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What is the environmental crisis and how to deal with it? Ways out of the modern environmental crisis

True Development

Avoiding a crisis is possible if the majority of humanity chooses an environmentally balanced lifestyle, in which each individual consciously organizes closed loops consumption and depends little on money. With subsistence farming, a person can organize his own business, do it with his own hands and not depend on anyone. Modern society has accumulated remarkable knowledge that can make such an economy highly efficient, environmentally balanced and, therefore, invulnerable to crises.

But this is not development yet. Real development will only arise if every living person learns to give to nature and society more than he takes from them. By the word “give” I, first of all, mean intellectual and aesthetic products: true knowledge, useful technologies, self-improvement methods, inspiring works of art.

External obstacles

With two clearly visible options for choosing a path - technocratic and ecological, there are two extreme cases: complete interdependence of all people on each other and autonomy of local groups, achieved by maintaining a balanced economy. The traditional trend in a technocratic society is the growing interdependence of people. With such dependence, money becomes a means of absolute control, even to the point of enslavement, and turns out to be a tool for suppressing individuals useful to society. Thus, the development of industry and the concentration of capital, which were previously stimulators of development, are now the cause of degradation of both nature and the bearers of intelligence.

Therefore, any inventions that fall into the hands of politicians and oligarchs will inevitably be aimed at enslaving, destroying and destroying nature and the best people. Intellectuals should remember that before they make discoveries public, especially in the fields of alternative energy and behavioral control, they need to consider into whose hands they will fall.

To be continued

Ecology is a science that studies the life of various organisms in their natural environment habitat or environment. The environment is everything living and nonliving around us.

Your own environment is everything you see and much of what you don't see around you (such as the air you breathe). It is basically unchanged, but its individual details are constantly changing.

Ecology is the study of how plants and animals, including humans, live together and influence each other and their environment.

The way we influence the environment has the opposite effect on us and on all living organisms that live next to us.

Learning to respect nature is very important, not only because it satisfies our basic needs for food, water and air, but also because it has every right to exist according to its own laws. When will we understand that each of us is also component the natural world, and let us not separate ourselves from it, then we will fully realize the importance of protecting every single form of life that makes up nature.

Holism (from English word“hall” - whole) considers nature as a single whole, a continuous intertwining network of life, and not a mechanical connection of its disparate parts. And if we break individual threads in this network, this will sooner or later lead to the death of the entire network. In other words, by destroying plants and animals, we destroy ourselves.

The world around us is constantly changing. This applies to both microscopic organisms and landscapes over vast territories.

Over billions of years, powerful forces of nature - such as shifting continental plates, volcanic activity, soil erosion, rising and falling ocean levels - have radically changed the surface topography of our planet and the environment. Very slowly this continues to this day.

Shorter changes in nature are usually called continuity.

Succession is when entire groups of plants and animals replace each other over certain periods of time, forming climatic communities.

Such a community can exist without any changes if nothing changes in the climate. An example is tropical rainforests.

The climate in different parts of the world changes several times a year, depending on the time of year. This is explained by the tilt of the earth's axis as our planet revolves around the sun. In the tropics, where the temperature is constant all year round, the season is determined by the amount of precipitation - dry or rainy. To the south and north of the equator, climate changes are much more significant, especially in temperature. There are four seasons here: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

There are also longer-term climate changes that negatively affect the environment. Over the past 900 thousand years, there have been about ten cold snaps on Earth ( ice ages), in between which warming occurred. We live in one of these warm periods.

Natural climate changes occur gradually, over thousands of years, and do not threaten us with anything serious. Much more dangerous is human industrial intervention in the environment and climate of the Earth. Then the climate changes very quickly, and the consequences are threatening. The real danger to all life on Earth is the greenhouse effect, clouds of smoke and dust covering the sun, as well as the destruction of the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation Sun. It has been found that this vital layer is gradually destroyed by chemical compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons, which are used in aerosols and refrigerators.

Everything around us is constantly changing. Cells in living organisms are destroyed and replaced by new ones. Plants and animals are born, grow, reproduce and die: they are replaced by new generations. Life cycles and habitats are also constantly changing.

The change of climatic seasons affects the life of most organisms. Many animals adapt their life cycles to changes in temperature and types of food. Some migrate to other places, often located many hundreds of kilometers away, where conditions for life and reproduction are more favorable.

