home · Other · Strawberry research for elementary school children. Identification of optimal strawberry varieties for cultivation in the climatic conditions of De-Kastri. Strawberry research

Strawberry research for elementary school children. Identification of optimal strawberry varieties for cultivation in the climatic conditions of De-Kastri. Strawberry research

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Municipal educational autonomous institution Secondary school No. 1 named after. A.S. Makarenko, Orsk, Orenburg region One strawberry, two strawberry... Completed by: student of grade 2 A Gumarova Sofia Supervisor: primary school teacher of the highest category Ruzavina Larisa Matveevna Orsk, 2010

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Introduction Of all the berries, strawberries are the most famous. There is hardly a person in the world who would not admire her as much as they admire beautiful flowers. In ancient Rome, they believed that in memory of the girlish tears that rolled down the princess’s cheeks in large round balls, people began to call these berries strawberries, and when they forgot something or simply could not remember, they picked them dressed in a red royal robe fruits and tasted their pure and pleasant aroma. There are hobbyists all over the world who collect strawberries as passionately as other collectors collect works of art. I became interested in what type of strawberry grows in my grandmother’s garden, what nutritional properties do the berries have, why is it healthy? The object of research is strawberries. The subject of the study is the possibility of growing strawberries at home. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and practically test whether it is possible to obtain a strawberry harvest at home. In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, I set the following tasks: Study the literature about strawberries. Find interesting facts, myths, legends and beliefs related to strawberries. Determine what varieties of strawberries are grown. Grow strawberries for Santa Claus for the New Year. Research methods: Observation Experiment Literature analysis

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I Theoretical part 1 This amazing berry Strawberry, perennial herbaceous plant genus of strawberries in the Rosaceae family. Height 30-35 cm. Leaves are trifoliate, large, light green, ribbed, densely pubescent. Peduncles higher than leaves. The flowers are white, with 5 petals, usually unisexual; in cultivation there are varieties with bisexual flowers. The fruits (berries) are small (2-3 g), conical, pinkish-violet, with white flesh, sweet, spicy, with a strong specific aroma. Strawberries are quite winter-hardy, but prolonged frosts without snow cause plant death; It is not drought-resistant, grows and bears fruit better in light shade. Distributed wildly in Europe (with the exception of Italy, Southern France, Spain). Strawberries are cultivated in France, Italy, Great Britain, Germany and Russia. The calyx consists of five fused sepals, the corolla - of five free petals. Large trifoliate leaves are light green in color, located on stems 30-35 cm high. The flowers are usually unisexual (there are varieties with bisexual flowers in cultivation), five-petaled, white, with a double perianth. Peduncles are higher than the stems. What is usually called a strawberry is actually an overgrown receptacle, on the surface of which there are numerous small fruits - nuts. To Europe fragrant berry came in the 16th century. The French officer who brought the first strawberries home from Chile wrote to the royal cook: “I brought His Majesty fruits that relieve the heart from the suffering caused by state unrest. The aroma of these berries fills the soul with love, and the mind with fun.” The officer did not exaggerate the merits of unfamiliar fruits. Later, scientists found that strawberries rank first among all berries in terms of iron content, and the smell of ripe strawberries is due to the presence of more than 50 aromatic substances that can cause a surge of vigor and good mood.

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Historically, the names of these two plant species have become confused and still cannot be unraveled. Even 300 years ago, forest and then garden strawberries began to be cultivated in Russia. And since in those days few people were strong in botany, they were confused and the berries of large-fruited strawberries began to be called strawberries. Why not mix it up if the berries are similar - both are sweet and tasty? The history of the origin of garden strawberries (the same ones that are now sold in our stores!) is shrouded in amazing adventures. The French officer - Captain Frezier was returning from Chile to his homeland, and as a curious person, he took with him a souvenir - 5 interesting bushes wild plant– Chilean strawberries (Fragaria chiloensis), which had large berries. During the difficult sea voyage, which lasted 6 months, he carefully kept his precious gifts. And when he arrived home, the captain gave them as a gift different people. This was in 1714. One of the bushes then ended up in the Royal Botanical Garden in Paris. Unfortunately, the brought plant turned out to be female and could not bear a single berry... The fact is that Captain Frezier, not being an expert, did not think to take with him a single male plant... and a woman without a man, you know, has no offspring does not give. After the bushes multiplied with tendrils, without ever producing a single berry, they moved to live in Versailles Park, where they were observed by a very famous French botanist. And then a happy coincidence happened, to which we owe the appearance of a new crop - large-fruited strawberries! It so happened that in a neighboring bed another type of strawberry grew - a pleasant-tasting meadow or Virginia strawberry (Fragaria virginiana Duch.), which is also American in origin. The size of the berries of this species is approximately twice as large as that of wild strawberries. By a lucky coincidence, these bushes pollinated with each other, and so the fruit of their love was born. The descendant turned out to be successful, having inherited all the best things: the size of the mother and the taste of the father... In general, a wonderful child was born in nature new hybrid with very tasty and large berries. This created a sensation - all farmers rushed to breed it. Since then, a huge number of varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been developed. It turned out that it gave a big head start to strawberries in terms of yield and size. Just like a torpedo next to a jellyfish. What happened to the strawberries? She has nothing to be proud of - strawberries turned out to be uncompetitive - its varieties can be counted on one hand... How to distinguish strawberries from wild strawberries?

