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What is thermal felt, and why is it used in a mattress? What is coconut coir in a mattress Felt or linen in a mattress

Many people prefer hard mattresses for sleep. One way to increase the firmness of a mattress is to add a coconut layer. We will tell you in detail what this is in this article.

Coconut or coconut coir are lignified fibers obtained from the intercarp of the nuts of the coconut palm. These fibers, located under the outer shell, cover the familiar coconut with a thick layer.

Coconut fiber has unique properties that are widely used in the production of mattresses. Coconut coir is one of the most natural, environmentally friendly and durable materials. It is not subject to rotting due to the presence of lignin polymer in it, does not cause allergies, and is well ventilated. Since its fibers do not absorb moisture and dry instantly, the growth of bacteria and dust mites in coconut coir is completely excluded. Thanks to this property, coconut mattresses have gained high popularity as mattresses for newborns.

Methods for making coconut coir

Most often, coconut coir is used in mattresses in the form of compressed layers. different thicknesses. Several methods have been developed for bonding fibers together:

Latexed coconut coir

In order to obtain an elastic, deformation-resistant and breathable filler, manufacturers impregnate coconut coir fiber with natural latex. This allows you to turn it into a monolithic block in which it does not crumble or crumble.

The ideal ratio of coconut fiber and latex in the filler is 50% to 50%. This coconut coir is elastic and very durable.

In mattresses Russian production Stiffer boards containing 30% latex and 70% coconut fiber are used.

Latexation of coir allows you to increase its elasticity, strength and durability, making this filler resistant to heavy loads. This coconut is used for the production of orthopedic mattresses.

A lot of human and technical resources are spent on harvesting, processing and latexing coconut coir, so coconut mattress good quality never comes cheap.

One of the disadvantages of latex coir is that it has a characteristic rubber smell.

Advantages and disadvantages of coconut coir

Benefits of coconut coir:

  1. Natural: coconut coir is 100% natural filler for mattresses;
  2. Hypoallergenic;
  3. Does not rot;
  4. Does not absorb water and foreign odors;
  5. It has natural elasticity and rigidity, thanks to lignin (a natural polymer) in its composition;
  6. Has excellent ventilation;
  7. Coconut coir does not harbor mites and other harmful microorganisms;
  8. Has pronounced orthopedic properties;
  9. Has a long service life;
  10. Has good heat transfer;

Disadvantages of coconut coir:

Coconut filling for mattresses has virtually no disadvantages if it is made with high quality, in compliance with all production technologies. The only drawback in this case is the too high price.


Biococonut is a good alternative to regular coconut coconut filler. In bicoconut, not latex is used to hold coconut fiber together, but hypoallergenic synthetic fiber struttofiber or holofiber. The slab turns out to be almost as rigid, but more durable due to the dense weave of the fibers.

What is the difference between coconut and bi-coconut?

  1. At a price. Bi-coconut is approximately 20-25% cheaper than latex coconut.
  2. Rigidity. Bi-coconut, when interacting with glue, becomes very rigid, but more fragile and brittle.
  3. Load. Latexed coconut can withstand almost any load. Loads over 90 kg are simply categorically contraindicated for bi-coconut - it breaks and crumbles.
  4. Service life. Latexed coconut will serve you for 20 years without any problems, bi-coconut - 5-7 years, and in dry rooms - 2-3 years. Then it will start to break and crumble.
  5. Appearance (see photo).
  6. Fragility. It cannot be bent or rolled up.

Who are coconut coir mattresses suitable for?

Coconut mattresses - good choice for those who like to sleep on a hard surface, or for people who, for health reasons, are advised by doctors to sleep on a hard mattress. Mattresses made from coconut coir are recommended for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system; the products themselves have pronounced orthopedic characteristics. Coconut mattresses are extremely beneficial for absolutely healthy people!

Separately, I would like to say about the benefits of coconut coir mattresses for children and adolescents: they contribute to the formation correct posture and prevent back pain.

Children's coconut mattresses

Coconut children's mattress - the best choice for newborns and children of the first years of life. Coconut has optimal hardness for a newly born baby, perfectly removes excess moisture, allows air to pass through, creating a cozy microclimate in the crib. But, most importantly, it provides perfect flat surface for the correct development of the children's spine, which does not yet have formed physiological curves.

Some more advantages of children's coconut mattresses:

  • naturalness;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • rigidity;
  • hygiene;
  • breathability.

Use of coconut coir in mattresses

For people who want to buy an orthopedic, but not too hard mattress, there is also a solution: mattresses with coconut coir, combined with other fillers that make them softer and more comfortable.