Many plants adapt to the changing seasons, adjusting their flowering and fruiting times. Thus, perennial herbaceous plants die off at the end of the year, and their underground part and roots overwinter and wake up again in the spring. These plants bloom and produce seeds in the summer and die back in the fall.

Animals such as snakes and hedgehogs survive the harshest times of the year by hibernating. They spend long months in a state of deep sleep, and almost all functions of their body freeze. Fat reserves accumulated in the summer provide them with the necessary minimum of energy. Much like hibernation and torpor, animals such as African lizards can survive in conditions of heat and drought.

The cycle creates balance in nature. There is no waste in natural cycles. All organisms and rocks decompose and are used again and again. However, human activity disrupts this balance, creating a mass of indigestible waste and garbage and polluting the environment. Pollution can be individual, national or global.

As soon as ancient people began to live sedentary lives, environmental pollution began. Pollution and waste are everything that cannot be absorbed by nature and become part of its cycles. Human interference in these cycles, when the production of various substances upsets the balance in nature, is also considered pollution. Some stains are simply unpleasant to look at, but harmless. Others, such as radioactive and chemical waste, pose a mortal threat to all living things. While the population was small and the number industrial enterprises small, their waste did not pose any threat to the environment. Nowadays the situation has become much more complicated.

One of the most common consequences of environmental pollution these days is acid rain. They occur when waste from the combustion of fossil fuels enters the natural water cycle. The consequences of such acid rain are the death of forests, dead lakes, damage to buildings and a threat to human health. Nowadays, technologies have already been created to prevent acid rain.

These are special filters at power plants and catalytic converters for purifying harmful emissions into the atmosphere from exhaust and house pipes. In some countries, such measures are already widely used. In others, unfortunately, they have not yet realized that these measures are vitally necessary.

Today, farmers strive for maximum productivity and usually do not take into account the natural cycles of nitrogen and minerals. Very little natural organic waste enters the soil, which means that its mineral content is organic matter and humus is reduced and its fertility decreases. To increase yields, farmers apply various chemical fertilizers to the soil, which often bring great harm environment and human health, especially when they get into rivers, lakes, and most importantly, into drinking water. To destroy pests and increase productivity, various pesticides, herbicides, etc. are widely used. All these chemicals have a long-term and very harmful effect on the food web of a given ecosystem. In addition, the chemicals often remain in the plants they are sprayed on and can seriously harm the health of people when they eat them.

Man must return to natural farming methods that take into account natural cycles. These methods are based on ecological principles and are known as organic farming, which is based on crop rotation and the use of manure as fertilizer. Such farming develops and improves the environment, returning a lot of organic waste to the soil, which is why the content of humus and minerals in it increases, and all natural cycles proceed actively.

Air pollution from increasing volume exhaust gases of cars is making life in many of the world's major cities increasingly unpleasant. The air there contains harmful gases, such as ozone: it is formed as a result of the reaction of nitrogen gas with oxygen under the influence of sun rays and at high concentrations it is harmful. Ozone, carbon monoxide, carbohydrates, as well as lead and dust particles - all this seriously threatens the health of people and all living things in cities.

Removing lead from gasoline and researching catalysts to reduce gas emissions are two ways to mitigate the problem. To solve it radically, it is necessary to fundamentally change planning transport routes in cities. To do this, it is necessary to expand the network of electric trains and public transport, and use quiet, quiet transport.

Oddly enough, the ecosystems of large cities are home to many species of birds and animals. Where plants and animals find suitable living conditions, including food, warmth and shelter, they settle for a long time. Many of them have adapted to life in cities, close to humans.

The growth and development of large cities has led to fairly similar urban conditions throughout the world. IN different countries different animals managed to occupy the same ecological niches. Thus, the brush-tailed possum, raccoon and red fox play the same role in the environment of cities on different continents.

In nature they all live on open places and in open forests, but easily adapt to life in agricultural areas and cities.

The only bird that lives only next to humans is the house sparrow. Previously, in nature, he only pecked grains, but then in cities he began to eat more varied food. This, as well as the ability to nest in houses and on the roofs of buildings, helped him adapt to life in the city.