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It so happened that in a neighboring bed another type of strawberry grew - a pleasant-tasting meadow or Virginia strawberry (Fragaria virginiana Duch.), which is also American in origin. The size of the berries of this species is approximately twice as large as that of wild strawberries. By a lucky coincidence, these bushes pollinated with each other, and so the fruit of their love was born. The descendant turned out to be successful, having inherited all the good things: the size of the mother and the taste of the father... In general, a wonderful new hybrid with very tasty and large berries was born in nature. This created a sensation - all farmers rushed to breed it. Since then, a huge number of varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been developed. It turned out that it gave a big head start to strawberries in terms of yield and size. Just like a torpedo next to a jellyfish. What happened to the strawberries? She has nothing to be proud of - strawberries turned out to be uncompetitive - its varieties can be counted on one hand... How to distinguish strawberries from wild strawberries?

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In the photo - musky strawberries ( Fragaria moschata) Perhaps the most important difference is that the number of chromosomes in strawberries is three times greater than in wild strawberries! By the way, for this very reason, when crossing strawberries with wild strawberries, useless offspring are obtained. Strawberry is a dioecious plant, dioecious, it has male and female flowers. And accordingly, some plants do not produce berries at all, while others more or less bear fruit. Strawberries produce very low yields, apparently the dioeciousness has an effect. Male strawberry bushes love to multiply, they send out mustaches in all directions, just hold on. Do we need it? There should not be many men in the strawberry patch, otherwise the harvest will be completely reduced. But garden strawberries are mostly monoecious, they have neither male nor female plants– pistils and stamens are located on the same flower. That’s why the yield goes through the roof, and this is agriculture The main thing. So, now garden strawberries have become friends with the counters of our markets and shops. Okay, even if they incorrectly call it “strawberry” in the old way, everyone is already used to it anyway!

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2 The birth of a berry Strawberries come across us everywhere. Cakes, ice cream, canned food, jam, chocolate-covered strawberries - we have many opportunities to enjoy their taste. But, you see, it’s best to grow your own strawberries and eat them in in its original form. Strawberries can grow in small garden, on personal plot, in a flowerbed next to your house. The only problem is to choose the right variety strawberries, the kind that suits your region. And know how to grow it correctly. Those wishing to grow strawberries should know the following aspects: Strawberries are grown in crop rotation after grain crops. It is not recommended to grow it after potatoes or tomatoes. It is impossible to grow strawberries in the same field (place) for several years in a row. Before planting, you need to check the soil and find out if there are cockchafer and wireworm larvae in it. They appear in large numbers if there are forest plantations near your site. It is advisable that you have at least three varieties of strawberries available: early, middle and late. The area for growing strawberries will increase. Strawberries need to be fed: periodically add additional fertilizer - manure and humus.

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It is better to plant strawberries in early spring or early autumn. Before planting, plants are kept in a cool place for six or five days. Before planting, the soil must be cleared of weeds and can be treated with herbicides. The first two weeks after planting, the soil needs to be moistened. But be careful not to overdo it, otherwise gray rot and gray rot will attack your strawberries. powdery mildew. Growing strawberries can be turned into a highly profitable business. So, strawberries are in great demand in our city markets. But everything depends on the quality of the product. There are not many quality products on the markets, and therefore it is important to keep an eye on this. Of all garden crops, strawberries can bring the most income. Even when growing it using the simplest and most traditional technology, you can get a harvest of up to fifteen tons per hectare. However, it is not necessary to do everything by hand. Most work can be performed using different mechanisms. During the harvest, the main problem is the availability of workers, that is, who will collect the crop. Strawberries have long been a highly profitable business in the United States. Californian farmers are especially fond of its cultivation.

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Planting location: Strawberries grow well on a flat surface, on a surface with a slope facing southwest. Strawberries cannot be grown on steep slopes, nor in low-lying areas where cold air, as a result of which the harvest is received late and the number of diseases increases. Unsatisfactory results are also obtained on a steep southern slope, where the snow melts quickly and as a result the strawberries are exposed. Strawberries are moisture-loving, but cannot tolerate waterlogging. The place where strawberries grow must be protected from the winds, since part of the root system freezes at a temperature of 10-12 °C cold, so it is better for it to overwinter under the cover of snow with a layer of at least 20-25 cm. Strawberries cannot be grown for more than 4 years in one place (good 2-3 years), as various infections accumulate and fungal diseases, such as wilta, gray and white rot and other diseases.

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Reproduction: Strawberries are propagated by seedlings (rosettes). Seedlings are either bought or grown on their own plantings, which are grown on the shoots (tendrils) of the mother bushes. The best rosettes are those that are located closer to the mother bush. No more than three rosettes are left on the shoot; you can leave up to 5 rosettes, but in this case the last two will be less developed than the first three. Up to 5 shoots are usually left on one mother bush, each with three rosettes. From one bush you get 15 pieces of well-developed rosettes. As rosettes appear on the shoot, they are fixed in wet soil, i.e. small roots go deep into the soil. You can immediately plant the rosettes in small nutrient pots, while the pots are deepened into the soil. It is impossible to grow rosettes and berries on mother bushes at the same time, therefore, the first flower stalks that appear are removed. The best seedlings obtained from bushes in the second year of fruiting. Soils that are slightly acidic are better; loamy and sandy loam containing humus and nutrients are generally suitable. Cold clay soils are not suitable without cultivation. On moist soils with close groundwater, strawberries should be grown on raised beds. On sandy soils, strawberries tend to produce low yields with small berries, since there is always a lack of moisture and strawberry plants on these soils feel oppressed. Therefore, the bed for planting strawberries is cultivated 1-2 months before planting.

