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How to clean a cooler at home. Prevention of water coolers. DIY water cooler disinfection: preparatory work

The water cooler is firmly established in everyday life ordinary people And office workers. However, he needs proper care. Even if the cooler is rarely used, it must be washed regularly. Sanitary standards provide for thorough cleaning at least once every six months. And in offices such prevention must be carried out even more often, approximately once every 2-3 months. Inviting specialists to clean the unit every time can be expensive and troublesome. Therefore, information on how to clean a water cooler yourself with minimal costs energy and time.


It is better to clean the cooler at the same time as replacing the water bottle. This will make the work easier and reduce the time spent. Wash your hands thoroughly. Unplug the cooler from the network. While the hot water in the appliance is cooling, prepare necessary funds for washing and cleaning the cooler. You will need dishwashing liquid, an extra container for water, a brush, paper towels and cleaning powder.

After the water has cooled, drain the remaining water from the cooler reservoir. Follow the procedure. Drain the hot water first, then the cold. You cannot drain water from two taps at the same time. When you have finished draining the taps, unscrew the drain plug. Preparation is complete, let's move on to the next stage.

Cleaning and disinfection

To clean the inside of the unit you will need a solution of 5 liters of water and 100 g citric acid or a special disinfectant BIOR 1 (about 125 g per 5 liters of water). Leave any of the prepared solutions for disinfection inside the container for about 1 hour. Don't forget to wear gloves to protect your hands from the acid.

To clean the inside of the cooler, use special remedy BIOR 1 or citric acid solution.

Treat water supply pipes and other hard-to-reach places with a brush or swab dipped in a disinfectant solution. Soak a sponge in the solution and treat the outside of the cooler. Open the taps and drain some water to clean the inside of the pipes. Drain any remaining liquid through the drain hole located on the back wall. Paper napkins wipe dry inner surface tank, removable parts and external surface.

If possible, remove taps and disinfect. Dry with a towel and reinstall. Wash the grille and its back wall with detergent.


You can use citric acid or vinegar to remove scale. Pour a slightly acidic solution into the tank for hot water, turn on the cooler and leave it for half an hour. After the specified time, drain the liquid from the drain hole on the back wall or from the tap. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times to completely remove traces of scale.

In most models, it will not be possible to clean the inner surface with a sponge or brush, since the hot water tank is made tightly sealed. If your cooler has such a reservoir, do not open it, otherwise you will damage the heating elements.

After disinfection, cleaning and descaling, water containers should be rinsed thoroughly clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solutions. Fill the tank with clean water and plug in the cooler for 10 minutes. Then turn off and drain the water: part through the taps, part through the drain hole. Repeat rinsing 2-3 times to eliminate the risk of residual cleaning agents and disinfectants entering the body.

Place a bottle of water in the cleaned cooler and connect the device to the power supply. If cleaning was carried out in order to store the unit, be sure to cover it plastic bag to prevent the entry of dirt and dust.

Preventive measures

To keep your cooler clean for as long as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • When changing a bottle, wipe it with a clean, damp cloth. This will prevent dust and dirt particles from entering the receptacle bottle.
  • Wipe the taps once a week and empty the water from the pan daily.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before installing a new bottle. Remove the label completely and protective film to prevent debris from entering the cold water tank.
  • Never use tap water instead of bottled water. The cooler does not have a filter that purifies tap water. Untreated water will cause scale and bacterial film on the inner walls.

Although cleaning a water cooler is easy, some consumers do not clean the inside of the tanks and connecting pipes correctly. As a result, after assembly, water begins to leak, cooling or heating deteriorates. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to turn to specialists and pay for professional washing and disinfection. The main thing is not to forget to carry out these procedures regularly, and then you will always have clean and fresh water at your disposal.

In offices, apartments and houses for bottling, heating and carbonation drinking water a cooler is often used. The safety and effectiveness of this device depends not only on the water poured into it, but also on the cleanliness of the cooler itself. The main source of infection is the users themselves and the people responsible for refilling the device. However, even with correct operation Disinfection of coolers is necessary from time to time.

Cleaning and disinfection of cooler internal tanks

If the quality of the water in the cooler has deteriorated, this is likely the result of microorganisms that have settled in the tank. Bacteria most often enter the water during bottle changes. It is enough to complete this procedure at least once with dirty hands how invisible microbes immediately get inside. The cooler is designed for them good conditions for reproduction, which they actively use.

People servicing the cooler do not always treat the cap of the replacement bottle with due diligence. It must be disinfected before installing the container. This point is sometimes overlooked. If the bottle cap is covered with a sticker or shrink cap, these accessories must be removed. Otherwise, paint or other substances will get into the water and then into the human body.