Forests once covered more than a quarter of the Earth's land mass; today they make up only one-fifth of the planet. In Central and South America, Africa and Asia, billions of acres of tropical rainforest have been destroyed over the past 20 years by slash-and-burn agriculture, livestock grazing, logging and mining. There are many reasons for the plunder of one of the most important resources on Earth: the construction of platinums, roads, restoration projects. The explosion of population growth in the third world is driving peasants into the forests and forcing them to cut down trees and carve out forest areas for new farms and ranches for large-scale cattle. After a few years, the soil becomes infertile and farmers leave the land. New crops stop appearing after a few years. Wind and water then erode the earth, leading to landslides. What were dense forests turn into barren desert. Local precipitation decreases and temperatures rise, adding to the greenhouse effect of the planet's warming.

In tropical rainforests, only specially selected trees are cut down. But any logging effort inevitably destroys large areas of forest. In Indonesia, for example, commercial logging consumes up to 30% of the forest. Of this amount, one third is made up of roads and buildings, the second part is regular logging, and traces of tractors transporting logs, damaging the soil, make up the rest.

Accidental oil spills pollute shores and threaten fragile coastal ecological balances. The 1989 Prince William Sound spill in Alaska, for example, contaminated one of the world's cleanest habitats with 11 million barrels of crude oil. As a result, about 3,000 otters and almost 300,000 birds died, as well as countless shellfish and plants sensitive to even the slightest presence of toxic oil.

Although nature heals itself, and the most obvious oil stains on the shore disappeared after five years, in a short time the oil spill caused a disaster, and there was much debate about the lasting environmental damage caused to those areas that were contaminated with oil. Scientists were particularly concerned about possible genetic diseases in the fish, disruption of the food chain, and other effects not yet fully understood.

Sea otters suffer greatly during oil spills. Some freeze to death because the oil destroys the insulating properties of their fur. Others may become ill by ingesting oil while trying to cleanse themselves. Seals and other animals that are kept warm by an inner layer of fat suffer less.

When oil from a tanker spills into the water, the slick spreads in a wide, thin layer. More than half of this layer quickly evaporates, removing most volatile toxic components. Wind and water break down what is left into tiny particles, which then spread through or combine with the water, a process called emulsification. These small particles then form sticky balls. Photo-oxidation, a result of sunlight attacking oil molecules, chemically breaks down some of these sticky globules. After a month, much of the oil begins to break down (a process called biodegradation) because marine organisms and bacteria consume it. Finally, what is left of the sticky beads - about 20 percent - forms resin beads, which remain in the environment.

When a tanker begins to sink, additional ships are sent to unload the oil that has not yet spilled, cleanup crews surround the oil slick with a floating band (red), then suck out the oil using machines called skimmers.

Birds are the most visible victims of oil spills. Some, like the guillemots shown here, become covered in oil, preventing them from swimming and causing their feathers to no longer retain heat. Others, such as eagles, get sick because they feed on contaminated fish. Because bird eggs are sensitive to even the smallest amounts of oil, an infected bird returning to the nest can destroy the entire brood.

Now humanity is faced with a choice: either “cooperate” with nature, taking into account natural cycles, or cause harm. The future of humanity on our planet, as well as the planet itself, depends on what we choose today.

Today, human impact on the environment has led to an ecological crisis throughout the planet. Below are the most important problems, which we face, and a number of measures are indicated to correct the situation.

Soil erosion

Planting forests (shrubs, trees): trees and shrubs stand in the path of the winds, and their roots bind the soil.

Environmentally friendly farming: organic fertilizers retain water better, preventing the soil from drying out and weathering.

Small fields: the smaller the field, the less erosion the soil on it is subject to.

Destruction of tropical forests

Reform land ownership in tropical rainforest countries to save them from destruction.

Control livestock and timber harvesting in tropical forests by reducing rich countries' demand for meat and timber.

Effective methods of using forest resources that take into account natural cycles, for example, the production of natural rubber.

Acid rain and other pollution

Installation of filters in power plants and transport.

Use of renewable energy sources.

Use of other non-chemical fertilizers.

Stopping environmental pollution from industrial emissions and waste.

Abstract *

450 rub.


Economic means of preventing environmental crisis

Fragment of work for review

Along with the growth of production and consumption, the anthropogenic pollution soil, water, air. Desertification and climate change are occurring. Biodiversity, soil fertility, and forest area are decreasing. Experts assess this situation as a global socio-ecological crisis. Within the framework of the theory of ecological modernization, ways out of the socio-ecological crisis are being developed, which is of great practical significance.
Currently in Russia, environmental modernization as a state national concept and program cannot be implemented, because the Russian state is focused on politics economic growth, rather than on sustainable development policies.
Most often, from public messages you can learn about the environmental modernization of a large enterprise. This is a consequence of the fact that enterprises have been forced to take into account new environmental requirements and strive for environmental rationalization of their business.


