home · Tool · Baby crib: what's inside? Mattress, diapers, positioner. A bed with a soft headboard and a lifting mechanism: features, manufacturer, types and sizes. Is sleeping on an inclined bed beneficial?

Baby crib: what's inside? Mattress, diapers, positioner. A bed with a soft headboard and a lifting mechanism: features, manufacturer, types and sizes. Is sleeping on an inclined bed beneficial?

good and comfortable bed the key to sound sleep. Why a bed anyway? After all, in small apartments more comfortable sofa- bed. Doctors recommend a bed for a permanent sleeping place, because the sofa is more suitable for short-term accommodation of a guest who spends the night with you. The conditions in which we sleep affect the health of the spine, and as we age, this can become a problem.

Which bed should you choose? Very wide choose available on the modern furniture market. The beds use the most various designs ram.

Bed frame

The simplest and at the same time inexpensive option from long boards, to which they are attached perpendicularly wooden slats. When choosing such a frame, you should pay attention to the number of perpendicular slats; the more there are, the stronger and more reliable it will be. If the frame is made of a material such as birch or beech, do not hesitate - this frame will last you much longer, because this type of wood is distinguished by its flexibility.

Do not forget about the orthopedic standards for beds. Choose a bed that has frames consist of multi-layer slats, because they make it more elastic, which means that this will allow the spine to be positioned correctly, that is, in an even position.


For maximum orthopedic effect use orthopedic mattress. Remember that the mattress should be firm, but not hard. The store can offer you a spring and springless mattress. If your choice fell on spring mattress, it is worth noting that per 1 sq. m, the number of springs should be 220 - 260. Of course, it is better to choose such a mattress for a bed on which one person will sleep, because the weight on such a mattress is distributed unevenly, which means that while you sleep peacefully, your spine will suffer. For two people, a springless multilayer mattress is suitable; it is very popular and, of course, this mattress has a slightly higher price.

Additional functions

If you have money and desire achieving maximum comfort, it is better to buy a bed with adjustable firmness and change the angle of inclination. Thanks to this mechanism, it will be possible to raise or lower the headboard, as well as the central part or foot half of the bed.

You can show off your design skills when choosing backrests. Here you can find something for every taste, whether you want vertical or inclined, low or high, as well as solid or openwork. There is a choice of classic backrests with wooden surface and there are various types upholstery materials.

Painted your bedroom in calm, relaxing colors? But at the same time you continue to toss and turn, cannot fall asleep, wake up feeling like a squeezed lemon, and not a cheerful cucumber? Have you ever thought about arranging your bedroom? how to place a bed correctly? If sleep doesn't bring you complete rest, it might be because your bed isn't in the right place.

The location of the bed in the bedroom can have a significant impact on your sleep and overall well-being, this effect is explained both from a rational point of view, when you are disturbed, for example, by a draft or a feeling of insecurity, and from the point of view of Feng Shui, where the free circulation of energy is important streams. In our article, we will combine both approaches and give tips that will help you find the optimal bed position for you.

Not correct location beds in the bedroom

So let's start with where the bed shouldn't be standing. So, if your bed is in this position, you should think about rearranging it.

Foot to the door

Do not place the bed with the foot of the bed facing the door. Many people believe that this is a bad omen, because this is how the dead are taken out of the room. Feng Shui also categorically prohibits this position of the bed, because at night it can enter the bedroom door negative energy. However, if it is impossible to rearrange the bed, you can reduce Negative influence if you always close the door while sleeping.

Headboard to window

In a dream, a person is absolutely relaxed, defenseless and vulnerable, because it is at this time that he needs support more than ever, but a window cannot provide a complete sense of security, you cannot rely on it. It is better if the head of the bed is in contact with the wall.

Bed by the window

If you turned the head of the bed towards the wall, but at the same time placed it close to the window, you also did not do the right thing. And it’s not just about Feng Shui, everything here is much simpler and more pragmatic - it comes from the window cold air, which makes it easy to catch a cold, or even get a more serious illness. Don't experiment with your health!

Items above the bed

Heavy chandeliers and cabinets above the bed can cause imperceptible anxiety, seem (albeit subconsciously) as a threat, preventing you from truly relaxing, which can lead to insomnia.