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Landing: Best term planting is summer, from July 20-25. Landing takes place at cloudy weather or in the evening so that the plants can acclimatize overnight. Plant seedlings (rosettes) with 3-4 leaves, a well-developed heart and root system. The seedlings are separated from the mother bush and dug up with a small damp lump of earth and immediately planted in the garden bed. If the seedlings were purchased from outside, they are washed along with the root system in the following solution. Take three tablespoons of table salt and one teaspoon copper sulfate and diluted in 10 liters of water and immersed in this solution for 10-15 minutes. They are then taken out and rinsed clean water, and the seedlings will have clean, washed roots. After these treatments, the seedlings are planted in the garden bed. When planting any strawberry seedlings, you must not bury or raise the heart, otherwise in one case it will rot, and in another, naturally, it will dry out. When planting, you need to straighten the roots well, make sure that they do not bend, or pour a mound in the hole and place the seedlings on it, carefully straighten the roots on it and sprinkle it with damp soil. After planting a rosette of strawberries, you immediately need to lightly water it from a small watering can using the sprinkling method. Properly planted seedlings will already form a good bush by winter, which will contribute to normal overwintering. Next year (summer) from these bushes we get good harvest- strawberries of the first year of fruiting.

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For early and mid-early varieties, planting in the first year is done thickened, i.e. between rows 60 cm, in a row 15 cm. With such thickened planting in the first year of fruiting, strawberries give a high yield due to thickening. As soon as the last berry picking is over, every second bush is removed, and what remains on the garden bed is bush from bush in a row with a distance of 30 cm. For late varieties, the planting scheme in the first year is 60 cm between rows, in a row - plant from plant 20 cm. After harvesting the first summer harvest, every second harvest is removed, and a plant will remain in the row at a distance of 40 cm. In the first year of fruiting, strawberries give a good harvest due to thickening in the rows. In the second year of fruiting, the strawberry harvest is considered to be the highest and with large berries. In the third year, the yield does not decrease, but the berries are slightly smaller in size. In the fourth year, the harvest decreases and the berries become smaller. Therefore, after the third year of fruiting, the strawberries are removed, i.e. all aboveground and root system dug up and burn.

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3 Strawberry varieties Varieties must be high-yielding, resistant to pests and diseases, large-fruited, and of good taste. Varieties are divided into early, mid-early and mid-late. The most promising and productive varieties include: “Pavlovchanka”, “Granatovaya”, as well as “Beauty of Zagorya”, “Roxana”, “Desnyanka”, “Early Maheraukha”. For mid-early varieties: “Nadezhda”, “Pendant”, “Zenith”, “Redcoat”, “Festivalnaya”, “Shchedraya”, “Marievaya Maheraukha” K late varieties: “Dobrynya”, “Amulet”, “Cinderella”, “Lord”, “Zenga-Zengana”.

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Belrubi Borovitskaya Valenta Zenga Zenga gigana Zenit Idun Kokinskaya Koskovsky delicacy Sudarushka Festival Fairy

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Remontant strawberries are of particular interest to gardeners. Her main distinctive feature is the ability to lay flower buds at high temperatures and long daylight hours. The harvest continues until late autumn. Berries are formed not only on mother plants, but also on daughter plants. Two types of remontant strawberries are common in cultivation - small-fruited and large-fruited. Small-fruited remontant, bred from the forest, has been known to gardeners since the 16th century. Currently, there are many varieties with berries of varying colors. Some of them form mustaches, others do not. In addition to its nutritional value, remontant strawberries are highly decorative. It is planted along the borders of flower beds, in boxes on balconies.

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Large-fruited remontant strawberries have two fruiting periods. It gives the first harvest at the usual time, which coincides with the fruiting of the early remontant varieties, the second - from August until frost. Flower buds for the second harvest in such varieties are formed during the first flowering, and after the berries are picked, a second abundant flowering begins at the usual time. Varieties of large-fruited remontant strawberries were obtained by selecting clones of non-remontant varieties that tend to bear a second fruit from pineapple strawberries. Research by scientists has shown that the second fruiting is of greatest value, since 80-90% of the berries in one- to two-year-old plants ripen. These dates coincide with the ripening of the most non-remontant varieties. To increase the most valuable second harvest, neglect the first one by removing the flower stalks in May. Strawberry remontant Queen Elizabeth

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4 Beneficial properties of strawberries It replenishes the body with minerals, cleanses it and prevents premature aging. Strawberries are a small but very nutritious, sweet fruit that the earth gives us in the summer. Its name comes from the Latin word “fragaria vesca”, which means “fragrant”, “fragrant”, “fragrant”. Although the flavor of strawberries is a little subdued, they are very tasty and rich in many nutrients. Strawberries were highly valued in ancient times for their medicinal properties. More than 3 centuries ago, the “strawberry treatment” was not the main one for arthritis and gout. Today we love it for its sweet, refined taste, which can be easily combined with various products: yogurt, whipped cream, cakes. It is also an indispensable ingredient in preparing delicious dishes. From a dietary point of view, strawberries are very useful for 3 main reasons: They are very rich in minerals and vitamins, so they are ideal for feeding adults and children. In addition, strawberries are indispensable in the treatment of anemia, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body. It is considered the main carrier of minerals, as it contains vitamins C and B5, folic acid, iron, magnesium, manganese. It is also rich in potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, copper and silicon.