1.Vernadsky V.I. The beginning and eternity of life. M., 1989. P.35.
2.Vernadsky V.I. Biosphere and noosphere M., 1989. P. 29.
3. Glazachev S. N. et al. Ecological culture and social contract // Vestn. environmental education in Russia. 2007. No. 2. P. 18.
4. Zamogilny S.I. The problem of the influence of mass culture // Youth culture. Saratov, 1989. P. 66.
5.Kogai E.A. Ecology and human health // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2000. No. 3.S. 118-119.
6. Kulyasov I.P. Ecological modernization: theory and practice / Ed. Yu.N. Pakhomov. – St. Petersburg: NII St. Petersburg State University, 2004. 154 p.
7. Kulyasov I.P. Ecovillages in the Northwestern Caucasus and the Altai Mountains: initiatives to create // Ecovillages in Russia and the USA. Ed. M. Sokolov. – St. Petersburg: TsNSI. – 2004. – Issue. 10. – P. 3-34.
8.Mosienko N.A., MyazitovK. U. Ecologist's Companion. 1997. pp. 4-5.
9. Mikhalev M. V. Fundamentals of ecological culture. Belgorod, 2000. P. 3.
10. Neverov V.I. The future of Russia is a spiritual-ecological civilization // Sociological studies. 1994. No. 10. P. 58-59.
11. Resolution of the second All-Russian conference “New priorities of national environmental policy in the real sector of the economy” // Vestn. environmental education in Russia. 2007. No. 1. P. 9-11.
12. Toshchenko Zh. T. Sociology: ways of scientific reform // Sociological research. 1999. No. 7. P. 7.
13. Shishkina E.A. Ecological culture as a basis healthy image life // Healthy lifestyle for all ages (based on materials from the All-Russian scientific and practical conference). Saratov, 2007. P. 322.
14.Huber J. Die Veriorene Unschuld der Okologie: Neue Technologien und Susperindustrielle Entwicklung. – Frankfurt am Main: Fisher Verlag, 1982. – 256 s.
15. Jonicke M. Preventive environmental policy en ecological modernization find structural policy // Discussion paper. – 1985. – R. 46-59.
16.Mol A. Sociology, environment and modernity: ecological modernization as a theory of social change // Society and Natural Resources. – 1992. – R. 323-344.

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environmental crisis nature people

Ecological crisis, ways out of the environmental crisis


student 11-A of school No. 9

Smirnykh Daria

An ecological crisis is the current state of relationship between human society and the natural environment in which people live, in which the contradictions between the economic interests of society in consumption and use have become extremely acute. natural environment and environmental requirements to ensure the safety and quality of this environment for the survival of society itself.

In the structure of the environmental crisis, there are two sides - natural and social. The natural side combines signs of degradation and destruction of the natural environment:

global warming, greenhouse effect;

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general weakening of the Earth's ozone layer; the appearance of ozone holes;

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atmospheric pollution, formation of acid rain, photochemical reactions with the formation of ozo Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

on, peroxide compounds from CnHm;

pollution of the world's oceans, burial in it is highly toxic. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

waste and radioactive waste (dumping), pollution with oil, petroleum products, pesticides, surfactants, heavy metals, thermal pollution;

pollution and depletion of surface waters, imbalance between surface waters. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

natural and groundwater;

contamination of the earth's surface with the whole complex of pollutants: solid waste, heavy and radioactive elements, changes in the geochemistry of the earth and groundwater;

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reduction of forest areas (deforestationPosted on http://www.allbest.ru/

) as a result of fires, industrial logging, losses of already harvested wood, acid rain, illegal logging, harmful insects and diseases, damage from industrial emissions (including nuclear accidents);

soil degradation, desertification as a result of deforestation, irrational Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

land use, drought, overgrazing, irrational irrigation (waterlogging, salinization);

liberation of existing ones and emergence of new ones ecological niches, filling them unwantedPosted on http://www.allbest.ru/

other living organisms;

disruption of the ecological balance on a global and regional scale, general overpopulation of the planet and high density population in various regions, deterioration in the quality of the living environment in cities. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

The social side of the environmental crisis is manifested in the following social phenomena:

The ineffectiveness of the work of special bodies for environmental protection, protection and use of forests, fish resources, wildlife, subsoil. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

In the confrontation between representative and executive authorities, local government, which exacerbates the inefficiency of work. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

The failure of law enforcement agencies to provide control and supervision over the implementation of environmental laws.