Bed in the aisle to the window

Door-window passage. Is not better position for a bed due to the fact that it is between the door and the window that active movement occurs different energies, which will not let you sleep peacefully.


There should be no mirrors above or opposite the bed. Feng Shui states that a mirror reflects energy and directs it back, and during sleep a person should free himself from unnecessary information, negative emotions, difficult thoughts, and problems. Remember the famous saying “The morning is wiser than the evening”? If there is a mirror near your bed, then this saying is not about you, since the mirror will reflect all the accumulated energy during the day. bad energy and will send it back to you, and you will wake up tired, sick and depressed.

TV in the bedroom

It is advisable not to place the bed closer than 3-5 meters from the TV, because it harmful radiation negatively affects sleep and the general condition of the sleeper.

Uncomfortable mattress

Even if your bedroom is perfect and your bed is positioned correctly, your sleep can be ruined by an uncomfortable mattress. The ideal mattress is neither soft nor hard, independent springs, or without springs. You can buy one like this.

Once upon a time in new apartment first they let the cat in, and where she lay down, there they placed the bed. Nowadays we trust cats less, so here are some recommendations that will help you find the right bed location without their help.

Optimal bed position

The bed should be positioned in such a way that when lying or sitting on it, you can see people entering the bedroom. Optimal location- diagonally to the door. This bed position will give you a feeling of security and peace.

Which side of the world should the head of the bed be directed towards?

According to Feng Shui, the head of the bed should be directed north or east.

Features of the location of double beds

If the bed is intended for two people, there should be clear access on both sides. The bed should be wide enough. Beds with a width of 140 cm or more are considered double beds. But a really comfortable width is 160 cm and above.

How to place a child's or single bed

If one person sleeps on the bed, it is better if it stands sideways to the wall or in the corner between the window and the door.

Following these rules when arranging furniture in the bedroom will make your rest more complete, will allow you to recharge your energy for the whole next day and, of course, will have a positive effect on your health.

If you notice that your bed is not positioned as recommended, take the time to make a small rearrangement. The effect will not take long to arrive!


A person bedridden as a result of a serious illness or injury has to contend with more than just a physical illness. Psychologically, it is very difficult to accept dependence on other people, especially if you were recently cheerful and active, but today you cannot even lift a pillow on your own.

To simplify the process of caring for bedridden patients as much as possible by creating for them comfortable conditions, manufacturers rehabilitation equipment develop and produce functional medical beds. These devices are ideal for sleep and wakefulness of sedentary patients, helping them to take comfortable positions, promoting speedy rehabilitation and preventing the formation of bedsores and congestion. Functionality special medical beds significantly facilitate medical and rehabilitation measures, and also help to fully care for an immobilized patient.

Types of medical beds

The main difference between a medical bed and a regular one is the special design of the bed with movable sections and a set of additional functional elements. The stock is divided into several sections, each of which can be installed under different angle tilt

1. Depending on the method of controlling the sections, the beds are divided into mechanical and electrical.

Beds, in turn, are divided into models:

  • With the Rastomat mechanism, in which the raising and lowering of sections is done manually, and the sections are attached at the desired angle on comb clamps. This option is more economical in terms of price, and its operating principle is similar to a regular folding bed.
  • With worm drive. In such devices, the angle of inclination of the sections is changed due to screw levers. This type of adjustment is smooth and does not require much effort.

Some models combine these two types of section control.

The most expensive and most comfortable for patients are. It will be easy to control them not only for assistants, but also for the patient himself - after all, to raise the sections simultaneously or one by one, you just need to press the buttons on the remote control. The electric drive operates very smoothly. It does not cause inconvenience to the owner and allows him to change the position of the body without the help of strangers, which is important not only from the point of view of physiology, but also improves the psychological mood of the patient.

To protect against power outages, many models are equipped with a battery or have a so-called hybrid drive, that is, they can be controlled not only from a remote control using electric motors, but also manually, like conventional mechanical beds.

2. Models vary in the number of bed sections:

  • – foot and head;
  • – leg, head and hip;
  • – knee, femoral, pelvic and head (the most common type).
  • 6 – 12 sections – four standard sections are supplemented with side sections for turning the patient over, for supporting the body, for lowering the inner leg section, etc.

