thinner layer of plaster (0.8-1.0 cm) can be applied.


  • much worse sound insulation than brick of any kind, you need to take into account the purpose of the room;
  • aerated concrete has relatively low strength, so you need to hang heavy objects carefully;
  • walls made of cellular concrete are less resistant to mechanical damage,
  • Due to poor sound insulation, more is recommended for aerated concrete walls in residential premises. thick layer plaster (1.5 cm), increasing the ability to absorb sound. There are also special plasterboard sheets with an additional layer of sound insulation, but this significantly increases the overall cost of building the wall.

Expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay concrete blocks are an interesting alternative for those who like to use concrete blocks.


  • high strength will allow you to hang heavy objects (but less durable than brick);
  • absorb sound better;
  • price expanded clay concrete wall lower than the cost of a partition made of conventional concrete blocks.

Expanded clay blocks are placed on standard solution, trim:

  • ordinary gypsum plaster;
  • lime;
  • cement;
  • clay (ecological plaster).

Silicate blocks

Silicate blocks are:

  1. full;
  2. hollow, having special grooves, for example, for laying cables, which allows you to avoid making grooves in the wall.


  • excellent acoustic characteristics– blocks with a thickness of 8 cm are characterized by increased standards of sound insulation, providing acoustic comfort;
  • silicate blocks are manufactured with high precision and do not require a large thickness of plaster - usually a plaster thickness of 0.5-0.8 cm is required;
  • silicates are characterized by high strength, resistance to heavy weight - you can easily hang heavy objects on them without damaging the wall;
  • the cost of a partition made of silicate blocks is comparable to the cost of a partition made of clay brick; but the bricks need to be plastered; silicate walls do not need to be plastered, which reduces the cost.

Which interior partition will be a compromise in terms of cost savings, sufficient strength, and sound insulation? These are plasterboard walls.

Interior partitions made of plasterboard

Modern wall partitions between rooms are often made of plasterboard. There are waterproof panels used as partitions in bathrooms. The walls consist of two plasterboard surfaces mounted on special metal profiles. A mineral wool filler can be placed between them. The total thickness of such a wall is usually 12 cm.

Advantages of plasterboard partitions:

  • have an average ability to absorb sound;
  • contribute to a good microclimate in the room, thanks to the ability of gypsum to absorb and release moisture contained in the air;
  • do not require plastering, putty is enough;
  • speed of construction.


  • Heavy objects on plasterboard structures should be placed carefully; they are not as strong as brick walls - hanging heavy objects without special installation is not recommended. Usually, if there is a need to hang a heavy object, the fasteners are fixed to metal profile located inside the partition. After finishing It is not always possible to determine exactly where the profile components are located, so fasteners should be planned and marked in advance.
  • Significant disadvantage frame structures– low resistance to impacts and damage.
  • When using drywall in bathrooms, an additional layer of moisture insulation is recommended, even on waterproof boards.

Drywall frame structures are a cost-effective, quickly erected solution. If good quality is used for the design mineral wool, you can achieve decent sound insulation. Unfortunately, even the best materials will not provide such performance qualities as brick, hollow concrete blocks, and silicates.

What to choose?

This question worries many at the stage of planning a project, budgeting for construction or home renovation. We looked at the most popular options for making interior partitions.

  • Under normal conditions, it is recommended to make partitions from hollow ceramic, sand-lime brick. Both solutions provide high insulation parameters and are relatively quick to build. In the case of high-quality silicates, there is no need to plaster the surface, which leads to lower construction costs.
  • If you need to achieve maximum sound insulation, the walls are made of solid brick. This decision must be made at the design stage in order to properly strengthen the floor under the partition.
  • Concrete blocks, expanded clay give limited opportunity hanging heavy objects.
  • Choosing expensive solutions - clinker, glass blocks - will give good acoustic properties and high strength, but the price is quite high.