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In mass environmental and legal nihilism, disrespect for environmental and legal requirements, violation and failure to comply with them.

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1. The main stages of solving the problem of the environmental crisis on Earth

Necessary measures to prevent further deepening of the environmental crisis and their main stages.

1. Regulatory stage.

Necessity legal regulation solutions to environmental problems is explained by the fact that the state (commonwealth of states) needs to regulate the rules of interaction between society and nature on a global scale, and with the help legislative norms ensure its proper quality in the conditions of economic activity. Those. in this case, the environmental function of the state is legal in form and environmental in content. The rules of law that serve as a means of implementing environmental legislation are called environmental legal. The norms of environmental and resource-saving legislation are used as basic standards in world practice. IN Russian Federation in 1991, the Law “On the Protection of the Natural Environment” was adopted. Obviously, without a definition exact parameters state of natural objects and humans, the fact of environmental violation cannot be established. Therefore, standardization of the quality of the natural environment is one of the main goals of the OOPS Law, which is reflected in the conceptual and detailed consideration this issue in one of its sections.

The law, defining the measure of reasonable combination of interests of both parties to the conflict, focuses on permissible levels (parameters) of anthropogenic impacts, the excess of which creates a danger to the natural environment and human health.

The ultimate goal of standardization is to ensure a scientifically based combination of economic and environmental interests, i.e. a kind of compromise between economics and ecology.

Standards become legally binding from the moment they are approved. competent authorities. The most important areas for the effective operation of legal mechanisms are the following:

hygienic regulation of environmental quality,

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environmental regulation permissible loads on ecosystems,

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regulation of the volumes of pollution and waste entering the environmental protection system; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

regulation of the use of natural resources. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

2. Information support for activities to prevent the environmental crisis

The problem of information support for the entire range of tasks to assess the level of pollution, condition, control of changes and forecast the development of environmental pollution. A prompt and representative assessment of the necessary parameters for all problem objects is the basis for forming the position of administrative and regulatory authorities in general on the entire range of environmental issues.

In accordance with the law, information support in the environmental sphere is the collection, systematization, processing, analysis, storage and delivery to the consumer of economically significant information about the environmental sphere by a government agency, organization or information technology system.

The initial stage of this task is the creation effective system measurements and collection of information about the parameters of the state of objects under observation or their levels of contamination. Such a measuring system will be effective if it covers the range of parameters of the state of the biosphere from the most detailed scale, for example, a local oil spill as a result of a pipeline accident, to the planetary scale, for example, air pollution in industrial areas, its transfer to third countries and fallout in the form of " acid rain."

Maintaining a high level of efficiency in using the obtained data on the state of the environment requires the design of a measurement system in the form of a unified state environmental monitoring system (USEMS). In addition to collecting and processing the received data, its functions include assessing the condition and forecasting the development of a natural object. The implementation of these functions is impossible without the use of geographic information systems (GIS).

Thus, the functional combination of a monitoring system and GIS technologies, which have their own individual properties (measurement, collection, systematization, processing of initial data on the one hand and the prompt generation and issuance upon request of the necessary, comprehensive data on today’s (current) or predicted (future) ) state of the OS on the other), makes it possible to generate effective information support for operational determination (calculation or modeling) necessary actions to normalize emerging crisis phenomena in the biosphere.

3. Greening areas of interaction between nature and humans

The threat of a global environmental crisis increasingly forces us to consider human activity through the prism of the laws of living nature. The reality of the loss of living space urgently requires the development of a system of deterrent measures capable of stopping the destructive “offensive” of civilization on the favorable natural conditions of habitats of vegetation and fauna. Therefore, having the most complete understanding of the problems of “our home”, i.e. biosphere, ecology is able to operate not only with the achievements of other branches of biology, but also to justify the use environmental principles both in the development of related geosciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics, and beyond the natural sciences - in economics, politics, sociology, ethics.

This process of developing intersectoral methods for taking into account environmental factors in various scientific, technical and social areas of the relationship between civilization and the environment is called greening and is discussed in basic terms below.