By changing the angle of the sections in the bed, a person can take a semi-sitting position, known in medicine as the “Fowler's position.” In this case, the patient’s shoulders and head are raised by 45-60 degrees, and the legs are slightly bent at the knees. According to research, this body position is optimal for a bedridden person: it reduces the risk of bedsores and promotes normal operation lungs and relaxes the abdominal muscles.

Some models can take the form of a chair, allowing its owner to comfortably watch TV, knit or talk with visitors.

3. Beds can have different functionality:

Additional functionality may include options such as the CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) resuscitation function, which allows you to instantly bring the bed to a horizontal position by unblocking the raised zones, as well as some other specialized functions.

Additional options

Convenience and correct operation functional beds largely provide various structural additions.


The main option necessary for proper comfortable placement of the patient is a special orthopedic mattress that covers the hard slats of the mattress bed. Some beds come with a mattress by default, while for others it can be purchased separately. In any case, using the bed without a special mattress is impossible. The reason why many models do not come with mattresses right away is the availability of a choice of mattresses different types suitable for this bed model, as well as the ability to separately purchase a spare mattress for long-term use. The main mattress is compacted polyurethane foam or its analogues, which are covered with a removable cover made of various materials such as fabric with water-repellent impregnation, vinylis leather, etc. As a rule, a certain type of mattress is made for a certain bed model, matching the size and number of sections to the mattress bed. The mattress sections are similar in size to the bed sections and fold in the same places. For beds without sanitary device Universal single-section mattresses made of flexible elastic material are also suitable. Such a mattress will bend anywhere, providing a comfortable position for the patient and protecting the body from corners at the junction of sections.

If it is necessary to use an anti-decubitus mattress, the latter is placed on top of an orthopedic mattress, which is mandatory element when using the bed. Putting anti-decubitus mattress Directly on the lamellas of the stock is not allowed.


Almost all models of medical beds are equipped with wheels mounted on the legs with parking brakes. They allow you to move the bed within the hospital or move the bed in the room to increase the access area to the patient. When the bed is stationary, the wheels are secured using brakes.

3.Side guards

Many manufacturers initially include protective side rails in their beds. Guardrails prevent the patient from falling from the bed. Side rails can be folding, removable or folding; they can be easily lowered and do not interfere with the patient's rise or transfer from the bed to the chair.

4.Device for pulling the patient and Balkan frame

The pull-up arc and Balkansky frame not only help the owner of the bed independently change the position of the body, but also serve as a simulator for maintaining shape. People who are forced to spend almost all their time in bed are deprived physical activity and quickly weaken. Their muscles lose tone and can atrophy, causing weakness and the occurrence of concomitant diseases.
The Balkan frame is also used to treat traction fractures of the upper and lower extremities.

A pull-up bar installed at the head of the bed, as well as to the right or left of the bed, allows the patient to perform the simplest physical exercise, rising and thereby training the back muscles and upper limbs. If the patient cannot do this on his own, a relative or health care worker can help him do the exercises. To choose the optimal set of classes, it is advisable to seek advice from a physical therapy doctor, who will develop personal recommendations taking into account the patient’s condition.

5.Infusion stand for infusions

It will be needed if the owner of the bed needs to frequently insert IVs. She has compact design and is height adjustable for the convenience of the patient and physicians.

6.Bedside table

Another one useful feature, making life easier for people with disabilities. The design is installed on the side rails of the bed, and the patient can comfortably eat, read or engage in his favorite hobby.

7. Sanitary (toilet) device

For people who practically cannot get out of bed, a toilet device placed under the bed will be an indispensable option. It greatly facilitates the care of patients, allowing them to independently cope with physiological needs. The mattress of such beds has a removable section, under which there is a lift with a vessel installed on it. The lift mechanism can be mechanical or electrical - last option Only available on some electric models.

Popular manufacturers

Medical beds are produced by several well-known manufacturers of rehabilitation equipment. For example, products from a Belgian company, as well as analogues German company are widely popular not only because of their thoughtful design, but also because of their cozy “homey” design. Wall panels and the side rails in these models are made of wood, sleeping area externally as close as possible to ordinary furniture, fits harmoniously into the interior of the room and does not remind of the serious illness of its owner.