Coconut coir is often combined with other fillings to increase the overall strength of the mattress and extend its service life.

In particular, in order for the product to withstand heavy loads, coconut fiber combined with the following fillers:

  • Strutofiber;
  • Holofiber;
  • Latex;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Felt.

Coconut-latex mattresses

Coconut filling in mattresses can provide a slight increase in firmness and is often combined with a layer of latex for comfort. There are models of springless mattresses with alternating layers of coconut and latex - these are sometimes called “sandwich” or “cheese” mattresses.

Coconut latex mattresses are very popular because they have optimal balance rigidity and comfort.

Hard coconut mattresses

Mattresses made entirely from coconut are the firmest of mattresses. The feeling on such a mattress will be as if you are sleeping on planks. It makes sense to choose one if you are sure that you can sleep on it or on the recommendation of a doctor. The coconut layers in these mattresses can be anywhere from a few to 20 cm thick.

How to properly use a mattress with coconut coir?

To prevent the formation of condensation from a coconut mattress, immediately after its delivery, you need to remove the plastic film.

The mattress can only be stored horizontally. The base for a coir mattress must be perfectly flat. The size of the mattress must be selected in accordance with the size of the bed.

In order for a coconut mattress to last as long as possible, it is recommended to turn it over from time to time. Experts do not recommend bending a coir mattress during transportation and use.

Where else is coconut coir used?

Long, hard fibers of coconut coir are used to make fishing nets, mats, ropes, etc.

And coconut itself is widely used in the food industry: milk and butter are obtained from it. These products are often used to make balms, shampoos and creams.

In our, beds and bases you can choose the model you need according to affordable price, and our specialists will help you choose!

When choosing a mattress important has filler. The choice of filler determines how many years the mattress will serve you, what quality it will be and its price.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the fillers that are used in our mattresses.

Thermally bonded felt

This is a system for protecting the different layers of the mattress. Environmentally friendly material containing linen fibers. Thermally bonded felt is used as protective layer between the spring and any mattress filling. With the help of felt, the load is evenly distributed and I on the mattress. Mattresses using felt are stiffer. The use of felt can significantly extend the life of the mattress.

Coconut coir

Coconut coir is natural material, obtained from the coconut palm nut, ensures the elasticity and rigidity of the mattress. Eco-friendly, hygienic and anti-allergenic filler. Depending on the thickness of the coconut coir slabs, the stiffness of the mattress will depend. The thicker the slab, the harder the mattress. If you need a medium-hard mattress, then coconut coir is combined with elastic fillings. One of the unique properties of coir is its bactericidal properties. Coconut coir can serve you long years, because coir does not rot, is always resilient and elastic, and does not cause allergic reactions. If you are light in weight (up to 60 kg), then you do not need to buy mattresses with coconut coir; it will be very hard and not comfortable for you. Mattresses with coconut coir are recommended for children, because... They are still growing and their bones have not become stronger.

Natural latex

Foamed sap of the Hevea tree. Contains natural rubber. In mattress production, approximately 60% rubber is used, making mattresses suitable for natural latex perfectly follow the contours of the body, providing maximum comfort. Natural latex naturally regulates temperature and humidity levels, is hypoallergenic, hygienic, and does not absorb dust. It perfectly transfers the load to the springs, thanks to which latex mattresses are wear-resistant and can withstand high pressure.

Semi-season latex

Porous material in the shape of a wave. Has 7 zones of different hardness:the head area, shoulder area, pelvis, hips and buttocks have medium hardness.The neck area and lumbar area are a zone of increased rigidity. The knee area is a soft zone.The spine area on a mattress with seven-zone latex is strictly horizontal.Thanks to the seven-zone latex mattress and correct position During sleep during the night, the spine is stretched and posture improves. Seven-zone latex has a micromassage and relaxing effect. As a result, after sleep you wake up rested, healthy and full of energy for further action.


Non-woven synthetic fabric covering metal springs. Artificial environmentally friendly material. Neutralizes the feeling of springs. It is used as a cushioning layer to give additional strength to the mattress and distribute the load evenly. Spunbond does not rot, is difficult to ignite, and is hygroscopic.

Polyurethane foam

Synthetic material, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, non-toxic. Gives mattresses softness. Otherwise it can be called - artificial latex. Like a mattress with natural latex for a long time retains its properties and shape, withstands strong and prolonged pressure. In mattresses it is used as a covering material and as a side edging of the mattress. Mattresses containing polyurethane foam are inexpensive compared to mattresses containing natural latex.


Bi-coconut is 50% coconut coir and 50% cholcon.