4. Greening of social production

Understanding the level, types and territorial distribution of pollution in the biosphere, their sources, as well as the state of natural objects important for the existence of living organisms allows us to move on to solving issues of reducing technogenic pressure on nature. The priority direction is the development of methods for the effective purification of industrial and agricultural pollution, reducing their waste, especially for particularly harmful substances, reducing the use of natural resources (resource intensity) in production, i.e. gradual transition to revolving schemes. The introduction of similar technological principles and measures to reduce the level of “borrowing” from nature and return emissions of pollution is the essence of the greening of social production.

For the main pollutants of the biosphere, the most relevant areas of greening are the following:

V industrial production: changes in the industry structure with a decrease in the number of nature-intensive and high-waste technologies, posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

repeated technological use of production waste, introduction of highly effective methods of purification and disposal of remaining harmful by-products, refusal to produce environmentally hazardous products, etc.;

in the energy sector: development and transition to Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

hydrogen or other environmentally friendly schemes for energy generation methods, for example, solar or wind, reducing the share of energy generated from hydrocarbon raw materials;

in agriculture: limiting the use of salt forms mineral fertilizers Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

with their replacement with organic and organo-mineral ones, allowing to significantly reduce bad influence for products, soils and aquatic environment; a significant reduction in the use of pesticides and replacing them with biological pest control agents, eliminating hormonal growth stimulants and chemical additives in animal feed, using the most gentle methods of land cultivation;

for transport: reduction of CO, CO2 emissions, “environmental” accounting when organizing its movement, gradual reduction in the share of personal use. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

o transport, development of environmentally safer fuels, noise protection;

for physical fields: reducing the impact of radiation, electromagnetic radiation, electrostatic fields, etc. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

For all of the listed tasks for greening production, the priority is the development of technologies with the least resource intensity and production waste, i.e. with minimal adverse environmental impact. In cases where this cannot be accomplished (mainly when the resulting product is of great social importance), then the function of minimizing environmental damage to a reasonable level is performed by the system of pollution treatment or waste disposal.

In general, the significance of this stage is that the measures under consideration are designed to ensure, at the technological level, a reversal of the trend of growing technogenic pressure on the environment to reduce it.

5. Greening the economy

Economic growth associated with meeting the needs of the sharply increased population of the planet has threatened to destroy the life support basis of the biosphere. A transition to a new way of existence is necessary, compatible with the already significantly impoverished natural potential Earth. On a way economic development society there were two limiting factors:

limiting the ability of the environment to accept and assimilate production waste;

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natural non-renewability of most used natural resources.

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In this situation, there is no alternative, as most researchers believe, it is necessary to reduce natural resource consumption and significantly increase the quality level and efficiency of its use. A prerequisite for system solution This problem is the greening of the economy. Its main components:

Resource-saving technologies have priority in development and investment support; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

implementation of economic accounting of environmental conditions, factors and objects when planning the economy;

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taking into account environmental restrictions and implementing the principle of balance in the economics of environmental management, i.e. in the natural environment the level of provision should not be exceeded own processes life support and regulation; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

formation and development flexible system fees for the use (within standards and above standards) of natural resources, as well as for the pollution of natural objects; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

formation of a flexible tax policy taking into account environmental standards: reduction of tax payments when carrying out environmental protection measures, reducing the level of environmental pollution, reducing resource intensity and, on the contrary, a significant increase in taxes in the opposite cases; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

The growth of the level of social production is carried out due to qualitative changes in its structure and technology, taking into account environmental factors.

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The significance of this stage is to support environmental protection activities not only at existing enterprises, but also at the stage of adoption and deployment of economic development plans to minimize or completely eliminate environmentally unfavorable impact schemes on the environment.

6.On greening the social environment and organizing environmental education

The introduction of environmental standards and principles into social production and the economy can create real preconditions for the gradual transition of human civilization from an anthropocentric (uncontrolled consumption) principle of existence to one controlled with the priority of the laws of nature (biocentric). Its solution cannot be achieved without mobilizing the efforts of the entire world society to develop and implement new schemes for the existence of civilization in conditions of increasingly complex environmental conditions, i.e. without greening the social environment. Almost all fundamental and applied branches of the natural sciences and a significant part of the humanities, the developments of which form the framework of social production, are “to blame” for the formation of the current environmental situation. Therefore, their participation and use of scientific potential in resolving both existing and emerging crisis situations on the planet, creating environmentally friendly technologies and rules for interaction with the biosphere is very important both scientifically and morally.