To others well-known manufacturers medical beds include Chinese companies and . In their extensive range there are models for every taste and budget, ranging from simple and reliable mechanical structures and ending with expensive high-tech devices equipped with cardiac chair functions, Trendelenburg and anti-Trendelenburg positions and devices for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

To choose optimal model, it is advisable to consult with the patient’s attending physician. At independent choice First of all, determine for yourself the necessary functionality of the bed, as well as the desired type of drive.
General recommendations for selection relate to the dimensions and load capacity of the device. Most models are designed for a load within 200 kg; There are also a number of models used, including medical institutions, which can withstand weight up to 250 kg. The size of the bed of most models of medical beds corresponds to the generally accepted standard medical equipment: approximately 190-200 cm long, 80-95 cm wide, height approximately 50 cm.

For patients non-standard sizes beds are produced with an increased width of the bed (100-150 cm) or with the possibility of increasing the length of the bed up to 220 cm. To facilitate patient care and for more comfortable lifting and transferring the user, a number of models are equipped with a function for changing the height of the bed (within 30-80 cm).

When choosing a place to install the bed, make sure that the patient can be approached from each side. This will make the maintenance procedure easier, allowing you to turn it over without any problems. sedentary person. It is advisable that the sleeping place is not under the window, but close enough to it, providing the patient with visibility and a good level of natural light.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the stomach sphincter spontaneously opens and acidic contents are released back into the esophagus, damaging the lining of the esophagus. One of the most effective preventive methods for GERD is changing the inclination of the bed. Body position is adjusted using a lifting mechanism, therapeutic pillows, or both methods at the same time. Using the tips below, you can greatly relieve the pain caused by reflux disease.


Part 1

Changing the inclination of the bed

    Select a material. The choice of method and material must be balanced. It is best to use a therapeutic wedge pillow or bed lifts (of any material). These means will ensure sufficient height at long time and at the same level. You can use one of three main methods:

    Install correct angle bed tilt. The elevation angle must be carefully measured. Most studies state that the height of the headboard should be at least 15-20 cm. Medical sources confirm that this angle of inclination actually prevents acid reflux in the lying position.

    The area of ​​the shoulder blades also needs to be raised. The transition of the esophagus to the stomach is located in the area bottom edge shoulder blades Accordingly, to stop acid reflux, the area of ​​the shoulder blades must also be elevated.

    • By leaving your shoulder blades at the same height, you may find that reflux has not disappeared, but general state even worsened, as tension and pain in the neck and back were added
  1. Never use multiple pillows to raise the head of the head. In this case, the angle of elevation of the head can cause compression of the stomach, which will intensify reflux and worsen the general condition.

    • Try to stop using regular pillows during sleep, as they can create additional tension in the abdominal area, pushing out the contents of the stomach. You can also easily slide off such a pillow, and the therapeutic effect will disappear.
  2. Understand Why these methods work. IN vertical position acid reflux occurs less frequently as gravity pulls the acidic contents down. As soon as you change the position of your body, gravity ceases to hold back the contents in the stomach, and you are surprised to find it back in your mouth.

    • Raising the head of the bed significantly reduces the likelihood of contact of the esophageal mucosa with the acidic contents of the stomach. In some cases, getting up also relieves sleep disorders.

    Part 2

    Preventing Acid Reflux
    1. Don't eat before bed. A late meal will ruin all your efforts! Go to bed with an empty and dry stomach. The last meal is at least 3 hours before bedtime, and it is better not to drink anything 2 hours before you go to bed. Violating this rule increases the likelihood of acid reflux.

      • Never lie down after eating. Wait at least 3 hours before taking a horizontal position. This is enough to digest food so that the stomach becomes empty.
    2. Avoid fatty foods. Fatty foods (fried foods, fast food, etc.) take longer to digest, so your stomach is fuller. And the longer food sits in the stomach, the greater the chance of reverse reflux.

      • Chocolates contain a lot of fat And caffeine, which also negatively affects GERD. Also, chocolates may contain coconut oil, which stimulates the production of acid in the stomach, and the likelihood of acid reflux increases even more.
      • Stomach acid production is stimulated by foods such as fried foods, tomato paste, alcohol, garlic and onions.
    3. Chew some gum. Chewing gum increases saliva production, which is natural remedy to counteract acid reflux. Knowing that you will have to eat something inappropriate, bring a pack of chewing gum with you to reduce the likelihood of possible complications.