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Strawberries have blood purifying properties. It is used to cleanse the body of toxins, which especially overload the liver and kidneys, as well as in the treatment of obesity and cellulite. Strawberries have alkaline properties in the blood and have diuretic salts such as calcium and potassium, which facilitate the removal of uric acid from the body through the kidneys. Strawberries contain a lot of organic acids: malic, citric, lactic, ethylmethylsalicylic acid, which turns into aspirin, but only in a more natural, digestible form. Acids perform the function of detoxification, which is used in the treatment of rheumatism. Strawberries also help in the treatment of hypertension and are used medicinally as a cleanser for the digestive system. Strawberries have antioxidant properties, which prevents cellular aging and promotes healthy well-being. Antioxidants are very important because they protect us from infections and cell death, which in turn leads to cancer. Thus, one of the organic acids in strawberries helps neutralize the cancerous effects caused by tobacco. Undoubtedly, all fruits have antioxidant properties, as they contain vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene, but strawberries are much superior in quality to the fruits we are used to: they are 2 times healthier than plums, oranges and grapes, and 3 times healthier than kiwis. and grapefruit, 6 times - than apple and tomato and 15 times - than pear and melon. 100 grams of strawberries contain: Vitamin C - 5 mg, Vitamin B5 - 0.06 mg, Magnesium - 15 mg, Potassium - 156 mg, Calcium - 24 mg, Iron - 1 mg, Phosphorus - 25 mg.

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5 Interesting things about strawberries Strawberries will help to bewitch a man Residents of Japan on average eat 15 million kilograms of strawberries per season. Residents of this country claim that they love this berry not only because of its healing properties, but also because there is an ancient belief that you can bewitch a man with strawberries. Strawberries came to Japan in 1872, and since then more than 100 varieties have been grown in the country. Known for their ingenuity, the Japanese grow apple-sized strawberries, noting that this is not the limit of their capabilities. Experts say that size does not affect the healing and mystical qualities of the berry. Both large and small strawberries equally contain a large number of vitamin C, a nutrient that helps prevent heart disease and certain tumors. And the Japanese also love this berry for its low fat content and low calorie content, so it is not surprising that strawberries are an integral part Japanese diets. Just like the rose, the strawberry is considered a symbol of love among the Japanese. According to Japanese legend, if you come across a double berry, you need to divide the halves and treat your chosen one to one of them, then mutual love and happiness are guaranteed.

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Strawberry Day was celebrated in Izyum: Residents of Izyum, Kharkov region, call their city the “strawberry capital of Ukraine”, and claim that the most delicious and largest strawberries in the world are grown here. Strawberries save you from dementia: While eating strawberries, undoubtedly beneficial processes occur in our body. The fact is that in addition to the wonderful taste and aroma, strawberries have a very impressive set of organic acids. For example, in terms of folic acid content, it almost surpasses all other fruits and berries. And, as you know, folic acid supports the functioning of the heart muscle. And reduces the level of the amino acid homocysteine. A high level This amino acid can lead to such a serious illness as Alzheimer's disease, or, more simply, dementia. Moral: if you want to live to a ripe old age in your right mind, eat more strawberries and treat your family and friends with them.

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Strawberries also contain a lot of iron, which makes them indispensable for the nutrition of pregnant and anemic individuals, as well as copper, which stimulates the production of collagen, which allows our skin to remain young for a long time, manganese and vitamin C. Strawberries slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, and therefore, you also you'll lose weight. Giant strawberries found in China: Huge strawberries were found in China. Scientists say that such an anomaly may be a consequence of experiments by specialists in genetic engineering, who were going to introduce a new genetically modified product. According to the local newspaper, the giant berry is comparable in size to the palm of an adult. An elementary school teacher in Shanghai ventured to purchase this product in one of the stores in the locality. However, according to him, this purchase was made not in order to enjoy the delicious berry, but in order to show the giant strawberries to children. Modern dream book- STRAWBERRY Dreams about strawberries, as a rule, are prosperous and do not carry an evil element. Eating strawberries in a dream means joy and achieving a cherished goal; picking them promises strength of feelings and mutual pleasure for lovers

Municipal budgetary educational institution
secondary school No. 1 village. Serafimovsky
municipal district Tuymazinsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan




Completed by Saganov Pavel,

3rd grade student

Head Trubyanova E.V.,

primary school teacher

Tuymazy, 2017

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………3

Chapter 1. Theoretical part…………………………………………...4

    1. Strawberries are……………………………………………………………….4

      Strawberries: benefits and contraindications ………………………………………………………4

1.3. Interesting facts about strawberries……………………………………………..4

CHAPTER 2. PRACTICAL PART …………………………………………….5

2.1. Sowing seeds……………………………………………………………...5

2.2. Caring for seedlings………………………………………………………………..5

2.3. Dive……………………………………………………………………………….5

2.4. Planting in open ground……………………………………………….5

2.5. Care and harvesting………………………………………………………….….5





One day my mother brought home beautiful and fragrant strawberries. It was very large, and most importantly very tasty. I asked: “Mom, where did you get this berry?” And she replied: “I grew it in my garden.” Then I thought: “Why don’t I try to grow strawberries myself.”

The purpose of my research: grow strawberries from seeds delicious berry

Object of study: Strawberry seeds

Subject of study: process of germination of a sprout from a seed

Hypothesis: berries can be obtained from seeds grown at home


    Collect information about the berry

    Learn everything about seed germination

    Learn to care for seedlings

    Fostering a work culture and a desire to create beauty

Research methods: observation; collecting information from books, magazines, Internet sources; experiment, analysis and generalization of results

The relevance of research: In our village there are 3 garden societies “Rodnichok”, “Romashka”, “Neftyanik”. This is 900 garden plots, which is 3 times less than 3 years ago. Under sanctions, it is very important to have a subsidiary farm where you can get crops, including strawberries. This work also instills a love of work, teaches patience, and allows for the connection between theory and practice and with life.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

I started my work by studying literature and online sources about strawberries. My grandmother told me a lot.