What is holcon? This non-woven material made from hollow, spirally crimped polyester fibers. Environmentally friendly material, hypoallergenic. Its properties include preservation of shape and volume, long-term operation, ecological cleanliness, non-toxic, does not absorb or retain moisture and odors. Mattresses that have bi-coconut filling support moisture exchange during sleep and ensure an increase in the service life of the mattress. Does not smell, does not cause allergies.


Natural material. The quality is similar to wool, and the orthopedic properties are close to coconut coir. It is elastic, has a spring effect due to the content of natural latex, absorbs moisture well and evaporates it well. Excellent air permeability. Horsehair is a more expensive analogue of coconut coir in mattresses.


A special polymer that has the ability to remember the shape of the body. Synthetic non-allergenic material. Made from polyurethane foam through special processing. As a result of this treatment, polyurethane foam acquires the so-called “memory effect”. Lying on the mattress, Memorix adapts to the contours of your body and remembers your silhouette. As a result, you get the effect of weightlessness and a complete feeling of comfort.

Merino wool

Natural fine wool sheep's wool on a knitted basis. Natural material. Retains heat and regulates humidity on the surface of the mattress. Antimicrobial and anti-allergenic treatment.


Contains natural fibers of cotton and wool. High heat-shielding properties, good breathability. Gives the mattress softness.


This is a modern filler. Contains 100% polyester. Holofiber is used as an alternative to padding polyester, batting, down, latex and other materials. Non-allergenic, non-flammable, can have any shape, durable to use, does not crumble, has no odor.

Everyone wants to sleep on comfortable, moderately elastic mattresses. But further opinions differ. For some, the best surface will be soft, like a cloud. Others are confident that only dense, rigid support will give them the necessary comfort. Many people want to buy a semi-rigid mattress. Which mattress filler should I choose, and is it possible to find the best one?
A little educational information: the base of the mattress is what is in the middle. Springs, dependent bonnels, or independent in separate cases. In springless models this is a block or layered cake, consisting of foamed materials. The main properties - the ability to support a person's weight and the correct curves of the spine - are given to the mattress only by the base. This is what all sellers call orthopedic properties.

What kind of mattress filler is there and what is it for?

Fillers are small in thickness (usually from 1 to 3 cm, in luxury mattresses up to 8 cm) layers under the cover.

Their purpose is to level the surface and give it the desired degree of softness or hardness. They only increase comfort. When considering which mattress fillers are best, take into account a number of factors, composition, wear resistance, price.

There are only a few types of natural materials for mattresses known in the world. There are more artificial ones, but very often companies patent trademark and materials with practically indistinguishable properties are sold under different names.
Completely natural, consisting exclusively from natural materials:

  • Natural latex
  • Coconut coir (varieties - latex coconut and needlepunch board)
  • Sisal, dried fibers succulent plant Agave
  • Horsehair
  • Dried seaweed
  • Cotton wadding
  • Felt made of sheep wool.

Modern technologies have led to the creation artificial and combined materials. Of three types:

  1. Foamed polyurethane foam, . These are artificial latex, Ortofoam, Prolatex, Memorix and other proprietary types of highly elastic polyurethane foam.
  2. Thermally bonded synthetic fibers, tightly laid in the form of felt. These are thermal felt, thermally bonded flax, bicoconut.
  3. Volumetric synthetic fibers of special laying, in the form of an elastic structured mat - struttofiber, holofiber, periotec, etc.

Each of these materials has advantages and disadvantages. Foam rubber is attractive in price, but tends to accumulate moisture; dust mites live well in it. Holofiber is well ventilated and does not cause allergies, but can cake over time. Which mattress filler is preferred is decided taking into account specific operating conditions.

In the table below, all materials used in mattresses can be compared with each other.

MaterialsProbability of microorganism developmentRelease of harmful substancesMoisture accumulation, poor ventilationPotential to cause allergiesDurability
Natural latexNoNoNoYesvery high
Latex coconutNoNoNoYeshigh
Needle Punched CoconutYesNoYesYeslow
Pressed seaweedhighNoYesYeslow
HorsehairlowNoNohighvery high
Thermally bonded flaxYesNoNoNohigh
Thermal feltYesNoYesNoaverage
Struttofiber comboYesNoweakweakaverage
Foam rubber standardYesMaybeYeslowlow
Highly elastic foamYesMaybeYeslowhigh
Memory foamYesMaybeYeslowaverage

Felt– this is the name of felted goat, sheep’s wool or flax, usually used in mattresses in the form of sheets. The material has been known for more than 2 and a half thousand years as an excellent heat insulator and protection from harsh climatic conditions. Today, felt is the main filler for many types of orthopedic surfaces.