      • Choose your gum carefully. Peppermint flavoring may cause acid reflux because peppermint instantly relaxes muscle valves while increasing acid production in the stomach.
    4. Wear loose clothing. Clothes that are too tight put pressure on the stomach, causing extra pressure acid seeks any outlet from the stomach, so the likelihood of acid reflux into the esophagus increases.

      • If you are going to have a big meal or eat foods that stimulate acid reflux, try not to wear tight clothing (including underwear) to help relieve the condition.
    5. Avoid coffee and orange juice. Drinking coffee makes a person energetic due to the caffeine it contains. But caffeine also stimulates the production of stomach acid, and increased acidity increases the likelihood of stomach contents passing into the stomach. reverse order. Likewise, you should stay away from anything that increases acidity (such as orange juice).

      • Juice from oranges and other citrus fruits contains a lot of vitamin C (or ascorbic acid). Ascorbic acid increases stomach acidity, increasing the likelihood of acid reflux.
      • To reduce acid production, you should also avoid carbonated drinks and teas with added caffeine.
    6. Start playing sports. Physical activity reduces pressure inside the abdomen and has a beneficial effect on a person with GERD. The main thing is that the duration of the workout should be at least 30 minutes a day. You can divide this half hour into several small approaches. For example, a 10-minute walk three times a day equals one 30-minute walk.

      • A daily 30-minute walk can also help you lose weight. If you're bored of just walking, try gardening, swimming, walking the dog, or window shopping, etc. window shopping without shopping.
    7. Control your weight. Overweight and obesity increase the likelihood of GERD. The stomach experiences pressure from stored fat, and the chances of its contents escaping into the esophagus increase. In some cases, losing weight is enough to get rid of GERD.

      • Avoid overeating. This will simultaneously control your weight and reduce the likelihood of acid reflux. It is better to divide the same amount of food into small portions, increasing the number of meals, and the stomach will not be overloaded.
    8. Stop smoking. Smoking is one of the factors that increases the risk of developing GERD. Long-term smoking experience also increases damage to the esophagus and can cause cancer. When you quit smoking, you will feel instant relief.

      • Quitting smoking is necessary not only to get rid of GERD. By quitting smoking, you will significantly reduce your risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases, and you will also notice that your skin, hair, nails and teeth look much better.

    Part 3

    Drug therapy
    1. Consider taking antacids to neutralize the acid. Hydroxide magnesium-aluminum(liquid) and other antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach and esophagus. Relief, accompanied by a feeling of mild cooling, is observed already when the fluid passes through the esophagus.

      Taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is one of the the best ways prevent acid reflux. Inhibitors block the activity of the pump that produces hydrogen, which is necessary for acid formation. Accordingly, reducing the amount of acid reduces the likelihood of acidic contents entering the esophagus. For maximum effect, PPIs are taken 30 minutes before breakfast.

      • Daily dose of different PPIs:
        Omeprazole – 20 mg once a day
        Lansoprazole – 30 mg once a day
        Pantoprazole – 40 mg once a day
        Esomeprazole – 40 mg once a day
        Rabeprazole – 20 mg once a day.
      • PPI inhibitors may cause side effectsheadache, abdominal pain, vomiting.
    2. Consider taking an H2 blocker (histamine). H2 receptors are dedicated exclusively to the production of acid in the stomach, so blockers H2 receptors counteract acid production. Your doctor may prescribe them as an alternative to PPIs.

      • The daily dose of different H2 receptor blockers is:
        Cimetidine – 300 mg 4 times a day
        Ranitidine – 150 mg 2 times a day
        Famotidine – 20 mg 2 times a day
        Nizatidine – 150 mg 2 times a day
      • H2 blockers may cause side effects, including headaches, constipation and diarrhea.
    3. Visit your doctor to get an expert opinion. Drug therapy is an essential addition to the treatment of GERT at home. Usually, medications neutralize acid or block its production. In addition to antacids (which can be purchased at any pharmacy and even in grocery store), the doctor will be able to prescribe the best remedy exactly in your case.

      • Acid is an important component of digestion and stomach immunity. Long-term drug therapy can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system. Use of any medication for longer than 4 weeks must be done with your doctor's approval.