    1. Strawberry is...

Now I know that strawberries are the most common berry crop. The name “strawberry” itself comes from the old Russian word “club”, which means spherical, round. Strawberry is a perennial plant with bright red fruits and excellent taste qualities. This berry is used not only to prepare delicious desserts, but it is also used for medicinal purposes. Strawberries contain many vitamins necessary for our health, as well as substances that improve memory and strengthen the heart. And in folk medicine It is also used as a remedy for colds.

    1. Strawberries: benefits and contraindications

Medicinal properties of strawberries:

    to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins;

    with deterioration of visual acuity;

    in the treatment of colds;

    for insomnia and nervous system disorders;

    for urolithiasis as a diuretic;

    to lower blood pressure;

    with vitamin deficiency and loss of strength;

    to slow down the growth of cancer cells and prevent cancer

Strawberry contraindications:

    strawberry allergy;

    children under 1 year of age;

    ulcer or gastritis

    1. . Interesting facts about strawberries

( Annex 1)

With proper care, strawberries reward a person with a generous harvest. It can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. And my mother grows strawberries in a pot on the windowsill.

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1. Sowing seeds

We began our work in January with sowing seeds to obtain seedlings. To do this, I took a dried berry and separated the seeds from the pulp. I filled the pot with soil specially designed for growing strawberry seedlings and moistened it well. Strawberry seeds are small, so very carefully, trying not to lose a single seed, I placed them evenly throughout the pot on top of the soil. To create greenhouse conditions, cover the pot plastic film and place it in a warm and well-lit place - on the windowsill. The film must be removed only to moisten the soil.

(Appendix 2)

2.2. Seedling care

After 2-3 weeks, the seeds began to germinate. The sprouts are very tender and fragile. Now you need to ventilate daily, removing the film for 20-30 minutes. The temperature should be around 20 - 21 C°.

In March, although small, but already full-fledged strawberry bushes were formed.

(Appendix 3)

2.3. Dive

When the bushes have formed, the strawberries need to be picked. To do this, you must first water the pot of seedlings so that the soil becomes soft. Fill a separate cup with soil. Then we separate each bush from the pot and plant it in a separate glass. The ground should not cover the outlet. Let's water the bushes and put them in a well-lit place again.

(Appendix 4)

2.4. Planting in open ground

In May, strawberries can be planted in open ground. It is recommended to plant on an area with a flat surface. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with rotted manure. We dig a hole and plant a strawberry bush in it. The most important thing is that the heart is on the surface of the soil. If it ends up in the soil, the seedlings may rot, and if it is too high, they may dry out. Now the bushes need to be watered abundantly.

(Appendix 5)

2.5. Care and harvesting

Strawberries love moisture, but you can’t overwater them, as they can rot. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to place dry sawdust or straw under the bushes, then the berries will not lie on the ground and rot. To make the berries larger, you need to remove the whiskers during flowering.

In August, my first berries appeared.

(Appendix 6)


What a pleasure it was to pick this berry... A berry that I was able to grow myself.

"Sweet strawberries
The juice is aromatic in the mouth"

In the process of work, I learned that strawberries are not only very tasty, but also very healthy berry. Learned:

Sow strawberry seeds;

Caring for seedlings;

Carefully pick up small bushes;

Plant in open ground;

Well, the main thing is to care for strawberries

As a result, the goal of my work was achieved, the tasks were completed, and the hypothesis was confirmed.


    Gavrilova A.S. , Agisheva T.A. Strawberry. Secrets of the super harvest. M.: Grand, 2013.- 98 p.

    Dal V.I. Dictionary Russian language. M.: Astrel, 2001

    Putyrsky I. Universal encyclopedia of medicinal plants. 2010. – 306 p.

    Khapova S.A. Strawberries and wild strawberries. Varieties. Reproduction. Care. M.: Kladez-Books, 2012.-76p.