During operation of the device, mucus may form at the bottom of the container. The presence of bacteria in the cooler is also indicated by thin film on rubber and rubber gaskets. At the same time, the taste and smell of water becomes unpleasant. High-quality disinfection of the water cooler will help get rid of this dangerous situation in many respects.

Methods for disinfecting coolers

Sanitation of coolers can be carried out either by the users themselves or by invited specialists. Mandatory cleaning and sanitary maintenance of the device consists of several stages:

  • disinfection from germs (includes washing the body and removable parts);
  • descaling heating elements and other details;
  • flushing the cooler using several cycles.

For disinfection, substances such as chlorine, iodine, ammonia and acetic acid. There are special disinfectants that act more effectively and quickly. Subject to processing:

  • storage tank;
  • watercourses at the bottom of the reservoir;
  • delimiter;
  • water intake socket;
  • hidden cooler cavities;

Professional disinfection of the cooler

The most profitable way to obtain drinking water High Quality and ensuring the longevity of the device is timely disinfection of coolers. Moscow offers several options for this service. Good results are obtained by processing in specially equipped rooms. After all, high-quality disinfection requires sterile conditions.

Our employees have extensive experience in the field of disinfection. They differ favorably from others in that:

  • know how to choose the right disinfectants,
  • know what concentration of active ingredients is needed in each individual case;
  • use certified drugs and the latest equipment;
  • undergo medical examinations in a timely manner;
  • have medical records.

We provide a whole range of services for legal entities and individuals. This includes professional disinfection water cooler. Our service price is affordable. Call us and we will help you quickly and efficiently solve your cooler maintenance problem.

Never use steam cleaners to clean or sanitize the device. Never use abrasive cleaners to clean or sanitize the device. As well as cleaning products containing active solvents (gasoline, kerosene, acetone and others). Never immerse the device in water (neither a table cooler nor a floor cooler).

Sanitation includes cleaning and disinfection of internal tanks from mineral deposits, microbes, internal tubes from organic deposits and washing of the body.

Sanitizing a cooler consists of three parts:

1) Disinfection of the cooler from germs (including washing the body and removable parts)

2) Cleaning the cooler from scale

3) Flushing the cooler ( Our organization washes the cooler in two cycles of 30 minutes each.).

It takes 2 hours to treat one cooler from germs and scale.

To sanitize the cooler you will need: a clean sponge, a brush, rubber gloves, any liquid dishwashing detergent (our organization uses Mr. Muscle as the most suitable), 50 ml of disinfectant "Cryodesus" (or soda: for 1 tbsp. 1 tsp or you can purchase the necessary approved drug at the store/pharmacy), 50 ml of descaling agent “Biolight N” (or citric acid per 2l 250g), disinfectant detergent"Mr. Muscle" or any other, 1 bottle of "Divo" bottled water or tap water, a clean wet wipe, a clean dry wipe.

In coolers with electronic cooling, i.e. with two tanks (cold and hot water), our organization recommends treating both tanks from germs and scale.

Disinfecting the cooler from germs:

1. Sanitation should be carried out when replacing an empty bottle with a full one.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling. Set the heating and cooling switches to the off position O. Unplug the cooler from the outlet. Wait 10-15 minutes for the hot water in the tank to cool down.

3. Remove the bottle from the cooler by sharply pulling it upward. Drain the water from the cold and hot faucets into clean containers, open the rear drain holes and drain the water from them. Be careful not to burn yourself - the temperature of the drained water may still be high. For desktop coolers, the drain plug is located at the bottom of the cooler! Electronic coolers have two drain plugs on the back of the cooler.

Always maintain the sequence when draining: first drain from 2 taps, then from the drain hole.

4. Remove the water inlet (bottle inlet) by turning it counterclockwise. (In some cooler models, the water inlet can only be removed from top cover using a screwdriver). Add water to the top of the reservoir. It is recommended to do a full cooler cleaning with the bottled water you drink. If you don’t have that much water available, you can use tap water, but do the rinsing with bottled water.

5. Add 50 ml of “Cryodez” disinfectant (or soda per 1 tbsp. 1 tsp or other product)* to the tank. Open the taps to fill the tank faster. When water comes out of the taps in a continuous stream - the tanks are completely filled - close the taps.

6. Stir the water in the tank with “Cryodes” so that the product is evenly distributed. Leave the product in the disinfection tank for 30 minutes. You cannot remove the taps at this time, since the tank is filled with water. Otherwise, water will flow out of the taps along with the disinfectant.