    Part 4

    Learn about GERD
    1. You are not alone. GERD syndromes are widespread among the population of most countries. Recent studies have shown that 7% of the US population experiences acid reflux daily, and 15% of the population experiences it at least once a week.

      Understand what is happening in your body. The esophagus is the food passage tube that connects your mouth and stomach. In the stomach, food is mixed with acid to prepare it for absorption by the body. This is where “acid” appears and “acid reflux” begins.

    2. Know your risk factors. There are many factors in daily life that contribute to the development of GERD. Among other things, acid reflux is caused by the following reasons:

      • Pregnancy . The rise of the uterus changes the position of the stomach and other internal organs, pushing them up and forward, resulting in the creation of conditions for acid reflux.
      • Smoking. Smoking increases stomach acid levels. It also weakens the sphincter, which blocks the return of food from the stomach to the esophagus.
      • Obesity. Excess fat puts pressure on the stomach and increases pressure in it. When the pressure is very high, the acidic contents are forcefully squeezed into the esophagus.
      • Tight and tight clothes. Any restrictions in the abdominal area increase the pressure inside the stomach, causing acid reflux.
      • Rich food. The stomach stretches at the top to increase in volume. This increases the amount of acid near the junction of the stomach and esophagus.
      • Lying horizontally on your back. The horizontal position of the body (especially after eating) shifts the contents of the stomach to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection with the esophagus.
      • Diabetes. If diabetes is left untreated, nerve tissue is damaged, including the vagus nerve (vagus), which is responsible for controlling the stomach and intestines.

Any piece of furniture should, first of all, be comfortable and bring pleasure when using it.


The main parameters of the bed are determined by the length and width of the mattress and its type. All this must correspond to the height and build of the people using it. My wife and I are of thin build. My height (I’m taller than my wife) is 176 cm. Based on this, we chose the dimensions of the mattress - 2000 x 1600 x 150 mm, type of mattress - soft. The angle of the back of the bed was also carefully selected so that you could sit comfortably. The design of the bed also plays an important role. We wanted it to fit harmoniously into the decor of the bedroom, where our doors and floors were made to match the color natural oak. Therefore, they decided to make the visible parts of the bed frame from natural oak. The project was based on a design that allows not only to sleep comfortably, but also to store household belongings, which only grow over time. To do this, we used the space under the bed, installing a spacious drawer and providing easy access to it using special mechanism raising the base on which the mattress lies.

This double (a double bed, as many say) I made the bed with my own hands based on your own ideas about comfort and practicality.

The bed consists of the main parts shown in drawing 1.

Bed frame(two longitudinal drawers and two transverse) assembled from furniture oak panels 16 mm thick and mounted on legs made of aluminum pipe square section 40 x 40 mm. The dimensions of the frame were selected to match the dimensions of the mattress.

The headboard is a furniture pine board 18 mm thick, screwed to one of the short sides of the frame at a convenient angle, which is set by two support boards. The headboard was upholstered with fabric, under which there was foam rubber 50 mm thick.

Inside the bed frame there is a storage box assembled from three narrow furniture panels 18 mm thick.

The base for the mattress is a metal frame with dimensions of 2000 x 1600 x 290 mm made of square pipe, on which the lamellas are fixed. Five legs are attached to the frame - four in the corners and one in the center of the base. The transformation (lifting) mechanism with gas lifts is attached to the base frame for the mattress and the longitudinal sides of the bed.

Double bed - drawings

Materials for making a double bed

I ordered the base frame and the mattress itself from the online store. Lifting mechanisms with gas cylinders were purchased from a company that sells furniture fittings. Installation instructions were not included with them, so I had to look for the necessary information in furniture stores and on the Internet.

Of the two bedspreads purchased, one is used for its intended purpose, and the second is used for the front upholstery of the backrest. Foam rubber 50 mm thick for the backrest was purchased at construction market. In addition, you needed:

  • planed pine block measuring 2000 x 40 x 20 mm for the stiffener;
  • block 2000 x 40 x 40 mm to prevent the mattress from sliding when lifting the base;
  • board 2000 x 100 x 20 mm for making racks to which the headboard is attached;
  • square aluminum pipe 1000 x 40 x 40 mm for bed legs;
  • large corners with shelf length 150 mm – 4 pcs.;
  • small furniture corners - 10 pcs.,
  • mounting plates 100 x 50 mm -4 pcs.;
  • furniture footers with internal thread MB – 12 pcs.;
  • bolts MB x 50 – 16 pcs.;
  • bolts MB x 12 – 8 pcs.;
  • bolts M12 x 20 – b pcs. and yellow screws of various sizes.