    Internet sources

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MBOU Secondary School No. 22, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Kuptsova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher of higher mathematics qualification category 2014 DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS THROUGH THE ORGANIZATION OF PROBLEM-SEARCH ACTIVITIES IN MATHEMATICS LESSONS Sections of research work: Organization of problem-search activities in the lesson: Structure of the problem-search method Difficulties in organizing problem-search activities Research results. Practical implementation problem-search activities in the classroom: Techniques for creating problem situations Stages of organizing problem-search activities Application of the problem-search method. contradictions: between the possibility of independent understanding and use of the acquired information by the student himself in real life life situation and acquired information, in the form of “knowledge and skills”; between the productive, creative, problem-based type of activity, which allows students to independently acquire methodological knowledge and the reproductive type of activity mastered by the student. Relevance: determined by the need to find a way to enhance the cognitive interest of students, which contributes to the acquisition of deeper knowledge and shows their applied orientation, develops the ability to think creatively. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of problem-search activities in the development of cognitive and creative interests of students, in creating conditions for changing the student’s position from passive (as an object of learning) to active (as a subject of learning), creating a special space of learning activities in which the student makes subjective opening; masters the way of cognition and the mechanism for acquiring new knowledge in mathematics, develops his creative abilities. Hypothesis. The cognitive and creative activity of students in the classroom will be more active if the educational process is built on situations of a problem-search nature; the teacher will use interactive teaching methods: discussion, research and project activities, creating problem situations; We used theoretical methods research: analysis and synthesis of psychological and pedagogical literature; empirical methods: (observation, self-assessment), -diagnostic methods (tests, questionnaires, analysis of schoolchildren’s performance results); -experimental (stating, forming experiments). My task as a teacher is not to lecture schoolchildren, but to encourage them to learn, teach them to think, look for answers to questions posed, and gain new knowledge based on what they already know. create conditions for the formation of adequate self-esteem in students. contribute to the formation of information and communication competence The fundamental principles of problem-search activity are: - the principle of problem-solving - the principle of activity in teaching The main directions of organizing problem-search work Lesson Elective courses Scientific and practical conferences Experimental homework Project - research classes Types of problem-search work LESSON Frontal search experiment Research laboratories (groups) ) Practical work with elements of research Solving problem situations Preparing presentations Techniques for creating problem situations The teacher brings students to a contradiction and invites them to find a solution themselves; the teacher presents different points of view on the same issue; the teacher confronts contradictions in practical activities; the teacher suggests considering the phenomenon from different positions ;the teacher encourages making comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from situations; the teacher poses specific questions; - poses problematic tasks (with insufficient or redundant data, with contradictions, with uncertainty in posing the question). Forms of work: Heuristic and problem-search conversation Demonstration experiment Practical work Discussion lessons Research work Conducting a seminar requires preliminary preparation. I will describe how I conduct a seminar on the topic “Examples of solutions linear equations and inequalities.” The class is divided into 8 groups, and each group includes at least one well-prepared student. I provide special consultations for them. Each group is given a task on one of the types of equations (textbook text, examples from the textbook and selection of one equation from additional literature for independent work of the class). During the lesson, representatives of each group are given the floor to detailed analysis exercises. Then, from the proposed equations, one composes independent work which the whole class does. Work in pairs Let's return to the epigraph of our lesson. Let's try to make mathematics a little more entertaining at least today in class. You need to guess what is in the black box. Mathematics and biology Teacher: Guess what is in the box. I give three definitions to this subject: 1. Non-derivative stem of the word.2. A number that, when put into an equation, turns the equation into an identity.3. One of the main organs of plants./Root/Teacher: You must determine which plant the root is by solving the following equations in pairs. 1. xI - 8x + 15 = 02. 3. xI - 5x - 6 = 04. 5. 3xI + 4x + 20 = 0 Teacher: Game "Mathematical Lotto". Find the answer you received on the screen. Check the result. If students get the correct answer, they will receive an image of a rose, otherwise they will receive a slide with the text “Check the solution.” Teacher: What kind of plant is this? Answer: Rose. Teacher: So, in the black box there was a rose root, about which people say: “ The flowers are angelic, and the claws are devilish." About the rose exists interesting legend: According to Anacreon, a rose was born from the snow-white foam covering the body of Aphrodite when the goddess of love emerged from the sea. At first the rose was white, but from a drop of the goddess’s blood, pricked on a thorn, it became scarlet. Teacher: You see, guys, everything in this world is interconnected: mathematics, Russian language and literature, biology. We saw that the word "root" is found in biology and mathematics lessons. And not only. Lesson type: “Learning new knowledge.” Topic: “biquadratic equations.” Approach: active and problem-search. Search experiment. 1. excursion on the topic based on the presentation (the student at the blackboard will voice a logical story on the studied issues of the topic, the class makes additions) 2. practical work with elements of research. Students complete the task independently, then check their work according to the sample shown to them, while the teacher gradually finds out the meaningfulness of the solution by asking appropriate questions. Methods of posing problems. Application of the problem-search method 3. Multivariate tasks with ready-made answers like punched cards. Such work allows students to independently construct their knowledge and transfer it to solve a new practical problem, i.e. into a new situation. These works help to quickly establish feedback, identify gaps and analyze unclear situations. DECIDE ORALLY: (give a comment on the answer) 1). xI=0, ). 4xI=0, 6). xІ+6x-7=0.). 3xІ+12=0, ). xI-9x-10=0,). 7xІ-3x=0,). -xІ+7=0. ANSWERS: 1) no solutions; 2) x1=1,x2=-7; 3) x1=-1,x2=10; 4) x=0; 5) x1,2=±√7; 6) x1=0, x2=3/7; 7) x=0. 1 Formation of skills for solving a biquadratic equation: (research method) Finding a solution to a problem or “discovering” new knowledge. 1. Self-study a new topic based on a textbook. (teamwork) 2. Drawing up an algorithm for solving a biquadratic equation. (problem-search conversation) 3. Defense of the compiled equation. (demonstration experiment) 4. Secondary understanding of the algorithm (checking solutions using multimedia). 