This is facilitated by the adopted system of environmental education both in Russia and in the rest of the civilized world. It is intended to prepare an epistemological and moral basis for turning the vector of human behavior away from the principles of uncontrolled consumption (anthropocentrism), i.e. cutting down one's own support, taking into account natural laws and preserving the biosphere in the form of a self-regulating system.

7.International cooperation

One of the most important areas international cooperation - international legal regulation of environmental protection, which should be based on generally recognized norms of international law. The basic environmental and legal principles were developed through the joint efforts of members of the international community (states, international organizations, including the UN, and conferences). Their basis can be formulated as follows:

priority of environmental human rights; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

sovereignty of states over the natural resources of their territory;

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the inadmissibility of the environmental well-being of one country at the expense of Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

causing environmental harm to others;

environmental control at all levels;

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free international exchange of environmental information; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

mutual assistance of states in emergency circumstances;

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resolution of environmental and legal disputes by peaceful means.

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Objects of international environmental cooperation are considered to be those whose condition cannot be assessed, the level of their pollution, the implementation of environmental protection measures and the prevention of damage from their adverse effects on surrounding territories by the efforts of individual states.

Among them, there are two categories of objects: those not included and those within the jurisdiction of states. The first are the air basin, space, the World Ocean, Antarctica, and migrating animal species. These objects are protected and used in accordance with international environmental law. The second are objects within the jurisdiction of states: international rivers, seas, lakes; World natural heritage sites listed in the International Red Book of Endangered and Rare Animals and Plants.

Many international organizations and conferences are involved in the protection of the natural environment, at which, starting with the Stockholm Conference in 1972, major decisions were developed and adopted. The leading role belongs to the United Nations (UN) and its specialized bodies. One of the main bodies of the UN is the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), within which national and regional commissions and committees operate.

The United Nations Culture, Science and Education Organization (UNESCO) was created in 1948; the headquarters is in Paris.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) was also founded in 1948. This non-governmental organization represents about 100 countries. The Red Data Book is maintained at the initiative of the IUCN. The World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in 1946, deals with the protection of human health in terms of its interaction with the environment, consolidated with UNEP, IAEA, etc. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was founded in 1957 to ensure nuclear safety and environmental protection from radioactive contamination. Failure of states to comply with IAEA requirements may result in the application of economic sanctions by decision of the UN Security Council.

The UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) was created in 1947. Its main task is to study and summarize human impacts on the planet's climate. It operates primarily within the framework of the Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS). The International Maritime Organization (IMO) was created in 1948 and operates in the field of maritime navigation and protection of the sea from pollution. With its participation, conventions were developed to combat sea pollution by oil and other harmful substances. The Agriculture and Food Organization (FAO) was organized in 1945. Its scope of activity is Agriculture and world food resources, participation in many environmental programs of UNEP, UNESCO, IUCN. Along with this, international formal and informal movements for the preservation of life on Earth have also become widespread, which is an objective necessity, because They carry out widespread and prompt environmental control and contribute to the timely raising of pressing issues at the international level.

8. About ecology, interaction of sciences and responsibility for preserving the biosphere

All of the above problems and stages of necessary actions to “normalize” our interactions with the environment and the enormous difficulty of determining ways to solve them, put on the agenda the question of determining the center of gravity or responsibility for a positive outcome for civilization. This fate is intended for ecology - a science whose subject of study is objects of negative impact - ecological systems representing the whole variety of organisms and the natural conditions of their habitats.

However, this is clearly not enough for effective solutions to preserve the self-regulating ability of the biosphere. To fully utilize the capabilities of industry-specific scientific and technical disciplines in solving environmental problems, it is necessary to involve in solving problems “participants in all technological developments that contributed to the formation of environmental violations” and organize appropriate environmental-industry associations (blocks) to overcome their consequences. This will ensure that environmental requirements and principles are taken into account when developing effective solutions by the basic sciences. Therefore, the activities of the associations themselves must harmoniously combine the following functions:

environmental, oPosted on http://www.allbest.ru/

defining the general formulation and differentiation of problems, safe levels of economic and household pollution, ensuring control over the implementation of environmental protection measures and compliance of the actions performed with environmental standards;

industry Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

on the development, preparation and direct implementation of environmental protection measures (technologies to reduce pollution, production waste, resource intensity, etc.).