7. Using brushes and pipe cleaners, clean internal parts water inlet, separator (separator), cooling tank and watercourses at the bottom of the tank.

8. Periodically, every 10 minutes, pour water into a glass and pour it into the reservoir. So 3 times in 30 minutes. Five glasses of 200 ml or one liter mug.

9. After 30 minutes, drain the disinfectant solution from the reservoir into a container.

Washing removable parts

Now you should rinse the removable parts of the cooler (after disinfection, you can rinse the water inlet, after complete descaling - taps, pipelines, drip trays). The pipelines are located between the tank and the taps. The taps are unscrewed counterclockwise.

The pipelines are cleaned when the cooler is heavily soiled. Wash them with a sponge and brush with dishwashing disinfectant. And rinse with water. Then put them in place.

Attention! Water intakes for some coolers they may consist of 1 part, for other models - of 5 parts. In this case, remember the sequence of disassembling the water receiver.

Before flushing the cooler, we wash the removable parts of the cooler.

Attention! When removing the tap, keep in mind that faucets in coolers are available with external thread and internal thread. At latest version The taps are removed after disassembling the cooler.

Having disassembled the faucet into parts, wash it with a brush and a disinfectant detergent. It is necessary to clean the waterways of the taps on the cooler with a brush. Clean the front panel of the cooler housing (under the taps). Our organization uses Mr. Muscle disinfectant detergent as the most suitable one. Do not scratch the faucet inside or outside. Since the inside of the faucet can be damaged and water will leak from it. On the outside, scale will settle faster at the scratch site.

Before putting the taps in place, we wind fum tape onto the threads under the taps in a clockwise direction. If this is not done, water may leak through the threads under the tap.

Anti-scale treatment:

1. Pour heated water into the tank to the brim (about 2 liters). Add 50 ml Biolight N descaling solution to the tank (at home you can use citric acid: 250 g of citric acid per 2 liters). If the volume of the heating tank is larger, take an additional amount of citric acid.

2. Turn on the heating (set the red hot water button on the back of the cooler to position I). Leave the cooler turned on for 30 minutes.

3. Periodically, every 10 minutes, pour water into a glass and pour it into the reservoir. So 3 times in 30 minutes. Five glasses of 200 ml or one liter mug.

4. 15 minutes after turning on the hot water key, pour the heating tank through the tap again. Five glasses of 200 ml or one liter mug.

5. Drain the Biolight N solution into a container. Turn off the key.

Cleaning the cooler surface

Now you need to treat the surface of the cooler. Before disinfection apparatus needed wipe with a damp cloth, to remove biofilm from the surface of the cooler, as it protects bacteria from being eliminated. If you immediately disinfect, then chemical substances They will only burn the biofilm and will not destroy the bacteria.

Biofilm is a set of microorganisms located on any surface. Biofilm is found on the surface of the cooler, as well as on rubber and similar materials used for gaskets.

Detergents are used to clean the cooler without chlorine, those that are usually used for washing dishes.

In order to effectively fight bacteria on the surface of the cooler, it must be cleaned at room temperature. And only prolonged contact with the disinfectant will properly disinfect the surface.

After removing the biofilm with a cloth, you need to wash the surface of the cooler with a dishwashing disinfectant. After processing disinfectants The surface of the cooler must be wiped dry. Since the environment is dry, evaporation of water is detrimental to bacteria.

Wipe all surfaces of the cooler with a damp cloth, including the grille on the rear wall and the power cord.

Cooler flushing:

To flush the system with clean water, approximately 5-10 liters of clean water are required. However, the volume of water in coolers may vary. Our organization recommends washing the cooler in two cycles of 30 minutes each.

1. Fill with clean water to the top of the tank. Leave clean water in the cooler for 30 minutes.

2. Periodically, every 10 minutes, pour water into a glass and pour it into the reservoir. So 3 times in 30 minutes. Five glasses of 200 ml or one liter mug.

3. Rinse cycle 2: fill with clean water. Repeat the first rinsing cycle.

4. Drain the water from both taps completely. Insert the water receiver into place.

5. You can stick a label on the back of the cooler for yourself, indicating the date the cooler was cleaned.

6. Place the full 19 liter bottle on the cooler with clean hands, having first removed the label. Do not install a water bottle that has cracks. If there is a crack in the bottle (that is, water flows out of the bottle), you should quickly remove the bottle from the cooler with a sharp movement of your hands and send it to the manufacturer for a replacement, wrapping the neck of the bottle with film (marking the replacement of the bottle).