5. Application of acquired knowledge on the algorithm (independent work on options) 6. Mutual verification of the task (creation of performance tables and generalization of the research conducted on new topic) 7. Application of the studied material in a more complex situation (formation of skills in putting forward hypotheses; searching for arguments) Example Solve the equation x4–3x2–4 = 0. Solution. Let's make the substitution x2 = t. We get quadratic equation t2–3t–4=0, whose roots are t = -1 and t = 4. The reverse substitution gives two equations x2 = -1 and x2 = 4, of which the first equation has no roots, and the roots of the second equation are -2 and 2. Answer: -2; 2. Homework: When doing homework, you can offer experimental work with elements of research Experimental homework I will give examples of the use of “problem situations”. When studying the topic in 5th grade “Division with a remainder”, I propose to solve problems by simulating the situation “Buyer - Seller”. I act as a buyer, the students are either a seller or a buyer standing in line with me and controlling the situation of selling products. For example: how many buns can I buy for 15 rubles each if I have 50 rubles? Will I receive change in cash? If yes, how many, if not, why? After solving several problems, I ask the guys to come up with a problem on their own. this topic and invite your classmate to solve it. As a result, students develop positive motivation for learning activities. To show the importance of the subject of mathematics in the life of every person, I offer the children as homework talk to your parents, grandparents, and familiar adults and try to find out whether they need mathematics in their work, in life, and whether it is possible to become a good specialist without knowing mathematics. Present a report on the work done in the form of drawings, presentations, essays and be able to defend your work. Effectiveness can be assessed by having students experience subjective discovery. (“I got this result myself, I dealt with this problem myself, I”). 4. Another new task. Find the area of ​​a rectangle whose side lengths are numerically equal to the roots of the equation xI-4√2x+4=0. Solve the problem and choose the correct answer: 3√2; 2) 1.5√2; 3) 4; 4)8.5√2.5. Vieta's theorem and the midline of a trapezoid. Find the length midline trapezium, the lengths of the bases of which are numerically equal to the roots of the equation xI - 4x + 3 =0. Answer options: 1) 1.5√3; 2) 4.5; 3) 3√3; 4) 2; 5) 4.5√3. The use of creative tasks is one of the main conditions for enhancing the cognitive activity of students in and outside the classroom. Tasks of a creative nature - compiling and deciphering anagrams, puzzles, crosswords; - completing homework or parts thereof in the form of a presentation; development of handouts for students to work in lessons using ICT;-. - writing essays; - entertaining tasks for “consideration”, “guessing”, puzzles; games; - thinking training; -performing long-term, labor-intensive creative tasks that require students to independently and deeply study the material 2. Hint-instruction (make handouts for the lesson) Option 1 x4-17x2+16=0 1) ±1;±4 2) ±1; ±16 3) ±1; ±17 4) no roots Option 2 x4+3x2-10=0 1) ±5; ±√2 2) -5; ±√2 3) no roots 4) ±√2 Option 3 x4-10x2+25=0 1) 0 2) ±√5 3) no roots 4) ±5 Option 4 x4+5x2-36=0 1) ±2 2) -9; 4 3) -9; ±2 4) no roots Types of innovative work School research conference (6th grade) Object of study: “Polyhedra” Problem: “Development of spatial imagination in 2nd stage students” The table presents the parameters that fully characterize these polyhedra, including the Euler characteristic. Polyhedron Number of sides of a face, m Number of faces meeting at each vertex, n Number of faces, G Number of edges, P Number of vertices, V Г+В-Р tetrahedron 3 3 4 6 4 2 cube 4 3 6 13 8 2 octahedron 3 4 8 12 6 2 icosahedron 3 5 20 30 12 2 dodecahedron 5 3 12 30 20 2 3b. Consider the developments of some regular polyhedra. Leonardo da Vinci illustrated the book of his contemporary, the mathematician Luca Pacioli (1445-1514), “The Divine Proportion” (“De Devina Proportione”), published in 1509. He produced 59 illustrations of various polyhedra, using for the first time the method of rigid edges. Images of Leonardo da Vincidodecahedron by the method of rigid edges (a) and the method of solid faces (b) in the book by L. Pacioli "Divine Proportion". The technique developed by Leonardo is a brilliant example of geometric illustration, a new way of graphically representing scientific information. This technique was subsequently used many times by artists, sculptors and scientists. As examples, we give an image of the Platonic solids (Fig. a) on title page Jean Cousin’s book “Livre de Perspective” (“Book of Perspective”) published in France in 1560 and tombstone Sir Thomas Georges (Fig. 6), installed in 1635 in cathedral in Salisbury (England). Fig. 4. Artistic depiction of polyhedra using the rigid edge technique developed by Leonardo: a - title page of J. Cousin’s book “The Book of Perspective”, b - tombstone in Salisbury Cathedral. Let us also give an example of an image of a polyhedron made by the artist Salvador Dali (1904-1989) in the painting “The Last Supper”. As homework, it is suggested to make a model of a regular polyhedron based on its development or a wireframe model of it. Support in solving problems (for students with a high level of educational and cognitive experience)1. Express the relationship between the data and the unknown using formulas. 2. Perform the calculation. 3. Check each “step”.4. Consider whether there is another way to solve it.5. What interesting ideas did you come up with? Extracurricular activitieselective courses Improving practical skills: 1. Hint-guide The main key to solving the problem Direction of planning Difficulties in organizing problem-search activities in the classroom - significantly more time spent on studying educational material; insufficient effectiveness of search methods in the formation of practical skills; poor effectiveness in mastering fundamentally new sections of educational material, where the principle of relying on previous experience cannot be applied; poor effectiveness in studying complex topics where a teacher’s explanation is extremely necessary, and independent search is inaccessible for most schoolchildren. Research results 1. The use of elements of problem-search learning when studying various branches of mathematics is very effective. 2.Unlike traditional, problem-search training is more labor-intensive to create and implement.3 This form of training allows you to learn not only theoretical concepts, information and facts, but also use them in life and when leaving school. 4. The percentage of problematic questions and assignments increases during the transition from middle to high school.5. Problem-based lessons are very effective and children like them6. Ways to solve problem situations are more effective through a personal-activity approach. Thus, we can conclude that research activities It has great importance in the educational process. In the course of developing a particular topic, the student significantly expands his horizons, improves skills such as taking notes of the material, identifying the main and minor points, analyzing selected facts, and preparing independent reasoned conclusions. This work significantly influences the development of speech, thinking, and memory of children. Simply writing a study is not enough; it must be presented and defended by answering questions from listeners and opponents. And for this you need a good knowledge of the material, fluency in speech and a fairly high speed of thinking. Reflection on activity What have you learned? Where and how do you think new knowledge may be useful to you? Whose work can you mark in the lesson? To what extent, in your opinion, were you able to creatively apply the acquired knowledge by completing tasks from the State Academic Examination materials? Which one? Will the skills required in today's lesson be useful to you in life? (Student assessment sheets) “Wisdom is a deep mind based on life experience. Mathematics helps you be wiser” Thank you for your attention! I wish you health and success in your difficult but noble work, dear colleagues!!!