Advantages of a felt mattress

When making felt chemical substances are not used, so it is considered environmentally friendly pure material, hypoallergenic and safe. The structure of wool allows us to obtain a dense material thanks to high-temperature pressing technology. Another undoubted advantage of felt is that it holds heat well. Therefore, sleeping on a mattress with a layer of felt will be comfortable and pleasant.

Features of the material

Since the material has quite high strength, it is often placed on top of the spring block as a layer between it and more sensitive layers. None of the traditional materials - foam rubber or batting - can provide such protection. Otherwise, after just a year of use, the springs begin to bulge outward, preventing proper sleep.

In latex springless mattresses use felt layers of high rigidity to provide a strong frame for the product. Another direction for using felt is its use as a flooring material for particularly rigid models, for example, made from coconut coir.

The following advantages of felt can be listed:

  • this is a natural material that does not contain chemical binders such as adhesives;
  • has high strength;
  • durable;
  • improves the orthopedic properties of the product;
  • removes moisture from the body during sleep, absorbs it and easily releases it when drying;
  • performs thermoregulatory functions;
  • has high breathability;
  • has an affordable price.

Coconut coir mattress filler- is natural natural material, which is used to fill mattresses.

Coconut fibers are pressed to create so-called slabs that are placed inside the mattress. The material is considered environmentally friendly and helps to properly distribute pressure on the springs inside the mattress. Gives the necessary rigidity and regulates the correct distribution of the body on the mattress.



When talking about the 100% hypoallergenic nature of mattresses with the addition of coir, manufacturers are lying. Yes, the raw material itself is coconut coir - natural product, but in order to hold it together, a special latex-based emulsion is used, and this is no longer a natural product, and often, especially in children's models, such mattresses can cause allergies. And such an emulsion in mattresses, for example, in a children's line, makes up more than half of the composition of the mattress. That is, about sixty percent is synthetic filling, and at the same time the manufacturer writes about the naturalness of the products and hypoallergenicity.

Koira, by itself in pure form as a fiber-safe product. This is the hair covering of the coconut. According to its characteristics, the material has many positive qualities- this includes providing good support for the back muscles and distributing the load on the spring component of the mattress. But still, it is not possible to talk about 100% naturalness of such materials and absolute hypoallergenicity.

Sometimes, when purchasing a new mattress, you smell an incomprehensible rubber smell, but this is precisely the smell from the latex binding emulsion, which helps connect the coir fibers into a single whole.

Differences between organic coconut and coconut

is a mixture of coconut coir and polyester fiber. The fiber is hygienic, does not smell and does not absorb external odors, is breathable, does not allow mites to multiply and does not cause attacks of an allergic reaction. Mattresses filled with organic coconut have good timing services and excellent characteristics for spring support. The biococonut composition prevents the springs from sagging or bulging outward.

Biococonut is an improved variety of coconut coir, which allows the product to withstand wet cleaning within 95 degrees, the mattress can also be dry cleaned. Such characteristics make the material a desirable filling for mattresses for people prone to allergies.

Latexed coconut coir gives the mattress the necessary rigidity and support. Can be used as a thick layer 5–6 cm. Gives the mattress not only orthopedic properties, but also anatomical ones. The composition contains latex, as a result of which such a filler acquires protection against dust mites and the growth of bacteria. Absorbs moisture and maintains optimal microclimate sleeping place. This filler does not crumble and does not age over time. The ratio of latex to coir is usually fifty to fifty.

Coconut coir produced by the pressed method

The method of producing coconut coir is called pressed, needle-punched.

The coir is first pressed and then punched using special needles. Pressed filler is less wear-resistant than latex filler. It quickly becomes unusable under loads.

Coconut coir bonded with polyester fibers

An excellent fiber for its hygienic and wear-resistant properties. Polyester fibers provide protection against ticks and bacteria. This fiber does not deform when long-term use and withstands loads.

Is coconut coir in children's mattresses dangerous?

A mattress for a child should first of all be environmentally friendly. You should not trust that products are 100% natural. Coconut coir performs best when mixed with polyester fiber. The so-called biocoir is perfect solution For children's mattress. It is worth paying close attention to the price of the product. Coconut coir cannot be cheap. The price is reduced if the quality of the coir is not up to par. Firstly, the coir may not be ripe; in this case, its color is light.

Important! Choose coir that is dark brown in color. The color should not be dull, but rich.

And of course, it is necessary to look at the quality characteristics of raw materials, certificates and compliance with production norms and standards. You need to buy the product only from a trusted supplier.