Do-it-yourself double bed - progress of work

On the construction market, to make visible elements of the bed frame (tsars), I bought three oak furniture panels dimensions 2100 x 300 x 16 mm. For the fourth (hidden from view) king, as well as for

The sides of the glove box and the headboard were purchased with pine panels. I wanted to take thicker oak panels, but only 16 mm ones were available.

To make a transverse drawer at the foot of the bed, one of the panels was sawn with a circular saw to the size of the width of the bed. To make the cutting line smooth, I used a guide block for the base of the saw, secured with clamps.

I sawed and polished the panels at the dacha, since such work is accompanied by loud noise and education large quantity dust. To treat the surfaces of the boards I used a tape grinding machine with fine grain tape. The ends of the transverse bed frame were rounded. This looks nicer and is safer to use, since there is always the possibility of accidentally getting caught on the corner of the bed.

Oak panels were coated with matte furniture varnish in two layers with intermediate sanding by hand. I painted them with a small paint roller with short, velvety bristles. Pine boards I sanded it a little and coated it with a colored wood compound.

Assembling a double bed frame

First of all, I assembled the bed frame (photo 1). To do this, I connected the longitudinal and transverse drawers using large angles and screws 0 5 x 16, as well as four legs cut with a hacksaw from a square aluminum pipe. The legs were secured with four MB x 50 bolts, which were screwed through the holes in the legs into the furniture footers, previously installed in the panels. Under the footers, I drilled blind holes in the drawers Ø 4.5 mm and 14 mm deep. I made a couple of holes on one side of the leg with an offset of 10 mm relative to the other pair.

I secured a support block with a cross-section of 40 x 40 mm (photo 2), which prevents the mattress from sliding down when the base frame is lifted. The length of the bar is equal to the distance between the longitudinal sides of the bed. The block was attached to the longitudinal sides of the bed using two corners and 4 x 20 screws.

Bed lift mechanism

At the next stage (photo 3, 4), I installed the lifting mechanisms, attaching them to the base frame under the mattress and to the longitudinal sides of the bed. Each lifting mechanism was first secured to the base frame with three M12 x 20 bolts. To do this, I marked the position of the holes on the frame, after which I drilled three 0 10 mm holes in the frame on each side and cut the threads with an M12 tap.

Having bolted the corner of the lifting mechanism to the frame, I placed the base under the mattress inside the bed frame and marked four holes in each longitudinal frame for the MB footers, corresponding to the holes in the bottom bar of the mechanism. It was very important to install the base under the mattress inside the frame so that there was a gap on all sides between the frame and the drawers for proper operation lifting mechanism. According to the marks, I drilled blind holes 0 4.5 and 14 mm deep in the longitudinal drawers, then screwed in the fittings on each side, and screwed the bottom bar of the mechanism to the drawers with four MB x 12 screws on each side. After that, I checked the operation of the lifting mechanism. There was no need to adjust the position of the bed frame.

DIY glove box

I secured the transverse wall of the box with four 0 5 x 50 screws, screwed into the ends through holes previously made in the longitudinal drawers, and then attached the two longitudinal walls of the drawer using corners and 4×12 screws to the transverse drawer at the head of the bed (photo 3-5)

How much will it cost to make a double bed with your own hands:


The main cost at the time of manufacturing the bed was made up of purchased products:

  • mattress - 16,000 rub.
  • bed base - 3000 rub.
  • gas lifting mechanisms (set) - 3000 rub.
  • furniture panels and fittings - approximately 3,000 rubles.

– bedspread (2 pcs.) - 2000 rub. The savings compared to buying a ready-made bed amounted to approximately 5,000 rubles, but I couldn’t find a bed that fit into the bedroom interior.

We have been using the bed for almost five years. Everything is convenient and practical. The family is happy with my creation!