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 1 village. Serafimovsky municipal district Tuymazinsky district
Republic of Bashkortostan




Completed by Saganov Pavel,
3rd grade student
Head Trubyanova E.V.,
primary school teacher

Tuymazy, 2017

Chapter 1. Theoretical part...4
.Strawberry is.4
. Strawberries: benefits and contraindications 4
1.3. Interesting facts about strawberries..4
2.1. Sowing seeds....5
2.2. Caring for seedlings..5
2.3. Dive.5
2.4. Planting in open ground.5
2.5. Care and harvesting..5


One day my mother brought home beautiful and fragrant strawberries. It was very large, and most importantly very tasty. I asked: “Mom, where did you get this berry?” And she replied: “I grew it in my garden.” Then I thought: “Why don’t I try to grow strawberries myself.”

The purpose of my research: to grow a delicious berry from strawberry seeds

Object of study: strawberry seeds

Subject of research: the process of germination of a sprout from a seed

Hypothesis: berries can be obtained from seeds grown at home

Collect information about the berry
Learn everything about seed germination
Learn to care for seedlings
Fostering a work culture and a desire to create beauty

Research methods: observation; collecting information from books, magazines, Internet sources; experiment, analysis and generalization of results

Relevance of the study: in our village there are 3 garden societies “Rodnichok”, “Romashka”, “Neftyanik”. This is 900 garden plots, which is 3 times less than 3 years ago. Under sanctions, it is very important to have a subsidiary farm where you can get crops, including strawberries. This work also instills a love of work, teaches patience, and allows for the connection between theory and practice and with life.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

I started my work by studying literature and online sources about strawberries. My grandmother told me a lot.

Strawberry is
Now I know that strawberries are the most common berry crop. The name “strawberry” itself comes from the old Russian word “club”, which means spherical, round. Strawberries are a perennial plant with bright red fruits and excellent taste. Not only are delicious desserts prepared from this berry, but it is also used for medicinal purposes. Strawberries contain many vitamins necessary for our health, as well as substances that improve memory and strengthen the heart. And in folk medicine it is also used as a remedy for colds.

Strawberries: benefits and contraindications
Medicinal properties of strawberries:
to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins;
with deterioration of visual acuity;
in the treatment of colds;
for insomnia and nervous system disorders;
for urolithiasis as a diuretic;
to lower blood pressure;
with vitamin deficiency and loss of strength;
to slow down the growth of cancer cells and prevent cancer
Strawberry contraindications:
strawberry allergy;
children under 1 year of age;
ulcer or gastritis

Interesting facts about strawberries
(Annex 1)

With proper care, strawberries reward a person with a generous harvest. It can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. And my mother grows strawberries in a pot on the windowsill.

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1. Sowing seeds
We began our work in January with sowing seeds to obtain seedlings. To do this, I took a dried berry and separated the seeds from the pulp. I filled the pot with soil specially designed for growing strawberry seedlings and moistened it well. Strawberry seeds are small, so very carefully, trying not to lose a single seed, I placed them evenly throughout the pot on top of the soil. To create greenhouse conditions, cover the pot with plastic film and place it in a warm and well-lit place - on the windowsill. The film must be removed only to moisten the soil.
(Appendix 2)

2.2. Seedling care
After 2-3 weeks, the seeds began to germinate. The sprouts are very tender and fragile. Now you need to ventilate daily, removing the film for 20-30 minutes. The temperature should be around 20 - 21 C°.
In March, although small, but already full-fledged strawberry bushes were formed.
(Appendix 3)

2.3. Dive
When the bushes have formed, the strawberries need to be picked. To do this, you must first water the pot of seedlings so that the soil becomes soft. Fill a separate cup with soil. Then we separate each bush from the pot and plant it in a separate glass. The ground should not cover the outlet. Let's water the bushes and put them in a well-lit place again.
(Appendix 4)

2.4. Planting in open ground
In May, strawberries can be planted in open ground. It is recommended to plant on an area with a flat surface. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with rotted manure. We dig a hole and plant a strawberry bush in it. The most important thing is that the heart is on the surface of the soil. If it ends up in the soil, the seedlings may rot, and if it is too high, they may dry out. Now the bushes need to be watered abundantly.
(Appendix 5)

2.5. Care and harvesting
Strawberries love moisture, but you can’t overwater them, as they can rot. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to place dry sawdust or straw under the bushes, then the berries will not lie on the ground and rot. To make the berries larger, you need to remove the whiskers during flowering.
In August, my first berries appeared.
(Appendix 6)


What a pleasure it was to pick this berry. A berry that I was able to grow myself.
"Sweet strawberry juice fragrant in the mouth"
In the process of work, I learned that strawberries are not only very tasty, but also very healthy berries. Learned:
- sow strawberry seeds;
- care for seedlings;
- carefully pick small bushes;
- plant in open ground;
- well, the main thing is to take care of strawberries
As a result, the goal of my work was achieved, the tasks were completed, and the hypothesis was confirmed.


Gavrilova A.S. , Agisheva T.A. Strawberry. Secrets of the super harvest. M.: Grand, 2013.- 98 p.
Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Astrel, 2001
Putyrsky I. Universal encyclopedia of medicinal plants. 2010. – 306 p.
Khapova S.A. Strawberries and wild strawberries. Varieties. Reproduction. Care. M.: Kladez-Books, 2012.-76p.
Internet sources

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