7. Plug in the cooler. Wait for the water to heat up and cool down. The cooler is ready for use. You can drink water.

*Creodez- a concentrated liquid acidic foamless product based on hydrogen peroxide and stabilized peracetic acid (NAA). Content active substance- NAA in concentrate from 10 to 15%. The product is intended for low-temperature disinfection of pre-washed technological equipment, communications, ultrafiltration installations and reverse osmosis, returnable polycarbonate bottles and polyester (PET, PEN) bottles, equipment, containers by circulation, irrigation, immersion. Used in closed automated systems washing (CIP-washing) at the enterprises of the dairy, beer and soft drinks and alcoholic beverage industries.

Without timely treatment, the internal parts of the cooler become a breeding ground for pathogens. The result of the activity of bacteria and microbes is intestinal diseases. How to clean a water cooler? How often is it carried out? sanitization devices? Recommendations for cleaning the device, as well as a list of products, are presented below.

How to clean a water cooler: nuances

Do not use steam cleaners, powders, or products containing gasoline or acetone to clean the device. To avoid damage, it is not recommended to completely wash the device under running water or in dishwasher. Do not wash tanks with a disinfecting soap solution. hot water, as this interferes with the operation of the heating element.

Scale that accumulates on device parts during operation leads to breakdowns. If you do not clean the cooler monthly, you will need special chemicals to remove dirt. Remember, as soon as the taste of the water has changed for the worse, the cooler needs to be sanitized.

How to clean a water cooler yourself?

To begin, liquid is poured out of the container and the bottle is removed from the device.

Water is poured out of each tap in turn, and then the remaining moisture is drained through the drain hole.

  • Five liters of water are mixed with 100 grams of citric acid.
  • The bottle receiver is unscrewed, then the resulting solution is poured into the opened hole.
  • Both tanks, both cold and hot water, are filled completely.
  • To make sure this is so, you need to open the taps - liquid should flow out of them in an even, continuous stream.

After the solution is poured into the cooler, the device is connected to the network to heat the water.

  • When the liquid heats up, the cooler is turned off from power again.
  • Then, for disinfection, the liquid is kept in the device for up to 6 hours.
  • During this time, all removable parts of the cooler are washed in a soapy solution.
  • The body of the device is wiped with a rag soaked in alcohol.

After 6 hours, liquid drains from the cooler taps and then from the drain hole.

The taps are unscrewed, washed with antibacterial soap, cleaned with a brush, and then screwed back on.

At the end of processing, the cooler tanks are filled with pure water and merges according to the scheme described above. The washing is repeated until the citric acid solution and scale are completely washed away. After sanitization, a bottle of clean water is installed on the device.

Cooler hygiene is a process that helps protect yourself and your family from E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria entering the body. Cleaning is relevant both for a home appliance and for a device installed in office premises. In case of last wash cooler should be done as often as possible.

As a rule, bottles with distilled water are installed in coolers. It is maximally purified from all kinds of foreign impurities, small abrasive particles, rust, salt compounds and other unpleasant phenomena that are universally relevant for tap water. Despite this, the device for supplying and heating drinking water still tends to become dirty. Distilled water leaves a small film on the walls of the body, which gradually becomes denser and older, and therefore ideal for the proliferation of pathogens.

If the cooler is not cleaned, the quality of the water in it may deteriorate.

As a result, water quality deteriorates significantly. Its color and even its smell may change. All this threatens with serious health problems. This is why experts strongly recommend cleaning the cooler at least once every six months, and ideally two to three times every six months.

It is advisable to clean the device when the water bottle is empty. After this, the cooler is disconnected from the power supply. You need to wait until the remaining water in it cools down. At the same time, you can spread a piece of rubber or polyethylene on the floor to prevent liquid from getting onto the floor covering.

A suitable container is placed under the taps and they are unscrewed. When water stops flowing from the drip tray, the device can be tilted first in one direction and then in the other - this will help get rid of any remaining liquid in the system. It is recommended not to open both taps at the same time - it is better to drain the hot water first, and therefore the cold water.

Turn off the taps

On this preparatory work don't end. You still need to unroll the cooler back side to yourself, and find a special valve responsible for draining liquid from the system. It will help remove remaining water from the device body.

The location of the quick drain valve depends on the brand of cooler and its modification.

You can learn about this from the corresponding instructions.

The next step is external cleaning of the device. It includes carrying out disinfecting measures with the body, as well as all detachable parts. Execute external cleaning cooler is much easier than from grease or carbon deposits. First of all, you need to put on rubber gloves. If not, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap first.

The cooler needs to be washed outside as well.