Along with this, a system of horizontal connections at the environmental-industrial level between blocks should be thought out, resolving issues reducing anthropogenic pressure from various technogenic sources, for example, on the same aquatic ecosystem or on interacting natural objects. This will ensure unity and continuity in methodological approaches and the necessary consistency in solving environmental problems.

So, it is relevant for the environment:

justificationPosted on http://www.allbest.ru/

and the formation of a list of crisis tasks to prevent

negative technogenic impacts on the biosphere;

determining the levels of possible technogenic impact on ecosystems across the entire spectrum of interaction between the biosphere and technosphere;

Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

determination of environmental requirements and the correctness of their consideration when setting up and performing appropriate environmental protection work;

Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

organization of environmental monitoring. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

For industrial scientific areas:

development of schemes for the functioning of intersectoral adapter blocks for crisis tasks;

Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

development and implementation in accordance with these tasks Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

methods and technologies for environmental protection, resource-saving and low-waste production, management of environmental-technosphere systems, etc.;

determine the level of costs and the possibility of minimizing them. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

implementation of planned environmental anti-crisis measures;

ensure compliance with increasingly complex requirements for Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

environmental protection.

The logic of such an anti-crisis unification of scientific and technical forces as a whole can be explained as follows:

It is impossible, from the standpoint of ecology alone, to embrace such a vast and extremely diverse area of ​​the modern and ever-increasing crisis of interaction between civilization and the biosphere;

Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

if we undertake an expansion of the sphere of effective influence of ecology itself and already formed intersectoral environmental associations that is adequate to existing problems, this will only lead to an obvious hypertrophy of science and a loss of its flexibility and existing capabilities; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

The main goal of scientific and technical activity until now has been the development of civilization, the growth of well-being and independence from natural factors. Scattered attempts to reduce technogenic pressure on the environmental protection system have not yielded any noticeable results; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

system only Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

“ecological” unification of all sciences and technologies “involved” in the crisis will allow us to develop and implement optimal solutions to overcome it;

The main functional load falls on the fundamental sciences, which, of course, will not lead to their hypertrophy, since the pressure of the crisis is divided into many components. In addition, in this case a high scientific level of solving crisis problems is ensured, as posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

sectoral blocks maintain connections with the corresponding fundamental sciences;

This approach to solving problems has much greater potential for planning the development and implementation of anti-crisis measures, since the bulk of the work will be carried out by established industry sciences; Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

planning of expenses for anti-crisis measures is simplified, their reliability and transparency increases due to the assessment of the overwhelming majority of work according to the mastered standards. Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

Posted on Allbest.ru

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Problems of our time

The environmental crisis represents a special level of interaction between the environment and society, in which differences between politics and ecology are exacerbated to the limit. The reason for this is usually an increased satisfaction of the interests of society and ignoring the problems of using the environment, as well as its timely protection and conservation. In other words, this is a critical state of living and inanimate nature, which is caused by the increased activity of mankind. The modern environmental crisis has spread to all countries that support scientific and technological progress. Active development of mechanical engineering, energy, chemical and Food Industry inevitably influenced the processes existing in the biosphere. As a result of intensive consumption of energy and material resources, population growth has increased significantly, which only aggravated the situation - pollution of the biosphere, destruction of existing ecosystems, changes in the structure of land cover, as well as changes in climatic conditions.

From the depths of time to the present day

The first ecological crisis occurred back in the days of primitive man, when the human population exterminated almost all large mammals. Because of acute shortage food resources, people were forced to engage in gathering, farming and cattle breeding. However, this is precisely what marked the beginning of the confrontation between man and nature. Over time, primitive society moved further and further away from the usual and natural cycle of nature, which was based on the interchangeability of components and the wastelessness of various processes. Thus, humanity and nature became so disconnected that the individual’s return to the natural environment became practically impossible. In the second half of the twentieth century, society faced another global environmental crisis.


Since man is an important component of the ecosystem in which he lives, social and natural relations can also be considered a single whole, which is modified under the influence of production activities. Ecological catastrophy becomes a global concept that affects every individual. Let us list the main facts that may indicate an approaching environmental crisis:

Ways to solve the problem

Modern ecologists have identified several areas that can be used to stop the environmental crisis or minimize its consequences.

  1. Widespread introduction of low-waste and waste-free production, improvement of existing technological processes.
  2. Administrative and legal impact on the planet's population to increase the effectiveness of environmental discipline.
  3. Economic protection of the biosphere.
  4. Educating the population and developing environmental education.