Further work is carried out in the following order:

You need to take a thick, soft kitchen cloth and then moisten it in a previously prepared soap solution. It is fashionable to use regular antibacterial soap, or purchase suitable remedy in a specialty store. It is not recommended to use for these purposes liquid soap, as well as washing powders.

The body is thoroughly cleaned, and if necessary, the napkin is washed or changed (if there is too much dirt). Special attention need to be given to the back panel, because this is where it is traditionally assembled greatest number dust, and therefore bacteria. In addition, severe contamination can cause the cooler to overheat and its performance to decrease. Try to reach all hard-to-reach places - this will only benefit both the device itself and you.

The cooler needs to be washed thoroughly both outside and inside.

The final stage of cleaning the case is to thoroughly wipe it with a dry cloth or cloth. This is necessary so that no water or soap stains remain on it.

An extremely responsible process. It is impossible to clean a water cooler without cleaning the taps, as this will not give any result. Initially, they need to be unscrewed from the body. As a rule, this task is quite simple and does not require the use of special tools. If, however, they are installed very firmly, try to tear them out of place using pliers. In the place where they were, you need to leave corresponding marks, for example, pieces of multi-colored electrical tape - this will help you understand where the tap is for hot and where for cold water, during reassembly.

It is strongly recommended to wash faucets both outside and inside, since this is where they are mainly collected various bacteria. Many people wash them under the tap, but preheated distilled water will give the best effect. For washing, use a standard soap solution. You can prepare two containers - one will contain a solution for cleaning, and the second will contain a solution for rinsing.

This is a device under the taps where the remaining water flows. It unscrews from the cooler, is removed and must be disassembled. It is important to disassemble the tray completely, since bacteria can get into its most inaccessible and remote corners. After this, all parts are thoroughly washed in soapy water. The drip tray is assembled only after all its parts are dry.

The drip tray also needs to be cleaned

Removing it is very simple - just turn the bottle receptacle counterclockwise and it will eventually come off. You need to unscrew it very carefully so as not to break anything. Considering the fact that the bottle receiver is constantly in contact with the lids or necks of the containers being placed, it must be cleaned thoroughly.

The bottle receptacle must be cleaned thoroughly, as it comes into contact with the necks of containers with water.

It can also be pre-soaked in soapy water. Next, use a napkin or brush to clean all corners and planes of the device. After cleaning and drying the bottle receptacle, there is no need to rush to remove it. reverse installation– the fact is that removing it opens access to the inside of the cooler, which is a receiving tank with a divider installed in the middle. The divider is also removed from the container and washed with a soap solution.

Internal cleaning

To clean the inside of the cooler, there is no need to carry out further measures to disassemble it - what is already there will be enough. The most important thing is to purchase or make on our own a highly effective detergent, since its quality will directly determine how well it cleans inner part cooler.

The internal cleaning of the water cooler is carried out in the following order:

  • An antibacterial solution, such as soap, is poured into the hole where the bottle receptacle was previously located. After an hour, it needs to be drained - to do this, first open the taps, and then the drain valve on the rear panel;
  • preparation of cleaning liquid. As mentioned above, you can simply buy it in a store. But the best option There will be independent preparation - for this you need to take about 5 liters of distilled water (the volume may vary depending on the size of the cooler itself), and pour about 100-150 grams of concentrated water into it;
  • the finished product is poured into the tank in small portions. It is advisable to open both taps (no need to touch the valve) so that the liquid fills the entire system. There should be a lot of cleaning solution so that the pressure from the taps is high;
  • After filling the tank and the system as a whole, you need to connect the device to the power supply and turn on the heating switch. After the water boils, the cooler turns off and the plug is removed from the socket;
  • waiting for the liquid to cool - this will take approximately 5-6 hours. All this time, the solution will effectively combat internal contaminants;
  • After the specified period, approximately half of the filled liquid is drained from the cooler. After this, the final stage begins internal cleaning, what the brush is used for. They need to thoroughly clean the walls of the tank. It is prohibited to use cleaning nets or other abrasive materials that could damage the material of the receiving tank.
  • then all water is drained from the system. The method is the same - taps, valve, turning the device from side to side;
  • the final stage is washing. To do this, open the taps again and pour regular tap water into the tank. At the same time, the valve also opens, that is, this liquid should not be retained inside the device - its task is solely to flush the entire system.

All that remains is to thoroughly wipe all surfaces and previously removed parts, and then begin reassembly. A bottle receiver is installed, then a drip tray, then faucets are installed. That's it - the cooler is completely cleaned and ready for further use.